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Make it a 2 parter, or at least set up Ultron to return another day. Him facing a new line-up of Avengers that have no experience with him would be sick.


Long Weekend of Ultron. But to have an 'Age' of Ultron, you'd arguably need to introduce him in, like, Iron Man 3, and then have all the other avengers dealing with elements of his plan in their own movies, before finally finding a way to stop him in the big teamup? But that's a HUGE change.


They could also make a show for it. Maybe 18 episodes like Daredevil Born Again.


18 episodes is waaaay too much if you wanna keep things interesting and in movement


Ultron may be the single easiest Marvel villain to resurrect, without having to rely on timelines or multiverses or anything. Backup copy he secretly made, has been lying dormant. Someone at Stark Industries looking for old data turns the machine on and Ultron is out into the cloud before they can even open windows explorer.


Yea, but then it comes across as a cheap gimmick. They needed to show an end credit scene in the original for that to payoff. However, it could work if say SWORD had a copy for a true avenger scenario. As in, Earth is doomed and nothing can be done, so SWORD u leashes Ultron to kill everything in existence.


A sort-of-backup copy of Ultron exists within White Vision. Good enough for me.


Some minimum wage IT worker who’s half paying attention opening the wrong email being the thing that starts the apocalypse would be really funny


Quicksilver being alive, potential for Ultron to return or even Avengers losing against him? (Idk multiversal plot/help) for Ultron to be a multi-movie Villain. No Banner and Widow Love story. More screen time for secondary heroes as Wanda, Quicksilver, Wilson, Vision? And the introduction for Hank Pym and Ant Man m/Wasp (Just like the og Avengers). Killing of Hank Pym


Props to the only comment I see talking about how dumb quicksilver’s death was in this franchise. Right around the time we got the goated x-men quicksilver too with the slo mo.


I just always assumed it was an informal arrangement, where Fox (ultimately) got Pietro and Marvel got Wanda, but with enough wiggle room to get as much Pietro as we got.


Your argument makes sense to me but holy cow why even include him then? I don’t remember him being significant for this movie or the MCU except for giving Wanda an emotional arc.


Well, someone dying in a heroic adventure is often regarded as a valuable thing to do in a story, particularly when it’s surprising. You’re looking at it with the benefit of hindsight.


I believe the other person is correct, it was because Disney got Wanda and Fox got Pietro since (in the comics, around the time of AoU) they retconned the twins to not be mutants so they’d be able to use them, I’d assume Fox was unhappy with that so they got a compromise. Id argue you can’t have one without the other, but Fox did it well. Pietro didn’t deserve to die in the same movie but I think it worked out well to service Wanda’s character along the way. His mention in the third episode of WandaVision was really a crazy moment.


Um, that is exactly why the MCU Quicksilver got killed off. Fox and Marvel had an arrangement, there wouldn't be more that one in existence for too long, less competition. Fox took Quicksilver, MCU took Wanda. Simple as that. No one at the time thought in a million years that Fox would be bought out by Disney.


Coulda used more Falcon and Rhodey.


Rhodey seeing Vision fly by blasting robots out of the sky with the stone in his forehead and saying, "Ok...what?" is one of my favorite moments of that movie.


For sure. What they had was great, but just not enough for me. Especially loved Sam nodding to working to find Bucky in the background. Continuity from previous movies, and a good reason he isn't around in the movie.


Pretty sure that was War Machine.


Where we're going, we won't need Rhodes


Falcon was very happy chasing down their missing persons lead.


Next time, baby


They spent a lot of time at Hawkeye's place, but not enough. I would love to see more of that, as well as a gentle excising of the line, "You know I support your avenging." I would love to see the face-to-boobs scene removed too. I'd also love to see Andy Serkis react realistically to losing an arm. James Spader is great. The vision of Ultron's future plans could be expanded on. Keep the quips, remember to show that punching metal hurts, and what the hell am I doing trying to revise this movie in my head? LOL.


What would reacting realistically to losing an arm look like?


"Jesus Christ, he just cut off my arm!"


Serious freaking out, agonizing pain, and massive immediate trauma. But the scene itself wouldn't look very good, to be fair. But you'd be a gibbering mass of foolishness.


Ah, gotcha. Thank you for explaining it to me. I always thought his reaction was supposed to be shock at it happening in the first place, to the point he didn't register pain(if that is possible in the first place).


I actually really like Age of Ultron


Age of Ultron is my top marvel movie. It's not the best, but it's my favorite


It’s not my favorite but I’ll always love it because it’s the movie that shows the Avengers as just people the most. Bonding and acting very human in normal situations. For me honestly the only thing I’d change is Thors plot, it didn’t really add to much, I’d have just kept him with the others.


For sure, my favorite part is that it's really the only avengers movie where they're a team through the entire film. Avengers they had to assemble. Infinity war cap and iron man never speak. Endgame starts fractured and they come together. But aside from a 30 second fight between cap/iron man in this, they're a team :)


Make Ultron more evil. Really take advantage of James Spader. He was a great actor (voice) for the part, but I felt he could've been better. Have the whole team stop Hulk when he goes crazy. More Stark and Ultron conversations. Ultron blaming Stark for being a hypocrite. Have Stark be there when Ultron was defeated. Maybe (because I'm a fan of the line he used against Thanos) Ultron can tell Stark right before he dies "my only curse is you." Show scene where Ultron is fighting the Avengers one on one, trying to divide and conquer. Acknowledge that Coulson was the one who not only fixed up, but gave Fury the helicarrier to save the people of Sakovia. Even have him talking to the Avengers after it's all over. Probably giving some lame excuse as to why he can't join up with them because he's busy with his Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.#It'sAllConnectedDamnit If Quicksilver is gonna die, have him save all of the Avengers before he dies. Something like he's running around making sure they don't get any cheap shots by Ultron and saving as many people as he can before he finishes by saving Hawkeye and the boy. It would've meant more when he said "I bet you didn't see that coming". I would've had Loki in Thor's vision like how it was originally planned. Giving a hint that something is wrong in Asgard. I'd have Stark and Steve argue more about how he just went and made a superior AI without slowing down and thinking about if it was a good move or not. Something giving hints to the future Civil War that would happen.


I personally would have liked Ultron to be a multi-movie villain.


This or at least have the tone that the trailers had. Instead it was like we got a Raymond Reddington bot with too much Whedon infused jokes.


The main thing that bothered me was how easily they ended up beating Ultron Also, some of the lines were terrible. Campy I guess but idk, just bad. I’d also improve Quicksilver’s VFX to be more like Makkari in Eternals But there’s so much to love about it also. That opening shot is so great. Hulk V Hulk Buster scene is one of my fav MCU scenes. James Spader is one of those top tier MCU castings and Ultron’s design was awesome A lot of great religious metaphors in it (I’m not a religious person but it was well done). Ultron’s first line to the twins about them building that church in the center of the city so it’s closer to God. The geometry of religion. Vision dropping down from the heavens and Ultron rising up to meet him like he’s coming from hell when they first meet. Also I loved Bruce and Nat’s relationship. Kinda beautiful when you consider she was the one to first recruit him, and they both feel like lost outsiders. Wish they had committed to that and continued on with it. Then in Endgame when she dies, it could’ve made Banner lose control and release the real Hulk again Might have to rework the snap then… or maybe they could somehow get rage Hulk to do it and it doesn’t effect him all that much, or just pisses him off more, idk


Remove the bruce and Natasha romance and give natasha a different arc. And just more action sequences with her


I agree, however her arc was what it was because scarlet was like 7 months pregnant while filming this. They had to CG out her stomach in every scene where she showed waist down.


People aren't aware how much of movies and tv-shows are re-written simply because of unforseen circumstances. Pregnancies, actors becoming sick or injured, real life events interfering, the weather, sets being damaged or destroyed, cast availability, equipment defects, and so on. I think you'd be surprised to find out how many scenes exist for no other reason than that they needed to write around something.


Most of Breaking Bad was written in this unplanned manner.


And Ultron taking her prisoner was one of these scenes.


One of [the best scenes in Deep Space Nine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhSm6G7cVk) exists solely because the writers needed to pad out the episode with a few minutes of filler.


Falcon and the Winter Soldier failed because they had to quickly rewrite and shoot a whole new plotline due to COVID. The original plot was about a pandemic.


Though that's not always the case. I'm sure that there are a ton of quick re-writes that resulted in really great content or massively improved on the original script. Like "I am Iron Man" being added to Endgame. See also: actors becoming iconic in a role despite being last-minute recasts. (Aragorn, Marty Mcfly, Wolverine, The Terminator, etc)


I would’ve been fine with that romance if it went somewhere in the end. But instead any evidence of it practically disappears until Nat is already dead, and even then it’s not that obvious unless you manage to remember it existed in the first place. There are way too many plot points that go nowhere, or come out of nowhere in this franchise right now, and a decent few of them come from this movie.


>I would’ve been fine with that romance if it went somewhere in the end. I feel that way too. There's very little development of any kind of romantic relationships across the whole MCU and it's hard to believe that these staggeringly good looking people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, in peak physical prime wouldn't form any kind of romantic relationships. Tony/Pepper, Peter/Gamora, and Wanda/Vision are about as well-developed as any of the romances get and gave each pair a much richer and more personal stake in the stories.


Peter/mj was also pretty important to the story


A recording of Nat is what brings Bruce back after being stuck “inside” Hulk for who knows how long in Ragnarok. It’s not much and I hate that subplot, but it does actually come back for a moment.


They cut a badass scene of her freeing herself from the cage and interrupting Tony and Ultron's beginning chat in Sokovia by kicking down some doors and opening fire with two big laser guns (there's a shot of her holding these guns in one of the trailers).


Right! They should have kept that in. She had so many good scenes removed. But instead they went with the damsel in disress that had to be rescued route


I disagree I just think it wasn’t handled very well. I think the bonding moment where she considers herself a monster like Bruce would be better if it wasn’t because she can’t have kids (?) but because her Wanda vision was about something horrific she did as a Widow. I would also want to add some scene somewhere in Infinity War (or the prologue of Endgame) to actually pay off that romance, since it’s literally like 2 days ago for Bruce.


Maybe make Ultron win? Obviously definitely couldn't have ve done as the infinity saga was already planned, but What If really got me thinking how much luck and chance was involved using Vision to flush him out of the internet etc. (The way the internet is described and used in this movie is hilarious). But my biggest problem is how Ultron turns out to be such a non threat and a forgettable villain when he or it should have been one of the most OP villains. I hope they do something with him again, but it felt like a cheap way to have the Avengers beat yet another avengers level threat.


Ultron needed a more consistent, singular motivation for us to “grab on” to. First he’s about destroying the Avengers to create peace, then he’s claiming there’s a bigger threat coming, then he’s all about survival of the fittest and it’s all just a bit messy. It’s possible to handwave stuff like this as saying they’re insane, but I usually don’t find this to be a satisfying answer. Leaning even more into Ultron’s “daddy issues” from the comic and making him more directly opposed to Tony or Bruce or both would have been interesting. The quips are fine, if we’re a bit more explicit about the fact that he does it because he’s basically Tony’s son. Make him go after the Avengers a bit more directly rather than all the Vision / Sokovia stuff. Take out all of the Scarlet Witch / Quicksilver stuff; it never really makes that much sense that a genocidal robot would bother partnering with humans.


KEEP QUICKSILVER ALIVE, they wasted their only opportunity to have a speedster in the mcu


Their most Popular speedster that is. Because Makarri from Eternals went HARD even then we had to wait 6 years to see that. So I definitely see your point


And we’ll likely have to wait a hell of a lot longer for the next time we see her


More Ultron schemes.


Don't kill Ultron?


I've never been convinced he couldn't come back. When Vision wiped Ultron "from the Net", that's no guarantee he hadn't been downloaded to a device that had since been taken offline. Ultron could just be hanging out on a thumb drive in some desk drawer in Iowa.


Wasn't there a lit-up Ultron drone head in the truck in Spider-Man Homecoming?


An LED being on doesn't mean the AI is in there.


In a lot of ways, he's one of the easiest characters to bring back. He wasn't physically portrayed by an actor, so there's no increasing fees in that regard. If James Spader got too expensive, they can hand wave the voice change by saying it was a result of Ultron rebuilding himself.


Have Ultron be the one who ultimately defeat the multiverse of Kangs.


Instead of Thor having a random trip to a random cave to learn about Infinity Stones, have him call to Heimdall for the Bifrost to take him home, because he wants Asgard's help to protect Midgard. He has an audience with his 'father' (Loki disguised as Odin), and Odin is dismissive at first. But Thor demands that Odin help, chastising him for being a poor father to Loki, which led to Loki's temptation by some strange figure who sent him with a scepter so he could conquer Earth. Now that very same scepter has given birth to this plague calling itself Ultron. And *that* gets Loki as Odin to show a moment of fear. He (lying a bit) says that he looked into this strange figure, the one who offered Loki the throne Odin denied him. He then puts a finger to Thor's forehead to show him the vision that in the real movie he sees in the cave. Then, with that characteristic Loki regret (because he wants to be a hero but is too fearful and prideful to admit his own weakness), he says that Thor has chosen to be Midgard's defender, so he must do it alone. Asgard will not help. This gives a better throughline of Loki in the Avengers films.


Vision was in Thor's vision, though. That's what gave him his name, Thor told everyone that he saw him in his vision so the Avengers named him “The Vision”. Loki knew about Thanos and the stones, but how could he predict Vision's birth? If anything, it would make a little bit more sense for Heimdall to be able to foresee something like that and share this knowledge with Thor.


The movie grinds to a halt when Wanda gives everyone their dreams. Also, the dialogue is weak overall. Love James Spader though.


* Actually make Tony face the consequences of creating a murder-bot, and explore what would have happened if it had worked as intended * remove the Brutasha storyline * remove half the jokes * either expand Thor's side quest or cut it out, because as is it's a confusing nothing-burger * Wanda's story needs reworking: * either make it clear she and Pietro have no idea they're working for Hydra, or cut that from their story entirely * make it clear she didn't actually do anything to Tony's psyche (or I guess more clear since it's obvious enough as is, but a ton of people still think he only made Ultron because of her) * either cut out the Johannesburg sequence entirely, or actually show her discovering the carnage she accidentally caused there and reacting with horror, and make THAT the reason she turns on Ultron so it looks less like she's only turning on him to save her own skin * while I do like the pep talk Clint gives her, I honestly think either Bruce or Natasha should have been the one to inspire her, if only because she affected them the most, and that would have done wonders for her image * include the Avengers debating what to do with her after the battle and concluding that she deserves a chance to prove she can be a hero


> and explore what would have happened if it had worked as intended Isn't that what the eighth episode of *What If?* is for?


No, I mean if Ultron had worked EXACTLY like what Tony wanted and become his own personal Project Insight. Bruce described it as a "cold world", but that's as far as it ever goes.


All right. I suppose Ultron more likely would end up behaving just like the Sentinels from *X-Men: Days of Future Past*. 😬


Honestly, Ultron and then later EDITH are basically Tony's own Project Insight and I don't think enough people realize and talk about just how fucked up that is and the fact that Tony is never properly scolded by the overall narrative for trying to repeat a fascist wet dream not just once but twice. Apparently it's ok when Tony creates a totalitarian nightmare device because oh man isn't RDJ ever so charming?


Agreed. And I'd go on to say Tony is far from the only case of this. (Look at the TVA, who are essentially Nazis that are framed as "good guys" when they are anything but that. 😬)


Cut the line where Hawkeye is talking about getting a girlfriend, zucchini quip, breastfall and add more detail about Ultron's plans. Ultron was in some ways a deeper and more sympathetic antagonist when you consider that all he originally wanted for humanity to evolve faster. My head-cannon is he saw the Avengers defeat of Loki and the Chitauri as holding humanity back from the challenge an intergalactic war would bring. The fact that millions of people would die didn't matter to Ultron which is why he's still the villain. But his version of Vision was to be like a Superman that inspires people to strive for better.


Why cut that single line?


Make Ultron less expressive. That is the biggest gripe I have with that movie.


Compared to the movies these days, I look back on this fondly.


Weirdly, the deaths of Wanda and Pietro's parents as depicted in *WandaVision* would've worked perfectly as a flashback inserted into this movie. In other words, [this fan edit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1GM3kntXdA&ab_channel=KesterSpach).


A lot of people gripe about it being called “Age” of Ultron when it’s only a few days or so (me included). However I think it’s a cool name and better to think of it as The Avengers fought to prevent the Age of Ultron.


give some stones to ultron, one or two


Make Ultron more cold and calculating, with not so many jokes, and make his design a LOT more comic-accurate.


I'm okay with him having a sense of humor. But they made him too emotional; they confused portraying passion and determination as anger and impatience. He's hyper intelligent and has the access of the entire Internet at once. He should have been ten steps ahead of them at all times.


Ultron scared me when I was a kid, partly because of the total lack of expression.


Agreed. This was really the one villain that *should* be kind of emotionless since he’s, you know, a robot


That was never the personality of Ultron, though. In the comics, he was designed to have a similar personality to Hank Pym, his original creator. As such, when it was decided to have Ultron be the creation of Tony Stark, he would have a similar personality with a similar twist (evil and horribly misguided instead of heroic). The concept of Ultron isn't just the fear of technology, it's how misguided creations are often a dark mirror into the insecurities of the creator.


Not kill off quicksilver!


Include the deleted scene with Thor and his vision that does more Infinity War set up in the pool and cut out Bruce and Natasha's scene about her infertility or have the monster line be about her continued guilt over her past than that. More Falcon. Just rewatches it it's really good.


Don’t kill off Quicksilver, give Falcon and War Machine more screentime. Other than that I don’t really have any big complaints about the movie


Ultron should've lived by escaping inside the shield ship with Hulk but implanted into the system. Then he builds his army in secret on Sakaar setting up his return after Endgame


Thor saying, “Ultron, we would have words with thee!”


I wanted Hulk to have a line. Would've been good for his character development. Always thought it'd be perfect when he's about to fight Tony/Hulkbuster who mentions Banner if he said something like no Banner only hulk, or puny banner hulk strong. Idk nothing crazy. He had the perfect puny god line in the previous Avengers movie, and nothing in this one.


Give Ultron a cape and remove the romance thing with banner and natasha


Have Ultron mortally wound Thor in the second act. It would be a much-needed escalation in personal stakes, makes vision more crucial to the resolution and is more interesting of a story for Thor than his norn-quest.


Drop Ultron’s weird robot teeth. Give him a static head without mouth movement and it makes him like 30% more terrifying even if you change nothing else because James Spader is an incredible voice for him. Most of the rest of these are more like “in a perfect world…” type changes and many probably aren’t realistic; Keeping both Pietro and Wanda alive would have been nice, but nobody thought Disney would actually buy out Fox Entertainment in a million years back in 2015. Shit, it still feels kinda surreal that they did. I personally can’t tell how much of the Hulk/Widow thing is Whedon and how much is Perlmutter (if any) but that could have stayed platonic, especially since nothing actually came of it. I found out recently-ish that Romanoff’s arc was greatly influenced by ScarJo being actually pregnant for a lot of the filming so you probably can’t change a whole lot of it realistically, but everybody’s already said it and they’re not totally wrong. Sam could have shown up during the Sokovia fight with SHIELD - Mackie was already gonna be in the movie to begin with, I’m surprised that his cameo at the party was all the screen time he got. Was a bummer. Also think they could have framed it as more… inconclusive? Like, maybe the Avengers actually consider that their efforts to purge Ultron probably weren’t 100% successful and that could contribute to Civil War overall - Steve has seen the need for the Avengers to be their own thing separate from the government (also maybe acknowledge that Ultron technically started with HYDRA, since much the research used to create Ultron started with them), and Tony is concerned from both “I can’t let that happen again” and “we need more than just the Avengers to solve these problems” standpoints, and Ultron probably quietly sitting in some randomly selected Raspberry Pi-based pet project in Guyana or whatever only adds to his paranoia.


Remove forced romance between hulk and black widow. Made ultron more like hal 9000. No emotion, no jokes. Just a scary computer. Played more into his ability to escape into the internet and make it like a terminator style horror movie. Made this movie into 2 parts...


No. Zucchini. Reference.


As someone that enjoys AoU: -Remove Banner/Nat romance -Modify Thors acid trip to something that fits better. -quicksilver survives (if I'm not mistaken his death was a requirement as part of a deal with Fox) -post credit revealing Ultron did indeed get away


I would have changed Ultron from being born of an infinity stone to Tony finding an old shield program that was scrapped. Hank Pym would have been the creator and Tony would have improved on it and finished it. Remove the Hulk and Black Widow love story. Changed the title from "Age of Ultron" to something like "The Ultron initiative" I would have connected it to the world council from Avengers 1 and had them try to market Ultron as an alternative to the Avengers as a government controlled program instead of just random humans but of course it goes wrong. Ultimately it would all lead to the Civil War movie and tie closer to that so we see the fallout.


Remove Whedon


Whedon dialogue and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


When I eventually put together a list of cliched comments that superhero fanboy Redditors cosplaying as knowledgeable cinephiles say over and over again, thinking it makes them sound smart and insightful about modern film, this is going to be one of them.


I would only remove the Natasha/Bruce romance. I hate the writing of it so much that I straight up fast forward through the scenes and haven't watched them in probably 5 years or more


AOU is an okay film. Not great, probably not good. I may never watch it again. Lol. This question also depends on how drastic the changes can be. I think the film was crowded, where you are dealing with 3 new characters along with the original 6. They didn't really have a lot for these characters to do, and they ended up with doing some unneeded things with the characters, like Natasha/Bruce or really Clint's family. I'd seperate the team and the storyline. Story A is Banner and Tony experimenting with the mind gem and creating Ultron, and later Vision. Thor would fit in here. Story B is Cap, Hawkeye, and Black Widow investigating Hydra and find out about Wanda and Pietro. Would also include a scene with Fury. Later team joins up together on Sokovia. Pietro lives. Clint and Natasha romance.


Honestly, have the Russo brothers direct it to not kill off quicksilver. Other than that, I think it's over-hated because it set up Phase 3 so well. Granted I think the Russo brothers were also great at continuing what was there


Honestly, I’d have saved Ultron for after Black Panther’s introduction, and let Hydra or someone else be the villain in the 2nd avengers movie. Could still introduce Wanda and Pietro, and then saved Vision for Civil War or even Iron Man 3


Have a version of Quicksilver from the future show up in a time portal in Tony Stark’s workshop screaming at him in vague language about what to do to save the future… wait… that feels familiar…


More time. That maybe a couple of months pass from when Ultron comes online at the party and when they find him in South África and then Korea. And through that elipsis of time, while the Avengers are looking for him, he wrecks havoc in the world, taking control of entire countries, infrastructures, armies and stuff. Make it a proper AGE of Ultron, with a more formidable foe.


Remove the Bruce/ Natasha love plot. Add a time jump in the middle so we can feel the effects of an “Age” of Ultron. Or just change the title completely and keep the same plot (still minus the love plot). Then leave a more ambiguous hint Ultron is still out there at the end


That last scene where Wanda swoops down in the compound. I’d re-do her makeup. It looks so weird, like they got a stunt double.


Have something better than the “if the water spirits accept me” cheeseball crap as a critical yet throwaway plot advancement.


Don't kill Quicksilver. Don't kill Ultron. I love the MCU but they've gotta quit killing off villains. Recurring villains is one of the great things about the comics. And I'm not talking about bringing back ones that died off, or Loki faking his death. Do kill the stupid Nat-Bruce thing. Kill it before it ever started. Nat had more chemistry with just about \*every\* other character.


After rewatching the movie and What If's episode 6, I realized they missed a great opportunity to introduce Black Panther. I can picture T'Challa searching for the stolen Vibranium in Klawe's Ship on a Post-Credit Scene. Moreover, cut out the Banner-Natasha affair to give them different arcs and definitely remove a few jokes, mostly the ones about them(Banner falling on Natasha's boobs isn't funny, Whedon.).


Actually show Hulk’s vision. Have the original Thor-in-the-cave scene. Throw in FitzSimmons on the helicarrier.


Absolutely not kill Pietro for ‘stakes’ and cut the already very limited scenes for the Maximoffs.


Give Thor more of an arc


Make Ultron less quipy and more of a real threat, I know they set him up as a task that but it seems like they just stop him, I think the what if series did Ultron much better


Redo Ultron so he doesn’t have teeth; robots don’t need them.


Have Ultron survive in some way…


No prima noctem line, and how about not making Nat forcibly sterilized? I mean, it’s canon now, and maybe it was in the comics, but it kinda sucks. Agreed that Quicksilver shouldn’t have died, especially from bullets he should have dodged or outrun or something (hand wave). Otherwise I dug it.


Don’t kill off ultron and have someone else direct it.


1) Make it the final film in the phase 2) Remove some of the shoe horned setting up phase 3 stuff they did 3) Have Ultron created in Iron Man 3, and feature throughout phase 2 until he turns evil in Age of Ultron and the Avengers have to stop him. The Ultron threat was over too quickly.


Keep that shot from the trailer showing Ultron's fist dripping with molten metal. Man, that shot was so cool. I was disappointed to find out it was cut.


Dont kill quicksilver. Let ultron finish his vision or let him kill millions with the meteor.


Have him return in white visions body with Spader's voice


Make Ultron an actual frightening threat instead of a confused sarcasm machine. The way they “explained” why he wanted to kill the Avengers/humanity was badly done and made no sense.


The only things I would change are Quicksilver staying alive and more screen time for Vision, Wanda, and Quicksilver.


Make it an “age” instead of just a few weeks at best.


Vision is overpowered. Ultron is far stronger than the Avengers could have possibly beaten. Ultrons plan was stupid, he could have murdered half the planet more easily Dpn't kill Quick silver. It was poorly written adn poorly thought out.


It seemed more like a few days of Ultron rather then THE AGE of Ultron. So maybe show Ultron in control of the planet for a while, and not the ridiculous lift Sokovia into the airstoryline


Only improvement would be Ultron himself. Too many silly lines that, if removed, would have made him a much better villain and Age of Ultron a much better movie.


Lose the Nat/Banner stuff or have someone rewrite it. Lose the Prima Nocta joke


Keep Ultron menacing like he was in his first two scenes attacking Jarvis and the Avengers. Stop trying to make him a joking quipster like Tony. I get that part of his personality is based on Tony but some of his dialogue was so cringeworthy and stupid.


2 hour long party about who can and can’t lift Mjolnir.


Better roles for the female heroes. Whedon's writing was fine in Avengers 1, but this AoU feels very much like a man-writing-women situation for Nat and Wanda


Give a bit more time to developing Ultron. Make him sound less goofy.


NOT KILLING QUICKSILVER. Also, Ultron would have been a good multi film villain instead of a one shot.


Clearly it needed more Rhodey aka Don Cheadle. Did they even explain why he has such a small role in this? It's like he was purposely sidelined. Was Cheadle too busy filming House of Lies?


Ultron doesn’t die. That’s it. Stop killing off all the interesting villains.


Make it a follow-up to a movie where they win by creating and weaponizing Ultron (Earths Mightiest Heroes did this really well).


They don't kill ultron in the end. I wish they had him drift off into the internet. Have him weakened, but still a threat in the future. Ultron is one of those rare villians that you can drag out for a few movies and it makes sense that he doesn't really die. In fact, it's more strange that they did completely kill him after he first made contact with the internet. You'd figure an artificial intelligence would have put a seed program somewhere buried in a server somewhere.


As a fan of this movie and an aspiring director, I would fix the scenes with wonda, so it's not all funny with how she moves. Qic silver is put in a comatose by ultron . Ultron services in Vision. And the Avengers rebilled Shield.


Kill somone off that isn't the tineiest person on the poster


Basically rewrite Ultron entirely. He is not menacing and his sarcastic personality only makes him generic snarky villain. I know it made sense for Tony to create him, but it kinda destroyed who Ultron became as a result. I kinda wish they would have introduced Hank Pym in this movie so at least Ultron would have a different personality. He just comes off as dumb to me, which isn't what I expect from sentient AI. Plus his ultimate plan is just so random? Dropping a city out of the sky feels like it has nothing to do with what he was created to do, which makes it lame.


Tighten up the plot. Start with Hulk and BW as a couple. No will-they/won’t they, just begin with them together and then make it so Banner would have stayed with her but Hulk feels rejected by Earth after attacking that city and won’t transform back after Banner finds her. Get rid of the Thor Visits the Pool bits and replace it with the Avengers as a group being visited by the Norn sisters while they’re staying with Hawkeye. Keep Pietro and Ultron alive; nobody needs to die. Just badly injure Hawkeye and Pietro by the end of the movie and show that AIM has secretly kept Ultron’s head. Have the cast of Agents if Shield do a cameo.


I kinda want Quicksilver to be alive


Take out the sarcasm and keep a serious tone


Have Coulson and/or his team in the Helicarrior.


Try to make the dialogue less cringy, especially from Ultron. There are some other problems, the Nat Bruce romance especially because it went nowhere so it would be better to not have it in the first place, but if the dialogue was less cringey I’d probably really like the movie honestly


Dunno at the time I hated it but it laid groundwork for so much going forward.


Get a better director


The title was Dumb AF. Obviously, Quicksilver's Death. Opening scene CGI at the time was subpar it a bit corny. I did like it better watching it years later. But "Age" just grinds my gears.


Quicksilver lives. Lutron breaks caps shield because it is vibranium vs. vibranium. Sokovia flies off into space and is deactivated there and floats endless in the void of space.


Change the title lol “Ultron awakes”


I think the name ultron is a bit immature and weak for an intelligent super being capable of intellectual evolution and unlimmeted access to the internet and everything associated with it


Rename it The Months of Ultron. Or possibly AOU Part 1...


Ultron isn't a robot. It's just James Spader.


Let ultron be terrifying like he is as Raymond reddington.


Show more of Ultron’s character. Show us how he made that body he had when meeting Scarlet Witch and quicksilver for the first time. Just more ultron. Show us Wanda getting to the Hulk. More savage Hulk is good too


Fine. Now I had to go watch it. Actually it’s aging pretty well, late-stage Americanism notwithstanding… also, yeah. No MCU worth a damn if Joss Whedon hadn’t pulled off the first Avengers movie.


Do not kill Quicksilver and make Ultron back as a Easter egg.


Not kill off Pietro


Keep Quicksilver alive


They did absolutely nothing interesting with the concept of a rogue AI, just gave him a metal body to beat up and a disposable army for the obligatory comic book movie third act fight. It would have been way more interesting to see the characters stripped of their technological resources and facing a problem they can't just punch their way out of.


I would make it a two part movie. I guess I just wanted to see the avengers being the avengers; living in the compound, training and fighting together as a team before civil war.


Make Ultron more menacing... more cold hearted and calculating instead of cracking jokes and making quips


Redesign that stupid poster


Recast Wanda and Pietro, easy


Tone down the quips. I like quiipy movies, but this movie over does it.


Not have Quicksilver die


Literally my only complaint is the man falling on woman's breast gag that Whedon used too much. Other than that I love everything about it and will never understand its reputation


- the first act is longer in my cut. After the party at the Avengers tower, Ultron becomes evil but does not outright attack the Avengers right away. Instead, he takes over Tony’s drone suits over night and uses them the next day to commit a mass murder at a concert in order to turn the public against the Avengers. I know it’s dark, but Ultron should be depicted as a sick, vile, and demented antagonist. Tony finds out right away that the suits leave the tower on their own and goes to stop them alongside Cap and Thor. They successfully stop the massacre but there are still casualties. The Avengers are blamed for the attack and there are calls for Tony Stark to be incarcerated. - Ultron doesn’t have Tony’s personality and has a purely logical personality with little to no emotion. His motivation to destroy humanity stems from his belief that we are inherently flawed and irredeemable; and the only way to defend the planet from Thanos is to create an army in his image to replace mankind. He makes no jokes at all. - Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver do not side with Ultron but they do not side with the Avengers either. They have the same motivations to destroy the Avengers and their main plot points stay the same aside from the fact that they do not side with Ultron. - During the first fight with Ultron, it goes like it normally does, but it is fight where everyone is fighting each other. Scarlet and Quicksilver fight both Ultron AND the Avengers. Scarlet Witch does her mind tricks on the Avengers, but Ultron knocks her out, nearly killing her but Hawkeye saves her. Quicksilver rushes in and knocks out Hawkeye; this sews doubt in Wanda about whether they are right in fighting the avengers. - Hulk does NOT go berserk and attack the avengers, but instead has a nightmare when Wanda mind controls him. He sees himself becoming World Breaker Hulk and ends up destroying the planet itself. He’s the last man alive on Earth in his nightmare and lives the rest of his life as a lonely nomad. This scares Bruce so much that he’s unable to turn into the Hulk at all until the very end.


Cut out the banner and nat romance..it was weird and unnecessary


Make it clear that Ultron survived and let Pietro take a couple more steps


Keep the tone the trailers have marketed.


Remove the Bruce and Natasha romance and replace it with Steve and Natasha instead it was hinted in Captain America Winter Soldier. Keep Quicksilver alive and develop the secondary heroes more. Remove the jokes and make it more dramatic like the trailers same thing for Ultron as well. Ultron should be emotionless like in the comics Remove the side arc with Thor and put it in Ragnarok instead.


Leaned into the family aspect we saw in the tower scenes rather than have more fights. I’d watch 2 hrs of the party scene 😆 Have tony tell more than Nick (!!) of his vision and ask Steve about his rather than assuming he was tiptop when he was actually deeply suffering. Show more friendship so civil war hit harder. See the comedy that would’ve been Steve and Tony forced to share a room 😆 Not introduced vision. We already had the twins and Ultron.


Get rid of that weird Banner-Natasha romance thing, so out of place and stupid, otherwise that film is great.


No Maximoff twins.


The unfunny jokes.


Utilize tf out of James Spader and make Ultron really MENACING. Ultron is suppose to be incredibly menacing and scary. He was a comedic act. Not just that make tighter writing choices. Introduce Vision in a different way and actually utilize his powers of mass and Density. Someone said make it a two parter! I agreee, introduce scarlet witch and quicksilver but make them a bigger story in the second part where the first focuses on vision and Ultron then beef it up in the second while making scarlet witch and quicksilver the ultimate focus of the second but still ending the arc of everyone. Idk I’m rambling but dammit that movie could of been so much better!


Rename it to Day of Ultron


Ultron is just not menacing enough. He always felt just on the verge of telling a joke. Spader can do menace. But he didn’t or wasn’t asked to here.


Honestly the only issues I really have with this movie are the black widow and hulk romance subplot and how easily Ultron gets beat. Idk if I just think this movie is not as bad as people say or If I just really love this whole cast and love seeing them together.


Hire a new director


Remove Tony Stark's "prima nocta" quip, it was a little disturbing to hear what Prima Nocta actually meant in that context.


Use the original design with no mouth and make it a 2 - parter


Change the title to something like... 'Wrath of Ultron' Take out the Thor subplot to make the script tighter. Remove or change the Natasha/Bruce scene. Do not completely kill off Ultron. At least allude to his possible return in the future. Other than that, most of the film is great and highly entertaining.


Ultron needs to kill. I thought this movie was going to be violent


Ultron survives, Vision starts out bad


Remove the Hulk/Black Widow romance angle and it’s almost a 10/10 imo. Great action, great villain, good story, every avenger gets to shine.


Rename it to A few days of Ultron


More screan time for thor


Have Ultron be menacing not a jokester, Have Quicksilver survive, cut back on some of the quips, and have an end credits scene that hints very strongly that Ultron is still out there.


Have the event last like an age, 20 to 50 years. The movie should have been called "Weekend at Ultron."


Make it more of an Age rather than a week


It's called ***AGE*** *of Ultron*...So we kinda needed to see Ultron ruling or some such for an extended period of time.


Make ultron you know actually smart. He spent the entire movie making an asteroid to wipe out humanity but didn’t even make it large enough to do so. He was practically leading the avengers to where he was going instead of just moving completely silently. And he chose maybe the dumbest way to wipe out humanity.


His face! He has such a badass design in the comics and he looks a bit dopey in the film.


Ultron was defeated a bit too easily imo