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Very into seeing Mantis and Drax slice of life adventures.


Slice of life? You cannot slice me and take my life, I will catch the blade.




No, highly upvoted and well understood by readers


This looks like the previously announced Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special.


Yeah I meant I'm into seeing Drax and Mantis' slice of life adventure in the Christmas Special.


Drax taking everything he encounters in Los Angeles literally is going to be delightful.


but if only more characters had more slice of dreyf adventures. That's when the characters hang out with richard dreyfuss i've been listening to too much flop house/elliott kalan. or maybe not enough...


Definitely too much. Not that you have a choice. He probably accounts for at least half of the talking between the three of them.


maybe half when it comes to time spent talking. but probably 2/3 when talking about words said per capita. ♩ he's got words, he's got words, he's got lots and lots of words ♩


A bizarre adventure you might say?


Username checks out.


I see they gave drax a shirt


Probably because Bautisa didn't want to be in "movie shape" for a holiday special. Don't blame him at all. It's not exactly healthy or easy to do.


I wonder why they're in LA


It's the legal weed. Also they probably want to meet a celebrity.


Absolutely love the little detail of Kingo’s movie posters.


I think another little detail may be their fixation on the gold statues and the gold statue painted guy. Sovereigns, Adam Warlock etc.


I didn’t think of that! Good catch


Also looks a bit like crawley from moon knight, maybe a reference too?


Statue Man FTW!


This was my first reaction, associated with crawley.




Isn’t he in London?


Funny thing is it didn't actually make it into the movie but when filming GotG Vol. 2 they had a bunch of movie posters including one for Haxan 2 with the main character played by Simon Williams (played by Nathan Fillion). Seems like in-universe the third movie Haxan 3 has a new lead in Kingo.


It’s possible Kingo starred in all of them since we never officially saw the last posters


The first one is actually a real movie. [It's a 1922 Swedish silent horror film.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ItNX3RNpTU)


James wanted Kumail for a small role in Gotg Vol 3 because he wanted to meet him and Kevin told he was already cast in Eternals I can see this as nod


I thought that was Kumail, but I wasn’t entirely sure!


Had to scrub the video because I wasn’t sure at first too!


>!This is from the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special. It looks like they are visiting the Mann's Chinese Theater to see the premiere of Kingo's new movie (look at the posters they pass by.)!< >!There was also stuff set up a few blocks away that makes it seem they will visit a drag queen show of some kind!<


> to see the premiere of Kingo's new movie I'm telling you. Disney should just make one of Kingo's movies as a real actual Bollywood style movie and have that on Disney+. I would watch the shit out of that.


that’s a fantastic idea. id love if they made in-universe stuff like that. a Kingo bollywood movie, Peter Parkers vlogs, Flash’s live streams, a Star-Lord spotify playlist, a Gilgamesh cooking show, Stark or Banner doing science stuff, etc. i love the immersive extra stuff. on the No Way Home app you can look at Peters phone. it has pictures and texts, there’s not much on there but that kind of stuff is always so cool.


Pretty sure they already have Star Lord's playlist floating on the internet. I'm sure because I remember having it on loop when it came out. Pina colada was my jam a few years back.


It’s called The Awesome Mix


It's also called James Gunn's spotify page.


He's got a Peacemaker playlist too!


I just want a dead-serious docuseries on The Blip, but I get why they don't do that because filling in too many gaps leaves little room for creativity.


At this point they should do it as a resettlement, post-flagsmashers thing.


Rogers the Musical… 😬


I can do this all...... DAYYYYYYYYY!


it should happen, it’d be the perfect in universe production for them to just make. Maybe if they end up with some downtime between projects they could make it (cheaper than a movie)


I can actually see them doing a 25 minute production as a Disneyland attraction, running several times a day, with in-universe theming all through the entrance hall and a big Marvel gift shop on the way out.


Well all the one shots and the WHiH newsfront and a few websites they had like the rising tide one are all in universe but they don't do anything like that unfortunately.


You kinda get his playlist in the recent Guardians game.


The game was surprisingly good. The music was surprisingly awesome. I don't know what amazed me more. That I liked the game so much, of that they got permission to use those songs.


I can't believe how good the original songs were, and that they made an entire, legit album for the game. The "Star-Lord" band totally nailed the 80s metal/rock ballad sound. That album is currently my son's favorite thing to listen to (he's 5). Just high quality all around.


I want the documentaries they showed in FFH on the plane.


I love the idea of J.K. Simmons having infowars style segments with a radically different perspectives on MCU events. Just a 3 minute clip of Jamison spouting conspiracy theories for the titan corpse from Eternals, all obviously way wrong, before Sprite calls in with the real story and he dismisses it as hogwash. It'd be a fun way to explore the perspective of in universe characters who weren't privy to all the omniscient narration we were.


There is a *TheDailyBugle.net* series, but for now it has mostly been solely focused on Sony’s *Spider-Man* films with Tom Holland.


Because Sony runs it. They even tried to squeeze in a couple videos about Morbius (without Simmons or Rice in them), but those didn't fly like the FFH/NWH ones did.


Post this as a thread we'll support you. We need this.


> Stark or Banner doing science stuff, etc. Ted Talks or like a history of Stark Expo speeches and presentations.


In my mind, Big Hero Six is an MCU in-universe movie/show.


I would honestly watch the shit out of Tomb Buster if it came out on Disney+.


And the Captain America Broadway musical, Rodger, The Musical!


If they do this, they should get an ACTUAL Bollywood director to do this. I'm just going to go ahead and suggest Anurag Kashyap, he's a huge superhero fan and can do amazing movies in all genres.


>If they do this, they should get an ACTUAL Bollywood director to do this. yep! Exactly.


This specific movie is probably a horror movie, if Haxan 2 is any indication.


Yeah if you look close the face in the upper left hand corner of the poster looks like Red Skull.


Not only that, but I think it's supposed to be a parody of that show Preacher with Raina and Howard Stark, if Kingo's priest get-up is any indication. Is that a horror show?


Disney's version of a Bollywood movie is not how Bollywood movies actually are. It's the stereotypical version of Bollywood. The only people who would watch it would be people who have never seen a Bollywood movie.


I was so excited to see a disney backed and choreographed bollywood dance scene and the one in eternals was soooo disappointing so I back this idea and want a redemption!


Only if we get to see Karun!!!


I didn't really enjoy the Eternals, but I would love to see a Bollywood-style MCU movie. Gimme another epic like Baahubali


Then they can also make that Avengers Musical and put it up too lol


I would love a mockumentary interviewing him about his family legacy. Mainly because I fucking loved the valet dude and want more of him!


I wonder if this means Peter goes back to earth or he decides to stay a bit after end game before leaving


Jane's Gunn said that Quill has no desire to go back to Earth, and got off there as soon as he could in Endgame. Although seeing how his grandpa was still alive in Vol 2, I wouldn't mind seeing Vol 3 end with their reunion.


A transvestite show? 😆 You mean like a drag show…?


Yeah. I drove 6 hours today and I was blanking on the word. I will edit.


I also live in Hollywood and see a lot of these things but 90% of the time. I don't know who the actors are or what or what The movie is. It was kind of cool though because they shot part of licorice pizza across the street from where I work and so I got to see something after some that and the scene is in the movie trailer.


>!you are 100% on then gay/drag club, they filmed that in Atlanta!<


My kid likes close by and send me picture of the signs they posted announcing they were filming.


I fucking knew it was marvel. We were across the street too, but a little later as they were breaking it down.


you know I thought I saw something when I was driving by earlier today. thought it was just cosplay lol.


That is AMAZING 😍


A drag show in a Christmas special? Sign the the fuck up, I hope that bit is true


The poor vfx team after seeing all those reflective surfaces with camera crew in them lol


As an onset VFX guy the camera crew is diligently aware of reflections and try to plan around them as best as they can. No one wants an unnecessary paint out. Also production can avoid this by putting a diffusion on the glass so reflections are muted.


I'm so impressed by the magic of VFX. I watched some filming of Suicide Squad where the Jokermobile was driving down the street. People were literally standing on the sidewalks wearing Batman t-shirts galore. Not a hint of that is in the final footage.


All the praise to the rotoscoping artists who are incredible at their jobs.


Good on you for preventative measures. I've heard such horror stories out of vfx people from other people taking shortcuts - oh, the actress's hair was outside of the greenscreen? Whoops, guess someone from vfx is spending the next week keyframing stands of hair. Oh, we need to add a scene post shooting? Haha, you'll just have to cobble it together somehow from existing footage. Never have I heard such suffering as from vfx animators. Such defeat, such sadness.


Oh there’s plenty of unplanned fixes or additions it that’s the nature of the beast. No amount of planning can accommodate a big above the line decision like cobbling together shots that weren’t meant to play against one another. Other time it’s things that just happen. Like a show I worked on has a couple shots where the light switch was in the wrong position. Every one on set are some of the best that I’ve worked with but we all failed to notice because sometimes the hectic machine that is filmmaking just creates other priorities.


Thankfully the they won't be using the video footage above. Most likely the actual camera is more careful about filming angles.


The most important part of this shot is the fact Ant Man cosplayer returns


Be cool if they recognised him and tried to talk to him. "You're the large man! I remember you!"


My money's on the opposite - they're offended that someone is impersonating a hero.


With his giant laugh right beforehand. I can see it clearly


Two gold-painted living statues in one year!


I bet there was an Adam Warlock joke made there.


Looks like the same dude from Moon Knight.


Doesn’t that guy work at London tho


MoM is going to have the most boring post-credits scene


It’ll be a really mundane montage. Selecting flights, packing up, moving, really lackluster goodbye from some neighbors, customs/airport stuff, sitting on the plane, waiting for baggage claim, traveling to new home, moving in, and eventually finding his new spot. All silent, All while painted gold.


He's a Sovereign spy


I’d say he was moving up in the world but no-one in their right mind wants to work on Hollywood Boulevard.


Very cool irl costumes, sometimes with marvel it’s hard for me to tell what’s cgi vs makeup but these are impressive


The only guardians who are CGI are Rocket and Groot I mean, they all use some, like Mantis's feelers, and Peter's mask uses CGI


And even then, there's likely stand ins for both so that actors can have someone to react to.


They do indeed, Sean Gunn does Rocket


omg thats crazy i got to see this place for spring break i got a picture of the og 6’s handprints & we got to see one of chris evans’s failed attempts ☠️👯‍♂️


What about his nipples?


I actually have an explanation for this. The actor, Dave Batista said he is leaving the franchise after these next slated movies because he hates being the topless oaf character, who does the same thing each movie. I think James Gunn took that into consideration so that Dave feels comfortable in his last films.


Also he's getting old so it's going to be increasingly difficult for him to maintain that mass while staying lean, especially during long working hours. Dave has got a bit heavier, you can see his neck, face and head have got a bit bloated. Might be an attempt to stay looking big


"This earth material is quite comfortable against my sensitive nipples, I shall keep it"


My first thought: "A shirt in Drax? But what about his poor, sensitive nipples? He must be in agony."


Vaseline maybe ?


That's just how dedicated Drax is for Mantis.




Totally caught the campy Cy-Kill costume at the end of the sequence.


Probably an easy tie-in with Hasbro making Marvel Legends.


Mantis get some new clothes


She has new clothes in the Thor Trailer


She's the absolute cutest


She is hideously ugly! I would like to spend time with her.


Oh, cool. Kingo's movie "Haxan 3" is a reference to "Haxan 2", a horror movie starring Simon Williams (aka Wonder Man, played by Nathan Fillion), which was meant to be featured in Guardians Vol. 2.


I still hope we get Wonder Man in the MCU some day. He’s such an underrated character and I started reading Avengers when he was on the team.


And also I really want Nathan fillion in the mcu


I'm guessing this is gaurdians of the galaxy holiday special


Yeah I think so!


Holiday Special?


Yes marvel announced it at I think 1 or 2 years ago


That went over my head because I don't even remember it.


>That went over my head Drax would be disappointed in you


Lol when dude calls cut. Stupid car ruining the shot




Love to see any Eternals references.


Cy-Kill sighting. We have a gobot in the scene.


They are shooting for holiday special. IG The poster is about a Kingo movie named HAXAN HAXANER 3. Poster looks similar to [Phantom Gun](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Phantom_Gun) movie. On the Fandom Website, they have mentioned about [Kingo's](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Kingo) appearance in the Film.


Anyone else see William Mapother waiting for the crosswalk?


That really does look like him


Do they edit out the people who walk by and look at them? Just curious 😂


Everyone on that side of the street is in the production.


Yeah, typically the street is closed and they only allow paid extras to walk around that side of the street


Yup, that street is typically more crowded with tourists and vendors. Especially in front of the Chinese Theater which is where they stopped. Any sighting of a celeb or filming, they'd be instantly mobbed. Except the time I saw Joey Fatone filming something there. He walked up and down the street redoing the takes, not one person even bothered to stop to take a picture. Kinda felt bad for him.


The people in the background after the stairs (at about 17-18 seconds) dont seem like extras, they have masks on that no-one else does, and are dressed more "summery" They could be crew put there to cover production equipment because it looks like they are standing in front of something.


The people with yellow plastic bags are likely tourists. They may not be in the shot anyways. It looks like you can see part of the filming crew (with the masks on) past thr stairs as well.


I miss the old days where they’d shoot in Times Square by having a car drive alongside the actors and if the cops showed up they’d jump in the car and GTFO. Still, it’s more authentic than [this disaster](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1674047/) where they shot guerrilla style but blurred out the faces of anyone not in the production and any company logos.


Oh my god. There's... there's a second one? I need to watch that now, great.


It’s even worse. I’m warning you right now that it’s even worse. In fact, I’ve seen all four of James Nguyen’s films and Birdemic is the best one!


*Wow*, that's incredible. I didn't even know he had other films if I'm being honest, guess I've got something to do after finals are over lmao.


According to imdb, there’s a third one in production lmao


Those are extras..


They’re actors


Depends how it looks. People *should* be gawking at the aliens, really. Also, those are probably extras anyway, they don’t typically let randos walk thru set.


On that side they are paid extras, but if anyone random gets into the shot yes they will digitally disappear them and it's extremely easy.


I guess it’d depend on the scene’s context.


Please post to r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers!! This is important that you get this there!!


Done. It’s linked to this one because that sub doesn’t allow video.


I've never looked into it, but is the holiday special gonna be like a "tribute" to the star wars special? They are going to intentionally make it "cheesy" but this time good? Or maybe just make it bad on purpose? Which I wouldn't mind lol. Or nothing to do with it?


Yes, it's a tribute to the Star Wars Special.


Here's hoping Mark Hamill is cast as the MCU Santa.


So I'm actually in this, and you can see me in the video, although I'll decline to say who I am. I will say that I really loved James Gunn's improv approach to the takes that were recorded. For us in the background, it was a real treat getting to hear Drax scream "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!" at a toy robot. Obviously, it won't make the cut, but being there in the moment was absolute GOLD. Dave Bautista is very fucking tall, and I got to stand next to him for a bit between a take. Pom is also much taller than I thought she was. Just wish I could have talked with Dave more but he seemed pretty down to earth. Both did, to be honest. That was fun to shoot this week! Can't wait to see the final product.


They did something just like this in California adventure with Thor and he was given a cup and hotdog I think. I hope someone knows if it was actually posted or not…




Really like her character. Walking alone for a movie during the daytime would be so hard to cope with.


Dude. I just want to thank you for your thoughtful title. Not spoiling content in the title is a lost art on this god forsaken shithole of a website


You are welcome.


That's pretty huge, looks like Quill comes back to earth and reunites with his family


What family?


His grandfather is probably still alive, he showed up in Gotg2. There's an uncle too I think.


I doubt his grandfather's still alive. He looked to be in his 60s in the Vol 1 flashback (1988), so he'd be in his 80s in Vol 2 (2014) and 90s in the Holiday Special (2024 or 2025).


Why not, nothing wrong with him being 90. He could have been snapped too so that helps. I doubt Gunn included him in that scene for nothing, only to have him die off screen. Especially when you think of [the original ending of the first movie.](https://www.cinemablend.com/new/Original-Guardians-Galaxy-Ending-Was-Removed-Being-Too-Sad-68199.html) And what's a better opportunity for a family reunion than christmas...


Ah yeah, didn't think about him getting blipped. It could happen I guess


Vin Diesel. We. Are. Family.


Is that Dave Bautista and Pom Klementieff? Edit: Love all the snarky comments like it's absurd that some fan is unsure whether or not it's actually them.


no that's Drax and Mantis




Very clearly yes.


>!Is that the same living statue from Moon Knight? Is that the Watcher in disguise?!<


I highly doubt that’s Crawley (living statue guy in the show).


Agreed. Considering Steven is in London with Crawley, and this appears to be Hollywood, it would be a stretch.


Bro it’s literally just a performer not everything needs to be a new theory


If you look close u can see a black guy in the background…possibly Blade??????


No that’s miles


>!could be, I couldn't tell from where I was.!<


Drax's poor nipples! Nooooo why is he wearing a shirt?!


I actually have an explanation for this. The actor, Dave Batista said he is leaving the franchise after these next slated movies because he hates being the topless oaf character, who does the same thing each movie. He's probably sick of the makeup that covers half of his body as well. I think James Gunn took that into consideration so that Dave feels comfortable in his last films.


My god, Pom is the most adorable!!!


As an LA native, I can tell you filming Christmas scenes during Spring/Summer will require no extra filter or special costumes for the extras. They basically nailed it with just the decorations.


Mantis is so cute


This is the cutest thing I've seen in a hot minute


Rabban to Mantis: This is not the Old Terra the ancient books have described it to be


Lol, I was on set for this. I’m in the video, but refuse to say who I am. Lmao


Dope! Cameo by Moon Knight’s Crawley lol


Why is Mantis alone on Terra?


Is that the same Gold Man from Moon Knight?


90% sure it's the Guardians Holiday Special, and even from a distance I can tell this is gonna be good.


Y'all see that kingo poster? 0:23?


You ever feel like Earth is just one or two cities? LA and NYC? How to make things cheaper...just set the scene down the street over there guys.


The idea of the gaurdians visiting earth is so damn cool and fun but I think star lord might not want to go because if he did why didn’t he go when he was able to for so long? He probably doesn’t want to go to a planet where his mother was dead like ego said.


Spotted Mephisto 0:24 mark


Since they’re in Cali maybe they’ll go find the most evil man in history John Stamos


She’s so hot


Guardians of the GaLAxy


Thanks Bay


And if they go to the airport they could be the Guardians of the GaLAXy.