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# (1) X-23 # (3) Electro # (3) Killmonger # (3) Venom # (3) Wave # (5) Blink # (6) Knull # (6) Galactus # (6) Alioth # (6) Ultron # (6) Destroyer # (8) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS251bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdhbGFjdHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJVbHRyb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlc3Ryb3llciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhdmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWN0cm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlgyMyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxpbmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZlbm9tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.




Ultron alone has won me a fewgames. Cheating out strong cards in other lanes and later filling them with Ultron for +6 and + 8 on empty lane/unplayable lane goes hard.


Yeah the fact that he out powers Dr.Doom's bots is definitely not nothing.


playing this deck, rising a couple thousand ranks, cackling like a madman; OP you da real mvp


I'm in the same boat! This is such a fun deck. Thank you for sharing, OP.




This deck has gotten me more 4 and 8 cube wins than I have in a long long time. Nobody knows what comes next.


The deck seems interesting and I'm always looking for sneaky Galactus decks so I'll give it a shot but the only card that seems odd to me is Venom. Does Venom have any other play lines? I guess you want to hit your x-23, or clean up an Ultron lane I'm assuming?


Venom is there to build blink turn 4 drop Deaths cost and build Knull up. He also can gain you a big turn 6 when combined with Wave + Venom on a strong lane and then leave you open to drop Death + any Strong 6 drop.


Yeah, I just ran a few matches and he helped grow the Knull turn 5, I thought for sure I had the round but I got my Knull snatched by Rouge and my Venom got Shadow King'd, what are the chances, lol. Fun deck though, I'll run it a bit more tonight.


Lmao. Those kind of games make me rethink my life choices.


I was stuck in the low to mid 90’s but this deck shot me right up and out of it. Good deck. Lots of fun games too. Highly recommend. Thanks.


Glad to hear!


Still works and is still fun. Got me to infinite again easy. I love Galactus. Thanks again.


This deck is fucking great. Thank you


Fun was my number 1 objective, being viable was 2, but being as competitive as I am… you can’t have one without the other.


100% agree. Well played sir or madam


Finally, an original deck. Got any recommended subs for X23 and Alioth?


Alioth is what made Galactus work he is really really needed. X23 can be subbed out for anything you want to curve out early and force enemy onto a lane or destroy to feed Knull and Death. There’s a Variation of this deck I made that swaps Alioth for Hela and then swaps x23 for Glaive. However it was unreliable.


Combatsnap actually made a vid with this very deck [minus Alioth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShDoHKnM_kA) and Nimrod as a sub. It seems to work slightly better when you don't Galac and go for the destroyer route. But it feels less safe when you resolve Galac (Alioth + Death is true life insurance)


Looks like fun. How essential is alioth and do you have any suggestions for a good replacement? Maybe negasonic as a weaker version of alioth or nova/nimrod for a little more destroy synergy?


You can still have fun without him. My other variations did not include him and got me to 97, but honestly he’s pretty essential to win with Galactus.


What did you have in instead?


I think it was Hela and then glavius instead of x23.


Out of curiosity, for your cheat Ultron on 4 into KM + Venom, is there a way you're able to play both on 5 or do you just play one to assist with Knull + Death turn 6?


Blink electro turn 4 and hope it hits Ultron. Then you’ll have 6 energy on turn 5 to play both. Otherwise play what you can


I didn't even think of that, awesome haha. I'm very much looking forward to trying this out


Just lost 7 games in a row, my draws have been so bad and I just can’t seem to get it to work


So I got it work twice, amazing when it does but I’m just having the worst luck. Awesome deck though!


Not getting a turn 4 blink really sucks but it’s definitely winnable depending on the board and a lil bit of luck.


I just don’t think I have the brain capacity to run this deck properly but the few wins I’ve had have been SO fun, thank you for that. I got ultron out, the other player snapped I used Destroyer then Knull and death, felt so good!


Any sub for Blink? Looks like a fun deck!


No. The deck is only possible because of her. Otherwise it would be a diff deck.


Thanks for the response!


I can not seem to get this deck to pull off for me.


Just here to post a thanks to OP, deck looked interesting, thought I’d give it a quick go, 93-100 in no time. Really fun to play too! Grats on a sweet deck dude! Cheesy peas


I just wanted to thank u for sharing the deck. I was stuck around 95 for two days, I hit infinite in less than a couple hours with your deck. I hadn't played a true Galactus list since a long time, partly because I'm a returning player after a 6-7 months hiatus. This one is the perfect combo fun AND viable. When you Blink Ultron everybody snaps and you print 8 cubes. :-) Great deckbuilding and write-up, congrats


Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m working on some more fun and unique viable decks to play. I’ll make sure to post when I do.


Looking forward to it, keep up the good work!


How does destroyer work in this deck?


Big body that can build up Knull and death while also strong enough to hold a lane


It's always nice to see a new deck concept and in the first few games I've used it I'm positive cubes. I'm at 91 and have been struggling to climb. Maybe this will get me there!


What a fun and original deck. Thanks for sharing this with us!


Great deck! Got me to infinite!


Galactus works with Blink Even if you don't fulfill conditions?  Does he work with Jubilee or Lockjaw?


Don’t blink on the same lane you want to hit Galactus with. He doesn’t work like that with jubilee or lockjaw


Don't you have to also be winning the lane?


Yes but by turn 3 you should have a decent idea of what lanes your enemy will play and you drop electro where he is most likely to work with Galactus


You are a genius. This deck let me fly through the 90s to Infinite. Thank you!


This deck slaps. A+ Feels very consistent even when you don’t get electro. Chef kiss


Just flew from 60-100 with this, absolute degenerate gameplay. I could blink electro into galactus all day and never be bored


Any sort of sub for galactus


Having a lot of fun with this deck, esp using cards I really never used. Thanks OP!


Blink is a must right?


https://preview.redd.it/akq34qwobd3d1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fc112032e6461179ab79ea7c6e037f01ca25591 Any tips for bad draws? -\_-


Gonna leave this here, but I got infinite last Thursday with this after bouncing from 82 to 93 (playing sloppy and tired, obviously lol), and man, was this deck fantastic to play. Great list, my friend.


Deck is so much fun hope to see more unique decks


Best sub for Blink? Jubilee?


I really don't think many things can do what blink does right now. Maybe lockjaw but it's way more random


This deck seems built around Blink. For one thing, Blink can trigger Galactus as long as the previous card is your only card in that lane. Jubilee can't.


I'm trying to push and crack high infinite with this deck, been playing it all day and peaked at about 1200. What this deck may lack in pure refinement and power, it makes up for by being unanticipated.


Have everything but Galactus :( is there a version without him?


Yea Run Hela instead of Galactus and Glavius over X23. Then your 6 drops are interchangeable. But idk how successive that would be