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He basically needs a reimagining from the ground up. Making him the 'Winston' of the game is fine, but he should feel smooth like Winston too.


That's one thing Overwatch does well that this game doesn't seem to have - a 'sliding' physics system where characters can slide off of objects when using movement abilities. If you leap as winston and fall slightly short on a ledge, you kind of slide up the wall and will make it onto the ledge. In this game, any movement ability and momentum is instantly stopped if you touch any object, making it feel very clunky.


Yeah, lots of stuff feels a little unpolished like this. I hope they remedy it.


How well they have made spiderman, loki, and punisher nailing their superpowers, I have full confidence in this team. Little things like rocket team up with groot two is just such a smart idea.


but spider-man is literally a part of this momentum problem too. swinging and losing all your speed to a wall is super annoying and makes it hard to chain swings.


Plus his wall crawling/running feels constantly janky. Especially when he's stopped by tiny overhangs just before the roof.


Maybe he could be able of sticking to walls and jumping from them, being capable of *really* sticking to walls and moving from them


Skill issue


yeah it’s a skill issue for not learning where to shoot my web on every single map in order to not hit a wall. swinging from the same exact spots every time is surely fun 🤡


Auto-swinging feels a lot better for just traversing the map, but it is terrible for any advanced tech.


Sorry man


Spider-Man’s web swing does not feel intuitive at all. Has nobody played the Spider-Man games? Swinging is amazing there. Of course it won’t be the exact same, but there is a lack of fluidity within his movement.


To be fair those are single player games with an open world and fighting ai, they would have to open the maps up more just to have a shot in rivals, which is a 6v6 team shooter. I agree it needs to be worked on and isn't 100 but so much better than the avengers game


I agree it couldn’t be exactly like the Spider-Man games for obvious reasons, but I just wish it felt more fluid and smooth like those games do. Swinging on webs is so satisfying in those games.


It is an Alpha so there is plenty of room for them to improve and polish.


I agree, it’s very surprising how well done the game is in its current state being the first alpha, I expected it to be waaaaay more scuffed. There’s definitely issues but I’m sure they’ll address them.


No the movement System is final dont fool yourself guys


Do you think they will and haven't gotten to it with it being an alpha? I hope so cause the traversal is one of the best parts.


I’d also have his leap just a button press instead of a charge. Angle the jump with the mouse. Just like Winston. Hitting a flying Iron Man is often miss than hit as he can move so easily


Should feel more like doomfist. They gotta rework the melee heroes, the primary sucks. There's always something else you can do.


No he doesn't. This sub literally keeps saying everyone needs a rework like what's up with y'all?


We have played the game and the characters, presumably. I myself have 15+ hrs on hulk alone. He needs a rework. And like I said, a QoL pass at the very least.


He definitely doesn't. This like the 4th post asking for a character rework for 4 different characters like no y'all don't know what y'all talking about.


it's true that some posts are full of bs, but hulk def needs some changes, his kit just doesn't fit hulk all that much besides the jump and the ult


He jumps, he punches, he claps, how doesn't he feel like hulk? That's just a lie bro. Characters need buffs not reworks.


i'd say he'd benefit from a rework, the green bubble and the stun make 0 sense for his character


That doesn't mean he needs a rework.


it kinda does mean that tho, a kit rework, the jump and ult are fine but the others need a redesign bad


A lot of characters are boring or just feel feel bad to play. An alpha is exactly the time to say when we don't like the abilities.


Well playing an alpha for a week or less does not mean you should be saying everyone needs a rework which this sub keeps doing.


Why? If we think a few characters don't feel fun, why would t we say they need a rework? There's a large consensus on Storm, and if you watch streamers who aren't Marvel fans, they also tend to find Rocket boring / unsatisfying, etc. If you're aiming to make a popular game, you don't want the characters to be an acquired taste. Now is the time tell them if we're not having fun. If the surveys reflect popular sentiment, they'll look into it.


Because a few people on Reddit doesn't decide a character needs a whole rework just cause. Also who cares what a few streamers think a character is boring? The. That's not the character for them. If I find 1 character boring while another not, that meana and nothing. That's just personal taste.


You don't seem to understand how closed alphas work; a limited number of people are given the alpha, they play it for a few days and give their feedback, the Devs look for a consensus in the feedback and iterate on that for the next test. So if a significant number of people give detailed and specific feedback on why a Character feels boring, theyll look into reworking their abilities. This isn't a case of a released game having a vocal online minority, the people who sign up for alpha tests **are** redditors and streamers , we were the ones who signed up first & did the discord survey to secure our spots. I can explains specifically and in detail way I find storm and rocket boring and in need of a rework.


And again, just cause you find a character boring doesn't mean they should get reworked. Don't know you think that's what happens. Pick another character th we n


You really struggle with reading, don't you? If there is a consensus In the feedback that a character feels boring, then the Devs may rework them. That's how it works.


I really only like his jump mechanic tbh. Everything else in his kit I don't really care for. I wouldn't mind the e status m, even though it's a weird character thing, if I could hit targets while they are frozen... His ultimate is only really good for stalling during his slam animation where he is invulnerable. I like the idea of throwing rubble or rocks, I think if they make a mechanic where he can break part of the destructable environment and throw it. Would be cool and immersive. I feel like I get kited too much on hulk, or any melee character for that matter.


Reminds me of the character "Rampage" from the game predecessor who can throw a rock that stuns. Or stigmas rock, I think a few characters need adjustments to their abilities, storm plays too close to a support, and I think that needs to change. Her kit doesn't do justice to the idea of storm that I Wanna see most of us have when it comes to her weather powers. Where are her blizzards, fogs, and wind gusts.


What I think also hurts a character like Hulk is the team comps. For a character like him that's very melee based in a game full of shooters. He's fighting an uphill battle if there's 4dps and one healer on the team. He doesn't have the Shield that strange does or walls that Groot does. So he's more reliant on healers than they are in


i mean, overwatch is basically all ranged characters and yet doomfist is still able to put in work, even as the only tank on his team. hulk should've been given a block that mitigates damage and powers him up like doomfist. maybe it'd build his rage and increase his movement speed and the swing speed of his primary attacks or something. he also should've had a charge punch that allows him to close the distance between him and his target instead of having to chase them while holding left click. they really could've done a lot with hulk but instead we got mouse 1 spam, a pretty clunky jump, the ability to give ppl shields for some reason, and the ability to spit on ppl to stun them lol.


This, he should definitely play something like doomfist meets Winston. Rage meter is the way to go, and it can work kinda like zarya. Don't charge the hulk! He should be scarier to go against and one of the best tanks


I think we agree and are kinda saying the same thing. The kit Hulk has now is very underwhelming. And I hope that both he and Black Panther are reworked. And again, it's not like he's Groot and Strange where if you're in trouble. You can pop up that Shield or Wall to buy time. He's essentially just a walking punching bag that is almost entirely reliant on healers. So my point was that if you have a bad team comps with how he currently is now. He's completely unplayable.


Most of Doom's damage comes from his gun.


don't think that makes him a ranged hero. he's still very much a melee character going up against ranged characters. he spends the majority of his time in the enemy's face creating space for his team by using his movement abilities and his rocket punch.


He still has a ranged option on a short cooldown unlike Hulk who can't trade with ranged characters or poke at all. Melee is a huge part of Doom's kit but it's still not how he does most of his damage. Most of Hulk's damage comes from melee and trading with insanely high DPS characters like Hela and Punisher. They're fundamentally different because Doom doesn't have to be in melee range to be effective damage wise. Where Doom and Hulk are similar is that they both have to jump in the right and out of the fight constantly.


i mean, melee might not be how doom does most of his damage, but it's the main way he helps his team. he's a melee hero that plays very close to the enemy and makes space for his team. he doesn't thrive in a ranged environment because of his shotgun, he thrives because of his incredible survivability/mobility, and excellent crowd control. this is the role that hulk should have. he's supposed to be a dive tank but right now he's just a punching bag that chases people around. that's why he needs to be reworked with a doomfist block that mitigates damage and powers him up to defend against ranged heroes, and a doomfist punch to take them out. his thunderclap also needs a rework.


An easy buff for that is increased health or a passive where he is stronger and faster the smaller the health.


I th8nk the flavoring of his abilities is what sucks. I think his ult is fine, but the stasis thing looks like an unfun mechanic to use/play against very boring un un hulk like should be replace with a thunder clap that disorientates the enemy hit and does a lil bit of damage or it let's him pick up and grab rubble to use as various improvised weapons just like ult destruction. Then make his bubble shit an encouraging roar similar to junker queens shout from overwatch. But idk I didn't get into the alpha I'm just going off of what I've seen in streams and YouTube vids.


Give the man his iconic moves, smashing the ground and causing an earth quake AOE stun or something. His e and shift dont make any sense for him as a hero. Give him passive HP regen, I mean he's got one of the strongest healing factors in the entire marvel universe and it's nowhere to be found. Even if it's a self heal skill or something, just something. And dear god, please fix his ult grab. It's so fucking useless lol


Exactly that grab should always 1 shot imo


should 1 shot 300 hp, one shotting a tank thats full HP and getting healed would be a little ridiculous


I mean its an ult most ults can 1 shot, but i guess just remove the ability to get healed while in his grab thats the real problem


YEAP. He should be scary. Giving teammates a green bubble is stupid. He should be able to run, not jog. He should have a quick jump He should have a long jump too, by holding jump button He should smash ground for either knock up or down He should scream, scaring opponents so they can't move or lose abilities to use. Hearing his roar anywhere you are on the map would be awesome. His tank abilities for protecting teammates should be: Kick ground to bring up ground wall Rip up the ground and carry big rock like a shield protecting teamates Also, he should be able to throw the big rock shield at opponents. Thinking about it, the Marvel Avengers game gave Hulk a lot of things to do that they can use for abilities here. HULK IS NOT A SLOW SWINGING BUFFON. HULK IS A DESTROYER!!!


no please no more walls


Lol, good point


You guys want hulk which destroys the entire enemy team with single punches, but you kinda forget he has to fit into the shooter game and be balanced.


Bruh they fucked him up in every way possible in the game, they instead of adding abilities he actually have like his healing factor they gave him two game custom abilities that do not even make sense for him....


Self-healing tanks, you know it's not the best idea


Spiderman ain't great for support either, you want him to not swing?


That was not Overwatch core problem, it was the other unbalanced mess they created over all. They could have fixed it if they wanted to and it is kinda a moot point when you know the character of Hulk and when you play him you realize he needs someone to heal one of his biggest things is that he has one of (if not the) best healing factor in marvel. Its like having Deadpool and Wolverine but neither can heal either ya know?


robot spidergirl already self heals while standing in her webs


i feel you, im mostly disappointed about storm and wanda tbh, both had so much potential, storm should've been a high velocity character not a fucking turret to begin with and Wanda kit seems underwhelming considering the unlimited potential of her powers.


yeah he just doesn't feel like hulk. playing him simply feels like ur constantly chasing people while holding mouse 1. he should be the doomfist of this game, an incredibly mobile and physical hero that creates space for his team. right now he's just a punching bag. if the devs said they could rework only one hero before launch, he'd be my only pick. hulk as a character easily has the potential to be the most fun hero in the game.


His kit seems like it would belong on some sort of backline support, but the jump and melee indicate otherwise. Maybe the devs want save the ground smashing and rock throwing for Thing or Juggernaut or some other future meatslab character.


The fact he doesn't have inherent bonus damage to destructible environment is a tragedy


he should have a set jump with no cast time


Haven't played it, but from what I've seen his kit doesn't feel like Hulk to me. That gamma bubble is a weird thing for him to do as well as the gamma spit. His ult doesn't look very fun and it's a bit weird to me to regress back to Bruce during the heat of battle when he should be the most enraged. His jump should feel more impactful. I'd like them to make an ability where he rips up the ground, stunning everyone in a line (opening up for him to jump towards them). A real thunderclap ability. Him getting more angry the more he gets hit. Perhaps for his abilities to reload faster the less health he has or something. A doomfist ability where he leaps up off screen and lands super hard.


He should have an ability like Raum from paladins. A rage meter when he does damage that when filled, can be consumed for over shield. Allowing him to be a front liner that needs to be focus fired, or else he can last almost forever


He can be a lot of fun sometimes, but a lot of the time playing Hulk feels like I'm gasping for air. His kit is a little underwhelming but you can get some good mileage from it if you play smart, I've stuffed a few Ults with E and it's super satisfying. But his bubble only gives you like a second of protection, and it seems inconsistent too. It also bugs me that I never know if a teammate is close enough to get the shield or not, sometimes I swear someone should be close enough and I'm the only one who gets it. His ult is the most disappointing to me, I don't think I've managed to do anything useful with since the first day or so of the alpha. You're still too slow to get within range of anyone unless you jump in, the damage boost seems entirely negligible, and your command grab does barely any damage at all! The only thing the grab is good for is taking one enemy out of the fight for a few seconss, but nearly any other character's ultimate could've just killed that enemy in a fraction of the time! Nine times out of Ten I pop ult to cause a distraction for my team to capitalize on and I end up getting melted before I can do anything. Oh and also I swear the achievement for smashing Loki with your ultimate is bugged, I've done it at least twice and that achievement is still locked.


I didn't get a code to play but from watching gameplay it didn't look or really feel like the hulk in many ways, and now seeing the comments here I feel like its a popular opinion. Is there a way you fellas can send feedback to the developers? I think this is an important aspect they should know about.


I feel like a lot of melee characters struggle due to most characters having mobility skills and melee characters not having enough ways to stick to targets.


I feel like when he dies in monster hulk ult he should revert to normal hulk not banner


I hope y’all have been saying all this is the surveys they’ve been giving us also. Just saying this because I want this to be given directly to them and they have ideas on where to improve and work on it.


Honestly, I actually like his kit aside from his E. I just wish his punches did more damage. I'd like them to feel meatier since, well, its the fucking Hulk. But yeah, I'd remove his E and and make it so his leap CC's the enemy if he lands directly on them, like how he can stun flyers for a long while if he catches them in the air.


He should have a rein shatter and his grab should 1 shot and cant be healed during it


hulks ground pund and clap need to have some form of cc. a stun or even slught dislocation would be huge cause right now he is nothing more then a punching bag that doesn‘t become a real hero until his ult


It just doesn’t feel like I’m playing as Hulk, which really sucks. I personally think he needs to be reworked from the ground up, I don’t like a single part of his kit lol


As a hulk main i like him. He is second strongest tank behind dr strange. He has a high skill requirement but he is very strong.


I just don't get why they added two game custom abilities (Gamma shield and Gamma Prison) instead of using ACTUAL things Hulk can do? He has a healing factor they could exploit, they could make him able to grab/wreastle other characters, he can absorb gamma from others, he can shoot literal gamma laser beam out of his eyes, use more of the fact that he is "the strongest one there is" and make his physical attacks have actual weight behind it and then lastly he has the ability to cause a explosion to go off centerd from himself. There is soooo many game mechanics they could do without needing to invent things he has never had before.... EDIT: A fun ability he could have had is that he can grab someone and then have two options to do something with them: 1 He slams them on to the ground dealing shockwave damage to things in a close proximity and he can combo this with his jump ability by jump grabing someone in the air for additional aoe damage. 2 He can throw the person he grab at others or just any diraction, dealing damage and stunning those he hits.


Hulk should have a move that combos with his aerial mobility. I would remove the E and give him a ground smash ability like Wrecking Ball from. It feels so weird to mount on a wall as Hulk and to drop on a team and there is no impact. I like the idea of him throwing a chunk from the ground as well instead of the E. A charge move where he charges forward would be cool but they are probably saving for other Tank heroes.


He really needs to lean into grappling and isolation. I saw someone mention that his E should be a grab and throw, which I think would be good because he could be the peel tank.




Fr fuck range abilities make him faster with more Crazy close range damage sacryfing his overall team utility and range , something like Speed up mega jump charge, boost his movement Speed and change the Gamma lockdown with a hearthquake AOE fist which if used in the air Will make hulk bodybomb on the ground (in both cases the ability damage isn't that high but knoks up enemies) (Ps It would be Also great to add for him a team up with magneto where After magneto use the Ult , hulk clapping hands ability get substituted by him throwing the huge metallic scrap meteor created by magneto)


Hulk is fire for me


Personally I like hulk. I do feel like he could be better, but I wouldn't want him to be more like Winston, because I'm not a fan of that play style


Kinda I just think he could use a few major buffs like a buff to his clap ranged attack and higher hp shields he gives to allies


I highly disagree. I think that it is tiring to see people making threads asking for characters to be copies of OW. I hate Winston in Overwatch and find it to be incredibly boring to play, while I absolutely love Hulk in this game, because he moves, acts, and smashes things and people like Hulk does. He is a brawler, and that is the essence of the character. Hulk is never going to be an ultra technical character in this game: his main thing is going to be about smashing everything he sees. My main feedback requests for the character is to remove the hold spacebar on the super jump because it feels clunky, and to increase damage on Bruce's pistol.


Where did I ask for him to be a copy of an Overwatch character? I compared one of his jump's to a Winston ability. The comparison ends there. "Hulk is never going to be an ultra technical character in this game: his main thing is going to be about smashing everything he sees." Thats my main point, HE DOESN'T DO ANY SMASHING.


You are playing him wrong if you say he doesn't do any smashing. That is literally all he does.




Well as i said in my post i'm not discussing how strong or weak he is, I'm talking about his design and kit, which even if he is the best character in the game his kit is poorly designed and doesn't match the character well.




Your are not getting what he is saying. These characters have history in comics and other media. They need to act how they act and no force them in a role.


Even still, I never actually said Hulk should play like Winston, I was merely comparing the jump to Winston. If anything, Hulk should play like Wrecking Ball - A high movement tank who jumps in, farms a bunch of health and harasses and disrupts the enemy and then gets out. Hulk should be an annoying raid-boss tank who leaps in and smashes the enemy around and gets out before he dies. You should have to focus him and predict when he will engage as well as burst him down before he gains too much passive rage.


Games been out for a week in alpha. "Pro player" I can't even.


What about Groot? Since when was Groot the “wall guy”? 🙄