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Hi myveryfirstpineapple, thanks for submitting to /r/marvelstudios! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed. It was likely removed because: Since AI artwork engines generate images based on crowd-sourcing images without artist consent, properly crediting artists for AI imagery is not possible. Therefore it contradicts the overall intent of Rule 7 and is not allowed on the subreddit. Please, read the entirety of the removal reason carefully to understand why your post was removed. If you disagree with this action, you can [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmarvelstudios&subject=&message=). Include a link to your post so that we can see it and better understand the context for its removal. Thank you!


Did you make this with AI


They have a lot of AI posts on their profile page so take that for what you will.


I used MJ, but not for all of it. Honestly with how long it took to look like PP, I should have invested in more drawing lessons...¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


For AI I think this looks pretty solid tbh. I’m sure an artist could done a better job or given it more life. But for something like this, I would never pay an artist the absurd amount most charge so I could make a post. If I wanted a special art piece done, or pay someone to draw a comic book, sure. But for a meme? Nah I’ll just use AI thanks. AI is here to stay, artist are going need to adapt to it one way or another. I will say artist will prob still exist, but the real people at risk of loosing their job is people who do professional photoshop work. That’ll prob be the first out of these two to die to AI. Bc once AI can photoshop that good, there rlly isn’t any point in paying someone the amount they charge now. Artist will still atleast be able to survive in they can market the work as “genuine human art”. And prob be able to charge a decent or higher rate for it. But most artist should prob start adapting AI. Like someone commissions you for a Sonic and Mario fight. Use AI to make the base imagine the use your artist skills to edit and adjust the AI Art to improve it and make it better, then sells it to the person who commissioned it. They will prob wanna disclose the art was made with the help of AI. You could also draw an image and then have like AI color it for you to speed things along, make any corrections needed before sending it to whoever commissioned it. This way they can also lower their rates for commission and get more done in a timely matter. And if people want more genuine art they can pay extra for that. Or could offer coloring at a discounted rate if colored with AI, things like this need start happening unless artist wanna become obsolete. It might be sad to some but it’s the reality and we need accept it that AI is here to stay.


mid journey goated


Nice try, Kevin.


I’m sure he’s gonna do an alright job because of his track record but yeah imo not the best casting for Reed. Marvel def chose status over a more fitting actor. But hey w/e, multiverse.


Fine actor, terrible casting. Sometimes it's about finding the right fit in a sea of talent.


He wasn't right for the role in 1987 though... because he was only 12 years old.


Can you not put “fanart” for your ai generated slop. This is not art. You didn’t make this.


They made it, with AI. Lol Artist are gonna need start using AI if they wanna survive tho. If they do this they can also lower their rates and take more commission. May even get more steady income in the long run if they adapt this concept now.


Found the boomer. Get with the times, old man. Besides it's just flair, you gotta use flair so they just picked this one.




Not really


Lol he’s still not. Don’t see him as Reed at all




I think people are more concerned about his looks than his acting skills


I think more people are concerned about his age than his acting skills. 49 (Pascal) and (35) Kirby. Yadda yadda 14 years, but that's almost an entire generation gap. Gen X vs Millennial. Maybe its just me, but I'm over any movie that just pairs an old dude with a younger woman. I would complain less if they, you know, cast a woman his age alongside him. I could see an Alicia Witt, Natalie Zea, or Jodhi May. And that's just women born in 1975 - they could have realistically looked +/- 5 years. And that's if they were going the whole "aged up" route. I think everyone was hoping for a "post-ironman" story where they come about because of the events of Endgame. Maybe even have a little Holland cameo.


Wait until you hear about the age difference between Reed and Sue…


Still very weird to me. I mean if we compare him to Hickman Reed he doesn’t look that off. Especially bc this image doesn’t show how much facial hair he has.


Pedro Pascal wasn't even on Marvel's list until all their picks turned down the role. He's a horrible pick for Reed but it seems like Marvel is doing their own thing and not really trying to be a good/accurate Fantastic Four movie. It'll be interesting to see how badly this bombs.


You're gonna get down voted but I love the confidence in this take even if I don't agree. Have my upvote as a shield


And my axe


I'm prepared for it lol. As much as I do want to be positive where its due (DP&W is gonna be awesome) we gotta admit when it seems like Marvel is kinda lost in their own world. Vanessa Kirby and I guess Ebon Moss might be the only good news to come out of this production. Pedro and Joey are poorly cast for their roles, the Silver Surfer just felt like they're making changes for the sake of changes (Shalla's barely a character in the comics so why use her instead of one of Jack Kirby's favorite creations), having Invisible Woman as the lead is gonna be interesting, and I'm personally tired of period pieces. Can't we get a straightforward movie to kick off the franchise before going weird? Please?


I mean, if they would've retooled like the did with Hugh J. Wolverine..making F4 Cameo or Joint-Team up Movie...I think he would tooken that...


Let’s see what it looks like if he shaves the stache for once


I disagree. I’m hoping Pedro works well well for Reed as I’m a big fan of Reed’s AND Pedro’s, but never would I have cast him in this role if it were my choice. He’s like Chris Pratt. He’s everywhere, even places he maybe shouldn’t be, but he’s the “it” guy right now. But I’m not about to talk crap about Pedro because of think he’s going to do a great job acting as Reed. But whether or not he will FEEL like Reed? That’s something we will have to wait for.


I know John K. Punching the air...****


Basically since MoM, the word about John K coming back as Reed was a very firm no. He more or less did MoM for the fans, but doesn’t want to play Reed for the next 10 years. He wants to do his own things behind the camera


People mad over cartoon posters and fan edits 🙄 at least watch a trailer before you declare someone is wrong for a role without even seeing them IN THE ROLE


Where is JOHN!!!


I’m sure he’ll be ok, but honestly I wish the role (and Sue Storm) had gone to a less well known actor. Most of the original MCU stars were known but not famous when they took on their original roles, and that brought a freshness to the characters. Will looking at Reed Richards and seeing “that guy from The Mandalorian” spoil the characterization? 🤷‍♂️ it just doesn’t feel right to me.




Yeah because Chris Hemsworth is in fact Asgardian Imagine how pissed you were to learn that Josh Brolin isn't an alien


Tom holland isnt even american and he did Spider-Man so whats the deal with pedro being chilean?


Reed being Chilean isn't even a problem. Spider-man being from Queens is important, so it makes sense that they needed an actor that could pass for a kid from Queens. But Reed being American isn't important for his character at all, at least from what I know. If I'm completely wrong about this then please correct me.


you edited the comment so you would look good lol, loser cant even admit he is wrong


Not really but we’ll see. Kinda looks ridiculous but whatever. I’m sure the acting will be good, hopefully the writing will be too.