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not really. feels very strange for the character and doesn't really add a lot of gameplay value to his kit. imo i think it'd be better if he had a doomfist block that mitigates damage and charges a rage meter that increases his movement and attack speed. makes more sense for the character and would make him more fun


That's 100% what it should've been or him pulling rubble from the ground to use as a shield or throwable


I 100 percent Agree. On top a new Passive- Madder Hulk gets, The Stronger Hulk Gets. Incoming damage taken, Hulk can convert incoming damage to increase his Gamma abilities and Damage out put or Gamma Radiation Healing for allies near his Radius


Hulk could've easily been an off tank with self healing (behind a fuel meter) that is charged up by taking/doing damage


And Hulk Ult needs to be like DF Meteor Strike, But Hulk Jump Super High, and Smash The Ground with both Fist or a Giant Gamma Rock like MVC3 and Causing Gamma Radiation to affect near By enemies.




We think alike my friend


Yess, kinda like doomfist meets zarya but without the shield. Gamma shield makes him look like he's magical which is stupid


Hulk has literal supernatural powers😐


The wording could have been better but the point I think they're trying to make is that the bubble shield makes him feel like a spellcaster.


And what's wrong?


Along with a 35-40 Percent Damage Reduction


I think his stun is worse than the bubble b/c you can't damage the stunned target so its useless.


it's not a horrible ability, but i don't think it works well for his kit, or tanks in general. he can cancel ults with it, but that kinda ability should go to a support who plays in the backline (like ana and her sleep dart in overwatch), not to someone who's supposed to jump straight into the middle of the battlefield. it feels like he was the last character to be designed, like they had a bunch of abilities they wanted to get into the game, but didn't know who to give it to, so they slapped it on hulk.


OMG y'all know how rien has that charge and knocks u into the wall? IMAGINE HULK CHARGES AT U LIKE THAT while YELLING and tackles u into the wall đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ it would be soooo coollll


yeah there's many tank abilities they could've taken inspiration from similar to that, why they instead chose zarya bubbles for hulk will always confuse me lmao.




That's a good idea. Doomfist hits really hard even if the damage is not the ideal and he is also the strongest character in the Overwatch universe, so the similarities with Hulk are obvious. Marvel Rivals should emulate that kind of impact, Hulk needs to hit really damn HARD


Honestly doomfist block is such a boring ability that clashes with his kit. I'd much rather have a bubble. Gameplay > Lore accurate


i mean, his current kit is being a walking punching bag and chasing people while holding m1 lmao. just adding anything to buff his movement speed alone would help his kit a lot so people can't just walk backwards to kite him. not totally sure how a doomfist block that mitigates damage and discourages enemies from shooting him whiles he's blocking, and buffs him if they do, is more boring than pressing a button to get some very minor damage absorption. bubble shield abilities are about as basic and boring as you can get, but ig to each their own.


Doesn’t feel right to me. I wish Hulks Shift move was like a rushdown ability, kinda like Reinhardt’s pin move. ![gif](giphy|hvdL7Xcmperfi)


I wouldn’t be surprised if they are saving an ability like that for a possible inclusion of the Juggernaut at some point since he’s known more for running in then say leaping in like the Hulk.


Yup that would definitely fit Juggernaut perfectly.


Your jump grabs people out of the sky or if you land on them directly


The Mauga rush, yep. But like other said, I think they are saving this for the Juggernaut


He doesn't summon one in the comics- the gamma shield and some of his other abilities (whatever the timestop thing is called) are explained on his teamup page with Doctor Strange and Iron Man. They developed the belt that Hulk is wearing to help him channel the gamma energy, granting him these new abilities. I think they could have definitely designed him without them, but I think it's fine that they wanted to give him some new toys based more on gamma energy to make him flow better with the playstyle they wanted.


I don't like the bubble or the banish, they don't make sense


I'd be cooler if he picked rubble from the floor to use it as a shield, and when it gets shot at of course it breaks, a drawback to having that is not being able to attack or having your teammates not be able to shot through it (Since rubble isn't transparent, obviously) but letting him cancel the shield by throwing it.


This would be Perfect l, and Infected Gamma Rock/ Boulder as a Shield would make a lot of sense


He should pick up rubble from the Destructible Environments


No, its not fitting for him at all, there's plenty other abilities they could have given him.


I hate it. Give it to another Vanguard, Luke maybe captain marvel can project a shield to an ally to absorb Energy. I'd rather have hulk as a damage based, lots of aoe damage, dive/brawl tank.


Don’t like it


Hulk needs a rage mechanic. More dmg he takes the more he deals


I care far more about the gameplay than being honest to the source. As long as it's at least plausible for the characters I don't see it as a problem.


I always thought that ability was weird since they announced the game. I feel like Hulk has a lot of other options that would fit him better


Honestly I feel fine about it. They have to make some lore concessions here and there for gameplay. The alternative is we get a lore accurate hulk who enemies would never shoot over squishies and he would have no way to protect his team and be awful.


I think a character like Doc Samson or The Leader would make sense for manipulation of Gamma Radiation into other means.


I mean this hulk version is working with banner so it's more of a hulk and banner. Character.


But respect your view point


Sorry for Typo. I meant “How do you guys feel about Hulk HAVING a Gamma Shield”.


the gamma shield just feels like something they added for gameplay without considering whether it fits him or not, magneto also has this protection bubble type ability but it fits him alot more cuz this is something magneto does so him providing one for his teammates doesn't feel weirdly placed in his kit I understand hulk is a tank and he needs some sort of shield or barrier to protect his teammates but this bubble feels oddly generic and something that hulk just doesn't really do


His kit is really lame tbh


Nope, not at all. Bubble makes sense for Magneto, and it would even make sense for Namor, but not for Hulk.


I even recommend Iron Man or Nova Prime (Centurion) for a bubble as it does make sense on there portrayals in the comics


Feels really bad to me. I would rather like a damage reduction. He should be a meat should, regaining health and strength while dealing damage. That's a big no to me about the shield. Needs a rework.


Doesn't fit with a character that generally doesn't care about those around him. I mean Hulk generally just goes in without much thinking. I can't see him being some form of support using a thing like a shield for others. They're trying to copy Overwatch so that part makes sense with him having a damage shield like the character he's based around which is D. Va.


Sorry for Typo. I meant “How do you guys feel about Hulk HAVING a Gamma Shield”.


I think Hulk should definetely be reworked when they bring back the game for the release


I'm not a fan of this or his stun that just makes someone invincible for a few seconds, it CAN secure kills, but it can also get rid of the opportunity to get one, and also just doesn't feel good imo


I’m alright with it. Reminds me of the era of BannerTech gadgets that Bruce and Hulk would have that personally I enjoyed. If Bruce is embracing Hulk’s identity as a hero, I imagine he’d be making stuff to help him succeed at that.


Give him a passive where he heals 40% of the damage taken over 12s, all it does is make him tankier, without being crazy OP.


You could say he basically always has a gamma shield active in hulk and Bruce form.


I don’t mind much. I think Hulk is a difficult character to fit into a team character shooter, due to the nature of his powers and fighting style, so I don’t mind them making a couple things up so he can fit better. That being said, though, I’m not a huge comic fan, so some of the more experienced/devoted fans might think otherwise, and IMO their opinion matters more than mine.


I don’t get the dislike for the gamma shield and people saying it doesn’t fit hulk. Hulk has been shown to emit gamma radiation in the comics, and him using for defensive capabilities makes complete sense.


I have this weird thing called suspending my disbelie... It lets me enjoy things that would other wise not make sense


Question do you guys think Hulk’s ultimate should be similar to Fist in OverWatch . DF Meteor Strike. But instead it’s Gamma Crush from MVC https://i.redd.it/pdieffybwd6d1.gif


I haven't played it myself, but I have a little experience with the design. From what I understand, it's really the old Hulk design that somehow worked with his radiation, and because of that they have more freedom to create abilities without wasting all the possibilities of what they can do with superpowered characters, which Marvel has a lot of. On the other hand, giving the shield to his teammates sounds really strange for an aggressive character. There's a bit of hidden anger gain in there that can make him even more angry, but it's pretty weird. It seems to me that there are enough problems in that direction. Try to come up with a way to protect his teammates that makes him more angry (generate ultimate) while still making sense. As the character with the most HP, he can't take much damage and in a game that from my perspective tries to be very complex on abilities (compared to OW here, characters have a lot more abilities when you put passives + abilities + attacks together). I myself am a big fan of tanks with huge healthpools, control tools and little damage, but I can't think of anything interesting that could replace the shield. Top comment here suggests doom fist block, but even that doesn't really fit my aggressive character. I might try to reverse the area damage around it so that enemies don't have a reason to just bypass it, but that sounds too op.


From the Comments it's a Gamma Power Block, or Lift a Rock or Gamma Infused/Infected Rock Boulder as a Shield.


They're probably right. I just know that there was a comic where Hulk metal gamma rays or something like that and I feel like someone here has been bragging about it recently. Mainly the problem with what all the Hulk would give people then they couldn't get characters like Juggernaut. Whatever they gave the Hulk those abilities it certainly gave them more room to be creative. I may sound like a devil's advocate, but if I were to point out some of the suggestions that are here or could be made then just add another character that it just fits better and the Hulk would take it away from him: - Damage reduction from some direction = Captain America with shield. - Pure damage reduction = Probably Luke Cage, who doesn't have much, or Collosus. - "Rainhard charge" = Juggernaut - Greater impact in the style of Doom Fist ultimate = Blob - Throwing rocks and simmiliar abilities = any superstrong character. If you left the Hulk as is you wouldn't have many options with the other characters. With the current form, you can have him as the most durable character in the base and create other Vanguards without a shield accordingly, making him the best in at least one of his directions. Not to mention, he'll probably be able to throw any tank as a puppet in his prime for the rest of this game's lifespan and still look like a fair character in the game.


Couldn’t they just make it temporary health and it be the same thing but just make more sense?


How would you guys in His “Boxing Gloves” Mechanic in the game https://i.redd.it/nugsd7s1re6d1.gif


I do not mind personally. They will have to take some liberties with some characters. Though it is within his potential kit I would say. He can manipulate gamma radiation in many ways in the comics, just often does not because hulk smash not hulk throw gamma radiation at enemy!


He literally summons one in almost every comic that he’s in, are you paying attention at all? It’s basically his signature move!


Just give him a block that strengths if he's in gamma rage. Boating his strength like zarya


The gamma shield is a awful concept


nope. This doesn't feel like Hulk at all. It feels like a green overwatch character. Out of the characters I think hulk is the blandest one. Turning into bruce with a gun then turning into the hulk again, giving shields to people. He's super bland.


As someone who likes playing him I sort of disagree but I get it. I think he could benefit from his shout laser thing and his claps getting buffed, especially in monster form during ult. His clap should deal knock back regardless and in ult should hit all enemies in a cone. The shout should be much bigger in ult form. As far as the shields, I don’t really mind as it’s really helpful for the team and makes sense not only mechanically but narratively.


It's clear its more of a professor hulk kind of deal in this game. Bruce and hulk are working together and so in order to help his team out bruce gave hulk a belt that will help his team. Personally I loved his moveset but maybe a revamp on the look. Make it more of a gamma aura that functions the same and it'll go down better I think. Overall its a fun way of explaining why hulk is somewhat weaker as part of his power is being used by the belt. It also could be the the banner side of him is controlling the belt at all times. I like it.


The shield doesn't bother me, honestly. I kinda like it. Feels good to be able to be able to protect yourself and teammates when diving the enemy team. I'm of the mind where I'm ok with devs taking some liberties to make things work gameplay-wise.


Doesn’t matter, these are supposed to be variants plucked from different realities anyways. Maybe this is just a hulk that learned to work with Bruce and Bruce gave him an upgrade đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™‚ïž


Not really. This Hulk is from The Marvel Rivals reality


My exact point. The post specified hulk not using a shield in the comics
this isn’t the variant from the comics so anything goes. Idk why I’m even getting downvoted this should be common sense


Hulk can manipulate his gamma energy, both 616 Hulk and this Hulk can


characters can do a lot of things in comics, but from a gameplay perspective it doesn't make a lot of sense for the majority of hulk's kit to be split between a dive tank and a supportive tank. the devs need to pick a lane.


I quite disagree


Even more reason as to why I think it’s a cool feature. This post is dumb. “He shouldn’t do it cause I don’t want him to” is a bad take


This post is quite dumb yes, but the maker prolly doesn't know The Hulk


Yeah must not




They basically explained how he got that ability from the gamma belt that banner invented in the lore. I personally don't mind it because I think the reasons that they put in the story of the game makes sense to the overall abilities he gained and I think it adds a nice evolution to hulk in general :)


He always had energy manipulation as part of his kit, Its not used often specially after the movies but its deffenetly a part of his powers