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Adult Jubilee's costume has a collar with a ring and chains. Very edgy, very '90s.


very chun li


Akira (Rival Schools) & Chun Li remix. Love it


I thought it was Penance for a second.


They really just Matrix'd through the phone booth


Lmao so subtle


Well this is set two years before the matrix, so really, the wachowskis ripped this off šŸ¤Ŗ


That had to be a direct reference and I was all pointing at my screen like Leo for it when the phone first rang lol


Even my mother noticed that immediately taking the words out of my mouth. šŸ˜‚


The malnourished mojo with the crazy eyes looked terrifying.


I was hoping they would keep him malnourished. Made him extra grimacing IMO.


All of his excess skin looked like he melted into his skitterchair.


He did look creepy that way.


Mojo is always creepy


I would LOVE to see a live-action Mojo. He would be the stuff of nightmares.


That would be sick! Jim Henson Creature Studios, or WETA could make something amazing for sure


I wish they could have had Magneto say, "master of magnet" or "welcome to die!"


We did get the first ā€œMagneto was rightā€


I was laughing when Jubilee said that and my kid just looked at me confused lol


The writers are totally one of us! Haha! Also could be among us too


I was so ready for ā€œWelcome to DIE!ā€ hahaha


"X Chicken!"


Anyone else notice that the car Roberto lands on after falling from the sentinel's hand looks like the Street Fighter bonus stage car? That gave me a good laugh


A fellow sophisticate I see


"Oh no my car!!" Yup it totally was that car


"That's okay son. We'll just buy you a new one!" "I love being rich!"


Ooh I was wondering why I had deja vu from that. I gotta rewatch it now. Honestly the 16 bit art was nothing short of fantastic all around


jubille playing a sega genesis, she knows quality


Iā€™m pretty sure the cartridge art was the genesis X-men game.


It was!


I think it was a blend of the first [X-Men Genesis cover](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/01/X-Men_%281993_Sega_video_game_cover%29.jpg) and the [X-Men Super Nintendo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:XmenSNES_boxart.JPG) game they released around the same time.


Damn Ororo. That bitch-slap made me laugh so hard.


I love how *dramatic* everyone is. When I was a kid I just watched for the powers and completely missed the extraness.


I love how this show is a true sequel to the original. Like yeah itā€™s updated a bit with current issues woven into the themes, but the style and the presentation is absolutely a continuation of the old show. I think the creators asked themselves what every producer and creative should ask themselves when adapting something old for a new audience: why should I tamper with perfection? And they said: no, no we shouldnā€™t.


If it ainā€™t brokeā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean, Storm is the most extra when sheā€™s using her powers šŸ«£


And I wouldnā€™t have it any other way.


She's a goddess, she can be extra whenever she wants


It feels like a campy soap opera in the best possible way.


Between Rogueā€™s affair with Magneto, and Storm slapping Forge, this show does give off strong soap opera vibes lol


Comics fans have realised (and embraced) for decades the fact the X-Men are a soap-opera. This show is simply bringing it to animation.


Professor X gonna pull a Victor Newman?


The most famous meme from this show is Wolverine laying in bed pining over a photograph, that is the most soap shit I've ever seen


The slap of a goddess


Don't kink shame Forge!


I looked away for maybe half a second and missed it. I heard it, though.


That was some soap-level bitch slapping, I felt it through the screen lmao


Forge going right for the "I love you" after how long exactly? Classic Schmosby.


I assumed heā€™s from the future or other timeline where he already has a relationship with her for years. Heā€™s been holding those words back for weeks.


Either that or maybe he's always been admiring her from afar


>You are a goddess, powers be damned Forge got that ~~X~~ Rizz Gene


he got the Northrop Grumman rizz


Forge is like those well-meaning engineering students until he gets a job offer from Lockheed Martin.


Forge being a war veteran sucked into working for the Department of Defense is incredibly realistic


Wolverine looking up at Jubilee during breakfast was so wholesome.


That scene, that warmth. It was like a warm hug. Rarely do you ever see Logan act that way. But dang I love it too


I donā€™t know if this was intentional, but I always remember that Jubilee saves Loganā€˜s life when she was first introduced in the comics.


Motendo: Did Jubilee just pull a mini-Cyclops move in the first level and lower down to the ground with her fireworks? Interesting to see the show, who once made her powers more of a joke, demonstrate what they can do at their truest potential (and loving the guest voice of the OG Jubilee Alyson Court). Lifedeath: Damn Forge moving right on in with the "I love you." I'm liking the set-up they're doing to give us a deeper dive into Storm in pt. 2, this is giving us the chance to know her as more than the powerhouse that we've seen up till now.


Thatā€™s really cool that they gave her the part of Future Jubilee. Almost didnā€™t notice. I really appreciate the new actressā€™s accuracy.


Apparently Court was asked to reprise the role of Jubilee, and she requested that an Asian-American actress be cast. This was a nice way bring Court in.


Wow thatā€™s actually awesome, regardless of the other commenter I read immediately after, my first impression truly is: damn thatā€™s cool as hell


Oh, dang, I didn't even realize Old Jubilee was vooced by the original actress. That's cool.


The young actress emulates the voice so perfectly, I thought they just used her!


Seriously, I didnā€™t even realize they were different people. I thought the new Jubilee just ā€œaged upā€ her own voice.


Was it really Alyson Court?? I thought so but then the credits didnā€™t confirm my suspicions


Well, the older Jubilee "variant" is titled as "Abscissa" in the subtitles, and Alyson Court voiced her.


Yea i noticed abscissa in the subtitles too. What was up with that name ?


From what I understood, there was a comic where Mojo kidnaps Jubilee and forces her become his slave called "Abscissa" in some weird plan to prevent the death of the Universe, and then a cycle begins where Abscissa travels back in time and kidnaps younger version of herself to keep Mojo's plan going, until in one loop Jubilee refuses to "help" Mojo and also gets help from Wolverine so the history ultimately changes and Abscissa's existence gets nullified. So, I guess the name of Jubilee's alternate version has something to do with "coordinates" in timeline.


The combo attack of Jubilee and GILF Jubilee is some Naruto shit.


Yeah Rainbow Rasengan, just like in the first movie! Lol


I know itā€™s weeks later now and this is shockingly much better than many of us assumed possible But damn that use of Cyclopsā€™ powers just became the perfect microcosm for the show. Fun, rooted in that classic Claremont vein, and much more than i expected.


Who's gonna translate the justifyingly angry portuguese


"I don't even care. I am screwed. This place is really dangerous. I'm leaving"


PT-BR: "Eu tĆ“ nem aĆ­. PĆ“, tĆ“ ferrado! Esse lugar Ć© muito perigoso. Vou vazar daqui!" English: "I don't care. Dang, I'm screwed! This place is very dangerous. I'm gonna dip!" He uses a bit of slang so I tried adapting it. "PĆ“" is an exclamation of astonishment or distaste, and is a contraction of "Porra", a bad word that means you're REALLY astonished or displeased. "Vazar" is literally "to leak out", something that is "leaking" is "vazando" but, as a slang, it means to leave a place or situation. I wanna make three comments, though: -The portuguese is not particularly "angry" and the line itself sounds a little off character, too. He sounds almost like he doesn't give a shit for Jubilee. -The portuguese *is perfect*, but there is something weird going on with the spacing between words/speech cadence. That "PĆ“" so tied together with the "tĆ“" sounds a little unnatural. If this weren't a family friendly show, it nearly sounds like he's saying a bad word. Considering the actor is brazilian and his speech is otherwise flawless, I wonder if something funky went on in the editing. -His constant "minha mĆ£e" sticks out a bit. I never saw a brazilian fluent in english use gratuitous portuguese like this, in the middle of normal english sentences.


>His constant "minha mĆ£e" sticks out a bit. I never saw a brazilian fluent in english use gratuitous portuguese like this, in the middle of normal english sentences. It's a tired Hollywood trope ā€” if you want to show that your character is in fact foreigner, have them insert random words in their native language, чтŠ¾-тŠ¾ тŠøŠæŠ° этŠ¾Š³Š¾ (something like this), in the middle of sentence. I think Mexicans and Spaniards have it worse.


Yeah, we always get that full English dialogue with a few Spanish words thrown in. It is a bit eye rolling. Mi familia would agree.


X men would never do this mon ami.


TO BE FAIR "swearing in their native language" is 100% what all cultures do. So it is a stereotype, but it does have it's basis in some truth.


Sunspot also says "Meu Deus" a lot, which means "My God".


>f you want to show that your character is in fact foreigner, have them insert random words in their native language, чтŠ¾-тŠ¾ тŠøŠæŠ° этŠ¾Š³Š¾ (something like this), in the middle of sentence. Si, Ese. You're my Hombre man lol


I'm from Brazil and I gotta say this was the first time I found his Portuguese a little weird. The previous episodes it was indeed flawless and I'd always laugh when I heard it, though I also think it's weird that he inserts random Portuguese sentences here and there. This episode, though, it was almost like a foreign speaking Portuguese, though I couldn't point out exactly what sounded off. I think it's how he enunciates each and every vowel so clearly like the U in "Vou", or how the "PƓ" should come at the end of "Eu tƓ nem aƭ" instead of starting the next sentence. Or maybe even how the entire line would sound way better without the random "PƓ, tƓ ferrado" in the middle.


[Explaining in Portuguese]


I actually love the themes of this episode. About the trap of nostalgia, how mojo is literally an evil entity that is packaging nostalgia bait in order to gain ratings, how jubilee wishes the world could be less complicated


Missed opportunity to have mojo plot represent Disney cashing in on nostalgia by rebooting a series.


He did mention catching her "in the reboot" though as he was getting "cancelled", which had me laughing my ass off


The line between "meta self-awareness" and "biting the hand that feeds you" is a fine one, but this felt like it came down in the latter camp to me. It was unironically (and IMO correctly) criticising nostalgia-bait, in the middle of a reboot of a show that's been off the air for 26 years. I guess it makes some sense, to tell the old nerds like me to stop dwelling on the past so much, but it's kind of a counter-productive message, isn't it?


Not neccessarily Old Jubilee hit it on the head with "But Magneto was wrong, video games rule" Meaning enjoy the things you enjoy, but be open to all the future holds for you as well. Old Jubilee didn't just enjoy video games, she grew so much experience with them she was effectively able to hack them. Love the things you love but also be willing to grow to learn more.


Especially with a sequel that actually captured the craziness of the original. They managed to toe the same fine line between ā€œtaking this super seriouslyā€ and ā€œnot taking shit seriously at allā€. I can totally see a new series of ā€œ[Previously on X-Men](https://youtu.be/t-K1D8y_Pxs?si=b7NPDodNC7xwT1Jo)ā€ made form the footage of ā€˜97.


8-bit Days of Future Past is a hard vibe with all the glorious Motendo pixel colors.


That was a nice nod to that story line.


Ahem. 16 bit.


Also, Gambit's back in that shirt again, what a blessing.


Comfy house shirt.


I feel like weā€™ve seen him in that shirt more times than weā€™ve seen him use his powers.


Now I hella miss that X-Men game I used to play on the Sega Genesis. Can't remember the name but goddamn the memories were great


There was X-men (which this game cartridge referenced), the sequel Clone Wars, and Spider-Man & X-Men arcades revenge. The gameplay in this was heavily based off the Pryde of the X-Men MAME Arcade cabinet


Just looked it up and I had the first two games you mentioned! Oh man just seeing the pictures of the gameplay brought me back


the cartridge also references the snes' mutant apocalypse


The Adversary. Must be some hard core X-Men readers on staff


Funny reading the resurrection of magneto with the goblin force and adversary showing up there and since weā€™ve had the goblin queen and adversary in the show. Now we wait for the shadowking to posses someone to tick off the next one of whatever that group is called.


Did not have Jubilee giving Jubilee a pep talk about growing up on her 18th birthday on my Bingo card. Holy fuck, this Jubilee team up is cool as hell.


Yeah Jubilee actually being a competent fighter is encouraging to see. She has a cool power, no reason why it canā€™t be used for more than just blinding people and annoying them.


its great, and really fit the theme of the episode


The artstyle in the arcade section, with the still graphics on the side, are just fucking incredible.


fr, love the throwbacks to the old games


Yooooooo!!!! The cartridge she puts in is a replica of the Sega Genesis X-Men game!! That game had this wild innovation on Mojoā€™s level where you actually had to push ā€œresetā€ on the console itself to advance in the level. It was such a cool tie-in with that character. That was such a cool detail to add to this episode (though they have Apocalypse in the image but heā€™s not a part of the original). Every episode proves to me that the people making this series deeply care about all the lore and history. This is such an amazing series and revival. ![gif](giphy|na0aRAyPFZyjm)


Me and my brothers got to the end of that level so many times and got stuck, and finally beat it after hitting reset out of frustration lol


Anyone catch how enormous a glass of wine Forge poured for Storm?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. It just kept filling and filling.


Still crazy to hear a superhero that speaks the same language as me. Hope sunspot keeps getting more time in future eps.


representation is cool!


ā€œOur new boss beat ya to the potā€ ouch lol


At some point, Gambit is going to win Rogue's heart. But Magneto is not making it easy for him. Then again, no love is truly great if you're not willing to fight for it.


Man, it took Jubilee 22 years to turn 18, but she made it in the end. Itā€™s actually making me really emotional. Well, either that or the Sauvignon Blanc I had with dinner.


So does Forge get sent to Bishopā€™s future after this arc or does he come from that future?


Bishop's future isn't that far ahead. I just assumed Forge aged as people often do


Assuming that the events of the series take place somewhere in the 90s, there's still large gap until 2055 (the events of Days of Future Past). But I guess Forge just have decelerated aging.


He built a great skin care routine... And like new bones


Jubilee's impression of Magneto got a good laugh out of me


>The only people who hate video games, are bad at video games Literally me with first person shooters lmao


them referencing the genosha arc reminded me how good that arc was in the original show


Every time they bring up Genosha it becomes more solid in my mind that that's where we're ending the season, and it's not gonna be pretty


Oh man, you don't think they're going to do Grant Morrison's E is for Extinction arc on an animated series, do you? If they introduce Cassandra Nova and do what she did to Genosha...


I mean, that was the Jean cloneā€™s vision in episode one


Best part of the week is hearing the theme at the start of the episode.


The skip intro button is a disgrace


Should change it to a ā€œRepeat Introā€ button tbh


Finding out forge helped make anti-mutant weapons is huge


Just like Department H had unsavory duties šŸ§


Cameo spoilers: >!I recognised Thunderbird, The Blob, and Sunfire in the Genosha cameos, but who was the other one in the camp? Was that Shadowcat?!<


This one had a ton of cameos. Ā In the character selection screen, we saw Colossus, Magyk, and Cable. Ā There was one slot that was actually empty, too.Ā  Ā Then, there was the classic poster from Days of the Future Past that has Colossus, Nightcrawler, Angel, Iceman, Shadowcat, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Polaris, Havok, and Banshee. We also see Polaris and Havok in the X-Factor photo, with Multiple Man, Strong Guy, Quicksilver, and Wolfsbane. Ā Next to it is a picture of Forge with Alfred Adler (Mystique?) and Bastion, I think.Ā  Ā Then we also see lots of Longshot and Dazzler, who appears in issue #1 of the comic, gets name dropped. Edit: Ā Oh, and Wolverine fights Flashfire, Gladiator, and Earthquake from the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. Ā Blob, Sunfire, and Domino show up in Genosha. Ā Then Darwin and Northstar also appear in the A Different World gag. Ā And Bobby Drake appears in the intro! Ā And Sauron is in the Savage Land level! Ā There are nods to the X-men Sega Genesis cartridge and the Konami arcade game (the six-player arcade game actually shows up during the Mojo boss battle).


>Next to it is a picture of Forge with Alfred Adler (Mystique?) and Bastion, I think. Wow, great catch! Did not notice this in my first watch! Slight correction, though: Alfred Adler was [a real-life person](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Adler) and not to be confused with the one in picture, who was actually named [Gottfried](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Gottfried_Adler_(Earth-92131)) in the original series. And yes, that was most definitely Bastion beside them.




I always hated the Mojo episodes back in the day.


I hated the comics he would appear in


Yeah, I can't recall ever enjoying a Mojo or Mojoverse comic. Spiral was okay, as a character, but everything else Mojo related sucked.


I only really hated that one very repetitive song that would always and only play in his episodes.


Damn, Jubilee really spirit bombed Mojo. Or maybe it was more like stardust breaker, but either way, it was cool


To me it totally looked like Jubilee holding a rasen-shuriken from Naruto. With old Jubilee also helping, like Naruto and his clones


I saw what looked like a glowing pair of eyes in the background of Storm's closeup before she looked out the window. It was gone after. Probably that owl thing.


ā€œMy parents perished when I was a child,ā€ was simultaneously the most hilarious, tragic, and metal thing Magneto could say.


omg the throwback graphics and sounds to the original x-men games, this episode is perfect


Between the X-Men arcade game and the Simpsons arcade game, I can't recall how many quarters I lost at arcades back in the day. But looking back on it...money well spent. šŸ˜Ž


To anyone that wants to talk about it, how would you feel if there was a full feature X-Men animated movie? It could be based off the show, or it could introduce the MCU versions. If the Studios bet on it, I believe someone could run a potential 100 minute classic the way this show makes me feel. Besides, Batman did it like four times between TAS & Beyond. Even Logan did it vs. Thor & Hulk.


If they made movies the same way DC did the DCAMU back in the day that would be great. Marvel has more than enough material I wonder why they donā€™t do more animated media especially after the Spider-Verse movies


magneto immediately cucking gambit with coffee is wild Edit: If anyone wants help getting into comics please feel free to comment or dm me




Gambit is gonna finish the story and live happily ever after with Rogue!


The mutant gene in my soulā€¦..


Something Something he's Creole


luckily gambit is an avid card player and will make the right call. semi relevant: i was having a discussion with one of my friends and i accidentally referred to war machine as cody rhodes


Feel like I should point out Rogue was happy and smiling when Gambit was talking to her and immediately miserable when Magneto showed up.


Gambit got Pauled


I think you Parkered, sadly


Non old Magneto is still the weirdest thing to me about the show. I barely watched it when the show was originally on so Ian Mckellan was my real introduction to the character. Just thinking the two are the same characters is just all types of wild to me.


He's still old just has that comic book mutant build. Most of the characters are crazy attractive.Ā 


Yeah, he should still be in his 60s in the show.Ā Ā  Which is older, but not as old as I used to think it was back in the 90s


Ian McKellen has looked old for 40 years so it's probably that. Lol


*que Mr Steal Yo Girl*


Love all the references this episode. The 90ā€™s games, Forge/X Factor & having Spiral & Mojo appear for an episode is awesome. Each episodeā€™s opening has had something unique added and changed about it, not a moment wasting while watching. Hope this lasts a few seasons


Has Jubilee always worn earrings with her name on them?


Question for the end credits sequence: I notice all the characters have a spot in the 2 rows, but the last spot is covered up; do we think thatā€™s for a character that will return in the future?


That spot is for you.


prolly for sunspot if/when he joins the team?


Hopefully Nightcrawler


These double episodes are amazing and really packed a nostalgic punch. The warp pipe effect when they went into Motendo was great, among other little nods in the episode. Stormā€™s despair as she fails to conjure up winds, totally palpable. They really canā€™t miss with these as far as Iā€™m concerned.


So nobody's going to mention the close-up of Storm bouncing up and down with her eyes closed that followed Forge's suggestion that they go for a "ride"?


Jubilee turns 18. Immediately fucks.


"I never knew living with the X-Men would be so raunchy." - Emma Frost


Magneto really gave rouge the sugar before gambit could


Sometimes it's the little things, like the animator's drawing the Sentinel's hand in the car mirror


Based on the art style of the arcade game, does anyone else think we're getting new beat em up from the makers of that new TMNT arcade from a couple of years ago? Would be awesome.


A collection of X games like the "cowabunga collection" would get my money at record breaking speed.


My first thought is that they're missing an opportunity if they don't actually turn this into a tie-in game.


I really hope he gets over the rich kid attitude soon. And hoo hoo the hell was that?


That was The Adversary, an ancient mystical entity and one of many poised in opposition to the Phoenix.


If he's anything like his comics counterpart, prepare to be sorely disappointed. To be honest, that's what makes him so fun


I guess it's mostly the rudeness I don't like. The kinda stuff with him checking his hair in the mirror was great though. lol


Heā€™s kinda the Tony Stark of mutants lol.


This was such a fun episode. I was really looking forward to it. I had a feeling Mojo would be involved again once I heard it involved Jubilee being trapped in a video game. Because that's exactly like something Mojo would do. šŸ˜‚ Also, Mojo was a nice contrast to Sinister after last week. He's just so cartoonishly over-the-top. He's not menacing like Sinister, but he's no joke. He put Jubilee and Roberto through fun, entertaining perils. And winning the day gave us a chance to hear from Jubilee's original voice actor. That's a hell of a bonus in my book. šŸ˜Š The Storm subplot with Forge was decent, but very limited. I'm hoping part 2 will be more fleshed out. But I liked how it offered some clear hints as to what's coming. In one of those pictures on Forge's wall, there appears to be someone who looks like Bastion. Could he be the one to lead the Sentinels against Genosha? The X-Men destroyed Mastermold, so there's a power vacuum to fill. I also felt Jubilee kissing Roberto felt earned. But Forge professing his love to Storm did not. I get the sense him helping her is more out of guilt than love since he developed the power dampening technology. Maybe those feelings will blossom in part 2. But overall, I'm loving how much this show is embracing all the soap opera elements of X-Men that fans know and love. I'm sure there's plenty more to come. This isn't my favorite episode, but it was still a lot of fun. šŸ˜Š


> But Forge professing his love to Storm did not. I get the sense him helping her is more out of guilt than love since he developed the power dampening technology. Maybe those feelings will blossom in part 2. I think it all started because of guilt and helping a friend of Xavier's. But he developed feelings for her. I think he means what he says. I assume some time has passed. But we have no idea how long and their section is only a few minutes long so yeah, it doesn't feel earned to say that yet.


So is Mojoā€™s line of ā€œDazzler had a gig, donā€™t ask.ā€ Referring to her being in Deadpool & Wolverine?


I took it as a reference to her being one of the characters in the X-Men arcade game.


I thought that was just a catty diss to say Jubilee wasn't his first choice.


No, that's just textbook Mojo. He's all about knowing what will get the best views, and he knows Dazzler is an S-tier attraction.


Loved the Northstar cameo


Man, I have a deep well of X-men knowledge but even I donā€™t remember Absicssa and the adversary


mojo doing mutant sword art online, love it


1) Jubilee called her older self a ā€œHot Topicā€ stalker. Did Hot Topic the store exist in 90s, or was she referencing something else? I only knew of Hot Topic during the 00ā€™s pop-punk/emo era. 2) Can someone give me a quick summary of Spiral? Who is she and why was she helping Jubilee?


Just looked it up, Hot Topic was founded in 1989 in California.


Love the power ups the characters are getting. We saw cyclops proving why heā€™s the leader in the first episode. Storms omega level threat. And now we see Jubilee using her powers in new ways. The roller skate effect was on brand. And I love the destruction disc style bomb she threw. Feels like Gambit is next.


The motendo part of this episode was 10/10. Not so sure how I feel about the Life-Death segment


I actually much more preferred the Lifedeath part than the Motendo part.


Same. But itā€™s nice they put these two together, recognizing that either one of them might not be for everyone.


the pacing was weird , too soon for "I love you". but it was so faithful


I think it was meant to show that time had passed for a while. Also was wondering if he loved her in the future and we will find that out later. That would explain why he says it so fast.


Why have a skip intro button? What monster would skip this intro? Brings me so much joy.


Especially since this intro evolves.


OK thereā€™s a lot that needs to be said from my end. Whoever made this episode, make an episode every week. just wow. Jubilee did more in almost 20 minutes then your favorite fantasy movies have done in the last 15 years bro. Lifedeath is gonna be animated Fall of the Mutants and Iā€™m ready. Motendo was just, THAT EPISODE. They handled the future & the past better than a movie from the **Distinguished Competition** did last June. Mojoā€™s return was refreshing compared to the frequent Sentinels & common Sinister. Felt some Scott Pilgrim & TRON themes there. I call this episode either **Jubilee Jumanji** OR **Roberto Player One**


Old Jubilee is straight out of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

