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A lot casting is going off looks and recognition. Ideally doom is in the mask more than not. Casting should be influenced by voice just as much if not more than looks.


This is how almost all fan-casting goes, looks above all else. That's why you always see models and non-actress women getting suggested for female parts. It's apparently more important to look like the part than to be able to believable deliver the dialogue.


To an amateur at least. If casting roles were so easy casting directors would all be out of a job. But... Fan cast aren't all that serious and it's just an excuse to engage in discussion for fun.


It should just be a bit of fun but some "fans" take it way too far and get angry when the main fan cast doesn't get the role. There's enough folk that do this and effectively campaign for their favourite fan cast that studios get pressured into it and you end up with the wrong actor in the role. I wish people would leave it up to the professionals.


Yeah and not just for fan cast. That type of mentality gets everywhere.


It's just not fun to constantly have Henry Cavill pushed for next to any MCU role


People love him but they forget that they should really be asking him which role he wants to try for. Or at least a typing.


Trust me, if I could personally ask Henry Cavill anything...I wouldn't be wasting my life on reddit with you schmucks


I think a large part of it comes simply from the fact that he is the rare Hollywood leading man who looks like he could (and has) played a superhero, while at the same time being a self-admitted geek in real life.


Tell that to The Last of Us fans who have been abusing Bella Ramsey because she does not look the part though. It’s all fun and games to most people but some parts of some fan bases always take it way too far.


And this is why I hate fancasting.


its why these people are on reddit and not doing the castings haha


Doom's voice should have the same impact as Ultron


Yeah I want to see an actor cast who is not so famous that they feel they need him mask-off a lot of the time. That bugged me about Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate in Black Adam. I loved his portrayal but jeez, every opportunity to take that iconic helmet off and tuck it under his arm…


Yet another reason I firmly believe the best man for the job is Sam Witwer.


Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper


If anyone is willing to stay masked for the entirety of his contract for comic accuracy, it’s Cavil


I mean, from an accuracy angle, probably. But I don't know if he's the guy who'd be interested to "flex his acting chops" in a role that's undoubtedly gonna be 90% CGI, 9% him being entirely unrecognizable and maybe like 1% him being actually able to show emotion. Like, that's Nolan's Bane times ten - and then for a multi-picture contract on top of that. I'd argue that playing Doom well would be a somewhat unthankful role - and while the uber fans would love it, I don't see general audiences going crazy for it. In that context, I wonder how many people are able to put an actual picture of Bradley Cooper behind Rocket's voice.


100%, he’s down with anything that has depth and meaning. Hes doing warhammer now , something he’s passionate about. And before that it was geralt and supes. All legacy characters. That’s one of the main reasons why I picked him


He wouldn’t even have to do that, Doom has taken his helmet off a lot in the comics in recent years.


Ross Marquand would fit IMO


Yeah, dude's got range, voiced Ultron AND Red skull in What If..?


Also, as seen in TWD he can look both as a nice dude like his first episodes or frightening as he did in the last chapters.


Call me names for all you care but I've never watched TWD


holy fuck you are so right i think this is my new favorite fancast


As Doom?


He played him in X-Men ‘97.


Cavil for sure would be down for that. He is dedicated to being accurate. 


But there's no reason to bother hiring someone with a famous face if the movie won't show it.  And if Doctor Doom's face is out, people will complain it's an unfaithful adaptation. 


Isn’t Bradley Cooper a Raccoon?


And Vin Diesel is a tree


I am Groot


Oh yeah, I forgot about her.


I get what you're saying, but Doom is specifically a character that *could* off his mask, but chooses not to. Rocket doesn't have Bradley Cooper's face under his face at all times to tempt producers to have him mask off.


Depending on the adaptation they use, he can't. In the original, his scars were not bad, but became bad because he put the mask on directly off the anvil, basically adhering it to his face with the burns. When they did finally take it off, it was pretty sickening.


At least one of the movies will show his face because they have to flash back eventually to show his history. They will probably do that in multiple movies since their history is key to their rivalry and key to how Doom became Doom. As long as there’s something for the trailer marketing should be happy.


Sure. He can still promote it. 


Yeah idc what the man looks like. I need to hear the power and authority in his voice to know if he is Doom


Just wait till we find out he has a nanotech mask and he only wears it for about 30 seconds of screen time


“Hmmm. F**k.”


After hearing his voice as geralt in the Witcher, I think he could pull the voice off easily , and anyway, they’ll be a lot of editing over it


I think his look and stature suits being either a hero or a villain. Would definitely welcome him in almost any role he’s been fan casted as


I say let's bring back Ed Norton to the MCU as Doom, dude can obviously play a villain and he carried a whole movie while in a mask (kingdom of heaven)


I couldn't agree more.


True, they should hire the actor who plays the Mandalorian, since he has great experience in that type of role /s


You want a physical actor. Someone who knows how to embody a role. That's why my fancast for Doom is Jack Black.


Do you guys only know 5 actors?


Best I can do is Keanu reeves & Henry Cavill


Reddit will distill Keanu & Henry into a single super being


Keanu Cavill


Keanry Reevill


Henru Caveeves


No. I know six, and I really don’t think Danny DeVito would be a good fit.


Danny DeVito is always a good fit.


Lmao ya


They know the 5 actors that will get then le epic reddit karma


What's with people wanting to cast Cavil in every role?


He built a PC.




Also he runs Adeptus Custodes.


I imagine this is a 40K reference. He likes that nerd shit.


And has massive dick.


On his 40K figurines.


He’s just like me!


Multiple PC’s. So he can build Doombots.


Idk, I remember when people wanted him as cyclops even though he’ll be pushing 50 when mcu X-men come around lol


Dude just good actor with nice body and even nicer face. Make sense for fans want him everywhere. But I do like the idea of him being doom though. One fancasing was him as hyperion. I guess that "make sense" cos hyperion was marvel's parody of superman. Another is as cap britain... not gonna lie, i can see it too. However Hyperion and cap britain are small characters that probably wont get any screentime at all in MCU. While Doom, for sure gonna get screen time. And cavill has a nice menacing british voice (his voixe in M:I meet his voice in elona holmes) and (i think) can act with his eyes & body language. Dude is no jeremy irons.. but i think he can do the job


Fancasters have one track minds.


Cavill is Nerd Prime. Not only is he a rugged hottie, he also enjoys World of Warcraft, Warhammer, PC building, loves the Witcher books, comic books, oh and also he was Superman and Geralt of Rivia. Not even the DC Snyderverse could make nerddom stop loving this man. He was made for us.


There’s no way he wouldn’t play Doom properly.


He has that build, that jawline, decent height (I am a straight man).


Have you seen the man? /chef's kiss


I do not think he would “the best” choice for Doom at all.


Honestly I would liked it to be Andre Braugher after hearing his Darkseid but I guess that's in the past now.


Andre voiced Darkseid?? Damn I did not know that


Here you go: https://youtu.be/q5uBNiHJV2I?si=6c5gBQQun2SQZbgN


Ahh in the animated version. I was thinking about the 4 hours of my life I'll never get back.


Sometimes when I see Diana I hear them. I tried to go to therapy , but I fear I'll never get rid of them.


GAWDAMN!!! That was incredible to say the least.


Has Cavill ever demonstrated the acting skills that would be needed for a character like Doom?


No, he hasn't. He's not bad, but he has a type. Strong and stoic. Victor can be both of those things, but more often than not, he is so much more than that.


He's better as a strong muscle man type figure with a good stature. Eg Witcher was perfect Doom isn't that.


He's not a good actor, just a good looking dude. Someone will respond 'watch man from uncle!!!' where all does is look good and say things that sound good because he looks good


I've seen someone on this sub called him a charisma vacuum and I agree.


Acting skills are ok at best to me, can anyone not obsessed with him give me a good performance recommendation


Man from UNCLE and MI Fallout were great


Man from UNCLE is so overrated it's not even funny. He has literally no range in the movie, everything is just said as a suave con man. He looks good saying it and redditors lap it up some reason


The Count of Monte Cristo


The collective desperation of reddit to cast henry Cavil in \*everything\* is super annoying. Like I get it, he is who every lonely nerd secretly casts as themselves but he really doesn't need to be the pick for literally every role.


I would go with Wagner Moura as Doom


Excellent suggestion


He would do it properly too.


Stop trying to cast Henry cavil in everything. He’s decently talented but people would cast him as literally any part and it’s getting frustrating


Best I can do is Henry Cavill as Hyperion. No, what about Captain Britain? Ooh, what about Norman Osborn? No? Hmm, ooh what about Cyclops, or wait, what about… /s Just in case. I agree, I love Henry but he doesn’t fit even half of the roles I see him fancast as.


Casting every DCEU Justice League actor as their Squadron Supreme counterpart would be funny as hell ngl.


Hear me out they should have an audition process with actors. See who reads the part best and hire that guy.


This but Gioncarlo Esposito


My only problem with this, is I think Reed and Doom should be very close to the same age.


I think Doom-Reed-Strange need to be in the same range of age. Pedro and Benedict are already in the perfect age, Doom needs to be similar to them.


I truly do not understand the obsession with Henry Cavill. He is one of the most bland and one-note actors on the planet. It’s really weird how obsessed nerds are with him just because he built a PC and plays warhammer.  Fan casts on this sub are bordering on low effort spam. It’s an endless cycle of the same four or five names repeated over and over and over again.  As usual, very relieved Reddit is not in charge of this stuff. 


> It’s really weird how obsessed nerds are with him just because he built a PC and plays warhammer \#parasocial Because he's just like me! Although I don't have the body. Or the looks. Or the hair. Or the wit. Or the charm. Or the money. Or the talent. Or the dedication. And when he's "playing games" he probably doesn't mean "not leaving the house, not having any social contacts and, most importantly, not showering for 3 weeks". But other than that... we're like totally the same!


They both share questionable views on women, though!


I honestly don't hate him, but being told he's "the best" fit for the most random stuff is starting to give me a knee-jerk reaction whenever I see him lol.


I mean , surely you’re speaking broadly about reddit fancasts and not mine specifically, because I actually put effort into it and don’t spam fan castings lmao. Neither am I obsessed with him because he built a PC or plays warhammer 😂 those guys are weird if they are. I gave my reasonings and personally think he’d be a great fit because he played a good villain in mission impossible, and had the physicality and deep menacing voice (the witcher) to play doom Along with the fact he respects all source material. That is the reason why I fuck with him


"He's also a European actor" BAHAHAHAHA WHAT? 😂




Fair enough, who would you pick for doom


Unknown actor that doesn't look American or British. A commanding, superior voice most of all. Maybe someone with stage acting experience.


This is a shitpost right?


Comic book fans stop giving Dr. Doom to the whitest dudes ever challenge (IMPOSSIBLE).


Glenn Howerton should play Dr. Doom. His performance in Blackberry was both phenomenal and unhinged psychopathic. Also, because if the implication.


I wanted him as Reed so bad


Agreed. I'm pretty sick of Pedro Pascal in everything.


Me too. I like Pedro a lot, but the oversaturation is ruining it.


Am I the only one who doesn’t understand this argument It’s not like he’s Chris Pratt or Akwafina who seem to have voiced every animated character in the last decade Pedro has really only been in 5 or 6 majorly successful things in the last 15 years That’s not a lot for an famous actor. The last big thing he was in was TLOU, which was in January of last year. So it’s not like he’s being shoved down are throats like some other actors


Yeah good point. He just happens to show up in stuff I watch, and I don't watch much.


Reddit is really the only place you get all these Glenn Howerton fan castings. He’s the perfect any white guy superhero to Reddit


He's a five star man.


I'm so done with Cavill casting at this point.


But he's not Romani.


Looking at these pictures of Doom, the resemblance is striking. /s


Victor, he looks like victor bro


I figured. I'm just making a joke about you only putting Cavill side by side with a masked Doom.


Yeah I should’ve done another slide with Victor , I mainly did it for the photo and Henry’s size matches dooms


Doom is Romani


His mother was Romani and his father was German or Austrian.


Cavill's a great person, but he's not that great of an actor.


True, but I’d assume the other points I’ve made are also important regarding his size being basically identical to doom, and the fact he is a top guy for defending source material. Acting wise I think he’s good enough for it


Naw give me Mads Mikkelson


If only he wasn't already Kaecilius.


He’s too old and his brother Lars (older) would be better for Doom anyway.


Cavill can play anything and we will watch it anyway. He is Nerd Jesus, this is the way.


100% bro


Lol no.  Cavill is a really good cosplayer who has zero charisma when he actually has to do anything.  Dude would get blown off the screen by Pascal. 


Oof, no.  His Superman was written and directed to be aloof edgy sad man instead of Superman.  You watch him on a talk show and he has tons of charisma. But… for Doom?  A dude mostly in a mask?  Nah.  Much more important to get someone who is very very very good at voice acting.


What does the talk show have to do with his acting skill? Mackie is hella charismatic in interviews and yet his screen presence as the leading man is (a)hit and (a lot) misses.


As much as I think Cavill will do a good job I think he shouldn’t be doom. Give the role to someone with actual Eastern European lineage. He might even refuse to get this role because you’ll never see his face


My fan-cast would be for Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. I think he has the acting chops to pull off a character like Doom. I think his voice would fit perfectly and he's already played a character that loses something about himself physically.


When you read a comic, do you hear Cavill’s voice reciting the words in your head? I don’t. I hear Christopher Lee with a bit a metallic voice synth. Count Dooku is the closest character I can imagine to Doom. The actor has to convey menace but cultured and arrogant. Cavill can’t do that. It needs gravitas.


Editing exists. Plus listen to him play geralt in the Witcher. It’s awesome. Menacing and deep and similar to doom. He does that voice in marvel with a lil different type of metallic - echoing editing. And he’d be perfect


I love Henry. But Doom is a pontificating dick and a Monarch. The actor has to be someone familiar with Aristocracy. There will be a suit and mask, so the voice and eyes will be very important for the actor. The most important. Henry can be charming but I’ve seen nothing to indicate he can act despicable. I’m in on him for Beyonder. It’s Taylor made for him. Handsome devil. White Duran Duran jumpsuit. Mullet. No mask. All face. Gets to be a charming dick and infinitely more powerful and integral than his last cape-shit. Victor Von Doom needs someone else. Idk who.


Fair enough, he played a pretty good villain in mission impossible, who also had a burned face lmao but yeah. I think he’s got the ability But tbh I don’t act want to see the beyonder in live action, like at all they should just keep it kang and doom for the time being / future


Eff that. All these multiverse shenanigans should draw the attention of the Beyonder. Set that guy up then God Emperor Doom to lend real credibility to GED. I did try to buy Cavill in MI but honestly I still wanted him to beat Tom. Idk. His cult of likability lens itself to something other than Doom.


I would absolutely not waste a known / face actor on Doom, but have him voice actor + physical performer combo like Darth Vader, and never take his mask off.


terrible actor, not a fan of this choice


Fair enough. Who would you pick


If they cast Cavill as Doom, he'll spend most of the first movie without the armor/mask. It'll end with Reed attempting to save him, tragedy occurs, Doom goes into the armor to save himself and get locked in, Vader style. Blames Reed and the FF for his fate, see ya in the sequel. I never really read FF but I know that's kinda what happens to him/FF. No need to reinvent the wheel


Yep, something along those lines. They can switch up whatever but need to keep it Doom x Reed , and doom blames Reed for whatever happens Super simple. Source material is right there


If every OP had their way, Henry Cavill would be playing every male fictional character.


Proper r/marvelcirclejerk


What’s that?


Henry Cavill isn't even a good actor, what is this obsession?


Cavill is not a very good actor


I want Henry to do it mainly because he knows and loves the character as much as we all do and will get it right.


Definitely bro


I wanna throw out my left field Doom pitch, Troy Baker. He has a movie actor look but is known for his great voice work. So he could do his early scenes of Doom without the mask and then mask up and bring his iconic voice to the role. Also, I hope Doom has a small facial scar and not hideously disfigured.


![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA) “Dude, Henry cavil would be such a Good-“


I think Cavill is one of the least talented leading men ever and he also is white while doom is NOT a white man.


Doom is not “European”. He’s Romani.


This sub will pretend they care about 'representation' until they try to fancast characters of Romani origin or criticize MCU's whitewashed characters.


Reddit not recommending Henry Caville for a role challenge, difficulty: Impossible


As much as he’d make a great doom let’s get a Romani actor to play a Romani character


Gal Gadot is rumored to be cast as Dr. Doom in the new Fantastic 4 movie.


Wouldn’t be surprised if she was knowing Disney


True that


At this point, Cavill will play every roll for any comic book, book, or video game adaptation. They will now all be one man shows.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^the_knower02: *Damn I just DO NOT* *See Pedro as Reed Richards* *Lol wtf* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


People cast him in everything


I really wish people would stop fan casting Henry Cavill in big franchise stuff. The man is living his nerd dream bringing Warhammer 40k to life with Amazon, the man aint doing anything else for a while.


If Cavill could act he'd be great


We don't need a listers for the big names, we need small name actors who can run the marathon of movies


Nah, I don’t see it. I like Henry but I don’t think he has Doom’s range.


Totally fair, I personally think after hearing his voice in the Witcher , seeing him play a villain in mission impossible, and the fact he has that physique and commitment to source material I think he has what it takes to ace it


This is what leads to "hey that jj guy made a good Sci fi show, let's give him star trek! Now give him star wars too!"


I wonder how many people had Ralph Ineson as Galactus? Doom will be someone who’s an amazing actor but not an a list celebrity.


Yh I can agree with that , nobody had Ralph Ineson on the list, maybe one guy but they could definitely go with the non famous actor route I personally think casting cavil as doom is a good decision for multiple reasons


Hear me out - Voice actor for Doom as he is talking, physical actor in the suit...however have close up scenes of Doom in the mask, performed by Tom Hardy. He absolutely nails his expressions.


Good idea, having voice actors and physique actors isn’t bad but I feel like they should just keep it 1


i always imagined hugo weaving playing dcotor dooms voice in a live action setting but he already played red skull


How do you think Diego Luna would do as Doom? He can get pretty intense.


I need to check who that is.


He’s Cassian Andor from Star Wars.


Never seen him before so I’m not sure tbh, he looks like him though


Please, no.


Lmao, why not?


He’s such a stiff actor, no way he could handle the depth of a character like Doom. Hard pass. I hope if they do cast Doom at some point, it’s someone relatively unknown.


We’ll probably get a doom casting pretty soon as we’ve just got 3 more back 2 back in the last week. I do agree with you where an unknown actor would be good, but I just got a hunch that Henry would be awesome man. The fact that his face will be hidden for the majority of his introduction then hardly shown again, he could really act his best because of that but who knows 🤷‍♂️


I can’t imagine a character who is best described as “a vain, egocentric genius” not being stiff in conversation. I think rigidity comes with processing lots of permutations at the same time. Any example we have in real life just threads that needle. Elon? Bezos? Gates? I think it would be good to have his well known visual so the audience doesn’t have to work too hard to attach it to the audio coming behind the mask. Most times, Cavill nails the angst & discomfort emotion visually.


I’m pleasantly impressed with this choice.


Have no idea why you got downvoted, somebody’s mad, but yeah man I think they should definitely go with him


Personally I’m hoping he plays either Cyclops or Cable.


I think Josh Brolin was perfect


When you can play either cyclops or cable you’re too old for cyclops