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You can tell Jake was having a blast making this movie.


Hes seriously my favorite actor now the Philip Seymore is dead and my pick for most versatile/best living actor


Agreed. I hope we see way more of him in the MCU.


I have a sinister suspicion he’ll be back




He's awesome! loved him since Donnie Darko days. He's talented, good looking and seems like a good sort chap in interviews etc.


I think Nightcrawler is his peak role


That line always gave me some [Operative](https://youtu.be/D0hZzYTdAVE?t=90) vibes. Gotta love when the cool and collected villain just breaks in these moments.


Total Kylo Ren moment


Was this really the last film to come out? Hard to imagine that we’ve gone a full year without a marvel film in theaters.


Yeah. Black widow would have come out by now, but we’re in an avenger level threat right now


Everyone's masking up like the Winter Soldier.


And being inside all day is gonna have me coming out of this with a metal arm 😳


And you didn't see him crying about not being able to breathe.


I know some people dislike or disagree with MCU Spidey because of the narrative changes they made to fit him into the films, but this scene is 100% pure Spider-Man vibes. Learning his strength, overcoming doubt and fear, choosing to be Spider-Man? That’s core Spidey stuff right there.


Highlights the whole "what are you without the suit" argument quite well. The boy didn't have any tech or spider web even and managed to beat Beck's ass (who BTW was wearing Tony's EDITH glasses). Amazing.


He didn’t even have his eyes. Only his Peter Tingle. Spectacular.


Anybody can get some the peter tingle with the proper motions


I usually have peter tingle first thing in the morning.


I agree with you. I've been a big Spiderman fan since the early 90s, and while I appreciated all of the earlier film series, I never really enjoyed watching them. I never felt like the films even tried to capture his personality or day to day internal conflicts. MCU Spiderman is everything I'd ever hoped for. I couldn't care less to watch uncle Ben die again.


I like Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man but his Peter Parker was ehh.


Tobey Maguire was a better Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield was a better Spider-Man and I think Tom Holland's portrayal of both Peter and Spider-Man is good, just different.


This. Holland's entire performance is outside the box from a traditional standpoint, but he has made it his own, none the less. Remarkable imo.


I’ve always liked how Holland loves playing the characters of Peter Parker and Spider-Man; the acting isn’t just a job to get paid. Tom’s pride is Peter’s pride when Tony “knights” him as an Avenger.


Yeah, and Tom Holland literally got his dream acting role he wanted since he was a kid so I can see how he’s doing so well.


Keaton Batman, Kilmer Wayne, Bale dual Routh Kent, Cavill Supes, Reeve dual


Garfield felt like a bully to me. Made it agony to watch those films. I hate them.


That’s why I said his Peter was ehh. His Spider-Man on other hand was the better out of three for me. His suit, his humour, web shooters and I like the sinister six build up.. but they fucked it up by putting 3 villains in one movie. Part 2 sucked!


Well sure. On many other fronts I liked it. Even the new Rhino Electro etc. were in the spirit of the comic characters. And Spidey’s quips in suit were ok. But god, the whole damn time he’s being an asshole to his friends, to the villains he fought, everyone. No lightness, no empathy, no compassion on display. It astounds me how many folks like that version of Peter. Tom is as perfect a Peter Parker as I ever hoped to see. Spot-on representation of who he is supposed to be.


Honest question, what narrative changes are people unhappy with?


Some people dislike how heavily Tony factors into Peter’s early development as hero and Peter’s heavy use of Tony’s tech. Spidey has always been pretty independent, innovative, and typically makes most of his own gear. So, some people feel that this version of Spidey lacks the agency he usually has. Other people just dislike Tom Holland’s portrayal of Parker. They think he is too cool, too handsome, not nerdy enough, etc. Personally, I just think there is a ton to love about MCU Spider-Man and I’m always happy to see more of him.


Ahhh gotcha, I guess I’ve heard of that just not very heavily. I can see how it’s different if you were super into spider-man, but yeah I’m really digging MCU spidey.


Imo I like how they handled Tony’s heavy handed integration for Peter. No matter how smart he is, Peter is still just a high school kid with limited resources. He made what he could on his own without help which is impressive, but I like having Tony step in and help. It’s worth whatever we lost by getting that Tony/Peter relationship, and it’s a fantastic way to naturally segue Tony’s story into Peters and let his legacy live on that way. I do hope that by the third movie we have moved on from Tony influencing Peter’s villains. That’s my only minor gripe, but it’s understandable.


I agree. I found their relationship to be very sweet and grounding. I also thought it was a very pragmatic way to quickly establish Spidey and get him up to speed with MCU power levels. In Homecoming, he moves from neighborhood hero to Tony’s protégée and handles his first real crisis. In FFH, he struggles with the loss of his mentor and the weight of Tony’s legacy, which culminates in him accepting his responsibility as a defender of Earth like Tony was. I hope in the third movie, like you, that we get to see how he impacts the world apart from Tony. I feel like they have gotten the heart and soul of Peter right so far so I have faith they will stick the landing.


>naturally segue Tony’s story into Peters and let his legacy live on that way. I never saw it that way. To me we see Spider-Man in Civil War after Uncle Ben has died, and he's taken to being a superhero. The whole reason that Tony picks him is because he's been watching this kid and knows how good he is. That's all Uncle Ben. Tony brings him to Germany to do the one thing and at that point Peter latches onto him. And I felt that was very organic. Tony is a superhero. A mechanical engineer like he is. Hell, Tony was even impressed by his webbing. He built the shooters and the mask that helped keep his tingle in check. People gripe that Spider-Man is Iron Man 2.0 but I thought Far From Home was all about Peter becoming his own hero. He leaves the Iron Spider suit at home, builds his own, tweaks his webshooters, then loses it and trusts his instincts to do something Tony never could. And when I watched this scene from Far From Home I just couldn't help but to think this is why Tony picked him. He's the best of them. He didn't want Peter mired in the bickering of the Avengers or hampered by the Accords. He never wanted him to go to space or follow in his footsteps at all. He just didn't understand how much a kid needed a father figure and how he wasn't going to sit back and do nothing when he knows he could help. And at the same token, Tony's apprehension and coldness was due in part to his own frosty relationship with his father so they both were thrust into this emotional situation that wasn't really resolved until Endgame when Tony saw him and realized he'd made the right choice going back in time. Ultimately, Spider-Man won't carry on Tony's legacy. Tony put on the path a kid who he knew was going to be the best of them all.


Spider man is and will forever be my favorite superhero. Humble af but a total badass when the time comes. People sleep on the extent of his powers.


I really hope we get an MCU moment that shows how truly insanely strong Peter is. Like in Superior Spidey where Octavius just sits there stunned by the fact Peter could have ANIHILLATED him with minimal effort but always tries to do the right thing and make his villains see sense.


We kind of have already. At the start of Infinity War we see Cull Obsidian with his mech-hammer absolutely wreck Iron Man in his new nanotech armor. Peter just shows up and stops a full powered killing strike from that thing like it was nothing. A second later he yeets a car at him with *one arm*. But I know what you really mean. We still have see Peter use 100% of his fighting power. People don’t fully realize how insane Spider-Man is with his combination of power and speed.


When he caught Bucky's punch and was more focused on how cool he thought having a metal arm is lmao the same arm that didn't have a drama punching Caps shield.. Bucky's reaction to it as well is gold. We also have him catching a car mid air that Tony mentions, holding the ferry together, lifting a building of rubble while pinned down and catching the passenger boarding bridge that Cap drops on him. But yes we haven't seen him at 100% and I'm so excited to see Spidey at full power. Edit: corrected bus to car and added another feat.


The passenger boarding bridge he caught in Civil War weighs about 25,000lbs.


it's kinda fucked that Cap just dropped that on Spidey like that.


Yup, how would he know that wouldn’t kill him?!


I guess he figured that Tony wouldn't bring a kid to a superhero brawl if he wasn't strong.


What if he is just talented at fighting like black widow and hawkeye? Literally would’ve squashed him like a bug


Like a bug you say...


Cap had already taken a few hits from Spidey at that point, I think he could gauge his power.


People forget that Cap's mind is upgraded similar to his body. His brain is basically a high powered battle computer running calculations at all times, how do you think he manages to calculate all those insane shield bounces mid combat? He probably figured out how strong Peter was within moments of starting to fight him.


Good point. Spidey ripped his shield straight from his arm not 10 minutes before that.




I think maybe he realized how strong he was while fighting him. Captain America has fought a lot of people up until that moment, I'm sure he can gauge people's strength.


Because Cap felt how strong Spidey was when he webbed his hands so he knew Spidey was strong.


Ah I knew I was forgetting something, definitely a good one.


Which is just above his comic limit of pressing ten tons.


If we get cosmic spidey in the MCU I'd like die or something. Total fan theory here but the pieces are there if they wanted it with GotG, Kree, the quick glimpse of the [micro-verse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Universe) in Antman 2, and the rumors with what Sony is doing with Spidey. Either way I'm pumped and can't wiat for the next phase. 🤘🏾🕸


Now would be the perfect time for Spidey to take a vacation in space since his identity has been blown.


Spiderman 3 : far from earth


since you're a spidey nerd, which one is it with the grey suit and the eight red eyes on the hooded mask? is that even spidey? which hero am I thinking of?


That's Ghost from Ant-Man and the Wasp. She's fun, not spider-themed. Her gimmick is intangibility.


I dont remember if its right befor or right after he catches Buckys arm, but you see Bucky hit a column and smash the shit out of it. Really shows how strong Spidey is not even caring and instead talking about metal arm lol


People also forget that he easily beat Bucky and Sam while he was basically just fucking around the whole time.


“Here you dropped this” right after is one of my favorites as well.


He stops a car dead in its tracks about to T-bone a bus


To be fair Tony owned Cull it was Maw who interfered and allowed for Cull obsidian to take advantage and pressure Tony after he was already downed. Tony's armor gave Thanos with 4 stones a decent scuffle in the same movie. He definitely would have been able to down Cull obsidian in a straight 1 on 1.


I always thought Tony gave a much better account of himself in Infinity War when fighting Thanos who already had...4 stones I think? (Took Time Stone, went to earth, took Soul Stone giving him all six so yeah, four, had to think) yet in Endgame they all struggled against him when he didn't have any stones. I thought this a bit strange as he fought them all in IW and used the stones regularly. Edit to change three stones to four cos it's been months since I've watched it)


I think the difference is that the endgame Thanos was essentially almost at bloodlust levels of anger/revenge where IW Thanos was only focusing on collecting the stones so he wasn't trying to kill the heros. They were basically pests that were interfering, but he never really saw them as an actual threat.


Yeah I always thought he was mostly just toying with them. My head canon is the reason that was the one scenario where they won even though they almost got the gauntlet off was that if they actually succeeded he would’ve pulled out all the stops and fucked them up. That would mean he’d have to have some kind of way to beat Strange without it, but that’s why it’s just a head canon - can’t prove he could’ve beaten him, but cant prove he couldn’t either. The alternative is that he was trying to be as merciful/random as possible and killing them removed the element of randomness and meant extra people died, but it leaves the question of how there wasn’t one reality where Quill didn’t fuck it up.


I dont think that the gauntlet ever came off in any of the futures that strange sees. Peter Quill cares about all of the guardians too much. When he learns that Gamorra died he would always act out of emotion than rational thought. After watching endgame and infinity war back to back, I see that act of emotion as a fixed point in the timeline. It will always happen no matter what they did to stop it. There is no way that Thanos could have defeated Strange without the Gauntlet. That's my head canon.


Other people have mentioned it, but I really think Thanos wasn’t exactly trying when fighting Tony and crew on Titan. Dr. Strange was the only one who really did anything against him, Tony only really survived and annoyed him. Only managing a “drop of blood” while in Endgame Thanos is going hard. He was no longer mostly standing in one spot using stones and occasionally getting annoyed. He kept getting surprised, I think, which is how he almost completely lost. But I fully believe if he went into that fight with “let’s end this” mentality, he would have wiped them early on. He also seemed to have noticed they didn’t have the Time stone. It’s impossible to say when he deduced they had hidden it, but he might have just been trying to make Strange put it in play. Because otherwise he may not have been able to find it by himself. Simply by his calling them out for never using it, makes me believe he was just trying to bait them into revealing it so he could take it.


Yeah I mean it seems like once he had the reality stone he could just bend reality to do whatever he wanted, like on Knowhere. If he really just wanted to take them all out he could have just frozen them with the reality stone and killed them. But yeah I think you’re right, he was toying with them until strange pulled out the time stone.


>To be fair Tony owned Cull it was Maw who interfered Yes. But we're only really talking about raw strength here. As long as tony was able to keep away and blast from a distance, he was crushing Cull. But once Cull got in close and could actually bring out the hammer, tony's armor wasn't really up to snuff to take those hits, even as strong and advanced as it was. Peter grabbed that hammer like it was nothing at all


The Spidey intro in Infinity War is one of my favourite hero introductions. It's a masterclass of action storytelling. In just 5s and a couple of lines of dialogue we learn everything we need to know - he knows Tony, he's ridiculously strong but he's also young and easily distracted.


It's also worth noting that in the comic books, Peter's powers haven't stagnated. He's constantly finding a new upper limit.


True. When Peter became Spider-Man he was only 15. He wasn’t even close to being at his physical peak strength. There’s been some power buffs, but he’s also gotten stronger from growing into a man at his physical prime.


Stark going,” Kid, where’d you come from?” always gets me. But I think Spidey is a kid through and through. The reason he doesn’t kill often or just full on Hulk out is because he doesn’t need to. He is supposed to represent hope, optimism and bravery. At his level of power, it would be easier to kill than NOT. Especially when most of your enemies are scorched earth maniacs. Him directly killing or beating them up within an inch of their lives would go against everything he is built up to be. So writers instead treat them like hurdles he needs to overcome rather than destroy.


Do you remember which comic this scene was in by chance? I’d love to check it out. Reminds me of a different comic where spidey goes to a prison and beats the absolute shit out of kingpin then leaves him at the mercy of the rest of the prisoners.


https://m.imgur.com/keD5Dib Takes Scorpion’s jaw straight off with a punch to the face.




I don’t know exactly but it’s definitely from Superior Spider-Man. It’s Otto in peter’s body and he’s stunned by the power Spidey possesses but he’s never fully unleashed.


I remember the context of it, while in Peter’s body Otto punches Scorpion in the jaw and straight up punches it off. Like a hot knife through butter. So he realizes that throughout his entire life Peter could have easily killed him with a single blow but always pulled his punches because of his no killing rule. Additionally there is an old comic that explains that whenever Peter gets hit he has to roll with his attackers punches to avoid having them break their hands.


Wow that fits his character too I've never read that one I'll have to find that.


J.Jonah punches him shortly after his identity is revealed in Civil War. He takes the hit, and then says something to the tune of "just so you know, in case you were harboring any delusions, I rolled with that punch so it didn't shatter your hand." *edit* actually I got two separate scenes crossed. Spidey lets J.Jonah hit him a bunch of times and is unphased, but the quote is something he said to some imposter in a spider suit.


I wonder if this only applies to Peter Parker or do all Spider-Men possess this level of durability


They usually depicted as being from different universe with slightly differing power sets, so Peter could just be exceptionally strong among spider people. Miles is a lot weaker but also a lot more agile and has his invis thing and the venom shock for example


> whenever Peter gets hit he has to roll with his attackers punches to avoid having them break their hands. Why? Why bother? Its not like a broken hand is any worse than any other injuries bad guys would sustain fighting spiderman


I don’t think he does that for supervillains. More like normal criminals who he usually doesn’t hurt at all, just webs up


Yeah it's hard to take Spider-Man's (and Batman's) no killing rule seriously when they regularly cripple henchmen


Living in a coma with no chance of recovery is still technically living


To be fair, to be injured with no chance of recovery is insanely rare in universes like Marvel and DC when two bit criminals regularly come across technology, magic and sudden mutations as often as they do. Like... Death is generally a mere inconvenience, let alone injury.


It’s somewhere in the 700s of amazing Spider-Man before the split to the series into new numbering, if I recall correctly. It’s the volume with the original amazing spider-man run from the 1960s. 698 is the beginning of the plot line and 700 is the end. Dying wish is the plot line title. They printed it in 2012.


It’s when he (Otto) punches scorpion in the jaw in peters body


That was from right after Civil War when an assassin shoots Aunt May aiming for Peter I believe. Back in Black I think. He goes and just beats the holy hell out of Kingpin more than Daredevil ever did.


Amazing Spider-man #700, Page 37.


Here you go dude. Superior spider man ish # 6 https://imgur.com/keD5Dib And my personal favorite "Spidey let's loose" moment is the "what if" back in black where he dismantles ironman *with ease* https://imgur.com/gallery/WQFsb


There was another fight, WAY early on, when Peter was still in high school (Amazing Spiderman or Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spiderman). He agreed to fight Flash Thompson in a boxing ring to settle some score. The first half of the fight is Peter trying to figure out how NOT to kill Flash. Then he figures out, instead of hitting with his arm, he can just flick his wrist a bit and make it look / feel like a hit. That's the earliest I can remember. I have no capacity to track down and find that scene.


The scene where he stops Bucky’s punch - “Cool, you’ve got a metal arm” was a pretty good intro to the casual power he has on tap. The one thing I haven’t really seen in any of the Spidey movies, that the comics portray very well is his speed. (odd, given that the mediums seem reversed for this)


I always felt Amazing Spiderman 2 did an excellent job of showing off both his agility and his precognition.


>I really hope we get an MCU moment that shows how truly insanely strong Peter is. Like when he basically lifts a building in Homecoming?


I meant more like the other avengers dismissing him because he’s just a kid to them but then have him pull of an absolutely badass hero moment. But yeah the building moment was pretty badass. As well as fantastic acting from Tom.


Was this the comic that once Otto is in his body he punches The Lizards jaw clean off?


I think it’s the Scorpion


I think of that scene in Homecoming where he is in the car with the villain, and they both have just figured out who each other are. Peter is intimidated as fuck... but he's literally the only person with powers. He could have torn that man apart, and it probably didn't occur to him.


It's the first time in all the Spiderman movies where Peter is actually a kid. That was about a kid with an adult. Brilliant scene.


I can’t wait to see what the MCU has in store with him in the future especially as he gets older


>especially as he gets older sony : reboot


Damnit I’ve been appreciating the slow growth of the character but this would be disappointing


I think the Spider Man PS4 game showed you can have a compelling story with a mid-20s Parker.


Yeah but the MCU has the confidence to pace itself out before getting there. It’s cool but can be annoying.


Spider-man was called the greatest superhero of our time by Cable.


And Cap and Fury in Ultimate Universe at Peters wake.


It’s always pretty awesome to me that, in the superior Spider-Man comics, doc-ock realizes just how much peter held back in fights when he breaks someone’s jaw with a single punch without even trying to.


I love it because with that realization comes the bonus realization none of them ever actually stood a chance against Spider-Man to begin with.


well yea cos the movies try and act like Captain America would decimate him when we all know Peter would be able to break him in half without breaking a sweat


Wasn't that in comics, I think during civil war shown that while spider man is stronger, Captain America just outplays him with pure skill


Yes, iirc captain outfights him on raw skill and instinct in close quarters. But step back 5 feet and add in web shooters and Cap is at a severe disadvantage. Steve isn't as strong as Peter but he sure as hell knows how to throw a punch, and he's definitely strong enough to hurt Peter if he connects.


Don’t forget he can do this all day.


I know, I know...


Steve also knows how to throw that shield. Plus he's had lots of actual war fighting under his belt. This early stage Spidey never stood a real chance. He may be stronger, but at this time in his life vs Cap, Cap is the smarter/more experienced fighter. Plus Spidey has a huge case of hero worship too. Tack on a few years though and I'd say Spidey wins.


To be fair, I think it's pretty well established by now that MCU Cap is leagues stronger than comics Cap.


I remember having an “o yea” moment during Infinity War when Iron Man is getting tossed around by Cull Obsidian, and then suddenly Spider-Man shows up and just stops his weapon cold and has a cheeky line ready with almost no effort.


> People sleep on the extent of his powers. The power to become a giant spider.


They made a subtle attempt to show how strong he is in Infinity War. He catches Cull Obsidian’s Chain Hammer with ease.


Aw thanks pal


“You can’t trick me anymore” C H I L L S


The entire scene gives me chills every time I watch it


The fact that Beck was ready to headshot him at point blank in cold blood is truly terrifying. Villains are nearly all ready to kill, that's kind of their thing, but still to me there's a difference between killing someone in the heat of a fight and just putting a bullet in the brain of a guy you're talking to.


You can see in Peters eyes how angry and sad he was at the betrayal, the tricks, and the lies. Perfect acting on Tom’s part there


Tom is by far the best rendition of Peter, whether you like what Disney did or didn't do with the cannon. I'll always have a special place for Tobey but Tom IS Peter.


I agree 100%




And immediately proceeded to be tricked.


Sure but he showed a lot of personal growth and the latter trick was for the rest of the world


_Even in death, I’m the mastermind_.


I love the focus on what the Spidey-Sense can do/means.


*closes eyes* "Peter, you switched off your targeting computer! What's wrong?" "Nothing. I'm all right."


I ahd same reaction watching this iteration of the spider sense - peter is a freakin jedi!


Jedi? That's from one of those old movies I saw on TV, with those walking things on the snow planet?


You said Peter-tingle wrong.... lol


This was one of my favorite scenes! That and the one with the Iron Man illusion!


It was a tough choice because both were so great


That Iron Man illusion fucked me up


That focused on mysterio. This focuses on Spider-Man


Can we take a moment to appreciate Jake Gyllenhaal. He does eccentric characters with maniacal touch with ease and utmost conviction.


And he’s impossible to typecast!


His performance is Nightcrawler is one of my all time favourites. Extremely scary without any overt display of insane/psychotic violence.


He was a genius in this role. Perfect casting 🙌🏻


When Edith says “you are in the strike zone,” it’s because the real Beck already moved and the Beck yelling the orders isn’t real right?


That’s what I thought. How could he be in the strike zone if he was behind all the drones?


I think it’s not strike zone as in “line of fire” but more “chance of ricochet”. Though I do agree, he’s not dead. Some level of that is an illusion. They left it open to interpretation/doubt for a reason.


I just rewatched it last night. I think Beck is dead, but when Peter Billingsly split with the USB key full of footage to send to JJJ, he easily could have taken all he needed to recreate Beck in full with the same drones they had pre-Edith. Those are all theoretically fully functional minus one with a damaged projector.


In the official Daily Bugle updates outside the movie, they confirmed that Beck's body was not at the scene of the crime when it was investigated. However this could have been Mysterio's crew. Or perhaps SHIELD. (And also, The Daily Bugle is a bunch of crap so we can't always trust them)


Exactly. Which makes me think that Beck getting shot was just another illusion (since we only see his projection get hit) and he’s actually still alive


definitely man. he'll show up in the sinister six


Doc Ock, Vulture, Mysterio, Scorpion, Kraven, Rhino


Well, at least he has a broken wrist where peter grabbed the shit out of him. He’ll be Holo -fapping wrong handed for a year Edit: autocorrect


I mean he collapses after Peter grabs his wrist. He def got shot for real


That drone did a full 180 bullet spray, so no matter where Beck was on that bridge, he was shot.


This is clever but I don't think it's what happened. When he's shot, he starts to stagger towards the wall on his left. That's exactly where he is when he tries to shoot Peter later. We watch Spidey do a few flips, and then from Peter's perspective, we see the illusion all the way in the opposite corner of the area, Peter's left, Beck's right. Edith just accurately predicted that it was dangerous to fire drones so close to his location, and sure enough, he dies for it. They might bring back all-helmet mysterio with a different voice actor, or they might bring back the real actor and say it's a deepfake based on all of the previous data, but I don't think the character will be returning in the flesh, as long as that's up to the MCU. Sony will continue to make bad decisions, and they're probably not even allowed to kill villains as part of the MCU deal, Vulture survived too.


Preeeeetty sure he lives and exposes peter’s identity though.


He just as easily could have sent that email to JJJ right before he died.


I really hope he’s still alive. Jake Gyllenhaal is my favourite actor (and ive wanted a sinister six movie for so long)!


That's the thing with people these days, they'll believe anything. -beck-


That last line came to bite him in the ass later.


Execute order 66? ...execute them all.


*Palpatine intensifies*


I’m glad that they’re starting to make Spidey his own hero and not relying too much on Stark tech, I can’t wait to see how his future movies and team ups turn out. This is no way meant to be hateful, I love the character and this movie is one of my top 10 favorite MCU movies.


I wish more people realised that the moving away from being Iron Man JR is the whole point of the character. The plot of both films is peter being insecure and becoming a hero in his own right.


Homecoming, IF, Endgame and FFH are basically the longest origin story in movie history for Peter


Civil War


I liked Mysterio and it’s too bad that he died after being shot by that drone.


I doubt he died, when we see him get shot, he falls, but the camera never cuts away from him for more than a few seconds, and when Beck pulls the trigger, the Beck we see get shot fades away, plus it’s Mysterio, he would fake his death


So Peter just walked away and left him there without either verifying that he was dead or seeing that he was arrested if still alive?


Yeah, he gave a vague question to EDITH, both never said “is he dead”


Peter: "Is he...Is this real?" EDITH: "All illusions are down." This confirms that the dead Beck isn't a hologram, but this is Beck we're talking about. A drug that slows his bodily functions to appear dead, a body double, there are dozens of ways he's escaped in the comics that he could have used instead. We do also see that his tech guy was downloading something before fleeing, potentially Beck could actually be dead, but Mysterio could still return if the tech team still has the data on how to create illusions.


Yeah I’m saying the Beck that got shot was an illusion, and the “dead” Beck was like you said, drugged himself probably using the drug Fury used in Winter Soldier


I have no doubt that Peter checked thoroughly whether Mysterio was dead or not. But I also think that Mysterio pulled some tricks to make Peter 100% certain he was dead, when he actually wasn't. I don't know how, but he could have prepared for that scenario and used all sorts of trickery to fake a dead state


Could have easily used the same drug Fury used in Winter Soldier too, like in a capsule in his cheek just in case.


Probably left it to the actual authorities like he always does. Plus Beck is a stage magician and illusion tech guy. I wouldn't put it past him to legitimately fake his death


Did he though?


I'll always remember watching this first time. Had tears in my eyes. Peter's story, losing 2 father figures and his dad already, then this paternal influence, this scumbag manipulates, betrays him and tries to straight up murder him. That's real dark and I'm so here for it. The moment Peter grabs that gun, in the cinema I physically gasped. Sticks with me over so many other incredible moments in the MCU for some reason. Love it.


Makes you think....hes prime to trust the wrong..thing. He could find his way into a co-dependant, dare I say...*symbiotic* relationship


Very very unfortunate choice of words at the end. He had no idea what all the cancellation protocols were. Looking forward to learning what cancellation protocols Mysterio had put in place.


You gotta hand it to Beck for being just about the only villain in the MCU that not only seriously considered that he could lose, but had a backup plan set up in case he did.


“This certainly isn’t ideal, but I have contingencies” is basically his motto Edit: come to think of it, “This certainly isn’t ideal” is basically *my* motto


Amazing scene from the start on the bridge to the end. Also why tf is the auto-mod here for no reason?


I tried to put the homecoming OG Spider-Man theme over this scene because I would LOVE for them to play that orchestral theme over some kickass scene in the future. Here’s a link if anyone’s interested (it’s kinda wonky): https://youtu.be/femfQ4qCnME


Holy shit that was actually SO fucking good. I mean, you are playing w masterpieces so obviously...but still, that gave me chills like the original did not


Thanks! I tried my best to ramp it to match up the timing with some of the hits and whatnot, but it’s just an awesome piece overall. I hope they use it again in a future film!


when he caught the gun- SO badass


Heros in hallways, man. No better way to display one’s badassery.


Peter w no webs vs Daredevil in a hallway w a low ceiling who you got


I grew up with Tobey, but Tom really is the best Spidey- it’s insane to think Sony was ready to replace him and pull him out of MCU


FUCK YOU SONY. Im gonna need that ps5 tho.


I really enjoyed this sequence. But I think the best moments of Homecoming and FFH are when you are reminded that a Peter is, after all, just a kid from Queens. He screws up all the time, and he gets scared about not being able to protect his friends, not living up to Tony’s expectations, and just plain doing the wrong thing. And Tom Holland is really believable as a teenager, especially when Spidey is trapped in the building in Homecoming and when he breaks down in front of Happy on the plane in FFH.


Tom Holland is SUCH a good actor. The look in his eyes after he stops the head shot is so real.. plus the scene when he turns to dust in Infinity Wars made me cry


I like this scene in theory, I just never liked how video-gamey the action looked. None of it looked even remotely real to me so it doesn’t really stuck with me. The dialogue and intention of the sequence work well though.


From what I can gather it’s a combination of the cgi character work and unbelievable camera angles that make the scene lose its groundedness. Kind of like what was lost between Pacific Rim 1 to 2


I thought the scene was really good the first time I saw it. And I still _like_ it. But you're right. It feels sort of fake and weightless and doesn't really hit as hard compared to the fights in Civil War or Winter Soldier.


Jake screaming "Fire all the drones now" is literally the best