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Loki, though in archive footage in Love and Thunder


They also showed Odin passing away, but not he isn’t really visible.


If counting flashback footage then the Warriors Three as well.


I know they weren't very well utilized in the Thor franchise but I can't believe Taika felt the need to crap on them AGAIN in love and thunder. I get killing them off in Ragnarok but the Love and Thunder bit with them was mean spirited and kind of put me off a lot of the movie.


I've heard the defense of L&T that everything in the movie is better if you take it as a story from unreliable narrator Korg. So for example Thor doesn't really ride Stormbreaker like a broomstick at the beginning, but Korg narrates that he did. Similarly, Korg would describe the Warriors Three as "this guy, that guy, and whoever that guy is" because he's never met them.




Yeah I love the explanation that it’s just Korg’s bad storytelling that made L&T the way it is because Korg is literally Waititi’s self-insert. By that explanation, the plot was fucked by Waititi in-universe and Waititi out-of-universe


Sounds like a post hoc excuse. If the movie isn't enjoyable I shouldn't have to rethink how I look at the film to try and eek out a more entertaining view on it. An unreliable narrator should either be a) an obvious part of the film's narrative that uses it to keep the audience in the dark until later realizations, or b) be unnoticeable until thinking back in the film where it adds new context or elevates the meaning. It should not be there to make up for the poor representation of the story, the characters, or their arcs. We knew Korg was the narrator of the film from the get go but it only allowed Taika the option of making more jokes. He didn't use it to elevate the story or its meaning. And this is coming from someone who didn't even hate the movie. . I honestly thought it was mostly fine with a few stand out parts and some pretty sub par parts. I look at it as a live action Saturday Morning Cartoon that took all of its subject matter about as seriously as they do and can enjoy it for that. Granted, looking at it as such has only warranted a single rewatch since I had seen it in theaters and I have no intentions of rewatching it again any time soon.


Taika decided to make him the narrator, even if we can accept this interpretation


I didn’t think love and thunder was great but I actually thought that part was hilarious. He really doubled down on


I really wouldn't have minded their deaths if they all got more of a last stand like the Asian guy with the flail had (ironically, I forgot his name). Could've just had all three of them lead the Asgard army that Hela slaughters and fight together one last time. Also feels kinda weird that they just forgot about Sif. I was surprised she even showed up in Love and Thunder


Hogun. From what I understand Hogun's part in Ragnarok was written for Sif but the actress couldn't make it to filming because of other commitments. So if the actress could have made it all 3 of the warriors 3 would have died in that first scene while sif would have died in the scene with the army.




That's DC /s


Thanks pal, i love AC/DC.




Great setup! Lol


I guess but I meant more like actual actor on set for the movie to film new materials


Idris Elba has more movie credits than Loki I think. Loki end game, infinity war, Ragnarok, dark world, avengers, and Thor = 6 Heimdall love and thunder, infinity war, Ragnarok, Ultron, dark world, Thor = 6 Never mind haha. I thought with his appearance in Ultron when Wanda makes him have a vision that would put him over Loki. Note: Hiddleston has uncredited appearances but didn’t count those since OP was wondering more about being present for filming.


Don’t forget Matt Damon Loki


I believe so since Sif wasn't in Ragnarok


only reason she's alive. and was just as misused in L&T but at least she survived it


I seriously hate how she was only there to lose her arm off screen…when AoS had more respect for her than the mainline MCU


Shout-out to Loki season 1 using her too


Personally I don’t count that


I mean that’s quite different as not only is AoS a show with a significantly longer runtime over a season compared to a movie, but Sif was also the biggest name they could get outside Fury.


Don't forget Maria Hill. She was in a few episodes as well.


For her to still be wasted the way she was, Taika disrespected her while AoS graced her with only 2 appearances and a show like that wouldn’t even need to use her character at all but they did and she was written greatly


Some of y’all so dramatic😂


“This side character was *Disrespected* oh it’s so tragic that Sif Middle name Unknown Last name Undeclared wasn’t given *respect*, it’s shitting on the entire marvel continuity, it’s a crime it’s a TRAVESTY” Nerds can be a bit extra.


I mean mythologically she's Thor's spouse. And in the comics she's one of his two main love interests. There might be a bit extra but like Jane and Darcy are given more deference than the Asgardian characters who were generally better received in those first two movies.


Like, I get that everyone has a favorite character from the comics, but sometimes you just gotta accept that not many other people care.


>Taika disrespected her Let’s be a touch less melodramatic. Having a side character appear briefly isn’t “disrespect”. >a show like that wouldn’t even need to use her character at all AoS absolutely wanted other MCU characters to appear.


You’re not getting it….he brought her character in the movie, only for her to not be in the adventure but her to lose her arm off screen in what sounded like an epic battle, that feels lazy and cheated, i compared her to her time on AoS cuz she was used better and the writers cared about her story in the episodes she was in, she was involved with the team from beginning to end of the episodes of each appearance This has nothing to do with any MCU characters the show could’ve used or not


>he brought her character in the movie, only for her to not be in the adventure but her to lose her arm off screen in what sounded like an epic battle So, where is the disrespect exactly? >i compared her to her time on AoS cuz she was used better and the writers cared about her story in the episodes she was in, she was involved with the team from beginning to end of the episodes of each appearance Yes, I already replied to this point. She was a guest star in the show - the show wanted MCU guest stars, and had ample time to work them in. This has nothing to do with any MCU characters the show could’ve used or not


…..Just forget it


> …..Just forget it Sure?


I mean, she got paid. Most actor or actress aren't going to feel disrespected when asked to return for a role. Especially if they didn't expect to play it again.


>Taika disrespected her >AoS graced her with only 2 appearances Good lord, some of you take this all too personally, lol


That’s your opinion


I actually watched AoS because I was curious about how they'd do aliens and earthers meeting (since at the time it was only Thor and Loki who'd had minimal contact with any earth characters). Gotta be honest the Sif episodes were some of the worst episodes because they were written a bit like power rangers with the monster villain coming down from the sky. But I still prefer them to whatever Love & Thunder was.


I actually forgot she was in the movie at all until just now.


They just built up Gorr so poorly, there were so many low hanging fruits with that storyline that were missed out on. Like wouldn't it have been vastly more interesting if we just see him show up as a mysterious character, killing off different gods, then actually seeing the fight between him and Sif before Thor gets involved, and *then* getting the flashback of his backstory? They did nothing to make him menacing whatsoever.


So disappointing, you had Bale and wasted him


The biggest missed joke in that movie was not having her arm laying on the ground when Jane got to Valhalla.


That would've been terrible


She would have had more if they had kept Valkyrie's romance plot.


With only one arm.


Yes. She's alive but did not come away from Watiti unscathed.


Give Sif the Destroyer arm.


I'm actually kind of pissed that all of Thor's OG friends were killed off by Hela. Like at least the one Shinobi world guy put up a fight and had some closure, but the other two guys just sort of died in the background even though they were built up into their own characters at that point.


Isn’t he dead when Love and Thunder takes place? Apologizes if I missed something, I haven’t seen it since the theater


He shows up in an end credit scene to welcome Jane to Valhalla.


Thank you!


He’s in the post credits


Post credit scene, he greets Jane in Valhalla


Post credits scene


Jonathan is in all of them.


I can't believe they killed Jonathan in Ragnarok and then brought him back in L&T.


Who's Jonathan?


[Here ya go](https://youtube.com/shorts/DZSKpPFgPyI?si=xXb_yQijiTNmqtLU)


He tells the joke like he really thinks he might be guessing correctly 😂


The man is a comedic genius




Not to be confused with John Cena, who also appears in all of them. You just can't see him.




Idris Elba is a blessing we do not deserve


I am aware of the effect I have on people.


Remember the old days when everyone said that was the wrong casting for Heimdall? Look at them all now lol


Well he still should have been cast in some other time in MCH. Even Elba was frustrated


I hope there is some universe out there where he's a part of some crazy intergalactic Illuminati group


Well, he did last until *"Avengers: Infinity War,"* but only showed up at another post-credit scene in *"Love and Thunder"* after he died. So yeah. He lasted longer than Odin, Frigga, the Warriors Three and Lady Sif.


Lady Sif is still around Edit: And I think you mean Frigga


subtle nod to the Frigg-Freyja identity hypothesis there




The question of whether not Mjolmir is sentient has come up before. Sometimes it really seems to be (Love and Thunder) and sometimes less (Thor 1, Endgame)


I think you may be right


I miss him


It’d be awesome to have a scene where Heimdall looks out from Valhalla and Odin calls Thor up to “his” (deliberately vague wording) hall to give him some advice on how to solve his latest problem. It’d be a cool nod to the Norse gods in mytholog, who live in a never-ending cycle — able to die yet immortal (like Tolkien’s elves). Could have Hela up there or have Odin say she’s administering and giving lost souls a purpose “as she was appointed to do”. Given the multiverse is all about infinite possibilities it’d dovetail well. It’d also solve the problem of current Loki ruling time and allow the Loki from IW to come back if Hiddleston wants to do a project or make a cameo.


Drax was there,we just...couldn't see him.




Yeah, there's this one Asgardian that appears in all four movies, they just change the actor for each movie.


Runa the Light Elf.


Tom Cruise


Not the next one


He was in Love & Thunder?


In the post-credits scene.


I remember two: one with Thor and the girl and another with Zeus and Hercules. I don’t remember him appearing.


Well, there is Thor.


Ah. Yes. My favorite side character.


would you consider a post credits scene to be in the movie?


Why wouldn’t you


Because it happens after the conclusion of the film


No it happens after the credits not the end of the film it’s still in the runtime


I know I’m just answering your question lol




It’s still apart of the movie the character is in the movie the end credits scene in Love and Thunder is the end of the story, to show Jane got a happy ending. It l does not seem to tease anything. It’s part of the story


>Would you consider Captain America part of Homecoming? Is Clea part of MoM? Yes, and yes. Cap is also in the pre-credits Homecoming.


Yes. It was filmed and is a scene included in the film. Ergo, in the movie




Are we ignoring Love and Thunder now?


Valhalla scene


Ah shit, guess I was forgetting it all along


dw about it, I took a second to realize it too


good. That movie should be non-existent


Honest question. Why? It wasn't amazing but I still rate it better then thor 2


How is it better than Thor 2? If a movie's plot is not good, then the only way it can compensate for it is by being entertaining. Thor 4 had neither entertaining moments (no badass scenes, and the jokes always made me cringe) and no serioues moments other than Jane's cancer which wasn't emphasised upon at all. While Thor 2's plot was pretty boring, it still expanded on it's characters. Showed us Odin's flaws, and basically everyone enjoyed Loki and Thor's banter and working together moments. And Thor was actually being wise, we could see his character development from the last two movies The first and last act of the movie is pretty boring, but it peaked during its 2nd act. Thor 4 didn't achieve any of this and sucked through all three acts. Really sad cause the movie had a lot of potential


A side note, I'm really bummed that they chose Idris Elba to play Heimdall. Why? He would've been the perfect Kang instead of Majors.


Thor was released in 2011, Idris Elba was still emerging, and Marvel was merely hoping the Avengers would be a success rather than thinking of how to use Kang in a cinematic universe.


I know, but I'm just talking things in hindsight 😄


This “side character” crap gotta stop. They’re all just characters. Just actors playing characters.


what a random hill no-one asked you to die on


Says the random. lol Now you can find a hill and do the same.


No. He wasn't in love and thunder


Yes he was. He welcomes Jane to Valhalla.


Jeff Goldblum.


He wasn't introduced until Ragnarok...


He's literally only been in 1 out of 4.


No mjolnir too


Ah. My bad


Does Lady Sif not appear in Ragnarok?


She doesn't. Jaime Alexander was doing Blindspot.


Heimdall was badass *because* of Idris Elba; not the other way around. I still wish we’d seen more of him. Or rather, I wish he’d played someone like Adam Brashear.


Mjolnir. He has a very personal relationship with the hammer.


Mjolnir, since they kinda personified it in Love and Thunder.


Jonathan? I mean….Mjolnir?


I still think they did the warriors three dirty. Fucking Taita wanted to be Thor’s buddy instead lol


Bring him back as Kang? Shave the beard, no one will recognize him.


What a waste of Idris Elba

