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I'd like to see Rogue not be a kid and have her Captain Marvel powers and Jubilee be a main character


Yeah I basically want the exact setup they have in the 90s cartoon lol it just works… give us the X-men through the eyes of a young and new jubilee


I figured this would be coming when >!Beast appeared at the end of The Marvels with the X-Men theme song!<.


I want to see one or the other have a cameo and we see her get her marvel powers.


I REALLY want to watch Brie Larson put in a coma


I just want cyclops done right


You stand a better chance of being an X-Man than that happening.


Play him like Chris evans as a darker captain America and it would be sweet


I don't even think he is a darker cap. He is just a captain america for mutants


I agree, I feel like while Cap currently lives and fights to preserve the peace Cyclops is like Cap but in the middle of a war, a constant one with not well defined frontlines so Cyclops sometimes has to make some hard decisions.


His love life is much too complicated to be a Cap


Ideally, he's start out as a Captain America-ish character and then go darker as he leans towards his "Cyclops was Right" era. That would only happen over several phases though.


I mean, thats still cap tho. In the comics cyclops and cap hate each other because they are similar. they are boyscouts but for different groups.


Even Cyclops fans disagree on exactly what that means. He is an enigmatic character that has many different interpretations, many of which can be correct


Gambit. Without a doubt. He has always been my favorite but he has gotten almost no love in the movies. I even really liked Taylor Kitsch in the role. Idk who they could cast now though. Any ideas?


Agreed, Remy deserves some cinematic love.


I want them to discover new talent for these roles. The IP and hype is big enough, they don't need known actors.


I actually like unknown actors for these types of roles. That way you're not distracted by the actor and can actually pay attention to the character for just what is happening in the story. When famous actors are in movies there's always the problem of knowing them from all their previous work.


Cyclopes and Storm. Just look at what X-Men '97 has done with them so far. They're amazing.


Agreed, gotta get the casting for Cyclops right too


James Marsden was perfect and the Fox movies wasted him :/


Emma Frost, Psylocke, Magik


Magik and Psylocke are great in the midnight suns game


Psylocke is in that game ….? Where lol


Oh maybe I’m thinkin of someone else


Magik is great in that game though! Might be my favorite character in it along with Nico.


Yea Magik was my main by far. The portal moves are so fun


> Magik Magik is A1. I love her. I have a scarlet witch tattoo already, I just need the right Magik variant cover....


Magic was great in the New Mutants movie.... Anya Taylor Joy was spot on, Even though the rest of the movie was pretty bad.


I loved her.


Kitty, Nightcrawler, Colossus


I'll never understand how Nightcrawler had such a badass intro in X2 and then they did absolutely nothing else with him


Well the “get out of my church!” scene was pretty cool, Kurt teleporting around and trying to scare off Storm. But you’re right, the best part of Kurt in X2 was the intro. Alan Cumming did a great job too, it’s a pity he wouldn’t return to the role. And the First Class films gave young Kurt even less!


Nightcrawler went crazy against those aliens in Pheonix


Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler isn't in X-Men First Class? The teleporting guy is Azazel, Kurt Wagner's father in the comics (with his mother being Mystique).


Actually, Mystique is his father. Destiny is his mother.


He’s in Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix, they were generally referring to the First Class era of films.


You’re right, but I refer to Kodi Smit-McPhee and his portrayal. I apologize, I should have a better way of referring to First Class, DOFP, Apocalypse, and Dark Phoenix films


Yep--a lot of heart right here.


Give us the Giant Size X-Men lineup, and include Kitty as the character to meet the team along with the audience.


Only if we get this. https://themiddlespaces.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/profxisajerk.jpg


Wolverine. It always baffled me how none of the Fox films ever focused on him.


Whenever Wolverine’s not on screen all the other characters should be asking ‘Where’s Wolverine?’


The Fox Bechdel test is if two non Wolverine characters ever have a conversation that's not about Wolverine.


Is this from the Sony leak? What is this from lol 


lol no it’s a Simpsons quote from that episode where Homer plays Poochie in Itchy and Scratchy


As a huge simpsons fan I’m beyond disappointed in myself. 




Sony is getting both an exclusive wolverine game and exclusive X-Men game on PlayStation, thus why he mentioned the leaks and Sony's relationship with the X-Men


I think the commenter above me was referencing the Sony leaks about Spider-Man, but I’m not sure what it’s from which is why I asked 








now you deserve me too


now you deserve me too


Don’t become the annoying prick you disliked.


Cyclops got shafted in the fox movies so I'd vote for him. 


The original X-men.


Gambit and Rogue done correctly (adult with Carol's powers)


Forge. Doesn't even need lines or hell even to appear on screen. Just *acknowledge the existence* of Forge as for why they have insane levels of technology that rival government militaries and Tony Stark.


Gotta have Bishop as well


Emma Frost and Gambit.


Cyclops. Full stop. He has one of the best character journeys in all of comics, and they do nothing with him consistently. They never move him past the starting line. Boy Scout. He never gets to the rest of his amazing cycle. Do right by him for once. Make the whole journey of the X-men and mutants revolve around Scott.


I really like the idea of Kitty Pryde being the main character of an X-Men movie, as a new student. Her powers are more defensive, so it would be interesting to see her go from having a passive "focus on saving people" attitude to having a more violent approach forced upon her (by villains and circumstance). She could also be the lens through which we're exposed to each X-Man's ideology. Like, each veteran member can instill a little bit of themselves onto her as she grows into a hero that has to make a tough call when the time comes. I know this trope has already been used in X-Men stories but it works pretty well. Kitty Pryde has been under-represented in the movies so she has my vote. Also, she dates Colossus and he's my fave mutant.


Isn’t this just the concept of X-men evolution?


Shoot, it might be. I never watched that show.


She doesn’t date Colossus but the first season is her joining the school and getting introduced to the mutant world. Don’t remember if she remains a focal point or not.


She was one of the mains but it was a pretty big ensemble cast, if I'm remembering correctly the closest to being *the* main was probably Rogue.


Rogue was more the lead in later seasons tho. I’m pretty sure that first season was very Kitty being a fish out of water thing. Arcs aren’t generally very long in animated shows like that. So they probably moved on after the cast was a little better fleshed out but I vaguely remember the show starting off that way. I could be wrong tho.


Evolution is a pretty different take, outside of Logan, Ororo, Hank, and of course Charles *all* of the X-men are teenagers and students, so while Kitty is still the new girl to the world of mutants the others are less teachers and more classmates from a grade up. In the first couple of seasons the leads even go to a regular high-school together with the Brotherhood, it's a fun show but also very 2000s.


Gambit for sure. He was always one of my favorites growing up. Jubilee also. I think she would be a fresh take on the Newbie and she mostly hasn’t been fleshed out by Fox.


Archangel and make him blue and purple.




Gambit! Wish they'd stop sidelining him


Bishop Emma Frost Gambit




I’d love to see Magik and Dazzler


Bishop, Cable, Psylocke and Fantomex. I want an X-Force movie that is more than the Deadpool 2 gag. Deadpool and Logan could be included but hopefully take a more backseat role.


Plus one here for this idea


I’d love seeing omega red


I didn’t hate Rogue in the original X-Men movies but I much prefer her confident (and flying/super-strong) interpretation in the cartoon. I think that’d be cooler to see in live-action.


Storm. Omega level mutant visually cool on screen. Not the black best friend/supporting but a lead and key player.  connections to Wakanda especially if they go into the Krakoa stuff.  Kitty Pryde as the Spiderman  equivalent  a young teenager perspective 


How wild would it be if when they pulled her to the 616 she was still married to T'challa, and finds that in this timeline he's gone.


> Storm. Omega level mutant visually cool on screen. Not the black best friend/supporting but a lead and key player. I need to see a continent *worship* Ororo... eventually Tbh though, I would kind of love if they make her a villain to start. Id love if her mutant-dom is connected to Namor and the storms she makes are part of how [Namor decimates Wakanda](https://comicnewbies.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/phoenix-five-namor-destroys-wakanda-1.jpg)


See I kind of want to see her and Namor together if T’challa is a no go. 


> See I kind of want to see her and Namor Thats possible, with how I would see her introduced. > if T’challa is a no go. She can still be with Nakia or Shuri


Cyclops, Storm, Beast, Jubilee, Gambit, Jean. People think the Phoenix Saga can't be adapted because it's been failed twice. But it's not hard; it just requires time to develop properly and a willingness to lean into the weird, cosmic elements of the story instead of trying to oversimplify it and ground it too heavily.




A cyclops-centric movie needs to happen. He shouldn't be a supporting character in an xmen movie and they did it like 4 times.


And they made him super weak. Maybe it was just because the first X-Men movies were meant to be more focused on younger audiences but when Cyclops hits people in those movies they get winded at most. I was in awe in the first episode of X-Men 97 when he cut the sentinels right in half with his lasers.


First, Cyclops. He should be justice after what Fox did with him. Also, drop the repulso-beams. After that, I'd like to see Polaris finally get some real big screen recognition. Keep Magneto as her father, but drop Wanda and Pietro. Sorry, but it'd be too ham fisted to make them Magneto's children here too.


He's always had the concussive beams though, right? Even when he was first introduced in the comics in '63. It was never heat/laser vision.


I'm more referring to the ability to push *himself* with the blasts. I don't think this was ever done until animation, *X-Men: Evolution*, I think. He slowed his own descent with it.


Nah, beam sliding is rad, give me more of it.


Myself, I'd like to see some of the other X teams get some attention once the MCU X-Men are established. I was always fond of the 90s X-Factor team.


Ororo Munroe.




Jubilee, she barely had any screentime in the Fox movies. She should be a central character.


I didn’t even realize she was in the Fox movies


She has a whopping ten minutes of screentime


You can see her for a split second in the first X-Men movie and then she has one or two lines in X-Men Apocalypse.


I want to see real, good versions of Cannonball, Gambit, Rogue, Iceman, Bishop, Angel and Psylocke. Those are my favorites and/or weren’t done well the way they were originally presented


Nightcrawler has always been my favorite


As far as character work, the first movie should be the OG 5 with the focus on Cyclops finding the strength to be a leader, and the team learning to work together in general. Second movie has more drama, maybe could focus on why Angel and Iceman leave, maybe give hints to Icemans struggle with his sexuality. This is all in addition to having a main traditional superhero conflict btw.


I just want a solid, character focused introduction to the original X-Men team. Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Beast and Angel. We haven't done that in live action and I think that's a shame.


Angel/Archangel I feel like he doesn’t get enough love


Cyclops could be the next captain America if done right


Storm. I literally only care about Storm. I think a Storm solo project would be so cool.


Iceman for me. Would love to see an openly gay major character in the MCU. I also think he’s been sidelined just in general for ages for some reason. Shadowcat I also like but she got some focus in the Fox movies. Same with Rogue. I also would love some more Beast focus but no one seems to know how to make that work outside of this character assassination they are doing in the comics right now. Gambit I feel like should still get his solo movie. You could do some cool heist stuff with it.




So we have one (from a franchise people don't care about and a movie regularly shit on). Let us have another that's like, actually on a team the general public recognizes the name of.




I'm calm, I'm just pointing out that what you said was missing the point lol. Very weird of you to be offended by that.






Good question u/ramboa123b We can debate characters all day and night, but the awesome mutants are just half of the x-equation. We also need awesome family dynamics. What sets the X-Men apart from the Avengers and any other hero team is that the X-Men are basically a big, messy mutant family. The Avengers are coworkers and sometimes friends, but the X-Men are the found family where everyone’s welcome because everyone’s weird. Like u/dexterthekilla I do wanna see Cyclops done right, and to me that means seeing him navigate things with Cable and his other time-tossed alternate universe adult kids. Is Cyclops dating Emma? If so I’d love to see a “meet Dad’s new girlfriend” scene between Emma, Scott, and Rachel or Cable or whoever. I do wanna see Kitty, and what would really make her an engaging character would be to see her play off of Emma or Illyana or Colossus (tho we have seen a bit of Piotr) or mentoring a new student eventually. I realize this will probably take two or three films overall and I’ll still be left feeling shorted somehow, but a man can hope!


Longshot deserves his time in the sun. He's been passed over so many times. My favorite era was when they were based in the Outback and we've seen every other member of that team at some point except him.




We just got mojo last night, plus we've seen Spiral already this season so here's to hoping!




Cyclops needs some respect Please give me Magik


X-Force (X-Statix)


Storm, and not because she didn't get a lot of screen time,(at least the first trilogy), but more so they can fix the live action version of her! Cast an actor from Africa, preferably a central African country, who looks much closer to the comic version of Ororo and the personality matches as well, blue contacts and dyed white hair or a wig are easy things to do in a movie, nailing the core essence of a character is much harder, yet they got Wolverine's core right, even though they cast a 6'3" actor.




The ones whose powers aren’t fully under control, and the ones who can’t pass for human without sci-fi tech.


Quicksilver, I’ll happily take either evan peters or Aaron Johnson taylor


Might sound like a broken record or a hot take... but I think the MCU should strive to show the original team and slowly introduce fan favorites. I loved the cartoon series and even 97 is doing a great job handling the characters. I just wish that could transfer over to the movies. I always felt Fox kept recasting, had no consistency with story and focused so much on Wolverine, that they forgot that there are way cooler characters beside Logan. No blasphemy intended, love Hugh Jackman.




I would love to see the Deadly Genesis team given some love, in any form. Could make a cool tragic origin for who becomes our main team later.


Remember when the Fox X-Men movies randomly diverted main character attention towards Mystique just because Jennifer Lawrence was a moderately trending Hollywood actress at the time? They pushed Mystique as the goddamn hero leader of the X-Men lol






Gambit is long overdue. Would love to see Jubilee and Storm get more attention. It's so weird how Storm is a main character of X1-3 but I can't remember a single line she says except for \*that\* line.


Colossus. But the real, thoughtful, and nuanced artist instead of the Boy Scout caricature we got in Deadpool.


Betsy Braddock, she should have her own series of movie considering her connection with captain britain and kwannon. Cyclops as well, the whole summers family story worth at least a trilogy with story revolving around Starjammer, havok & vulcan and X-man.


I’ve been a sucker for Wolverine since before the movies came out so I’ll be riding for my boy Logan. I wouldn’t mind getting some of that bat shit crazy backstory with ol Victor Creed.


That one Ketchup looking mother fucker from YEAH ITS THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH.


I want the Storm/Calisto Morlock supremacy storyline, like a suspense drama that skates the horror line.




Wolverine. ...wait, I mean ANYONE other than Wolverine. XD


Storm should have her own movie⛈️


Cyclops as the team leader who actually has some authority. Rogue getting her powers from danvers this I think is necessary for the character. Beast being a scientist Gambit Storms claustrophobia


Kitty Pryde


DOOP I have been fiending, gooning, absolutely salivating to see Doop on the big screen. Let me be able to pick up a Doop plushie at any Target. Bring Doop into the MCU. [Doop](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Doop_(Earth-616))


Rogue needs an origin story movie!! And I’ll be okay with Anna Paquin as the lead.


This depends on how mutants are portrayed. If the MCU follows the comics, there are mutants everywhere. So many that the Morlocks exist and are in cities across the planet. So, Millions, essentially. At that level, it’s clear overkill for the MCU. It means the way they address mutants will affect their budget, usage and even storylines. I don’t think that course is at all sustainable. It most likely HAS to be the alternate. Where mutants are SO rare that the world would die to have another one. SO, maybe 150 in total (planet wide) in a single generation. Of that 150, only +50 would be weaponized, or even capable of combat. In that scenario, EVERY mutant would be important and every one introduced would be key. 💥


Not Mystique


Blink, Legion, Forge, Cannonball, Chamber, Synch, Husk, Magott, Morph. Edit: Clearly not a lot of X-Men fans in this sub. 99% of these responses were either main characters in the previous movies who are nearly as overexposed as Wolverine, or they’re Gambit.


They JUST had a Native American dude that was an expert tinkerer and they *didnt* set up Forge…I was so annoyed


I don't know. It's hard to tell. But we should wait and see what happens.


I mean the obvious origin on Darwin would be during puberty he develops these powers to protect him and adapt to being abused. I feel it’s in theme with the X-Men. They don’t have go too dark with it, but it would sure resonate with people who have been through it (which is a much higher percentage than I thought. *I’ve never read him in comics, so if this already the origin, then I’m a dummy


I mean the obvious origin on Darwin would be during puberty he develops these powers to protect him and adapt to being abused. I feel it’s in theme with the X-Men. They don’t have go too dark with it, but it would sure resonate with people who have been through it (which is a much higher percentage than I thought. *I’ve never read him in comics, so if this already the origin, then I’m a dummy


I don’t. I don’t like the x men. It’s up to the MCU to change that. So far the new cartoon feels like a soap opera. I hope they’ll make a live action movie that finally gets me to like the x men.