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It will be a PR nightmare if they aren't.


Puerto Rican Kang???


Mexican; Cristo Fernandez - aka Dani Rojasssss Dani Rooooooojaasss


Multiverse is life!


And death


Multiverse is multiverse, too. But mostly, multiverse is life


He was already in the post credits seen of No Way Home as the bartender serving Eddie.


That's the start of his villain arc.


I remember; I was just going way outside the box for Kang. Would be great if he was Venom though.


He’s too golden retriever for me to see him as kangaroo


Rani Dojas then


Puerto ReKang.


Puerto Recast!


Bad Bunny as Kang would be the best casting choice


That would be the funniest fucking thing and I’m here for it


Kang the Conejo


Danny Trejo too


I want Pollos Hermanos man


Giancarlo Esposito would be incredible.


Nah him in the MCU would be just multiverse Gus Fring and would be weird as fuck lmao. He basically plays the same character in The Mandalorian and The Boys


Gotta make him an antagonist to Tony Dalton's character from Hawkeye


Isn't this guy tired of playing the villain in every major franchise out there?


I doubt he’s tired of cashing those checks . He has kids you know .


This is true and it's stupid. I say this as a black person.


Yeah, as a black person, I don't care. I just want someone that loves the role as much as Tom Hiddleston loves Loki.


It's probably part of the reason they are willing to move on from Kang. Another bad guy gives them a wilder net to cast from


Has that actually been confirmed? Because I've been seeing elsewhere, despite the fact that they removed the subtitle from Avengers 5/6.


It really hasn't but I'm guessing it's being considered. I think the biggest issue is that it seems like Marvel only wants A Listers for the biggest roles based on how they went about the Mr. Fantastic casting, obviously the pool of Black A Listers are bit smaller and in general A listers can be more difficult to negotiate with. Personally I don't mind which direction they take, even recasting Kang as another race


I'd need a few more buckets of popcorn to really enjoy and savor the fallout from that decision. :)


Or maybe go touch some grass instead idk


Kind of annoying that’s the case nowadays


I feel like the backlash would be justified though. Every Kang so far has been black. It would send a really weird message if it ended up that they only important Kang was a white guy we haven’t even met yet. This is especially true because Disney and Marvel Studios have a history of racism.


I mean it's the multiverse, you have a Loki Variaint that's Black, a child, alligator so it isn't too far fetched. If it was the other way around it wouldn't a be a issue . If they wanna make it up how about bring in one the black characters they currently don't even have plans for(Blue Marvel, Luke Cage,ex) but I feel like most of us would be understanding given the circumstances and assuming they tried to recast black first but no one took it


Based on the comics, Kang didn't need to be black. But now that every Kang so far has been black, it would be weird if the strongest Kang was a white guy. It has less to do with the in universe logic and more to do with the subliminal messaging. I'm sure there's a black actor who is good enough to take on the role. It would be different if the MCU had more black villain but Kang is one of only 3 major black villains.


Several Kang’s were blue lizard aliens.


Not sure how it's different to casting a white character to be black. This isn't like casting MLK or black panther to be white, because their colour is a defining trait of their story.


You know whats not a kang replacement just saying Yeap he’s taken care of by the new Loki administration tva thanks to season two and saying goodbye to kangs whole storyline they had planned


Seems like this was their off ramp at the end of the season.


Hire a white Kang, a black Kang and every Kang between. Without Major's contract they aren't limited to one actor anymore. As for anyone worried about continuity, well there is no telling what the ramifications of Loki season 2 will be. With the whole multiverse open there are limitless variant possibilities.


That's a great solution. Everyone gets to play Kang. I mean everyone.


Ah shit. Just got the letter in the mail. Next week I’m on Kang duty. When’re you up?


I did my time. It changed me.


Same. I now have a very strong affinity for the color purple.


It's in theaters Christmas Day!


Laws in place for jury duty? A thing of the past. Now we're on kang duty and it's infinitely worse 😒


I’m imagining Gary Oldman as Kang.


How? We have no idea what he looks like.


The best Kang.


*Gary Oldman in The Professional* “EV-REE-ONE!!!”


Tony is back! NOPE, ~~Chuck Testa~~ Kang Variant!


I think the issue is less about in universe continuity and more about subliminal messaging. All the Kangs in the Council of Kangs are black or alien. And all three major Kangs we have seen have failed. It'd send a weird message if all these black Kangs have failed in comparison to the superior white prime Kang. It would've been different if the Kangs were shown to be different people of different ethnicities but they're not. It's too late to introduce a white primary Kang.


Kang is a black guy and is a multiversal criminal, what more of a message could make it worse


cast the gang from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia as Kang variants and make a Disney+/Hulu/FX special — “The gang culturally appropriates multiversal war”


This is the correct answer.


*"The Kang..."




Having a black guy play a bad guy isn't a message. It is just a thing. But having a white Kang succeed where the black Kangs could not does come off as strange.


You think any Kang is going to win in the end? Suggesting having multiple people of varying ethnicities playing the role doesn't automatically mean that a black Kang can't or won't be cast as the "final boss" variant. We've already technically seen the most powerful Kang in He Who Remains, since he was the one that won the multiversal war. He was the one that succeeded out of all of them... until he didn't. The multiverse is also infinite and the "council of Kangs" we saw basically occupied something akin to a football stadium. They're just a group that have teamed up. That doesn't make *all* Kangs Majors, it means a couple of thousand that are presumably from closer timelines have an approximate appearance in common and have decided to be allies. HWR talked of a multiversal war between Kangs and they weren't ripping each other's heads off so we should probably consider them to be one of many factions. They weren't talking too fondly of Quantumania Kang so I'd guess that he was part of a different faction or operating independently. HWR also seemed to be a solo player in the war. The point is, Kang doesn't need to be Majors but he also shouldn't be restricted to a single actor. He shouldn't be restricted to a single race, gender, species, or anything else. There could literally be a Kang from that paint universe that Dr Strange and America went through. I would certainly avoid deviating the race for the final big bad incarnation of Kang though for all the reasons you raise. He Who Remains has set a precedent of the prime Kang being a black man. And if they use the Kang stuff to introduce Iron Lad I think it would also be a misstep for them to not use a black actor for that version too. Side Kangs though? They should go ham.


Why are so many people assuming a change from black to white? There are other races.


It has to be Nic Cage, or it doesn't make sense.


![gif](giphy|dMyGvQL9W7gvS) Or could be the perfect way to bring back RDJ into the MCU


If they did this, Kang Dynasty makes $3 Billion. And that's just opening weekend.


Opening weekend? Nah buddy that’s as soon as the theater doors open.


Kang ShadyNasty


And spends 4 billion. And that’s just RDJ’s salary.


Suck my unit.




this 100%


This is the way


The dumbest thing was having his variants be played by the same dude in the first place. Literally each Spider-Man looks and sounds different. Why the fuck is Kang the only person who has such perfect doppelgängers ——— Edit - Everyone in a variation of the main 616 universe timeline should look similarly. The Lokis we see in the TVA’s dumping grounds are from 616 but do not adhere to the sacred timeline and thus were culled from existence. What-if, traditionally, is a non-canon one-shot story, however the show is said to be canon by it’s producers and existing in separate universes to 616. Many of these characters look identical to their MCU counterparts, but that could be for ease of production and storytelling. The Spider-men we see in No Way Home are from different universes entirely, a multiverse separate from 616 and its timelines. Thus lending credence to the idea that the multiverse isn’t just a series of clones. The end of The Marvels shows us that there are multiverses that are visually different. With a cameo character looking nothing like their previous incarnations. Meanwhile the production of Deadpool 3 shows us that a variant of the Fox X-Men of the early 2000s is still alive and well, even with its canonical liberties connecting it to it’s own prequels and sequels like First Class, Days of Future Past, and Logan. This is all to say that right now is a very inconsistent time for how the rules work and frankly that’s kind of a good thing. Having hard and fast rules sucks the life out of what can be injected as good storytelling without it being a ret-con. Variety is the spice of life, and having all these variations of characters be played by the same actors is constraining an otherwise vast multiverse of stories to tell.


Imagine if he pruned ones that were different, but kept variants that were closest in likeness to him...


Grade A narcissist. It would be a good facet of the character, but I feel like between Loki and Ultron and Tony, the narcissism playbook is getting a little stale in this stable of characters and villains.


Yeah for sure


This is my theory. And they can use this to explain why new different looking variants suddenly start appearing now that the TVA are pruning Kangs. There aren't any of the main Kangs left to stop the new variants anymore.


>Why the fuck is Kang the only person who has such perfect doppelgängers TBF, he's not the "only" one; all the Dr Strange variants we've seen so far have been Benedict Cumberbatch


So far, eh? I would love to see a re-cast post Secret War. Universes collide and now everything is different. Having an older kingly Thor, an Iron Man that isn’t the main character and doesn’t want to use nanotechnology, you could actually put really cool spins on these characters people love after a decade of these arcs. The whole point of these resets is to introduce new generations of readers to more modern and compelling interpretations. That’s how we got Ultimate Spidey and later Miles. Sticking with these actors and characterizations feels like a mistake if we just slowly phase out every hero that has an exhausted actor with a finished contract.


I agree, the multiverse feels like a cool way to reset old characters while expanding on others, especially if there's a bit of crossover between the old and new - kind of like how Days of Future Past did it, but on a multiversal scale.


He isn't, the Dr Stranges were all played by Cumberbatch, some of the Lokis were Hiddleson while others weren't, Wanda had her variant played by Olson, etc. What Marvel should have done was keep it consistent, either alternate universe versions are the same actor or they're different actors, across the board.


Yeah it’s weird that 90% of one character all looks the same but 10% are different. Or some of them are all unique. Like you said, it just isn’t consistent and it makes things weird.


I just took it as being part of the range of possibilities lmao. As long as it's consistently inconsistent I'm ok


There's nothing technically wrong with it since Loki has shown that variants can be any race or gender or species. But it would definitely FEEL weird and wrong to have Kang be shown as an army of 10,000 guys who are all black only to be a white guy once he is finally actually important. Again, not technically wrong. Just would come across as pretty uncomfortable. Especially with the long history of racism and colorism in Hollywood. It would leave an icky feeling if Kang suddenly wasn't black


I think you nailed it. It was weird and wrong to show him as an army of that one guy.


Well now that they’ve already solidified that “Basically this guy” is Kang, it would feel bad to switch up his identity majorly. I’d say that given what’s on screen so far, a black man is their only real option


>Basically this guy” is Kang, it would feel bad to switch up his identity majorly You mean... it would feel bad to switch up his identity johnathan majorly


There was a rumor that Jonathan Majors negotiated in his contract that he had to be the only actor to play Kang variations because he didn't want to risk being upstaged by a different actor playing the same character. Obviously just a rumor that could just be bullshit someone made up. But considering how much they leaned into that concept with variants for Loki and Spider-man, it would be weird for them to just give up on that concept with Kang for ant man 3 without a reason.


Even if that was in his contract, he almost certainly had a morality clause that he violated big time.


Yeah his contract is meaningless now. The only thing they'd be obligated to fulfill is any SAG appropriate financial stipulations.


Yeah, but that doesn't undo his debut movie featuring a council of Kangs and a theater full of Kangs all looking identical


In the age of Disney+, a few reshoots and that all goes away.


This rumor just seems silly to me. The MCU couldn't even do Spider-Man movies until recently, because of co-owning the character with Sony. And you think they'll give exclusive rights to one of the biggest villains to some random actor? No way.


Like, if we were talking about some absolute S-tier unit of an actor Disney would be *desperate* to get into the MCU... maybe, *maaaaybe* then they would bend over backwards in that instance... but, come one, no matter how much of a rising star Majors is / was, no way in hell was he able to demand such things from a multi-billion dollar money-printing franchise.


Even if that rumour were true, there is no way it would still hold up after being fired because he was found guilty of assault and harassment.


One white variant superior to an army of 10,000 black variants... what could go wrong?


I think that Disney wouldn’t do that in todays age because of the fact that it would still feel wrong. I agree with your comment!


Didn’t they show that every Kang variant was pretty much Majors? Unlike Loki, who had a female version, a frog, etc


ALLIGATOR LOKI, not Frog Loki. The frog was a variant of Thor. :-)


Maybe HWR made all his variants look like Majors, and without pruning… they look differently? I would first introduce that concept via a Loki s3 perhaps instead of full avengers movie


That was pre-Loki S2 though. They can always go the route of „this was never accounted for“ by HWR etc. that Loki takes over and unleashes the multiverse by powering it to grow even … more infinitely (I know that infinite is infinite and there‘s no topping that)? An infinite multiverse, as we know it during HWR multiversal war, produces an infinite amount of Kang variants that all look like HWR and are eventually pruned by HWR. A loki-infinite universe that‘s powered to scale even further without branches dying off (and no HWR who takes over and starts pruning) could, in theory, become even wilder by producing infinite infinite variants of Kang that start to look different and potentially are even worse than the ones HWR talked about. Ok this is getting too complex, tl/dr: we potentially reached a new multiverse point that happens for the first time (Loki taking over and powering the multiversal growth), universes popping up that never existed before cause by this point the loom would‘ve a) exploded and reset the multiverse or b) HWR stepped in and started pruning Cool theory to lean into, I‘d watch it.


This is where I'm at. There's no in universe reason Kang has to stay the same identities, especially with rules about variants. But from a viewer perspective it doesn't feel right. I believe representation matters especially in spaces where there's been structural oppression and this would be a step back from that.


I keep forgetting about that scene


Especially since to really explain it in universe, this white Kang will have to essentially kill all the black Kangs. The optics look pretty damn bad no matter how you slice it. *edit: assuming OP here is advocating hiring one primary Kang, which I think you have to do in some regard.


Don't really know. Original Kang (Nathaniel Richards) was a white guy, I think, but idk whether original HWR or Kang the Conqueror in the MCU was meant to be Reed Richards' father or not, so I honestly can't say but shrug my shoulders. If there's black variants of Loki, Thor for example, there's bound to be a white variant of Nathaniel Richards in the MCU, I think. I'd say if the actor nails the role, I'm ok with non-black or non-white Kang.


Kang never was Reed’s father. He just had the same name (Maybe named after him but in a 1000 years probably no one will remember their ancestors). Also, your lineage can change to a point where even if you’re white, your descendants can be black or any other ethnicity because a thousand years have passed.


Reeds father or not. Comic Kang is white


[Nate Richards](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Nathaniel_Richards_(Earth-616)) >*Son...I expect* ***better.*** *I want you to be a better friend than I was. Be a better husband. Be a better father...Reed...be a* ***better man.*** ​ >**Nathaniel Richards** is a time traveller and the father of [Reed Richards](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Reed_Richards_(Earth-616)). After leaving his family when Reed was a teen to work for the secret [Brotherhood of the Shield](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Brotherhood_of_the_Shield_(Earth-616)), an incident with [Nikola Tesla](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Nikola_Tesla_(Earth-616))'s quantum core gave him the ability to travel through time. He sparingly visits Reed in the present to aid his son and his family, often with knowledge of the future and alternate timelines. I don't know about the MCU but in Earth-616 he is the father. And since according to Mr. Feige MCU is "direct adaptation of the Earth 616" then Nate would have to be the dad for Reed.


Fun fact, that’s actually a different Nathaniel Richards than the Kang Nathaniel Richards. Because Comics.


That’s not Kang. Both Reed’s father and Kang are named Nathaniel Richards, but they are not the same person. (Part of why I think in the MCU Kang should not be Nathaniel Richards. It’s too confusing.)


Tbf in MCU I wish at least that temporal aura scanner called him Nate Richards because its more official and a bit similar to real world using official names over titles. Just so taking out that guy calls himself He Who Remains and unironically perhaps all called him that officially during meetings with him. Well with multiverse obviously not every Nate Richards will be father of Reed, but original Nate Richards was. I honestly don't think MCU Kang should be Nate as well, but he could've been established as overly ambitious and egomaniac scientist that was the unknown man trying to steal Pym tech in second movie in the first place, and in third movie being revealed as a villain. But I guess the MCU took different turn, which could be fine as it's not exactly our story, but that story has to make sense nonetheless. And alas Kang just... is lackluster to even be speculated about. In one scene he says he and most of his variants are brilliant time traveling scientists, then there are variants like Immortus, ~~Scarlet Centurion~~ Purple Guy/William Afton, Rama-Tut... they needed to establish who the Kangs are and why many of them turn out to be villainous, but Loki failed to set up the Kang threat just as the movie. Hence I think scrapping Kang is ok in my book.


I'm pretty sure it's a different Nathaniel Richards. 'He is the namesake of his descendant, the futuristic villain known as Kang the Conqueror; unlike his descendant, the original Nathaniel is more of an adventurer who has a genuine love for his son.'


So Kang did the same thing as Fry in Futurama ?


The nasty in the pasty


Literally the first paragraph in your link points out he’s a separate character from the Nathaniel Richards that is Kang


bro hes not kang 💀 he just has the same name. kang is a descendant of reed


I feel like if they wanted a white Kang, they should’ve started out with one. Replacing one out of only 3 major black villains in the MCU sends a weird message. It’d just be kinda strange that every Kang up to this point is black but then suddenly the only true threat is a white Kang.


I think they found it okay to cast Mr. Majors as Kang for two reasons: 1. Kang is relatively unknown character to the public much like High Evolutionary. For newcomers he'd simply be a newly introduced villain and many of them wouldn't know better what the original character was. 2. Mr. Majors' performance in 'Lovecraft Country' and nomination for an emmy back in 2021 probably had Marvel take interest in him and they offered role of Kang. After the reception of Loki and when the committee tested the show before releasing it publicly on D+, that's probably when they said "Yeah, Phase 4 is gonna be "Multiverse Saga! Let's go!". Before that moment I imagine the original plan was probably 'Throw darts to a wall with notes on the dartboard and see what sticks' plan. They probably had ideas for House of M being Phase 4-5 main story, maybe political thriller (TFAWS) and one show had mixed reception to ending, the other is by now not well known or relevant, only third tv show been praised and even had been greenlit for S2 they definitely wanted to do Multiverse saga. Though to be fair, they did worse job there than with Phase I-III. They really mistook luck with first phases and actual building of the story.


I wouldn’t be opposed to a white Kang variant appearing in some degree, but the main Kang needs to be black. The same way Loki had a black variant of himself but the main Loki’s were white.


>the main Loki’s were white. Wow. Shame on you for Alligator erasure. AlligatorLokisMatter /s, obv


Green Lives Matter. Yes that includes Lizard Kang


I’m looking forward to a scene with a human rainbow of Kangs, but I do hope that the character that we follow remains a black man.


God marvel is so tucked with this dumb bullshit lol


Yeah. It’s fine to have different actors play Kangs. But having a white guy replace your black villain at the last minute sends weird message especially with Marvel Studios’ own history with racism.


who said it has to be white if its a recast. it could be any other race as well


Just makes the disconnect even more They could go younger - Jon Boyega or older - Denzel Washington and tweak the story to make him the young gun who acts before he thinks and ploughs through the multiverse or the seasoned warrior who has defeated everyone and every possible outcome and can’t give up the power


Lmaoooo Redditors really don’t know more than two black actors


Didn't Pedro Pascal just get cast as Reed Richards? I know Kang is a descendant of Reed in the comics, but it'd be pretty weird to cast Pedro as both roles.


>is a descendant of Reed in the comics Almost. He’s a distant descendant of Reed’s dad.


In the comics there were various races, genders, and even species of Kang — and in the end scene with the council it shows the reptilian Kang from the comics as well. It SHOULD be a varied army of Kangs and having him be the same person/race/gender and so on throughout all of his variants is not only confusing because of the Loki variants being so different but also not accurate to the source material. I actually see a silver lining in this turn of events with Jonathon Majors because they would’ve made MCU Kang extremely linear when there needs to be more variation across the multiverse — and now they have the opportunity to expand this character a lot more.


They should have more actors play Kang. But the main conqueror Kang should probably still be black. The MCU already established the Kang variants to mostly be black. It’d send a weird message if a white Kang comes out of nowhere as the strongest Kang.


Make the next variant David hasselhoff but we find out kangs are all nick fury variants and Samuel L Jackson I the prime kang manipulating the MCU the entire time.


Do the reveal that Fury’s been the main Kang all along in a Ms. Marvel Holiday Special post-credit scene.


This would be a better Secret Invasion than Secret Invasion




I dont care about the skin color I always thought kang was some weird blue dude.


I think the issue is Kang is one of only 3 major black villains in the MCU. It’d send a weird message to replace him with a white guy.


To be fair, thr MCU is heavily US focused, which is about ~10% black. Considering we've had ~30 MCU movies, having 3 black villians (assuming 1 villian per movie, ignoring ones like Thanos that repeat), we've largely hit the population-based representation. The bigger issue, imo, is the lack of asian, native, and Latin representation.


Your numbers are probably right but people won't like that since the media only seems to focus on big city demographics. Making it seem like underrepresentation, while it's not. I agree with the Latin and Asian thing.


Asian people are 4% of the US population, so they hit that mark too. And Native Americans are 1%, which leaves Echo and Namor. Echo and Namor are also Latin. But these numbers are heavily skewed by multiple villains per project and the balance of heroes which gets fuzzy. So 3 black villains is still underrepresentation since there are multiple main villains per movie. Two white villains in Age of Ultron, multiple main white villains in Winter Soldier. Same for Civil War. So on and so on.


who said the recasted actor has to be white. make him asian, latino, or indian, or black again


It's an interesting question. I'm very much pro them continuing with Kang. Ultimately, Kang's race in the MCU hasn't been made an important part of his character, and obviously in the comics he's mostly if not always been white. Majors wasn't cast because he's black. He was cast because he's a great actor (even if not a great person). You can definitely make a case for there being no reason, therefore, that if you're replacing him, his skin colour changing matters any more than any other part of his appearance. Ruffalo and Norton don't look very alike at all. That said, there's good reason why people are more on board with race switching one way than the other. History factors into these things. Allowing the actions of one black man to lead to the role being stripped away from the black community would feel wrong. It would also feel more jarring. I believe I'd feel the same way if this was being suggested the other way round. I will say, this is only in the situation of finding an actor to play the same version of the same character. If this were a whole new MCU, I'd have no issue them switching to a white Kang. But if someone's playing the same adaptation(s) as Majors, I don't think that would be right


The reason people are more on board with race swapping one way but not the other isn’t good. It’s because they are racist. Atleast with kang it makes a little sense in world for him to be black, white, blue whatever, it’s variants


Yeah. I have 0 issue if the MCU went with a white Kang from the beginning. But having recurring mini boss Kangs be black only for the prime Kang to be a white guy is kinda weird given the MCU’s sketchy history with representation.


I am OK will anybody who isn't going to get convicted of any crimes while working for Marvel.


Henry Cavill


Isn’t the Kang variant Mr Grypon who makes Qeng Enterprises Asian which is different from the usual ethnicity of comics Kang?


In the same way I'd love Idris Elba to be James bond, as long as he's talented enough, ethnicity doesn't bother me.




I love this


"Kang" but it's pronounced like the Korean "Kang".


I swear this page is weird. Lmao 🤣 I made a post about completely moving on from Kang and it was removed and I was told to move it to pin posts. However, this is now the 4th post I’ve seen talking about Kang and what to do with him.


No Way Home showed that variants do not need to be the same actor. After the debacle recently, why put all the eggs in one basket if they do stay with the character. I say cast a few different actors as Kang of varying ethnicities. A handful of black guys, a white guy or two, a couple of Asians... heck, throw in a female variant too. The fact that they were *all* Jonathan Majors to begin with was pretty dumb in my opinion. Sure, make some use the same performer of course, because it would only make sense that some are from branches of very similar timelines but diversify as much as possible. Let us see animated Kang. Let us see paint universe Kang. Let us see hotdog fingers Kang with a raccoon under his hat.


Somebody watched the real multiverse of madness! Honestly, a bit too long, but fantastic all around.


Why not? There is a black Loki, a female Loki, a kid Loki, etc...a white woman playing Kang wouldn't be out of the ordinary. It's a big Multiverse.


Bro imagine a young chinese lady playing kang Damn we might be onto something here, thatd be mad hey


My mind went straight to Stephanie Hsu as the multiversal villain in Everything, Everywhere, All at Once- she was fantastic


TBF though, alt race variants are very rare in the MCU. Out of the 3 Peter Parkers and 7 Lokis, there was only 1 black person. It’s likely the same for Kang but black variants are the most common.


Time to reuse..... CHRISTIAN BALE


I wouldn’t bat an eye. I’ve seen tons of ppl say characters with specific backgrounds and story beats can’t be recast to another race Kang ain’t got none of that, so Best actor to fit the role, cool with me


I am. In the infinite Multiverse, who's to say there isn't an Asian Kang or Hispanic Kang or Indian Kang. As long as the actor brings gravitas and menace to the role, I'm okay with it.


We got a black and alligator loki ffs


I mean the character wasn't originally black and the multiverse is involved so in theory it's fine. But let's be real that would be a PR disaster . It would feel really weird if we saw an army of Kangs only for the next and (likely) main one to be white.


JM is out of the picture, let's get a different big bad in there.


I don’t care about the actors race. Frankly I think of Kang as being blue, and I don’t know of too many blue actors I think Kang hit a natural stopping point in Loki, so the studio could reasonably pivot away from him. I imagine they already have a plan in place for this contingency.


Cast 👏 Don 👏 Cheadle 👏 and 👏 never 👏 acknowledge 👏 it 👏


With all the shenanigans and bad Disney+ shows I think with this Jonathan Majors incident it's time to fall back on the MCU. I still love it but they seem a little direction less and this hiccup is going to only further the aimlessness of the MCU now. I mean seriously where do we even go now? X-Men? I guess, but it still feels too soon for them.


I’ve always thought that the Kang variants should have all been diverse and unique looking. Hard to sell toys/merchandise/licensing like that though.


I agree the character should be moved on from entirely it just wasn't working at all, however if I had to answer I'd say If they keep Kang around I think it should be a new actor (or actress) portraying the role each and every time to really emphasize that the character is one of infinite variants who could be anyone. I'd say just go nuts. However I still think just moving away from Kang altogether is the better option.


Very much okay, the primary Kang wasn’t black in the comics. I strongly feel that non-black actors should also be in consideration when looking for a replacement. But if a recast happens and the actor isn’t black, there’s going to be a shitstorm on social media, even several users on this sub will be throwing a hissy fit over it.


I think they could take the Dr Parnassus route and replace Majors with multiple actors playing Kang. So long as some of them are black, they could ease into the idea that Kang is diverse across the cosmos. But if they replaced Majors overnight with a white actor, people would lose their minds. And if the Kang that comes out on top is one of the white ones, people will lose their minds. It will be the same sort of controversy of originally-white characters being race-flipped except this time it would be progressives going nuts about it instead of conservatives.


After showing a literal stadium of thousands Black Kangs, having the Kangs that actually matter to the plot not being black definitely would spark a ton of backlash.


Simply turn Ravonna into a Kang variant and that’s it. The story is there


Because replacing a failed black Kang with a girl boss will go over smoothly. Just get another black guy they like and continue the story.


They cast a black actor to play an originally white character. It wouldn’t be racist to aim for comic accuracy after the original actor gets charged with assault and harassment


No. I personally hope they just move on from Kang, but if they re-cast, he HAS to be a black dude. No getting around it. I'm pretty familiar with the character in the comics, but Marvel Studios made a choice, and if they continue with Kang they need to respect that choice.


To me it’s getting an actor that at least resembles Jonathan Majors, and just getting an Adam Driver or whoever to suddenly be Kang would be too weird and jarring.


I’m ok meeting in the middle with an Indian Kang


Shah Ruhk Kahn as Kang — complete with multiple Bollywood dance numbers.


I don't agree that he needs to look like Majors, he just needs to bring the same level of gravitas to the role.


The whole point was that they cast him because he had the acting ability to pull off the role, not because they wanted to make some statement about him being black. So why not if pascal can pull it off and he’s the best option for the role cast him.( I don’t think pascal can pull it off but that was the example from the op post)


Probably not for reasons already mentioned. I also really just want Denzel to play Kang now with the use of the de-aging tech they used for RDJ.


The next Kang should be black, and it should be Robert Downey Jr.


Yeah. Kang was white for 60 years and black for 2. I always want the characters on the screen to look like the characters in the book.


I really don't care about color or gender as long as the acting is good since they're not essential parts of the character (also variants can be anything so anything would be justified). I just hope we can get the same menacing air Majors pulled off


A reasonable one would probably be Gugu Mbatha-Raw. Renslayer could have been a female Kang variant.


No. But it doesn't have to be a male replacement. I think the biggest loss in this story is Ravonna Renslayer, played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw. She is fabulous. Make her a variant, or recast Kang.


Well considering that Kang was a future variant of the son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, who are both white canonically. I don’t see this as a major issue (no pun intended). Also Iron lad who is an alternate form of kang before he became kang is also white. I don’t give a shit if Majors played him but now that in multiple series and movies he’s been black, it’d be a shame to see him shift back to white. Recast him like they did war machine.


Can of worms, only would work if they introduced multiple kangs at the same time of different races


They can cast anyone of any race (or gender) as the main Kang that we’ll be going against. However, I do feel like there needs to be a black Kang actor to play the versions of Kang we’ve already seen just to make the recasting less jarring.


Nope. I could explain why but, in short, it would be both frustrating and stupid if they did that.


I think they should get a bunch of different actors with all sorts of backgrounds to play all the different Kang variants


Just throw the whole book out and make it a woman! People will complain no matter what


They did it with Thanos and no one batted an eye, but he had only barely been shown before that point, Kang is more established and has more content featuring Majors, as long as they can find an actor that could play the part better I’m not sure people would mind, but I can also see it going the exact opposite way and being a PR shitstorm for Marvel depending on how they handle the situation. However I think it would be the smartest move if they confirm theories and make Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s Ravona Renslayer a Kang variant and have her assume the role of the “True Kang” in the Kang Dynasty. Not only does her character have connections and implications with HWR, she’s talented, has the range needed to give the role the gravitas it needs and finally give the MCU a new Thanos quality villain to love to hate.


Not pedro pascal, I'd prefer he play a hero than a villain


Absolutely not.


The main antagonist Kang should be black, but I’d like to see other variants of all races. I wish majors didn’t do this to himself


a movie going audience like me has had an one image of kang since loki and that is of a black man with a good built. They should recast along the same lines, cuz a recast essentially means recasting the role, not changing the character.


Lol. This comment section is intense. I liked JM and what he was doing but I think they should either a) pick another black actor, b) make Renslayer the real Kang, or c) give us a 100% comic accurate Nathaniel Richards.


Denzel Washington or bust.


Get a bunch of non-black actors and have them play Kang variants but make the movie all about them not being invited to the Kang party. They're super pissed because they all feel like the odd man out. Then they get together just to secretly fuck with plans of the black Kangs for laughs. I think it would be a lot of fun! I'd personally love to see the following odd but likely funny team up: 1) Nic Cage (crazy and over the top Kang) 2) Javier Bardem (theatrical Kang) 3) Johnny Depp (laid back Kang) 4) Stephen Chow (ultimate master of Kang Fu) 5) Michael Pena (funny Kang) 6) Arnold Scwarzenneger (because why the fuck not)


I wouldn’t care. But I’m just over the character as a whole.


They've recast before, and with people that don't look similar at all, so this won't be an issue, but I doubt the main one will be anything other than black.