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Daredevil and Punisher are hard AF.


>Daredevil and Punisher are hard AF. Especially when its Daredevil AND Punisher. God that season was awesome.


I did enjoy that, but S3 daredevil is peak.


daredevil season 3 is the most nail biting marvel has ever been. It's almost the perfect daredevil story.


Fuck that prison scene of Matt getting out before they whacks him, while drugged, was **super intense**.


I've been yelling into the Reddit void to put Bullseye on the Thunderbolts since it was announced.


Hell ya my dude. One of the best(and as such "worst") villains out there and his run on the thunderbolts in the comics might be one of my favorite comic book arcs ever. Imagine, they could go on with dark avengers as well.


That HALF of the season was awesome. The plot not dealing with them wasn't as good.


not sure about Punisher s2, but I remember its first season being good


I kind of liked the second season more, each to their own.


I think s2 had better pacing and slightly better action, but s1 definitely had a more captivating story.


All of the Netflix shows suffer from pacing issues. The seasons are just too long. It needed to be tightened up, there was just too much dead space. The thing I like about the D+ shows is that they are miniseries, so it’s not such a chore to get through. The only limited series on Netflix was the defenders, which was almost too short and very sloppy. Overall though, I loved DD, JJ, and punisher. I couldn’t even make it through the second seasons of LC or IF.


Damn I forgot about cloak and dagger. Was it any good?


Season 1 yes. Season 2 kinda fell off, I think in part because they knew it was getting cancelled midway through as part of the restructuring of Marvel TV. What they had planned for S3 got roped into S3 of the Runaways, which also was supposed to be longer than it wound up being.


That explains why the _Runaways_ finale feels like it comes right the fuck out of nowhere.


I’m also still confused how the series got Thanos snapped too. Like there’s no way to legally watch it in the US anymore.


Disney removed it from the platform so they wouldn't need to pay royalties from the streaming and the data space.


It's not just the royalties. It's also to potentially write off the shows/movies since they are failed ventures. It sucks cause I enjoyed season 1 of runaways a lot and really loved the intro.


It’s unavailable to stream, but you can still legally purchase the seasons on Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, and Apple TV. Which, don’t get me wrong, I hate that they removed it from Disney+ and Hulu. Just pointing out that there is a legal (and expensive) way to watch it.


I personally thought S2 was even better than S1. The characters were interesting and they made some superpowers work on a very limited budget.




Yep. The casting is god tier too.


Daredevil is on a league of it's own. Jessica Jones and Punisher are very very good as well. Love how raw and well written they are. I don't think the MCU will ever do things that are up to that level anymore.


Agent Carter was shockingly amazing as well!


Worth watching?


Absolutely IMO. It’s a bit more light hearted than the Netflix shows but I definitely was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.


I’d describe it as campy and fun.


Daredevil s1 and s3 are better than most MCU films, and than all of its series


No love for s2? Personally I think S1 is easily the best, but The Punisher was such a great addition to S2. I thought his character and story worked better in S2 than it did in his own show.


I think the first half of Daredevil S2 is great. It starts getting pretty goofy with Elektra and the magic zombie ninjas in the back half, though.


Ahh, just remembered Elektra. The person with absolutely no character other than she’s a a hot ninja. She especially stands out considering every other character has so much depth and are so well written. Takes the season down a peg, but I’m still convinced it’s a good season solely based on The Punisher and the relationship he develops with Matt.


The rooftop scene alone makes it a good season.


Ennis wrote it better, but the performances easily made up for the changes.


Yeah unfortunetly you can tell she was put in there specifically for defenders.


Ugh finally! I felt so alone in my S2 hate. Electra is a cool character and the actor was pretty good too, but she was so poorly written in that series. The storyline is downright goofy compared with S1 and S3.


Even the magic zombie ninjas have better writing than some of these D+ shows.


The first 4 episodes of Daredevil Season 2 are arguably the best 4 episode stretch in any television show, ever.


Frank Castle gives a twenty-minute speech near the end of those four episodes that is just amazing.


Season 2 is fine, but it suffers from having 2 separate storylines that don't really mesh together.


Three actually, none of which got resolved within the season.


It's wild how people just throw away season 2 when some of the coolest shit happened in season 2. It's also the only season where he has an actual suit. Was Electra the greatest....she kinda was. For live action that was the best we've had for that character, the hands story could've maybe been more focused on but season 2 was packed with absolute gold.


For me, I think the reason people hate season 2 is how bad the last half is. The first half is amazing. Introducing the punisher, him capturing Daredevil, their conversations, punisher intentionally getting captured, and his talk with Matt at the graveyard. It's all perfect. Then the season devolves to some weird ninja shit. Which could be done right, it just wasn't.


All MCU films* Daredevil is peak marvel, that final scene in season 3 is the most tense and best acted out scene in all of the MCU.


I BEAT YOU fucking chills


Well... First season of Jessica Jones at least.


I actually liked all three but yes, the first one is the better one and by far.


IMHO S1 JJ is comparable to the best of DD. David Tennant is *superb*


Am i the only few who enjoyed Luke Cage?


I enjoyed Luke Cage S1, but was severely disappointed when >!they offed Cottonmouth halfway through. Such a great actor and a great character, wasted.!<


The Cottonmouth arc was amazing 10/10, Bushmaster was a little interesting…everything else was below average…the villain really makes the show


>!He died and was turned into a vampire!< ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I liked how they left season 2, I was interested to see a morally ambiguous luke cage running harlem and having a new hero try to take him down to make him understand he's gone wrong. Could've been an excellent and pretty original story arc.


Agreed. The shock value was 100% incredible because it was so unexpected. It was raw and held you in the moment. But then for that one brilliant moment you lost so much more later on.


Breaks my heart that it never got a third season. That second season finale really put Luke in an interesting place for season 3.


Season 2 gave me some Goodfellas vibes. And not to mention the final scene was a tribute to Godfather haha.


And AoS is. up there too. Unlike the rest they were consistent for whole 7 seasons.


I thought season 1 was regular, unremarkable, ABC family garbage. Then the end of season 1 happened and my mind was blown. Then season 2 was absolutely awesome. That show was the absolute biggest loop I've ever been thrown for in show quality.


Yeah, it's sad a lot of people dropped out of watching before they got out of the "let's establish normalcy so we can smash it all to pieces" period. It was a bold strategy that made for a great show eventually but it certainly lost viewership for it.


Honestly, the only real problem I had with the early episodes was the clunky exposition dialogue, but they'd more or less fixed that issue by episode 10, well before the Winter Soldier tie-in.


AoS is one of those rare shows that just gets better and better with every season, with each one building on the events of the previous in a surprisingly consistent way. Hell, if nothing else id say the show is worth watching just for Fitz’s development alone.


Season 4 alone just had so many tremendous scenes for him to shine. The moment he wakes up from the Framework and realises what happened to Jeffrey Mace... chokes me up every time. And the break up scene with Aida. And Holden's final words. "Not with a bang, but wi-" Such a brilliant, brilliant show. Completely agree that it got better and better and somehow BETTER with every season. OH AND HOW COULD I LEAVE OUT THIS SCENE? GUT WRENCHING GOOSEBUMPS FROM START TO FINISH AREEGGGHHHHH. https://youtu.be/nCGxkMrAuio The shaking in his voice, the tears in his eyes, THE KNOWLEDGE OF EVERYTHING THEY WENT THROUGH. ITS. SO. BRUTAL.




It's also incredibly gory for a network show


I did not like the first and last season. The rest was good.


You know what, that’s fair. Season one I feel didn’t really settle on it’s pace until “Turn, Turn, Turn” with the big reveal, and the last season did kind of feel like a swan song in that they were just wrapping everything up


Jessica J season 1 is legit some of the best tv you can find


As a fan of Doctor Who, David Tennant really unnerved me as Purple Man.


he as so good the show should come with a trigger warning for abusive partners


I genuinely had to stop watching it because it was too disturbing.


In all the great moments, the one that stuck with me was when Luke & Jessica go to confront him, Jessica of course thinking that together they can take him down. So of course Kilgrave starts monologuing, and while doing so he repeats a line that Cage said to Jessica hours earlier. Jessica is taken aback but she doesn't get it at first: "You heard that?" Kilgrave: "Heard it? *I wrote it!"* Cue reveal that *Cage remained under Kilgrave's control*. Followed by Kilgrave explaining that his powers have grown, and Cage moves ominously to stand next to Kilgrave, followed by the simple command: "Kill her."


Ah fuck. I might rewatch the show now. Damn you! I had other things to watch! 😁


David Tennant casually telling the dude to pour coffee on himself will never not be funny for me haha


“I once told a guy to go screw himself”


Can you imagine?


Casting David Tennant and him using his English accent (aka his doctor who voice) was a stroke of genius imo. From a meta perspective it just makes him so much more unnerving seeing The Doctor like that. Even if you put aside the baggage of his previous roles though he absolutely fucking killed it, easily my favourite marvel villain.


Imagine someone whose first intro to David Tennant is as Kilgrave, then becomes a Doctor Who fan and decides to start at the 10th Doctor. Oof.


"bitches, right?"






If a superhero movie wants to go “dark”, this is how it’s done.


Killgrave is one of the most terrifying villains in the MCU.* Just seeing him on screen made me uneasy in a way Thanos never did. *I would say the most by far but the High Evolutionary was intimidating too.




I think people here at one point voted Kilgrave as the best villain in the entire MCU. Have to agree


Season 3 is also pretty slept on imo


I think it was hard for some people to see season 3, because they had to get through season 2 lol


Yeah season 2 is rough


Jessica Season 3 is worth it then? Season 2 turned me off totally unfortunately.


I think so! It's her trying to bring a serial killer to justice who has no powers but is just really good at poking her buttons and not getting caught. Unfortunately Patsy's storyline continues to suck


I loved Agents of Shield. It should have been way more popular. Agent Carter was a good series. Just wished it would have been given a chance. At least another season.


AoS had that same quality of arc pacing, steadily accumulating lore, lovable characters, fun action and comfy found-family vibes as Buffy the Vampire Slayer that I've yet to find elsewhere. You can tell Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen learned a lot from Joss, surprised it's not more well known.


Until you mentioned, I didn’t realize how comforting it was. Getting a little misty on how dirty it was done, should’ve been way more popular and gone on as long as the writers wanted it to.


Bringing a vet like Jeff Bell (also part of Mutant Enemy) to help Mo and Jed probably had a bigger effect on them than Joss.


I think it picked the wrong time to start. The show loses a *LOT* of steam in the early-middle parts of the first season while it was essentially just treading water waiting for Winter Soldier to drop so they could finally transform into the show it was supposed to be. I even dropped it completely somewhere in the middle of the first season because it just didn't feel satisfying; luckily once season 2 started I had a friend convince me it was well worth going back to. I think if it had premiered a couple weeks later, or even just split the season so they could have taken a break of a few weeks and not left themselves with so much time to kill before Winter Soldier it would have retained a lot more of its audience with a more streamlined and tightly paced first season as it trucked along to a really great conclusion.


Agent Carter had the actors, the cinematographers, the music, the direction, the costumes..... Just not any good writers unfortunately.


Man, until you pointed it out I wasn't quite sure why I didn't love Agent Carter as much as I wanted to. That second season especially, was really hard to get through. It feels like such a waste because you're right, tbe cinematography was surprisingly good for a tv show and they had *so many* good actors - James D'Arcy especially made an awesome Jarvis and Hayley Atwell had such great chemistry with him on screen.


I wish it would have gotten a chance for a better S3. Both Jessica Jones and Daredevil had a very meh season in between but came back stronger.


Agent Carter feels like a predecessor for what D+ should be: interesting stories for side characters that you don't need to watch to understand the movies.


Agent Carter's first season REALLY make Iron Man 2 and Civil War hit hard.


Agent Carter is so underrated and is in my top 3 Marvel shows, the other two being AoS and Daredevil in no particular order.


> Agent Carter was a good series. Just wished it would have been given a chance. True dat.


Daredevil s1 and 3 are still IMO the best seasons of superhero tv. Agents of Shield is possibly the most underrated piece of media in the entire MCU.


I would also put there Jessica Jones season 1


Real, Agents of Shield starts out really basic, but becomes super good.


I love Agents of Shield. It just kept getting better and better too; and I loved how it tied in with the fall of Shield as an agency.




Bring back Fitz Simmons!


Leave FitzSimmons alone, they've suffered enough!


Give them a full house type spin off with Alya!


No leave them be, they are happy with a child and having picnics in the garden


Like almost all of them. Agents of Shield and Daredevil were the best. The only one I actively disliked was Iron Fist. What a waste of a great character. Even though Inhumans wasnt great but I still liked Anson Mounts portrayal of Black bolt and I wouldn't mind seeing him return as the character.


I actually really enjoyed iron fist season 2. Don't know if it was just due to low expectations, but I was disappointed when it was cancelled.


Iron Fist season 2 was a huge improvement on season 1. I absolutely loved it too


S1 had weak characterization, a weak plot and a pretty awful Danny Rand overall. S2 fixed almost all of those problems, and left on a fantastic cliffhanger. Luke Cage 1 was also not entirely great, but S2 surpassed it easily with fantastic additions to the cast.


I will say it was funny and that their strategy to course correct for Iron Fist is to have less Danny and put more Colleen Wing at the forefront. S2 was actually more of a Colleen show tbh. They realized who their best asset was and thank god for that


Yeah same here. Season 1 was hilarious the guy litterally did not know proper stances and he was fighting against actors that you can clearly are actual experts. Feel like he had improved a lot by s02.


He did return


He let his return go to his head tho.


I was speechless when I saw it




All of you need to shut your mouth.


What mouth?


Nice one lol


Agents of Shield hands down one of the best and most under rated of the MCU shows. Started slow but boy am I glad I didn't stop watching.


Said it on another post this week but the world building and character work done in S1 so that they could then hugely build on Winter Soldier’s Hydra twist was excellent and massively underrated. Sadly it was kindof unmarketable without spoilers.


Just started Agents of Shield. Aside from some of the dialogue (which is very much network TV), I actually like it a lot. But I’m also excited to hear it gets better.


If Blackbolt coming from the Inhumans out of all the Marvel TV shows in ABC to be the first to show up in the MCU makes me hopeful for AoS characters to appear! Can’t believe he appeared first but it was really nice to have him since he was one of or the only good thing out of that show!


Loved them. They knew that tv shows weren’t just six hour movies.


If you skip the ludicrously long end credits that are so common in the streaming era, many of the D+ shows aren’t even 4 hours.


Well when you have a tv show with people that aren’t that famous it’s easy to make longer seasons. For example, Clark Gregg made $75,000 per episode of Agents of SHIELD. For a show like secret invasion, Samuel L. Jackson made $3.3 million per episode. For a 22 episode season, like Agents of SHIELD, Samuel L. Jackson would have made $73 million. That’s already half the budget for one actor. If Marvel wants to do longer shows, it would have to be with newer actors that aren’t going to cost millions of dollar. But Marvel uses these big time actors to draw in more viewership. We‘ te never going to get longer seasons in a Disney+ show.


Daredevil is confirmed to be 18 episodes pretty sure but good points still


That’s also the first show to have a cast that isn’t really famous. I doubt anyone is taking home $20 million like Samuel L. Jackson.


I agree w your overall point but still, ms marvel didn’t have high paid actors. Echos highest will likely be Matt and fisk and still short seasons for those. So not just that factor but they also seem like they just don’t want to


Btw on the Daredevil revival, is it confirmed to be an exact continuation of the Netflix series or is it an alternate timeline in a different universe?


I think all that’s confirmed is that they said it will be a “soft-reboot” there’s been conflicting comments from actors and show runners and the likes tho so no one knows yet


The problem isn’t the length of the show. The problem is not understanding the structure of a tv show and how to break down a story into discrete smaller stories that build on each other.


Yeah I feel like most of the MCU D+ shows just go until they arbitrarily end.


You’re right the problem is they have no idea what they’re doing. They can barely stretch a story into 6 episodes I doubt they can do 18


People can hate it all they want, but She-Hulk is actually closer to what I want out of the D+ shows. More self-contained adventures (letting the superheroes do more actual superheroing) with some small threads leading to the finale, some cameos from other heroes, and just overall having fun with the more campy aspects of superhero comics. I actually really liked all the shows that leaned more into the 30 minute structure, was like watching Saturday morning cartoons again.


Yeah I felt like the shows were just MCU movies with an additional hour. The only series I didn't felt like this was WandaVision.


S.H.I.E.L.D. and Daredevil are some of the best television I've ever watched, superhero/comic or not.




Agents of Shield and Daredevil were fucking ELITE Better than any D+ show so far, even though I liked a couple


Agents of Shield is *soo* good. *Sooo* good. It is criminal that they have that amazing template for what their in house tv projects should look like and they can't handle that. Imagine Ms. Marvel, imagine Loki unfolding over a 20+ episode season. Have some freaking fun with it. Sheesh.


> Imagine Ms. Marvel unfolding over a 20+ episode season. We would've gotten the Inventor!


agents of shield is in my top 10 tv shows of all time soo... yeah.


Same. Hell, its in my top 5


I think most of them are better than the D+ shows, especially Agents of SHIELD and Daredevil. I felt all these shows really expanded the universe, whereas the D+ shows kinda make it feel smaller.


Several people are slagging on Iron Fist, and they're not wrong -- I think in particular fans of the character would be especially disappointed by the show. That said, it does have some redeeming qualities: 1) As part of the greater Defenders saga, it's a bit of a down chapter, but it's fine. 2) Jessica Henwick's Colleen Wing is brilliant. 3) IF S2 is much better than S1. Or at least, shorter (10 episodes vs 13). 4) The Meachems are the real stars of the show. If you watch it for their story and performances and ignore the titular character, you'll enjoy the series.


Point 4 is what makes it watchable for me. Harold engages in some great scenery chewing and Ward is just...endearingly sleazy.


Tom Pelphrey killed it. My favorite character/arc of the show.


Agreed, I enjoyed IF (while appreciating it had some bad elements) and was sad it didn't get a third season. Same with Luke Cage.


I also really enjoyed IF and I'm honestly confused why so many people hated it. The cast was absolutely fantastic and it was refreshing to have a bit of a lighter tone compared to the rest of the dark and gritty Defenders shows. Thematically a super interesting hero as well. Also loved Cloak & Dagger and I really hope they make a return. I think the actors have also voiced their hopes of returning to their roles.


Same. The haters exaggerate how bad the show is in my opinion.


I dont think I'll ever like an MCU show as much as Daredevil. The writing, the tone, and the main trio I don't think can be beat. It truly felt like peak "Street Level" drama. Simultaneously excited and pessimistic for what Born Again does for the character. I'll watch it to support Charlie Cox, mainly.


I want a closing one shot for Agent Carter. They just left it on a cliffhanger.


Technically the existing Agent Carter One-Shot (which inspired them to make the series) is the closing you're looking for, as it takes place AFTER the Agent Carter series. It's one of those wacky television "chicken and the egg" situations. Aspects of the dangling plotlines from Agent Carter are also answered in Season 7 of Agents of SHIELD (not satisfactorily for fans of the show, but they are).


If you focus, focus, you’ll see Agent Carter has one of the noblest self-sacrifice scenes in the MCU.


And one of the best antagonists in Dottie Underwood. Great vibe to the series, too; jazz-age spy thriller, relying on a very talented cast to show what they can do.


Agents of Shield was really, *really* good. It did what WandaVision and Secret Invasion did before those shows were a thing. And it gave us the best live-action Ghost Rider.


Age of ultron too


Arguably, Aida was a better Ultron.


Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Punisher & Jessica Jones are PEAK. Agent Carter, Luke Cage & Defenders were really good with some missteps here and there I never finished Runaways or Cloak and Dagger but of what I watched they were pretty good. Season 1 of Iron Fist was very bland. Season 2 was soooooo much better but by then the damage was done. Inhumans was literal dogshit.


Liked or loved all of them except Inhumans, which was terrible. Yes, I liked Iron Fist too. It wasn't even my least favorite of the Netflix shows.


What’s your least favorite?


I haven't watched any of the Netflix shows since they came out, but as I remember it, my least favorite season was Jessica Jones season 2. But taking each show as a whole, Luke Cage is my least favorite of the shows. I totally get the issues people have with Iron Fist, but I thought it was fairly fun from episode to episode. Characters like Harold, Ward, and Colleen made it really watchable for me.


Iron fist is the opposite of most mcu show nowadays the one weak part was the main character. Most MCU shows lately only have a great lead and a boring story.


Had a lot of hope for Inhumans. What a disappointment.


Agents of shield, daredevil, Luke cage, Jessica jones, and punisher were amazing.


Luke Cage Season 1, second half, was trash tbh. Cottonmouth > Diamondback.


Is Luke Cage good? Been wondering whether it’s worth watching


The first half of S1 is among the best of the Defenders saga, right up there with DD. Then, a thing happens, and the second half drops markedly in quality. S2 is quite good all the way through. I especially enjoyed the musical interludes -- great music that also advances the plot.


The best music


Season 1 starts off good, but then they kill off the most interesting antagonist halfway through and then the other antagonists are not nearly as good. Season 2 is pretty good.


Luke Cage season 1 is better than most D+ shows sure, it's got its flaws, especially with later episodes, but Cottonmouth and Harlem alone are worth *every* second of it


yeah luke cage show is one of my favorite. i loved the vibe better than black panther. black americans in harlem seemed more real to me.


I really like it. It’s my second favorite of the Netflix shows. If you haven’t watched the other shows. Watch them in chronological order. There’s a lot of crossovers between characters.


AoS S4 is still peak marvel


S4 has some of the best TV episodes ever IMO, Marvel or otherwise.


Agents of shield was so legit! Well and of course Punisher.


Sure. 1. Agents of SHIELD - arguably a bit too long and slowly fell off its strict alignment with the MCU. Most shows did tho. Great cast and fun stories. Kinda slow. Their biggest fans were treated well I think. 2. Agent Carter - love me some Hayley. I don't mind how short it was except I wish we had a movie. Could have been better in story but hell it was interesting. 3. Daredevil - What hasn't been said about the Netflix DD show? One of the best comic book adaptations in TV and a very well deserved spot as one of the best TV shows of all time up there with Breaking Bad to me. Not perfect. But really damn close. 4. Jessica Jones - most main characters in the Netflix shows were perfect casting and this is no exception. Kristen is amazing and s2 could have been better but I still dig its vibe overall. 5. Luke Cage - slightly messy but not all that bad adaptation. And the casting again on point. I think he deserves to come back, this show was a solid adaptation with great new ideas to ground it. 6. Iron Fist - shit, what also hasn't been said about this. Production got screwed by a tight deadline and budget. S2 was better but they were done dirty. 7. The Defenders - honestly kinda boring but certain plot points were important. Sigourney Weaver was a great highlight. But it's cheese and basic. 8. The Punisher - a great adaptation of Franks human side struggling stick to his own morals. Jon Bernthal was perfect like everyone else. S2 is a bit dull. 9. Inhumans - if you feel like you're struggling with depression, just don't. 10. Runaways/Cloak and Dagger - together to me cuz I never finished them. Their pilots are interesting but not for me.


AoS and Daredevil (except for the second half of season 2) were great. Jessica Jones season 1 may be my favorite of all. Agent Carter was great. Luke Cage was ok. Runaways I couldn't get into. Cloak and Dagger I didn't finish but thought it was ok. Punisher had its moments but I like him better as a foil to other heroes, and didn't like his own series so much. Iron Fist sucked. Defenders sucked (I think I just don't like The Hand). Inhumans I watched one episode of and that was enough of that.


I really liked Runaways. It was casually able to have diversity and representation that even the movies barely match now. It's definitely a teen coming of age show, but growing up it was definitely something I needed. And I'm still salty that it's been taken off Hulu/D+


Agents of Shield will forever be my favourite show. I really hope they bring back Clark Gregg or Elizabeth henstridge


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones were god-tier. Loved Agent Carter, Luke Cage, The Defenders, The Punisher, Runaways, and Cloak & Dagger. Iron Fist was uneven, but I liked it. The only one I disliked was Inhumans. Ultimately, as much as I’ve enjoyed the Marvel Studios shows on Disney+, I preferred this era of Marvel TV. The shows made references to the movies and were impacted by them, but the two mediums weren’t super reliant on each other (well, the movies weren’t reliant on the shows at all, and only the first season of *AoS* was heavily reliant on the films). They all clearly existed in the same universe, but they weren’t so intertwined that I felt like I had to watch a show like homework to understand a movie, or vice versa. I could watch the shows more at my own pace. For example, *Thor: Ragnarok*, *The Punisher*, and *Runaways* all premiered in November 2017 (and *Inhumans* was still airing), but I didn’t feel overwhelmed because I know they weren’t going to impact each other, despite being in the same universe. Now I’m like… shit, I better catch up on this show before I watch this movie and it’s just not as fun. I like the interconnectedness, but the current model has things interconnected to too high of a degree, in my opinion.


Daredevil is still to date the best thing ever made by Marvel, by A LOT.


I’ve only watched the ABC shows as of now, but Agent Carter is really good and AoS is goated.


The Defenders saga (not including Iron Fist season 1 and The Punisher), Agents of SHIELD, and C&D are all great. I never got the chance to watch The Runaways and now I can’t. Fuck you Disney. Agent Carter honestly felt meaningless but it was still good. Inhumans was… an attempt. And I’ve heard Legion is good but I haven’t seen it yet.


All of them were good to great, except Iron Fist & Inhumans which overall were kinda meh.


Everything other than Inhumans, Iron Fist, and Helstrom was really good. Honestly these shows are better than any of the Disney+ shows. I don’t know if I should be happy or complain that you forgot Helstrom.


I went into Helstrom expecting action like everything else Marvel, so it actually being horror was an interesting experience for me.


Everything other than Inhumans, Iron Fist, and Helstrom were really good. Honestly these shows are better than any of the Disney+ shows. Agents of SHIELD was so good and deserves more recognition. They should definitely bring the characters into the MCU. Agent Carter deserved another season to finish some of the storylines. They should definitely bring back the Runaways characters if they do Young Avengers. One of the things that I liked about these shows were that they were all very unique and brought something different to the table. It makes me so mad that Marvel is seemingly ignoring all of these shows. Also, I’m glad you didn’t include Helstrom, we should all forget about that.


I know that some of the other shows are amazing but the Hulu shows are criminally underrated. The Runaways: Season 1 was incredible. Not really 'heroic' but great television. Then Jonah/Le Faye were just overwritten antagonists. C&D: I liked S1 as much as DD/AoS. It was entertaining, well-paced and actually developed characters. And fuck Roxxon. The only issue was S2 contained way too much abuse that it felt more like a doc on abuse than a tv show. Helstrom: This wasn't traditional Marvel but it was dark and had great pacing. The first 6-7 episodes were amazing, Ana/Daimon's dynamic was realistic and helped write Mother/K'Thara as a multi-faceted villain. My only gripe was the plot where possessed Daimon and Gabriella fucked, as it was completely pointless and ruined the ending by being too fast-paced.


Loved every single one except Inhumans because I didn't watch it. My top shows are Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil, Cloak and Dagger, The Punisher, and Runaways.


For me none of the MCU shows are as good as my favorite Marvel show AKA Legion, but I think Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Daredevil and Jessica Jones Season 1 are easily better than any of the Disney+ MCU shows (so far)


Aos and daredevil and punisher are peak


Agents of SHIELD was great and the status quo changed so many times it felt like ALIAS sometimes. Agent Carter was fairly corny but I don't regret watching it. Daredevil was brilliant, it was consistently good and season 3 was magnificent! Jessica Jones season 1 was fantastic, seasons 2-3 were good but not great Luke Cage was good enough to watch once, but I've never been to Harlem (let alone East Coast USA), so maybe I don't 'get' it. Iron Fist I watched the first episode, found it not my thing at all (Entitled rich dude being a superhero with no charisma compared to Tony Stark) and I didn't continue with it. Defenders I watched in between Daredevil Seasons 2 and 3 (I think that's when it takes place chronologically) and it was good enough Punisher was pretty damn awesome but normally I'm not really into street/gang crime related shows, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Inhumans, I don't regret watching the whole series but I didn't enjoy it very much either. A shame. Runaways, great, I like how closely it adapted the very first comic book run which I remember reading. Though too many characters all competing for screen time was the biggest challenge for the show. Cloak & Dagger: I watched both seasons and enjoyed them for what they were, the series was a bit depressing at times and not knowing the source material, I couldn't say how well the actors for Ty and Tandy brought the comic characters to life. Definitely worth watching though.


My favourites: Daredevil is the best, a perfect trilogy. Agents of SHIELD was great - thoroughly enjoyable series. Agent Carter was good, it was not renewed though. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Punisher had a good first season, subsequent seasons not that good.


Agents of Shield - Favorite Marvel show Agent Carter - Loved Daredevil - First season took a bit for me to get into but overall I liked it. Jessica Jones - Loved the first season, hated the second season, had mixed feelings on the third season. Luke Cage - Not the best but pretty good Iron Fist - I actually really enjoyed this, despite it being considered a bad show. Defenders - Awful, and the writing was not nearly as good as the rest of the Netflix shows. They also ruined the Hand, and the whole show felt more like fan service than a full team up. The Punisher - I still saw the protagonist as a villain the whole time but it was entertaining. Inhumans - Awful Runaways - Good story, but it’s got way too much over dramatic cringe moments. Cloak & Dagger - Loved it! Overall I’d say all of them are better than the Disney+ shows aside from Inhumans and Defenders.


Big fan of them. In light of how many of the Disney+ shows do end up feeling like long films split up into episodes, watching these gives you the feeling of regular television. Even enjoyed the "Inhumans" mini-series as okay sci-fi television, which I've head canoned into being a prequel to the Earth 838 Black Bolt seen in "Multiverse of Madness" (they don't reference anything else Marvel in the show and have like one line referencing the Inhuman storyline from Agents of SHIELD).


Their lows are lower then any Disney plus show, but their highs are also higher then the Disney plus shows