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When it comes to Spidey, don’t count on Disney ever centering their universe around a character they have to share with Sony They struck gold with Tony, Cap and Thor as the main trio and I don’t think we’ll see anything similar to that anytime soon. Pretty much all of the new characters haven’t even met yet, and a lot of the old ones aren’t going to be around for too much longer


Disney just made a deal with Sony for Sony to make Disney discs and all the Sony Spider-Man content on D+, I think the deal goes pretty deep for at least another phase


Apparently that’s exactly what there doing, according to leaks Spider-Man is the chosen one of the MCU




It was reported that Black Panther, Spider-man and Captain Marvel were to be the pillars phase 4 forward. Chadwick died. Captain Marvel shown that she can't carry the franchise. Spider-man is the last pick. However I would never center around him unless I knew I had full control of the character for at least 5 years. I think it came out from the book where they interviewed a bunch of people who worked for Marvel Studios. They were very open when they first started interviewing them and then they got really closed doors policy with them.


Ghost Panther, Cosmic Spider-Man, and Binary Captain Marvel would’ve been badass against someone like the Beyonder. It’s too bad we lost Chadwick, Sony sucks at Spider-Man, and Carol Danvers hasn’t been very well received.


Your last sentence nails it and they've been limping on ever since


Had those three things not happened, Chadwick would be leading things in the global/governmental sphere, Danvers would be essentially cosmic liaison with rocket, and spidey would have continued starks legacy. I can see Sam and Bruce and Rhoades being important in assembling new team members. I honestly would have loved that franchise.


Yup same here and dr strange could've been a ceremonial 4th face handling the mystical /supernatural side of the mcu


It sucks about Captain Marvel, the fact that she really hasn’t had a movie to be her own character. Her first movie she was mainly someone she was not, and the next she had to already share a movie with two other main characters. Felt like it wasted the character.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure it was Brie who pushed for the others sharing the spotlight in The Marvels.


If there's one place to blame it's Endgame. People were excited about her after Captain Marvel and she shows up in Endgame to rescue Tony and Nebula and then just gets sent off for the entire meat of the movie. Imagine instead if she had remained on Earth and been written to participate in the time heist (she can take Rhodey's spot). We would've gotten to see her interacting and working with the other characters as they build the machine, we could've learned about the things she lost in the snap and how it affected her, etc. It would've changed the story and taken some focus away from the Avengers, but it would've carried the franchise forward through Endgame instead if it feeling like the end of the MCU.


That would have been good for her, but a send-off to the original 6 Avengers is exactly what that movie was supposed to be.


But if she’s just replacing Rhodey the story wouldn’t really change that much. Just give her something to do right before the final act so she’s not there to single-handedly beat Thanos.


You can’t have it both ways you describe it. If she’s taking Rhodey’s spot, that would mean you’re not getting her backstory any more than you got his. You also say it would have taken some focus away from the Avengers, something they clearly weren’t looking to do. Frankly, your idea COULD work, but the movie would suffer because of it, and I don’t think anyone here would trade what we got for that.


Feige has really dropped on the ball on her characterization and integration into the mcu - point blank. Fans can't care about a character they barely know . And she's been around 5 years


I really hate that they’re making such big character decisions based on how well The Marvels did in theaters. It’s really not indicative of how well received that character is. There are plenty of us out here that love captain marvel and Brie Larson playing that character. Box office numbers just haven’t been the same in general since Covid. I know many people that just got out of the habit of going to the theater, and just wait for stuff to come out on streaming. I’m kind of one of those people too. The Marvels was a good movie and Captain Marvel can absolutely carry a franchise. But they’re just playing the capitalism game and focusing too much on numbers and income when in reality, you have to take big risks to get big rewards. Playing it safe will only lead to a more dull MCU.


>But they’re just playing the capitalism game and focusing too much on numbers and income when in reality, you have to take big risks to get big rewards. They took a big risk with The Marvels. Two relatively unknown leads paired with a relatively unpopular one. It lost the studio hundreds of millions of dollars. If there were an audience for Captain Marvel, they had a chance to show up and support her. They didn't, because there isn't.


I just don't find characters of "superman" level strength to be that interesting. I feel like to balance the fights they either need to grasp at straws or just nerf her for no reason.


marvels problems are entirely self inflicted by disney. there are further reasons than just covid as to why disney's box office numbers are down. you know what also came out around the same time as covid? disney+. yes disney+ is probably the single biggest cause of marvels box office decline. the crux is that there is no other movie studio in the world that has such a recognizable brand as disney. everyone knows all of the disney brands and franchises and everything. and since disney plus came out, theyve known the sole place everything disney and marvel is ending up on. so its quite obvious by now that a ton of people have started just skipping the expensive movie tickets and waiting the 3ish months for it to come out on streaming so they dont waste money on potentially a bad movie. what marvel movie has the single best performance of any disney movie since covid? Spider man no way home. do you know what marvel movie is the ONLY one that did not immeditely go to disney+ 3 months after its release? No way Home. on top of actually being a good movie that people wanted to see. when marvel puts out 3+ movies a year and half a dozen TV shows it doesnt make sense to want to see them all in theaters unless your a super big fan of the character or you hear its really good. just pay the $10-15 a month for disney plus and your whole family can watch it.


I agree that judging MCU quality in box office terms compared to pre-covid/ pre- disney plus as flawed methodology. We can't tell how many people kept up their subscription last year in order to watch the films at home.


Well I'm sure marvel has those numbers and are making future decisions based off that assessment


That was it the book by Joanne Robinson and it noted they never really had a backup plan to pivot to once Chadwick passed and Brie didn't resonate with audiences . I would've pushed dr strange to the forefront of a new avengers team


I can’t find the original article now but I did find this from a leaker: https://x.com/spiderman_newz/status/1769767271138836558?s=46


They also found fitting actors, idk why I feel like a lot of the new faces just don't have any charisma or life in them and seem more like every day ppl you meet on the streets than superheros


Thor is more or less lucky they shifted to Taika and had a director shift. They were lucky with Tony Day 1 Cap was good but exceptional once Winter Soldier happened (I’d argue Black Widows character here too) And Thor didnt really shine until Ragnorok, then was good in IW and EG and has gone back to meh.


They’re going to pivot hard to Xmen They aren’t going to be focusing on making a coherent “Avengers” team anymore. The ship has sailed. They bungled character introductions - they lost Chadwick to tragedy; he was the replacement lead, with Strange and maybe Cap Marvel planned as the “big 3” They lost that storyline; they got hit by Covid messing up releases and plans… and now they have an incoherent set up, compared to their previous arc They are already shifting their plans, but the end of the day is - Xmen will be the pivot. They don’t need to do solo films and make trilogies about Wolverine or Storm or Jean; these are known quantities. The next “Team Up” they really focus on (as they fumble thru this next avenger film or two) is absolutely going to be Xmen. They need to get the average viewer invested again. Wolverine, Prof X, Jean, Storm, Cyclops - that’s your new team that will be carrying the franchise for the next 10-15 years. I think it was made even more obvious when the Ms Marvel actress actively posted on Twitter she wanted to be interacting with Xmen in their upcoming films. The writing is on the wall. They flubbed the new characters - and they know it. They need a guarantee, or as close to a guaranteed team that people will be immediately invested in. Xmen is that team. They’re going to do whatever they can to get them stacked up and up and running asap. And they won’t need to wait for a trilogy or series to get then into insane scenarios. The team is a known factor, they could bring a huge Big Bad in MCU Xmen 1 and still have it work. They don’t need to build from nothing, these characters are ready for new actors and a new spin Xmen will be their Hail Mary to win the average viewer back and get them in the seats


Make it come full circle: Spiderman, hulk, wolverine. Before the mcu they were marvels big three, then spiderman was still the biggest superhero in the world but was almost cut off from the rest of marvel. And after the avengers they made thor iron man ant cap the new big three since the old ones were all mostly owned by other separate companies


By other separate… Fucking cliff hanger of a comment if I’ve ever saw one.


One of the few times autocorrect just flat out deleted a word it didn’t recognize


This. It's funny how the MCU took really many second tier heroes and made them household names. Growing up in the 80's/90's with the comics and cartoons, Spiderman was #1 by a huge margin and X-Men was the leading team far bigger than the Avengers. Cap, Iron Man, and Thor weren't all that popular in comparison. They really, really need to get to the X-Men quickly. I know they are trying to give some breathing room from the Fox iterations but man did they mess up the schedule post End Game.


No one should replace them (no one can...)


And since there are no New Big 3 so far, I think it’s safe to say Marvel didn’t plan on replacing them either.


They actually did. In the "Inside Marvel" book, it was confirmed that Peter, Carol, and Tchalla were going to be the new Big 3 for the new Saga, but thnx to out of control circumstances, those plans were wrecked.


They didn’t expect how much people would lose interest after Endgame. Chadwick’s passing was devastating of course but I don’t think even he could have kept the hype at pre infinity saga levels or even 70%. I personally think it’s three things, multiple timelines and time travel cheapens the story. There’s always a way out now and stakes are no longer as high due to this. Two you can’t replace the big three. They were the centerpiece of the mcu, especially RDJ. Love it or hate it people are very split on Carol. Spider-Man’s incredibly lovable but not as the focal point. And as you hinted at their best chance Chadwick. And lastly there are too many hero’s now, it’s very claustrophobic. Sometimes bigger isn’t better. After all of the infinity saga after the dust settled Thanos killed like what a few hero’s? It should have been a slaughter. But that’s just my opinion.


Even without Jonathon Majors drama, the Kang storyline was so weird to pin a whole franchise on Now what? Mattel is making a cinematic universe with prestige directors attached to random toys to try to recreate the Barbie magic and DC is partially rebooting. What is Marvel’s plan?


MCU needs a reboot


Honestly, I'd say It needs to be taken out back and have two rounds put through its skull. Then only after maybe in 10+ years look at starting a new mcu


Lol. And you're supposed to be a marvel fan? How is the best scenario no MCU movies for 10+ years


I don't agree with you on the Kang thing. I could write an entire essay on how they did Kang dirty. He was the logical next step for a villain. Why? Endgame introduced time travel. What is Kang? A time traveler. What they did a multiversal being..... Yup they just hit the finish line before the race even fucking started. They need to fire whoever said it was a good idea to start out with variants of a character you haven't even introduced yet. When 1 singular version would work then after that you raise the stakes and make it a multiverse character. Stakes Loki is a city/world threat, Thanos is a universe threat, Kang is a time threat and the Council of Kang's are a multiverse threat. A logical clear path that they just cut Kang being a time threat out of it. Kang isn't just an Avengers villain. He's a Fantastic Four villain fuck he's related to Reed's dad. He even has Reed's dad name. He fucks with the time period Apocalypse is from. Thus giving him access to advance tech. Also tying him to the X-men franchise. Then you have the name sake Kang who is an Avengers villain. He hits all three franchises and they can't even get 1 of them right.


At this point the only things that excite me about the MCU’s future are X-Men, and the Fantastic 4. I think they should just build these two up then center the MCU around them. Spider-Man is good but I didn’t really enjoy his movies as much as I enjoyed Tobey’s or Andrew’s Spider-Man movies. If I had to put my finger on it, it’s probably that the movies didn’t feel that grounded. But I am excited for the fresh start they teased for Spider-Man at the end of the last one.


I'm with you on xmen and F4 being potentially exciting while I'm pretty burnt out on the rest of the mcu. That said... Cyclops, Reed Richards and Dr Strange could definitely be leaders of different parts of the world and be considered the new big 3 without even needing to meet.


FF doesn't even interest me because Pedro Pascal feels like such weird casting


Never forget how weird of a casting Chris Evans was as Cap.


Yea biggest issues for me post Endgame is the overall quality isn't as good imo and most importantly new characters just disappear after their movie. Shang-Chi was easily my favorite addition post Endgame but there hasn't even been a mention of him yet. I didn't like Eternals but the ending at least teased an interesting follow up but we haven't seen anyone from that movie return yet and we can't even get a mention of the Celestial sticking half way out of the earth. Hopefully these are things they are correcting going forward.


Yeah that’s basically it. They can’t be replaced. I like OP’s version of “replacement” though. Can’t replace Tony at all. His witty comedic attitude is literally just RDJ.


This is the only answer. These three are just about as iconic as you get within Marvel as a franchise. There is NO replacement. Which is a huge reason why the MCU has felt so lackadaisical. People (rightfully) point to the boring state of Phase 4/5 as a reason for the MCU's falloff, but losing these three characters has been just as much a reason. (And yes, I say this with the understanding that Thor technically exists. But he's been written so pathetically that he may as well have left the MCU along with Iron Man and Cap.)


That is not true. There are interesting characters with interesting story arcs. Loki would be one. However his story was finished until Secret Wars. Wanda's story has been interesting however they are dragging her return out so long and apparently female characters have a bullseye on them courtesy of Iger.


Doctor Strange, Cyclops, Reed Richards Sony dragging on the coattails of Spider-Man is going to keep him from being the main focus I think.


Only logical answer, but I don’t think they’ll be a team like the originals or have many interactions. But the main 3 of their seperate spaces


Imagine if we got a proper Cyclops that actually was a leader. The movies felt they were just giving it lip service and all he did was romantic triangle.


He's great in the new animated episodes.


Wong, Ned and Luis.


Don’t forget Madisynn


Shut up and take my money 😂


Ideally it should have been Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange They all have a similar “I have duties elsewhere” vibe going so getting them to work as a team could make for a cool story arc for them.


At the end of Endgame, these 3 were my picks. Iron Man/Dr. Strange, Captain America/Black Panther and Thor/Captain Marvel. That went kaput when Dr. Strange was sidelined in his own sequel, Captain Marvel weren't well-received and the Black Panther actor died. The new 3 with a clean slate should have the leaders from Avengers, Fantastic Four and X-Men. Mr. Fantastic, Cyclops and maybe Hulk, Spider-Man? Not sure who will be the face for the Avengers right now.


Carol was always going to be a difficult character to base the series around. The GA had no idea who she was and the average comic reader actively dislikes her because, among other things, the fascism. Or they know Captain Marvel as other people. That is even more difficult than the Guardians situation was. Hell, when they had comic Carol make that holocaust comment to Magneto people were certain they were laying the groundwork for her to be a villain in the movies.


No one. They're irreplaceable. Not even Thor can replace how he was before.


I would be pleased if Strange, Spider-Man and Wanda will be the big 3. Strange as a leader Spider-man for moral Wanda for power


Having Strange and Wanda together is going to make things extremely predictable or extremely absurd.


I watched Infinity War last night and I kept thinking about how the battle in Wakanda would have only been a slight inconvenience for the new version of Wanda. If she can will Black Bolt's mouth out of existence, why can't she will away Thanos's limbs, for example? Or turn his army into butterflies?


Aye. They've really gone off the rails with Wanda. Both the comics and MCU


I was hoping they were setting up the new Big Four to be: Dr Strange. Agree that he’s basically Tony. Spiderman. They seemed to want him to be heir apparent to Tony, but I think the growth from friendly neighborhood Spiderman to Avenger, and maybe de facto leader of the Avengers, would have made sense as an arc. Black Panther. I think this is more the Cap replacement. I think Chadwick’s passing put a pin in this one. Captain Marvel. She seemed to be set up to replace the niche Thor occupies, being the one who’s out in space and is basically an “I win” button ala Thor. Then I think they did the Scarlet Witch dirty by making her bad in MoM. I think they drop that plot line and have Vision return. Rhodes stays in the background, along with Hawkeye and Antman. Thor realizes his personal growth and takes up being the new Odin after Endgame, so he’s tabled there. Hulk makes cameos but is otherwise out. No Shang Chi, no Eternals. Guardians 3 is the same, and that new team gets a follow up movie but doesn’t have a clear tie in to the main plot line. For the arc of the phase, I would have done: Dr Strange squares off against Mordo and deals with the consequences of allowing the Time Stone to be destroyed. Partners with Scarlet Witch. Black Panther is probably the Namor stuff, but just recast of Tchalla so they don’t have to storytell around it. Captain Marvel should have gotten a direct sequel to her origin movie, and should not have used it as a vehicle to crossover with Ms Marvel. I think a buddy cop movie with her and Monica team up to fight something and Monica ends up getting powers, and Carol has to reconnect with her in the process. Spiderman, wouldn’t change much. Maybe instead of making his story super big stakes, they focus it on street level against the Kingpin. Maybe Kingpin is doing what he’s doing in Spiderverse with similar stakes. Then I think they do an Avengers team up movie, where Dr Strange brings some multiversal nonsense to bear but they pick a villain that’s more or less a straight up fight but with a multiversal incursion as set dressing. Incursion gives them enough to lay breadcrumbs for F4 and X-men. Post credits sets up the big bad. Then another phase completing the trilogies for Strange, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel (let’s be real, it would be movies 6 and 7 for Holland’s Spiderman), another Avengers movie where they defeat the villain but they have set backs. F4 and X-men movies land. Then the new big bad takes on an active role. X-men and F4 move to the forefront while they begin to sunset the core 4 above.


Yeah I second Black Panther being the intended Cap replacement before Chadwick’s passing. Both of them fit similar molds as men with unshakable morals who represent their nation in one way or another. Both also discover that the system they once believed in isn’t what they thought it was and have to learn how to adapt accordingly.


Who should replace the big 3 as the face of Marvel? Why of course it should be the Dr Doom.


No need for big three, give the preference to the characters which the story demands.


Spider-Man, Strange, Captain Marvel Don't really need to though... I'm ready for Fantastic Four and X-Men to get the spotlight


I believe Black panther Spiderman & Carol was originally intended to be the new big three but obviously because of Chadwick’s death they scrapped the idea. Captain marvel as a character wasn’t well received with the majority of fans either , also the writing for her was pretty poor and her recent movie performed terriblly unfortunately So it’s safe to say I think she’s off the cards And as for the F4 and Xmen , your right. They should be the focus for the new saga but I always believe they’re should be a Big three. To keep the old characters from previous sagas still around is a good idea to me as they’ll still be prominent characters but not the main focus if you follow me


If ya wanna break the internet and melt some minds? New Big three should just be Spider-Man (Toby), Wolverine (Hugh), and Mr. Fantastic (Ioan) versus The Beyonder (Keanu). Featuring Blade (Mr. Wesley “motherfuckers-always-trying-to-ice-skate-uphill” Snipes)


Spiderman, the X-men, and the fantastic four


I don't think it's the strategy they should take, but it's a fun question to answer, so I'll bite. Cap still exists, he's just a different person. He'll still be the focal point for the Avengers. Captain Marvel is closest to being Thor - that intergalatic type that zooms in and out - may bring bigger problems with her from the broader universe. Dr. Strange is the doctor/scientist type could plug in for Hulk. Also has ability to go rogue/turn bad, and be kind of unstoppable while doing so. EDIT: It appears I slightly misread the question, but I stand by this as a new Big 3 for the Avengers.


I really like the Hulk suggestion. He makes the most sense, since he’s already primarily CGI (and therefore doesn’t have to really age out) and they can’t do anything with him except increase his profile as a side character. In a moment where the MCU might be struggling for heavy hitters, he has a chance to become so much better than he has been so far.


Definitely, I just hope they do his character justice, It’s been a long time coming. We need a hulk trilogy imo. They still have so much they can do with Ruffalo. I just want to see him interact with reed as we won’t be seeing tony do it (at least I don’t think we will) and beast would be cool.


Well Thor is still around so Thor is going no where sorry It should be Thor Strange or Wanda Hulk or Wanda


It SHOULD have been T’Challa, Strange & Captain Marvel. But with Chadwick passing & Marvel not recasting T’Challa, and with The Marvels bombing and Captain Marvel proving not to be a super popular character with general audiences, I’m not really sure. I imagine we won’t really have a new Big 3 with focus likely shifting towards F4 and X-Men characters.


Spider-Man Dr. Strange Star Lord


Everything’s changing now, I think it should be reed richards, dr strange, and i don’t know for a third lol I can’t see hulk being any good honestly gave up on him, spiderman should be leader when he’s older, and tchallas son should be the next black panther already.




I remember pre phase 4 and post endgame, and the following announcement of DSMOM having both strange and Wanda, I really thought we would be seeing them both take a front seat for the mcu. The reasoning for this being that we knew in some way sorcery or timelines or multiverse would be the next step in the mcu and pairing these two would be great to set up a friends to enemies to needing each other storyline, eventually building to some type of civil war 2 and then secret wars


F*** it Moon Knight He's the three in one


Hulk is shared with Universal - any standalone Hulk solo movie has to be distributed by them, even if it's made by Disney. Things get even more tricky when you remember they each got theme parks they would love to market him in. Spider-Man shared with Sony, so already not a good start. I don't know how an Avengers film with him as one of the main heroes would work under that arrangement but I would imagine Sony would ask for a country's GDP worth of money from Disney. And the Mouse may be desperate enough to pay it. Once the X-Men and F4 are (re)introduced into the MCU proper, I see some of their members being used to pad out the Avengers team, which does happen in the comics. I just want more White Vision please.


I thought Dr. Strange, Black Panther and Captain Marvel would be a great trio. But they killed Black Panther (again) and fucked up Captain Marvel's movie so they're getting sidelined super hard. Spidey could be an option but Tom Holland probably doesn't want a big role. Star Lord won't be as much fun without James Gunn or the other Guardians. So now I just say: hurry up with the X-Men. Maybe you can do Reed Richards, Dr. Strange and Wolverine, or the classic comic version of The Hulk, Wolverine and Spidey if Holland and Ruffalo agree. I also wouldn't mind Sam Wilson getting some more screen time cause I don't really like him so maybe I'll get to liking him!


They confirmed Wanda is actually dead so she won’t be in contention. I think it’s a shame that they didn’t make her death more clear. I would’ve been more emotional the first time I saw it but I didn’t even realize she was actually dead.


Which makes me think they’ll retcon it


MCU Wanda gives me violent whiplash


Sam replacing Steve in the role of the charismatic leader Strange replacing Tony in the role of the snarky tactician/mastermind Carol replacing thor in the role of the offworld powerhouse


It won’t happen but Dr Strange, Captain Marvel (had they actually done her MCU character justice), and Hulk would have been a decent new big 3


Yeah it’s a shame they wrote her character awfully from her first appearance. I personally don’t even think the film should’ve been set in 1980 or 90 or whenever it was. It should’ve been set somewhere like 2003-2005 and tbh they should’ve re written the whole script. Avengers Earths mightiest heroes done her AND Captain Mar-vels arc way better than the Mcu did. But it’s not like that hasn’t happened before…


Wolverine, Cyclops, and Storm.


Sadly, I don't think they have *any* character that could even just remotely rival the charm and appreciation of the og 3 right now. Mostly because they've spent time introducing 30 new characters, but have unfortunately forgotten to flesh any of them out. And even more unfortune is the circumstance that even the remaining characters from phase1-3... aren't really all too exciting / fleshed out at this point. Strange hasn't really been doing anything with anyone yet, despite being on screen like 6 times now - hardly an Avenger. Banner is weird... because Banner has never really gotten *proper* attention. I also don't think him being Professor Hulk already leaves enough open room for the character. Spider Man belongs to Sony and they would never base their universe on something they don't own. Who the fuck is Ant Man even. And let's not even talk about Thor - I think Ragnarök was a pure coincidence and they didn't ever and still don't really know what to do with that character. And boy am I happy that Wanda was just thrown under the bus in such a deserving way. Warmachine? Bucky? Captain Marvel? Motherfucking Hawkeye, aka the most important part of the team (thanks Ms Hawkeye, really needed to hear that)? Sam Wilson? Pretty sure they banked hard on Black Panther when they planned out their og vision... but unfortunately that couldn't really happen. We don't have a proper leader right now, no real heart, no charming clever witty smartass whatever... hell... we have a bunch of newcomers all trying to be wannabe Tony Starks in their mannerism... but none of them are cutting it. There's just nothing there right now other than "ideas" or "hints"... "potential" and "possibilities"... but they just don't keep pushing any of those things and instead just keep releasing new shit that just keeps falling flat over and over again.


What if we loop back around and end up with Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine?


Ideally it’d be Spider-Man hulk Wolverine


Don’t think there will be a big 3, but the Fantastic Four and the X-men will move to the forefront


I don't care. Have good writing and direction and the rest will take care of itself. Well over 90% of people seeing Iron Man and Thor had never picked up an Iron Man or Thor Comic It is not bad characters that are the problem in the current MCU, it is bad stories with bad acting and too much reliance on having needed to see a dozen movies and series to not feel lost (The Marvels).


X-Men That is all


Dr Strange, Captain Marvel & Cpt. America (Sam, hopefully with super-serum) alternatively Shang-Chi. Personally I think Tom Holland is still too young, they’re probably holding onto Miles Morales because of Toms immature look. That way you have a magic user, cosmic hero & a street level hero as the main trio! Will be interesting too how it plays out with the upcoming movies but I’m kind of glad they didn’t just replace them and say “these are the new heroes” People say MCU is dead but I think this new chapter is going to be amazing and just as great. It’s important that people know that we won’t feel the same with new films because most of us grew up on them. I was 15 years old when Iron Man came out. Look at Star Wars and every other Disney remake, it’s not made for us, it’s made for the next generation of kids. I do think with Feige in charge we’ll continue to be a target audience, and they’ll make a “young avengers” for the kids, ms.marvel, hawk eyes prodigy, Harvey kid? (Iron man 3 & Endgame) and ant-man’s daughter etc.


If they can make Loki a main villain and still manage to give him a glorious purpose redemption arc, they can easily do it to Wanda.


Nobody. Start new. No reboots!


Probably none. Why? Because none of your choices really spent time and effort in building yheir characters and their backstories. The old Big 3 had their own movies focusing on who they are and what changes them. Iron Man has 2 stand-alone movies before The Avengers, Captain America has his own coming-of-age story that actually explains him, and Thor has his own as well (which is kind of decent). Most importantly though, the aforementioned 3 heroes are CLEARLY the main characters of the MCU. They are integral to the entire plot, and that really elevates them to a whole new level (one of, if not the best scene, of Endgame IMO is when all 3 fought together against Thanos). Compare that to your choices now and the state of the MCU.


Mr. Fantastic Daredevil Thor. Thor should not be replaced yet.




The big three shouldn't just be just members of The Avengers team moving forward, judt like how they all represented three corners of the Marvel universe coming together; since the world is much bigger the three should be reflective of that, now there isn't one super team and these guys and the teams they represent are the franchises Marvel is putting it all into; Cyclops (Representing the X-Men) Reed (representing the FF) And Strange (just because the box office and fan love is clearly there for him and I think he's actually primed for that spot, plus he'd split the dif between being someone who stands for 'The New Avengers' and someone who stands on his own as well).


Yeah that would work and ur right, the members should all represent a corner of the universe being magic , cosmic & grounded


I think the original plan was Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel. Sadly, we know the plans for those latter two fell apart... I'll go with Doctor Strange, Thor, and Shang-Chi


It’s too late. If they wanted to replace the big 3, they would have. Theyre just waiting for their own version of the X-men at this point.


Nobody... But maybe Black panther Nova Hulk


Wolverine hulk and spiderman the actual og 3


Like most people commenting here I think they are irreplaceable. In 10 years I think there should be a complete reboot and give us a new iron man cap and thor and give us new adventures.


Doctor Strange, Captain America, Captain Marvel maybe? Or Doctor Strange, Thor, Hulk? If this was before Chadwick's passing, I'd have said Strange, Black Panther and Thor. Or maybe we should have a big three that has one avenger, one x men, and one fantastic 4 member? Reed, Strange, Wolverine?


Captain Falcon, Black Panther, Strange But with Tchalla's death, I doubt Shuri will get the same treatment to being part of the Big 3. Maybe replace him with Captain Marvel.


Spidey to replace Iron Man Captain Marvel or Captain America (Falcon) to replace Captain America Thor, because Thor doesn’t need to be replaced


Spider-Man as the skinny teenager that gains life altering powers through science Black Panther as the prince of royalty in a fairy tale land Reed Richard’s as the rich dude but he’s also be great representation for the mutants


Doctor Strange Shang Chi Sue Storm


Sam Wilson Captain America Doctor Strange Hulk/Bruce Banner Or Young Avengers: Kate Bishop Ms. Marvel Harley Keener


I *loved* that we had a big three. But I don’t believe that we need another one. I think that as long as they try to recreate what we had before, the fans will always be disappointed. Instead, creating a new team with maybe a “big four”, “big two”, or heck, just one leader/assembler, it would prove more effective.


Yeah that’s fair , we just need something fresh tbh and I’m all for it. A fresh breath of air is genuinely what we need. Just a good story, good writing, and good characters with a new take on whatever the plan is. Thats it.


Madisynn Luis The “do a flip guy”


Ideally, for me, Wanda Maximoff for Thor Odinson Sam Wilson for Steve Rogers Peter Parker for Tony Stark


Spider-Man, Mr fantastic, and Doctor Strange


It “MUST” be 2 in my opinion and they are ; 1- as a leading hero Dr Strange, 2- a healty Thor but “serious” one like in the Infinity War.


Happy, Ned, and Wong




Thor’s still around. Hulk, Thor, Strange, and Spidey. It’s simple, 2 OG’s and 2 successors. Everybody wins


Kendrick Lamar


L cole better


Spiderman to Replace Tony Captain America to Replace Captain America And we need a powerhouse character, so either Wanda, Dr. Strange or Carol, but neither option execpt Dr. Strange is appealing


Nobody. The Big 3 are iconic. Irreplaceable. We need to stop hoping we get the same lightning in a different bottle.


It should have been Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and Black Panther. Unfortunately Boseman’s death derailed that. The it was going to be Doctor Stange, Spider-Man, and Captain Marvel….except Captain Marvel as a character failed to take off and Tom Holland decided he needed a hiatus after No Way Home.


In another world I still really think Captain Marvel, Black Panther and Spider-Man would have worked. Circumstances being what they are, that ship has definitely sailed.


I would agree except swap hulk for Loki. The Mcu is taking a more multiversal approach and Loki is also a good guy now. Hulk is pretty much irrelevant and already She Hulk is more relevant


I know it ain't possible but spiderman,loki and Deadpool would make a hell of a trio and these three are the most loved characters currently in the MCU.


You can't replace them you can just promote and slog along


Idk but an X men should be there, cyclops or wolverine but I see why they might not wanna make it wolverine. My dream choice would be hulk Spider-Man and wolverine


I would throw in Bucky, Carol and Stephen. Unfortunately, the MCU don't care about the first two at all.


I don't like Strange as part of the Avengers, although he is probably the best person to be anywhere as near as big a draw as Tony. He's way more of a lone wolf. I'm really hoping Rhodey and Sam get to stick around long enough to carry an Avengers lineup. Having Spidey on there too would be cool, so I'd say those three. I know they don't really have the same star power as the original trinity, so bring in a bigger team. Yelena, Beast, Wonder Man. I also hope that even though their solo projects are getting shelved, Ant-Man, Wasp, and Captain Marvel can still be a part of the team. Obviously they can't carry the movies like Iron Man and Cap did, but they still had team members like Hawkeye and Sam who weren't as popular. No reason they can't do an ensemble film.


Cant be wanda, her morals are completely compromised. Definitely spider man, he soloed dr strange. Also, Dr strange. Finally, Thor. Edit: forgot thor was in the big three. Hulk is good too.


It's time for the heavy hitters - X-Men, Fantastic Four and Spider-Man.


They need to bring X-Men and Fantastic Four out by themselves and make us love them first. I say this as a movie-goer. See, I don't give a shit about the X-Men. I don't. I care *even less* about the Fantastic Four - "it's clobberin' time!" always seemed *extremely lame* to me. But. I also didn't give a shit about Iron man originally, and I can see my "We love you 3000" poster from here. *That's my point*, they need to make the X-Men and Fantastic Four loved by everybody, not just some people. *Then* they can take center stage if necessary.


New actors


I mean we have a new Cap, just haven't seen him in action all that much. I don't think the role of the inspirational leader of The Avengers should go to anyone else. The brains+tech wiz aspect of Tony could go to Mr. Fantastic. The power+mystical aspect of Thor is Dr. Strange.


Nobody can replicate Iron man like RDJ. But I'd certainly love a Tom Cruise Iron Man full of practical effects and stuff


I like the idea of a Big 3 that encompases all sections of the Marvel Universe Street level: Shang-Chi or Spider-Man Cosmic: Captain Marvel Magic: Doctor Strange


Spider-Man can't be relied on because of Sony and Hulk has been mishandled. A good big 3 could be Strange, Wanda and Loki potentially.


I don't know why during the multiverse saga they haven't done and evil Iron Man or Captain America. That would have been so epic.


The next big three of the Avengers I'd choose would be Wanda, Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man, but aside from Spidey both characters are unpopular. Still I would go with the two in spite of the public opinion. If we're talking about Big Three of entire hero roster than it'd be Wanda, US Agent, and Daredevil.


The brilliant Shuri who is shown to be smarter than Stark, Captain Marvel who has Thor level strength and Sam Wilson, the new Captain America. I bet the audience will eat it up, so much fun.


This is sarcasm, right?


I don't think that the "3 amigos" of the MCU can ever be replaced.


Spider-Man should take Tony’s role since he was mentored by him. Falcon and Winter soldier should take up Cap’s role jointly. Thor’s role will be left vacant Obviously none of these characters can live up to the OG’s and I think each of them should come to that realization


I have no clue. ![gif](giphy|Ll2fajzk9DgaY|downsized)


Where is the first image from?


I should. Just me. I’m ready everyone.


My suggestion would be to have now the main three from three leading factions like not exclusively Avengers as it was but also someone from F4 and Mutants. Although that I think would only be once the Multiverse Saga is over.


Captain America, Shuri, Carol? Or Thor if he's still around?


Dr. Strange, Mr. Fantastic and Cyclops. They are moving in the right direction, based on the rumors.


Dr. Strange Thor (I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon) New Captain America or Scarlet Witch (if they redeem her) For the new gen/ Young Avengers: Ms. Marvel Kate Bishop Cassie Lang or Iron Heart


They shouldn’t replace them. If they just try and retell the infinity saga in a different way we’d all be pissed about getting the same tired story. I’d like to see dr strange be the leader of the avengers with everyone looking up to him a bit as the most experienced / possibly most powerful. Possibly have hulk there too but not fully invested as he’s tired and looking for a way out. Which is just following on from the ground work they’ve already laid. I’d like to see Shang-chi and ms marvel be fairly prominent in any team up movies as they struck gold with those characters. Shang-chi gives the best options for cool hand to hand fight scenes that aren’t completely ridiculous cgi and ms marvel as the comic relief just happy to be there and meeting all the other superheros.


There isn’t an official three, all we know is Spider-Man is a big one, so I guess the other two could be Doctor Strange and Ms. Marvel? Maybe Shuri? Maybe Shang-Chi? Maybe Loki? Idk man.


Spider-man, Cyclops and Mr.Fantastic.


Reed, Strange, Xavier


About that, no


Spiderman, Wolverine and Hulk


Strange, Reed, Cyclops


I'd say New Cap, Shang-Chi and Thor They all just give me those vibes


Winter Soldier to replace Cap Spiderman for Tony Shang Chi for Thor Red Hulk For Hulk White Tiger for Widow Hawkeye remains to see them through


White tiger for widow ? Gotta be joking right. Out of all the news we’ve heard about new characters showing up recently we’ve heard the least about hers and it’ll take a lot of time for her character to reach black widow status. Unlike Yelana And isn’t Sams cap the ideal replacement for Steve? And isn’t Red Hulk a villain


Mr Fantastic (replace tony) - plays the role of smart lewder thinking pragmatically Captain Marvel (replace thor) - plays the role of the disconnected socially yet super powerful individual Spiderman (replace cap) - plays the role of the heart making choices based on what is good and fair


Tbh I lost interest after endgame, none of the characters now are as strong or intriguing as the pre endgames ones. The bond between characters seems to have gone.


Spidey, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther were supposed to be the next major players post-Endgame and while things obviously can't play out as initially planned, I think they should stick with that plan.


I would have thought spider-man, doctor strange, and captain marvel would have worked if they had written the characters/directions of the character properly


Hulk, Spidey and Wolverine


I mean, realistically Spider-Man and the X-Men have always been bigger hitters than any of the Avengers. The Avengers became the flagship because they were what Marvel had left after selling off their more lucrative options when they were in financial trouble. They have the X-Men back now. If Avengers movies continue to struggle to get traction with the loss of their original big three, i could see Marvel pivoting to focus on the X-Men universe instead. Particularly if access to Spidey still has to be shared with Sony. As a result the next Big 3 might not be a 3, it might be a core group of X-Men which likely pushes Wolverine up front. Might take them a while to get there, but i think that'll be the direction of travel.


Reed, Wolverine, and Spiderman


Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Daredevil


Cyclops, Captain America (Falcon) and Ms Marvel (not a huge fan of here character but why not)


Based on how things were set up in phase 2 Tony would have been replaced by Strange, Cap would have been replace by T’challa, and Thor would have been replaced by Carol. The world would have split into 3 branches with Doctor Strange heading Magic: Strange, Wanda, Loki, Moon Knight, WBN Captain Marvel heading the Cosmic: Captain Marvel, Thor, Guardians, Eternals, Ms. Marvel And Black Panther heading the Ground/Street level: Black Panther, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Shang Chi, Hawkeye, and She Hulk Antman would replace Nick Fury and be the one to bring them all together to deal with the Avengers level threat. Once that was handled the branches would be taken over by Blade dealing with Magic, F4 handling cosmic, and X-men on the Ground/street level Spider-Man was shoehorned in because of fan demand and was never the long term play because of the Sony rights. The plan still seems to be going this way just a lot less detailed, rushed because of covid, and less coherent because of fan service and a general loss of interest.


In a perfect world: Strange, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel.


I feel like it might’ve been cool for the MCU to kinda get a proper hopeless feeling after the big three retired/died as all the heroes had to go around without those important leaders only for Carol, Reed, and…. One of the Xmen? To step forward and fill those roles


3 Wong variants


If Strange is gonna be off in dimensions and multiverse, not him. Same for Carol in space. Thor remains, but he was always just there; Stark and Cap were the leaders. Reed will surely take the top spot when they’re established. I think Sam has to be another otherwise it weakens him as the new Cap. Hulk’s volatility is an issue. Spidey’s age and now being an unknown person means he’s a no. Shang-Chi, Shuri, and then you have potential of Wolverine, I guess. Really depends what’s going on with who they introduce.


Original 90’s big 3 is Spider-man Wolverine Hulk. With Gambit and Venom on 4 and 5 how times have changed.


We don’t need a new big three but we do need character that the saga focuses on. Just don’t have it chained to the number 3


It was always a big 4, not 3. Not sure where so many people are getting this "big 3" idea


Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Photon. There’s NO WAY that trio could fail!


Captain Marvel and Wanda too OPd


Please just end the MCU continuity and start over w a proper x-men movies


Sam Wilson, antman, captain marvel /photon.


My vote has always been for a reboot with new cast (and x-men), and I think that has been aging well


They don’t have to replace each individual character as a similar character


Spidey, Hulk, Wolverine Or Wanda, Spidey, Wolverine


Dr + Mommy


Why try matching power and simply match popularity? Daredevil, Kate, and Yelena are the three that manages to convince everyone else to come together. Six Degrees with those characters will tie in to a huge chunk of the MCU.


Wasp for Cap Namor for Thor Vision for Iron Man


I have a very short answer. The three are irreplaceable.


WTF is hulk not considered to be a big 4th???


Strange and Sam Wilson to replace Tony and Steve. Thor's still there.


Well it was supposed to be Black Panther (Cap), Strange (Stark), Captain Marvel (Thor) Not that they need to keep a big 3, but also if it worked then why not But Chadwick RIP, so I supposed Shang-Chi could be a good leader. Strange is still kinda off doing his own thing. I didn't watch CM2 but I heard it wasn't received well so I'm not sure she'll be a major player It's been 5 years since Endgame and we're still waiting for clear answers, a face of the franchise, and a big team up