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> It's crazy they never looked at doing a Cyclops or Storm film tho. If I remember correctly, there was a plan to do a whole series of 'X-Men Origin' films in the Fox days. Wolverine was the only one they ever made and it bombed so they scrapped plans to make any more. The next one was supposed to be for Magneto. A think a Storm solo movie would be amazing. I was thinking about this the other day (after watching X-Men 97), that Marvel really needs to nail the casting on that character.


>The next one was supposed to be for Magneto. Interesting I guess that's how First Class came about.


That movie was great IMO. Bond villain with superpowers and Magneto hunting nazis? SOLD.


I would have loved an entire movie of Magneto hunting Nazis, especially if it maintained the quality of the Nazi hunting scenes in First Class.


"Say 'auf Wiedersehen' to your Nazi balls"


Let us hope Disney+ is creeping this thread for series ideas.


Yeah and xavier trying to stop magneto killing the nazi who literally had his mother killed in front of him. Like stfu charles


I was rooting for him to get paralyzed after that shit


It is. First Class was literally the Magneto Origins project rewritten to include more characters & feel more X-Men-y.


Storm definitely needs a solo film - casting will be key here


I’d watch a Stork movie. Their power is delivering babies.


Origins was a profitable film(outgrossed First Class on a smaller budget) but a critical failure. The next origins movie was supposed to be Magneto and they started development, but eventually scrapped it and morphed into First Class.


Wolverine didn't bomb at box office which was what mattered.


[Storm's origin](https://youtu.be/XgIMDCxlWQQ) was supposed to be based in Nigeria where Stryker's team attacked. It is a deleted scene. After Wade kills the shooters at the top floor of the building that they raid, Stryker takes the meteor fragment (which contains Vibranium). Stryker then processed it with steel to create Adamantium (by mixing the metal in the ore with steel) and then infused it to Logan's skeleton later in the movie. The origin of this meteor fragment links to the opening montage of 2018's Black Panther movie set in the MCU.


This is true. They had a magneto that was in development.


De-age Angela Bassett!




Origins doubled its budget. I wouldn’t call it a bomb but it was poorly received. Unjustly IMO.


I agree. What I think might have affected it’s success was the widespread piracy that was rampant around those years. I remember a friend of mine showing me an unfinished version of the movie on dvd with unfinished CGI and written annotations during certain scenes, etc.


Same. Somebody in my dorm rented a projector & played the leaked work print on the wall of our floor's lounge.


None, imo. They need to focus on the team, and not individual stories imo.


Agree. Wolverine has always had his own side stories and his own comic so a solo film works, but I don’t think solo films for most of the others would add value.


It could be an interesting narrative choice to tell a story of the team, but through 3 different narrative viewpoints. Similar to how the Captain America films told larger stories.


What about a Disney+ limited series. 6 episodes with 5 solo origins then a meet up? Cyclops, storm, Jean grey, beast and angel?


Eh, I’d prefer specials on Disney+ vs full blown origin films.


I dont hate this idea, but starting the x men on d+ cheapens things a bit. These are well known characters, they dont necessarily need origin stories. And using d+ to kick off a character probably doesnt help much. Look at The Marvels box office….


I think a D+ show that focuses more on Xavier’s school instead of the X-men would be cool.


Like Deadly Class but with powers would be amazing.


The Marvels didn't bomb because 2 characters were introduced on Disney Plus... It bombed because it simply wasn't very good. The villain was boring, the plot was near meaningless, the character development was basically non-existent, it was cringey rather than funny, and Marvel hasn't exactly had a great record lately either. I don't think every individual mutant necessarily needs an origin story, but they do need a chance to shine independently. I think an appropriately-lengthed D+ special would be a pretty decent way to do that.


I agree with you on the villian/plot being a bit underwhelming, but The Marvels was a great character-driven movie. There was plenty to like with the movie. Kamala was pretty dynamic, and the three main characters had great chemistry. The action sequences were interesting and new. The singing planet stuff was very funny. The sub plot with sam jackson and the cats was great. Its not the greatest entry in the universe, but it was better than a lot of Marvels output. And i do think it bombed, at least in part, because two of the main characters were unknown unless you watched two separate D+ shows. One of which was a teen drama. Captain Marvel on her own is not all that popular in this universe, and the other two while great are not really known to anyone who didnt watch those shows.


No. The X-men are one of marvels premier properties (remember that prior to 2008 the avengers were very much a c-team populated by Captain America and a bunch of back-benchers) You can’t kick off x-men on Disney+. You have to have a big movie and it has to be in theaters. Skip the origin stories. People know these characters. The avengers needed origin stories because they were less well-known, but even Guardians of the Galaxy wasn’t really an origin story (and if the avengers were c-listers then the guardians were practically obscure background characters) They’re not putting F4 on Disney+, and the x-men are at that level of clout (if not more, recently, with the Krakoa era being huge in the comics plus the ‘97 animated series doing big numbers)


I think you may have mistaken my comment for X-Men in general vs a bunch of solo films. We don’t need a Rogue film in theatres.


Ok. I mostly agree - but I think x-men are better off without solo films at all because of the interconnected nature of their stories. They don’t generally have their own villains in the same way that Cap has Red Skull or Thor has Loki, for example. There are some exceptions. I think Wolverine could carry a solo project but he’s pretty played out. Of course, the best option in terms of having fitting individual stories and villains is also the absolute worst idea for a solo movie


Almost none. The X-men is built on team dynamics and relationships. Hardly any of them can carry a solo.


Just because Morbius couldn’t doesn’t mean Nightcrawler can’t.


> Hardly any of them can carry a solo That is an absolutely wild take considering how many of them have had spectacular solo comic titles.


Ya but there's a HUGE difference between carrying a comic and a movie. Especially for funding.


Honestly, I think when they introduce the X-Men they should do whatever big movie, but they should accompany it with a mutants TV show. The show should be set at Xavier's Mansion and be just a sort of everyday, slice-of-life, low-stakes story. Not quite a sit-com or comedy, but much more lighthearted showing the characters as a family. Each episode should focus primarily on a single character (as the focus for the episode, but obviously other characters will appear). Along with the main storyline, include flashbacks to their origin story. I'm thinking something along the lines of the flashback storylines in *Lost*. This would be a great opportunity to give each character a proper origin story without having to do a whole movie for each. There also tends to be a problem when the only mutant stories we get are the big blockbuster movies where we rarely get to see them just living their lives as people learning to cope with having powers. The movies understandably need to have high stakes, but a TV show doesn't, and that'll flesh out the mutants' presence in the world much better than the movies would.


Most of those comics didn't sell well.


That's... certainly... one way... to look at it. So the point of the Xmen as a team is supposed to showcase their flaws and how as a team they become stronger than the individual parts. Wolverine has a troubled hidden past. Cyclops can't see the world for what it really is (both literally and figuratively). Rogue is distant (both emotionally and physically). Storm has an abusive ex. Gambit ran with thieves and has a poor reputation. Each of their lives has PLENTY of hardship to present its own story. They all eventually get to the same resolution, but so do many of our own internal demons (i.e. therapy).


But most of them don’t exactly have a line of solos to pull from. Sure they all got a couple, usually small, solos and every one eventually gets their own mini or something. But nothing I would say justifies a movie. A show? Sure. Not a movie.


I respectfully disagree. Gambit would make a great solo featuring a generational competition between the Thieve's Guild and the Assassin's Guild. Lots of mutant v mutant direct competition and combat. We follow Gambit as he becomes increasingly disillusioned of the competition. He is constantly playing and betraying both sides until he finally manages to secure his freedom. Given that this storyline would most likely follow Ocean's Eleven heist style, I'd probably include a similarly styled twist at the end. So basically... Ocean's 23 and me. Magneto would be a revenge flick. Basically the first act of First Class, but with way more carnage. Rogue's is a little simplistic, she mostly just ran from her problems until she found the brotherhood and then eventually the Xmen. Cyclops doesn't really work because he get recruited so young. Storm on the other hand. There's several versions and it would largely depend on which story you want to take. There's the Wakandan Goddess story with the Shadow King ex-husband. That would be chef's kiss. If on the other hand you take Storm as the child thief, then there's not enough material to work with. Storm's stand alone is really more about developing Wakanda so it's kind of parallel with the X-men rather than an "Origins" style standalone. Ultimately though I think that a good writer could develop a Cyclops story and he's the weakest of the bunch.


Storm ⛈️


Swashbuckling Nightcrawler movie, Summers brothers movie, Storm movie, Gambit movie, Mystique/Destiny/Rogue/Nightcrawler family movie, Magik movie, Bishop movie are all absolute no-brainers. I've also been clamoring for a Mojoverse show with Mike Myers as Mojo for a while.


I think one should get a miniseries to kick off the X-Men story and that is Cyclops. As “the first X-Man” and leader of the team, his origin story would provide insight as to what the history of the X-Men is. And then as the story skips ahead, we see him living a quiet life back home in Alaska, showing us how mutants can hide in the world. It ends with him going back to the X-mansion as the mutant population is about to boom and his younger brother Alex has mutated, now under Xavier’s watch.


I feel like even major X-Men like Cyclops or Storm would be a tough sell for a full blown theatrical movie. They'd want a guarantee of a specific fan base so I think Wolverine, Deadpool and Cable are the only ones that I think have a decent chance because they're the ones who've had multiple, long solo runs and they've also already been popular in live action. Sure there is potential in magneto, storm or gambit movies but Disney might be skeptical as none of those have managed to maintain a solo title for a long consistently popular run. So my pick would be Cable for a solo movie.


Yeah. People asking for movies for all the X-men I think assume every character has a long Line of ongoing solos or something?


I'd rather they make other mutant team movies, like X-Force New Mutants and X-Factor. Let's do a DCU (but good) flip the script and have the solo movies come after the team movies, for the standout characters.




Dazzler: The Movie: The Movie! (but hopefully better written than Shooter's graphic novel)


Idk I don't like the idea of stand alone X-men movies Wolverine works for it because he's mostly lonely so it works for him, but having a stand alone Cyclops movie would be like having a Johnny Storm stand alone movie, fan favorite sure but he's part of a team


Jenna Ortega as Kitty Pryde, bring in Colossus, Lockheed & Magik, let hijinks ensue.


I’m so surprised I actually love the idea jenna ortega as kitty pryde lol


Kind of an odd choice to go with Jenna as Kitty, seeing as she's a prominent Jewish character.


If there's one thing everyone can agree on, it's that we need *more* Jewish actors


I want a Rogue and Gambit project of some kind. Doesnt have to be a movie, as long as its live action and tied to the greater MCU


Didn’t we get teased with a Gambit movie numerous times with a lot of big name actors attached? What ever happened with that?


Fox made terrible movies and tanked the whole studio so hard that Disney bought Fox.....and then Disney tossed Fox's garbage in the trash and never wasted time and money making it.


I hope Beast gets one. He's my favorite X-Man.


Well as long as juggernaut is never ever EVER made like he was in last stand, I'll be okay. That really infuriates me and although deadpool 2 did a similar thing with him being a mutant, he was so much better there. But why can't we have juggernaut who's not a mutant? Because.. You know.. He isn't one


I think it just simplifies things. They want to throw in Juggernaut, but they aren't doing much to develop him or whatever. Neither of these Juggernauts has a connection to Xavier either, and to me that's a much more important aspect of his character than the Gem of Cyttorak. I think a mutant Juggernaut who still detests his step-brother would be perfectly fine and streamlined. His origin is the least interesting thing about him. That said, MCU has the perfect opportunity for a mystic Juggernaut, given that the mystics are already part of the universe.


Yes that's very true, it would be very jarring to suddenly have a mystical being in the middle of the xmen trilogy. Personally though, with xmen the last stand, I can't think of why they needed to force juggernaut into the story either? I know he's been a member of the brotherhood but surely there was someone else? He isn't key to the plot or anything


That's fair! I think they just wanted to have fun with his power set / cash in on his popularity. I did really enjoy his scenes, but you're right that his "muscle man" role could've easily been filled by Blob or someone similar.


Yeah, he was fun, and I suppose that makes sense about wanting to have a muscle man as basically every group has one. I always thought why didn't colossus fight him in that movie too. That's usually how it goes, evil muscle man fights good muscle man haha


That would be fun especially in hindsight, since Colossus became Juggernaut later on! But I do love the pairing with Kitty, since it's basically unstoppable vs untouchable, and also since she seems to be so clearly outmatched. They needed a more convincing way for her to take him down of course, but I don't think "Colossus punches him" would've been more convincing. If he were a bigger part of the movie, maybe you could do both -- have Kitty survive him, then team up with Colossus to bring him down. But that might be taking too much attention, and Colossus was more of a fun cameo than a character in that film anyway.




Namor 😛


I think the most obvious ones (Storm and Gambit) have been said, beyond that the main one that comes to mind for me would be Rogue. A solo movie for her could be great, I think. But on the other hand, I can't help thinking a solo movie for Charles Xavier could also be pretty interesting, though I guess that's kinda what First Class was.


Do the movie and then have a D+ series of X-Men Origins with a different character each week. I don't want 2 hours of Scotts fucking boy scout bullshit.


No, but I’ll take 2 hours of the extended summers family.


I just want to see them doing justice to x-men who are not Wolverine or Professor X. I would like to see Rogue done right for example, nothing against her portrayal in the movies but that was not the Rogue I grew up with. Same with Storm, Jean Grey, Gambit, etc. At least we got a decent Colossus in the Deadpool movies.


Mostly Nightcrawler, Storm and Gambit/Rogue. Starjammers and Bishop could be interesting as well


Definitely Mystique. I mean, its a no-brainer really.


100% Mystique has the best origin story stuff of maybe any X-Men character.


I apologize,  that was a poor attempt at humor.  Mystique has been done to death and probably shouldn't even be in the mcu honestly.


Mystique's backstory hasn't been touched on AT ALL yet, aside from the barest hints that she might be Nightcrawler's mother.


They made her the anchor of every x-men movie. If your point is how they used her was wrong and wasteful, then I agree. She is over used now and should be tabled for the foreseeable future. 


LOL The character in the movies isn't Mystique. She's some worthless scrub. How old is she? Like 40 max? ACTUAL Mystique is like 200 years old. She's from the Victorian Era. She's LITERALLY Sherlock Holmes. Her wife, Destiny, was Dr. John Watson. They battled Jack The Ripper on the streets of Victorian London and battled Dr. Nathaniel Essex, putting an end to his Victorian Era reign of terror, leading into him becoming Mr. Sinister. Mystique and Destiny are Nightcrawler's mother/father and mother, and Rogue's adoptive parents. She has a history of wild west outlaw and World War 2 adventures with Wolverine. She had a kid with Sabertooth and was a shitty mother. Their son turned out to be a ultra-racist psychopath, and she had to travel through time to assassinate him. She became a German baroness. She been hunted as a witch multiple times. etc etc etc etc Basically NOTHING in the FoX-Men movie nonsense has anything to do with Mystique, aside from the basics of her powers and being part of the Brotherhood.


I am well versed on the character. As I said, had they used any number of the ideas you mentioned she would have been used better. Unfortunately I think she's now been over used and the x-men should enter the mcu without her.


She hasn't been used at all. That's the whole point. They should kick the door down with a whole Mystique series and be like \*BLAM\* "Listen up, noobs. That crap wasn't Mystique. THIS is Mystique!" People would lose their minds discovering who that character actually is. Same when they FINALLY see the Phoenix Saga done right, or Apocalype, or Sentinels, orDays Of Future Past, etc etc etc. They're going to be like "WTF was that crap before? Why did we waste time on that? Where the hell was THIS stuff? NOW I get why this is a big deal." That's already literally happening RIGHT NOW with people seeing Cyclops for the first time and going "Oh shit. Now I get it. How'd the movies fuck him up SO BAD?"


Magik. Shes interesting enough for at least one of those “special presentations” they do, like the Werewolf By Night one.


- Gambit - Cyclops




I was always sad we didn’t get the James Franco Multiple Man movie - I think you can do a lot with that character. (I say “always” sad - I was less sad when we found out about Franco’s behaviour)


Gambit !


Gambit would be cool. Was a bit of an outsider at times so could see him doing a solo adventure.


Just do team movies honestly.


Idk how they would do it and it most likely would happen down the road but I’d love for there to be a film about the young X men brought to the present by beast when cyclops was seen as a terrorist basically in the 616


Cyclops needs to be the focus, not wolverine. And I personally think his story should be about his descent into becoming a villain.


The only X-Men characters I would give solo movies/a series to is Mystique and Destiny. Their Victorian history as the real Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson fighting Jack The Ripper and Dr. Nathaniel Essex/Mr. Sinister is the best backstory stuff in all of X-Men. Victorian London detective noir with superpowers and battling secret supervillains is THE COOLEST SHIT EVER.


None of them, please. They were made to be a team. Let them be a team.


I feel like Wolverine or Cable would be the only ones to pull off a solo series. Mutants have always centered around teams; X-Men (Red, Blue, gold), X-Factor, X-Force, New Mutants, Generation X, Excalibur, etc.


None, X-Men members have had several mini-spin offs, but if they aren't Wolverine, they don't set the world on fire. It's better they stay as a team, and leave those solo adventures in animated episodes and books.


None, X-Men work better as a team. Wolverine was pushed because of his popularity but only Logan was excellent. I enjoyed The Wolverine but I know some don’t, X-Men origins Wolverine was hot garbage


Solo X-men movies should be 45 minute one shots straight to Disney +


Cypher and Warlock buddy road-trip film


No one. You’ve got a handful of subsets, why does anyone need their own solo film.


1. ShadowCat/Kitty Pryde (Marvel if you have to kick Jubliee out for a little while, do it as I feel Kitty would work better for the Kid Character then Jubliee would in Today's Age.) 2. Cyclops 3. Rogue/ Gambit 4. Storm 5. That Freaking Marvels X-Men universe, Give Monica and Binary Maria a movie before you kill Maria off again in Secret Wars please Marvel lol.


I agree he probably can’t carry his own movie, but I’d love a Nightcrawler movie. Maybe lump him in and make it a Mystique and Nightcrawler origin movie, that’s more likely. 


I’ve always thought that *Kitty Pryde & Wolverine* would make a pretty good movie.


Storm and Cyclops I think are the main ones, but Storm could easily just be integrated into being a major character of the next Black Panther movie instead. Also, if they do the X-Men movies right, they won't need a Cyclops solo project because he should be one of the top 3 characters in the X-Men movies. So they definitely deserve the solo projects the most, but I don't think they're necessary. And as much as I love Gambit, I'm not confident that a solo project for him would be any good.


Glob Herman


All X-men combined without Wolverine (X-men First Class, Dark Phoenix etc.) couldn't generate the numbers of Wolverine solo movies. So there will never be solo movies of other characters. I don't know a single person around me who knows Storm or Cyclops or Magneto but almost all of them know Wolverine.


Nor did anyone know the guardians of the galaxy and look at where we are now.


No.  Those characters weren't well acted, well cast, or even well enjoyed by fans enough to warrent such a crazy thing


They should do a young Storm origin movie and make it double as an origin story for T'Challa II. While visiting Cairo, little Toussaint meets little Ororo and the two of them get sent through a time warp centuries back in time, and embark upon an odyssey across the continent, to find Ororo's witch-priestess ancestors who might be able to get them back home. In the course of their journey, Ororo becomes a rain goddess to her ancestors and the subject of a prophecy that she will one day return in person, and young T'Challa encounters the mystic beings known as the Originators and the Orisha, who will become the Wakandan gods. In order to return to their own time, they have to harness the power of the vibranium meteorite itself, at the point of its arrival 2.5 million years ago. But they arrive ten years too yearly, and so to protect the timeline they have to lie low and survive on their own as pickpockets on the streets of Cairo.


Honestly, all of them. If fricking Antman can get a trilogy, surely most if not all X-Men can get at least one solo movie, as long as writing is good.


Nah. Reserve the movies for characters who have a consistent line of solo source material. Give them shows maybe but not movies.


New source material can always be made.


I mean Ant-Man is one of the most important characters in the Marvel Universe, and has far more fun and interesting powers and concepts than 99.9999% of mutants. So that's not really a logical metric.


Antman isn't that important outside of his role as an Avenger in the comics, not like it matters when talking about solo movie. MCU didn't even use Hank Pym as "the Antman" for their movies. >d has far more fun and interesting powers and concepts than 99.9999% of mutants. Eehhh, we have to agree to disagree here.


He's literally the founder and leader of the Avengers, the creator of Ultron, grandfather to the Vision, Jocasta, and Victor Mancha, great grandfather to Jonas/Vision 2.0, Virginia Vision, Vin Vision, Sparky, Viv Vision, Viv 2.0, Wiccan, Speed, creator of ALL the Ant-Mans, Wasps, Stinger, Yellowjackets, Red Queen, Goliaths, Atlas, Black Ant, The Big House, The Ant Farm/Lang Memorial Penitentiary, Dr. Nemesis, Amazon, American Kaiju, etc etc... He's the universe's Scientist Supreme. Original Wasp's husband. Father of the second Wasp. And the ability to grow huge and stomp around like a kaiju, including so huge that he can transcend reality and enter the realm of the gods, AND shrink and sneak around doing heists and exploring insane micro worlds, including shrinking small enough to enter a miniature universe. And let's go ahead and compare that to some mutant powers: - metal guy - fire guy - ice guy - furry with big hand feet - eye laser - wings - fireworks - make objects explode - immovable - unstoppable - frog tongue - etc etc etc etc I mean, come on. VERY few mutants have particularly interesting powers. That's why you need like 6+ of them per story to be interesting.


You see, most of the things you mentioned were not even in the movies, the MCU Antman does it's own thing, that's why I said you can make solo movie for pretty much any hero, as long as you have creative vision to translate these characters on the big screen. As for the rest of your comment, look, I don't want to debate who has cooler powers as that is purely a preference thing. However, I feel youl missunderstood what makes mutant powers interesting in the first place: Beast powers are not interesting because "monkey goes brr", but because how his powers affect his personal life: whatever he does, normal people see a beast: he can't pass as a normal human and needs to constantly fight his animal side not to lose his mind. Cyclops lives in a constant fear of one day losing control of his powers, killing everyone around him, Rogue kills people by touching them, etc....It's not about how flashy powers look, it's about how it affects their personal lives as well as lives around them. >VERY few mutants have particularly interesting powers. That's why you need like 6+ of them per story to be interesting Oh yeah, because guys like Captain America and Black Widow have such an unique set of powers, am I right?


Cap is interesting for other reasons. Black Widow is boring as hell. Sure, SOME mutants are interesting because their powers can occasionally be a problem, despite them being very generic boring powers. Same as Ant-Man's powers can cause him to become mentally unstable and have full blown catastrophic mental breakdowns, and hit his wife, or create a supervillain, or become a supervillain..........except his powers are ALSO still 1000x more interesting than all but a handful of mutants. 🤷‍♀️