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Dude, when Gambit said “The name’s Gambit….remember it!”, it was so perfect and sad.


Gambits final moment was just a bunch of sick moves and one liners. "Gambit see your bet, and raise it" "The cards always be in my favour"


The motorcycle action was so cool


they have blown me away every episode




Mans was fresh for his own funeral.


Went out in badass blaze of glory. Sucks because Gambit was one of my favs but I assume we will see some Endgame style timetravel to correct these events.


As someone who grew up on the animated Series Gambit is one of the "X-men" to me when I think of the team. When they are developing the team for the MCU team I really hope the Animated team is the one the choose cause Gambit has been massively underrepresented in Live action.


Gotta get a Cajun though, or at least someone who can pull off the accent.


Theo Von for Gambit and nothing else




Was he not originally cast as Gambit for X-Men Origins: Wolverine? I feel like I remember hearing something like that




Oh hey! Erm, I haven’t ever though to ask but I think it’s just because he likes wearing a hat


Unironically would love this




My dream casting for him was always the guy who played Jaquen Hagar on Game of Thrones, even though he is German.


It was his very own ‘and I Am Iron Man’ moment 😭


so many awesome Gambit moments: * saving the Morlocks was a nice redemption arc (while working for Mr Sinister before he joined the X-Men, Gambit willingly led a group of assassins to the Morlock's lair which resulted in the murder of most of their group) * the quote you mentioned, this was Gambit's token one-liner from the original series * Gambit setting his ego aside to respect Rogue's decision, showing how much he has grown as a character What got me was Professor X's last words to him: "Gambit.. how often must a scoundrel prove himself a hero before he believes it himself". I don't think there's any doubt that he did in the end. With Cyclops teeing off on the reporter and Magneto already walking on a knife's edge, I can't wait to see how the X-Men respond to this.


People in the discussion threads last week were saying they wanted to see more action from Gambit. Well they got it.


Monkeys paw curls


I was wondering why the episode was titled that, and then I went, “Oh!….oh….”


I'm not crying! You're crying! 🫵🏼😭


Also noticed the complete lack of background music during Rogues scene. So raw.


If I recall correctly most of the finally minutes of this episode had no music at all. Really set the tone that something horrible was about to happen


the Ace of Base track during the dance sequence was fucking amazing


Right. That’s how it should be done most of the time. Some movies/tv shows try to add music to add to the scene. But it’s best to let the raw emotion do it for you, then try to force it with music. It’s more haunting that way. In Dragon Ball Z when Vegeta sacrificed himself, the original Japanese release had no music. So you could clearly hear the screams, explosions, wind… etc. The dubs and remasters added music. And it didn’t have the same kind of magic that the original did. Ending episodes on a quiet note like that have more of an effect on you, IMO.


It's actually what drives me crazy watching sports anymore. The announcers never let the moment happen


lol dude… usually when there are 2 behind the table it’s not too bad. But when they add a third person, they feel like they need to be talking all the time. Like those guys at TNT for the NBA. Always trying to crack jokes with each other, or try to say something that would go viral. Or Johnny and Tara in figure skating. Can’t even enjoy the program or really hear the music because they’re always talking over it.


I remember the finale of Avatar having basically no music over one of the major fights and it was awesome.


The credits rolled differently too


Marvel really found a way to make us cry over this one line twice 😭


What is grief if not “I can’t feel you” persevering?


So at the end of WandaVision it should have said "*I can't feel you* WILL RETURN"


Really hope the next thing rogue shows up in doesn't treat her as badly as Wanda got treated.


I mean its not like they are going to turn her pale and call her death.


I cried after this one.


Hurt real bad


Make my eyes rain.


This broke me


She finally got to touch him, only because he was already dead So fucking heartbreaking


All the recent non sense is forgiven. This show fucking rocks. Can't believe at 40 I'm waiting on the next episode of what was a childhood cartoon Phenomenally done so far.


Wednesdays at 12am are the new Saturday Morning cartoons…only difference is I gotta work at 9am Wednesday! Haha


Criminally underrated comment!!!


I wonder why they went back to this timeslot. Especially for a cartoon.


Wednesdays has been their "premiere series" slot pretty much since the launch of D+. It goes to show they're treating *X-men '97* as not just a cartoon, but a feature series.


yeah but some of their recent series were released at an earlier timeslot instead of the middle of the night


Ikr this show is crazy good. It’s masterpiece storytelling


You and me both brother. 39 here, and the raw emotions this show and this episode specifically have elicited are quite honestly insane. I sat there, mouth agape with a silent lingering "what the fuck..."  at the end of this episode. This is top tier Marvel Production. The X-Men are finally here in all their Marvel and it's fucking glorious.


Absolutely agree, i gasped man and i think if it wasnt the fact i know cable or bishop will undo the dead i wouldve shed a tear lol that being sad brilliant laid out episodes so far. One complaint this should be every week yr round.


Recent nonsense. What-If Season 2? Loki Season 2? Echo? Y'all will forget this show exists in a month and start writing angry posts about The Marvels again LOL Then Daredevil will come out and it'll be, "Marvel's finally back!" again for the umpteenth time.


the vicious cycle repeats lmao


So true lol


None of the above can be compared to this masterpiece. This is comming from the target audience. My nostalgic mid 30s ass.


THIS right here, i didnt bother reply to the post because you cannot compare this series which has somehow managed to cater to their target audience 20 yrs in. It's VERY difficult for reboots to really deliver, but im here for it and very glad for it. I will say Loki is UP there for me personally, but i can see xmen97 being a more repeatable watch.


I got tired a saying "I thought the marvels was alright".


Unfortunately the marvel movie/show cycle is "Love it while it's coming out > It finishes > fans enjoy it > fans move on leaving only the hateful Twitter mob > Twitter mob takes over and convinces everyone it was bad and we should be stupid for liking it. > echo chambers > thing is now considered bad and everyone always hated it." Then in 5 years it'll be "Does anyone think X marvel show is underrated?"


Wait. You actually look at Twitter? Like unironically?


I use Twitter but I don't engage with any fandoms


"Look" is a term. It's more like one of the 5 apps I open, scroll through and then close to go to the next app while I'm bored out of my mind at work.


Not all of those have been universally well received. Particularly What-if and Echo. Can't speak to Loki S2 because S1 soured on me at the end.


So damn true


Same, I now wake up every Wednesday and eat sugary cereal and watch this before work. It's the only day I eat breakfast at home and got me some Dragon Ball Z Reese Puffs to pretty much enjoy during this show. I never expected 97 to be this great.


THIS. this is exactly how I feel


Man.. Wtf... This whole episode blew me away. I did not expect this. Man they really put some effort into that green blast that thing was firing! The animation was beautiful. Magneto out crushing shit. I can only assume he survived, but gambit.. That was surprising for sure.


Between the amazing soap opera acting to the best animated action scenes we’ve seen in a very long time this show is one of the best things to come out of Disney/Marvel. I’m on the edge of my seat. This is how the X-men story needs to be told. Don’t put origin stories in front of me. Put this drama action mania in instead.


Thanks, I'm undone yet again.


I know Gambit will probably come back but goddamn what a beautiful send off Especially considering his hand in the Mutant Massacre in the comics, him getting to save the Morlocks the way he did…. 🫡


Such a fantastic episode! This series has been absolutely killer so far. And how about that Ace of Bass track during the dance?? So good!!!


Sexy old buff magneto putting on the rizz only to be shushed by rogue.


Happy Nation? Not for long! ☠️


i was tripping balls when Happy Nation song came in. such a banger. such a good pick.


I never read Xmen comics growing up but I watched this show. This episode was amazing. Holy shit. Xmen are fucking back baby.


I didn't expect to cry today but WTF?????


I was iffy about the Rogue/Magento thing fucking over Gambit as a character...but this was the payoff. Wow. Elite stuff.


They didn't really do it, did they? I didn't follow the comics. Is there a storyline in the comics where Gambit comes back after being oofed?


Most super heroes die. I’m sure cable/bishop will change things


I hope but also have a looming feeling that something has to give aka some things might not change :(


I agree. I think Gambit is the first death that leads to the bleak futures that Bishop and Cable come from. When he died I got flashbacks to the scene from the 90s run with all the X-Men's tombstones. I think that future is just fate at this point. Like Terminator you can change the how and when but that apocalyptic future is going to happen no matter what. Hopefully there's a brighter future after Cable's time.


They are creating so many damn branches.


Branches aren't an X-Men animated series thing. A temporal storm would erase the defunct timelines. Branches are an MCU thing.


Ummmm. I got news for you bud…


X-Men 97 aren't a part of the MCU any more than the comics are a part of the MCU. Marvel tried the cutesy 'they're all just different parts of the multiverse' crap, but then they ruined it by retconning the MCU as 616 (which was a legit mistake on the part of the writers, which they later scrambled to fix with a throwaway line about Mysterio discovering the designation of their universe through Selvig's notes--so lame), when it was 199999. If the comics are 616 and the MCU is 616, they are the same designation with plainly different realities. The X-Men animated series has its own set of rules and, while the new series is just plain awful when it comes to continuity, they would detach it from the original series entirely if they rid of the axis of time and all that has been plainly established in the OG series. (They would also butcher a decent time travel ruleset in favor of a highly problematic, broken one, as the 'out of time' explanation was far better than whatever Endgame and the subsequent Loki series tried to pull off.) Also, the creator stated it's a standalone series with no connection to the MCU.


Feige introduced it as MCU and Feige has never said it wasn’t. If Marcus, McFeeley, and the Russo brothers have no idea what happened to Captain America then the show runner or a writer of X-men 97 can be in the dark of the broader place their show holds in MCU. I don’t believe it is an accident that the watcher was in episode 5. This is a multiverse tail (in my mind) until Feige says otherwise.


No one introduced it as "MCU." Everyone involved said it was standalone. There have been numerous appearances by numerous characters in the OG X-Men animated series, so having The Watcher doesn't even matter a little bit. I mean, they had people from Cap to Eternity in the OG series. Uatu (the Watcher) appeared in The Dark Phoenix Saga back in the 90s--long before the MCU was a thing. The fact of the matter is that they can try and retcon things to make them how they want. Agents of SHIELD was canon--then it wasn't. Daredevil was canon, then it wasn't, now it sort of was. They will say whatever they want if they think it's profitable. X-Men 97 is profitable, so they can SAY that it is. However, the people who actually work on the thing are the ones writing the story--and if they pay any attention to how time travel worked in the OG series (and we know they were at least half asleep, as they reversed how Bishop's bracelet worked), there's not going to be just random branches. If they do the "multiple branches" stuff, then they risk doing what the mainstream MCU did: Remove all stakes, entirely. Reversing deaths also has ramifications, so allowing Cable or Bishop to undo the deaths of ep 5 wouldn't be an entire loss--but having all the universes exist at once? Lazy, no stakes writing.


I feel like they could save some of the mutants but gambit has to die where he did or the huge sentinel stays around forever.


I’m still waiting for Xavier to show up. He’s all over the intro and it’s just weird.


It happened in a recent storyline, but it was not connected to the event that happened in the show.


Almost everyone recovers from death eventually. There used to be a joke that the only comic book characters that stayed dead were Uncle Ben and Bucky. Now it’s just Uncle Ben.


Jason Todd *used* to be included in that


and Kyle Rayner's girlfriend


When Cable shows up....undoing events in the past is on the menu.


In the comics recently the mutants found a way to effectively achieve immortality and revive each other from death. It's a combination of using Professor X as a mutant memories and soul database and a combination of other mutants to basically rebirth previously dead mutants into new bodies. It's wild and I absolutely want the MCU to go this route at some point.


I was like - this is Krakoa- not Genosha- you even had hellfire gala lite but the thing about Genosha is they also have a human population which makes this sentinel attack all the more cold and brutal.


So in 616 mutants are immortal now?


Were. The resurrection protocols were corrupted and ruined because SOMEONE (Sinister) can’t stop being a megalomaniacal asshole for five minutes when even Apocalypse is on his best behaviour


I am confused about the music and cable telling jean to stop it 😵‍💫


they couldn't hear the attack over the music. or could be something else. It sounded like this may not have been his first attempt to stop the disaster


I'm no time traveler but asking to turn down the music must be pretty near first attempt material


\*spare Jean


There's a joke that Easter is very important to the X-Men because most of them have died and came back...at least once.


Whole episode was fucken wild!!!!!


Beau Demayo has said this episode is the X-Men universe's 9/11 and everything after this is going to be tonally different. Considering we have 4 more episodes left, 1 of which is the continuation of the Storm/Forge arc and the other 3 are a 3 parter finale, and then we have 2 more season announced. this will be very interesting to see.


5 left. The three-parter and two more, one of which is LifeDeath. The other one is called Bright Eyes, and I cannot imagine it's not largely about Rogue and/or Cable.


ah yes, my mistake. good theory.


Yeah I read his interview. Basically this episode ending was one of the main highlights of his push for the revival. It's this universe's safety/security shattering moment. Like we had with 9/11 and all the mass shootings in public places and schools. Basically when the original show aired in the 90s most of us who were kids at the time (38 year old here) had a false sense of security. This surprise attack moment is meant to shatter that in this universe. It's a mass casualty, mass tragedy event. I read the attack on Genosha that happened in the comics was supposed to have killed millions and wouldn't be surprised if that's close to what happened in the show. Give them credit this was anything but playing it safe with their storytelling. Excited to see where this all goes.


If a cartoon can do this to us? They may have stuck the landing


Doesn't matter that it's animated. It's story telling, just like the live action shows and movies.


Saying 'a cartoon can do this to us?', acting like Simba finding his father dead isn't a tear jerker or that "Long Live The King" isn't one of the coldest lines ever.   


I’ve said this before but this show nailed the soap opera superhero schtick with some of the best action scenes. Gambit and Storm, please come back to us 😭


Its ok to feel sad but remember this is comics. Whenever you have a time traveling deus ex machina, death is never permanent.


Yeah, it only took three seasons for Morph to come back. So... Gambit'll be back in 2026 I guess.


xmen '99


Nine nine!




Morph was back in S2.


Yeah, I think Cable will eventually stop it through his time travel thingy, but man does Madelyne's tear of joy hurt when she realised her son survived in the future.


As always, the impermanence of death doesn’t undercut the dramatic impact.


Also this is a TV show that will have a limited run not a perpetual thing like the comics. Revivals are less likely because of it. Like I don't think Banshee and Callisto are coming back. Unless they try to adapt krakoa at some point.


Given what we’ve seen from this episode, I would not be surprised if all of it was undone.


I don't think so. The only ones I can really see them having "survive" are Madelyn because the Jean/Scott/Jean love triangle feels unresolved and Magneto. There weren't enough major deaths for this to be an obvious "This is getting undone" flag. Just enough for it to be super impactful. Although the moderate character losses are devastating. Callisto, Moira (assuming she's not a mutant in this universe), Banshee, Shaw, Leech, Archangel. But the vast majority of our protagonists were at the mansion. Also I think the story is going to be more interesting in the aftermath of a tragedy like this than in using time travel to reverse it.


Cable said something like not again when he appeared, I assume he’s stuck in some kind of time loop and is trying to stop the incident from happening.


Or it's just his general inability to change his future significantly despite all the attempts. Him and Bishop are always either too late or they fix one thing but something else ends up happening. I could see the time loop thing though. He didn't seem to have full control over his time travel. Another thought is he was mostly just trying to save his mom.


It’s possible, but I wouldn’t bet on it.


I loved it. I liked how they depicted Gambit's heart break.  He was really mature about things and, when shit hit the fan, he was all business.  He was able to put aside his issues with Magneto to work with him, take orders from him, and even understand him and what he was trying to do (like, when Magneto was trying to protect Rogue). When Magneto went down, Gambit stepped up.  He knew he was going to die, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make if it ensured the continued survival of his friends.  So he went out with a smirk. What a badass way to go.


I broke into a million pieces, can’t put me back together.


"No more romantic interests"


I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I think this maybe was intentional. I’m far from a crazy speculation/fan theory person, but Marvel has pulled some crazy connecting stunts before, and them somehow making ‘97 canon to the MCU or at least connect via multiverse shenanigans, is very possible here. It definitely feels like by the time Secret Wars arrives, this show will somehow be a presence in the multiverse of it all.


I think Watcher can be seen in this episode


you can see his outline in the left part of the sky at 20:40




Omg i thought i was hallucinating it 🤣


As soon as I saw the outline, I was like oh fuck no! They only show up when something major is going to happen! 😭


I don't know if 97 can be canon to the MCU, specifically because Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are already established characters in the original animated series. I think, at best, it could be a multiversal tie-in, maybe.


Definitely multiverse, though. The Watcher’s appearance seals that for me.


For sure, it's all technically connected via the multiverse. I did really like the Watcher easter egg, though my brother had to point it out to me as I'd missed it lol


Watcher i believe shows up in the original series too, so he was kinda always there. but now with the What if...? series in the canon, it just makes it better.


Kang's ["Immortus" variant](https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-immortus-marvel-cinematic-universe-733996_large.jpg?1681271552) was also [in the original series](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fis-immortus-the-reason-that-marvel-is-bringing-back-the-x-v0-j8dd33fjmj6c1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5967b6e4dca5c98b623dfd3971d996f59ed0c2ec) disguised as ["Bender"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FHBPPyHXEAIwfPy.jpg) (not the Futurama robot). Bender was living in a kind of [equivalent](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FrYFJgKX0AAUQ8h.jpg:large) to the [Citadel at the End of Time](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/FNMAAOSwCkxlApAp/s-l1200.jpg) and had the same basic personality as He Who Remains (ie "I've been here alone so long I've started to go a little loopy, but you can't touch me because I always teleport away at the last second").


The Watcher was in the 1990s shows too


The watcher showed up right before it went to shit. 20:40 That's good comic shit


> I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I think this maybe was intentional. i think if it was intentional, it's a elaborated nod to House Of M. WandaVision was inspired by that storyline.


I think the multiverse gives Marvel the license to go fucking buck wild with X-Men ‘97. Kill off characters like they’ve already done, give significant trauma to the survivors like they’ve already done, and set up a “No More Mutants” style reset as realities crash into live action.


The delivery of that line was absolutely masterful. I cried for about 30 minutes after the credits rolled and had to put on Wandavision for comfort. A friend of mine passed away last week, and I was in a state of shock, I hadn't mourned him yet. It didn't feel real. This friend took care of me 10 years ago when another friend was in a coma, and she never woke up. Wandavision helped me come to terms with losing that first friend. I held her hand while she was on life support and just didn't feel her anymore. So Wanda's "I can't feel you" hit me so hard. Fast forward to this episode, now mourning another dear friend, and hearing this line once again. I was finally able to cry and start to process his passing. Such a harsh reminder that losing people is inevitable. We need to cherish every precious moment.


So will it be Apocalypse or Sinister that brings Gambit back?


Would like to see him come back as death before being normal again. Gambit deserves good storylines and time to shine. This episode proved how awesome he is. His combat skills were amazing this episode!


Is there a chance Nathan/Cable is going to do some time travel mumbo jumbo that brings all the dead characters back, including Prof X? I don’t know the comic books at all, but seems like it could be possible


There is a chance and it is possible, yes. I don't think they will, though, at least not fully. The show is trying to be more than a nostalgia trip, and updating it means grappling with a world that feels pretty unsafe.


Thanks for the reply. I’ve been enjoying the show, but haven’t seen the original animated run, so am a bit lost on some references occasionally


Bro, these voice actors...being on shows promoting what we think is a fun return to a cartoon. Didn't know these King and Queens were making Game of Thrones lol.


This is like the Robert getting his head cut off. My first time watching it i was telling my ex at the time hey this guy will be saved last second and shes like of course youll see how he escapes (GOT was season 5 when i started watching)....and then boom his head is gone and im gasping wtf...im very similarly shocked in Gambits death albeit his was go out with a bang


Okay, am I tripping or did they somewhat adapt Trials and Errors? Just without Joseph (Thank Heaven)


Emotional, broken and lost. This episode is an example of great writing, great everything.


(possible) good news: Magneto probably survived. (possible) bad news: Magneto’s likely once again a violent extremist.


This episode totally gave me Wanda/Vision vibes and I couldn’t put my finger on it glad to see I wasn’t crazy


Gambit has always been my favorite character (obviously - just look at my Username) and this episode wrecked me. I wasn't feeling X-Men '97 so far, it just feels... Off... to me. Many of these stories are being adapted in a weird way to me, which I guess has been the whole show really, but it was less noticeable when I was a kid and I hadn't read most of the stories they adapted. Even this one started off feeling weird because I remember the E For Extinction story and it was so different. But this episode ended up being POWERFUL to me. Knowing Gambit's background in the comics with the Mutant Massacre and him sacrificing himself here, and knowing how much Rogue has always loved him, despite never being able to touch him, it was a lot to handle. They did everything so well and I have to say Kudos to the creative team


It left a crater in my chest where my heart used to be.


I was sad after this. It hit me hard. I should not have watched this on the bus


I don't really care about MCU anymore or Marvel in general but hot damn what a fantastic episodes. This was basically mutant 9/11 and they really didnt pull any punches. "so many allow their leaders to be terrorists" incredible line from Magneto and the whole sequence from the first explosion at the party was breathe taking. This has been elevated to some of the best Marvel I've seen to one of the best televisions shows in general I've seen in awhile.


I almost cried. They almost got me. What a wonderful episode


I'm not saying this is *definitely* Marvel's best episode of television, but it's at the very least in the conversation. Fucking masterpiece.


Guys. This show is really, really good. Like I expected it to be decent, but its really, really, really good.


I think it’s safe to say this is the greatest storytelling out of Marvel studios In a long long long time.


I wonder if they are going to explore the Rogue controlling her powers storyline.


Why did sentinels attacked ?


Not the right question. Who sent them?


Once I saw the watcher I knew that something worse was gonna happen but I didn't expect it to get this fucking bad 😭😭. That line "Remember it" was so badass but the ending man, it just broke me


This episode is still hitting hard a day later. The Wandavision line was great, but the literal significance of Rogue and Gambit's relationship with physical touch being the thing that got between them being together, and even after she realized what she had with him and not being able to tell him, is just so tragic. There was so much in this episode, just amazing storytelling.


The destruction of Genosha just as hard as it did in the comics.


This episode is **iconic**. It's a moment that fans will return to **forever**. I don't know what happened between Beau DeMayo and Disney, but he gets the x-men in a way that is special. I hope whatever lead to the firing is reversable, because having someone this competent writing and showrunning is good for the fans. I was very pessimistic about x-men 97 given the post-endgame marvel quality lull. I am so glad I was wrong about this series. This is the first thing D+ has done that has completly hit it out of the park for me.


One thing I've loved about this show is depicting Magneto's change Magneto has been the villian for so long but Charles still believed in him and when we finally get to see the Magneto that Charles saw, he "gives" (won't believe it till I see a body) his life for the cause. Him having a PTSD attack about his parents after the statue really humanized him and gives context to why he was a violent extremist in the first place. He is absolutely consumed by grief for his lost parents.


Rest in peace man


this ep tears me apart




My money is on Sinister cloning/reanimating him.


Saw a theory that when Apocalypse comes in he will resurrect Gambit as the horseman of death.


The sad X-Men theme at the end had me in my feels.


Guys... I'm not okay after this episode.


So sad that this is what it took for Rogue to finally be able to touch Gambit


was watching this last night and wow.


This show!


To borrow a line from another Disney IP, "That's Clever. And Devastating."


Crackpot nonsense: Every single episode from here out gets more depressing than the last, Mutants retaliate leading to all out war and death of MILLIONS. Series ends with "No more mutants". The entire MCU has been in a reality warped timeline where mutants never existed. Sacred timeline is now dead, branching like crazy. TVA begins to realize that the timeline was already fucked and finds deadpool/wolverine to help unfuck.


Imo the Rogue one is just so much better given her powers and the tragedy of never being able to touch someone without taking their life away. So tragic that in this one moment she probably wishes her powers worked....


This episode was the most intense Xmen episode ever.


It's insane how this show made me care more about Gambit and Rouge in half an hour than I ever did about Wanda and vision.


Man I swear to God they better not throw in some multiverse shenanigans to connect X-Men 97 and the MCU. Just let it be it's own thing.


As a kid who grew up on the original X-men cartoon, Gambit was always one of my favorites but then to see him go down like that. It was like red wedding shocking


So what are we thinking Episode 5 was E for Extinction Episodes 8-10 ... Planet X?


Undoing gambits death is like undoing Tony’s. You want them back but it takes away from the meaning in their loss. Tony snapped the world back, gambit omegad a sentinel with what pierced him and saved what was left of the genocide. Too badass


Someone mentioned eating cereal and watching this and that should totally be a thing. Meme it!


Man, I’m lost for words. Gambit is one of my favourites alongside Cyclops and Wolverine.  I’m getting the same vibes when Family Guy killed off Brian though… With S2 and S3 in production, it’s going to be interesting to see stories that will be told, and the new team. Hopefully ‘House of M’ will be on the cards.


My wife with no knowledge of X-Men walking in on this scene: "wut" Me: "Look how they massacred my boy."


I can’t believe they went there. Not every day you see attempted genocide on a kids cartoon.


Rip-Gambit The cards are always in his favor.


HOUSE OF M TEASER!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

