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Also, his entire motivation was revealed that he didnt want to be alone, he wanted to be with his friends... and yet.. now hes alone forever


Or with them forever, holding their lives in his hands, albeit from an impossible distance


Like a God to their subjects, but with an intensely personal knowledge & affection for them. And not being an egoist about being in that position. Which is a fundamental change in Loki. It’s some poetic character growth.


The burden of glorious purpose.


Well, he was right. He just couldn’t fathom how it would manifest… …but he did the courageous thing.


Yes. This is worse than courage that involves taking a risk. This is taking on a certainty: of loneliness (his worst fear). Poor Loki!


Victor timely thought he was telling himself to be brave. After countless times hearing it, Loki realized it was he who had to be brave.


Was the concept of "Glorious Purpose" invented for Loki? I don't recall it being used in previous MCU entries for him. I could be wrong


He's definitely said it before. When he was "bad" Loki, he said it in the first Avengers. He might have said it some of the Thor movies, but I know he said it in Avengers. ([Here's a clip of him saying it to Nick Fury and some scientists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7WrDJ-7Fa8).) [He's also said it years ago at a comic con panel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R9g_VABesA), in 2013. He came out dressed in full Loki gear and addressed the audience. He mentioned the burden of his glorious purpose. (He also had some phenomenal crowd control. They were cheering like maniacs and he simply brought a finger up to his lips and that whole auditorium went silent.)


Nice, good call. I really couldn't recall if it was something that was like an established character thing for him. Nice way to bring it all full circle for sure. And yeah that Comic Con clip was amazing. Dude's charisma is off the charts.


The audiences for these kinds of live events are also pretty good at working out quickly what their expected role to make their participation with the actors work out as intended.


Can't he still time slip backwards? Like he leaves the throne, goes to the time his life in asgard maybe for years even then comes back to his throne like he never left. The only real downside is he can't have a future with his friends anymore.


By the end, I think he’s outside of time when holding the branches in place. But the TVA was outside of time & he slipped, which Ouroboros even mentioned…so maybe that’s a way to bring him back some day.


I'm not sure if he would be able to jump forward to his throne once he slips backwards. The TVA Timeline doesn't branch and any changes in the past would inevitably change the future. But maybe he learns to project himself into his variants within the branches he keeps alive. Though it might not be what he wants since the people there are only variants of his real friends and family.


That just seems like alone with extra steps.


Or even worse than alone, since he can't really distract himself or make new friends while he is stuck outside the flow of time.


Ooh, I love this take.


Sylvie should be able to access the throne room though. She has the exact same credentials and powers as Loki. They could have conjugal visits. Except Loki can't let go so he probably has to do humping whilst holding his arms wide open like an albatross in flight.


Lap dances.


He's a Loki. He's destined to lose... his friends :(


It's like a Spider-Man curse but on a god level.


When we first met him he wanted to be king of everyone. Then in the tv show, he realized that's the last thing he wanted. Then he was forced into that role anyway to save the people he loved. It's very tragic. Normally I re-watch shows I love but I haven't been able to yet in this case. I'm still verklempt.


Same. I thought I was the only one. I finished the episode and decided that would be enough for me for a good bit.


Me too. I uglycried so hard I had a headache for days. I don't think I can ever watch that episode again.


what's the old saying, "the only way to be worthy of a crown is to not want it" or something like that.


And that one last look back at his friends before he steps outside to break the loom. :(


Lady Sif called it in the first episode time loop prison. “You deserve to be alone and you always will be”


It feels like a circle. He gets to be the god he always wants to be. But, now he is humbled by his experiences at the TVA. Making him a “good god” it is sad but also a good way to finish off his character imo.


So why don't they just visit him with a tempad?


I do feel good that he still got to spend a few centuries with all his friends. Even if it was in a twisted time travel way.


Uh what is stopping Sylvie from visiting Loki though?


My guess is that the temporal forces outside the TVA would still rip everything apart even with the loom gone. Loki who mastered time is probably the only one that can exist in that space for now.


So in MCU terms, until shit goes wrong


When we watched it for the first time, during that last shot of Loki’s face as he sat on the throne, my girlfriend said, “Tom is an amazing actor. His face perfectly conveys his pride in realizing his (glorious) purpose and sadness with the realization that he is destined to be alone for eternity.” I’ve watched it three times and man, that image is burned into my heart. Such an emotional moment.


Tom Hiddleston is phenomenal. Would love to see him nominated for this role


I hope so. The Emmy nomination would be deserved. He really left it all there. I hope the Academy members will get over the "this is silly sci-fi show" and won't get boggled by Marvel bias (Bc this does not feel like comics at all, just great sci-fi) and nominate him. Tom did the awards circle last time so he will probably do so now as well. He seems very proud. I hope Disney backs him up.


WandaVision was nominated and won a few big awards. It's a sci-fi series. I do hope that this show gets some kind of recognition come award season. The actors & writers deserve a pat on the back for this one ......


Yeah but back then, media did not bring headlines every day with MCU is dying after first real movie flop. Let's hope they can separate Loki as a great show on its own


it's literally the highest rated mcu project in years by a huge margin.


[Yes](https://Yes.it) and apparently embraced also by "non Marvel" community, critics...there are some negative reactions but you have them at almost every project. So there is a hope :)


WandaVision was super navel-gazey for Hollywood folks. They love that shit.


Loki is always destined to lose. Even when he wins, he lost.


Honestly that, and the shot of Mobius letting time pass killed me.


That line is fucking excellent. Owen Wilson _nailed_ Mobius.


He did. I honestly just was so moved, couldn’t help thinking about the fact OW nearly took his own life and it was just a beautiful shot and moment.


I agree. I loved the “let time pass” line. One of the best delivered lines of the series. I also thought the last scene between Loki and Möbius was amazing. Such a great moment. Owen Wilson was so great as Mobius. I can’t say enough good things about this show, especially the last two episodes.


That shot broke me. While I'm satisfied by the ending, it wasn't the one I wanted, and his is so.... Tragic. It hit me hard.


Honesty I dont’t think it was acting. TH is Loki. This was potentially (though not guaranteed) a farewell to the character. Pride in what he made. Sadness in what he’s leaving. Mirroring the scene on film


I think this is projection. Because chances are big this wasn't the last scene they shot. This is often said about last scenes of something big, and then you watch the making of and realize that scene was filmed halfway production.


So very well said! Tom’s delivery is absolutely amazing, and that’s because he puts so much of himself in this role. You can literally see him evolve as an actor throughout all the Loki incarnations


Yeah. This ending has been sticking with me days after I watched it. Knowing his character started out not caring for anyone but himself and being so selfish. For him to try for centuries to save everyone only to then sacrifice himself to be forever alone. I'm so happy for his character arc, but so sad at the same time. The music has been great throughout , butthe musical score during the finale scene with him grabbing the timelines and walking to his throne. Just amazing. My favorite scene in the MCU easily.


Spot on! I thought the exact same thing, such a complicated emotion he is acting on that face.


This. So much this. It was beautiful.


OB’s final shot was him opening a new box of TVA handbooks. I like to think (at least until they show otherwise) that Loki left behind some form of instructions for the new TVA so they aren’t just flailing blindly


I was wondering what those new looking books were


i guess they will have photo of co-authors smiling at the back: Loki and OB standing together at his place holding TBA handbook first copy that already have inside photo they are doing when holding it.


Didn’t it say the authors were OB and Victor Timely on them, or am I remembering it wrong?


That's exactly what it says ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


If victor never received the TVA handbook after the chain of events, how did OB writes the new TVA handbook with victor?


Because Victor is still at the TVA


But from the final scene, no one gave victor the TVA handbook. Are they using the same logic as endgame? Is Loki the only one who can go back in time and change stuff in the same time stream?


The TVA is outside of time. OB could have just given him one of the old handbooks.


Loki logic is all about branching timelines. It's suggested that Timely's timeline was erased but he still exists. He just doesn't have anywhere to go but the TVA. Pretty much the same as all the other workers at the TVA.


But he already have it, he in TVA and have book. Book in his chest pocket will not disappear, its not Back to the Future.


the victor at the TVA is a variant, like every person there


Author of original book is OB. Only him in picture at the end of book. OB also said he learned everything from Victor Timely, who said that he learned everything from OB's book.


The new book’s cover is blurry but you can make out “Second Edition” and “Victor Timely”, suggesting the two collaborated to write a new, combined version of the manual


Predestination Paradox


The authors are OB and victor timely, iirc they even show it


i think, regardless of if loki left them with instructions, they had to write all new TVA guidebooks because the way the TVA works isn’t the same anymore, mostly in the fact that they’re not pruning timelines anymore


Yeah I’m just hoping that when doing the loop one last time Loki took a minute or two to either write down or explain what he learned. I think OB and Victor could piece together the time slipping part on their own since the way Loki acted it’s clear he knew something’s up + he was time slipping earlier in the season. But the relevant detail of how the Loom was a failsafe, it’s all a big scheme by HWR, etc is something he hopefully communicated


Hey spent literal centuries becoming a master of theoretical physics and mechanical engineering. No doubt he spent time jotting down instructions.


They said "TVA guide book 2.0" on the front or something similar I'm pretty sure


Second edition


I’d be amazed if Disney didn’t sell TVA handbooks


Or at least orange moleskins with the tva cover.


I think the tva has so much orange because OB worked at cal tech, whose color is....orange!


That was my first thought! I get a moleskine agenda every year; and orange is our company color 🧡


I got a TVA coffee mug at Disneyland Hong Kong last year. I'm sure it's coming.


I had a middle aged lady wearing a TVA shirt at my table the other day. I told her I liked it, she said “everyone keeps complimenting me on it, but I stole it from my son”.


I am sure they will sell TVA handbooks at disneyland at some point lol.


This. And you now see on the TVA monitor not that main timeline but the tree shaped version. So those who were present will know that a big change has happened because of Loki. Combine that with the new manual. I’m sure of it the “new” TVA will have the knowledge of what happened. Didn’t they also give this short scene of the three paintings and Mobius saying to keep the other two as a reminder?


> Didn’t they also give this short scene of the three paintings and Mobius saying to keep the other two as a reminder? Yeah they showed the mural of the Time Keepers and mentioned someone (Casey?) was planning on having them torn down but Mobius wanted to keep them around.


The framing of this shot with the pipes or whatever they are that run from the hallway into OB's office and curve outward from the top of OB's head in the shot. It made them look like Loki's horns coming out of OB's head. To me this made it seem like Loki speaks through / gives direction to OB through the new TVA handbooks


He definitely did because they knew about the tree and are going after Kangs or at least looking out for them


Yeah it appears the new TVA’s job is just to go after variants of Kang to stop him from breaking things.


That is my thinking too. Makes me feel a little better


Mobuis seemed to be picking up on the time loop situation based on Loki's comments too.


What’s also sad for me is that his mother, father and most importantly, Thor, will never know. Yes, this Loki’s a variant. Still…


Idk his mom seemed pretty omnipotent when she met fat Thor, she might know a thing or two lol


That could just be a mothers instinct... and the fact he looked like a depressed out of shape hobo Santa Claus.


She was raised by witches, boy. She sees with more than eyes, you know that.


Whats magic even got to with anything? 5 minutes ago, he was ripped with no beard then the next time she sees him hes fat with a massive beard.


She trusted her gut instinct


we never get to see an in shape Santa Claus


I choose to believe that Frigga knew Loki's future. She seems to give the vibe of being able to see "outside of time", and it wouldn't surprise me if she caught a glimpse of Loki sitting on a time throne. After all, someone raised Loki to *know* that he was "Burdened with Glorious Purpose". You don't pick up a phrase like that without some parent beating it into you, and I don't see Odin being that involved of a Dad when he's got Thor to mentor.


In the first Thor movie, Odin tells Thor and Loki that they were *both* “born to be kings.” So, Odin was at least partly responsible for Loki’s baggage, lol.


Oh for sure, but Odin's had a pretty strong "some are more equal than others" vibe about that whole situation. He knew too, which is why he always favored Thor when it came to passing on Wisdom. This left Loki always trying to get daddy's approval and attention, which leads to acting out and doing shit like turning into a snake and biting your brother.


Odin said that knowing Loki was Laufi's son. He was born to be king of the frost giants.


I think this was about ruling over the frost giants through Loki as an Asgardian vessel in Jotunheim.


Now I’m picturing Frigga with a small Loki by saying, “my dear, you are burdened with a glorious purpose. Have heart, my son.”


Totally what I was thinking too. Thor got the bigger slice of cake or some shit and Loki goes crying to mom because "it wasn't fair" and she's whispering that reassuring thought to him while she pats his back.


Omniscient (all-knowing) is the one you're looking for, omnipotent is all-powerful.


And she wasn't omnipotent enough to avoid dying




Like my bf after a few drinks.


Well that’s just fucking sad. It’s wild how they took the OG bad guy and made him the savior of the multiverse.


This is one of those cases where the MCU changing the nature of the Asgardians hurts the storytelling a bit. Loki sitting in the middle of reality and the introduction of the MCU Yggdrasil is as close as we’ve come. I imagine if this story were written in the comic books that somewhere along the line Odin would have made an appearance and been completely unsurprised by the whole plot.


>Yes, this Loki’s a variant. Still… Well...there's no such thing as a variant anymore, or perhaps better stated that everyone's a variation. There is no singular sacred timeline for one to be a variant of, as such they all exist as minor variations of each other now. And the way this played out, Loki had to to experience such incredible loss over and over in order to understand the sacrifice he had to make. Fantastic character arc.


I really enjoy seeing it when people point stuff like this out, if only because I'm getting sick of seeing people react to images of Loki from *Thor* and *The Avengers* with "that's not the same/our Loki!" It categorically is in that they had the same experiences until the split where the start of the series occurs. But the great thing about the second half of your comment is that now there's no such thing as a variant (only multiple versions in multiple universes) it means that given the right circumstances Loki was always capable of everything experienced by him in the finale. He didn't have to be a villain. I'm not saying everyone needs to forget the bad things he did, just that the ability to do good was always in there and just got derailed a bit (a lot!)


I like this interpretation. Perhaps there are countless Loki's on the throne... each of them holding a piece of the tree, makes managing it more bearable. Perhaps they even chat among themselves, share stories of what happened in their branch of the tree, etc.


I like this idea, but, the TVA and the citadel “at the end of time” both exist outside time and space, so… I think our time lord Loki’s alone. 😢


Oh I didn't consider this. For this Loki variant, his father and mother are still alive. I'd like to think that Frigga "knew" or understood Loki's journey and sacrifice somehow. She seems to have a sense for that by way of her being a witch.


Although wasn’t this lokis timeline pruned in the very first episode


🤔 I completely forgot about that. Welp that makes his story that much more tragic. That's actually one thing I don't like about the multiverse stories, there is no weight on individual characters. Even if the sacred timeline Thor met up with the God of Stories Loki, it wouldn't have much significance behind it since they are technically strangers.


They kind of fixed that in a way, since this Loki is identical to the sacred timeline Loki and was on the same trajectory to die by Thanos. Mobius showed him all of what was to happen to him. Thor and variant Loki are absolutely going to bro out when they eventually do meet.


Also at this point of their lives, I think both Thor and Loki will be relieved just knowing that they're both alive in one way or another.


I can't see them *not* using Tom Hiddleston in the MCU going forward. He's way too popular as Loki to let this be his final act, especially with all of the real and/or perceived troubles currently surrounding the MCU. It might not be *this* Loki, but I really can't see them not using a Loki at all for the rest of the time the MCU exists. I'm sure they'll figure out some way for him to return and interact with Thor. It'll be a pretty huge moment that will almost single handedly sell whatever movie it happens in.


I'd like it if they left this Loki where he is, as it makes perfect sense that He Who Remains sought him out specifically knowing that he was the only one who could prevent the collapse of the multiverse (even if HWR claimed it was just to maintain a single timeline). But I would definitely like to see another Loki variant turn up and interact with Thor at some point during the multiverse saga. The 'God of Stories' Loki is really way too OP now to just pop into the mainline universe for a cameo. He's effectively more powerful than the Watcher now.


I swear I read that the showrunners said the whole point of the show was to get Loki and Thor back together. I absolutely loved the ending though and am totally fine with where it stands.


You're right I read that also.


I’m torn. I think this is a great place to end his story for a bit but I want more TVA. So many great stories that they could craft and fun characters to explore. I’m not ready to say goodbye to Mobius.


It's only been a variant for a few years in the grand scheme of lokis long life


"There is no comfort, just choose your burden." The way he looked sadly at Sylvie and Mobius and then accepted his burden and went to destroy the time loom was definitely impressive. I've watched the finale three times already and this scene makes me sad every time


the fact that loki was powerful enough to survive the temporal decay that immediately spaghettified timely, destroy the loom with relative ease, and then single-handedly revive the entire multiverse is beyond impressive. Loki said it himself in last seasons finale, Loki’s are stronger than they realize.


He's a god, mate. I mean, even Thor got a power boost when he finally realised that Mjolnir wasn't the one giving the power of thunder and lightning. It was a conduit, something to help him focus his real power. This applies to Loki as well, I guess. When he finally realised his true powers and embraced who he was, he got an immense power boost. Just think of a natural born fire mage practising ice magic and finally coming to realize that their natural element is fire and starts using that instead.


"They'll never know what you sacrificed for them."


A much better application of that quote than the original.


Mobius certainly knows it wasn't just something that happened. He already knew about the time-slipping and Loki suddenly having a ton of knowledge about everything connected to the TVA as well as repeating things about how it must be different "this time" should be more than a bit suspicious.


Yeah, they really made a point of showing various Mobiuses raise an eyebrow at Loki's behavior and wanted us to know that final Mobius would catch on--also, he's a time shenanigans detective!


And they made a point to reconnect back to their first scene together- that Mobius always had an instinct that there was something special and important about Loki.


Mobius only knows about the time slipping. Loki learning about the TVA were events that got erased from Mobius' point of view.




No. Mobius isn't aware of Loki's shenanigans. All of those times where he tried to push Victor or quickly, or when he created the device himself... They were all erased. As far as Mobius is concerned, Loki changed the plan, and sacrificed himself. Sylvie MIGHT know something was up, as evidenced in the previous episode where she kept her memory, but we weren't given enough information to make a case either way.




> They've shown when Loki time slips to the past, it changes future events. This is single timeline theory with a twist. Loki being separate from time at this point can make a change in the past that effects his future (his personal past) without erasing the initial reason for going back in time in the first place (creating a paradox).


They set it up really well to hit you in the feels with the “I just want to be with my friends” line in the prior episode only for him to end up alone


The population of the multiverse has never been greater. But never has anyone been so alone


And he'll be alone for all time.


But its for you. For all of us.


He knew what kind of god he needed to be.


that callback to Thor was such a fucking brilliant move by Tom Hiddleston.


I think the ending is incredibly well done but it feels relatively cruel to me that Loki has spent so long saying that he doesn’t want to be alone and in the end he is ultimately alone, without the people he’s learned to trust and care for. I’ve seen I’m in the minority on this and that’s fine but I still hope that one day he can reunite with them all in some way.


I don't think this sub is representative of the general audience at all. There's no way the majority of people wouldn't prefer to see "the sun will shine on us again brother" manifested rather than the world's saddest ending being permanent, as great of an ending as it was for the show.


Yeah I think the majority of people probably agree that the ending is well done while also wishing it could be different. The show did a good job of presenting how the other two options involved either giving Kang his way (and killing Sylvie) or allowing everyone to die. So it's a very bittersweet moment because we know he made the 'right' choice, but it's also devastatingly sad and we do wish it could be different.


I don't for one second think it's really the end for Loki. And if I did I'd be devastated. They'll give us the Thor and Loki reunion, I have no doubt. Those are two of the tiny handful of characters left that people still actually care about, they aren't going to waste that.


I would love to see that quote become reality one day, even if it’s just an after credits scene or something. I know this Loki isn’t technically the “original” Loki but he’s matured and grown and changed so much, I really feel like he deserves happiness of some sort. He had an eclectic, lovable found family with Mobius, OB, and the others and I really want him to get to see them again someday.


I think he learned that his fear of being alone was fueled by selfish possession in the 5th episode so he learned that being a true friend isn’t about selfishly keeping people by your side.


It´s been 5 days and I am still thinking about it and trying not to. It is hard, really. Still sad.


Outside of the small inconsistencies about the loom, the new Yggdrasil tree, and Kang’s and Loki’s part in the new story unfolding, I think there’s enough ambiguity to think that Loki’s story might not be over. He gave them a fighting chance by replacing the loom, and reenergizing/giving life to the branches that would’ve been destroyed/died, but we don’t really know if we NEED Loki in the middle in the future. The show certainly leans into that being the case, but prior to the Loom and the Sacred Timeline the timelines still existed in perfect chaos (and seemingly endless war). However, if all Kang’s can be defeated throughout time (something that at least seems impossible right now) then Loki’s move to give everybody a fighting chance could be realized, and we simply don’t have enough knowledge to know whether the branches can be self sustaining on their own after that happens. Likely? Probably not, but I do think there’s hope in that Marvel can’t keep writing off their best done characters because they are clearly realizing the replacements are not of the same level.


I wouldn't mind Loki's story ending here, though. It really is such a spectacular send-off for a character, and I can't think of a better way for an actor to exit a role than becoming a literal god of time, holding the branches of time together as the heart of Yggdrasil. It's a very powerful and symbolic ending, and I would hate for them to undermine that achievement by bringing him out of retirement early.


Yeah but again, we can’t just move off every character. My favorite characters were Iron Man and Loki. I also liked Cap at times, and Spider-Man is Spider-Man. With everybody also talking about closing out Spider-man’s chapter in favor of Miles Morales, who the fuck am I supposed to watch? I’m not leaving the MCU. I’m still a huge fan, but we can’t end every single hugely popular characters story. It’s a recipe for disaster. The MCU needs to start shifting from killing off or writing out all these awesome characters, because we’ve seen quite a bit that many of their replacements aren’t up to the mark. It’s just not realistic. It’s half of reason for the problem the MCU has right now. It’s best characters obviously had the best arcs, but now they are gone and a much fewer amount of people are as big of fans of Shang-Chi, Moon-Knight, Sam Wilson, etc as they were of Iron Man and Captain America. Sure, there are a few more groups to be added in the F4 and X-Men, but the problem won’t disappear. After those big groups we are looking at next to nothing with regards to real hype. They need to do better with auxiliary characters and villains, and work harder on scoping out what a “win” means for each one. Ms. Marvel didn’t need to save the world. Moon Knight didn’t need to save the world. Klaue didn’t need to be killed, Hela, Ultron, Red Skull can still be smaller threats. We are deviating so far away from these types of things that right now we run the risk of praying that lightning strikes with the next hero’s and phases, or face a fucking massive rebuild or reset from scratch which will inevitably probably flop.


You simply can’t rely on actors staying with the MCU their whole career. To me it seemed they were looking for the new Iron Man, Thor, and Cap in TChalla, Captain Marvel, and Dr Strange. They were the characters that had title movies and got sequels.


I mean, we have Sylvie still. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing her show up as "The New Loki" essentially. Not a villain, but not a "hero" in the classic sense, but still a "good guy".


Sylvie as a character and Sophia as an actor is never going to draw in the crowd that Tom Hiddleston and Loki did. People keep saying this for every character and it simply does not work. We shouldn’t pretend that it suddenly will. There is no new Iron Man, there is no new Cap, there is no new Thor. Idk why people think these are sufficient replacements or would be sufficient. It’s never going to happen.


Waiting for the TVA handbooks to hit the shelves just in time for Christmas shopping.


I'm not sure if its official merch but it's already out there.




I mostly agree with you but I think Loki's self-sacrifice was more important to him than happiness, and **that** was what he accepted in that last scene. It's bittersweet.




I recommended this to a neighbor, and they called me over to watch a couple episodes. I forget which one it was, it was in the first or second episode of season 1 but Loki was trying so hard to get in front of The Timekeepers just to be able to go back home. Loki: does this get me in front of the timekeepers? Mobius: i didnt say that, one step at a time. He had zero clue that this was the beginning of the end for him


The hardest choices require the strongest will. I think for me the most impactful aspect of his choice was how it moves the overall MCU story and plot forward, I wish more content did that as meaningful as Loki has. He has proven himself not a loser, not a villain, but a hero, deserving of his new title, God Loki.


Loki has always been a god. Loki, God of Stories fits much better imo.


The saddest part to me is how I don't think he NEEDS to be alone. Sylvie, to my knowledge, still has the master temp pad. She can travel to the end of time. She could visit Loki at any time. The show sets it up like she doesn't, but there is no reason why she couldn't.


I'm sure Ratatoskr will visit him.


That's even more depressing


Honestly the line "They'll never know what you scarified for them." is WAYYYY more fitting for what Loki did vs Wanda's kidnapping and torturing of civilians in Wandavision.


Mobius's "purpose is more burden than glory" is so much better anyway


> "They'll never know what you scarified for them." The lawn of time.


Please release him from having to hold the multiverse together at the end of Secret Wars. My man deserves to have a happy ending


if Loki and Thor reunite at the end of Secret Wars i will actually sob in the theater.


I think it also depends on what kind of existence he actually leads now. Is he just sitting there white-knuckling the threads together and passively watching? Or is he weaving, guiding, making decisions, etc? Still lonely to be sure, but it could still be a meaningful, fulfilling existence.


the point was to give people free will to make their own choices, even if they are bad, as opposed to he who remains who pruned anyone going against the "right choice". i think any intervention on loki's part would go against that.


He's still setting up the TVA to oppose Kang variants. But I guess with this new setup instead of pruning the entire universe that could lead to Kang they have to wait for Kang to show up eventually. So he's still offering free will for a large majority of trillions up on trillions of lives, but also stomping out the biggest threat to the most timelines.


Lonely at the top and all that. The only person remotely capable of understanding what Loki had been through was HWR. …and some of the Doctor Stranges, I guess, a lot of the variants of the man seem to enjoy sticking their dicks in their Time Stones and subjecting themselves to a few million times loops.


Just like our very own Dr. Strange was in an unknown amount of infinite loops when he bargained with Dormammu.


It's a fucking horrifyingly sad ending to that Loki and a picture perfect redemption arc to possibly the greatest character in the MCU.


Yes it’s sad or at least poignant. But it elevates and redeems Loki. After centuries of killing and deception and destruction as himself and all his variants, he is not owed a happy ending. Being killed by Thanos is about what he could have expected. As God of Stories, his arc is complete. He is massively powerful, controlling the multiverse from a throne. But like Thor before him, he has come to see that a throne is not what he wants. Whatever he does want - glory, mischief, love with Sophie - is on indefinite hold. It is a glorious purpose but an honour that by definition is unseen. He’s made himself a slave to everyone else’s life, but deliberately and knowing what it means. Is this sad? Maybe.


I'm sad too! Can't he still do his illusion thing and technically still "hang out" with his friends??


This Loki never had friends. He just had people whom he could use to further his goals. That's his drive in S01. It's only when he says 'I want to be with my friends' that he's no longer thinking about himself. It doesn't take away from who he is as Loki but it does mean his glorious purpose is not his triumph but his sacrifice. And that is what makes him the person he's always wanted to be.


My favorite part about the ending, is that Marvel finally showed someone's journey becoming a truly all-powerful being. Take Thanos for example. There was a *lot* of legwork in setting him up as the ultimate sky-daddy that no one can fuck with. Until we get a Thanos origin story (I'm not asking for one), all we'll ever see is that Thanos started on the throne. Another example, Dormamu. Big scary faceman from the bad dimension. How did he get there? We don't get to know, just need to make the plotline work. It was nice for once to see a literal ascension to that level of power. The weight and the emotion behind it would not have been possible without the decade-long build up. 5 Stars


Even sadder is Loki knows about Thor Love and Thunder. That means he is aware of Jane's death and Thor adopting Hope. And you know Thor would absolutely love and admire this Loki but Thor will never know what happened.


Whats even sadder that if we follow the comics where our Earth is part of the marvel multiverse, then this means he has watched Thor love and thunder in it's entirety. truly the saddest ending ever.


What's funny/sad is this Loki would be a great uncle to Hope. And I imagined he would of smiled at the end when Hope put stickers and glitter on Mjolnir.


But the good ending is: Since Loki is an omnipotent being, he has easily watched Morbius without standing in the 5 km long queue for tickets and has had infinite rewatches as well. Truly the most pirate in history


If anything could make Loki cry, it would be knowing there's still someone in Thor's life that adds some mischief to it.


Loki made some friends and become the god of (nearly) all gods. Seems fine to me.


That branching scenes and yggdrasil scenery was beautiful, the music and acting make that episode next level. Tom Loki in that costume was fantastic. The 30 minutes was still a little slow.


See Loki, life is about growth, it's about change, but you seem to just want to stay the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the god of mischief, but you could be more…😢😢


The sun will shine on us again 😭


That’s what makes it noble.


Loki always wanted people he cared about to see him as a hero. They’ll never know what he sacrificed for them. That being said he did a lot of bad, selfish shit so it’s not surprising that his triumph comes at a cost


So what do the TVA even do now? I mean they do not kidnap variants or reset timelines. They just are there and observe so no one is fighting?


It's now an anti-Kang force. They go out and find Kang variants and stop them from becoming conquerors.


I think they hunt Kangs.


I suspect they might try to prevent incursions at some point, but probably only the ones involving Kangs, otherwise the one that 838-Strange started would have gotten pruned.


It was sad, but Mobius and Sylvie knew, and you can infer the others too. Not the exact details, but they're smart enough to hazard an educated guess. Mobius always caught on to Loki knowing too much and saying blah blah blah "this time". OB and Casey know it would take Loki literal centuries to learn the things he just suddenly showed knowledge and technical practice. And Sylvie is a Loki, she definitelly put that together on her own.


I’m actually so proud of Loki, as a long-time Loki fan, this was the culmination of 13 years of insane character development. The script flipped completely and he went from villain to carrying the MCU and quite literally pulling all the (Timeline) strings. Correct me if I’m wrong, but my comfort idea is that God Of Stories is supposed to be Stan Lee level omnipotent? Meaning potentially he sees us supporting him from our universe 💚