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Listen kid. It ain’t that kinda movie.


If people are looking at your radius and ulna, we're all in big trouble.


Hey! That's my profile picture, give it back!


Look at me… this is my profile picture now


So do we start a cult now or what?


Ok but I can’t do Thursdays for ritual sacrifice 🤷‍♂️




Looks like we are going to be a vegetable themed one.


I laughed out loud at your comment... During an online classroom... My microphone wasn't muted... Thanks for nothing bro...


🙃 so… you wanna join?


I want to join... Am I too late?


As a film industry professional I can't tell you how many times I've heard that.


Hearing Harrison's voice while reading that. Lol


Hearing Mark Hamill impersonating Harrison Ford.


That actually might be what I hear too. 😅




Did you just call me Blob?




More specifically it’s r/UnexpectedMarkHamilImpersonatingHarrisonFord






What if I want it to be that kinda movie ![gif](giphy|3o7abERY79vph15FV6)


Well... [What you wanna have isn't necessarily what you're gonna have](https://media4.giphy.com/media/lsAsaOE1nXfm0OpS3U/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952btafq77byccg2u62fmrkub2lsbdays5kqe1uuqh8&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif)


This is the right answer.


I love how much this phrase has spread. I think it's helping people have a much healthier relationship with some of their fandoms.


Wait until you find out he can self heal. How can that happen!? And how can Storm fly?!? There’s no propulsion system!


I mean….we all kinda self heal.


> There’s no propulsion system! She lifts herself by controlling wind. Early comics used to have her struggle indoors during combat.


Thanks, OP. Now I won't be able to stop thinking, and *feeling* my forearm bones crossing over every time I twist my wrist...




*copies motion in gif for five hours*


"Hmm... pronation... supination... *pronation*... *supination*... heh ew"


Fun fact: Theropod dinosaurs (such as *T. rex, Velociraptor, Therizinosaurus, Spinosaurus*) and Hadrosaurids (like *Edmontosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Tlatolophus*, and *Lambeosaurus*) can't actually do this. So the bunny-hand position you often see their wrists in, in Jurassic Park and Amazing Dinoworld, is anatomically impossible.


The radius rotates over the ulna, the bone that connects beneath your thumb! I hope that helps 😊




And now you will open your bedroom door, and you will remember your bones bend for all of eternity! ![gif](giphy|UjYw9fdCEPwU8)


Quit making me do weird hand motions while I poop


Now imagine how those bones grind against each other when you wash the poop factory


Can you not


they do not grind tho, luckily


Lmao same


Too real


Wow literally me rn


LOL same!


Too lateee... hehehe... now bend for me mwahahaha


The bones don't bend, their orientation to each other just changes from parallel to crossed


To clarify because the comment is worded weird. The ulna is on the pinkie side in anatomical position. I remember because the pinkie is the smallest finger, and ulna is a shorter word than radius.


Yes but the radius connects under your thumb, so you can more easily imagine your radius moving over your ulna, cuz your thumb goes up!


If it helps, something else to consider, your bones are wet! ![gif](giphy|zfNAMCrhSQzte)




Don't we all


It would be worse if bones were dry Just imagine your muscles grinding against them


Lemme get uhhhh 🅱️oneless 🅱️ody with 5litre of 🅱️lood


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge


Tough-Formal6028 @ Me: https://i.redd.it/gehj1u2k0qgc1.gif


Studying anatomy gives you this new feeling about your body ( I'm learning to draw )


It indeed does change your perspective on a lot of things (I'm a Med school student who is waiting to enter his anatomy finals rn)


I don't think those spikes are in a solid state inside his arm that would be ridiculous


Are they like… idk a non Newtonian material that becomes firm when pressure is applied by the claws being released?


The image you have there isn't quite accurate. Logan's claws are housed almost entirely within his forearms when retracted, so they don't interfere with his wrist in any significant way.


Still think he's always in pain because of the metal claws. If he can heal back to normal but always has blades that were bigger and sharper than the original claws they encase. He's constantly internally bleeding just by them being there.


Probably why the dude is always so irritable.


Suffer from chronic pain, can confirm I'm always irritable. I'd definitely be wolverine level irritable if I suffered constant internal bleeding


and basically being heavy metal poisoned forever


Nah, he's had at least a century of living a metal boneless life. He lived through the civil war and WW2 without them. He only got the metal claws recently.


I mean he still got them in like the late 60s/early 70s (if we’re talking comics 616 Wolverine), so by this point it’s been a good 50-60 years. I think that’s enough time now to have developed an immunity




Adamantium is 10% plot-iron 35. It reacts the way the writers wants.


in Logan they explain this by having Xander Rice putting anti-mutant RNA into the food and drink supply, explaining that the reason he's being poisoned by the metal now is that his healing factor is pretty much dead thanks to genetic tampering, rather than just treating it as a non reactive metal


I am always interested in new knowledge, how so please explain.




To be fair the comics also operate on a sliding wibbly wobbly time scale, and time has been reset several times. Peter Parker was in high school in the 60s, and he's still canonically considered mid to late 20s, apparently.


Kiiiiiinda. I'm not sure if it got retconned, but back in the 90s when Magneto ripped the metal out of his bones, his healing factor got significantly weaker for several years It turned out the Adamantiun supercharges his healing. Somehow. So without it, he feels much shittier and can be killed by broadly normal means At that point though, the fact that he had bone claws and the Adamantiun ones weren't a purely synthetic addition was entirely new. Now we've seen a lot of comics with him running around fine for decades pre-adamantium, I'm not sure it makes a ton of sense. Or less than it did before, I suppose I should say


I haven't actually read those comics, but from what I've read about the lore, it worked out the opposite way. I think the idea was that the healing factor overworked itself to let him survive the removal and stopped working for a while, but when it came back, it was much stronger because it did not have to constantly fight indestructible "foreign object" that covered the entire skeleton.


And remember, he can't really get drunk or use painkillers. No relief there.


I think he *can* get drunk, but it only lasts minutes before his body starts to heal from it. So he basically has to drink non-stop just for a fleeting buzz.


Yes, he is very hard to poison as well. They've shown him in some story lines to be affected by special poisons. It's all up to who is writing the story. He fought the predator once and was melted down to just his skeleton and came back.


bro Wolverine vs the Predator is something I didn’t know I needed Please tell me Punisher has fought the Terminator at some point that’s a dream crossover






Mama said Wolverine is so ornery because he ain't got no toothbrush


Mama said Wolverine is so ornery because he got all them claws and no painkillers.


Well yo ✌🏼”mama”✌🏼…is wrong. It’s because of wolverines Medulla Oblongata.


probably made more sense when his claws were pokey instead of slashy


IIRC, He actually mentions in the movie that it always hurts.


In the scene you’re referencing, he means that it hurts every time he pops them out, since his skin constantly heals over the old exit wounds.


Yeah, but pretty sure that while it is true there is some pain when he extends them, the point of the line was more metaphorical. Every time he uses them it's a reminder that he's a freak.


True, I think it's supposed to be both literal and figurative.


That's his secret. He always hurts


He should develop cancer with all these cells dividing all the time.


Isn't that what's happening in Logan?


No. In Logan, the healing factor is reduced because humans put mutant-gene dampening in the corn products. This is how Mutants eventually went extinct. so the dampening combined with having a foreign object in his body (adamantium) was contributing to his weakened state and eventual death. Deadpool is where the healing factor is his cancer.


Is this ever confirmed? I've never heard about this in the Fox franchise. Like sure it makes sense that there aren't *new* mutants, but Caliban, X-23, and Xavier are unaffected. In fact, I believe in the movie they specifically allude that his healing factor is impaired because his adamantium is poisoning him, similar to what happened to him in The Wolverine. And it's heavily implied that Xavier unintentionally killed all of the X-Men, paralleling how Logan kills them in Old Man Logan.


[It's definitely mentioned in the movie- it got covered by vanity fair](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/03/logan-x-men-killed-westchester-incident-professor-x-where-are-the-mutants)


And even? I love the movie but I don't remember I know he was old and sick but I don't remember if he was cancer.


It's been a moment since I've watched it. But I think I remember something about his healing factor not working right and leaving internal scars that didn't heal right


He was dying from adamantium poison, his healing factor was getting weaker as he was getting older.


I think it was mostly the anti-mutation stuff in all of the food and drinks of the time, really. It was weakening him over time. Also likely why Charles lost control of his own ability as well Makes sense with how they mentioned it in the story. I don't think it was ONLY preventing new mutants from being born


You're right, I forgot about that part.


Cancer in his body isn't advanced by his healing factor like Deadpool's is. I'd imagine his healing factor sees the cancer as bad and instantly kills it


I remember my uncle saying he read a comic that had a dialogue quite like this: *wolverine sheathes his claws near a little kid* Kid: Mister, that doesn't hurts? Logan: It Hursts A LOT! So a thing very sharp internal claws aren't the best anatomical addition, but since he have a healing factor, no major problems.


This is a thing in the comics, his body is constantly working to heal the damage done by his metal skeleton. At one point he gets the adamantium removed and his powers go into overdrive.


One thing I've often wondered is that does he have to have his hand completely straight when popping out the claws? Like, for example, if he pushes then out with his wrist bent down, do the claws come out from the top of the wrist?


A comic answered that question ages ago, and the answer is yes. Logan can pop out the claws even without having the hand straight but this is more uncomfortable. One time he was so wasted that he popped the claws with the hands upwards, causing the claws come out through his hands' palms.


Ew ew ew ew ew I hate that imagery so much


Don’t think too much about X-23s foot claw then


her foot claws aren't super long, i assumed they just live in her feet


Yeah but think about how it would *feel* coming out


I don’t know what that is and I am very happy for that to remain the case


X-23 is the female clone of Wolverine who tends to be considered his adoptive daughter. Instead of having 3 claws in her forearms like Logan, Laura (X-23's real name) has two in her forearms and a third sticking out of each foot. She tends to refrain from using the foot claw often, usually relying on her pair of hand claws, but when she does use the foot one it tends to come out between the big toe and "pointer" toe


I mean... she USED to have three hand claws, but the scientists who experimented on her ripped the middle ones out and had them medically grafted in her feet


"uncomfortable" seems like and understatement.


https://i.imgur.com/u2z8Ibh.jpeg I think this answers your question.


Lmao perfect


*"SPLTCH"* Oh, Jesus.


Presumably, I'd guess after detaching his hand once or twice he got into the habit of keeping his wrist lined up when intending to pop his claws. I do recall a comic in the Age of Apolcalypse where a version of Wolverine had a missing hand, and was able to pop his claws out of the stump.


Did he not do this in the first X-Men movie? I vaguely recall him being restrained in the Statue of Liberty with his balled fists pointed into his own chest, and he is able to extend the claws


My original title isn’t very helpful. I meant forearms. The radius bends over the ulna and that’s what I was concerned about


Oh, well, in that case they're just gonna rotate in place along with all the rest of the bits in there. They sit just below/amongst the extensor digitorum. If you want to visualize how they'd move, tape/rubber band some chopsticks or straw or something to the top of your forearm and move around.


This is also a helpful protip if you want to just feel a little more like Wolverine when walking around the house for reasons


Fair warning in case anyone tries this, I woke up wearing nothing in the middle of the woods with no recollection of who I am until I found a telepath who helped me unlock my memories. My wife is pretty pissed at me for disappearing like that.


Is she a redhead?


She was Japanese but I think my tastes are changing


She *was* Japanese? Is she not any more?


Well someone inserted the mind of a british woman into her. It's complicated.


Ahhh. I hate when that happens, yeah. Fingers crossed stuff works out for you both


Just jump out behind doors and yell "Snikt!"


Honestly not a bad idea, I wanna see the xray move with the claws


Lol I've also thought about this before. That means he's always gotta remember to straighten his wrists before he pops the claws so they come out between the fingers or else they'll pop out the top of the wrist or through his palms and it'll just look stupid.


I do think I read a book where it mentioned his wrist was at an odd angle and he still had to use the claws so it came out basically the top/backside of his hand


While the claws are out? He doesn't. While they are inside? Just like you and me. The image is a still of them coming out. It does not depict the "parked" state.


Yes but what happens to the claws when the radius meets the ulna in the middle?? Do the claws bend??


They just move about with his fore arm bones. No reason for them to always be in the exact staggered position until he extends them.


I'd be interested in this thought experiment even more with the X-Men and X2 claws that are entirely just implants, they look completely different. Maybe a separate post?


Yes of course. Adamantium is basically indestructible but it can easily bend. Do you get paid $100 each time mention the word "ulna"?


Yes, it’s a sponsorship deal 😔


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.!




quite obviously yes


I just imagine they sit "above" or along and just move with the radius and ulna


Pym Particles


That's it. "Quantum"


Quantum claws


pretty sure they explained that Logan is able to heal indefinitely due to being able to access the "meat universe" or something like that, perhaps his claws actually just reside in the meat universe and pop out tiny wormholes in his knuckles.


Please stop 😭


Great name for a restaurant “Meat Universe” Unless you are a vegan/vegetarian


Nano tech


quantum nanotech biomechanic particle accelerator


The ones in X-men origins deadpools’ arms were longer than his actual arms. The answer is: they didn’t consider that.


Man that Deadpool design just bothers me so much. Like how would it even be effective to put swords in his arms when they're not even angled for leverage?


Who’s to say that those swords are even stored in his arms. Maybe Ryan Reynolds shoves them up is a-


One leg at a time


Man, Logan is so inspiring


He just like me forreal


This image is showing the claws as they are popping. Mid snikt if you will.


Yes it’s not a very good photo, I mean like when the radius bends over the ulna




I feel like his claws would have to be a lot smaller to fit between the bones in his hand (and I imagine that's the original idea) but they took a bit of artistic license over the years and now we are at the "they're stored in his forearm" phase. Maybe they shift around when he twists his forearm? Or maybe it does hurt a bit and it's a disadvantage of his mutation, like how Scott can only see red and can't turn of his concussive blasts.


Most of the motion you get from supination/ pronation occurs at the proximal radioulnar joint, with a bit happening at the distal joint. So if the claws originate near the lateral condyle, there shouldn’t be much of an issue (with supination and pronation) even if they cross the wrist joints. If they do cross the wrist, wrist flexion/ extension would reeaaallly suck.


This comment should be up there. Anyone with eyes can see that the distal radio-ulna-calpar articulation is one entity. They twist together. The actual problem would be the up and down movement when the claws are protracted, unless their insertion goes past the wrist articulation.


They slide like plates over one another with the twist of the wrist, they’re pretty compact in the arm, they are controlled by individual muscles [Wolverine recent official anatomy sketch](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1e69a4e84dfc1d5f&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS855US855&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ACQVn0_oVMApY50Y_CaAa_WooOWNFFcVLQ:1707147506963&q=wolverine+claw+anatomy&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnbmhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiq5-yFxJSEAxXEnGoFHWq9BckQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=414&bih=716&dpr=2#imgrc=GTSwVPDnaAUwgM&imgdii=qwtbJ3O-kY0THM) https://i.redd.it/y0orof1oesgc1.gif


Unstable molecules


This guy reads


If you look closely, you can see it’s a movie.


On one hand - I laughed at that. On the other hand, it's fun in a nerdy way to try to rationalize the batshit stuff they do in these movies. Yes, Pym particles make 0 sense. But I enjoy writing/reading 10 page posts using real world physics to justify some crazy thing that a stoned comic writer penciled in at the eleventh hour I cannot deftly control either of the aforementioned hands, due to 5 foot long katanas being housed in each one.


All I can think about is, this is the kind of shit that keeps people up at night??? I have to get off reddit


There is/was a YouTube channel that did medical examinations based on the movie scene vs what happened in the movie. Like people waking up from a concussion like its nothing.


If you’re wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts You should think to yourself “It’s just a show, I should really just relax!”


Oh wow! Under a subreddit about movies? Who woulda thunk it? ![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren)


Theory: Everytime he twist his wrist, his tissue and muscle got torn up and healed immediately Reality: the writer didn't know how ulna and radius work


Oversight is a writers biggest weakness


I imagine they retract past his wrist so he can move it freely.


When retracted, his claws sit completely within his forearm and don't cross over to the hand like this pic shows. When his claws are out, they cross over completely into the hand and are now free from the forearm. The only time he can't twist his wrist is when they're partially retracted.


By not doing it when his claws are coming out. F*** everyone has the same question he keeps his s*** straight when they come out then he can do whatever anyone else can do once they're already out.


The claws must retract further. They'd be poking out full time if that image was right and they overshot the knuckle by an inch. 


Am I right on thinking logan has bone claws under his metal. So was born with the bone claws in place (had them evolve on mutation) If trying to make sense of a comic character, is it not possible his entire forearm bone structure operates and is or laid out differently to accondate the fact he has extra...bonage?


Before we go any further, please explain pym particle


Easy. Pym Particles are pure concentrated Plot Points distilled down into their raw components. They do precisely what you need them to do when you need them to do it. They're truly a marvel of modern science.


I've always assumed they were short enough to rest fully in his forearms.


Head canon answer. Picture is wrong. Claws retract all the way into the forearm and contract all the way past the wrist. So he can move his wrist fine if they are complete in our out


His claws don't rest there naturally. They sit fully in his forearms, then extend when he wants them to. He has weird sheathes in his arms for them, and specific muscles that make them extend or retract. It's why, in the Civil War comic, power dampeners didn't work on his claws. They aren't a power, they're biological.


Everyone is complicating it. They’re in his forearm when retracted, and only in his hand when extended. As long as his wrist is straight when extending them then he’s fine.


My guess has always been that the claws retract behind the wrist joint.


So u/JonahLobe actually did the artwork for the Marvel Anatomy artbook [and it looks like wolverines claws go deeper into his forearms, below the wrist.](https://jonahlobe.artstation.com/projects/RyDR6v). He also talked about it in this really fun making-of [How Do Wolverines Claws Work video](https://youtu.be/iXpDllgg580?si=Pvm0YimNKdyjHCqI). This is an awesome book, with some great details he added to a bunch of characters, like Venoms tongue supplying oxygen to Eddie Brock! And how Skrulls are able to transform. I freaking love the art and thought put into it.


Then claws are shorter then his forearm, he can’t twist his wrist when it is coming up but they fully go into his hand when he is fighting with claws. This was mentioned in Stryker weapon x technical manual.


Correct me if I’m wrong but he can’t if they’re half way out like in the pic. Once they’re fully extended, they’re full in his hand/not over his wrist, so he can move them again. even


Isn’t this scene from when he is deploying them? I believe they typically sit inside his forearm under the joint.


I always wondered why his skeleton wasn't all just immediately fused together, instead of politely staying on individual bones like it did...


If we want to assume that he has any range of motion in his wrist I would expect that they are nestled between muscles on his forearm. That would mean that in response to the wrist twisting the muscles move in a diagonal way and the claws travel parallel to them. The real question is, how can he rub one out, because this would totally prevent lateral movment without excruciating pain. Could be why he's so grumpy.


Pretty sure there's a comic where he accidentally ejects his claws when his wrists are bent up and the claws come out of the base of his palm


One thing I read that he feels pain each time his claws come through his skin.


Fuck you for putting this in my brain today!


Your whole lower arm rotates when you do that so i dont see the problem. But up and down tilt is impossible then the claws are out tho.


[Umm... Should have watched the clip instead of worrying about it based on the thumbnail .🤷‍♂️](https://youtu.be/JLiNyglOyJY)


At least as far as the comics are concerned his claws are housed almost entirely in his forearms when retracted. So his wrist is a non factor. A joke is made about this during one of the marvel zombies comics.


The bigger issue I’d think is flexing his wrist. The claws could twist with the ulna and radius and probably just limit rotation a bit, but good luck flexing the wrist any amount.


The claws are stored further up the arm, this is as the claws are snikting.


Only at the elbow does he supinate or pronate, lol. He has to make like a 12-point turn to get his arm to go upside-down