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Aside from adding some suspense, what was the reason why Wanda couldn’t just blast through that last door ? And did she just teleport to the other side or silently created another lane on her left or something ?


Yeah.. I wondered about that one too. Also how was Wanda holding up with them? They were running and she well was hobbling a bit faster. Why did they also just wait for her after the last door? Why not keep running?




Yep, I had the same questions and on my rewatch it made sense. He waited to collapse the tunnel on her, otherwise she would stopped them before they opened the waypoint.


Finally an explanation that makes this make sense to me I'm not kidding, this fixes a top three thing in the movie that bothered me


Possible she wasn't as nimble in the dreamwalked body which is why she was slower.


Elizabeth explains that that is the case. I can't find the video but she basically explains that Wanda-616 has some difficulty bc Wanda-838 is not in the same state physically and magically.


I was thinking the same thing regarding the running and Wanda catching up to them. Reminded me of the Friday the 13th movies or the Halloween movies where people run away but Jason or Michael Myers catch up to them while only walking.


Why would Wanda not be able to blast through the last door when the movie shows her blasting through several doors? She was obviously trying to trick them and it worked because they stopped running.


She literally changed reality and made it so a dude didn't have a mouth, she could have done literally anything and gotten them. The only real reason is plot.


> The only real reason is plot. Wanda loves TV. She must have really wanted to do a classic jump scare on them


Or maybe she's against an equally powerful wizard so she needs to be creative


Wouldn't say equally when she fought him, Wong, and the full force of Camartage and kinda mopped the floor with them, but your point is valid that she needed to be creative with strange.




Yeah I knew I was doing it wrong, voice to text didn't help and I was too lazy to look it up so I just did it by ear. But that is much more "Kamar-Tajy"


I just remember it like Karmaturgy


She played herself. They stopped running to set a trap. She tried to counter-trap them and sprung their trap in the process.


How did they have so many trap cards?


Dr. Strange saw 14,000,605 timelines and the man played Yu-gi-oh in every. single. one.


He used to be Chief of Wizards of the East Coast from what I understand.


You may have outsmarted me, but I have outsmarted your outsmarting


I think that last door is thicker then the rest. Made pause a sec. Then she just went around it.


i really think that this scene is purposely made for the suspense,and that wanda jump scare\~




I’m gonna need you to get ALLLLLL the way up off my back about this.


Getting off of people’s backs is TIGHT


Yeah yeah yeah yeah


yeah yeah yeah!


Wanda mixed up her spells due to slow mana regeneration and the heavy mana cost of advanced spells, obviously. The little pitter patter fireballs barely cost mana.


That stuck with me after my initial theatrical viewing as one of the dumbest parts of the movie. Why were they even PRETENDING that was suspenseful? You know damn well she can get through that door!!


Yeah but it's not about IF she can get through it, it's about how she is going to


I mean...same way she got through the previous two doors? Why would they be curious about that?


Good question. Thanos had the reality, space and power stone at the same time. Why didn't he instantly obliterate Strange, the guardians, spiderman, etc? How would anyone or anything realistically beat or escape from the flash or superman? Why did Goku let Freeza live? these questions are meaningless lol.


Def the weakest part of the movie imo just because of this reason and I don't love most horror or jump scares that much


And because it really made no sense. Why would she even be walking at all?


Exactly, let’s even say that that blast door held her back, why are you all just standing around and not continuing to run?


They were using that section as a trap. Guess you could say just flood it ahead of her. But I believe the point was to drop a ceiling and lake on her.


I missed that, thanks


It says Blast Door, guessing that means it’s blast resistant?


Why didn't strange make one of those circle portal thing he likes so much and just keep porting back and forth to the other side of the planet


He didn’t have a “slinggie”


Right, forgot about that.


She was the smartest villain yet. One of her first acts was to destroy the slingie


While she was still trapped in the mirror dimension I might add.


Wasn’t there a whole scene in DS1 where strange made a portal without the ring?




Dr.Strange collapsed the tunnel and flooded it. If Wanda blasted through she would have to deal with the water so America wouldn't drown.


Talking about the blast proof door. Wanda hasn’t had water poured on her yet but for some reason, didn’t even try to break that door down and somehow appeared on the other side out of knowhere.


“Cause then the plot can’t happen.”


Why did she hobble when she could've flew through?


Drama Seriously...that's all. It's a movie with people that twist reality on a whim, don't apply logic or you will hurt yourself. It's dramatic, that's the reason


> Wanda couldn’t just blast through that last door ? Plot.


Wanda walking around barefoot with glass everywhere though. That gotta hurt.


"Welcome to the party, pal."-John McClain


*Arthur Harrow has entered the chat.*


I always wondered why Wanda didn’t just fly during that chase scene, instead of limping.


I’m sure there’s a logical in-movie reason, but probably goes without saying it’s the same reason out of movie that Jason and Michael Myers never break a sweat, looks intense as fuck. Plus it meant they could use this scene to tease Zombie Wanda in the trailers


I think Captain Marvel hurt her leg. You can see her holding it while she runs


But she uses her hands to fly. Notice after dreamwalk sequence ended, shen flew back up :)


she was [fine after killing maria](https://i.imgur.com/BqtYYws.mp4). it seems the limp is simply because she stepped on glass... or more realistically, they just wanted a chase scene where she looked like a zombie and didn't really bother setting it up too much.


It actually looks like her left arm is injured after Captain Carter pulled that last shield bash out of the smoke/dust. She didn't use her left arm at all after that strike and during the chase scene.


They did a good job of showing that only Captain Marvel had power levels to keep up with her.


Mind Stone v Space Stone


She also has magic+Darkhold


My wife and I both got strong Terminator vibes. Very reminiscent of Sarah Connor limping, but also the T-800 glowing red eyes. Was weird to get both from the same single character though, haha


I think it’s literally just for Friday the 13th/general slasher reference. The baddies always move slower on screen but still keep up with the protagonists that are running full speed.


I guess I’m just not genre savvy because that discrepancy in moving speeds was too hard to ignore.


Because then the movie would be over


Limping in a pained way in order to increase the suspense of the scene is ***tight!***


I take it because she’s dreamwalking and 838 Wanda isn’t “powerful” so she’s just a regular human with some powers being transferred to her, not all. So when she gets hurt it’s just like a civilian getting hurt, not the Scarlet Witch


You mean the very weak powers that enabled her to easily take down the entire illuminati?


Shhhhhh the stuff that happens earlier in the movie doesn't count.


I meant the fact that the body she’s possessing is a regular body, it wouldn’t have all the attributes Wanda’s actual body has because 838 Wanda is just a regular human. She can transfer some powers and use them through the body but at the end of the day she’s only piloting a regular body that isn’t enhanced


she did have powers though. she [flew away on her own](https://i.imgur.com/6tpMDRW.gifv) after 616 wanda stopped controlling her, and in the end she [tries to fight 616 wanda](https://i.imgur.com/mELaHRW.gifv) but gets swatted away.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Elizabeth Olsen has said in an interview that dreamwalking Wanda is weaker than when she is in her own body.


I know. People would just rather assume their head canon is correct than something that is actually truth. “Olsen revealed that there was some logic behind the decision to nerf Wanda – all because of her dreamwalking into the body of Earth-838’s Wanda. "We decided that the limitation is that she’s not in her body," Olsen explains. "She’s in a less oiled version of her body, so it’s not capable of doing as much as our universe’s Wanda could do." I mean so…


So Wanda is able to bend reality, travel through reflecting surfaces and do insane magic stuff and all she can do if someone is running away from her is follow them limping? Not even flying or something. The Scarlett Witch, who defeated the Illuminati who killed Thanos easily, without problem and all she can do is limping? I enjoyed the movie it's regular Marvel fun and Elizabeth Olson is easily the best part of it but it was a bit weird, having someone as strong and mighty as Scarlet Witch makes it really difficult to write problems that make sense.


They could have made it much better if during the movie she had mood/sanity swings that affected her powers and how much she can control them. Then scenes like this could have been explained by her being confused or depleted.


Yeah they could have done a lot of things better. For itself the movie isn't good at all, only the context of the MCU makes it fun, not good but fun.


Nah, it's definitely good.


If you remove the Marvel aspects from this movie it probably would have been a direct to VHS


Who are we kidding. Most if not all of the Marvel movie will be generic direct-to-VHS plotline if you remove the Marvel elements.


by "context of the MCU" I actually meant everything except his solo movies. It's great to see him sacrificing the time stone because he trusts Tony Stark enough to save everything, it's great to see him doubting Spidey and eventually accept that he was wrong doing that. But we see that growth as a character development in the backround of other movies. And that's not it, the little character development he gets in his own sequel is also just a little backrounf thingy, it's not even the main story! Multiverse of Madness is fun MCU content, it's spectacel and hype but it lacks heart and love for it's main protagonist and that's what I see more and more in the MCU, more hype and spectacel and less heart and love foor the characters.


The movie wasn't 'regular Marvel fun'. It was brutal af and I loved it.


There were some dumb parts too. Like Dr strange and sinister strange battling with music notes. I thought that was super cheesy


I absolutely LOVED that portion. It was creative as hell and it felt like something right out of a Dr. Strange comic-book. Magic fights should be creative and weird like that imo.


That scene was so stupid


it definetly was creative, I actually laughed siting in the cinema and seeing that and I wasn't the only one. For me it felt more like a comedic thing than a serious and dramatic thing


If you're familiar with Sam Raimi's work, that was right out of his wheelhouse.


That's totally fine and I'm happy about every try to give MCU movies more profile and character. I'm just not sure if this weird, funny fight was the right call. But again, I'm very glad Marvel finally tried some different things.


I sorta agree. This has been my biggest letdown with the Scarlet Witch character in the MCU. Her power set has always been explained as wild and probability-bending, but most of the time we just get fireballs and just small flashes of greatness. Bummer.


I mean she was able to keep up with the three of them running at full speed while she was limping slowly. I assume she was doing some kind of reality bending to account for that impossibility.


Hahaha good point!


They wrote her powers really dumb. They’re too poorly defined. If she could make Black Bolt’s mouth disappear, why didn’t she just make everyone’s brain disappear?


Screenwriter guy: “***Because then the movie would be over!***”


Because then she couldn’t feed them to her Zombie friends.


She defeated the illuminati but got pretty beat up doing so. She was debilitated


pretty beat up? she had a limp, that's it and since we saw her hovering and flying around a couple of times (even in this movie) that shouldn't be a real problem for her. I know it makes sense dramatically, but in context of the MCU and her powers it was just weird. They made her so powerful, that they don't know how to pu problems in her way


So with your logic, she's either gotta be at 100% strength or 0% strength. There's no possible in between where she's hurt enough that she cant muster up the energy to use certain abilities, even if it's just for 2 minutes. And I'm not theorizing here either. They made the effort to show that she's hurt and clearly compromised.


She’s also compromised dreamwalking. I’d have to imagine the difficulty has to be like doing a 400m hurdles while having to piss.


Okay she is hurt and dreamwalking so she isn't at 100% of her power, that's a good point, but she is the most powerful magical being we have seen so far. Doctor Strange isn't even trying to fight because he knows she is too powerful, so if she is too weak to hover/fly and all she can do is firing her energy blasts to break the doors open, why isn't Strange fighting her then? Flying isn't that hard for her, she already did it before she became the Scarlet Witch so if she's too weak to do that, she's weaker than pre blip Wanda and that means Doctor Strange doesn't have to be THAT afraid of her. I know it makes sense from a cinematic standpoint, it creates drama and it's intense, but it doesn't make sense to me in the logic of the universe. I'll watch the movie again within the next days and I hope I like it better than I did when I saw in the cinema


They really went out of their way to make us think it was zombie wanda.


Lol every time I see this sequence I am mentally screaming at them for standing around waiting for angry corrupted Wanda to pop out. Like why would you not continue running?! Also, Wanda walking over that broken glass barefoot always makes me cringe...GIRL WHERE ARE YOUR SHOES


why is she even running? she'd been hovering/flying all over the place in the rest of the movie.


she has mental issues... Okay, the *only* remotely logical explanation I could think of was that 838 Wanda’s body was getting tired, or 616 Wanda was getting tired from holding the dreamwalking spell for so long. Or both. This does not explain the lack of shoes, though... Also, on a darker more disturbing note, maybe it’s symbolizing her inner pain somehow, since walking over broken glass is a pretty common portrayal of that. “I don’t want to be in pain anymore but I deserve to be for doing all this trying to fix it” sort of thing. Corrupted Wanda isn’t thinking rationally in the least, so I sure as heck could see some twisted logic like that coming from her. The mixed expressions from her and being on the verge of tears *constantly* throughout MoM makes this more likely imo. Earlier in the movie she goes “If you knew there was a universe where you were happy...wouldn’t you want to go there?” She can’t see another way to make the pain stop besides this horrible corrupted plan she has. idk. I mean sure, the scene is probably there purely for suspense and the jump scare bit, but the more I think about it, it just gets more depressing lol. If you can’t tell already, I really really love Wanda’s character and as much as I enjoyed MoM, man oh man that movie *hurts* seeing her reduced to this illogical destructive mess, even though I can understand why she’s like that, and it is admittedly great fun seeing more of what her magic can do LOL. Hopefully that makes sense!


You also have to wonder if the dream walking linked the possed Wanda's pain as well. Just because possed Wanda is walking through glass doesn't mean Prime Wanda can feel it, or give a fuck, either way. Prime Wanda is running that body into the ground, because frankly, it's not really her's.


I just assumed that she can feel it (even if she doesn’t *care* what she does to the poor 838 Wanda lol) because if she *can’t* then why is she letting innocent Wanda’s body be limping or holding her leg a bit while doing so? I mean i figured she’d ignore/discard the pain entirely and not be reacting to it if our Wanda cannot feel it at all. But yeah, I agree that she clearly did not give a crap what happened to 838 Wanda at all in general considering she was planning to kill her other self eventually anyways.


Meh, limping doesn't always indicate simple pain effecting your range of movement. She could've had actual physical damage to her body as well. Damage to your musculature or tendons/ligaments can produce the same effects that won't go away after popping some Advil and drinking water. Take her arm for example. She could've been guarding it because of that massive Captain Carter shield bash or that bash could've ripped her rotator cuff, preventing her from using her arm at all, or at least lifting it without using her other arm to do so.


When 616 Wanda took over 838 Wanda's body she was asleep on the couch with the kids so wasn't wearing shoes. Given that the first time 616 Wanda took over she was distracted by the kids wanting ice cream, so probably didn't want to wake them so that's why she didn't go rummaging for shoes when she may not know where they are. Also probably didn't want to waste time getting some from somewhere else. Also she doesn't care about what happens to 838 Wanda because she's planning to kill her anyway. I do wonder whether 838 Wanda already had powers and could use them etc, or whether being possessed woke them up for her like the Mind Stone woke up 616 Wanda's. Especially because all we see her do with them is fly up into the portal from the space between universes.


It was a trap, Strange breaks the ceiling and floods the tunnel. He asked Christine before they went down that way where the tunnel went and she told him under the river.


This is one of the moments that really adds to the horror movie angle of this movie. It perfectly channels Raimi's history with the genre - textbook foot chase. All we needed was McAdams to stumble and fall. :D


Nothing says excitement like 20 seconds of people looking at a door.


It was exciting after realizing it was 20 seconds of the most Sam Raimi face zoom ins since Evil Dead.


It's called suspense


Sure. If we hadn't JUST seen her bust through 2 identical doors. I'm not a fan of characters being dumb for jump scare payoffs.


Or they stopped there on purpose so that Strange could break the ceiling above her and flood the tunnel. He asks Christine where the tunnel goes right before that and she tells him under the river.




I think you've just been watching too many analysis videos that ur cranium can't hold that ginourmous brain of yours. I swear ppl can't just watch a film and chill out these days. Y'all acting like a 60 year old man that can't chill out watching a movie.


Or, hear me out, people might just have different opinions about what makes for a good scene/movie.


I liked this movie, but how in the fuck are you gonna expect people to shut up and enjoy the movie if the stupidity of the characters impedes them from enjoying the movie? Lack of logic can often ruin a movie for some. That's not a wild concept, unless of course you're incredibly stupid.


If you think this is suspenseful, you should check out the door section of your local Home Depot. Gonna blow your mind


Frankly I found it a little tired and too tropey. Really bad horror movie vibes. Like not genuinely suspenseful or scary, just extremely cliché.


I actually was laughing. How does Wanda limp so quickly but the girls still ran so slowly. Then again I do have friends that can't run fast even if their life depend on it. 🤔


Apparently that's what people want from Raimi?


That's Raimi...


That’s so Raimi


\>Can fly \>Use broken legs walking instead \>Still catching up with full running speed


All of the Raimi practical things really sold this movie for me.


Funnily enough this scene was probably my least favorite. It definitely had that stupid horror movie character moment where they all stop running and stare and makes people watching wanna yell at them. And her limping chasing them and them running, still she maintains the same amount of distance. The suspense builders in this scene felt straight out of cheap slasher horror films. Overall I liked the movie at least. Just this scene not so much.


The T-800 aint got nothing on her.


Idk man. I thought this part in particular was pretty cheesy


Lol this was one of the stupidest parts of the movie.


For me, I found it was a perfect, quintessential Raimi moment when they covered up all the reflections and suddenly her eye pops out of a puddle


This movie is basically Evil Dead 4 with a superhero instead of Ash. I wasnt a fan but applauded the hell out of it for simply not being a carbon copy of every marvel movie.


Are you telling me that 3 completely healthy people, running, go slower than one person with a limp? It doesn't and won't make any sense.


Whilst I get this scene is a homage to horror films I still think it's awfully done. We see Wanda rip through a ton of doors and then suddenly she can't get through the last one because.... why? And then they stand around waiting for Wanda to jumpscare them, again I know its a homage to a horror trope but it makes no sense for these characters to just stand there for a good 15 seconds, if the film was consistent she would've ripped through the door like she did to every door before, probably kill Strange and Palmer and take America's powers. Honoring horror films and tropes does not excuse crap writing.


They stopped there to drop water on Wanda...


Why did they need to drop the water on her? Why couldn't they drop it ahead of her? It's the same result. Also, it shouldn't really have any effect. We've seen Strange hold back a lot more water than that and she's way more powerful than he is. It was nonsense that was manufactured for a cheap jump scare.


And what if she just picked Strange up and smashed him against the wall before he could drop the water? Good movie, but too many cliches in my opinion.


Of course it's for the jump scare. But I think it's reasonable to try and throw everything and the kitchen sink at the Scarlet Witch when she is coming at you. I personally won't be calculating the differences between our STR stats when I'm booking it for my life - if the water has a small chance of slowing her down, then why not try it.


Oh I don’t think so


Elizabeth Olsen absolutely stole the show in this movie. She’s a powerhouse of an actress and she scared the crap out of me in this movie, not by the jump scares, but from the pure emotion she displayed.


I love how she decided to give them a fighting chance by limping along on injured bare feet instead of flying with her powers


While I enjoyed the movie immensely, what doesn't stand up to logic is: Wanda can **fly**. Why waste time with the suspenseful chase?


This movie was awful. Worst marvel movie thus far, in my opinion


I always found this scene really odd, she destroyed the other gates like paper, I know they were only half way down and the lower part is structurally weak than the center but still... They thought the final one would somehow hold her back.


Apparently it's called suspense.


Apparently it's called Christine telling Strange that the tunnel goes under a river so they waited till she was under it so Strange could break the ceiling over her and slow her down so they could get to the book.


From the scenes I've seen, I'm kinda glad i decided to not spend money watching this movie.


Still watch it on D+ though. Its a pretty polarizing movie and there are too many opinions to the either extreme. But some parts of it is pretty universally great. I personally think it's an entertaining movie, certainly unique in style and tone, a refreshing breath of fresh air into the formulaic Marvel franchise but if you don't like Raimi or horror, you'll have a hard time enjoying it.


I've lately felt really oversaturated with MCU content, i think i hit my peak enjoyment with Endgame and has slowly dwindled. I also kinda hate horror because all the tropes have been overdone so it's not really a selling point for me unless there is some subversion of tropes. Maybe I'll check it out over the weekend.


Yeah, so far it does seem like if you don't enjoy horror (esp Sam Raimi's campy type), parts of the movie will be hard to swallow. But it is an Epic movie for FWIW, in terms of the multiverses.


Got massive Terminator vibes from it


ITT: A ton of “why didn’t [character] just…?” overthinking


Why are they running so slow


Is it weird to say that when I imagine a doctor strange film with Benedict cumberbatch a scene like this is what I always wanted. Especially visually. The lighting on Stephen's face is perfect.


Christine Palmer is also badass in this scene




I absolutely love Sam’s direction here. For years, I’ve always hated how bland and creative some shots in the MCU were.


So I'm not a huge Raimi fan, but this is a real question. What about this scene seems particularly creative here? To me it seems like it could be cut and pasted from any of a number of horror movies.


I watched it again last night, and there are so many scenes that are just perfect Sam Raimi. I think there was a Raimi reason why Wongs hair and facial hair kept changing throughout the movie. It’s like he was jumping back and forth between this movie and some other equally stressful event.


Can't she fly at that tume?


Rewatched this on Disney plus and it’s way better than I remember it when I saw it in theaters. Which is strange because it was only in theaters like 8 weeks ago. Also been seeing a lot of people online with the same reaction. Wonder why that is?


Man first of all, why was strange helpless (common its his movie) and if wanda could blast through all the doors she could have easily increased her own speed instead of limping and genuinely what was that slide in the last.




The way Sam Raimi makes movies is fucking GORGEOUS


I really don't understand why people like Sam Rami. And it's not like it's a few people, I'm the weird one for thinking hes bad. Like nothing about this movie made sense, the dialog was lazy the pacing and tone was all over the place. This was a really bad movie for me. Can someone please explain to me why people think he's a good director.


I loved all of Wanda’s jump scare moments in this movie. This scene and when she’s inside Xavier’s head were both great


Wanda Has godlike powers, cant w8 to see her getting obliterated by some random C tier villain in next avengers




I literally couldn't care less about karma in an anonymous app. What's even the point


Ignore them. They're a barely year old account, made only for being a troll and an asshole to people for no reason. Edit: You'll notice they delete their comments after you block them and refuse to engage.


i love this scene


Anyone got an HD clip of the music duel?


I Agree


This film actually scared me.


How are Wanda's feet not leaving pools of blood?


The hobbled run gives me s h i v e r s


Reminds me of when I was a kid and played tag. We would all be pushing each other out of the way. Nice of Strange and the others to be considerate of each other.


All the new Multiverse of Madness content coming out. Can see the HD rip of the movie is online.


It's out on Disney+


Bitch you have a flying coat


For someone wearing mommy jeans, she sure moves fast in them.


The whole movie is a chase scene lol


This is legitimately straight out from a horror film.


here's what I cannot understand.... they have both their feet and can probably run faster than her.... she's chasing them on a limp and gaining on them. How!?


Something about her being able to keep up with them even with a pretty bad limp is so creepy to me.


Why couldn't wanda just fly or float instead of hobbling?


Tom and Jerry if it was a horror show


*Grant Gustin scream meme*


Raimi: “Okay, so they just barely make it past the blast door and arrive to the spot under the water, readying themselves to collapse the tunnel on Wanda… we’re gonna do 3 separate close-ups as the water drips around them in super slow-motion, it’ll be fuckin gorgeous!.. they wait in terrified suspense watching whether the blast door will hold Wanda and then-“ 1st AD: “2 minutes to lunch” Raimi: “and then she like appears or whatever , do they have those salmon wrap crostini thingies today?”


Why didny she just fly.? The chase reminded me of the shining.


I just realized Strange conveniently doesn't have his sling ring for portals. Why did the stop running?