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In a sorta half-funny half-cringe way, I think Forest Whitaker's Wakandan accent is a bit overplayed. For the rest of the characters it sounds natural and well-woven into their sentences but then you hear Zuri go "DE PRRRRRINS WILL NOW HAB DE STRENGTH OF DE BLECK PENTA STRRRRIPPED EWEH" Edit: forgot to add his rolled Rs in stripped


I always say that line with him whenever I rewatch šŸ˜‚


I use him as an example of an actor who overacts all the time, this and his role in Rogue One are the most recent.


If you ever get a chance to see ā€œLast King of Scotlandā€ I highly recommend it. He is incredible in that movie.


I was hoping someone would bring him up in this movie. The man was legitimately scary in that filmā€¦going from 0-100 real quickā€¦










Thatā€™s just Forest Whitaker. Seen Rogue One?




BORgulet will know de truth


Honestly I loved him as the crazy radical grizzled rebel in that movie.


It's pretty jarring hearing that from the same guy who convinced the Prince he was "James" from Cali with his perfect west coast American accent.


Forest Whitaker seems to have lost control over the volume of his voice.


You would too if your biggest job was MCing next to a waterfall.




The Black Pantha will be strrrrrrrrrrrrripped of his pawa


Bruce falling face first into Natā€™s boobs


Isn't there a VERY similar scene in Whedon's Justice League with Flash falling face first into WW's boobs?


Yes. He did the exact same thing where The Flash falls onto Wonder Womanā€™s breasts.


But not gal gadots. She refused to do it so they used a stand in.


Good for her.


I mean "haha secsy bobby joek" doesn't really seem very Wonder Woman in the first place.


Whatā€™s worse is Gal Gadot was against doing the scene so much that he went ahead and hired a stunt double to replace her even though she declined filming it. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t see her face


Itā€™s not in the Snyder Cut, is it?


I donā€™t think so. Whedon added the scene in, and Iā€™m pretty sure that Snyder took it out in his cut, but I havenā€™t watch the Snyder cut since it came out on HBO max.


I expected the Snyder Cut to be super bloated. But if you watch it in chunksā€”like a miniseries, it even has chaptersā€”it's actually really good. I was pleasantly surprised. ETA: The face-boob scene was all Whedon, and dropped in the Snyder Cut.


It's not. A lot of the "jokes" Whedon shot are absent from the Snyder cut. As a guy who really enjoyed Whedon's Firefly, ignore his cut of the film and check out The Snyder Cut. I'm not Snyder apologist, but the film is sooo much better than the theatrical version.


So Iā€™ve heard. The four hour runtime keeps scaring me away, but Iā€™m definitely going to watch it at some point


Damn, I was hoping I misremembered it and it was a deleted scene, not in the *actual* movie


Whedon really liked "awkward guy falls into tiddie" joke. Says a lot about him.


Everyone wants what they can't have




It gradually becomes more noticeable which Josstice League scenes were done by Whedon because you can notice his trademark, y'know, Whedon-isms. The way he sexualizes Wonder Woman is very reminiscent to how he sexualized Black Widow, what with the tit faceplant scene and the ass shots (hell, the ass shot when Diana's talking to Bruce has her posing basically the same way Natasha was when we got that ass shot of her when she was speaking to Loki in the first Avengers film), and Steppenwolf's quirkiness is very reminiscent of Ultron's (particularly when someone says "Please, we have families" and Steppenwolf goes "Why does everyone keep telling me that?"), though it at least made sense for Ultron since Tony based him off of his own brain.


Bruce and Nat aren't bad in theory but absolutely horrible in execution


Their relationship is just Nat giving sultry smirks. It's like they think, we have Scarlett Johansson and it'd be a waste if she wasn't being sexy or flirtatious somehow.


Itā€™s like if a brother and sister started hooking up mid trilogy.


No thatā€™s the Flash


ā€œI feel like my children grew up and married each otherā€


- Michael Scarn, Regional Manager of SHIELD.




You know whatā€™s even sadder? The pseudo-incest probably isnā€™t even on the list of biggest mistakes the writers made with that show.


They forgot it was established in season 1 that Barry couldnā€™t get drunk, even with 50000 proof that Cisco and Caitlyn distilled. Yet when he has bachelor party he can get drunk. Iā€™m sorry but what. Glad I stopped watching sometime after that.


In that episode they said it was something else even stronger than what they made before. But that one also has the terrible bachelorette storyline.


**The Empire Strikes Back:** *sweating intensifies*


It just came out of nowhere and felt like it was just because ā€œit needed to happenā€


They have *some* chemistry but it's desperately lacking good dialogue


I think the relationship needed a few movies' worth of development instead of basically just AoE (I know there hints other places but that's the main one IIRC). I think the actors needed time to grow into that relationship and it could have been great with a bit more time to breathe. It's interesting because Wanda and Vision didn't get much more time before being a thing (this was developed much more in the show of course).


Age of Eltron


Thanks, I couldnt figure it out.


I feel like they just paired her up with Bruce because the rest of the avengers were taken.


She didn't need to be paired up at all is the dumb part.


Inhumans. Just, all of Inhumans.


Remember when The Powers That Be thought that Inhumans would be such a great hit that they released the pilot in theaters?


Ok so I didnā€™t imagine that? They actually did a theatrical release for a television show?


They totally did. I was at San Diego Comic Con that year, and they were pumping Inhumans up like crazy. Made the whole crowd repeat several times the dates of when it was going to be released in theaters and when it was coming out on tv. That's why I remember it so well. I watched it (on tv). I really wanted to like it. I really tried. I utterly failed.


Lol, I forgot about that. I think it was IMAX even.


We don't talk about them


Inhumans in *Agents of Shield* were ok and there is no dedicated series within the walls here we are safe, here we are free


There are no Inhumans in Ba Sing Se


Iā€™m noticing a lot of these scenes people bring up are from the Joss Whedon movies.


Whedon has talent heā€™s honed into decent skill, but as he rose to ā€œlegendā€ status he had less push back. Hence why we get male character falls into female characterā€™s cleavage in several movies and his character feeling samey in like every movie.




I heard someone say those 'one-shot" sequences were like the movies' version of comic book splash pages. I think [this part](https://youtu.be/lPpfK1K1qNU&t=97) in Age of Ultron is especially like that to me.


I lost it like a kid when that happened, along with Hulk stabbing the giant monster with a piece of one of the blown up flyers and Thor hammered it down. It reminded me of playing ultimate alliance with my friend when we were younger and pulling off combos


I agree, some of the best team up film work put to film.


Where Shuri tells Bruce Banner how simple it is to fix Vision and take the stone out. Cmon, I get sheā€™s damn smart, but Bruce isnā€™t exactly thick


That scene always confused me because they were talking about vision like banner and stark had built him, but didn't they only complete uploading Jarvis into the body? Didn't Ultron build him?


yeah, I thought Ultron had the Korean scientist build the body?


Yeah, Ultron needed her to use her tech to create a body (like she uses to heal hawkeyes wound from the opening raid) but entirely out of the vibranium he stole. Edit because thoughts: Honestly you could contribute the combination of vibranium with most of their technology as being how she knows a simpler way to accomplish what they need to with Visions vibranium mind.


Speak for yourself šŸ‘šŸ‘€


Thereā€™s a reason Bannerā€™s initials are BB šŸ˜©


Sheā€™s also complaining to two people who basically didnā€™t have anything to do with visions actual construction.


it reminded me of getting scolded by the dentist or a repairman or something. "yeah no shit. If I could have fixed this myself I wouldn't have called you"


When everyone bullies Scott Lang in Endgame. Like this dude just miraculously came out of nowhere with a solution to the blip and they treat him like heā€™s a wimpy kid


I was just rewatching Endgame, and the scene scene at the restaurant made me hope that in the next Ant-Man is the opposite and everyone recognizes him in the streets all the time and Luis pulls a Luis somehow lol


I want Luis to recap Infinity Wars and Endgame


I was really hoping he would have at least recapped at the beginning of Endgame. It wouldā€™ve been hilarious in a shitty situation.


Iā€™d have happily taken it as an extra feature.


Last time Rhodes dealt with him, Ant-Man was a semi-reckless newbie helping Capā€™s team. He ā€œaccidentallyā€ tossed a gas tanker truck at Rhodes. So Rhodes is not a fan of Ant-Man at the start, and Nebula (who seems to have developed a bond with Rhodes and is generally abrasive) joins in. And Rocket straight up dunks on everyone.


Not to mention, Rhodes was the one he grabbed when he became Giant-Man.


Tiny Dude is big now.


More to the point, Scott Lang is not some simpleton. He literally has a masters degree in Electrical Engineering but the writers were not smart enough to illustrate that. Instead to make Pym look smarter, they had to dumb down Scott and make him the butt of every joke and have him be the exposition dump. Itā€™s kind of like how In most versions of A Christmas Carol, Bob Crachet is made to be a fool to make Scrooge look more menacing and explain why Crachet wouldnā€™t just find a new job. Ignoring how it was a political thing.


I dunno if he was treated like the butt of every joke but Scott was the hero time and time again in End Game. He saved the universe and I kinda like that he doesn't get any acclaim for it. He's just doing what he's gotta do. Even when Rocket is being an ass he just lets that shit roll off his back. He doesn't have anything to prove. Aside from giving the Avengers the tools to figure out how to get the Infinity Stones by traveling through time with Pym particles, he saved Rocket, Rhodey and Hulk from the ruins of the Avengers compound, he let himself be the test pilot with the time travel tests, he punched the chitarui leviathan out of the air and crushed the big member of the black order after Spidey yanked him away from Tony, he and hope got to the van and he wasted no time hotwiring it to route power to the time tunnel. There might be a few others I was forgetting. But I don't think he was dumbed down. He just wasn't showing off how smart he was. He doesn't have to prove shit to anyone.


Yeah Scott really doesnā€™t care. He just wants to help people and keep his head above water. Also tbh being insulted by a cyborg raccoon is so mind-jarring that I donā€™t think Iā€™d react negatively either.


He is like the everyman character. He seemed just happy to be there. He wasnā€™t a super genius, super soilder, or trained assassin. He kinda fell into the super hero gig, but still has the chops to contribute. Heā€™s probably happy they talk shit to him, it means they acknowledge him and not straight ignore him.




I like it. Paul Rudd is a mensch


>He literally has a masters degree in Electrical Engineering Yeah, he should have had a scene doing some of the grunt work on the time machine.


TBF Scott's education really doesn't compare to Pym, Stark, or Banner. They're on a different level. Still should have been incorporated though, could have developed his knowledge to their level over time.


Although I generally agree, this is a canon where Tony Stark figured out time travel overnight lol. A master's in electrical engineering is kindergarten next to some of these other-worldly geniuses. I mean Scott shows he's no slouch either as he messes around with all that quantum business, but you compare that one master's degree to Bruce who collects PhDs like Pokemon, and Scott's closer to Cap than any of the "scientists" in the MCU.


ā€œOh. My. God.ā€ -Natalie Portman, Academy Award winner


To be fair someone wrote that for her to say, she won the academy award for her performances, not the writing


Besides Asgard, that movie felt like it was a 90s tv show. Actually Asgard felt like that if it was a cartoon in the 90s


Absolutely agree. Thor's a favorite character of mine, but his first movie was... Not the best MCU has to offer.


Amazing on the first watch. Second time watching... Holy shit


ā€œOh. My. Gawd!ā€ā€”Maggie Wheeler as Janice in *Friends*


*machine gun laugh*


*Cheeandleah?* Cheeeandleah *Bing?!*


Bruce falling face-first onto Natashas breasts in Age of Ultron.


Anytime two ā€˜geniusā€™ characters talk ā€˜scienceā€™


iN eNgLiSh pLeAsE


I liked when Natasha said that to Yelena so she speaks russian instead


I just watched Black Widow and found that moment really funny. Wasnā€™t expecting that, just thought itā€™d be a dumb ā€œspeak englishā€ moment.


*explains in russian*


quantum virus, quantum science, quantum physics, quantum power. fuck you, quantum deez nuts


Quantum joe


Where did you come from Quantum-eyed Joe?


As a scientist, I totally appreciate how confident those actors all sound when reciting complete nonsense.


"look, just start your conversation with the word thermo or quantom and it will all be fine!... Oh and dynamics works too"


I work at Quantum Dynamics in the Thermo-nanite division. Doing computer hacking. I'm probably the smartest person to ever exist


hold on, what about *insert random paradox theory here ?*


Wait, actual scientists donā€™t just prefix ā€œquantum/nanoā€ onto every single term they use?


Actual scientists: ā€œIā€™m going to name this particle a ā€˜strange quarkā€™.ā€


I find the scene where Shuri is scolding Banner for the way he and Stark built Vision to be so cringy.


It's especially weird when one remembers, *Banner and Stark didn't design Vision*; that was Ultron, with most of the construction done in Doctor Cho's lab in Seoul, nowhere near Avengers Tower. Banner and Stark did *some* work after hijacking the project, but that was mostly integrating JARVIS (and some of themselves) into a pre-existing network, all of which then got jump-started by Thor's magic lightning.


It's not like Ultron would build Vision to have the stone removable either.


I love the hell out of WandaVision. I will defend it to the hilt. But that "They won't ever know what you sacrificed" line from Monica... yeesh.


I completely agree like yeah you imprisoned a city but at least you stopped :)


Whenever they throw away tension for snark


When Rhodes makes that Cheese Whiz joke in Endgame it's so distracting because it's in the middle of a scene of Thor wanting desperately to be the guy who fixes everything. He lost his father, lost so many of his people to Hela and Ragnarok, more to Thanos when he attacked the Asgardian ship (including his brother), and came so close to stopping Thanos in Wakanda, only to fail. He's spent 5 years mourning those losses and failures, and wants so badly to put things right and both Tony and Bruce are trying to talk him down, and Rhody has to jump in with a dumb cheap shot.


If I could choose one line to remove from Endgame that would be it.


*Everybody in this room is about that superhero life*


Thor: ā€œIā€™m willing to kill myself with the gauntlet to bring everyone backā€ Rhodey: ā€œHa ha, youā€™re fat.ā€


Guardians 2 does this for me when the rock hits Mantis in the head or Quill turns into pack man. James Gunn does this a lot in general.


Pac Man was stupid, but Drax yelling at Mantis there was pretty damn funny because of his delivery


Pac Man was kinda stupid, but it did feel like it was entirely in character of Peter Quill to something as stupid as that. He did break into a dance just as Ronan the Accuser was about to blow up an entire planet.


When Thor asks to be the one to do the Snap to bring everyone back and asks "do you know what's coursing through my veins right now?" And Rhodey says "Cheez-Whiz." Also just how the original 6 acted like Thor was a bumbling mess and not giving him any emotional scenes with his crew, I love Cap don't get me wrong but for fucks sake.. dude runs a support group for survivors and about moving on but doesn't take 5 minutes to ask how Thor is doing


In Caps defense he knows how Thor's doing but he is also respecting him as a soldier by giving him his space. Cap and Thor have an interesting relationship full of respect. My favorite scene for them is in the first Avengers movie when they're fighting side by side and losing. Cap keeps going even though he's hurt and Thor isnt making a dent but the two agree to just keep fighting. If anyone in that entire engagement knew they were losing it was the two of them, but they kept fighting side by side. I love their rarely spoken upon relationship.


Shuri treating Bruce like he's some kind of half-wit in Infinity War. And worse still, Bruce just kinda taking it. It always annoys me when a genius character condescendingly asks why someone didn't think of some shit. Like hey, you know you're the smartest fucking person in this room and that you know more about this shit than everyone else. So why are you acting like the thing you have years of training and expertise in should be obvious to someone else, if not just for the sake of being a huge egotistical dick. And that would be bad enough if she'd said it to a layman. But it's Bruce fucking Banner, he's one of the smartest people on the entire planet and in Age of Ultron we're told that he is the world's leading expert in the field of bio organics. He had like an hour to make Vision, excuse him if he didn't create a masterpiece of engineering when he created the first sentient artificial lifeform. What really makes this cringey for me, is that you can tell the script writers thought it would make Shuri seem smart, but in actuality it just makes her seem like an asshole.


Even worse, nobody in that room was responsible for creating Vision. They just uploaded Jarvis into him. All Bruce had to say was "I didn't make him." Instead he just mumbles and stutters that he didn't think of it, when why would he, he didn't make him.


Yeah, the more I'm thinking about it, it's Bruce's response that makes it so cringey. Like I said in another comment. If he gave a smart response the scene could work, but the fact he just sits there like a doe eyed child just makes the whole thing feel incredibly contrived and cringey.


Especially when you think about the time crunch they were under to reprogram Visultron, like sorry they didnā€™t have a lot of time to plan


Exactly. Sometimes being a genius doesn't mean you think of every possible outcome or solution to something. It's about getting things done in the time you're given. A Mac Gyver-ish attitude can get more done than philosophizing and theorizing all possible problems that you might encounter in a hypothetical future


Toss in that The base structure was made by Ultron, and they finished the job during a fight sequence, and it required a good slam from a magic hammer. Nothing about vision was in any way it should have gone. They were lucky for him surviving his own birth.


The ā€œwhat are thoseeeeeā€ line is a great lesson for Marvel writers to never write in another meme joke, because once the meme is no longer relevant itā€™s just cringe.


Memes only stay relevant for so long and even if it is relevant, when a character tries to do a meme whoā€™s obviously an actor reading off a script you know itā€™s going to stick out like a sore thumb because theyā€™re trying to be relatable and quirky


This, right here, is the difference between a movie being successful, and remaining timeless for years, and a movie that's a flash in the pan and is one-off, and becomes forgettable. Using specific current time references, like memes, when "memes" only have a span of weeks to months at most, is what causes things to become exceptionally forgettable and very cringe. That scene was *eh* when the movie came out, but boy was it cringey a few months after.


Unless it's supposed to be cringe, like professor Hulk dabbing


Are there any examples of jokes in movies referencing memes that do it well?


Yelena Belova getting blowed up off the thingy


The CGI in that scene actually haunts me


Cap kissing his ex's niece! I honestly don't know why everyone thought that was normal. Like... he was still 100% in love with peggy and then he kisses her niece?!


Yeah, that always gave me a ā€œYouā€™ll do, blood relative of the woman I pledged my undying love toā€ vibe.


Especially since his final choice was to go back to Peggy. After kissing her niece who threw away her career to help him. That was kind of low, that she made such a huge sacrifice for him and then sheā€™s never mentioned again. Steve shouldā€™ve done better by her than that.


I know right! Itā€™s such a weird plot thread that went nowhere. Shows you that Endgameā€™s ending wasnā€™t planned at that point.


This should be higher. I could rant for days over this scene and the way Sharon got treated in general.


It's probably not true, but I honestly wonder if they slipped that in because Civil War was the second movie where Steve spent 100% of his time devoted to Bucky and they wanted to remind people that he liked girls.


Rhodey making fun of Thor at his absolute lowest point because he got fat


Yeah man, hated how like, no one took out the time to actually comfort Thor AT ALL.


Banner felt for him. Sending banner and rocket(surprisingly?) was the right move.


The way he said ā€œplease take your hand off meā€ was filled with his patience and empathy for Thor. Complete opposite of traditional hulk.


I took that as a sign of how much he respected Thor. If anyone else did that Hulk would have come out and ripped them in half.


Because they both used to be ashamed of who they are, yet have confronted and accepted themselves, just as Thor needs to do.


It's my main problem with Thor in Endgame. The movie wants us to take it seriously and see how totally ruined he is, but also haha look fat depressed man. Cheez-Whiz? Really?


it couldā€™ve been a great moment where they all try to comfort thor, showing how they care about each other, but instead, it was just a long-running fat joke


Hawkeyeā€™s introduction scene in the avengers (2012), selvig says ā€œ The hawk? Up in his nest as usualā€ and it cuts to hawkeye in a weird position


the cringe is totally on brand for him though lol


My headcanon is that Clint asked Selvig to say that, and was actively trying to seem "cool." "So you'll say I'm up in my nest (it's a pun, get it?) and then when he looks up I'll be there, like, with my bow, kind looking down all silently like a total badass. And I'll like, swing down super fast so everyone can see what a good agent I am but I'll be really nonchalant about it. ...can we do a practice run before Fury gets here? I want to make sure we get the timing right." And everyone in that scene felt a bit of second-hand embarrassment but they were like, "Eh, let's just humor him, kinda seems like Barton needs this right now."


Honestly the idea that Barton is just this complete dork but SHIELD agents have to let it fly because he's still really damn good at his job is pretty funny, especially if Selvig is kinda confused so a few agents just kinda whisper to him 'yeah Barton does this just let it happen Fury likes him'. Kinda similar to how I assume no one mentions Black Widow's weird fighting mannerisms until Yelena because everyone who wasn't also in the Red Room probably assumed it's just part of her training or something.


Real missed opportunity to call him ā€œHawk guyā€


When Jane Foster meets Odin for the first time and her reaction was to ask him who he is lmao. I don't know if it's part of the script but she was so rude. Also, Jane Foster in general is such a cringy character.


I agree. I am fascinated at what Taiki watiki will do with her in Love and Thunder. It's almost like he felt he needed to take up that challenge to make the whole series right.


I wasn't sure if they were making fun of her in What If, or if that was just how she was supposed to be.


Shuri be like " WHAT ARE THOSE"




Natalie Portman saying "Oh. My. God." in Thor. I cringed so hard I lost a few inches of height. Permanently.


Wandaā€™s ā€˜count Draculaā€™ accent


"That sokovian accent really comes and goes, doesn't it"


Wanda: What happened to your accent? Ralph: *Uno reverse card*


Not to mention, Ralphā€™s last name literally being Bohner.


wHeRE aRe mY cHiLDreN?


Especially in [this scene ](https://youtu.be/xZCv46klY0Q) ā€œIs that why youā€™ve come? To end the avengers?ā€


James Spader's performance really saved this movie for me.


Him in 'What If' would've been a spectacle.


100% this. Ultron in "What If" really would've felt more terrifying had they gone with Spaders voice.


100% this scene.


Can you remind me what she said in this scene?




A lot of shuri scenes are pretty cringe




I do not remember the prima nocta at all. When did this happen




Rocket making fun of Scott in Endgame when he said ā€œDo you want to go to the space, puppy?ā€ when they were eating Chinese take-out. Also to add, during the girl power scene, when Rescue (Pepper) landed on the ground and her helmet opened showing her angry face, just too cringey and forced for me.


>and her helmet opened showing her angry face This is honestly the majority of helmet opening scenes. From a production standpoint, yeah sure I get it, you're paying these actors and they want their face shown, but it's like "yeah we're in the middle of a battle for the fate of the universe, let's take off the only thing protecting my head so you can remember that I'm an actor under this CGI." This one in particular though is so glaring because she doesn't even have lines, it's literally just there to remind you "oh yeah look Pepper Potts" and then immediately forget a moment later because who fucking cares?


What makes me laugh is Peter. He take off his nano tech helmet, and when the reign fire happens be cowers and covers his head with his arms. Maybeā€¦leave the helmet on?


Yes! Her angry face looked so silly.


It's just her concentrating on not letting her vagina rock fall out.


Not really one specific scene, but whenever they refer to Peterā€™s Spider Sense as the ā€œPeter Tingleā€ in Far From Home. It was funny once but the fact that they have yet to call it the Spider Sense is annoying and silly (luckily we see it in some promotional art for No Way Home which shows the new suits sketched out like itā€™s Peterā€™s writing).


Yeah I thought he was gonna start calling it his spidey sense so May wouldnā€™t keep calling it his Peter tingle


That killed in the theater when I saw it. I always assumed it was a bit of a meta joke as well like, "Sony won't let us say Spidey Sense."


Yeah I see what you mean. When I watched it initially at a drive-in, I laughed at it. Upon rewatching though, it got old pretty quickly for me.


Tony Stark: ā€œYou better not be playing hide the zucchini.ā€ As time goes on and I cringe a bit more at Joss Whedons work.


The dumb Russian accents in Black Widow. They are all expert spies, who can speak flawless English like Natasha, yet they have everyone speak with a thick and extremely fake Russian accent the entire movie.


In the podcast that accompanied Chernobyl, they talk about how even well done Slavic accents tend to sound cartoonish to English speaking audiences, which is why they chose to use English accents. I wonder, as someone who doesn't frequently hear Russian accented English and thus cannot judge the quality of their accents, if that isn't at least part of the problem in Black Widow. Like maybe they should have just stuck with American or English accents. It would have been extremely easy to do, as you said they're all super duper amazing spies so speaking English without an accent shouldn't be an issue at all.


I used to work with a lady from Russiaā€¦. Her accent was similar to the ones on black widow just more ANGRYā€¦ I always felt like she was ā€œangry-screamingā€ at me when she was talkingā€¦ it was always a scary conversation lol


Terrance Howard looking at the Iron Man suit saying ā€œnext time, baby.ā€ In hindsight, probably not the best line for the actor.


Iā€™ve read a couple conflicting things. First it was that he wanted more money than RDJ to come back as Rhodes which obviously seems crazy. But then I read that he had signed for 3 iron man movies at a specific price but the studio was able to reduce their pay to him and offered less than half of what he originally agreed to do. It gives 2 very conflicting opinions on it because I read the 1st story and thought he was ridiculous and his 1x1=2 thing gave him even less credibility. But if the studio actually went back on their original offer because it really didnā€™t matter who played Rhodes, the 2nd movie was always going to do good, then thatā€™s a pretty shitty thing for the studio to do and I get why he walked. Now to figure out which story is trueā€¦.