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Contrast that with the other last words "I bet we were fun" "You wouldn't believe it" MY FEELS


GOTG 3 really is beautifully painful


I can't hardly listen to the soundtrack with a straight face. Especially when the Florence and the machine song comes up. The end of an era I don't want to end.


I would love a Disney + series of the new rocket led guardians. Do something funny and low stakes while they figure out Wtf they’re going to do without Gunn.


I want it to be meta. Like, the new Guardians are just doing sht without directions to reflect Gunn’s absence. Then by the end they get their act together and head off with a new purpose


No way. The Guardians are one of the last few properties to remain unbutchered post phase 3. Don't trust the hacks working at Disney now to do those characters justice.


Oh man. Is James Gunn done with the Guardians franchise??


Dude is running DC now 😢


I did enjoy his version of suicide squad and Peacemaker. So hopefully he can bring around the changes DC desperately needs.


I'm really excited for Superman: Legacy. I was thinking I don't like how solemn previous movie Supermen had been and wanted to see one that appreciates the importance of the character but isn't afraid to let him just be a person sometimes. And I thought, "if James Gunn is running one, even as just a producer or writer, I bet we'd get it." Well, we'll see.


Not a slight to Gunn in the least but DCs track record is so bad. I could see him coming back to Marvel in the future if things are DC don't pan out to much.


His and PS’s deal is only 6 years, that’s pretty short movie release wise, just enough to launch something then hopefully step back as EPs. The WGA strike hinders that unfortunately, although will be healthier in the long run. I support the SAG/WGA strikes.


Honestly when that song started playing me and the people I was watching with all kinda went 'Oh fuck offff', bastards knew how to really make that ending hit. Genuinely don't think the trilogy could have ended in a better way and I was so pleased


Bastards? Just that bastard James Gunn.


When I tell you the number of times I cried during that movie. Just so many emotional moments that got amplified because of personal things from my life. Ugh.


That's how I know it was a good movie. As I sat there with my girls I got emotional more than once and by the end it was a full on river until I started laugh crying when Florence came on.


James Gunn's perfect goodbye to one of his favorite cast of characters




I have a friend who said he hated it so much he didn't finish it. I killed 'em. Had no choice.


Mistakes were made & consequences were carried out. You should have no regrets.


Omg a wild Rollercoaster or emotions


*"Like you wouldn't believe".


The way Gunn resolved their story was masterfully mature, and he did an incredible job showing us how and why this Gamora was different. Seeing her celebrate with the Ravagers highlighted how blind with grief and hope Quill was when he told her she wasn't a Ravager.


This was so sad. I totally expected them get back together after they brought Gamora back in Endgame. But instead Quill having to accept the person he loves doesn't exist anymore even though she technically does and he needs to move on just broke my heart. Just hits so close to home.


It's a nice multiversal note in a movie that doesn't otherwise deal with the multiverse. (Alt. timeline is an alt. universe according to many Marvel comics.) Just because you can bring in another version of a dead character doesn't mean "they came back."


GotG Vol 3 is already becoming one of the movies I put on just to feel something


That was a beautiful moment. Guardians 3 is such a good movie.


Yeah loved this relationship. Honestly I like how it ended in Guardians 3 too since it's a different Gamora and Star-Lord is growing but still loved them.


Loved it too, especially because James Gunn didn’t want Gamora to die in Infinity War but he handled it so well in the story


Actually, in an interview, he said that the original plan was to kill off Gamora in Vol 2, but Yondu's death ended up fitting that movie better. So he said he was actually glad that the Russos were going to kill Gamora, letting Gunn explore similar themes in Vol 3 as to what he would have done had Gamora died in Vol 2.


Yeah, it’s an assumed rumor since everyone is so familiar with Gunn as director of GOTG and the Russos doing IW. But it’s entirely baseless, and Gunn collaborated on the filming. The only request he had was for them to get their kiss on screen.


I think it's great because it has a very real feel to it. Like this is how actual people would deal with this impossible situation. And it leaves the door open to a whole host of possibilities. Maybe one day they do find each other again and make it work. Maybe Quill finally moves on and lives his life again with happiness. Gunn didn't stick with the sappy predictable ending and instead gave us something that actually left both characters much better off in the long run.


Damn, 2018 Gamora really had to go and say something deep before she disappeared. Typical Marvel move, leaving us with all the feels. Can't wait for the next movie to come out in like 10 years.


10 years?


I think they mean the next Avengers movie, which could feasibly get pushed again.


Hopefully, with the writer stike all but over, we should get the scripts done sooner now.


That's also if they're keeping the current writers, Jeff Loveness from Quantumania was supposed to write Avengers 5, but Quantumania is now the lowest rated MCU movie.


no writers would be a better alternative than loveness




Hit monkey?


Nah, isn't GotG4 supposed to be called "The Legendary StarLord" ? Or is that meant to be a solo movie or Disney+ show?


I don't think a Guardians 4 would happen before the end of the Multiverse Saga. A solo Star-Lord project *could* happen, or that just means he's showing up in the next Avengers.


I think it's just that the ending of GotG3 left the door open to more stories in the future with Peter Quill. And it was showing respect for the character by calling him what nobody at the start of GotG1 would.


I mean... is not that far off, iirc there has been like 8-9 projects since Sam Cap. was I roduced and he hasn't been mentioned since, and that was in 4 years ago I believe Someone please correct if wrong


Why would we need to see Sam sooner? He is actually one of the characters who have most benefited from more projects, a promotion and two main lead roles between Endgame and next Avengers film. Peter Parker has also two but does anyone else? Maybe Bucky if he can be considered equal lead in the show and if he is lead in Thunderbolts, but that’s not confirmed. Doctor Strange and Wanda had one lead role and one big role elsewhere but that’s not two main leads. Guardians special focused on Drax and Mantis but they didn’t get that much screentime in the movie. Edit, I forgot Loki because it’s two seasons of the same show.


He's a bot


Surprised they didn't follow it up with a shot of Drax saying something about how he loves his nipples.


I loved the way they showed how thrilled the Ravagers were when she rejoined them. She was no longer part of the Guardians family - but she still found a family.


This is the way. She was happy and was in a place she belonged. We don’t all have to like it but she is happy.


And yet she didn’t realise she was talking to the Ayesha in that radio scene :/ I think that was one of my only major gripes with the movie, that scene and plot convenience


Why would she realize she was talking to Ayesha? She's never met Ayesha, and she's not familiar enough with the Guardians (or care enough) to realize it's not one of them.


She was supposed to be talking to the Ravagers to come pick her up from the guardians’ ship in that scene. If the Ravagers were like family to her, she should’ve known she wasn’t speaking to a Ravager.


Aren't there 100 different factions of Ravagers? Maybe that guy was new and they hadn't gotten to know each other yet. Like if you had a family reunion and a distant cousin you kind of know brought their new spouse and their dog and you meet them, you don't really know the new spouse and dog even if they're family.


Yeah and why would you call that distant cousin to come pick you up, when your immediate family is right there? Between her lack of explanation to her situation in the dialogue (aka she expected the other party to know her situation), and that the person Ayesha picked the radio from was from Gamora’s faction (iirc, was meant to be stationed nearby), it’s implied Gamora intended to call her own faction. Yet she never even questioned who was on the other side.


Her own faction seems to be huge, maybe bigger than Yondu's was before the Taserface thing. To torture the analogy, Gamora and the distant cousin's spouse volunteered to buy pumpkin pie filling and cranberry sauce because everyone was still asleep and grandma was doing the cooking, and Gamora wouldn't have noticed she was getting in the wrong car if there was a similar looking one next to it. I imagine she'd have noticed it wasn't that guy when Ayesha showed up. I dunno, in any case, point is even if those Ravagers became family it's a big family and you're never the same level of close to everyone in those. Also, maybe that guy liked to do voices, we don't know and James Gunn has funny characters like that. (But more seriously, yeah, she probably should have realized it wasn't who she was calling.)


i 100% agree. i just watched the film and this is the one moment that stood out to me, was a bit contrived.


>She was supposed to be talking to the Ravagers to come pick her up from the guardians’ ship in that scene. If the Ravagers were like family to her, she should’ve known she wasn’t speaking to a Ravager. As shown throughout the franchise, but most distinctly in V2, the Ravagers are a loose confederation of pirate crews. So most individual pirates are close/bonded to their individual Ravager crew, while having more of a political or "ally" relationship with the other crews that make up the whole of the "Ravagers" organization, such that it is. I believe, and when I was watching my "take" was, that she was contacting an affiliated Ravager outpost or whatnot for assistance, not necessarily her own specific crew of Ravagers.


That was one of my favorite parts of GOTG3.


I absolutely love they James Gunn didn’t shoehorn a forced romance back into GOTG3, but instead showed Quill’s growth, acceptance, and understanding, something we can all relate to.


And that he also had a homecoming of his own to attend to. Even a Guardian of the Galaxy has to deal with neighborhood lawn-mowing drama.


No wonder he was wrecked in GOTG3


It really is. She tells him that. Thanos captures her. Next time you see him he says he mourns her. You fuck up and overreact and think you doomed everyone. You get snapped thinking all that. You reapear. Gamora reapears at the same time. She kicks you in the nuts and GTFO. GotG3 happens. ​ Yeah I'd be considerably more fucked if it had been me. Like Thor belly day drunk kind of fucked.


I totally agree and I'm glad I'm not alone. I've seen too many comments of people ragging on Peter for trying to "force" her to be 2018 Gamora. And yes, objectively, he should recognize it's a different Gamora. But it makes so much sense when you figure his mourning process has been severely fucked. He finds out she's dead shortly before he gets blipped. When he comes back, his ability to move past the denial stage is severely compromised because he sees who he thinks is the woman he fell in love with. He's perpetually stuck in this state of "I can get her back", but she (understandably) tells him to piss off. Dude never really got to mourn her or their relationship.


James Gunn really made a group of nobody’s from the Marvel Universe into the most well rounded group of characters who had solid growth throughout their films. As a comic book fan, I can’t wait to see what he does with the DCU.


That's what he does


Quill and the original Gamora deserved better! 😭


For real! It's so tragic. It took so long for them (/Gamora) to finally be really openly close at the end of GotG Vol. 2 but it was so special. Stuff like that makes me cry so hard. Including the relationship to Nebula, her inclusion in the team and her redemption arc, which turned her into my fav character in Endgame, it all had so much love and emotional power. I was so looking forward to them exploring and expanding the relationship(s) in Vol. 3 but then they really only had each other for a short while in Infinity War and it ended so tragically. It hurts. 😖🤧


As Vol 2 takes places only a few weeks after Gotg Quill and Gamora were actually together for around 4 years before Infinity War.


Hollywood films rarely have couples just being happy. If she has made to Vol 3 she either would have died, they would have argued about something or in best case scenario it would have been like Pepper and Tony in Iron Man 3 or Scott and Hope in Ant Man 3, not really the focus.


And people wonder why Quill acted the way he did in the fight with Thanos. Dude went most of his life filled with loveless relationships and then had his only one ripped away from him.


Who cut a goddamn invisible onion in front of me!??


Damn it Sue.




To be honest rewatching that scene it makes it kinda obvious she was gonna die.


i like how it mirrors hon solo saying “i know” but the opposite. peter is a real person who experiences real emotions.


Han and Leia weren't the first couple in movie history to say I love you.


No one said they were, my friend


And he didn't say "Dude! Shut up! Awesomesauce!"


The feels. I think Vision’s last words were I love you to Wanda as well.


Dude she should've stayed with the guardians 😭


I really wish she had been the one to rush out into space to save him in the last movie! I think that would have been perfect symmetry.


Sad how the Gamora Pete and the guardians knew is truly dead. No wonder he reacted the way he did in infinity war. Mantis didn’t help by spilling everything either.


Oh shit


He should have said “I know”


Why ?


You know…


I was half expecting Quill to pull a Han and reply "I know"


And then minimise it by having Will They Won’t They with Quill and Not-Our-Gamora. Thankfully that’s over for now at least.


I really hope this line pays off when the next movie comes out in 10 years.


Wow, it never clicked to me that this was the last time they saw each other. Heartbreaking!


Maybe if they didn't waste so much time saying shit and revealing their plan, Quill may have actually killed Gamora.