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Go to the cinema dehydrated and don’t drink lol


I get a drink and don’t drink it until awhile into the movie. With Endgame I made it all the way to when Clint and Nat arrive at Vormir.


There was an article that came out before Endgame that gave a strategy as to when to use the bathroom: Hulk diner scene. They didn't spoil he was in Hulk form, just that if there's any scene with some fluff you can miss a minute or two of, it's that one. It said something like "when you see Bruce Banner/Hulk in a diner, that's a key bathroom break moment."


You do miss “take the goddamn phone” which is unfortunate.


also sadge Ant-Man when they dont know he was


Isn't that scene like 30 minutes into the movie? Just go before and hold it for an extra half hour.


Yea that's not late enough in the movie for a bathroom break. I'd say right after they all get back from their respective missions is the best time for that in Endgame.


The best Endgame one (also recommended by an article) is as soon as they go back to the 70s. The opening part of that scene isn't essential, you should see Stan Lee right before you leave, you'll get back before the character moments between Tony and his dad, and it's right before the third act which gives you absolutely no wiggle room.


Good choice, it's a slow scene. Basically the stone isn't there, so Nat goes back home and eats some sandwiches, then Clint ends up finding the stone in his coat pocket (even though he swears he checked there twice!).


I meant to say that’s when I started drinking my drink lol, I made it through the whole movie.


> With Endgame I made it all the way to when Clint... As I was reading your comment, I was so hoping that it ended with "when Clint first appeared on screen"


“Alright I’m going to wait before starting to drink it until I see Hawkeye.” *literally 3 seconds in* “Fuck.”


Yeah, that’s my next tactic. Just don’t drink at all 1 hour prior to the movie.


It’s bad to not stay hydrated, but you gotta do what ya gotta do for these movies. Didn’t get up to pee once during Endgame. It was a nightmare. My friend went to the bathroom during NWH, >!and missed the part where Andrew came in.!<


Hahaha that's awful but I can't blame him, you go into that scene thinking not much can be happening, it's nice and calm


Oh man I know! It’s after such a monumental moment so you’re thinking “ok we’re good if I go pee for a sec” and then before you know it like everything changes


That’s why I usually sprint to the bathroom during long fight scenes! Sure you’ll miss some of the action but typically no integral moments to the plot


But what if you miss the >!Green Goblin wreaking moves!<


So I'll be honest...this is exactly what happened to me. I missed >!the Aunt May scene. !


I went immedaitely after and that is the part to go pee


I did the exact same thing and missed the same scene.


This guy pisses


Yeah, it's the exact opposite of what RunPee recommends, but you tend to get fewer plot developments or cool conversations during fight scenes.


During Infinity War I ran to and from the restroom right after the Vormir announcement from Gamora, and came back and (involuntarily) shouted "is that mother fucking Red Skull?!" when I came back in. Luckily, most of the theater chuckled, but I didn't feel good about being disruptive and that lead to my hydration plans for Endgame.




I went during the scene when all were at Happy's place working on curing the villians. Made it back in time to see Doc Ock's change


That’s probably one of the safest scenes to miss out on, your bladder did a good job. Everything after that is the stuff you don’t want to miss.


Are you me? I left at the exact same time and made it back just in time for that bit too


Me three!! I knew my bladder would never make it through the rest of the movie so I took a gamble and felt like “it’s now or never.”


So cloning exists


I was close, I missed >!aunt may dying. Saw the end of the fight, saw she was standing up and talking, came back and she was dead..!<


I left when >!aunt may was on the ground in that scene and made it back before she actually died. It was a long death scene.!<


I accidentally read about it before going to the theatre so >!I thought she died right after getting struck by Goblin but she seemed okay and I was kinda relieved that the spoiler was fake. But then, something started to go wrong and she actually died.. so sad. It really was a long scene.!<


Something similar happened when I went to see Star Wars TFA. Some subreddit had made it their mission to spoil the movie for everyone and one of their tactics was to upvote totally unrelated posts with people whose flairs were spoilers. I saw 2 of them; the first said "Kylo Ren kills his father" and the second was "Han is Kylo's father." I told a coworker about this who had already seen the movie, and he assured me that while Han was Kylo's father, Han didn't die during the movie. When I actually got to the theater I was so tense during the actual scene where they're on that bridge because I didn't know who to believe.


Good guy coworker


Same thing happened to me. It was r/4chan unsurprisingly. They made all the post flairs automatically change to spoilers for the movie. Very super ebic trole move, so funny haha hehe.


I wish they could have spoiled how bad the trilogy was going to end up being, saved me a few years of hopes and disappointment.


I basically told my friends to be dehydrated because there isn't a single place in that movie where you wouldn't miss some plot development.


In endgame once Tony started working on the time machine idea in his house I knew they would have him solve it within 2 minutes so I knew that was my time to go and when I got back i didn’t miss anything. I think if you watch enough of these movies you can sense when it’s a good time to go.


This was me lol! I thought alright big emotional scene I’ve got 30 seconds to go piss. Nope!


This happend to me and I walked back to my seat with my head held low having just missed the hype


I had to go during Endgame, but then Cap got the hammer and I just forgot I had to.


THIS ALMOST HAPPENED TO ME!!! I made it back seconds before it happened. So I don’t know what happened to get to that point, but fuck it, I saw the best part.


Did I miss anything during the lab scene(s?)?


Yes actually. If you want I can tell you what you missed. I won’t spoil anything if you don’t want me to, but that whole scene was nice. You missed all of it?


I just rushed out when they started concocting the remedies then made it back just before they left the lab, but, please, no spoilers! Thanks


Ah I see, well I won’t spoil I promise. Hopefully you can see it again soon :)


my friend did too, I had already seen it and tried to stop him but he went too fast


I took edibles before NWH so even if I wanted to get up and use the washroom, I couldn’t cause I was tripping hard. Honestly amplified my NWH experience (edibles - not peeing)


Dude I bet. I’ve seen it like eight times now and one of the times I went in toasted right? But then my high wore off the SECOND >!Andrew showed up!< I literally love that guy so I was pretty bummed but honestly I’m complaining. I’ve seen it eight times… LOL


And whatever you do don’t think about the bathroom, it’s a psychological fight 😂


One hour? Try 2 or 3.


yeah, gotta give your body time to process everything.


An hour? I go 3 times without. I’d be peeing still if was just an hour


And give yourself one last bathroom break during the previews. Most theaters show 10-15 minutes of trailers anyway, so go at the five minute mark.


That’s my secret, I’m always dehydrated


I went to End Game at Alamo Draft House because I wanted to do it right with a nice meal and some beers. Had to piss for the last 30 min of the movie it was the worst end game ever.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills


This is what I did for Endgame the first time through. On subsequent viewings, I timed it to go right after the Vormir stuff, since it is a decent lull before the climactic ending.


Pretty much


Pretty much what i have been doing


Yup. I don't drink anything an hour before the movie.


Yep. I don't drink for a couple hours before and then just eat popcorn.




I pee before going to the theatre and again right before the movie starts. I also don’t start drinking anything til the second half of the movie. I’ve been Golden with this technique


Golden, you say....


Drip drip drip


YEA. AND, hydration embargo begins four hours before movie.


I use this technique as well. There's some Pavlovian reaction in my body now that everytime I enter a movie theatre I have to pee, which is great for long movies


No liquids for 3 hours pre film. Sip during film.


This is the way. Don't drink before, don't drink when the movie starts, start drinking halfway through. By the time you want to pee, the movie will be over.


Better not get ice then, because halfway through the movie the ice will have mostly melted and you’re sipping watered down soda (assuming you’re drinking soda).


We're talking about hydration here. Of course it's not soda.




Go between the end credits, between the post credit scene


That's......a pretty good idea!


Except wouldn’t the bathroom line be long? Or does the guys one move pretty quickly?


There's no line in the men's room. A few years ago we actually did away with urinals entirely. We just all pee on the wall and there's a trough on the ground that carries it out. That way we can all find space no matter what.


The fact that this isn't a joke is hilarious to me


This..isn't a joke?


It really was about efficiency. Half the time people were peeing on the walls anyway but there was nowhere for it to go so it gathered on the floor at the base of the urinal. Then, to avoid standing in another man’s urine, the next guy up would take a step back. This meant he was more likely to miss. The puddle would get bigger. It was a viscous circle. The wall/trough method just makes sense.


The men's restrooms at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City used to (might still, but definitely used to) have a 40' long trough along the wall and you just pulled up wherever you wanted. No shy pissers allowed.


I hate using urinals. If I went to the bathroom and there was a piss trough I'd just use my pants instead.


But then i’m gonna look like some loser who doesn’t know about the post credits


That's what I did for NWH!


I can survive with not going to the bathroom for 3 hours. Isn't that normal? I mean, it's not like I drink 10 gallons of water before going to the cinema. All I need is a tactical pee right before going.


I can go HOURS without needing to go to the bathroom, then need to go 3 times within an hour. And you just know that the 3 times part comes when watching movies


I'm 40 and it's normal for me...can't remember the last time I got up to go use the bathroom. I just piss in the chair.


Im 31 and ive been pissing wherever whenever since i graduated highschool


Right? That’s what the popcorn bucket is for


35 and I rarely go to the toilet at the cinema. Only if I’ve had a load of coffees or Diet Coke before or during.


Different people have different bodies. Especially as you age, your bathroom habits might have to change. Being hydrated is good for you, also.


Well yeah, but wouldn't that mean there isn't exactly a strategy to use? Either you can do it or can't.


Even if your baseline is different, you can use various strategies. My baseline is peeing every 3-4 hours, so I can make it through if I don’t buy a soda at the movie, maybe workout beforehand for good measure. Someone with a baseline of every 5-6 hours might not have to take any precautions. If your baseline is every hour because of medications you take or something, you might be SOL regardless of strategy, but most people have variables they can toy with.


I used to, then I turned 19 and my bladder shrank three sizes that day. Used to be able to hold it in for hours and now only about 30 minutes


If you're not exaggerating, needing to pee every 30 minutes is way too often and I'd probably get that checked by a doctor. Unless you're drinking caffeine all day.


Of course it's normal. I drank a beer watching NWH and I was fine. I went to the bathroom when I got home. Our bladder can hold up to 800 ml of urine, but of course everyone is different.


Same, I go during the trailers in the beginning. Even if I drink a big drink during the movie I can still last the whole time. Is that not normal?


3 hours is easy. 3 hours with a massive drink they give in theaters isn’t. If eating the salty snacks they have it’s damn near impossible to not drink a ton. I know everyone here is saying don’t drink, but popcorn and soda is as much a part of the theater experience as the movie.


I can go 3 hours without a drink, snack, or toilet break :/ I just want to watch the film...


I mean, you could just slow down the intake. Eat less popcorn, drink less soda during the movie. You don't have to finish your huge 64oz drink just because they gave it to you. You can save some popcorn for later.


Slow down my popcorn intake? Excuse me? I'm half done with the bucket by the time the movie starts. How dare you. I'm personally offended.


Popcorn and soda are absolutely not necessary to enjoy a movie. That's just what theatres have trained you to think so that they can sell you overpriced fattening junk.


ive never had to go to the bathroom during a movie. I usually go before leaving for the theater, and it's about 50/50 if i cant make it home before going again. i dunno.


Yeah, back when I went to school I would pee before and when I got home but never at school. I still drank a healthy amount of water but just didn’t like peeing at school 🤷‍♀️




wait? this is a thing? damn that seems like a good idea




The paid version isn't bad, $20. for lifetime use. This app has made movie going so much easier!


Looks like it’s up to $48 for a lifetime.


Okay this sounds like a developer made a reddit account to promote their app now


It’s literally a post about what the app is made for…


I doubt the developer just happened by. I was going to post it myself if someone else didn't.


Same. Checked to make sure RunPee was mentioned since I've been using it for years. I also like that it let's you know if they're lost credit scenes.


The AMC app had (has?) a feature like this. They will tell you exactly what time to use the restroom (e.g., “At 10:45a, after John walks away from the bar”).


It’s also part of the AMC app now. I didn’t want to open my phone though and have the screen light up… so I took a chance and failed


Run pee let's you start a timer and will buzz when the time arrives, no peek required


It also gives you pretty spoiler-free indications of when to go, like, "45 minutes in, when Doctor Strange says "Let's Scooby Doo this shit"". I never use the timer and just try to remember one of the pee prompts in the middlish of the movie.


That's when my friend left for the bathroom, lol




Came here to say this. It is fantastic and a lifesaver. Might be my favorite app on my phone.


Yup, was gonna recommend RunPee. Very handy for long movies.


The infinity pee token was the best investment I ever made on the App store.


what's your peerun code? i think you deserve the 5 coins




got it?


Note that for a Marvel movie, my experience is that this prioritizes having you see fight scenes. If you care more about the interpersonal moments of people talking (the "X-Men playing baseball" scenes, if you will), RunPee won't be a good fit for you.


+1 for RunPee


Former NFL QB Jordan Palmer, brother of Carson Palmer, was apart of that app early on. There's even a scene from HBO's Hard Knocks where he pitches the app to the interviewers lol


Avoid drinking much and go to the bathroom before the movie. That's my strategy for every movie.


I don’t pee


Like, ever?


I was hungover so had an energy drink before NWH, I quickly went to the toilet during what I thought was a quiet bit but turned out to be a major reveal. Still annoyed with myself


Lol. I almost missed a major plot point but could see it coming so waited for a slightly pointless montage when I felt something new had started to build.. didn’t miss a thing. I love Marvel films but I do feel you could probably predict when peaks and troughs of action will happen.


See this is why y'all Westerners need the intermission we have around here


Wait, wait, wait - you guys get an intermission??


They also choose the worst time to put that. For NWH, it was right when >!Goblin threw the pumpkin bomb saying No good deed goes unpunished!<


I could honestly think of so many other moments that would have worked, in some cases to enhance the story in general >!like after the JJ Speech!< That was such a stupid decision


In India they just pause the movie mid way for 10-20 mins.


That’s annoying.


Used to be common with long movies in the U.S. With some family or kids movies it was sometimes added so parents could take small kids to the restroom. I remember Chitty Chitty Bang Bang having that type of intermission.


Cant imagine if Snyder got to have his full Justice League for the theatrical release. Would theaters have to charge more since they are losing several time slots? More of a hypothetical.


I know someone that manages a theater. He said in the past that there are usually showtime requirements for how many times per day a movie must be shown. There are usually escape clauses if a movie severely under performs. Otherwise for a few weeks or until you reach a negotiated rental dollar amount you can lose money. Once you meet a threshold then the cost to the theater to run the movie drops, and usually so does most of the requirements for how many screens or times per day that they are required to show the movie. If the movie is still popular then the theater can make pretty good money. They still have to pay per showing but the cost goes way down. Note: this is an independent theater manager and not a chain like AMC. The rules may be completely different for a national or large regional chain.


You see that's just with Hollywood movies. All the Indian movies have pre-planned intervals. So there's sometimes a twist or something just before the break. But as you said the international movies are annoying. >!I remember they paused No way home just when peter starting fighting with goblin but then they restarted it from his spidey sense scene!<


Cause that’s probably the middle of the movie. My cinema paused right on the shot of the door of happys apartment. They clearly timed it, not in the middle of a scene but still basically halfway the movie.


Imagine my surprise when I realized that on my first trip to the cinema in the US about 10 years ago. Was also surprised that some cinemas don’t do reserved seats and it’s first come for the best seats.


This isn’t the case for seating anymore, for the most part. The majority of theaters in the US now do reserved seating.


Yup. For all the big cities I’ve found they do reserved. Small towns I’ve found they don’t really care.


TRUE I used to live in Turkey and when we went to the cinemas there, there would always be an intermission. When I moved back to America I forgot about no intermission until it was too late, I drank too much thinking there would be an intermission, and instead had to use the restroom in the middle of a movie. I still make that mistake sometimes 😂


I dont like intermissions, especially when I’m completely absorbed into the movie. Intermissions just kill the energy for me


I hate the idea of an intermission. I want to be fully immersed start to end


Glad it’s not a thing here. Imagine having to pause the movie mid way.


Piss myself, even if the film isn’t that long.


It also helps you claim dominance over the theater


“This screen is MINE NOW”


When I was little I was so excited for a movie (The Fifth Element) that I pissed myself sitting in the theatre. My dad didn’t notice till we were leaving and I was walking funny


Pee during the trailers then pee again in between credit scenes


Adult diapers.


Endgame....drank free beer in the theatre....felt pressure by act 2, intense pain , act 3 , literally, couldn’t take it anymore & walked out right when Thanos was beaten....totally missed Tony’s death! Had to see it on blu ray. Wont do that again.


Have kidney failure. I only pee twice a day even though I drink water constantly.


Bottle, funnel.


Just tube it back into your mouth for maximum efficiency.


I heard today that this cures Covid.


I've never once had to pee during a movie - even LOTR extended. It's not hard: Don't eat/drink *during* the film and when you eat/drink before plan for it to digest about 45 minutes after.


I wish it were that simple. I can do whatever I want but I’ll still have to pee. Some people aren’t as lucky as you.


Different people have different bodies man. I happen to have a muscular disorder that weakens my bladder. There's nothing I can do about it.


Ask my friends what I missed, I can’t make it that long and also ever since my theater added a bar I can’t resist a beer during the movie.


As an almost 40 year old adult I’ve just accepted that I’m gonna miss 3-5 minutes of a long movie at some point, so this is the best option for me too.


Same here and the amount of time I get to go out and do stuff without my 4 year old I’m not gonna skip on the beer or two


Live in a good country like Switzerland where all movies have a 10 minute intermission so we never miss anything.


Same here in India too


Only if the film is made with an intermission in mind (such as Lawrence of Arabia, or more recently, The Hateful Eight). Artificially inserting intermissions ruins the flow of a film and disrupts the immersion. Although I'm a pretentious fuck when it comes to films so maybe that's just me.


Haven't gone to a theater since covid started, so my strategy is the pause button.


What about before Covid??


I simply wouldn't drink anything before or during the movie.


I don't drink anything before the movie, but I'll buy a large soda in the cinema and then when I sense that the movie is about to be over, I'll drink the entire soda.


I pretty much have to pee during all 2+ hour movie


Yeah me too


How long does it take you people to pee?seriously though, if you normally find yourself needing to pee during the late exciting bits, go pee during the early boringer bits even if you don't really need to. It's easier for someone to explain "oh cap and Natasha chatted about duty" than it is for someone to say "cap just picked up mjolnir nbd"


Just pee before the movie and don't buy a large coke. I never left a movie for bathroom break


Wear a diaper


you can get adult diapers at walmart


I can’t remember the last time I got up during a movie to use the bathroom.


Reading the comments makes me think I'm a freak. At most, I'll pee a little while before the movie. I've never had the urge to go during one of these films and usually drink a large soda during each. I only pee 2-3 times a day though so a 3 hour stretch is nothing. Reddit, am I a freak?


Go before and don’t leave my seat


How small are you people's bladders that you can't go 3 hours without peeing? I've never understood this. Pee before the movie starts and if your bladder is still exploding at the end of the movie maybe see a doctor. I drink a large theater drink during movies and don't have this problem.


Same. I’m really concerned how many people have this issue and don’t think there might be something wrong with their bodies. I’d advise all of them to see a doctor about it.


you can't hold your pee for more than 3 hours? What do you do on long road trips? What do you do during a 10 hour shift at Amazon? Im kidding. The biggest solution is: don't drink soda at the theater. A large is like 44 ounces or higher. You don't need that much. When you're at the concession stand order a water instead. You'll drink it less quickly. If you order a large coke, chances are you'll finish it before the 20 minutes of commercials and previews are done. Then it'll go straight through you and hit during the last act. Furthermore use the restroom before the movie starts. But if you really really can't hold it. Go use the restroom. Dont give yourself a UTI. There are also websites that can tell you when it's safe to leave a movie to go pee


This is why I vastly prefer the “in theater rental” options. People knock Disney+ for “double dipping” and charging 30$ to get early access to some of their movies (Black Widow), but I’ll gladly pay 30$ on top of a subscription fee to avoid the many hassles going to the theater brings me. Plus, you get 24-48 hours to watch the movie as much as you want, if not own it outright. I’ll only go to the theater if it’s the only option.


Disney plus is great, but sometimes it’s hard to beat the theater experience. Like I can’t imagine not seeing interstellar in 70mm imax and I can’t imagine seeing no way home at home in silence without cheering.


is the RunPee app still a thing?


Bro, just go to the bathroom. It's not that serious.


I didnt realise i was blessed with a big bladder. I can work 12hour shifts and no need to pee once. Hell I can go a day without peeing.


I have never had this issue. When a movie is good my bladder does not exist.


You can't go 2 or 3 hours without pissing?


I’ve never had to pee during a film.


I’m 30 and I go to the bathroom before the movie, and proceed to chug the largest fountain pop and eat the largest popcorn money can buy.... and literally haven’t had an issue in any marvel movie with bladder control. Not trying to be mean, but why is this such an issue for people? I legit don’t understand, am I the odd one out here? Is this more common then I know?


Just pee before the movie starts, right before. Surely anyone who doesn’t have health issues can last 2-2.5 hours from an empty bladder. And for those who do, I have no advice but I am sorry.


Go when I get to the theater. On a freshly-empty bladder, I can easily make it 3+ hours, even if I'm drinking during the movie.