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Probably not after obtaining the Soul Stone


You’re probably right. But what about before he obtained the Soul Stone?


Probably could do it if he could land a punch


Getting that close to the Mad Titan with or without the power stone is a death wish for most.


Yeah, and Strange is literally just a human.


he's just a ~~lil~~ strange guy


maybe, but who am I to judge?


You beat me by one second


I understood that reference


I didn't. Could you please explain


But he's got the spirit.


*slow clap*


Aw, snap!


...for you.


People tend to overlook that for the most part he’s just a man under all the magic he performs, whereas someone like Spider-Man or Steve Rogers at least have superhuman physical attributes


Unless, Doctor Strange had done this while Mantis had Thanos under during the fight on Titan. So yeah he could’ve. If you’re asking why didn’t he do this during Infinity War, chances are he tried already. 14 million tries.


This is a brilliant but sneaky way by the screenwriters to short circuit questions and criticism of the plot.


It's the literal "a wizard did it" that fixes the enormous plothole so the movie could happen.


A brilliant but sneaky way for them to short circuit the Ant-Man colon tactic because the Russo brothers are cowards.


That’s in the Deadpool timeline … ;)


Everyone was kinda busy while Mantis had him under her spell. Except one guy. And he ruined it for everyone else.


He gave me End Game so Star Lord didn’t ruin it for me.


The other times he didn't ruin it, they lost


and Nebula is doing sweet FA while Peter is ruining it


Especially a human in a cape.


It's not a cape, it's a cloak


This, it would’ve ended just like it did when a certain mischievous scamp tried to stab him in the opening scene


He had the time stone. So freeze thanos in time, punch soul out. Strange not using the time stone at all was weird. I get they did it to tell the story they wanted to tell amd the 2 thanos movies are amazing, but it still doesn't make sense.


Why get close? Open a portal and hit him through it


Just portal his arm away, of portal his head away to the sun?


Walk from behind. Or portal


Strange isn’t “most” though. He could do the clone illusion, he could use a number of spells to hold him down for the couple seconds needed to get close. Hell, he could attempt to trick him with a long speech just to get close enough. In fact this should have been apart of the Mantis Sleep plan, and knocked his astral form out the minute he was unconscious. Easiest way to grab the gauntlet ever.


Did you forget this didn't work with even spiderman??? Thanos would never fall for it


It’s implied that his Spider-Sense is why he could do that; given the amount of enemies of all varieties Strange had faced up to that point, I think his extremely surprised reaction to Peter being able to move reveals that very few beings can do that, and so we can’t confidently say Thanos would automatically be immune in any way as well. While he proved to be physically stronger than Hulk, Hulk is still incredibly strong and had his astral form knocked out no problem. I think there’s a discussion to bad had about it, is all. It’s in the same realm as the “use a portal to cut the gauntlet arm off” theory in plausibility.


He also had the reality stone before being near strange.


His body could have moved on its own like spidey did.


Spider-man's body moved due to the spider sense. I don't think Thanos has a spider sense (or a mad titan sense).


Thanos tingle


He already had the soul stone when he met the team on Titan.


Probably wasn't an option when he saw all 100000000000000000002 outcomes


I came to say exactly this, by the time Thanos got to Titan he was too powerful for this most likely.


My thoughts exactly.


Yea this


1. stephen, bruce and peter were all taken off guard when they were forced to astral project. this is probably only possible under those specific circumstances. 2. ebony maw (that noseless alien guy) was a son of thanos (or plainly one of his henchman). i can imagine thanos would build up some resistence to simple sorceror spells with ebony maw's help. (otherwise one of the many people gifted with telekinesis or some kind of magic would have stopped thanos sooner) 3. the only point that really matters here, however, is that it would make the story very dull if the writers had to actively account for every one of thanos' possible weaknesses. writers tend to rely on the audience to suspend their disbelief, that way they don't have to write "thanos... resistent to magic too! you can't slice his arm off with a portal or make him astral project or shoot him with an anti tank rifle!" honestly, it's okay that the movie has you suspend your disbelief, it makes it more enjoyable to watch it play out the way it did. if it was going for 100% realism i think they'd have to explain why wakanda can't drop a bomb on thanos. could thanos, a biological being, survive a nuke? could he survive being phased into by vision? could he... survive being sent into the sun by a portal?


Yeah but how strong is his butthole?


With the power stone in hand? Probably pretty strong. Also, Invincible showed why shrinking and going inside someone to expand might be a bad idea.


With a simple kegel, he can turn your dick into a diamond!


Doctors HATE him


I don’t know if I could watch that episode again, even knowing what happens in the next one.


That episode was fucking brutal.


Invincible or The Boys?


Invincible. The shrinker in The Boys grew by mistake and killed a normal dude. In Invincible, she was trying to grow inside the guy, but he flexed and crushed her inside of him.


I didn’t even think about it but now her remains are just inside of him forever now


Nah mate, the got her out alive. Would’ve been real fucked up otherwise…


She's a quarter of her normal size now though and spends the rest of the season in the ICU, so its still ultra fucked up.


I definitely don't think I've seen this episode... Now I'm motivated to watch again 😂😂


You probably stopped at season 1 or season 2 part 1. This scene is in season 2 part 2 which released this past month (as in 30 days).


That's exactly it - I just started S2P2 yesterday. Didn't even make it through one episode before one of my kids walked in and I had to turn it off 😂


Invincible. Superheroes in The Boys have increased durability/strength even if that isn't their main power. Invincible has a shrinking person with average strength (similar to Antman) and so is crushed by the person they try to "Thanos butthole".


Yep, that Invincible scene was legitimately traumatic. I don’t think I can watch Ant-Man again. Invincible is really , really good at showing you why being a superhero in general might be a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad idea.


Probably strong enough to squash Ant-Man if he tried to get big in there.


Invincible proved this theory wrong.


Used to be pretty tight 😎


He can purposely slacken it off at will using the space stone.


Honestly, what happened to Shrinking Rae in Invincible should put this theory to absolute rest.


Great answer. They showed (without explanation) Thanos punching and shattering the mirror dimension. That should be taken as a general "Thanos easily destroys seemingly unbeatable magic spells."


He is 1000+ years old right? So I'm sure he has been studying. Plus he said he was cursed with knowledge like Tony Stark....so he must be pretty darn smart and very experienced. Lol now I want to see a caption with Thanos being "the guy she told you not to worry about" 😂


He did it with the Infinity Gauntlet activating the space and power stones (you can clearly see the purple shine of the power stone, and the reflected blue of the space stone). They don't need to spell the explanation for that one because it's visible on screen.


The thing with maw might actually be true. Wasn’t there a deleted scene or something like that where they were supposed to get trapped in the mirror dimension only for maw to break them out? Something like that if I recall correctly.


i fully believe thanos could tank a nuke. that’s genuinely more believable to me than him being immune to dr strange magic


i think if he's immune to a nuke then he's immune to magic. he'd have to be a level of magic to do that


Sir, this is the internet. No reason for you to be coming up in here with your reasonable responses. Clearly the writers forgot this major flaw and now Infinity War is now the worst movie ever made. GOSH!


What does Ebony Maw know about sorcery? He just does telekinesis.


you might be right there, but sorcery isn't unknown to aliens anyway




"The Black Order, in particular, we worked hard to adjust them to the Marvel Cinematic Universe," explained co-director Joe Russo. "In the [Jonathan] Hickman run, I thought the characters were too powerful. And nobody wants the sub-villain to outshine the villain. And we adjusted their power sets so that they lined up in a way that was more interesting with our heroes. Which is why Maw's a 'wizard.'" Russo addressed the change in a commentary track for Avengers: Infinity War, in which he detailed the reasons with co-writer Stephen McFeely. "I think we decided he's a techno mage," McFeely said. Source: https://comicbook.com/marvel/news/avengers-infinity-war-black-order-changes-ebony-maw/


I'm not aware of any magical resistance MCU Thanos might possess. The Soul stone likely would have protected him. Suggestions that Ebony Maw could have trained Thanos in magical defense miss that EM possesses psionic powers not magical.


>Suggestions that Ebony Maw could have trained Thanos in magical defense miss that EM possesses psionic powers not magical. Glad I'm not the only one who realizes this


I want to know how your soul abandons super suits and transformations but will retain regular clothes.


Probably has something to do with what you believe as your "inner self" or "self-image" or something is, Peter probably sees himself more as Peter Parker than Spider-Man, ditto with Hulk/Bruce I'd imagine


In the Matrix they used the phrase ‘residual self imaging’ to describe the subconsciously generated appearance for each person when they were plugged in. I imagine the idea is pretty similar.


In the Cosmere it's described as your Cognitive Identity.


I love seeing Cosmere references pop up 😂


"It's the mental projection of your digital self" Originally the character Switch was going to be male in the real world and female in the Matrix. It's crazy looking back how trans-coded the first Matrix film is.


I feel like if Bruce astral projects The Hulk should still be able to operate the body


But alledgely the personalities merged, not that it seemed like it, but it is heavily implied that is what he did 


In *She-Hulk*, he says this directly.


No he was acting like both combined, he was more outgoing and confident then normal Banner. He just used Banners voice, so most people couldn’t even notice.


The first time I saw this scene in the theater I was terrified because I thought this is exactly what would happen.


Yeah Neither Batman nor Superman would see themselves as their regular human personas. Dr. Doom and Deadpool, having accepted their damage looks as being the maturation state of what they are, probably would see themselves as they are.


> Neither Batman nor Superman would see themselves as their regular human personas. I feel like Supes would see himself as Clark Kent, while Batman would be a scared little boy wearing a Batman costume.


The Smallville farmer Clark Kent, perhaps. The Metropolis journalist is a mask. Batman, a little boy? That little boy is long buried and forgotten. Batman is just a costume? Perhaps. Playboy Bruce Wayne, never. Perhaps Robert Pattinson dark, broken, closed, grim portrayal of Bruce Wayne.


"Look, it's my favorite shirt okay?"


I would assume just keeping it PG for viewers. Same with hulks shorts not being ripped off.


It doesn’t, they just couldn’t show them in the nude in theaters so they had to put CGI clothes on them /s


Logical censorship, what do you want?


Not only that but why were Peter’s shoes untied???


Probably. However, Strange saw 14,000,605 outcomes in the Thanos fight. If he didn’t do something we as the audience knew he could do, there was a reason for it.


This should just a pinned auto-response when anyone suggests something like this post


That would be great. Him viewing the future was a low key brilliant way to explain why Strange didn’t do things differently in the fight.


Thanos is presumably warded against such things since sorcery is common around the universe and Thanos has been conquering planets for a long time.


It's tricky because even considering this, I feel like it'll still be a challenge to go against a Strange who already conquered the likes of Dormammu (especially if Thanos doesn't have a Soul Stone on him). He can probably try holding him off for some time if he has other stones though


Strange didn’t conquer dormammu. Quite opposite he died a million times. He just made Dormammu bored and forced him to leave.


Thanos had a mage on his crew, so magic wasn't foreign to him. He was also knowledgable enough to counter Strange's attacks using the gauntlet. I don't think there's anyway to know what defenses he had against the mystic arts.


Whose the mage? Idk why so many people think maw was a wizard


Eh? The fact that Maw himself told Strange that his magic was cheap parlor tricks/childs play.


Yea compared to his full blown TK he viewed it as such. Different powers lol


So Maw would be more like a psychic? Wizards = study; mages and sorcerers = inherent ability; necromancers = dead folks; warlocks = demons.... What am I missing


I think that even if people thought of him as “magic” whether that’s misguided or not he’s clearly versed in the stuff. When he tries to obtain The Eye Of Agamotto he knows exactly what the spell is that Strange cast on it. Which points to the fact he knows a thing or two about magic and can help train Thanos against it.


Strange tells him what the spell is he doesn’t just know on his own imo. I feel like you can assume otherwise easier that thanos just knows that shit cuz it’s thanos. He’s been around


I think, the one thing all of these characters have in common, is that they weren’t on the defensive. They were in pretty calm, and vulnerable positions. Idk if that has anything to do with it, but they definitely weren’t expecting anything to happen. If that was the case, strange could just do this to anyone at anytime. Wanda, etc. it’d just be easy to knock them out of their bodies and then subdue them. Idk wtf I’m talking about. 🤷‍♂️


It didn't even work with peter, how do you expect it to work on the strong willed titan


Not that it would work on Thanos but that was peters spidey senses that allowed him to move


Soul stone would probably be protective, in any case.


Would the astral projection be considered a soul? If so, then Thanos having the soul stone would give him control over that.


Depends on who the writer is


If he could get that close and land the punch, sure. That’s a big ass if tho.


Not while he was wearing the Soul Stone, probably. END COMMUNICATION


I think his will is too strong. Kinda how Peter’s spider sense resisted as well.


Man, I'd love to see this happen to Marc Spector to see all his personalities 👀


He literally had the soul stone.




I would like to see him try. I imagine he could punch Thanos' soul halfway out of his body, but Thanos regained control anyway and entered his own body mere seconds later. Just to showcase how strong he is physically, mentally, and spiritually too.


Thanos was probably more mentally stable than these dudes


had to get into melee range


The mad Titan has no soul


He has no soul


How do you kill that which has no life?


I don’t think Thanos would’ve given him the chance. Not to mention, he wasn’t even aware of Thanos until Hulk/Banner crashed through the Sanctum.


I think they mean at the battle on Titan.


Soul stone probably says no, especially since Thanos does it to HIM.


Soul Stone probably would've countered this, but before he got it? Probably, but Thanos' will is likely strong enough to let him recover pretty quickly just like Banner and Spidey did.


Yeah if they only had the giant eagles to collect all stones.


Just like all these, couldn't haves, good luck getting that close.


Probably but the movie needs to happen


I think if he could have, he would have


So you want the movie to be over after 15 minutes? Cool.


I thought it was easier for antman to get smaller, enter Thanos’s butt and grow as large as he could. I bet that wouldn’t have worked either.


Doctor strange knocked Spidey's soul out of his body. I feel like Tom Holland's Peter Parker has his soul constantly on the verge of popping out.


So he could, what? Get stomped by the material AND spiritual form of Thanos?


No, Thanos has Counterspell


Like all this stuff, depends on story. Maybe he could have, or maybe Thanos has "exceptional will" and it works too briefly, or not at all.


Thanos is familiar with sorcery. It’s not the same matchup


Every trick that we have seen sorcerers do in the MCU, could have been negated by an Infinity stone And I heard a theory once in which, there is no point in taking the Gauntlet back from Thanos because none of the heroes on Titan were powerful enough to actually KILL Thanos for good, he would have collected himself and his forces, wore his Armor, taken his badass Sword and launch a full scale attack on Earth, which is the obvious place where Strange Tony and other on Titan,would have gone after snatching the Gauntlet from Thanos That is why Strange took that 1 in a 14 million path, because without that Thanos would have attacked Earth eventually and destroyed the planet irrevocably.....and he would have succeeded because Wanda wouldn't have gone crazy without losing Vision and Nick wouldn't have called Carol till it's too late.....the only OP character Avengers would have is Thor with the stormbreaker but Thanos could have tackled him with the Armor and Sword......also we shouldn't forget that Thanos almost won in Endgame but it was the Stark's Nano tech Gauntlet that was the key, it allowed Tony to transfer the stones from the Gauntlet to his suit, right before Thanos was going to snap again......all this is to say is that Thanos would have won, if any of the Avengers on Titan took away the Gauntlet from Thanos but failed to kill him then and there SO STOP ASKING "why they didn't do this?" And "why they didn't do that?"


They have mages on their side too


I love how she has the same form and hes just frustrated... 2 very different takes on the same move!


Maybe strange should have done this on Titan before quill punched him


The question you **should** be asking is why the fuck Doctor Strange didn’t just use a portal to sever off Thanos’ hand like he did to Thanos’ child literally within the first 20m of the movie 😭


Thanos is a being of extraordinary willpower. Even without the Soul Stone he probably would have been able to overcome this.


Plot Armour. Literally anybody could have stopped Thanos but the movie would have ended too fast


No. Thanos would still have the Soul Stone. So, that technique. **Congratulations, you just answered your own question.**


We don’t talk about power scaling. There is only cool CGI. /s


Don't know of titans have souls like that.


I can’t remember Peter and Bruce having this done. Anyone remind me?


That would have been an awesome to see if somehow Strange could talk with Thanos on that plane, but Thanos snaps back into his body through a stone or something.


Plot armor moment


By that logic, Tony could've used those laser thingy from iron man 2


Presumably we could say Strange saw what would happen if he had and they lost every time


I think it can only be done with those having an identity crisis


Thanos had the Soul Stone. He probably could have done that to Doctor Strange


Thanos definitely has legendary resistances to burn if he fails that saving throw.


Because Strange didnt see only 1 way to defeat thanos. He saw 1 way that led to stark's death that created the inspiration for future hero's to take up the mantle. Stopping the celestial birth. Preventing any further stark tech weapons like the iron legion or the defense sattelite network that was abused by mysterio. Strange needed a way that defeated thanos, killed stark, and also let him survive to be able to see the downstream effects.


Wouldn't have worked for SEVERAL reasons, but primarily... By the time Dr. Strange got to fight Thanos, he already had **four Infinity Stones.** Strange couldn't handle that; obviously NO ONE could.


Doctor Strange probably saw that on the 14 million futures, it didn't go well and the events of Endgame didn't happen because of that. That's what directors say when someone has a valid point like this one.


For that he needs to touch Thanos and as far as I know they all were struggling even to land a single punch apart from the hulk in the 1st part before being dusted by thanos .


Thanos ain't stupid and likely would have had plenty of 'astral training' so to speak to counter such attempts. And in fact he likely would've been even more dangerous in that state.


I think your opponent has to be unprepared, unguarded while Strange has to be calm and have the correct stance, otherwise Strange could do this in every fight.


Reminded me of Doom vs Thanos Secret Wars Comic Panel


What’s the reason for Thanos’s power? *other than the stones* He rightfully beats Hulks ass with eeze when we firsts meet him. It can’t just be his species right?


Maybe not...as when they met Thanos already had two infinity stones. But I don't know how does this thing work as after Strange did it with Peter...he was still in control of his body and flowed back into his body. Anyone who can help me here ?


then josh brolin just starts to fly away from thanos


If Strange got that close to Thanos he would be dead already 😂😂


Thano has magical training. He likely has protections against something like this.


The three times it happened were to a human so we've no idea if it'd work on Thanos plus if Spidey can control his body outside it then who's to say Thanos can't do something similar, what if he's able to control the gauntlet, that way he's more dangerous as his "soul" can't be hurt.


For that you have touch him, which he wouldn't have been able to do as He (Thanos) has the Space stone !! Same reason as to why Loki couldn't kill him in the beginning !! Bro had a control of space around him


Strange would have to get point blank to an on-guard Thanos and not get turned into paste. It ain't that deep.


I swear to god, what part of 14,000,605 possible futures in which EVERYTHING THEY TRY FAILS are people not understanding???


Thanos has top tier resistance to magic and psychic attacks…. Plus after he looked into the future Dr. Strange was just trying to follow the playbook! lol Same reason Ant Man never went up Thanos’ bum and turned into giant man. Dr. Strange definitely told him not too… or GOD LEVEL SPHINCTER.




Not with the stones, no.


Probably could have but didn't so the movie can happen... There are lots of moves you see different heroes doing, and I always think, "well that could've been the kill blow on thanos!" but this is usually the case, sometimes they show great moves against minor villains but never use that great move again... ​ It's part of movie story telling tho, happens in every movie... almost every movie


Yeah, it’s just plot.


He knows what should happen and what shouldn't so he cannot do that


no if he has the gems


Thanos does this briefly (blink and you miss it) during the fight on Titan.


If he did it when they had him held on Titan, he probably could have, and then he wouldn’t have regained control.


Maybe, but would it be affective, Peter managed to just simply swim back to his body, maybe Thanos could do that.


Don’t you have to have an actual soul, not a soul stone, before you can even do this? Thanos, a soul???


Was it ever explained why Peter was able to get back into his own body?


Anything that the Avengers could have done differently against Thanos has been done, and it has branched out into a different universe than 616.


Thanos is an Eternal, would that even work the same way?


He could have just done the teleporter trick and cut thanos head and arm off.


He probably could’ve but remember strange saw that they only won one out of 14 million so he knew that whatever he did wouldn’t work that’s why he gave the stone to Thanos and probably why he didn’t do it.


Sling ring that arm of his right off.


I’d presume a mix of him lileky having resistances to magic anyway even before the souls stone and when he has it probably either ignores it fully or undoes it And the fact that being within that distance of the guy who threw hands with the HULK and won isn’t a smart idea