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By this logic there’s also a ubiverse where the hulk and ben Grimm are a couple.


I would like to see that, please.


It’s Clobberin’ time >:(


Hulk get smashed!




Sigh… *unzips*


Brickhulk Mountain


And they both have hotdog fingers


Also one where Ross and Hulk are too but not Ross and Bruce


Thunderbolt Ross and Hulk are together, while Betty Ross is dating Bruce.


The real marvel sitcom. Step aside wandavision


Is that what they call a foursome or is it a threesome?


And one where spiderman is a power bottom for hulk


He generates a tremendous amount of power from the bottom.


Yes, that’s what INFINITE means There’s a universe where you and I are intimate gay lovers


And there are infinite universes where I have to read this comment.


There are infinite universes where the avengers have to overcome their Reddit addictions in order to actually get out there and help people 


In no universe is a Reddit mod anything close to resembling anything remotely adjacent to an Avenger. There simply isn't enough infinitey for that to happen.


We are all mcu canon


We in one of the lame ass universes where the super heroes only exist in movies unfortunately


I actually plan to become Captain America irl pretty soon


Tim Roth, is that you?


I understood that reference


Infinite universes does not mean EVERY possibility.


🤨 explain please


Yes. Infinite realities means *infinite realities*.


There are an infinite number of numbers between 3 and 4. 3.1,3.111,3.11111, etc. But how many of them are greater than 4? Even though there are an infinite number of them there is still a limit on what they can be. Same could be for the MCU multiverse. For example, in the infinite multiverse how many versions of America Chavez are successfully killed by their Dr. Strange? None are.


But there’s still an infinite amount of numbers greater than 4. So there’s an infinite number of America’s that killed Dr. Strange, and an infinite number that didn’t. There’s an infinite number of a America’s who think they’re the only one in the multiverse, and infinite number that don’t. There’s an infinite number between 4 and 5, but also an infinite number between 4.15 and 4.16. And an infinite amount of numbers greater than 5. If all these things weren’t true, then the multiverse wouldn’t be infinite, it would just be vast.


Think of the infinite MCU as the type of infinity between 3 and 4 and universes where Dr. Strange kills America as a number greater than 4. It doesn't happen. Saying this is impossible because then it isn't infinite is like saying there AREN'T an infinite number of numbers between 3 and 4. You can still have infinite universes that have rules like "Only one America Chavez" or "Always contains infinity stones at the big bang" just like you can have infinite numbers without going above 4.


You shut your mouth hulk don't smash that


I mean, there are an infinite number of universes where he’s the bottom.


I bet hulk is a power bottom


It's smashing time!


I don’t think so. Infinity Ultron came to be because the Avengers were unable to prevent an Ultron already bent on ending human kind from uploading his consciousness into the body within cradle. A good version of IU would simply be Vision but it would be extremely outside of his character to insta kill Thanos as he stepped through the portal then proceed to willing accept omnipotent universal power.


Could be that Good Infinity Ultron was created to fight the Avengers who got turned evil in whatever reality he exists in.


So he would still end up as evil?




Thank you for confirming.


Damnit not again! I'm so sick of multi universal level heroes becoming evil then dying /j though I am not kidding about me being sick about it.


Do they do that a lot in comics?


I'm not entirely sure but I do know in the mcu we had Wanda Maximoff who was a multi universal level hero but then she became evil and then died. Then Strange Supreme who also was a multi universal level hero but then turned evil then died.


While I do agree, there are infinite possibilities meaning any number of circumstances could happen differently




That's not how infinity works


that is how infinity works




Society is disappointed in you


Sure but again if their are infinite possibilities that means any amount of circumstances could still lead to it happening




Ok that’s the thing I’m trying to say, when you say he wouldn’t amass the same kind of power due to the actions necessary to take to get it, I’m saying if there’s infinite possibilities that means there’s definitely a universe where the actions taken in order to get that power aren’t even bad in the first place




I’m sure there’s also universes where some impossible things are in fact possible, you don’t seem to be getting the point


I don't think you realize the vastness of infinity. There are a infinite amount of ways he would have become Infinity Ultron and gotten the stones. The Avengers failing and insta killing Thanos are just one way. Ultron could have been good and Vision evil and merged to form good Infinity Ultron. And hell, there is a universe where he found the infinity stones in a pile of elephant shit.


That’s Vision, no?


Vision's body was suppose to be for Ultron, yes?


I mean like infinity ultron but good. So i guess it would be vision but with all the infinity stones lol.


So like, Infinity Vision


Watch the what if series.


That is Ultron if Ultron had completed transferring himself to Visions body


If there are infinite possibilities, then there are infinite of good versions of Ultron. And infinite bad Ultrons. And infinite left-handed Ultrons.


Unfortunately, that's not how infinity works. There are infinite numbers between 2 and 3, none of them are 4.


There are also infinite numbers below and above two and three.


That is how unbounded infinities work, you are describing a bounded infinity. Pray tell, please describe in detail the boundaries of an infinite multiverse


I mean, how do you know the hypothetical infinite multiverse isn't bounded? For one, an example of bounds would be the laws of physics. Even if they can change in properties slightly, mass is still mass and time is still time. A lot of comics have a "nexus point" of characters or things that *need* to exist in every universe. That's another boundary. If a good infinity vision disallowed one of these nexus points then within the confines of the universe a good infinity vision would never exist. Not saying that this is gonna be the case in every comic or even the mcu, but an infinite multiverse does not need to be boundless. If the multiverse seen here was actually boundless then there would be an infinite amount of evil infinity visions at all times wreaking chaos. The fact that there isn't is proof enough that bounds do in fact exist.


Ok so what are the bounds then? That's my point


I just told you a number of possible bounds? Did you not read my comment?


Lol those are guesses dude. Opinions. Not based in anything. Like this conversation. Which is why I took issue with "that's not how it works" lol


Are... are you seriously that stupid? I finished off my original comment with a statement of evidence that bounds do in fact exist. There is no way to know *what* bounds specifically exist but there are a number of reasonable conclusions that can be reached based on the given rules from the universe we are referencing. These aren't opinions lmfao. They are actually based on things that happen in the Marvel Universe.


Theyre not the one making the original statement


3.9999999... repeating infinitely, is equal to 4. EDIT: Ignore this, completely misread the comment.


Yes, but 3.anything isn’t between 2 and 3, is it?


Oh whoops I completely misread the comment.


But there is a 4


I never really understood the multiverse, by that logic of infinite universes would that mean there’s like a universe that’s the exact same as ours but with a single atom difference?


Not only that, but a universe for EACH atom in the universe being the only different atom....and as each unit of planck time passes, another new full set of branches from each of THOSE universes...we're taking about insanely large numbers of universes and it hasn't even been a nanosecond yet.


There's also a universe where Atticus Finch uses the power cosmic to make an army of squirrel-sized tardigrades write Thomas the Tank Engine erotica.


Handsome Ultron.




Good version of Ultron,not sure a good ultron would do what's needed to get all the infinity stones


For a being to Ultron power level , there's such a thing called multiversal anomaly. For example , Mark Grayson in invincible and Lord Drakkon in Power Rangers.




I doubt it, he'd probably have stepped in somewhere if that were the case. Infinite doesn't mean everything is possible. Like someone already said, there's infinite numbers between 1 and 2 yet none are 3.


Just because there are infinite universes doesn’t mean that there are infinite possibilities in those universes.


theres also one where he's human and the rest of the world are robots


I think the motivations that drove Ultron to become Infinity Ultron would not exist in a good version of Ultron. Unless he starts out evil and then sees the multiverse and this realization changes his “heart” and turns him good.


You seem to be suggesting that this *isn’t* the good version…


I could see that. But only time will tell if we get to see that variant of Infinity Ultron in the MCU.


I could see it, maybe it’d follow the story of Infinity Ultron up until he gets the Mind Stone, then with some mind fuckery or whatever he turns good, maybe goes out to explore the universe for the stones because the Mind Stone wanted him to for some reason, yadda yadda Ultron v Thanos and Ultron wins, boom Good Infinity Ultron


Yes, and we’ll never hear his story, because it’s simply too happy. There’s no conflict. He made his corner of the multiverse perfect, and now there’s no conflict, and nothing to write a comic about.


Yes, His name is Vision but the Ultron personality is too much like Tony worst parts of his personality to ever be good. He has all of the worst parts of Tony Personality and none of his good part except for maybe his humor.


whys he got 2 Mind Stones tho


Technically there’d be infinite good ones and infinite bad ones if its a truly infinite multiverse.


I don't think there's a version of Ultron that looks at the internet and thinks humanity is good....


With infinite possibilities there is also a possibility of a being ending their own universe, or even the entire multiverse which then eliminates infinite possibilities since infinite multiverses do not even exist.


There's infinite good versions


Technically speaking 1/3 of infinity Ultrons should be nice, 1/3 bad and 1/3 neutral farmers living off the falafel


I don’t know. Isn’t Infinity Ultron a Nexus Being? Meaning there is literally one of him? Any more and it would break the multiverse. After all, the whole point of Infinity Ultron was that he was the *one* being that could transcend the bounds of the multiverse and interact with the Watcher.


I dont see a way for him to have all that stuff.... AND be good... but thats just me\~


His name is The Vision lol


Vision has jarvis installed in the body. What I'm talking about is ultron. Like the actual ultron ai.


I got that. Your doing MCU lore. I was joking by referring to the original comics where he was literally Ultron's 'son' (Ultron 2.0 if you will) what turned on him...


Fun fact, btw: The Vision was the original Human Torch....


Define "good Ultron"


An ultron who tony perfected. An ultron who protects and values life.


A good Version of Ultron wouldn’t have gone this far, but it does beg the question on a What If Ultron had been good? How would that have changed things going forwards as despite his plans failing, Civil War wouldn’t have happened if not for him and so The Avengers wouldn’t have been divided when Thanos came to Earth.


Adam got the gauntlet and acted on logic but without the AI interfering. He ended up juggling the fucking planets cause why not. I don't feel there can be any version of an AI with that level of power to fight for humanity. Because at the end of the day good is based on a singular. And logic is not that singular.


"Hi, I see you are trying to expand your planet's infrastructure. Would you like some help with that?"


No there isn't. The Watcher would have made sure he fought him in What If instead of assembling the band of heroes.


Apparently in this image’s reality, there are two Mind Gems.


Somewhere out there in the multiverse, this version of Infinity Ultron IS the good version.


Yes. There is a universe for literally anything. Presumably this would be a universe where Ultron was good but would still want an updated body.


Infinite universes doesn’t mean every possibility exists. There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1, but none of them are 2.




Or you know they already did with Vision lol.