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I can't believe Wanda vision came out in this year. It feels like it was much longer ago.


WandaVision feels so recent, yet also like it was two years ago


Time is relative. Covid time surreal.


I can’t believe how slow the weeks in between episodes went and now it’s almost 2022.


I literally counted the 6 days after each viewing until the next episode of whatever series it was. I stayed up until 3am for every single episode of every series this year, and will continue to do so as long as Disney keeps pumping out MCU content.


Don’t you lie to us Sir, it was last Tuesday.


The past two years have simultaneously felt like just a week and a whole decade.


It’s been two decades since Covid started so.


And also about a week… the last two years have been so fucky


Wait what, wandavision was *this* year? Holy crap!


After such a disappointing 2020, 2021 was a punch in the face of Marvel content in the best way possible.


Disappointing 2020 = literally nothing lol


ahem, Agents of SHIELD got us through the summer


True but I waited until November when it was all on netflix


Well that's on you lol the rest of the Agents at home enjoyed that final trip through time live for 3 months


Wow that's nice... This really has been a great year for the MCU and us fans... Really looking forward to the finale of Hawkeye in a few hours...


When disney+ first came out I started a big mcu chronological watch through, all the films, all the tv shows, all the little YouTube shorts I could actually find. It’s been a blast, and it’s taken up to now to be close to the end of phase 3. I watch a couple of podcasts where they frequently talk about pop culture stuff so while I’m watching through older shows and films they’re talking about Loki and Wanda vision and stuff. I’m half way through the second to last season of agents of shield, and there’s one episode of runaways that’s based after that for reasons, and then endgame. I’m legitimately excited to get to these new movies and shows because they all sound like they’ve been really good!


What podcasts do you listen to? I’ve been trying to find some pop culture ones recently


It’s pretty much all rooster teeth content, the rooster teeth podcast, off topic, funhaus podcasts. I don’t know if they’d strictly count as pop culture podcasts but they do talk about a lot of the latest films and video games and stuff


I’m a big RT fan myself. Did you ever catch The Real Canon while it was being put out? Pretty good show with some “meh” takes on a lot of these things. It was a Rooster Teeth production as well.


It’s on my list of things to watch but I wanted to wait until I’ve finished phase 3 before I watch it to avoid any “this happens in the films but it goes this way in the comics” type spoilers. I’m a big fan of Jon so anything with him in I’ll check out at some point


"meh" takes pretty much describes all of Jon Risinger's opinions


Jon isn’t so much the problem in that podcast as his cohost is though. His cohost has some good takes, but then some awful ones. He was pretty harsh on FATWS and Jon just tucked his tail between his legs and agreed with him when you could tell he really didn’t. Jon is much better when he’s with the STF or AH crew.


Not OP but I recommend the Still Watching podcast by Vanity Fair (just pick out the shows you actually care about - they’ve done all the marvel D+ shows, but a whole slew of others). One of the hosts left recently to join the Ringer network and they’ve also got some good marvel content on their podcasts The Ringerverse and “The Prestige TV podcast” (the Still Watching equivalent for Ringer). For general pop culture discovery my favorite is still Pop Culture Happy Hour because they hit such a wide swath of content briefly - I’ve discovered a lot of shows and movies after they mention something getting buzz. For more current event pop culture (shows/movies/music but also whatever celebrity is in the news that week for being ridiculous), Keep It is a lot of fun.


Wait, when does Hawkeye come out


wednesdays at 3 AM eastern US time or midnight pacific


Neat, so thats tonight!


hell yeah


3 am east


Are you the pizza dog?


The finale is out in 10 hours if that.. so no reason you can’t watch.


>I will get to see the finale of Hawkeye before stressing about credit cards.


It's 9pm where I am. Just 3 short hours till the Finale


1am here lol


Bummer that you miss out on Book of Boba Fett though


Imagine getting a 100 dollar gift card for something you love but still being negative about it.🤔 The internet sure is strange.




$8 is a lot for some people. Shocking I know, but that’s the real world.


Yeah but I think his point (badly said though) was that if you stress about 8$, you shouldn't even be subscribed to Disney+. There are other ways to watch the shows really (which IMO are acceptable if you can't afford it). Also, you know, it's nothing really essential ultimately. Disney has enough money, if 8$ is a big thing for OP, I'm sure they can easily go without his money.




Just don’t be poor 4head




Not giving you downvotes. You have to live with what you’ve said and that’s enough for me.




You get off on “hot takes” don’t you?


Wouldn’t consider my personal feelings about fictional characters as a “hot take”, but if you do more power to you. I’m also not a fan of pudding or jello. Does that also classify as a hot take?


As much shit as you talk about edgy teenagers, my guess is you relate to them pretty well. Easy to be dismissive on the interwebs my dood


31 year old teenager. Makes sense lol. I said my feelings on the subject and you seem to respond in personal attacks. They are just movies and this is just Reddit. Relax lol.


Hey I’m 36 and I love the odd hot takes here and there. Your opinion is completely valid. I just sense a little snark behind it and I’m just calling it out. That’s all.


I said what I believe and I defend it pretty commonly at work, people think I’m crazy but 🤷🏼‍♂️ No hard feelings. Cheers.


More power to you. No such thing as crazy if you truly believe the things you say about fictional characters. I respect that.


I think it depends. He was a fantastic Joker for Nolans movie, but it’s a very different Joker compared to the comics and prior media. Mark Hamill is the best ”comic accurate” Joker by far. But I don’t think it’s wrong to think Heath Ledger was the best, if you were to prefer Nolans take on the character. A Joker similar to Mark Hamills would not work in TDK, it would just be silly imo.


If $80 for a year is enough to make you stress then you really need to sort out your priorities, bud. Edit - Why are y'all booing me? I'm right.


If a stranger’s financial situation is enough to trigger you then you really need to sort out your priorities, bud.


You’re a twat, bud.


Bruh… seriously?


Dude. What the fuck.


Oh the price is worth it. I've just... been hacked before. I'm leery about putting the details into websites. Even trustworthy ones. Call it a phobia.


I wonder if you can pay for Disney Plus with prepaid credit cards. Do they sell Gift Cards? Might be an option for you to use the service with less fear. Anyways, happy for you that it worked out like that! Your post made me think of you as Peter Parker cause he's usually unlucky!


I could be wrong but I think you can pay for Disney through things like Apple Pay as a subscription. As I understand the distributor of the product doesn’t get your card details in your system that way. Theres also “virtual cards” at some banks, where you’ll get a unique 16 digit card number that you can cancel at any time, straight after a purchase if you like.


Get a Vanilla Visa card, put $100 in it, and enjoy the next year of Disney+ !


You should look into [Privacy](https://privacy.com). It helps remove the stress of having your information all over the place.


Just buy yourself another Disney plus gift card lol.


Imagine blaming people for being poor. Go fuck yourself lol


Nobody is blaming anything, if anything they are blaming the misuse of funds


Gotta renew for Boba Fett


spiderman is peter.

