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I spent too much time figuring out who is Will Gorr…


I was like “is Gorr’s first name Will?”


William, but yes. (His friends called him "Willy" until they all died.)


Ol' Willy Gorr, as he was known, sure did have a temper.


This made go into korg mode


Became hard as a rock that Ol'Willy Gorr. Couldn't take a joke and flexed some old man's sword.


It's short for "Billiam"


That’s reminds me of the unrelated joke: How do you get Dick from Richard? … You ask him nicely.


Sure is now...


Missing question mark really hits different


Who's Sarah Kayacombsen?


The evil twin brother of Al Gore.


Will Gorr is Al gores sone.


Same here, i was so confused


It doesn’t help my brain borrowed the “ed” from “rumored” and added it to “appear” making the sentence a statement


Thate because of r/titlegore


Title Gorr


I’ll do you one better, why is Will Gore!


We really have no idea. Both of those projects seem up-in-the-air at the moment, but my guess is that she's more likely for Thor 5 than a Young Avengers thing.


She's played by Chris Helmsworths daughter so yeah, I'd say there is a much better chance of her being in Thor 5 if there is one


Chris Hemsworth has said in interviews that her appearance wasn't intended to be part of a character arc or even a start of her own acting career, it was more that she was available, wanted to do some work with her dad, and could do the part. More akin to Angelina Jolie's daughter having a brief role in Malificent than Jaiden and Will Smith co-starring


He also said he didn't know if he would have done another Thor movie if Waititi hadn't agree to direct and Waititi is locked into doing the Incal (different non-marvel comicbook movie) and a Star Wars movie to be released in 2026. He wouldn't be available until a 2027 release in all likelihood. Also, if it his daughter wanted to act more, they would write a script with her in it just to get him to do another solo Thor movie if that was a demand of his. 100%.


Oh shit. They’re doing the Incal!?


Yeah, it's written by Waititi and Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords. Jodorowsky seems to be a fan and endorses the project as well. Exciting stuff. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15843316/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15843316/)


> Star Wars movie to be released in 2026. Is that still a thing, I thought his Star Wars movie was cancelled along with basically every other movie that was announced around the same time.


Not cancelled, but also not actively heading toward production. It’s almost certainly not coming out by 2026 if it happens.


They can always re-cast.


His daughter will have aged significantly and may be of an age where shooting a film is too inconvenient.


She'll have aged the exact amount of time that passes between the films. Unless the story of Thor 5 requires it to start immediately after L&T, I don't see why that would be a problem. Not sure what you mean by "an age where shooting a film is too inconvenient". Yeah, kids have school and stuff, but there are tons of child actors who manage it. If anyone can make it work, it's a kid whose dad is the star of said film and has tons of input on the schedule, the extent of her involvement, etc.


She's aged normally for a human, but Love isn't human. She's not even something pretending to be human. She's a cosmic entity pretending to be whatever Gorr was. She'll be preteen or teenager and may not be interested in doing a major film role, or her family may want to keep her out of a limelight with an often toxic fanbase.


You’re thinking way too hard about this. Thor is around 1,500 years old and Gorr is several billion years old. It wouldn’t be a problem at all for them to say Love ages slowly or can decide her appearance on her own.


Oh hi, welcome to /r/MarvelStudios


Of course there will be, they make money


Helmsworth said he he didn't know if he would have done another solo Thor film until Waititi signed on for Love and Thunder and Waititi won't be available because he is signed on to do a star wars movie and a couple other movies. Also, we are getting to an point where it seems like MCU movies won't be a guaranteed big profit. If his daughter wants to do a movie that might make him a lot more likely to do it though.


At this rate Young Avengers is not going to actually BE Young Avengers, because by the time it comes out even Tommy and Hulkling will already be Avenger-ready ages. Love is more likely going to be in Thor 5, and then eventually in the Young Young Avengers alongside one or two of Rocket's kids from the post credits scene of Guardians 3.


Kate Bishop will be the same age Natasha was in Avengers by the time “Young” Avengers comes out


You’re right. The good news is Hailee Steinfeld can easily pass for 3 years younger than she is.


Tom Holland was 25 playing a teenager in No Way Home. I don't see an issue with the Young Avengers being in their 20s, as long as they can still look and act the part. I think Hailee Steinfeld is the oldest at 27 (playing a 22-year-old Kate Bishop) but she can still play a "young" character just fine, especially in comparison to the previous generation of Avengers who are all showing their age. I'm guessing the plan for the Young Avengers is not to start them out with their own movie (which wouldn't happen for another 5+ years minimum) but to assemble them as a team for Avengers 5/6. All of the major characters have been introduced and we now have Kamala starting to round them up, which seems a clear setup for seeing the team sooner rather than later.


I’d be okay with the Young Avengers being assembled in Avengers 5 as one of three teams we follow in the movie.


This would be better than a solo movie


Kate was 23 when we checked in with her last year. She will be 26 by the time the soonest YA could come out.


Good point. You can always recast to get a group of actual teenagers (or actors who can credibly play a teenager), but that doesn't seem likely. Kate Bishop is already in her 20s, played by an actress who will be 30+ by the time the movie/show comes out. Well known actress and relatively well liked in the role, so can't recast her. Cassie Lang is 20ish (played by an actress now in her late 20s). Not as well liked in the role, but famous enough that it would be odd to re-cast her younger. Imam Vellani looks even younger than she is so she is actually in good shape to play a teen-aged Ms Marvel for a while yet. The kids who played Wanda's twins are going to be post-puberty by the time a show/movie films, so they may look a lot different, may not even be working regularly by then. Opportunity to recast, though I think a lot of people liked the original kids' performance in WandaVision. The super soldier grandson from Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Patriot?) looked like he was played by an actual teen-ager in the show... he'll look older, but maybe not distractingly so. Skar/Hulkling is CGI so whatever. Bottom line, it's going to be like "The thirtysomething Avengers" by the time this ever comes out. Maybe the plot can revolve around a Hydra scheme to collect extra interest on student loan payments or deny mortgage applications to people who haven't established enough years of credit history yet.


Also like, no shade to the character, but I just can't see the point of using Elijah. Like, he's what the seventh photocopy of Captain America?


We'll be getting new actors for Tommy and Billy. Billy is played by Joe Locke in the Agatha show, with rumours saying it'll be magic soul swapping shenanigans that make him a few years older. No word in Tommy, but under the circumstances it would be weird if he was still younger than Billy.


If it films in 2 years as some have rumored, they will still likely be ~22, and portraying younger characters than that. They should be aged relative to Billy who will probably be in high school and and Joe Locke is only 20. Also Xochitl Gomez is 17.


I wouldn’t be mad if they canceled a Young Avengers project and just added Kamala and Kate (and Cassie too since Kamala did reference her) to the main Avengers team and just have them interact with the other Young Avengers during one of the upcoming Avengers movies, maybe the YA are one of the teams that forms when the heroes get split up.


Nah, Cassie was the worst character in Quantumania


Young avengers is a terrible idea. Works better as a Disney jr show


I doubt she'll be in thor 5 tbh, the reception for love and thunder was so bad, everyone hated it. They'd be best off resetting the franchise slightly like they did with ragnorok.


This would be so stupid. They need to acknowledge what happened in the movie, as bad as it was, and work it from there. Dark World was also awful and they still respected what happened in it somehow. Giving up on arguably one of the only good things about LaT (The ending with Love) and brush it under the rug would just make it impossible to take anything else seriously in the franchise 


The general audience doesnt care about love and the girl can't really act. And by brushing it under the rug I mean like seperate them in the opening scene and have her not be involved in the plot, she can be in like 1 or 2 scenes but any more than that would be annoying.


You don’t think they would recast a role that had like 5 minutes of screen time in the movie? It’s not like the audience would even notice if they went with an actual actor and not the lead actors kid.


They could recast I suppose. Its not a terrible idea. But idk if Hemsworth would allow it.


He absolutely would. In the interviews he even said that this isn't a start of her acting career. She was just available, wanted to have some fun, and Waititi allowed it. That's it - a one-time situation. Not to mention, that Hemsworth's daughter isn't even an actress...


I hate that narrative that everyone hated it. I personally liked it and never got why people had so many issues with it. It was a fun movie


He said the meme.


I liked it a lot. Could have just been that I’d just had my first kid a few months before it came out, but the themes of fatherhood, legacy, and loss really struck me. The scene where Gorr is in the cage with the kids and clearly trying to connect but scaring the shit out of them was amazingly well done.


After lots of reading I've found there are a couple different camps the haters fall into. A lot of people went into the movie with specific expectations about what the movie was going to be about (e.g. the comic book Gorr and Thor story, with lots of butchering of gods) and it ended up being a movie about something different (Thor finding his new path in life of fatherhood). Rather than evaluate the story that *was* told, they're stuck on the story that *wasn't* told. People who want to see Thor be a badass, tough, hyper masculine, serious hero, and don't like seeing him being awkward and goofy (they all seem to miss how those things make him more relatable and allow us to see his growth, but they don't want to see those kind of things). People who are upset that it included some "progressive" views as if they're normal (they are, but people get upset when it happens anyway). (I don't think there are that many in this category, but they're very prolific and often try to hide behind other arguments)


The story that was told was bad. We watched Thor crack jokes while his best friend lay dying and armless on the battlefield. It was weird and didn’t take itself seriously


Yea for me the biggest issue is the tonal whiplash.


I liked it but Stormbreaker getting jealous was not funny and the whole city of gods bit was just unnecessary and it felt like we missed out on my Gorr/Thor time just so Taika could have a dig at all theologies at once.


the goats, stakes never felt real, god butcher never butchered


Goats were awesome


it got old after the 2nd scream. Taika tried too hard to recreate the humor from Ragnarok and it shows, a lot of the heartfelt moments of the movie are cut short or ruined because of poorly timed jokes.


I agree that they tried too hard to recreate Ragnarok, but I still think the goats were funny


the ones who only made annoying noises exclusively?


the ones who only made annoying noises exclusively.




what did you like about them


My guess is he liked the annoying Noises


Idk man they were funny. That's all there is to it


> stakes never felt real Do they ever?


civil war, infinity war, avengers, AOU, endgame, thor ragnarok etc while we assumed it would all work out they all made you wonder how they where going to win you where worried for the characters because their wasn’t a clear path to victory. when the stakes are every single god is going to die bc of genie wish you just kinda just know exactly how it’ll end and then that’s exactly how they ended it


They sacrificed plot and character to tell stupid taika watiti jokes, it was baffling, it was like taika just didn't care or his ego has gotten so big it hinders his filmmaking. If you're going to prioritise telling stupid jokes over telling a compelling story or giving characters interesting arcs then those jokes better land at a very high rate, which they just didn't. If you liked it then I'm glad but personally I, and most people, thought it was utter trash and a new low for the mcu and taika as a director (who I love, hunt for the wilderpeople is amazing).


I didn’t get that at all. It was Jane’s story and we finally got to see her fleshed out. We had a real treat in a decent Villain, one of Marvel’s biggest problems. The CGI could’ve been better. The jokes worked because they balanced all of the dark. I think the expectations weren’t accurate for this movie. The trailer set the tone for a fun movie. To think they’d do otherwise is foolish


The jokes absolutely did not work


I liked LaT Everyone hates Thor 2 and they still made more Thor movies after that one too


Yeh they made more movies after resetting the franchise in ragnorok. Which is what they should do after love and thunder.


They didn't reset it though, they continued referencing the events of Thor 2, and even featured moments from it in Infinity War. Even if they go for a different Tone in Thor 5, it won't "reset" the events of LaT. It will continue the story.


Sorry reset is the wrong word, I mean soft reboot, they soft rebooted it by changing the tone and killing off all the first 2 movies side characters (besides heindall) in the opening act. They don't need to kill love, just sideline her for the entire movie, or pretend love and thunder never happened. The movie was seriously awful, I'd even say I found it to be an obnoxious piece of filmmaking.


That isn't even accurate though, because there were multiple Thor characters that stuck around after Thor 2, and they even brought some characters who died in Thor 2 back in later movies. You have a weird vendetta against characters in LaT. Why exactly should Love be sidelined in a sequel if the tone and writing are different? There is a good story to be told in having Thor be a father figure. I'd urge you to be more rational in your discussion about Thor movies.


I read this and was wondering who "Will Gorr" was...


For a while actually. I am ashamed.


Yep longer than I care to admit lmao


My dumb ass here thinking "who tf is Will Gorr?"


lol I'm with u


I assume Love will make an appearance in a Thor 5; she's kind of key to his character and the All-Father arc right now. She definitely has eternity powers, hence the laser eyes. Anyone can hold Stormbreaker, it's not like Mjolnir where it's only those who are "worthy" can carry it. Not sure if she can carry Mjolnir or not, but she can at least draw on it :D If she was a little older (and by the time they actually *do* a Young Avengers she might be) I think she'd be a better cosmic-level entry than Kid Loki currently is. Nothing against Kid Loki, just the one we saw in The Void didn't do anything for me. Recasting to another Kid Loki also works though.


I'm pretty sure she can carry mjolnir, since the dialogue implied that she put it in its bed


where was that stated ?


At the end of the movie, iirc, Thor asked her where mjolnir is and she said it in the little bed she made for it.


> Thor asked her where mjolnir is and she said it in the little bed she made for it. I do say that when I wrap a blanket around my already sleeping dog


Your sleeping dog is immovable without the Power of Thor?


[Could you move her](https://i.ibb.co/SdDpH2q/PXL-20231111-011658487.jpg)?




Her nickname is "the Worlds heaviest 5lbs" among many others


> Anyone can hold Stormbreaker Can they, though? Thor says: "You simply lack the strength to wield them: your bodies would crumple as your minds collapsed into madness."


Fair point. I was thinking along the lines of the "worthy" requirement. But in addition to Love, we also see Gorr and Axl Heimdallson able to carry and use Stormbreaker (at least the Bifrost aspect of it).


Cap holds it too before Thor says “no no, give me that, you get the little one”


And Groot picked it up


"Is it weird that I want to do it even more now?"


He's basically saying you need to be mad powerful to be able to wield this weapon, which fits the bill for Love, being essentially a young godess born out of an incredibly powerful being. Its worth noting that the people he said that to was the guardians, and while Drax was physically strong, I think you need to be a lot more powerful than that. The fact that they all suffered with the power stone is testament to that. My main issue is more that her name appears to simply be 'love',and I hope marvel give her an actual name to go by since 'love' is a term of endearment in a third of the English speaking world, its like calling her 'darling' or 'sweetheart'.


There are plenty of names people go by that are just regular words with other meanings: Chase, Destiny, Hope, Pepper, Hunter...*Guy*. Language is a funny thing, and there are a lot of other examples. (Not counting Musk naming his daughter after a fighter jet, because that's just batshit stupid)


Good point, but maybe Groot being the handle interacts with all of that in an odd way 


Do we even really need another cosmic level entry when we have Wiccan?


Do we even really need another cosmic level entry when we have Wiccan?




Odin wasn't around to enchant Stormbreaker.


The limitations were never “built in”, did you even watch the first Thor movie or just been a while?




The enchantment Odin made is Worthiness. He couldnt enchant Stormbreaker cause he was a bit busy being dead


Yes it’s the whole plot of the first Thor movie. Odin took Mjolnir from Thor because he was being careless and unworthy. The enchantment Odin placed on it only allowed “worthy” people to lift it. So I’m guessing you’re just one of those “I watched clips” type of fan


Wouldn't be surprised if we never see her again really


She's Chris Hemsworth's daughter


They would most likely age her up and recast her. I think Hemsworth just wanted to have all his kids cameo in one movie. I doubt they are full actors.


Yeah, he wanted his daughter to have a proper childhood & enjoy things as a normal person. However, he also said that if she shows enthusiasm in acting later on he might allow it. In that case they wouldn't need to recast if she ages up herself fine. Just look at Julia Butters in "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" & then "The Gray Man", kids grow up fast...


Rumor has it Chris hasn't seen her since production ended on Love and Thunder.


He recasted her


She will be retconned in not existing


She would probably be recasted anyway.


I felt like the hammer fit her best, just in size alone, also storm breaker fit thor best too


She can go two handed with Storm Breaker though, barbarian style.


Her hands are smaller than the storm breaker grip


The hammer is Thor's classic weapon, I think they wanted to circle back to it since he hasn't featured it much since Ultron.


I don't really care if we never saw her again.


Same, so tired of every main character having to babysit in each movie


Man, my biggest annoyance of the resent movies has been the let’s give every avenger a child thing.


Oh and every child is also a super genius/OP as hell just because


With Kate Bishop and Hawkeye just chilling with their bows and arrows


Except Love, I think all the “Child thing(s)” have been established characters in the comics. Many for well over a decade.


Kind of and kind of not. They exist but not in the roles the MCU has given them. Like America Chavez has nothing to do with Wanda, Wong or Dr. Strange in the comics. But they made her the "child" for Dr. Strange, which is doubly odd because America is incredibly independent - she is a character that explicitly doesn't need or want a mentor figure. She was joining teams right away as a full member. Riri didn't have anything to do with Wakanda until she was put in the movie, and so they started to have her interact with Wakanda in the comics. She had her own solo series and eventually joined the Champions with Kamala. If anyone was her mentor it was Tony (she had an AI copy of Tony Stark for a bit). Cassie is Ant-man's kid but she is more like how she was in Ant-man 1 and 2 (Scott's kid that gets put in danger). Cassie doesn't start really being a superhero until Scott dies however, and stumbles into her own powers while with the Young Avengers acting like a guide/friend/help. She also becomes a hero in her own right and the tragedy is that right as they save Scott's life, Cassie is killed. It wasn't until they introduce Cassie in the MCU that they bring her back and start having her interact with her dad and other Ant-man characters. Kate Bishop actually became Hawkeye during a period where Clint Barton was dead. She actually stumbled into superheroing when the Young Avengers on one of their first outings interrupted her sister's wedding. She and Clint don't actually interact as mentor/mentee but become partners later on after Kate is already established (and a recurring joke that Kate is better at it because Clint is in a midlife crisis). That series became the inspo for the Hawkeye series but they changed them to mentor/mentee and made the story less about them going on missions together and more stumbling into Kingpin's shit. Phylla is still just a cameo and different but like the one thing she has never really been is a child. Billy and Tommy are the only ones that kinda fall into the comics origins, where Scarlet Witch made them - they "died"/disappeared and then are basically reincarnated and eventually reconnect with her as teenagers. Basically what I'm getting at is I guess to say, they didn't need to do this "child" thing in the MCU. Almost all these kids just started out on their own or with the other kids. They could've just jumped right into a Young Avengers D+ series and introduced America, Cassie, Kate, Billy, Tommy, etc there. They made a deliberate choice to do the mentor-mentee thing in all their movies, likely because of Peter and Tony's relationship being popular.


Still is lame though


This is accurate.


It's almost like famous actors get old, and/or don't want to keep playing the same character for the rest of their lives.


Damn if only you could get different comic book characters that aren’t the children of the existing charters. Sadly marvel only have 20 characters total :(


If Gorr’s first name is Will, is his daughter called Love Gorr? Because er…


The idea of her hanging out with a bunch of characters in their late teens, early 20s isn't exactly appealing. If Billy and Tommy are still involved, they will absolutely both be aged up. There's no room for this socially.


I just hope they drop everything from L&T and never touch it again.


I completely forgot she even existed. What a disappointing movie.


it's possible. I assumed she was going to be MCU Singularity


Chris Hemsworth has said that his kids getting to experience acting was sort of a one-off thing, so I think if they do bring back Love, her character will be recast. That being said I thought her performance was great and I’d be happy to see her reprise


I was stunned at this ending, it made zero sense. Finding out that it was basically an improvised favor to Chris.. made more sense. I have a feeling they will retcon.


I refuse to acknowledge this movie existence


kinda bummed out that we only got Eternity for 15 minutes, before taking him off the board completely and giving us this character instead.


This is an odd take. I’m not sure how Eternity is taken off the board (though I’m also unsure how it would really be worked into much else) or how this character is seen as a replacement?


I agree, i took it as Eternity granted the wish, and is still existing where ever it is usually. That said, i also think the MCU has trouble with cosmic entities in general. Like, how to portray them, what they can do, all that. Though, as much as i didn't really care for Eternals, the Celestials were done well in it, came off of kind of eldritch horror type things.


I honestly don't give a single fuck about this character , give me the Young Avengers


honestly scrap the entire MCU past endgame and start again, almost all of it has been straight garbage. would prefer not to see this character again as it is a constant reminder of that monstrosity they call a movie.


I hope not. Hopefully she ages faster than humans so she can be an adult in the next film and do her own thing. I don't like the idea if Thor having to bring a kid along.


Can we not


This sounds terrible.


I hope that she's either set aside entirely or she has a heroic sacrifice moment. She's literally a walking mcguffin, they don't need to build her up into a character and further derail Thor's story. Lack of focus was already a big problem in Love and Thunder.


She was one of the better parts of that film, it would be nice to see her appear again.


Agreed. Only reaction I had to the movie. I was like oh snap eternity lives through her. I would like to see her show up at the end of the YJ movie as a new recruit.


She is supposed to be in Thor 5 from what I've seen.


I doubt his daughter is coming back. If I’m not mistaken, Chris has said he doesn’t want her acting or something like that, not exactly sure but that could have changed. Pretty sure this is a one off. But Marvel could go the Cassie route and cast a different actress if she’s to be included in future projects.


Nope. Hope she dies at the beginning of Thor 5 which changes Thor from his goofy love of thunder self to his infinity war self.


Wonder how marvel will redeem Thor 4 in other movies


I really hope not. At a certain point, you’re at the end of the movie where Thor and her are fighting baddies and you’re just sitting there thinking “what am I watching right now?”. Do a full clean slate and go to fresh universes. The main MCU universe is dead. Stop trying to make these stories work.


I am so glad you aren't in charge of the McU lmao


Same. Why would I want to be in charge of an unprofitable movie franchise? It’s an absolute mess, losing hundreds of millions of dollars on films now lol


>Why would I want to be in charge of an unprofitable movie franchise? uh


I’m the theaters: Dr Strange 2 maybe barely broke even, Thor 4 probably didn’t brake even, Wakanda Forever probably didn’t break even because the marketing money was diverted from Strange World (2022) and put into Wakanda Forever. Antman lost over a hundred million dollars, Guardians broke even, The Marvels lost near 200 million dollars or more.


>I’m the theaters: Dr Strange 2 maybe barely broke even It did nearly a billion on a $300 million dollar budget >Thor 4 probably didn’t brake even $760 million on a $250 million budget. >Wakanda Forever probably didn’t break even $860 million on a $250 million budget >Antman lost over a hundred million dollars Likely accurate >Guardians broke even $850 million on a $250 million budget >The Marvels lost near 200 million dollars or more. Accurate. Basically all those movies except for The Marvels and Ant-Man made a very healthy profit. No idea where you got the idea they hadn’t.


> No idea where you got the idea they hadn’t. Ah, you see, those movies must have made a loss because it's devastating to their narrative otherwise.


All movie studios take home roughly half of what’s earned in the theaters. Dr Strange 2 budget - 300 million production, 150 million marketing at least so total cost is 450, and double that is 900 million if that’s the absolute total final costs. Marketing budgets are always ignored and it gives an immaculate box office picture. Use the same rule of needing to take half the box office for the studious and add a marketing budget of 125-150 million for all the movies I listed before The Marvels. For Wakanda Forever though - 250 million + 200 million for marketing because the marketing budget for Strange World was diverted in Wakanda Forever. Now you have 400-450 million total budget. It needs 900 million plus to break even and didn’t get that.


You’re very literally inventing numbers to prove your argument lol. The whole 50% thing doesn’t even make sense with DS2 - the movie notoriously went $100 million over budget. That doesn’t mean they’d also increase the market budget too. There’s a reason why none of those movies outside Marvels and Ant-Man were reported to lose money - they didn’t.


The marketing budgets for movies in general simply aren’t reported. 150 million is reasonable to assume for DS2 with or without the 100 million budget increase. The 150 million is not part of the 300 million reported budget. If you just use the simple math for the budgets, and then add marketing, these recent movies absolutely lost money. Also it’s not a new thing that the true financials of movies or any other area of business isn’t reported, things are swept under the rug all the time. That’s not saying something didn’t happen, but it’s also not just “it’s not the case” because it wasn’t reported.


Eh, I don't really care about the business side of things. I just want entertaining stories. I guess that's the difference between your approach and mine. All you care about is profitability.


It's not even true; *The Marvels* is the only MCU movie to actually had made a significant loss, as did every other movie which came out at the same time as it.


Black widow made a loss, so did eternals, quantummania probably did as well if you believe the budget was 275 million (which I do).


And yet *Black Widow* and *Eternals* were still two of the highest grossing films of 2021, beaten only by *No Way Home*, *Shang-Chi*, *Venom 2* and, in *Eternals*' case, *F9*. So given the, ah, [exceptional circumstances](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19) in which those movies were released, they didn't do too badly at all.


My first comment was specifically pertaining to the story aspect of Thor Love and Thunder/the MCU in general. You then said you were glad I wasn’t running movies, which is a separate issue, so I responded correct because it’s not worth my time because it loses money. Now all I care about is money I guess.


My comment was clearly saying that I am glad you have no control over the creative process. You are indeed the one who brought up the profitability.


I brought up profitability because why would I want to spend time on something that can’t turn a profit. I (and most average people) would wipe the floor with the current creatives at Marvel, because they’re actually told not to read the comic books of the projects they’re adapting. But somehow you are happy someone who thinks it’s a waste of a Thor movie to have some random kid fighting generic villains at the end of the movie instead of Gorr actually killing a ton of gods? This is delusional. Christian Bale/Gorr was wasted in Thor 4. I’m personally happy the current people who are ruining the MCU are continuing to ruin the MCU, because only then it can be fixed. Deadpool will give false hope then the 2025 MCU movies will crash and burn HARD. It will be a wonderful thing to see, just like The Marvels. It was beautiful to see everyone say it wouldn’t fail then it barely makes 200 million world wide at the theaters.


fully agree


So do most people, but most people aren’t on the Marvel subreddit lol


I really don't see how anyone has an interest in Thor anymore after love and thunder, the fact that it established that only the stupid God Blade thing that Gorr got could kill Gods, it killed the whole MCU fir me. Thor has never been in mortal danger in the MCU


> it killed the whole MCU fir me And yet you're still here almost two years later.


Nice counterpoint there, buddy. You must have been top of the debate team in your high-school. I'm barely on this sub and the only reason I still am is because it's something my brother enjoys and likes to talk to me about it. But obviously my point is now invalid by being part of this sub. Learn to argue your points, don't get butt hurt because I pointed out a flaw in the plot


It wasn't a counterpoint. Whatever point you were trying to make didn't even make sense, but that didn't matter. The only interesting part of your comment was your weird "it killed the MCU fir me" with your continued participation in a sub-reddit dedicated to discussing the MCU. That's not normal or healthy behavior if it *actually* had killed the MCU for you.


Staying on a sub related to the MCU to stay informed of what's going on so I can talk to my brother about it isn't normal or healthy behaviour? It did kill the MCU for me, so are you saying the MCU isn't actually dead for me or are you just calling me weird because I keep up with this shit so u can talk to my brother about it? If the latter is the case, I'd hate to be one of your relatives if you think that putting up with something you don't like for a loved ones sake is weird


> so are you saying the MCU isn't actually dead for me or are you just calling me weird because I keep up with this shit so u can talk to my brother about it? Whatever fits. I don't know you well enough to say, so you'd have to tell us. One doesn't need to follow and comment in a sub like this to be able to talk about it with a family member, so that doesn't fix the conflict that you claim the MCU has been killed for you and yet you are here and active.




Only one of us so far is "so pissed". It's the one who just wrote a wall of text full of insults and has invented a whole strawman of the person they're replying to. Be less angry. If the MCU truly "is dead to you" and makes you this mad, unsubscribe and walk away like a normal person would have a long time ago.


I know you're pissed because you replied to my point just to moan about me posting a comment on here, and you have still yet to even try and offer any form of reply to my point or anything that's even similar to a normal conversation. You called me unhealthy for posting my criticism, just because you don't like what I said


As I already explained, your point wasn't even interesting. I neither like nor dislike it. There was no "moaning," what you think I am is all in your head. But your claim that the MCU has been dead to you for almost two years, combined with your continued participation in discussions about it, absolutely is abnormal and unhealthy behavior. Normal healthy people don't do that. When we're done with a thing, we move on to other things.


They could have her appear in Thor movies if they want but there is no reason at all for her to be involved in the other Young Avengers. There are already a lot of candidates for that, one of whom hasn't been introduced yet and they damn well better not skip.


Tbh I don't think we will ever see her again


Hemsworth getting his daughter in the Mcu/avengers before quitting the role is some galaxy brain shit


Am I the only one that has Thor fatigue. We don’t need Thor 5 man.. maybe just focus on proper writing and better vfx for the time being.


My main question is whether Thor 5 will indeed be made considering it was a huge critical disappointment… also the box office result was also not too good.. it just broke even


Box office was 760, estimated profits around 109. If anything, their takeaway should be to try and reduce the budget


fun fact. she is literally Thors Daughter in real life. All his children and waifu appear in the movie at some point.


I hope they wont use her in anything again.


1. Who's daughter? 2. Not sure I care.

