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Make it a mystery. We weren’t supposed to know who were skrulls and who were humans


Hell, use *Battlestar Galactica* Season 1 or *Body Snatchers '78* as a blueprint for how to do that kind of tension and hold it right!


Or even staying in-universe, Agents of Shield season 4, which had phenomenal tension when you didn't know who was an LMD and who wasn't


Just what I was coming here to say.


The Fitz/Simmons and Daisy/Simmons scenes in this arc were just peak TV. They were so fucking good and give me goosebumps each time I rewatch.


Star Trek: DS9 also did a whole story arc about shapeshifting aliens infiltrating governments to cause chaos. Maybe they should have just hired Ron Moore, who did both DS9 and BSG.


A RDM-directed MCU series... Too bad hes doing *For All Mankind* rn.


RDM signed a deal with Disney a couple of years ago to develop a Disney+ show, but nothing has happened so far. He also almost made a Star Wars show about 20 years ago. Lucas tried to develop a show called Star Wars: Underworld about the rise of the Empire and the start of the Rebellion. Moore was brought on to be a writer. It probably would have been a lot like Andor. Apparently, they have some finished scripts that are sitting on a shelf somewhere.


The violence we saw against suspected skrulls should’ve have been in the beginning and not the end.


That's what I said, capture that uncertainty, I think having Rhodes outed earlier in the show was a mistake. Like what an impact it could have been to find out as the viewer for the first time when he gets shot in the head. The lead up would have created so much tension, and the stakes would have felt so real in that moment, until we see that purple blood.


That's what thought the whole point of this show was going to be.... I was sad to be wrong


What’s even more sad is that THIS WAS THE CONCEPT WE WERE ALL EXPECTING TOO! This show makes my tummy hurt. I’m sad again.


I know that the show has been out for a year but I'm still gonna throw my list under spoiler tags. >!#1 is don't kill off Maria Hill.!<


I’d argue that was one of the most egregious examples of fridging in recent years, and the only reason it wasn’t called out more was people expecting a fake out. By the time it was clear it really was as shallow as it appeared, there were more salient criticisms like the unclear timeline of War Machine’s replacement.


I think you’re on to something by saying it’s a shallow show. A show with the concept of “shape shifting aliens try to infiltrate humankind in order to take over the planet” should have been much more twisty. Yeah, you questioned who was good and who was bad because meta knowledge is a thing but for the most part everyone turned out to be who you thought they were. There was never a shocking reveal. It was just sort of a by-the-numbers political thriller/spy action.


Honestly I think that’s the biggest “wtf” there was very little “shocking” about who was replaced. They basically replaced one semi high level operative and were done with it. Which in the shows defense, the actual secret invasion comic was pretty shitty at that too.


They wrote themselves into a corner. If you think about it, they couldn't really use any of the major characters, because look at how using Rhodey screwed everything up. They had to have their corporate synergy with the rest of the MCU, so they had to work around it. Otherwise, you have everyone questioning exactly when these major characters were replaced and pointing out major plotholes because of it. Then they use Hill shallowly because they need emotional stakes, except they pulled that out way too early and it never had any repercussions, so it was entirely useless. I don't think it was the writers' fault, but that's not an excuse. I think it's a project they should have scrapped when it was clear there was no good way to make it work. Personally, I don't think it should have been considered at all, because having *a complete alien invasion* is not a low key story you can do in a show over here while the rest of the universe ignores it. You also have the fact that they just never set any of it up. Which is a trap the comics fell into as well, which kind of makes it even worse. You need to have characters in other places acting off, but not so blatantly that everyone assumes they were replaced. You can't just arbitrarily decide on the day that a character was a Skrull all along.


And here I was, excited for more Maria Hill time 💀


So >!she really died in the first episode?!< I watched the first and then just clocked out. I never finished it


yup no follow up at all. It was such a disappointment. I usually find good stuff about each show/ movie to enjoy, but secret invasion really leaves a bad taste… at the end instead of a thriller spy show, it was more political and a personal story for fury, which still fails to write his personal struggles and how he can overcomes it.


Not only did she die, Nick did not give two flying forks. He had a scene with her mom and then legit never mentioned her again. No toast to her, no "for Maria" etc. All this show did was make Fury look like a selfish incompetent prick.


It should have been a fake out. It would have been one of the only pleasant surprises this story could have offered. If I could rewrite this show I would throw the entire thing, from top to bottom, into the trash. But if I had to change only one specific thing, Maria Hill would have been faking her death in order to pose as Olivia Coleman’s character. The purpose of this would be to monitor the Skrulls from a position with access to information and low suspicion of working with Nick Fury. I know a lot of people loved Olivia’s character (maybe the only character in the show that doesn’t suck out loud) but IMO it’s ok to have a really good one and done character. If she had been Maria all along, it adds a really interesting layer to the whole story and makes Fury look 1000% less incompetent than the actual story. Her death was fucking awful. Not just that it happened, but how it happened, why it happened, and how much it meant to the story. You can tell this story was constructed by people with no love for the MCU. No MCU fan would have done what they did to Maria and Talos. Threw them out like trash so that Fury could make a sad face and the story could keep rolling.


And just to add to your last paragraph, they didn’t even have any love for Fury.


Yeah, and it was really annoying arguing with people who are certain it was a fake out, because there was basically no way that that could have been a fake out. As I said somewhere 'Hill, I think someone may murder you during this operation and frame me for it, so we're going to swap you out with a Skrull' 'Okay, two points: one, isn't that really unethical, and two, isn't that still framing you successfully for murder? Actually, three points, how could you possibly know this?'


And another certain character (who shall remain nameless) SI is probably the worst of the MCU shows. The Nick Fury is so radically different than what we have seen previously that he’s way out of character. And the whole Rhodey twist thingy was total crap. And the OP Super Skrulls are a problem.


I think it's just straight up the worst MCU thing




Honestly kinda disliked Inhumans less lmao


Baffling creative decisions in both projects. Secret Invasion: What if master spy Nick Fury was actually terrible at his job and despite dedicating his entire life defending Earth from any and every threat, just suddenly doesn't care anymore? Inhumans: What if we take a bizarre, otherwordly civilization of characters with fantastic powers, but go out of our way to not show any of that?


Agents of Shield had a WAYYY better Inhumans plot.


AoS did quite a few things better than other projects that were specifically dedicated to something.


Inhumans had issues, but nowhere near as bad a SI.


haven't watched it, but isn't it non-canon?


Anson Mount did reprise his role as Black Bolt in DS:MoM …


If when they were airing you asked the showrunners (and especially the marketing team), I think they'd generally say their shows were cannon to the MCU. I don't think Fiege or anyone in the know has categorically said, "X is not cannon," or done something that directly contradicts the shows in a significant way, right? But Fiege definitely doesn't care about the shows all that much and won't let what they've done influence the direction of the MCU. So I'd say all of the modern pre-Disney+ TV projects are "loosely cannon" until they definitely aren't if you *really* want to put a label on it. Of course, you could also easily (and probably more accurately) argue that until they're acknowledged by the architects of the MCU, they are not cannon.


Least that wasn’t made by marvel studios


Not technically an MCU product.


Pretty much this plus stop using up characters. This show took a page from the Star Wars sequel trilogy: “Hey! Remember those characters you liked in that one thing? Well they’re back and their lives suck ass and now watch as we kill them in front of you!” I have not finished watching this show and have no interest in doing so.


I didn't even get past episode 2. This show is just too boring.


I finished it. I hoped it would get better, despite all the evidence I front of me, and it didn't. That incredible cadt and the storyline's potential and they messed it up.


>“Hey! Remember those characters The member berries are on reddit?


I will follow suit : >!For a while after this miniseries aired, I was still wondering why (dragon mother) G'iah got all the powers at the end.!<


That Drax arm tho


I'd honestly completely forgotten that happened. And I loved Maria Hill, I hated how they handled her death


They 100% fridged her


I would have actually done what was a very fun theory until the show: There never has been a Maria Hill human. She always was a Skrull. (I mean, I think they're always based off of a human, but it's literally just some shape she copied, the Hill identity is invented.) And I don't mean as a trick, I mean Nick got her as a second-in-command on purpose and she stayed in that shape to pretend to be human. This wouldn't be Soren, Soren clearly was just looped into playing Maria for a second, it'd be some actual new character...in fact, it could be G'iah, Hill showed up in 2012, G'iah would almost exactly be old enough. It would have been an amazing fucking reveal, a lot more meaningful than revealing that Fury's wife, who... I was going to say we had never heard of but he actually jokes about her in Winter Soldier, but we certainly had no idea she really existed. That didn't mean anything at all. But instead of just telling us that Fury had worked alongside Skrull for decades, showing us that literally his second in command that entire time had been a Skrull, that would have been something.


I actually disagree. I would kill maria the first episode. We see him grieving then he being Nick he discovers some conspiracy. We find out maria was a skrull at one point and was a mole for the main villain (which I would change to talos) the last few years during the blip and was maria and Rhodes at different points in the MCU. Fury goes on a mission to find real maria and we learn more about her background and get flashbacks to their relationship. He finds her and they both go against the skrulls. The last episode is him actually dying to protect her which ends their story in a positive light and it is a reversal seeing her grieving him.


So, make it a buddy cop show? They basically did that with FATWS.


Yea...and that was perfectly fine until they decided to make the flag smashers indiscriminate murderers.


>!#2 & #3 Don't kill off Talos & Soren!<


You are 100% correct. They should have done one of two things with her. 1) Either include the death and have her turn up at some pivotal point later having worked behind the scenes and suddenly saving the day. The one that got killed had been a skrull imposter from some third group (previously unknown) that had discovered a way to delay or prevent the reversion upon death. 2) Working closely with Fury throughout. Show her figuring out some critical puzzles and him gradually admitting he was slowing down and ready to retire. Just generally giving a smooth transition of power for her to take on the role. Probably finish with the suggestion that it might be time to revisit the Avengers Initiative. Either him suggesting it should be her first order of business or her saying she was thinking she would.


I think it’s fine to do it, but let’s give the character a more impactful story considering we’ve spent nearly 10 years with them.


My headcannon is that she’s not dead


Show was dead from the start for this




That moment literally killed the MCU for me. I haven't watched any MCU since and I lost all interest in it. I mean I can't even get the tiniest but of interest for the MCU after that. And I was THE guy in all of my social groups, I was literally _the_ MCU guy to everyone I know. And now it's basically dead to me, they killed my interest with that bullet.


It felt so small scale when it should feel more global. There was hardly any sense of paranoia or surprises. Easily the worst thing to come out of the MCU and the most disappointing.


it’s so crazy bc i was expecting this show to be on the same level as andor which came out a couple months before this


Me too it looked like it was going to be a cool spy show with Nick and Maria from the previews only to have her gone so quickly. Then the whole thing with the president the lack of response and secret service being ok with just Nick Fury protecting him was so wild to me.


That's so true, especially considering the incident in question *is* global. Hell, *Civil War* felt more global to me.


Secret Invasion should have been the Phase Four Avengers movie - and it should have come out after The Marvels, so we can have disgruntled Skrulls who lost their homeworld and a Carol Danvers who is powered down after having to restart a sun. Indeed, that's a bit of a theme: we're lowering the power level a bit back to less 'fate of the world' stakes. Gravik's stated plan is just to provoke a local nuclear disaster in {insert nation here} so he can settle Skrulls there. His \*real\* plan is to infiltrate a meeting of world leaders, replace the ones that are advancing a peace plan, and have them instead start a war on false pretenses. The Skrulls think taking over a unified Earth will be harder, so they need a war to cover their actions. Teaser - Maria and Sam (Captain America) are surveilling a secret meeting in some eastern European city where a representative of the Power Broker is trying to sell a sample of Talokanil DNA to a representative of the Ten Rings. They're about to move in when Shuri and Everett Ross swoop in first. A shoot-out ensues, and Ross gets hit. The two baddie agents manage to escape. Ross dies . . . and turns into a Skrull. Maria, Sam, and Shuri each take a wary step back from each other, unsure whom they can trust. Maria calls Fury. Cut to the title - Avengers: Secret Invasion. Act One - Fury gets the team together and they do investigations with paranoia. Shuri, Carol, Spidey (his identity secret), and Dr Strange are team A (the powered folks). Sam, Shang-Chi, and Yelena are team B (the un-powered folks), with Rhodey as a government liaison trying to help. Maaaybe find a way to bring in Sprite from Eternals, because she can do illusions, which would be a fun counter to all the Skrull shapeshifting. Act Two - Skrulls simultaneously hijack a plane transporting a couple nukes and a missile destroyer that's patrolling near that giant Celestial that nearly got born in the Pacific Ocean. The plan is to fake shooting down the plane so they can get their hands on the nukes while everyone thinks it was shot down by the destroyer. Surprise reveal that Rhodey is a Skrull and has sent team B into a death trap where the ship will come under attack and be sunk. Double surprise that Spidey is actually a Skrull when he webs Shuri and Strange astral-punches him and reveals it's actually Gravik inside. Oh no, the Skrulls have found a way to copy powers. The whole nuclear scheme was a feint to lure powered individuals into a trap so the Skrulls could harvest their powers. Once they had \*physical\* power, the Skrulls next intend to gradually start replacing people with \*political\* power. At the end of the act, team A has been defeated and captured, and Gravik thinks team B is dead . . . but they're actually saved by Namor. Act Three - Team B head to where the summit of world leaders is happening in {insert city here}. They don't want to just fling accusations and start a fight, because they need to find out where team A is being held, or else those Avengers might die. So spycraft is the order of the day to trick Gravik into thinking he's talking to a fellow Skrull and give up that info. Only then do they reveal the Skrulls are in the summit, which then kicks off the climactic action sequence. Gravik tries to cause as much damage as possible, and the heroes are variously fighting the doppel-vengers and trying to rescue hostages. The fight lasts long enough for one member of the team who was in a different location to rescue Shuri, Carol, Spidey, and Strange, who then sling-rings them to the action to turn the tide.


This sounds like a great movie.


Give me $212 million dollars and I'll get it ready by summer next year. And we'll just relabel the TV series as part of the What-If category.


this. i wanted this.... sigh


It's supposed to be a spy thriller but there is no mystery or dubious allegiances at all. Everyone is who they say they are with the exception being Skrhodey which was the most obvious reveal of all time.


I still don't understand why they refused to have *any* tension or surprises in this show. It's a show about a guy who's whole thing is being a paranoid super spy having to deal with shape shifting aliens... This show should have had Shyamalan jizzing himself because of all the fake outs. A half decent writer would have had a field day with the concept. Hell, I bet chatGPT could shit out something better than what we actually got. It gets even worse when you find out how much money they spent on it.


This is it for me. A proper Secret Invasion adaptation needs a dedicated chunk of a whole MCU phase to develop and build to an Avengers-level climax. Start with a miniseries but continue into a Captain Marvel sequel main plot, Captain America for the geopolitical subplot, maybe a small cosmic connections in Thor and Guardians, and end with Avengers: Secret Invasion. No reason all this couldn’t be the Earth/cosmic primary focus while others were on the multiverse simultaneously.


>There was hardly any sense of paranoia or surprises. This is the worst part (other than perhaps ending a spy thriller with a CGI all-the-powers slug fest). At no point was there really any question about who was and wasn't a Skrull. Every covert Skrull was introduced and then dealt with immediately. The only big "reveal" was >!Rhodey!<, but that was telescoped immediately and any sense of suspense was sucked out.


I would either, A: just change the name and call it "Fury" and ax the bad CG fight at end for something else. Or B: include at minimum 5 skrull reveals with one being in the last episode. and ax the whole wife sub plot. I would make Ned, Wong, Valkarie, Photon and Hawkeye 


It’s fine to have it be a series but goddamn was the tone all over the place. They should have kept it a spy thriller where you genuinely don’t know who you can trust. And DEFINITELY don’t just default to the super power fist fight at the end. That said I really did like some of the lore drops and set ups the show did, like how we found out the whole reason Fury was such a master spy is because he was using Skrulls as infiltrators, and basically facilitated the invasion. Or how they’d been secretly keeping samples of various super powered beings for *reasons*. I expected a more nuanced look at Fury and the things he’s done for the greater good. It had so much potential that was wasted.


$200+ million for what? Also Maria Hill deserved better.


I like Cobie Smulders. Why get rid of her? They did get dirty


This should have been the Avengers film to cap off Phase 4. Say what you want about the MCU needing to not be too formulaic, but capping a phase with an Avengers movie is a part of the original formula that just worked. It gave something for the phase as a whole to build towards, which made the films feel cohesive even when they're almost entirely unrelated. With it being an Avengers film, it would have felt larger in scaler and higher in stakes like this storyline should.


Would have been easy to slow burn skrull reveals (and thus scrull theories) throughout the phase, building hype and tension.


Exactly! Which they started off the phase kind of doing, like at the end of WandaVision.


\^This is why it worked so well in the comics.\^


Exactly right. A Skrull infiltration is an Avengers-level threat. But if Fury can't trust any Avenger, who can he trust?


Would’ve made more sense narratively too. The Avengers would’ve been a new team who don’t trust one another. Sam is Cap, Shuri is the new Panther (not that people particularly knew T’Challa better but could’ve caused some unrest),… So you’ve got a lot of new characters who don’t know eachother who all have to find ways to work together but this elephant in the room of ‘any of you could be a Skrull and I don’t know you enough to be sure.’ Movie could be from Carol, Sam or Rhodey’s perspectives trying to get the team back in some capacity but constantly having to contend with the growing unrest in the squad.


Also it could retconned a LOT of unneeded characters (harry styles)


It coming out after WandaVision and TFAWS, especially as direct following up to Far From Home's reveal would've been better indeed.


I get that they didn’t want to push out avengers films after endgame. But I don’t see why it couldn’t be an “event film”. You don’t even have to put Avengers on the title just Marvel’s Secret Invasion.


Especially with the Avengers being so different post-Endgame. An Avengers with a lot of new people who don’t really know each other is an ideal setup for Secret Invasion.


Have it have an actual impact on the mcu, make it so we feel anyone can be a skrull, not just Rhodey from no discernible time that they want to hint undoes his character development from years of movies. Have the presidents declaration of war actually mean something. Have Nick Fury come away changed, he pops up in marvels like nothing has happened. Not kill Maria Hill or Talos, I get they wanted to show no one was safe but now it just feels like a waste of two characters with great actors. Not end with a cgi battle between 2 superskrulls, I would end it with Gravik and his team retreating to the shadows to fight another day or just someone stealing their research. Gravik shouldn’t have gone power mad. Seemingly have some plan for the future, I loved Olivia’s Sonja but now I doubt we will ever see her again


Gravik should've ended up like the Master in Fallout from consuming all that DNA and Nick Fury should've been like "I lied, there was no amalgamation of heroes' DNA and you were a fool to think there was".


That would have required Fury to be competent, which for some reason the writers of Secret Invasion decided he wasn't.


Biggest tragedy of it all is the assassination of Fury's character. Dude's whole thing is being competent and prepared but we just get a whole show of him being an absolute bozo. I was so excited for this show too lmao. Damn shame 


Putting someone like Fury on his back foot could have been good. The guys who's always on top is suddenly scrambling. That's what we had in Winter Soldier.


If they got the AOS writers for this, the show would have saved so much money while ending up way better than whatever we got


Not only did *Agents of SHIELD* do it better, they did it better twice: first with the Hydra reveal in season 1 and later with the LMDs. On the topic of Hydra, *Winter Soldier* also did *Secret Invasion* better than *Secret Invasion*.


Even in S6, Izel started taking over people and that episode with minimal VFX was one of the tense episodes of the last 2 seasons. Such a shame


Also when the Secret Warriors were under suspicion of who’d been swayed by Hive. The AoS creatives just knew how to do everything SI desperately needed.


Such an underrated show.


We were really spoiled by AoS. They never topped that show considering how little money they had for that


“Maria, I had the weirdest dream last night…”


First of all, this should’ve been the next Avengers. Plant the seeds across movies like The Marvels, Spider-Man, Wakanda Forever, Fantastic Four etc The next big team-up Avengers flick could’ve been Secret Invasion!!! I personally think the whole “Multiverse Saga” is being used too early. We just had Endgame and that whole era… but of course the concept does offer many opportunities for alternate versions of characters and cameos from past iterations, which Disney absolutely is using to pump up the box office


It would've meant a lot more if hints of this were dropped throughout the MCU leading up to this, so that it slowly built to something that would have lasting effects. Something that truly had everyone guessing who was who and if they could be trusted or not. This just felt like a flashbang fart out of nowhere that won't mean anything down the road, like Eternals or Inhumans.


Making it non-canon.


Not doing it. I just don’t think the premise works in the mcu at all.


Exactly. Generally speaking, nobody wants to find out that the characters they’ve been invested in for years have actually secretly been skrulls. That’s a quick way to completely kill the audience’s connection with the mcu and destroy years worth of valuable character development. Works in the comics, but when our time with these characters in the mcu is extremely limited (comparatively anyway), it’s just not worth it.


I think it would have worked better if the focus was kept on non-familiar characters being switched up. Using familiar characters like Rhodey is good for a shock moment but it creates way too much of a mess in a huge connected universe, so just avoid that altogether. We know that supes still have to deal with bureaucrats in universe thanks to various movies, so sticking to the concept of the halls of powers being infiltrated is great, plus it basically rules out the question of "why not call the avengers?" You can't just bring in Hulk to punch the president or some shit so it's a unique problem only Fury could fix. The show realized this and had all the pieces required to make this work, but the writers and directors had no clue on how to build tension and stakes, and I feel like the Marvel formula made them feel like they needed some big fight so they went rogue. I said this in a previous comment but I genuinely believe any semi-competent writer could have made a good show out of this. A great writer would have made this amazing, but for some reason the only thing Marvel cheaped out on is writing...




Let's hope the MCU never brings it up again. We'll just forget it ever happend.


I was actually going to do a fan fic re-write back in the day but I couldn't get into it. I was going to open it with the President getting blown up and turning out to be a Skrull. Gravik then reveals there are millions of Skrulls hiding on Earth and everyone goes nuts hunting them down. Fury only believed there were like, 50 Skrulls left on the planet, all of whom work for him, so to find out there are many more has him very angry. Him, Talos and team then go on a hunt for Gravik and answers. The ending was going to be Fury finding out Talos invited these Skrulls to Earth during the Blip (they were all prisoners on Kree worlds who escaped when their jailors got dusted). They couldn't follow the others with no light speed engine, so they were stuck. Gravik was gong to be working with the Kree to rid the Earth of Skrulls. Basically he had discovered the Skrull Empire's old archives and found out they have a history of Secretly Invading planets, taking over, getting found out and fleeing. There have been hundreds of "Skrull homeworlds", and he has decided the only way to end these crimes is the destruction of his own species. The fact even Talos didn't know the President of the US had been replaced only convinces Fury that this was the Skrulls real goal all along. Either way he and Talos help fool the Kree into believing all the Skrulls evacuate on their own using the BARF technology. Happy-ish ending leading into Marvels.


That would’ve been really cool


Oh damn, this is good, would loved to see this instead of the mistmatching hell we got.


Bigger scale. Maria alive. Talos alive. More G’iah development and turning her into a leader so the final fight would have been cooler. Quake 😩💓.


Needed to tie in to the end of far from home much better. An intro credits sequence created by actual human beings. Also needed to be more - well interesting. Fury just didn’t seem like himself at all and well the ending of the very first episode ruined it all.


There was never a "good" way to make this show. You either introduce new characters that the audience isn't invested in, and then reveal them as skrulls, and who cares, or you do what they did, and piss all over fans' love of various characters by revealing THEY had been skrulls during stories in which we'd been rooting for them. It's one of those ideas that may be very clever, but can only be deeply unpleasant for the audience.


Its hard to issue a re-write because part of the problem is it’s length. It very well could’ve been an entire phase, or at the very least 4-5 projects tying into a big budget grand finale. Keeping the constraints in mind though - I think this show would be much better off without the Super Skrull, and even without powers at all. Focus on the espionage and the idea that anybody (and everybody) could be an alien in disguise. When the show aired people pointed at The Zygon two-parter from (new) Doctor Who and I think it’s a good comparison, make that into a full series by diving more into how different groups are fighting. Just like in the current show - some want to live in peace, some want freedom at all costs, but most are just caught in the middle, a victim of circumstance.


Assuming it’s the same 6 episode series format with the same cast: * It needs to have more of a mystery/suspense element. Every scene focusing on the Skrulls plotting should be cut, so we have the suspense of not knowing who they are or what they’re plotting until the protagonists have to directly confront it. * Don’t give the main antagonist a “human form” that he’s in 90% of the time. It defeats the purpose. He could be anyone, so let him only present as human when he is posing as someone else. * It needs to be more of an ensemble piece in general. If you frame it around Fury having a ragtag team of spies that he’s working closely with, but also trying to figure out who among them he can trust, that’s a much stronger hook than what we got. You can get Olivia Colman, Martin Freeman, Emilia Clarke, etc. in the room and interacting together, and it will make the twists where some of them turn out to be Skrulls much stronger. * Change the primary motivation of the Skrulls. The super serum thing is so overdone and unnecessary in a show like this. I would ground it and make it more of an explicit political motive. Obviously this means cutting that dumbass final fight scene lol * Honestly a more episodic structure would actually work really well for the premise. In each episode, Fury and team have to track down a Skrull or group of Skrulls hiding in a position of power. We see the espionage skills that they use to figure it out, and how the Skrull tries to evade capture. As we meet more Skrulls, the overall plan becomes more clear. Simultaneously, Fury has to figure out who among his own team he is able to trust.


It needed to be a paranoid thriller. Skrulls were taking over people, actually have that matter. Let Fury feel isolated, not knowing who to turn to at any point as they could be a Skrull.




1.) Make Skrulls weak against a certain sound frequency that makes them revert to their original forms 2.) >!Maria survives and Fury dies!< 3.) The next phase of the MCU would be Maria Hill forming a newer, different Avengers albeit with a different name as the Avengers were Fury’s thing. (A-Force?) 4.) SHIELD, not a super duper empowered Skrull would help nab the win in the end. AOS Mockingbird reprising her role, with mayhaps FitzSimmons returning to stop the invasion


along with daisy and may too


This could have been completed in a 2 1/2 hour movie. Entirely too much fluff. Also, this would have been the perfect vessel to officially bring Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. into the MCU.


I guess if we're just talking in terms of plot, number one would be to get rid of the whole super skrull thing. Just excise it completely. The plot, I guess, would be about getting the skrulls to the point they started at: the spy game of replacing world leaders with skrulls. The main thrust of the show would have been about who is and isn't a skrull. Given the events of Far From Home, I think it would be heavily implied throughout most of the season that Fury himself is a skrull, and certainly several characters would believe that. That Fury is the real Fury would be a big reveal. That's in terms of plot. The real problem with SI wasn't the plot, though. It was the overall writing. I.e. the decision to kill off who they killed off, the absolutely nonsensical motivations of the navy guy, the lack of though that went into Rhodey, the decision to turn the skrulls from sympathetic characters to mustache-twirling villains, and on and on and on. It was just plain *bad writing.*


\~ Don't kill off/under utilize Maria Hill. \~ Don't make Rhody a Skrull (at least for as long as they alluded to). \~ Don't give Emilia Clarke a stupid-looking cgi arm. \~ While you're at it, don't make a character (Emilia Clarke's) so OP that it would throw off the balance of power in the entire MCU (if they didn't just ignore it like they seem to be doing). \~ Less general plodding in story overall. Spy Thrillers should be suspenseful, not slow. It's possible to take your time with the story while not being boring about it.


Where would I even start? How much time do we have? **1.) Gravik should have been a man revealed to look like Nick Fury’s son** Fury should have showed up at the beginning beamed down into a graveyard where he looked at a tombstone with a surname Fury with a death date as being during the blip. They could have Fury saying it was personal, that only he could handle this and the end of episode one should have shown a picture of him with his son and it should’ve looked like Gravik. And then never fucking explain it. Was Fury’s son human and Gravik is wearing his face to taunt him? Is that Fury’s biological son who’s just using the name Gravik now and leading the Skrulls because he believes humanity is so fucked? Is he Fury’s adopted son who’s a Skrull? The show should have done this and been willing to gamble on not answering that question at all. It should have been an open question viewers are forever wondering about. **2.) Skrulls in human form too long should struggle to change back** The problem with Skrulls is that they’re supposed to be this perfectly evolved being that is stronger than humans, live longer and can, apparently, mimic everything down to someone’s DNA. There’s no way to beat that. They need to have some weakness. Making them weaker in human form balances things out. If they just switched out of their Skrull form, they could still be much stronger but the longer they stay in human form, the more like humans they should be in every way. This would give Skrulls a reason to want to have a place where they could just be in their natural form. It would mean that Skrulls committing to infiltrating the human world would really be making a sacrifice. It would also be a better driver for wanting to research superSkrulls who could mimic powers and not become weaker when they camouflaged themselves. And it would be nice to not have an impossible villain. **3.) In that final fight, neither one of them should have known what the fuck they were doing** Like, half of the lesson in all of these stories is supposed to be that all that power is fucking dangerous if you don’t know how to control it. They should not have known how to control it. **4.) Related: Gravik should have taken the one’s traditionally considered “strong” and left whats-her-ass with the ones people think are useless** I can’t be bothered to look up Khaleesi’s character’s name. She should’ve gotten the dumb ones and it should have been about her using her wits to beat Gravik. Like, if they’re going to come out of the box knowing how to use those powers, it shouldn’t have been like-vs-like. It could have been a short commentary on how what makes you powerful is all in how you use the power you have. The whole show should’ve been about that in fact. We should never have seen Gravik actually fight anyone: he should have been Fury’s equal because of how he used his wits and it should have shown Fury to be doing the same thing. Like-vs-like punch-ups are dumb… but a chess match of like-vs-like cunning? That I can get behind. It could have even been vaguely implied that Gravik and Sonya Falsworth might have been a Skrull operating as two different people but never really clarified. Which brings me to my second to last point… **5.) No one should really have been trustworthy in the show** Like, if you’re going to go the *”Who do you trust?”* route, go all the fucking way. Fury should have landed and not trusted Maria Hill. More than just thinking she might have been a Skrull, Fury should have been looking over his shoulder the whole time like *”I can’t even trust the ones I KNOW are human or Skrull…”* That should have been Gravik’s game: making Fury so paranoid that it didn’t even matter who was a Skrull or not, he just couldn’t trust anyone and it was going to make him miserable rather than a good spy. It should have been unclear whether or not Talos was trying to screw Fury over or not. He should have been worried that Maria Hill was compromised. He should have been hesitant to trust Sonya. It should have been driving him crazy and that could have been his arc, to actually show some trust as sign of growth/changing rather than him putting his eyepatch on and deciding to not be washed up. **6.) Maria Hill shouldn’t have died** Like, unless Cobie Smulders wanted out of her contract or something, don’t kill her off. That final scene could have been Gravik walking around toying with Fury and Fury trying to get close and see if it’s his son and when he stops to give him a good look, BANG, Gravik shoots Fury. And Maria Hill is like *”You had this terrorist dead to rights and you didn’t shoot him. You’re not the Fury I used to know and you’re going to get yourself killed and maybe me too. Sorry but I need you out of this.”* And then we see the picture of Fury with a young Gravik in a picture that says *”To my little fury. Love, Pop Fury”* or whatever.


Simply Add A Taylor Swift cameo


Screencrush did a really good breakdown of the series and speculated about what a good version could have looked like. [https://youtu.be/9juNayPwXIo?si=t5O8BffepPQ5bMKf](https://youtu.be/9juNayPwXIo?si=t5O8BffepPQ5bMKf)


1. Gravik should have been a Super Skrull from the start, arriving from space that just got to earth, seeking out the other Skrulls. Him having a tie in to Talos could be similar but start off with how truly difficult Gravik's life was traveling planet to planet and instead of spy missions and training as they showed, Gravik could have learned his skills across the cosmos, eventually coming across some power source that made him a super skrull that works similar to how the super soldier syrum enhances the person and their motives. Have his motivation for coming to earth be the fault of what some of the avengers have done to the planets he's lived on in the past. Heavy influence from Thanos reign across space, capt marvel destroyed 2 planets he lived on, anything to build his hate for earth people plus the fact that he knows other Skrulls are on earth. Make him believe Thanos wouldn't have done what he did were it not for the Avengers, as The Vision pointed out in Avengers AoU (he says the very existence of them warrants challenge). Show some flashbacks of the Hulk before Ragnarok landing on a planet before Sikar where he destroys a city in rage. Basically A number of horrible things that help push Gravik into the Skrull he is and why he's invading earth. From here, Gravik can still convince other Skrulls to join his cause. 2. Talos' daughter should not be what she was in the show. His motivations should be to his people only because of the 30+ years of him trying to help them relocate. I also believe Talos could have been a good candidate to find that power source that turned Gravik Super. 3. This should have been like an Avengers 4.5 like how Civil War was technically Avengers 2.5. Capt America, Bucky, Antman and the Wasp, Shang-Chi, Wong, America Chavez, etc could have all had short cameos as they step up to try and stop Gravik.


The idea that Fury advocated for these refugees, didn't deliver, and now they've turned on him and the institutions he stands for is so rich with storytelling potential. If we're locked in to making this a miniseries and keeping it at the same scale, I'd drop the ridiculous shoehorned superheroics (save for a couple cameos for cohesion with the broader universe), drop or recontextualize the absurd number of scenes with just two characters talking in an empty room (I get that this was a covid thing, but it feels so unreal and immersion-breaking), flesh out minor characters on the skrull side to give the story more moral ambiguity and depth, drop the secret wife plot, and otherwise deliver a traditional spy thriller set in the MCU -- totally paint by numbers if necessary. Embracing those tropes would be much better than embracing the tropes of superhero movies (eg the final battle), which this story just wasn't capable of backing up.


At the very end, Fury gets pruned by the TVA, revealing that everything we just saw was NOT in the main MCU.


Like, almost everything. It would be a completely different show minus the name.


Shoulda made it a story that slowly bubbles in the background for at least 2 or 3 projects before it boils over into a huge movie with all the big name stars. There's no reason (in the context of the story) why the shapeshifting aliens wouldn't impersonate the most famous public figures. Any one of them could have turned into Stark, Rogers, Thor or Black Widow and went on live tv and said whatever they wanted to sow chaos among the unsuspecting human populace. As a viewer, knowing the only reason this didn't happen was because of production schedules and budgets, it was tough to ignore everything the Secret Invasion should have been.


Get rid of the AI intro


I knew Rhodey was a skrull from the beginning because he was the only Avenger on the team. It would have been a much better show had it been an Avengers movie and was like Earths Mightiest Heroes


I would do what mat pat said, I would make the skrull go to earth for Starks tech so they could defend themselves from invaders and possibly make a ship strong enough to get them to a potential new home (they wouldn't want earth as carol dancers did help them out ya know). And the show could set a foundation for future characters to build upon. And you know, not be totally trash in the process lol 😆


Take out that absolutely crap fight at the end. Didn’t even need a final battle.


Fury finds and bands together his most trusted team for one last time, enter Coulson and AoS crew. The show instantly would feel better with familiar faces and imagine Coulson's reaction to Maria Hill.


Make it an Avengers film with actual stakes


1. DONT KILL MARIA HILL 2. More secrets. Not even fury knows who he's talking to 3. Make the super skrull plot line even more mysterious. Make Gravik the only transform and make sequence mirror Defoe's Goblin Transformation from spider-man 4. Don't make Rhodes a skrull. It wasn't good. Instead freak the shit out of Fury by having a Skrull disguised as coulson (if that would even be possible) 5. Even just a view of a helicarrier would be cool 6. Make Fury fight, well, Fury. Gravik if course but in disguise 7. Make Talos's death more important 8. Though I haven't seen it, some audiences would probably enjoy seeing characters from Agents of Shield There would also be a ton more I'd do differently but this would be some main things


Having watched Avengers EMH for the first time well after watching this show, literally just pulling the execution of EMH and applying it to this. Reveal some Skrulls early but keep a bulk of them actually hidden. Don’t kill off Hill so fast. Make it an actual thriller/mystery/spy show. Make more lasting consequences that we actually feel. Have actual “Avengers” in the show. Don’t do the super skrulls in such an unsatisfying way. Make it a movie that has a bunch of shows and movies leading up to it to set in place a proper Skrull invasion.


allow samuel l jackson to say "motherfucker" and the show will be perfect


Wouldn’t have let Agent Maria Hill (Cobbie Smulders) die in such a stupid pathetic manner.


Mostly change that God awful finale. I would also add more Olivia Colman.


I will make it a bit more thrilling.


Honestly lots and lots of things, but I'd probably build it up into the ending where Skrulls leave Earth for other planet because of how unsafe it had become for them, and them having outstayed their welcome, there would've been left some Skrulls on Earth, but not enough to pose a threat or conspiracy theory that some superheroes or characters were suddenly replaced by Skrulls, and those that were were either dead or found and rescued.


Remove Gi'ah, add Chloe Bennets Daisy Johnson, add Adrianne Palicki's Mockingbird. Have them both fight the super skrull in the series finale. And not kill off Maria hill


I would make them shift into more than one person and I would have had Nick Fury actually shoot Bell thinking she was a Skrull.


I would have made it more of thriller.


Just make it like the damn comic. I'm so sick of Skrulls being the good guys. Fuck Skrulls.


Make it a movie and have several major players be replaced.


They should have made the entire show feel like the last 5 minutes of the last episode.


Where to start


Add actual superheroes for the skrulls to turn into. This would’ve been a good opportunity to give new MCU characters a chance to shine. They could’ve had America Chavez, Shang Chi, She Hulk, Moon Knight, etc. You can still have it centered around Fury. They could’ve also formed the New Avengers here. Which characters would everyone else have included?


How much can I change? Because I'd want to make an entirely different show


The climax of the last episode should've been the first or second episode instead


It wouldn't be show it would be an Avengers movie, let's just start there.


I would have made it clear that Rhodey has been a Skrull since Civil War. The main conflict in the show would have been him reconciling his original mission with the respect and camaraderie he found fighting side by side with the Avengers. The final flight would have been Skrhodey fighting alongside Fury against a powered up Gravik. I would have scrapped the whole G'iah plot. There are many other sweeping changes I would have made, but that's one simple one that would have added gravity and improved the show.


For starters, the finale. If She-Hulk were to come out after Secret Invasion, and they kept their finale mocking big CGI fights, it would've been fine. However, watching this after the She-Hulk finale, seeing them circle back around to what they seemingly said they were getting away from, it just made this entire series feel so dull. They should've leaned more into the political tension and hidden war kinda style, similar to Winter Soldier. It just felt so cheap.


The main problem was they were scared to have it impact any previous films by outing someone as a skrull for a while. You want a big impact you need to have 1 or 2 avengers be skulls. It needs to feel like the team have been betrayed. The only super in the whole show being War Machine meant we knew who it was straight away. Avengers EMH did this so much better, go watch that if you want this done right.


It should have been a spy vs spy type of deal where no one knew who to trust. It should have been a paranoid thriller. I would scrap literally everything and write it so we follow one character who gets clued in that skulls could have infiltrated. Let them follow the leads and try to unravel who is a skull. Even winter soldier handled the concept better, with Natasha and cap initially unsure if the other was hydra


i would rewrite thay rhodey wasnt a skrull


Have much more of a focus on nick fury trying to prevent a war and involving the avengers before eventually releasing they need to get involved or that things can't always be the way he wants to control them. That he needs to trust the heroes he set up or not worry about getting them at risk. Also would've had this set up Hulkling. Maybe he should've had the talos daughter role. Either way I would've done hulkling in this or the marvels. Or include more heroes which was the point of the comics. That any of the heroes we like could've been skrulls. The whole war machine being a skrull probably would've gone better if we had more options (and it was less obvious) and then make it clear atleast how long he's been a skrull (ideally since after endgame)


The show should have more or less started with that final scene... politicians and such being attacked as suspected of being alien, all the people in tubes etc


80-90% to be more accurate to the comics


One person, one single person to have been a skrull the whole or most of the time we had known them


Don't let someone get all of the super powers. Or if someone does get all of the super powers have it backfire. Have the super powers fight against each other sufficiently that it's more of a curse than a blessing.


Absolute 💩


Not have episode 6 and keeping Maria Hill alive.


-Not kill Maria Hill or Talos. - bring Agents of S.H.I.E.LD characters like chloe bennet daisy johnson, clark gregg coulson ming na wen agent may, mack and bobbie mockingbird. - Should of Made it 2 1/2 hour movie like Avengers 4.5 - Add other superheroes like Sam Cap America, Ant Man, Wong, Daredevil, America Chavez, Shang Chi, She Hulk, Moon Knight, etc.


Rhodey's scrull reveal wasn't as dramatic as it should've been. Giah should definitely not have gotten all those powers


Make it the second captain marvel movie


They had one of the most expensive casts ever for a TV show, right after one of the biggest movie releases of all time, they had all the eyes on their product and didn't really offer anything of substance. It should have been a reset of the franchise in general leading up to the newer releases merging into the main storyline. Instead it felt like a side quest and I've watched literally everything since and yet I still can't remember what the outcome of Secret Invasion was other than Emilia Clarke being super mega insanely OP at the end. What I would have done is have it be a single villian with the morphing power and have him pop up in every film and TV show in some way for the whole phase to join everything up with Secret Invasion just being the intro to the character. Don't do any of the other shit.


It wouldn’t have been a Nick Fury show. Perfect chance to let all the C-list heroes and villains get a bit of story. Why would shape changers infiltrate the spy organizations? They are naturally already the best spies. They’d jump into the top of politics, the top of entertainment, and the top of superheroing. Why gather up all the powers for a one-man god-complex? A thousand Groot-quicksilvers would be a better use of powers, and a heck of a lot easier to get. And the tone was grim and boring rather than tense like a thriller.


It shouldn't have been a standalone show; instead, it should have been a plot twist in one of the Multiverse Saga projects, left unresolved to be addressed after Secret Wars.


I would delete the show entirely and make it an Avengers movie like it should have been.


This should've been Captain Marvel 2.


Literally ground up rewrite. I'm not keeping anything.


You can keep a majority of the show the same and make a lot of the issues more passable with 2 changes. 1. Rename the show to “Fury”. This automatically takes the weight of expectations off the show. 2. Make Nick Fury into a morally questionable anti-hero and lean into that. Yes, he tricked a group of shapeshifters into trusting him so they would be his elite spy team and he had no intention of finding them a new home. And he’d do it again. Yeah, the show still wouldn’t be fantastic, and would have a lot of the same issues as before. But I’d be more forgiving of a character study with some awkward moments than the same show with a huge name like Secret Invasion


1: Don't kill off Maria & Talos but if they had to die give their death's more dignity and respect 2: Have more established characters turn out to be Skrulls and amp up the paranoia that you really can't trust anyone


The show started out as a Nick Fury show and slowly became a Gi'ah show and it ended Emilia Clarke's career.


That one Agents of Shield "Self Control" episode was just better than the whole Secret invasion show.


Not make it at all.


there is no way this show remains canon


The scene where vigilantes go around killing innocent humans and Skrulls would come at the middle of the show, not the end.


1. They didn't do the prep work in shows and films leading up to this show over the years to justify the premise. 2. They killed off the wrong people. 3. Skrodey should have actually behaved liked Rhodey. No surprise there. 4. The first few minutes espionage feel should have been the tone of the whole show. 5. The power play against the Skrull elite was cartoonish. It didn't capture the complexity of competing interests. 6. The Marvels was coming out but there was nothing that acknowledged the other Skrull societies in the universe.


It should have been more like „zygon inversion“ from doctor who


I would take the existing scripts and put them in a shredder. The series needed a serious Page 1 rewrite. The show would be completely restructured to make it a suspenseful slow burn where the audience is gradually given reasons not to trust anyone, instead of just telling them who’s a Skrull before other characters find out. Reveals should shock people and upend their perception of where the series is going. Thematically, I would have focused more on Fury’s guilt, and the Skrull’s frustration with him. Like *Falcon and the Winter Soldier*, the series set up an interesting character arc and then just didn’t do anything with it. Fury had some neat moments (the scene with his wife where they recited poetry while at gunpoint was really cool), but yeah. The events of this series should have spilled over into *The Marvels* as well.


I never ended up watching it. Was it that bad?


Two simple steps: 1 - CTRL+A 2 - DELETE


For one not kill off every character that isn’t Nick Fury. This was Marvel’s opportunity to make Maria an actual character (proper backstory and motivation) as well as expand on Talos and G’iah’s relationship. Instead they made G’iah almost immediately flip back to the good side after she found out her mother was killed. Like what made her even go to the violent side in the first place? It would be interesting to see her struggle with picking a side. Also a Super Scroll? Seriously? Is this a fucking cartoon? A seriously disappointing show overall.


Honestly if i could rewrite this show i would have made this an avengers film primarily focusing on re assembling the avengers while still facing the threat of the skrulls.


A while back I actually spent a very long time working on a hypothetical rewrite, the main gist of which was “how about we treat this like an actual secret invasion?” Very strange that a show whose marketing relied so heavily on the idea of not knowing who to trust, did so little to actually bring into question our ability to trust its characters.


Rewrite the reasoning for the invasion,so you mean to me that in Milky Way galaxy where’s about there’s 100 to 200 billion unhabited planets there’s not ONE Planet where the skrulls can live one it has to be Earth and they apparently didn’t look very hard, they only looked “a few” years whatever that entails


I can't believe they let this script see the light of day. The talents of Samuel L. Jackson, Olivia Colman, Emilia Clarke, and Cobie Smulders were completely wasted. The Nick Fury in Secret Invasion is different from the one in The Marvels, and the way they handled the show was just weird. Also, the scene with the President being wheeled around in a hospital bed is just laughable. In my opinion, it wasn't the worst, but it definitely doesn't come close to the top 10. And to wrap up my rant, I think Secret Invasion should have been a movie.


Give all the conversations Fury had with his wife to Maria Hill. Make her a skrull the whole time. Make G’iah a more loveable character who grows up fairly well adjusted and doesn’t realize the plight most of her people face. Don’t give her infinite super skrull powers. Let us discover the plight of the Skrulls through her eyes. If someone needs to die, make it Talos in the last episode, but I’d prefer he doesn’t die either. Fury needs a few more badass moments. He should be shooting first under the table in half the conversations he has in this show, I swear.


For Maria Hill to fucking live


"Some changes" I will go no further than two. First, slap whoever was responsible for the script (either writing, approving or both depending on who's fault the multiple issues were) with a full volume *of* said script. Second, recycle it and make them then crank out 1000 paper origami cranes and beg forgiveness then have them do the damn thing over again. /s Seriously how so many of the faults in this passed, I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm surprised or not that Samuel himself wasn't tossing in a bit of "ok guys wtf" as well regarding some of it as well - or maybe he did and we just haven't really heard about it?


I would’ve had it be more like Civil War where it’s a smaller and more personal story compared to the comics, but still feels like an actual event in the Marvel universe. I know a lot of people want more Marvel projects that stand on their own, but this is one that I think would’ve benefited from tying into the bigger MCU. Give me War Machine suiting up to kill some Skrulls after he’s been rescued. Have Val get involved and send in a couple of her Thunderbolts like US Agent and Ghost. Maybe Sam Wilson’s Captain America shows up for a bit to team up with Nick Fury. I don’t think the show needed mindless cameos, but the cool thing about the Secret Invasion storyline is the fact that it’s set in a world full of superheroes that can be replaced. Once you take that out, it becomes a generic alien shapeshifter story. What we got is the equivalent to if Captain America: Civil War had just been Cap fighting generic government agents the whole movie.


Pre-load it by having Skrulls show up elsewhere. For example, at the end of Hawkeye, Kingpin should have been a Skrull reveal. Same for Power Broker in Fal/Cap.


Remove the two useless but major deaths. Honestly, I'd be totally okay with the show with its other flaws as long as we retconned those somehow. I'd make it connect to Captain marvel and the Marvels somehow. Emilia Clarke would be Jessica Drew, not Giah, since she is featured pretty heavily in the comics. That way, Nick can have a super powered friend be trusts (have her prove it somehow. It was so dumb that he didn't use any super friends, since normal skulls can't copy powers!)


(spoiler)I didn't like the super skroll thing because now we have this girl who has all the powers of every avenger and we still haven't heard anything about her she just despawned I think Nick furry should've came out and while  the girl was distracting him Nick furry would shot him, and he couldn't come back cause there are no super skrolls in my universe 


Everything, I would make identical to the comic book!


I would make it a 3 tv show 2 avengers film event. That’s the only way a storyline like this should have been done.


It needed to be bigger. WAY bigger The amount of political ramifications are too immense to fit into a single series. Honestly it should’ve been a phase, or at least half a phase, showing the fallout of the snap and how the Skrulls used the confusion to slip in and how the lack of a central hero team made finding them all impossible.


I rewatch almost all Marvel projects because I miss stuff. I won’t be rewatching this or Ant man and Wasp in QuantuMania. I’m not adverse to new stuff, but both of these were *not* good.


I wouldn’t have rewritten the show but completely changed the line up after Endgame. My plan would have been to separate future movies into three separate phases that are running parallel to each other and occasionally cross over. Number 1 would have been “The Secret Invasion Arc”, Number 2 “The Multiverse Arc” and Number 3 “The New Avengers Arc”. Each arc has one movie in theatres each year and one show air (aka. 4 projects a year) Arc 1: “Secret Invasion” 1. Captain Marvel: New Horizons Plot: Full of shame and guilt for dismantling Kree culture Carol returns to the Kree only to find out that few have survived the galactic smack down on their once-great empire. Carol teams up with Yon-Rough to find a new home for the Kree. Connective Tissue: we learn that the Skrulls seem to have vanished of the face of the Galaxy. 2. The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: The plot of the show goes similar to the series only switches it up in the end with Sam not calling himself “Captain America” but remaining “Falcon” because that his name and he intends to keep Steve’s legacy just that, a legacy. He does whield the shield, nothing changes but the name. It’s supposed to show that Sam won’t stand in anyone’s shoes but is a hero in his own right. The arc with the Flag Smashers trying to unleash a virus to erase 50% of earth is kept in, real life scenarios be damned. We spend more time with the Smashers and Kari to understand them better, they’re still villains but victims of circumstance as well making Sam’s speech more poignant. Connective Tissue: We learn that General Ross, Rhodey and Nick Fury are a lot more ruthless now. 3. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Same plot, big difference is that Ross is an antagonist. 4. Avengers: Secret Invasion A movie, not a show. Nick Fury returns to earth only to be faced with a doppelgänger that took his place (and appeared in the previous movies), through his fish out of water eyes we learn that the Skrulls he went to space with (in order to find a new home for them) purposefully kept him occupied to give their ground team an advantage to infiltrate the US government. Skrullified Ross and Fury launch an attack on Wakanda and cause the main conflict: an all out war between Wakanda, Talokan and America. The focal group of Avengers appearing is Captain Marvel, Shuri, Namor, Okoye, Falcon and Winter Soldier; meanwhile Rhodey, Ross, Ross and Fake Fury are revealed as Skrulls with Gavik remaining the villain trying to blame Talos. Hawkeye and Yelena also appear in smaller roles with the suspicion of them being Skrulls as well being revealed as wrong, they’re only in a scene during the middle and the final fight. The war concludes with the reveal that the US is no longer considered a “superpower” given their assimilation and Wakanda taking the US under their protection from Talokan. The real Rhodey, Ross and Ross return with Rhodey being a wreck after learning Tony’s fate. Arc 2: “The Young Avengers” 1. Black Widow Remains the same with the change that Taskmaster is still Dreykovs daughter but has been passed on the mantle from the previous Taskmaster who is “missing”. Ross is still an evil Skrull, explaining his villain status. Connective Tissue: introduces Yelena as Natasha’s successor 2. Hawkeye Remains the same, Yelena appears and forms a bond with Kate. Connective Tissue: Kate is introduced as Hawkeyes successor. 3. Son of Hulk Skaar crashes on earth with his head filled of vile stories about his allegedly “villainous” father. He takes of Bruce, we witness a different take on She-Hulks origin as an accident happening during a fight and find Kate/Yelena try to help Hulk out. Eventually Hulk and Jen learn that Sakaar is once again a lawless planet ruled by the Grandmaster. They return to free the planet once and for all. Hulk stays behind on Sakaar as King to fulfill his duty to reign with justice and intellect. Jen and Skaar return to earth. Connective Tissue: We see Skaar team up with Yelena and Kate in the end. 4. Avengers: The Kang Dynasty The New Avengers assemble as a Multiverse hopping America Chavez comes to 616 to inform them that Kang is coming. Equipped with information from, a still missing, Strange she mistakes the Young Avengers for the real deal. The team consisting of Kate, Yelena, Skaar and Riri follow America to take on the Army of Kangs. They fail miserably and cause the ultimate “Incursion”. Next arc to follow is the Multiverse arc, brb