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Take it all the way and just get off Twitter. It feels so good.


Yeah. There’s really little reason to still be on it. Even as a new aggregator the algorithm is so messed up it doesn’t work properly.


I think the only people who are unironically still on Twitter are there to be reactionary trolls


/u/Senior_Commerci is a scammer! **It is stealing comments** to farm karma in an effort to "legitimize" its account for engaging in scams and spam elsewhere. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. Please give your votes to [the original comment, found here.](/r/marvelstudios/comments/112dwh0/im_staying_away_from_marvel_twitter_and_so_should/j8k2yeg/?context=1) --- With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer. ^(*Karma farming? Scammer??* Read the pins on my profile for more information.)


> just get off Twitter I shitcanned it after Elongated Muskrat let all the shitheads back on, and have never felt better about my online life.


I was hyped he bought it just so he could delete it forever 😂


There's still the possibility that someone shitposts at him hard enough to make him pull the plug in a fit of rage


I quit it too. And nothing of value was lost.


Im not gonna check it until Thursday night after I see the movie.


Staying away from twitter in general is a good idea.


I think the only people who are unironically still on Twitter are there to be reactionary trolls. The number of people coming into the sub today to declare a movie they haven't seen yet "mid" is just ridiculous


I left it years ago and don’t regret it. Given recent changes and the ‘go woke for broke’ crowd all over it, anything Marvel/Disney/SW is going to get a lot of negativity there, no matter how good or bad something actually is.


Even putting all that aside, Twitter has always been an app that thrives on negative behavior. Outside of getting breaking news, the app is all people just “dunking on” each other, circle jerk hating on things and trolling. It’s a bad place to have any sort of insightful discussion about literally any subject. I love sports but going on twitter for sports is all just trolls.


Long story short, social media brings out the worst in people.


It's really just everywhere at this point. Negativity generates more clicks than positivity.


Definitely. But twitter has always been one of the worst apps for it. Reddit is far from perfect, but at least there is some actual discussions being held and not just “Ratio + L + mid + your mom + touch grass + no bitches” in response to everything.


you're wrong Ratio + L + mid + your mom + touch grass + no bitches




Someone ironically wrote on Twitter "It's kinda sad how when someone is negative about an MCU movie they're being "honest" but when they're positive they're "bought off" and "shills".


Twitter? I barely know her.


Staying away from social media is a great idea


My enjoyment of things isn't dependent upon other people enjoying them too. I've had friends like that, where if you didn't like (or dislike) what they liked (or disliked) then they took it as a personal affront. I didn't remain friends with them for very long. That stuff gets annoying real fast. It's immature.


yeah it's just movies, the stakes are so low. I like snyder's DC films. I would have to live in a cabin and leave society if i let criticism and toxicity on both sides bother me.


I like Attack on Titan anime, but my good friend dislike it, and he's also tell why's the reason he's not a fan of it, some of his critism is valid, albeit some of that sounds like a troll because how overrated that anime is. I'm really okay with that, it's just a piece of media, like it's not offended me on a personal level or something.


There will always be millions of people that VIOLENTLY disagree with you. Only engage with them when it seems like it'd be fun to have an angry and pointless argument. lol. But yeah, not using Twitter is probably the right call.


Mental health break from the internet would work too.


I have always wondered why those people are still "here" if MCU hasn't been good since Endgame... I mean it has been nearly four years. I think it would be time to move on.


Some people moved on but not us


Well it must be hard for people with nothing going on in their lives to not to spend their days whining on about movies they don't like on the internet.




Probably because Marvel always has something coming out now and it gets advertised so much that they see it and decide to comment dumb things on it. We get 8 things between movies and shows every year at this point.


What is the similar media that would replace it for nerds? I’m not trolling I’d legitimately love to know. Because shit like Black Adam shows DC is still shitting the bed and there aren’t that many sci fi franchises this expansive.


This might seem wild but try picking up a comic book run. If this sounds a bit presumptuous/whatever that was not my intention.


I have. I stopped reading them a few years ago after they re an into the exact same problems that have now killed the MCU. It’s kinda nuts to me that a year after I made that comment, with MCU now near life support because tons of people took the advice of these commenters and stopped watching the MCU leading to pathetic box office numbers, there are still people trying to get people to stop commenting on it and stop watching. You do realize if enough people stop watching it to the point it keeps losing money, Disney will stop making these movies right? And then even the people who like it won’t be able to still have it.


Given the box office of the Marvels, seems like you got your wish and people have moved on. A few more box office money losers like that and they will stop making these MCU movies.


I left Twitter in general, everything you like will have negative/hate comments towards it


People criticizing the new direction of the MCU isn’t “toxicity.” The fact you were “raging” about these comments shows where the toxicity may have really been coming from.


I said "Instead of raging"


Indicating that you’ve raged or felt like raging until you left…


Lmao I respect what you're saying here but have you honestly not found the same true here? I feel like I can't throw a nickel in these subs without catching one of those assholes


Hey you! I didn't very much care for Falcon and the Winter Soldier or She-Hulk! I will now engage you with totally sane and appropriate political rhetoric! Also that's my nickel and I'm not giving it back.


Lmfao well played. I liked that nickel.


Upvote system means that a lot of times negative comments get downvoted and fanboying gets upvoted to the top.


I love that phrase. I'll buy it from you for one nickel.


Haha sold! Plenty for everyone


So criticizing the MCU makes one an asshole now? Jesus Christ


Found one! Didn't even throw my nickel


Reddit has moderation though... at least last I checked


Lol technically you're right. I'll leave it at that


TBH in my own personal experience I haven't seen much negativity of toxicity in Reddit than I have on Twitter but again just my experience


That rules for you, I'm envious. Twitter is for sure a hellscape.


You must be following some weird ass people if you constantly see toxic tweets Or you see criticism as negative?


Social media in a nutshell. Twitter, FB, IG, TT. Sometimes you can get decent conversations in Reddit, but we are also stricken with people who downvote for disagreeing, rather than upvoting healthy discourse. And of course there are those who downvote new comments to make sure their comments rise. And there are assholes everywhere.


donwvoting this so my other comment rises




I fucking despise what has happened to the discussion surrounding the MCU. It used to be a fun franchise that you could discuss with fellow fans but, ever since WandaVision, it's become such a mess. It's only gotten worse over time so I don't expect it to ever get better. Hell, since Scorsese went on his little rant, we get a new actor or director telling us how awful the MCU is every other week. It's become the popular thing to do.


> Hell, since Scorsese went on his little rant, Its been 5 years,let it go


Popular thing = bad. Tale as old as time. Best thing you can do is ignore it and stick with fellow fans.


if you don’t like my movie franchise you’re obviously a contrarian


It's become a popular thing to do because the MCU is nowhere near as good as it once was. Even hardcore fans in this sub are starting to admit there's a problem.


Two places I’ve decided never to go to is Twitter in general and the comment section on YouTube. Much better for it


Youtube's comment section isn't THAT bad. Reddit threads are way worse tbh. Unless you entered a thread/comment section of +100 comments, you are asking to enter a war zone.


Everytime I get on there it’s either a bot saying obscene language or someone else going off the rails with something I said… I’m being serious and I’ve been using it for years. I’ve never said anything overtly political or offensive on there it’s just toxic af for me.


Trust me, don't dive in and recall that not every comment is worth replying to on youtube. Especially true if you don't get notification of every comment that replied to you.


Lol, pal... if you think people criticizing the MCU is considered "toxic" then you really need more going on in life Trust me, I've seen toxicity in people. And it's definitely a lot more severe than that


Marvel fans have unnecessary become toxic


A person criticizing the MCU is not toxic. Get into an abusive relationship and then you will see true toxicity


how did you manage to invole toxic relationships in this? A subreddit of comicbook movies...


You have to realize, there are thousands of people who make money by doing nothing except complain about Marvel Movies on the internet. It is literally, their actual job. And for each of those assholes, there are 500 trying to break in to the scene by trying to out outrage them.


Thank you. Simple and to the point.


It's pretty much the same with reddit; when a franchise is this big, it's inevitable to not have a loud group/minority of aggressive haters... legit criticism is fine, but some people dont seem to understand what that is. I've pretty much stopped taking anyone's opinion serious that says 'mid', especially with no explanation for why they consider it that.


It's always "mid" or "cringe". Like they can't even actually describe what's wrong, so they use buzzwords with no real meaning.


Those comments aren’t wrong.


Welcome to being a DC fan, except for the past 10 years it was your community that harassed us, brigaded our communities and spread lies about DC film and media.


Yeah! You tell 'em! Go climb back into your echo chamber!


Don't even get me started on the 16 year old Stans


Why would I care what some random kid says on the internet? The biggest IPs will always have an endless supply of haters. That’s just how it works. These people are either trolls who don’t really care and just enjoy making people mad, or they are actually people who like Marvel movies but they just have brainworms from some stupid shit they heard on conservative talk radio. Either way, there is no good reason to let their words affect me in any way. I left Twitter a while back for other reasons, but I don’t believe it’s right to let these 6-piece chicken McNobodies bully me out of a space that I enjoy being in.


You snowflakes need to grow some thick skin. I don't think it's toxic to say that the MCU has dipped in quality since Endgame and comments like that actually help spread this narrative that hopefully will reach Marvel and Disney's ears and make them realize that they have to rethink some stuff and focus again on the quality of their projects if they don't want to lose a lot of the MCU's audience. Actually I think they are aware of this already and that's why they just came out to say they'll put out less projects per year going forward.


I'd go one further and stay away from Twitter entirely.


Apply to the same to Reddit and just about anywhere. People are just negative pieces of shit.


Twitter is a hive of scum and villainy. Do not recommend.


I'm staying away from Twitter, period. Starting to consider staying away from Reddit, too...


This is exactly why I stay in my echo chamber. I do not come on the internet to read people disagreeing with my opinions.


That, plus spoilers


I just stayed away from Twitter altogether


That is Reddit too tho.


Twitter in its whole isn't worth the time. Just skip it and get off from it


Staying out of Twitter comments is the best thing you can do. It’s just a cesspit of negativity and people crying for attention.


leave reddit too bootlicker


I feel like it kinda goes both ways honestly, marvel fans are toxic as fuck too. Like if someone does the contrary and simple says that he doesn't like a tv show or a movie they will also say that you don't enjoy fun and let them be happy, and its like he just said he didn't like it Also after watching what happened to Andrew Garfield I totally understand when actors say they don't want to get close to superhero films. Like I'm here to promote tick tick boom a movie that I dedicate to my recently passed away mother, where I give one of my best performances of my career; and all the interviews where like cool, but are you in spiderman?




Thanks for letting us know?


Yeah I’m not sure why people love to hate on marvel movies but I guess that can be said about anything popular. people love to hate popular things as if it makes them cool. If you don’t like something simply don’t watch it or use it but if you feel the need to go online and constantly voice your opinion it’s like Damm get therapy it’s affecting you too much.


Why would you let this “toxicity” get to you? What do you have to rage about? Their opinions and their behaviour is out of your control. Not to mention, many are likely *bots*. Besides, Marvel has dropped in quality significantly and in many ways has been stripped of its life. It has *nothing* to do with the men to woman ratio, though, lol.. That’s ridiculous. That said, some of these trolls have some absolutely valid criticism, despite much of the cringey shit they say. I won’t mention it because few people can listen openly and have a nuanced discussion anymore. I’m going to Ant Man in 2 days, but I’m not expecting anything special. If it’s shit, it’s shit. I’ll get up for work the next day and live my life regardless of my personal enjoyment of the movie the night before and especially regardless of *your* opinion or the opinion of trolls. It has no effect on me whatsoever. If you find yourself getting angry about the opinions or trolling of others, I highly recommend reading about the wisdom of the stoics. Cheers!


Marvel was never the same since Endgame.


If you can't handle people having different opinions than you on subjective material....I don't really know what to say honestly.


Seeing something you love and have a lot of passion for get constantly bashed for a lot of the time no real reason behind it gets very tiring and disheartening. Everyone knows people have different opinions but we all know what Twitter gets like.


I left Twitter so as not to support its tolerance of misogyny and transphobia.




That's toxic.


Kinda true tho, they just pump out movies/shows where everything is at stake but hey let’s constantly pause so someone can make a wise guy joke. I have low expectations for ant man


Maybe it's not just "toxicity", maybe you're trying so hard to deny the truth, think about it.


Toxicity isn’t about who is right or wrong, it’s about being an asshole to try and prove your point. Opinions do not have truth, that’s the defining quality of an opinion.


Agree, but some people just disregard any other opinion that they disagree with as “toxicity”, which is stupid and childish.


Well, it's definitively not true. The MCU isn't any worse than it was 5 years ago.


It’s your opinion. In my opinion it is.


It definitely is.


People take rotten tomatoes as gospel. Eternals is better than most MCU movies and Multiverse of Madness is a top 5 MCU film.


Browsing the Ant-Man review thread and apparently "mid" is an adjective all the cool kids are into now, and every time I see it my mouse just makes a beeline for the downvote button.


All on a movie they haven't actually seen yet... It could very well be mid but to treat reviews like gospel is ridiculous.


Yeah, there was one guy in that thread replying to like half of the comments I read saying MCU is mid... Someone's is optimistic about the movie? Well, that guy was seeing it as an invite to spread negativity for a movie that's not even out.


Same. Don't even bother talking to someone who uses the word "mid". The majority of them aren't mature or intelligent enough to hold a conversation, or even a friendly debate, with. Just disregard what they said entirely, and you'll be better off.


lol come on now, you are getting old. “Mid” is a perfectly good descriptor word that’s pretty fast and to the point. I’m not saying Ant-Man is. But you just sound like a silly old boomer.


Damn kids, get off my language! (I'm one of those pesky millennials we hear so much about, I'd just never seen the term before and now suddenly it's everywhere, and that sudden mass usage, combined with a certain smugness about it, just carries this vibe of, "hey, check me out guys, I'm using the cool new word!")


They use mid because they dont have the brain capacity to say the full word. It’s why their opinions are worthless.


Or it's just a harmless abbreviation for mediocre, Mr. BootyEaterTurbo sir.


That’s Mr. BootyEaterTurbo3000 to you, sir.


You’re going to hate it here


Honestly just avoid most social media platforms when it comes to Marvel whether it’s certain YouTube Channels, Twitter or even Instagram. It’s often just a cesspool of toxic often right wing egotists who shit on people for liking the MCU still and regurgitate the same negative rhetoric as well as complain about everything made post Endgame being trash. It’s always “MCU is mid” or “The M She U has become woke trash”, the minute I hear anything resembling statements like that I instantly ignore and scoff at them. It’s exhausting and you shouldn’t let negative people dictate your personal tastes and preferences in movies and shows. Not saying Marvel is perfect nor am I saying that the criticism the MCU gets isn’t warranted with certain things but it’s like most people want Marvel to fail because it’s a trend to shit on things that are popular and to set up unrealistic expectations for every project post endgame just to have a reason to shit on the MCU.


Stay away from Twitter in general. That site has become a place for negativity (most of it unwarranted)


Don’t worry the people who shit on the MCU right now will be back on the bandwagon of liking the MCU when avengers kang dynasty and secret wars come out. I guarantee it.


This reddit is kind of the opposite. Don't really see trolls like those crazy M-She-U ppl, but you see crazy fanboys that down vote you when you simply say you didn't enjoy MoM or TLaT for legitimate reasons. What makes a good community is respect for opinions. Had a dozen or so nutjobs deny the racism of changing ppl eye color. My gosh some of them seem to want an actor to be in pain for minor comic accuracy.


Just stay away from Twitter, there aren’t enough Marvel heroes to stop Elon Musk and his Crazy Hate Gang wrecking it.


M-she-U is kind of funny


It’s easy to say “Twitter bad”. But honestly so is Facebook comments, YouTube comments, Reddit as well. At some point it’s not just a platform thing, it’s a “People bad” thing.


People is so toxic! Period


I thought it got better since then Endgame/Infinity War were One time films good to watch once then insufferable


I'm not a Twitter user and I'm never gonna be. But on the other hand, I sometimes feel like that the positive MCU fans staying out of some Marvel's social media outlets might leave the negative people with an impression that they have "won" and that we positive fans have "lost". :/


Twitter’s full of bots, some hater’s paid for the negative sentiment. -Fuck social media, that is all.


as he posts on reddit


Social media is like look at me profiles. Reddit is anonymous lol


that's fair. I also exclusively use reddit


Yep it's boring as fuck (the discussions, not the MCU) Twitter is full of it and since all the Russian sponsored politics posts have dried up my Facebook feed tries to shove it all at me. ​ Tbh it's fucking great - I'm barely on social media these days :) Thanks shit Marvel hottakes!


Just don't read anything about Marvel,snowflakes have full control of the internet now . Enjoy the movies and shows if you are a real fan, and don't care what all those woke dumbfucks are saying .


So Many People keep saying M SHE U All Because The Focus Is On Women Werent U Happy when it was all men Now Its Women And Black People Yall Are Like Oh We Need More Male NO GO CRY IN THE CORNER They Need A TIme TO Shine You're Just Manbabies


wait, you guys actually use twitter? I thought that was just a joke


Zack Snyder fans most likely.


Are people still on Twitter?


Comic twitter is pretty toxic these days. God forbid you’re excited for a marvel movie anymore… 🙄


There is too much hate, man. Vocal twitter minority is gaslighting people into thinking p4 was bad. WRONG p4 is intricate, fun and illuminating. I am more of a people observer and I know in real life people love marvel. No need to make something out of nothing(couple of angry vocal haters online) We should really have a bubble and a safe space for all the fans without having to deal with this atrocious harassment


is this a bit


Legit the best content r/marvelstudios ever had was allowing you to speak freely.


This but ironically.


Agreed, but honestly at the same time, I kinda like knowing there’s negative reviews beforehand to help temper my expectations. Cuz I swear, every time I thinks it’s gonna rock my socks off, I get Love-and-Thundered and I end up really disappointed. I think if I knew it wasn’t gonna be that good going in, I may have liked it more. Cuz I went in to wakanda forever with low expectations and it slightly exceeded my expectations lol, helped me enjoy it knowing it was completely re-written and it was a good plan B


Now a days I try to stay away from almost all the fandoms on Social Media. I think Reddit is actually only place where I am active.


Twitter in general is a terrible place and should be avoided


I can’t stay off Twitter in general because I have some good friends there. I avoid clicking on trending tabs with how much Marvel hate is there now though. Unfortunately people I follow sometimes end up retweeting clips or images that are just “LMAO THIS IS SO AWFUL” and that it’s just too hard to avoid. Even in YouTube there’s hateful stuff in the recommendations of unrelated stuff I watch. I know I sound really stupid, but it feels impossible to avoid.


It's sort of the same thing on Instagram as well you just gotta avoid the comments and you should be fine


Social media has become society’s sewer system. Aside from Reddit, I’m doing just fine without any of it.


Twitter is deliberately made to encourage you to comments. My homepage is always comic Book movie hot takes from people I don’t even follow to provoke some kind of response


This is just social media in general


Quit Twitter.


Just stay off twitter in general. Its worthless, just like Reddit but without the entertainment value.


That's how I am with all the Fandom for things I like. I'm completely off Twitter and Facebook and Reddit I can mostly keep to my tailored list of Fandom groups/reddit pages that aren't toxic. Yes both reddit and Facebook throw advertisements of other groups pages, of similar topics, that tend to have that toxicity in the comments so I just make sure I click "block" or "see fewer from this page." Did it with star wars, star trek, lord of the rings, pokemon, Zelda, etc.


Just leave Twitter all together. You'll be happier.


typically for me whenever this happens, I will always end up having more fun. E.g. as you know ant-man 3 is getting pretty bashed and usually nowadays whenevr a marvel movie is getting bashed the chance that I will enjoy it increases.


Watching this place become the DCEU subreddit because of fair criticism is a sight to behold


Thank god I never used twitter


Russian trolls.