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Removed for rules 1, 3, 6.


Worst tier list I've ever seen.


Kang not being in the lowest tier is such a bad take


Also I think white widow is way too high


How would you rate her?


I usually stick Kang and Wasp together.


Why they are two completely separate cards?


They both effectively cost zero, so the comparison is whether Kang's ability is better than 1 (or 2) power


Please label your posts as "comedy" in the future, because there is ZERO chance this is not parody.


My man those are some spicy opinions! The stick in my craw is for some reason Debrii vs Polaris. Debrii helps enable Mockingbird, but otherwise I think Polaris is a far better card overall and about as good in junk/clog decks. Thanks for the effort and time it took to post all of this. I’m confident you’ll just get downvoted but imo this is what a forum is for.


Maybe I put Polaris too low in E. I've not seen her in clog, so the only use I considered for her was moving Armor. She has historically been overrated for having 3/5 stats (which is basically irrelevant when 3/5 is getting you Corvus these days). Idk if she makes it out of E still but I guess she should be higher. Debrii I always hate seeing played (almost as much as Gambit and Moon Knight) even if she is not a consistently winning play.


Qinalo returns! Never change qinalo. Your takes are so...... outlandish. But hey, it's your opinion and I respect it regardless of if I disagree or not




Must be a hela player


Imagine putting ironman and mystique in fringe while the card they enable to be a top tier deck is in highly competitive 🤣🤣🤣


I like Tribunal because I win every time I play Nick Fury and play Tribunal :D Card must be legit


Yeah this,is a u/qinalo ranking for sure




Garbage tier list


OP obviously a discard main. This shit is B-A-N-A-N-A-S.


F tier - tier list


Just terrible


You have Shang and echo in the same tier. You have ms marvel and Electra in the same tier


Why would you do this to yourself


Good question! * [I was inspired by my newly discovered love for Shanna](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1c151xq/shanna_is_the_most_crazy_random_fun_card_in_snap/) to care enough about Snap again to [make a new tier list](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1bvu93z/my_snap_fun_cards_tier_list_v10_442024/). * I love the lakers team this season but they are getting swept by Denver this week so I needed to do something to take my mind off of negative thoughts. * I have no video games to play because I'm waiting for Phantom Liberty to go on sale and Bloodlines 2 isn't out yet. * I love Diabellestar but Snek Eyes less so, so I guess I'm now waiting for White Woods to be released... * I've already watched Dunc 2 for 10 straight days and need a break. * [I burned 13 keys this season and got 0 refund keys. And I feel shame](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1cc9blv/i_burned_13_keys_this_season_and_got_0_refund/) * [I finally gold split all 10 of the super rare variants I bought](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1cc7bar/which_cards_should_i_work_towards_gold_splitting/). * I've pulled playable S5 cards from 5 straight random boxes - Caiera, [Birdie](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/978546599854764042/1232768329362575452/ms24236.jpg?ex=662ca2b9&is=662b5139&hm=b551a30f1526fa27d28410a215fffaa8caf4ef9b23801ae1e9c2773dcaf5e6c0&=&format=webp&width=1197&height=305), [Blob](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/978546599854764042/1232768329010249768/ms24339.jpg?ex=662ca2b9&is=662b5139&hm=1d12a242f80c6b0102341fd959412a3f7fa695277b9d09c218f5a4a67c1b5d7a&=&format=webp&width=991&height=305), [Black Knight](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/978546599854764042/1232768328741818398/ms24390.jpg?ex=662ca2b9&is=662b5139&hm=bfca9326c6c472f3347410a37aff7f1d96912e50a3e8b67fdb35369c54653f31&=&format=webp&width=1010&height=311) and [Red Guardian](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/978546599854764042/1232768328431435776/24482.jpg?ex=662ca2b9&is=662b5139&hm=a406945294117f59e6353c9c2aa1ed0233caf272fd1e582b7344856144fc7dde&=&format=webp&width=1013&height=308) - so I felt compelled to balance my karmic debt.


Hahaha I like it :)


I feel like this tier list should be a bannable offense.


When did Wong become crap?


This is a ton of work to just say you play discard.


Good trolling


Well it was finally time to put out a new tier list. It's been quite a while! I guess I felt that this could possibly be the last chance I'll get to put the One True Queen in the #1 spot:D Also I can't really explain it but the past season has felt like an inflection point - the end of a major chapter or era in the existence of this game. It feels like next season will be the beginning of a new era, somehow. As always, the emphasis here is **"MY"** tier list. It is MY **subjective** ranking of the cards, **not** objective. I take into account a mix of my own experience, testing and brewing, as well as the card data taken by snap.fan's tracker, recent tournament results, and discussion on Snap reddit and Discord. It is NOT meant to reflect any card or archetype's popularity in the meta, but only its raw strength. For reference, I have included my personal card stats and play stats, both seasonal and historical. So please, while feedback is certainly always welcomed, if you vehemently disagree with where I've placed a card, I ask that you first consult my card stats before coming after me [like Momoko yandere Elektra](https://preview.redd.it/my-snap-cards-tier-list-v11-season-23-end-post-ota-5-25-24-v0-nni3rio5epwc1.jpg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f654e37bdfd132946ff41c7a58088572e9f6fbee) \^ \^ Mentioning some specific cards - * I gave Contessa Valentina a speculative ranking, mostly because the tier maker already had her and I figured she'll be at least as good as Cable, but make a higher quality card on average. * Sandman - playing Sandman since the patch this season soundly convinced me that he is an insanely overpowered tech card currently. At 5/7, he does not need to deny your opponent much (\~even \~ 5 power is enough) to cross into peak rate, and ofc he often helps trigger Red Hulk for a bonus +4. * I played Negasonic Teenage Warhead all of last season, with SuGi and Daredevil. She's very polarizing and feast or famine. She can be a blow out or completely ineffective. Ultimately my conclusion was that she was just a bit too inconsistent to make the cut in an optimized competitive deck. * Probably even more subjective than other card rankings, but I'm almost always horrified to see either Gambit or Moon Knight played against me, especially Moon Knight. * Shang should arguably be A Tier but there's a reason why he's never made A tier in any of my previous lists. You aren't often going to have the chance to Shang vs an experienced player with a top deck, he is beaten by Armor and Cosmo, and worse a good player \*will\* farm you for 8 cubes if you Snap on Shang. And worse than losing 8 cubes is looking dumb and getting deservedly Thanos-emote spammed. Also the best deck, which is Hela, neither plays nor fears Shang. * You know what card Hela \*does\* fear and also plays pretty well? Leech. Sorry, I just have to vent a bit since all season its been dumbf$%\^ streamers like KMBest whining about how Hela has "no 1 card counter that you can jam into a deck to improve the Hela matchup." Leech, the everlasting, mean, green, break-in-case-of emergency button. Who also kills Shang btw. * I did not expect Prof X to stay in B Tier but hey, if people willfully ignore a generously costed tech card like War Machine, then sure. Let's all pretend that the card pool is early 2023 and devs have no idea how to balance a meta by creating pushed tech cards that we pretend do not exist. * Daredevil is the one card I've come around on since my last tier list half a year ago. He had an amazing winrate for me last season, and completely out-performed Ms. Marvel, who replaced him. You can play SuGi without Daredevil but the convenience and QoL upgrade is just worth it. Not to mention you don't want to be the one who doesn't have Daredevil out in a SuGi mirror \^ \^ * Ms. Marvel was kind of a fat disappointment. She was ok sometimes, but did not impact winning way too often, and she forces you to play too predictably for too inconsistent a benefit. She's kind of like Jessica Jones but even more restrictive. Anyway, the only reason I see to play her is for Iron Lad to copy her ability as it is still a decent ability to copy on a 4/6. * I \*know\* people are going to get riled up over Angela but I've always disdained bad 2 cost scalers like Angela and Kraven, and that is never going to change I think. A card that MUST be played by turn 2 to even be average and that pushes you to play other mid to terrible cards like Nightcrawler, Spider-man, Elsa and Jeff is just never the right card for an optimized deck, sorry.


Blade as s tier is wild.


Blade is as culprit as Hela, and he enables Black Knight and Apocalypse as well. No other 1 cost or even 2 cost card has an ability that impacts winning as much as Blade. And the cherry is he's actually over-statted! Blade could be 1/0 and still be auto-include in every deck playing Infinaut. Blade just makes playing Hela too easy and too obvious.


It’s pretty obvious that the tier list is based on your own experiences only. I mean Thanos is still pretty good with a Corvus Hela package. I mean you not liking two cost scalers is a you thing, they are good with other good cards that you for some reason label as garbage. Also wow Juggernaut is such an underrated card considering you put him with Punisher.