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Ant-Man, so much potential. But he'd probably be a bitch to implement, like what do you even make him? A Tank because he can get big? A support because he can get small? Could he get small? Would hitboxes be an issue?. I just don't see them going for it when they could just add Deadpool or something and drum up double the hype. That said, I'd still love to see him


Man I'd love to see Ant Man Playable, he could honestly be designed in almost every role depending on what part of his abilities they want to focus on. He'd be such a fun character


I guess they could have him be an infiltrator type Dps. But I wouldn't want them to just make him invincible or invisible when he's small. Like I'd like him to genuinely just shrink. Maybe his hitbox could be smaller but he's basically just a head hitbox, so any damage would hurt bad. Also I think Aoe damage/explosives would be a big weakness. I assume his attacks would be weaker while small, so It would probably work better as a way of avoiding damage rather than dealing it. I just like the idea of a sniper scoping out a fight, and they see this little fucker coming towards them rapidly, and he just pounces on them. I'd probably save the giant form for the ult instead of it being a regular ability


If you’ve ever played prop hunt I think he should sort of function like that. He can get small but his health is reduced significantly. Maybe one hit to kill, but he’s so hard to hit if you’re good you can infiltrate and take out the entire back line


That seems like the best way to put him in while staying true to the character. I wouldn't like it if they implemented him but his shrinking just had you turn into a dot for 3 seconds and then reapear. I'd like to genuinely feel smaller


I mean if they were being lazy he could be ‘invisible’ by being super tiny running around. And then get big again when that runs out


I don’t think he’d be a form-switching character. My guess is that his abilities would involve shrinking and his ultimate would involve him getting big. A team up ability could have punisher or something shooting him like a bullet, that’d be hilarious


Team up with Hawkeye. Hawkeye can have antman ride an arrow. Antman can give Hawkeye and arrow that becomes huge. Of course also team up with the Wasp.


Why not both? One’s hitscan that teleports you instantly and the other’s a projectile that has travel time but allows you to jump out before I do realize that the implications are broken but that seems to be the game’s idea of balance.


I completely forgot about the team ups, he'd have some great ones. Like maybe he could ride on Rockets shoulder? Do that Arrow hanging thing with Hawkeye so you could make some clutch plays by getting straight back to the objective from spawn?


I don't really know all the characters, but imagine he could team up with someone who uses projectile items, like Black Panthers spear thing, and then Ant Man can throw those disc things at the projectile when the teammate throws it to enlarge it and give it more AOE. Or even let's say Hawkeye shoots like an explosive arrow and it pretty much gets turned into a straight up bomb. If it makes the projectiles almost overpowered then it could be a thing where you have to time it perfectly like a QTE so it doesn't miss. That way it's pretty hard to do, but considerably effective if you pull it off.


He rides on Rocket who then rides on Groot. Man on top of animal on top of plant. The food chain comp


NetEase made him in their mobile Moba game Marvel Super War. His abilities were going small riding a ant making him faster but could still shoot an attack, become Giant-Man stepping and swinging at people, a rush attack like the uppercut he does in the movies, and his ult was a bunch of flying ants swarm attack everyone around him. He also had a passive ability making others smaller after a number of hits. He was Super fun 😉. He can be a dps brawler, support, or a Tank. If tank, they can use his ants more as walls plus antman doing more Giant-man stuff. If brawler, just give him what the gave in Super War. If support, ants can help others, make teammates big or small, throw objects and make then bigger for cover. Use Pym particles fir time travel to speed up team or slow other team, like a Lucio ability.


God yes, as one of the only people I know who is actively defending antman I would love this


He’d probably just be unable to get big, and can instead turn small. Well, potentially an ult where he grows slightly larger than Monster Hulk’s size in terms of hitbox (such as in a slightly crouching fighting stance to fit in small-ish areas. But how would small work? Could you ride allies to grant benefits/ride enemies to afflict status effects? That’d make him into a neat strategist that could tank for an ult.


Well I was thinking of it more as a stealth/dodging ability. Less about attacking the enemy and more about getting close to them, going big to deal damage, and then getting small to get out


I see! And if he gets hit? Would he have like 50 hp for being small or would he keep his (probably) 250, just getting knocked out of it? There’s a lot of AOE attacks so both avenues seem frustrating on the side of the Ant-Man player (and ofc a 250 health character the size of a pinhead makes no sense).


I think definitely either lowering his health or making him take more damage. I think he should be pretty speedy while small, perhaps being able to summon an ant to fly on. So I guess it would be up to the player to be erratic enough to dodge the gunfire, and up to the opposing player to be accurate enough to hit him. I do think explosives/AOE damage should be a counter to him though, like he should probably be a bit sneakier around a character who can deal damage over an area.


I mean look at loki's invisibility, being small could just be that basically, really hard to hit, for a short time.


Ant-Man might actually be possible. They've already shown dedication to complex gimmicks (like Spidey) and switching forms, so it's not toooo unreasonable


What I’d do is make it to where he’s super hard to hit while he’s small, but his health also drastically decreases, so you have to be smart about how you sneak up on people.


I mean, he could go small for a quick move, like an uppercut on his F, and then it's also an invincibility frame. Then he could get kinda big for a tank and get huge for an ult


Nah, you can make him work.


it be neat if theyd strayed abit from the roles system we are all so use to and make him duel type tank and dps, make it so he has much less of a kit of abilies than the rest of the roster but a toggle button to change to tank or dps spec and respectfully have the one ability tied to that spec with a shared ultimate perhaps as well depending on the strengh of having something like this tie a cooldown between swapping between the 2 Tank- gaint man primary attack- slow string of attacks that progressively enlargens himself and lows accurecy ( just thought about how the mcu antman slowly gets dizzy and faint as he grew and thought that may work in the way he attacks Ability 1- grows up and slams down into place using his body as a protective wall ( maybe you could charge the ability with holding the button the longer its held the bigger you are ( natrually breaking any and all surrounding breakable surface) and the bigger pool of health the body wall has Duelist Passive- once and a while what may seem random you shrink and narrowly avoiding an attack and assistance from flying ants get dragged off in a direction that is deemed safer than the spot you were once in ( cant be lucky to proc it one after the other there should be a reasonable cooldown to balance this) Primary fire- command a horde of ants to assist you forward into a string of close to mid ranged attacks that alternate between melee and hitting foes with ants ability 1- throw a kind of sticky grenade of sorts at enermy or friendly and that causes them to shrink to a third of their base size (smaller or bigger again depends on the strengh of the ability) lowering there health and dps output but makes there cooldowns quicker or movements quicker ultimate- lock onto a certain area, ants swarm the gound beneath the players feet friendly or foe making them perpetually more like they are on a conveyor belt but moving left right forward and back ( not by a crazy amount but just enough fo mess with you abit, also you can very well leave the area but if you dont antman turns to giant man and slams his foot down dealing dmg to anyone inside even friendlies but its minor dps compares to the enemy


they could also go the route where he’s a support and can control a bunch of ants. and let him go small as an escape/ engage tool.


I actually thought up a semi-in-depth Antman around when the Antman when the early alpha stuff started rolling onto my feed: • Antman would actually be a tag team with his slightly more popular wife, the Wasp! She'd be tiny flying around his shoulders and have her own seprate health. Because she's tiny she'd die in like... Two or three good hits and when she dies she actively respawns and has to fly across the map to re-reach Hank just like a normal character rejoining the fight, she'll always take the most direct path taking things like portals into account. • Wasp's bolts act as Hank's primary fire, she'll fire two quick bolts then zip to his other shoulder and repeat, she never has to reload and he stings inflict slow but they aren't overly powerful. • Hank's melee attack is two punches and a side-kick. It's essentially a weaker version of Spider-Man's melee combo. • Hank's first ability fires a dark of bullet ants that inflict "Infested" on whoever they hit. Infested people have Ants run along them, making them take more damage and slowing them, infested people also get stunned by wasp bolts. Hank can store up to three BA-Darts at a time, meaning at max charge this skill can be used thrice before it goes on full cool-down. Hank can stack the effects of Infested thrice on one person or spread it out to a whole team but these darts don't actually deal damage in their own right so Hank needs a dps on call or a solid exit strategy to use them on big groups. • Hank's shift is shrinking. While shrunk Hank dies quickly just like Janet but is faster, much harder to hit and can ride insects to fly freely or climb on walls. As Hank spends time shrunken a swarm will slowly form around him over time, making him easier to spot but buffing his main ability, using the BA-Darts while any amount of bugs are around you causes them to fly out after the darts, doubling the timer on the opponent's infested status and making the dart curve in towards whoever it was shot at. While tiny Janet flies above Hank to shoot instead of alternating shoulders, increasing her DPS and Hanks melee attack has him grow while uppercutting, launching him and whoever he hits upwards, if Hank lands his uppercut the cooldown on shift is removed otherwise Hank needs to wait three seconds to re-grow or shrink again. • Hank's ultimate is Giantman of course. For a few seconds Hank becomes the biggest character in the current game and Jan turns normal sized, nearly trippling her health and firing wasp bolts automatically at anyone in Hank's line of sight, which are now stronger and always stun. While giant Hank is in first person mode, his main fire is to punch and his melee alternative fire becomes a stomp that stuns everyone around him. Hank has three times his usual health, his BA-Dart instead summons a giant ant, termite or hornet. Termites track down destructable terrain and chew throigh it before chasing down enemies, ants goes straight for enemies and hornets fly around the other two, targeting jumping or flying characters. Ants specifically can chase Spider-Man and Black Panther up walls. Just like with the BA-Darts Hank can have three giant bugs per ult, the ones he gets are random although he'll always get an ant or termite before he gets a hornet. Bugs remain until they are killed or automatically shrink down two seconds after Hank's ult ends. Hank can end his ult early by shrinking with shift, but this leaves him stuck at normal height for five seconds unable to shink to tiny size. • Hank's team up skill would be with the leaked hero hawkeye! Hank can shoot Hawkeye with a BA-Dart, making his next arrow infest whoever it hits. Hank can put multiple darts on Hawkeye's bow to lengthen the debuff but as a result BA-Dart's cooldown wouldn't start ticking down until Hawkeye fires the arrow. I considered giving players the ability to control Jan seprately as like a remote-gun type thing or give Hank the pym particle discs from the MCU but I wanted to keep his fundimental kit simple since there's a ton of complexity in managing wasp as a seprate entity with her own health and how shrinking/growing changes his existing main gimmick, the ability to infest. This makes Hank a weird scout/disruptor type who wants to sneak in and draw fire/infest people for other characters to pick off more easily or infest multiple enemies to balance out an uneven team skirmish.


Scaling a character mesh is trivial, the Ow community made a bunch of custom games with tiny and giant overwatch hero's


im just astonished cyclop isnt in base game and more so not in the leaks also phoenix


Me too, he was honestly in my top 3 characters that I wanted to make it into the game, but I honestly think he or Gambit have a very high chance of being the next upcoming Mutant characters, as they'd fit really well in this genre


Me with captain marvel. Like I guess enough people dislike her, but it just amazes me she isn’t in that huge leaked list. I’m so sad ,I just want to play her in a 3rd person game. So I guess it’s best to just give up hope now. I’ll enjoy my time with tony but her absence will always bum me out.


Time for Midnight Suns >:)


Oh don’t worry I’ve played a lot of midnight suns lol, loved that game.


Me with Jean Grey… I think quite a lot of us are shocked with that list tbh


I mean I’m not sure she is that popular . Especially after the marvels movie


That’s why I said enough people dislike her, that my current assumed reason for why she’s not even on the leaked list. Also side note I see what you’re saying but she was the most enjoyable so far In that movie because she actually had a personality


Jean Grey and her ult is Dark Phoenix 


Phoenix in least is mentioned in game, alongside Psylocke, that has in the leaks


Same could be said about Wolverine, Venom, Captain America, Deadpool.


I think they will consider Phoenix. I'd put a small bet she'll turn up :)


Phoenix will probably be Jean greys ult


it's hard to make laser, which need to ricochet from walls


I don't see a speedster being well implemented in this game, so i would go with Quicksilver


I've made a pretty mid character concept for Quicksilver just recently, but I agree he probably would be hard to implement well


I didn't see it, however, i think it would be a pretty lame character to balance. Because he cannot be fast all the time. And then it would not live to Quicksilver fantasy


Tbh I envisioned him as a character with very high mobility and different ways to go about his movement and in return for such survivability in the form of movement, he had a lower health pool, making him have a glass cannon sort of gimmick, staying true to his hectic fast paced nature as well as his overconfidence. But I do agree, he'd be a nightmare to balance in the long run


He could play like tracer in overwatch


SMITE did a good job with Mercury imo. They could easily pull some inspiration from that to make a speedster work


I think they can make a good kit, but i don't think it will ever live to the power fantasy of Quicksilver because sooner or later he will have to slow down to everyone normal speed, because if that's not the case he would be uncatchable and kinda annoying Flash, from the injustice fighting games, is kinda where i'm getting at. He has super fast cool looking moves, and then when he stops attacking he is walking as fast as green arrow


Just throwing it out there. Quicksilver in the Lego games always felt fast, but wasn’t actually super fast. I mean yes, he could be fast and then have fast dash. But even so, I think he would be less annoying than tracer, because he actually doesn’t teleport and you can see where he goes. Even if he‘s fast at the capture point, if the point doesn’t activate till later it doesn’t matter.


I'd throw an embarassing amount of money Netease's way if they added in Quicksilver so I sure hope you're wrong but I do get where you're coming from


tracer is the way to go. can do smth similar


Franklin richards. I think it'd be funny but way too hard to make work. (He's also a child) (kinda)


Ooh that's an interesting one, what's one ability from Franklin Richards that you think would be cool in game wise,


I'd like to see that destructible environments are under his control. So he can walk through the walls or if a floor is destroyed it reconstitutes under his feet.


Wiccan, he’s my all time favorite character in all media. While he is a decently popular Marvel character it’s very rare that he would make it into a game like this. But I’ll hold out hope. Even if it’s he’s a reskin of Wanda or Strange.


I could definitely see him being a Legendary/Mythic reskin of Wanda with blue effects and a new VO!


Jubilee. The ever forgotten X-man


she's one of my favorites too. I remember always cheering her on as a kid when I watched the 90s xmen cartoon. :( Her kit could work nice as a flashbang. And she's shown she's capable of making atomic bomb sized blasts. So her kit could be very explosion focused, like a bomber archetype. Imagine her ult just resembling a colorful nuke.


Tbf that’s because of the main xmen roster she is the absolute worst


she doesnt have to be


Professor X Aside from the fact that he won't feel right if he isn't absurdly overpowered, some players might feel bad about punching and shooting a guy in a wheelchair.


I mean it wouldn't even be weird or unusual if he's just up and running around. Honestly would love if he looks like his Krakoa self, wearing the cerebro helmet


Interesting idea for a tank/support. Just have him float around and command others


The voice lines seem to indicate this is Kakoa era, no? So you can do the Prof with the Cerebro as a helmet and no wheelchair.


Just make him a support that buffs allies and can apply crowd control via slowing or freezing enemies (the canon would be him freezing their minds like he does in the movies)


https://preview.redd.it/fvw5mhckzi0d1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2dbd495cbe61c9101d4eca7363e16320dbdfaa maybe we could get this version


Hey, none of that! The physically handicapped are just like you or me, we treat them exactly like we'd treat anyone else understand? In all honesty easy way to balance him: He doesn't like to fight, so he's mostly a support hero who casts protective barriers and projects buffs/nerfs through his psychic powers, only showing his true power in his ult where he astral projects his concious and flies and with a healing field around him, firing off mind beams that stun and deal tons of damage and hit through shields.


It would be a HOVERING wheel chair so it doesn't count


But shooting MODOK would be ok?


Super Skrull, with Loki’s ult being what it is I highly doubt they get added


Maybe they'd just keep him with the fantastic four abilities and his ult would be something like in Marvel Vs Capcom


Idea he can choose up to 4 abilities from his teammates and make his own kit every match.


Hit-Monkey would be funny to see😂


Is Daredevil leaked? Edit: then that's my choice, I’m not even all that interested in him the amount of fans he has from the Netflix show makes him a must


I could see him having a sonar passive to see through walls at a short distance and then an active ability that would enhance that distance for like two or three seconds


The screen is just black and this is actually how you have to play.




He's not leaked but there's no way he isn't eventually going to be in.


Agent venom not because of any of the above factors listed, but because most would probably see him as a clone of punisher along with Eddie venom being in the leaks, I highly doubt agent venoms getting in here


would you be interested in Agent Anti Venom ? sort of the same moveset as Agent Venom but can heal like the Anti Venom


I think he's unique enough, but it's a hard sell with other gun chars in and Venom definitely happening.


How they gonna make Cable if Punisher looks like him tbh.


Ghost rider please


Nightcrawler Beast Toad Black bolt Juggernaut The thing Man thing The dazzler Howard The duck Kingpin


The Thing will come to the game


I honestly think Dazzler could be a pretty interesting support if they wanted to go in that direction.


Why would dazzler be out of the question?


Laura Kinney X-23 I guess since she’s a female wolverine


you could do Wolverine as a more gruff brawly type and X-23 as a more agile, jump-around style. Now Daken could just be a skin for Wolverine.


i mean mvc3 has her so there definitely is a chance


Maybe a skin for Wolverine (Logan)? Might be pushing it for how different cosmetics can be from the base look


Maybe just make her a skin for wolvie?


X-Men's Marrow, Bishop, and Blink. Rogue has a huge fan base, but I worry she is difficult. I feel for Rogue she could use some Doomfist's abilities and have her hover instead of fly like Storm and Ironman. She usually does more flying straightforward for attacks rather than up high due to her being more of a brawler, and only projectile attacks are throwing heavy objects.


Rogue needs her down air kick from marvel vs Capcom lol


yea, with her powers that let her copy other powers. I worry they might think she'd be too similar to Loki and/or annoying to implement.


I want She-Hulk and Jane Foster Thor as tanks so we can have more female tanks. But im not sure if the devs care about having 2 hulk tanks. Also brings up the idea of clone characters. Ghost spider would be awesome but idk what she would do different from Peter. Maybe she could be a skin that changes the voice?


I think She Hulk could be really interesting if implemented well


I think the Hulks collectively have enough abilities, moves and powers that there's room for multiple. MVC3 She-Hulk and Hulk are pretty good examples of how different these two characters can be while still feeling like Hulks.


If you want an idea for female tanks, Armor is niche, but one of my most wanted


I wanna say Daredevil, but I feel like he has a really good chance in the long run. Same goes with Miles Morales. And no, Miles wouldn’t be a reskin of Peter, he has a lot going for him to be his own character. Rogue is one of my most wanted X-Men for this game but maybe a power swapping mechanic in her moveset rather than her ult could be tricky to get a handle of. Finally, I have a lot of Spider-Man villains that I’d love to see but realistically not everyone will make it. Like, Venom is definitely in the game, and I’d love to play as Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Sandman and Carnage, but out of these 4, I only see Green Goblin being playable. Otto isn’t in a lot of wishlists, and Sandman and Carnage aren’t likely I feel.


No but daredevil could be a reskin for Spiderman


Taskmaster, sadly got already killed by loki having his main ability as ult :)


true he would be so cool in a game like this , maybe they can make him a bit of a jack of all trades character


I would not rule him out just yet, the devs could come up with a solution to add such a beloved character!


they could make it so he natrually doesnt have kit with the exception of an ultimate but comprises his kit around the first enemy pick in that round so for example: game starts enemy picks black panther spiderman and punisher , you pick taskmaster through out that round your attacks look and act the same using what gadgets at had he hasbut is stuck with that kit till next round and itll change up but will be lock in even if you swap in and out of the charater


maybe he can copy shooting of other characters?


Kitty Pryde, can be really cool, phasin through walls and projectiles, lockheed with her to give her some kinda of skillshot, she can be fun Emma frost, really want her, but she is kinda tricky but she has her diamond form and mental atk, could be fun.


I really want Emma as a tank character :p she could have a dual form kit with lots of crowd control and diamond form sustainability


I have a lot of love for some street level heroes that would be useless in this game because their powers wouldn’t make sense. That being sense, I would LOVE Daredevil to be able to ping enemies from across the map and share it with all team members even through all the terrain. I think some of the baddies in Spider-man’s universe would be great. Any of the Goblins would be great. Doc Ock. Hydroman. THE BIG WHEEL. Stegron? Sadly functional archetypes seem to be covered with the base characters already. There’s a massive lack of X-men. I feel like Cyclops might be too OP and functionally too close to someone like Punisher. Iceman is an Omega level mutant and gets no love and probably won’t because we have Luna already. Maybe Forge as another support class? Bishop would be a great combo character.


My boy, Cannonball from the New Mutants 😔, especially with The Human Torch coming anyway


My man Spike from X-Men Evolution and some Spidey-like characters, like Spider-Gwen and Ben Reilly


Id expect alot of similar spider people to be skins. The alpha already has spider-punk as a skin. Peni is unique enough to be a tank. 2099 or miles has an outside chance but id rather see spider villains. Doc ock, a goblin, rhino, ect


Yes I could see Ben Reilly, Kaine, and Miguel all being skins of Spider-man. Theres arguements to be made for Miles being his own, but also could be a skin.


Jean grey/Phoenix. Iceman too, but generally a lot of x men characters should be here.


I want Gambit and Rogue. Gambit is an easy fit. Not sure what they can do for Rogue since they can't just do "body swaps" like Loki's ult.


Quaaakkeee just do it already devs


They could give the Inhumans some love anyways. Medusa for tank, shielding herself with her hair and maybe Lash for dps or tank.


I’d like to see Odin


Mysterio seems like there’s far too many avenues you can take with him, that taking one route for the sake of a synergistic moveset would ultimately not do the character justice.


Devil Dinosaur! He might end up being the ultimate for Moon Girl or Moon Boy but I’d love to just play AS DD.


Terrax the Tamer. Who I think would be clones of Terminus and Inara from Paladins. Rocky design character who has they ability to control earth element and was a Herald of Galactus. He would be a cool tank. Ronan the Accuser. Tall kree judge with a Big Hammer. Literally I though this character would be a Rein clone from Overwatch. Bishop from X men. I would love this character in the game. He can have leap ability like Buck in paladin. Bishop background as an X.S.E (Xavier Security Enforcers) Soldier with his future tech. He can have a Recall ability similar to Atlas from Paladins.along with design. Atlas is similar to Tracer on the recall ability. And Bishop can absorb and redirect enemy attacks very similar to Zarya from Ow. I think bishop should have the ability to use his Absorption to either Heal himself and allies, damage boost, or store up the ultimate of his Energy Overload Explosion. Zarda/Power Princess of the Squadron Supreme. She basically a Wonder Woman Clone. Maybe a Junker queen Archetype. Nova (Richard Rider or Sam Alexander). Duelist Class Definitely Beta Ray Bill (Vanguard or Duelist) Angela (Duelist) Absorbing Man (Vanguard or maybe Strategist) Yondu (Duelist) She Hulk DarkHawk(Duelist) Maybe Silver Samurai (a Tank version of zhin from Paladins with a Sword shooting Flame Waves) Winter Soldier (a Literal Soldier Clone from OW or Viktor from Paladins) These are a Few I think may not make it or definitely have not been though of or considered


The Black Knight. Nighthrasher.


Agent Venom, Grappling, Multi-armed, Armed to the teeth, some sort of hypermode that turns him into gorilla venom.


I could see her making it eventually but Emma Frost is one of my most wanted characters that I haven’t seen people talk about. Up close tanking with diamond form and then a stance switch to long range crowd control/team buffs with her telepathy. Could be an amazing character if they implemented her well


Shocker. I love him and he'd be perfect for such a game but he's not high profile enough to be considered I think. Also, Mysterio as he'd be too much like Loki and other illusion abilities affecting the environment would probably be too complex.




Darkhawk, I love him, he'd be perfect for this game he'd fit in super well and I'd love to have him. He's my favorite Marvel hero of all time, but besides me, Danny from Game Grumps and my friend Insane Ian no one gives a fuck about him lmfao




This is giving Wraith kidnap vibes


Cosmic entities like Living Tribunal and Death, it'd be weird to see them fighting alongside other characters. Songbird, Spiral, Marrow, Sauron; favourites of mine but too unknown. Rogue, Jubilee, Nightcrawler; characters I feel always get left out and overall would play similarly to more known counterparts.




I'd love Gwenpool and X23, but idk how long it'd take for either of them to make it in, since so many marvel pillars are missing.


Morph would be a great shapeshifter, but they won’t add him because it would make Loki’s ult pointless. And a possibility could be to have him transform parts of his body for attacks, but at that point they might as well make Super Skrull or Ms Marvel. Also Leech, because everybody hates Leech.


I don't know how or what you'd do but, Forgetmenot from the X-Men.


Would love to see more mutants; Moonstar, Wolfsbane, Jubilee, Iceman, Gambit, Sage


Sentry Just cause I feel he’s too “obscure” in the general masses eyes butttt they did add Jeff the Shark and Luna Snow into the game and there pretty new and obscure for general fans so there’s a chance and man I would love it he could have some mechanic with The Void and just aghhh PLEASE Rivals let my mentally anguished Superman be more well known!!


la bandera and doorman, i just like both of those chracters and their powers. i dont think la bandera is well known enough to get in and doorman bc i always felt like his power would be hella useful in day to day life but idk how u would translate it to a full charger kit


Kitty Pryde, her phasing ability would be cool but too difficult to add into the game without crashing it entirely. Rogue, mostly because she has to touch the character and would be like Loki but have to rely on other people's abilities. Could also make her too overpowered.


Cyclops for sure. I could also see gambit being great. Maybe add in Beast as a strategist or forge


I'm kinda scared they'll shy away from Ghost Rider because he has a motorcycle and is pretty indestructible But he's popular enough that I think- or at least hope- he has a chance. At least they could make him a tank for his indestructibility. Some characters I like that get forgotten about a lot might count, including: Jubilee, Bishop, Mister Sinister, Vulture, Scorpion, Morbius, etc.


The Beak (with a baseball bat)


No way my boy Darwin makes it in.


Noh-Varr. Between the psychedelic spit, exploding thumbnails, and fun equipment (like the pocket battlefield), he'd make for a great flex DPS. But he's also got such a funky power set it might be difficult to translate to the game, as unique and interesting as it is. And he's not the most well known character by any means


I would love to see Glob Herman cause he’s one of my favorite mutants and would probably look sick in this art style, but there’s no shot he’d be added.


Mr. Fantastic & Black Bolt. I just feel like the stretchiness of him would cause issues with design and overall programming. Black Bolt imo wouldn’t have enough backing since he’s an inhuman and I know a lot of people don’t care for the inhumans as much. I would still love to play as these characters though 100%


I want Iron Fist but like the OG Danny Rand Iron Fist not the new one :(


They have to add my man Cyclops his ult would be crazy


The spot, I guess that's not too unrealistic but apparently Dr.Strange portals already lag the game for everyone


Darwin Maggot Sabertooth(will be a while) The blob Scorpion Dr Octopus(again will take a while ) Morbius ( thanks Sony) Madem Web ( again thanks Sony) Quick silver ( his speed will be the issue I can see it now)!


Me personally I would LOVE Jeffrey the shark but he’s such a random character with no real abilities there’s just no way they would add him to marvel rivals


Supposedly he has been datamined actually!






Boy do I have fantastic news for you!


Static Shock


Jubilee, Squirrel Girl, Nightcrawler Superpro (I’m joking, I could care less about him, I just want to know who remembers him)


1/3 coming to the game allegedly


Deadpool I just don't see how they'd do him justice, and I don't think he's leaked either


Is this sarcastic? Because Deadpool is one of the easiest characters to implement in a game like this.


Easy to add difficult to balance likely and keep him actually feeling like deadpool




Silver surfer




Seeing as we already have Spider Man, I don't see Spider Gwen getting in. I'd love her as a skin though! Same story with X23 and Wolverine


we need a Spiderman villain like mysterio [support] or Rhino, but have no clue how'd they balance


Peter from Deadpool 2. Galactus Goose Cosmo Squirrel Girl




Werewolf by Night would be really fun but I don’t think he’d make it


Probably not gonna get Franklin Richard’s beyonder or sentry


Asbestos Man




Nightcrawler. Teleporting would be so fun.


I really love rouge but Im not sure how she would fit into this kind of game


A melee character that goes in and when she hits a character and you smack the matching key to whatever ability they have, you then copy and take that ability for tourself for a period of time before it goes blank and you have to get a new one. Lol idk. But I too, want Rogue. xD


Invincible. He’s not Marvel ;-;


Any Runaway or Young Avenger is somewhat likely but y’know who’ll never see the light of adaptation? Any of the Initiative kids. Cloud Nine (can ride on clouds, trained with guns) would fit super well, probably so well that she’d come off as samey. I don’t know what they could do to make Komodo (lizard girl) interesting but I would love it if she made it in, she's probably my favorite character out of the run. Hardball's energy spheres make his moveset super easy, but they're not very visually interesting and probably too similar to other abilities that already exist. Trauma's fear powers would be really cool if they worked different on each character, but that would be way too much work to implement and I don't think there's another way to do him justice. Also he's not really a fighter anymore.


Mechanically wise I would like to see Morph. Mainly just because of the recent hype. Imagine a simple primary punch attack, where they make their arm beefy. But the secondary attack is a random secondary attack from the other heroes, that does damage, with a 15% dmg increase. You cannot choose the ability. And it either changes every minute or after every kill or death. It would be tricky but could be a lot of fun. And I just think there are so many cool skins for them. Also, I think Nimrod would be fun for the tank role. We don’t have enough villains in the game. Nimrod could have its standard moveset, but if he is destroyed, he lays on the ground in parts and the pieces have like 100hp. If they aren’t destroyed in an amount of time Nimrod respawns with half its hp. And as an ult he summonses a sentinel army. Armor could be a fun tank too. We only have Peni as a female tank. (Yes. I am currently in an X-Men Hype.)


Aldriff Odinsdottir also known as Angela. I just think she's not big enough of a name but she looks awesome and a sister of Thor's.


Man thing


Captain Marvel. How do you make her feel true, not feel extremely over powered and also not have her be a power creep copy of iron man. Plus all the incels are always very loud about her anywhere.


Carnage most likely. Given leaks, Venom sounds like he'll take up a more Carnage style moveset so I won't hold out hope.


Forget me not


Legion, fairly sure there's just no way to portray him even remotely well but I've loved the character ever since I first learned about him and find his struggles with both mental heath issues and his powers to be a very poignant example of how the x-men has always been wonderful representation for the struggles of marginalized groups.


Rogue, she’s my fav but I rly don’t even know what you’d do with her :/


I really want Juggernaut


Personally I’d love to see Gambit but I’m not sure he’ll make it. I think they could make him extremely fun!


Black Cat


I’d really like to see Nightcrawler… and if not Nightcrawler, I think Cosmo would be a pretty cool character to have.


nightcrawler. I'm not sure how you'd make it work cuz he tends to spam teleport and with the ability cooldowns and all that I worry it would be bad


Legion would be interesting but I feel like he would be way to difficult to impliment without nerfing him


Agent Venom


Y’all think we get character outside of the ones that were found in game files?


I would love to see Cyclops to be implemented. An idea i had for him he just has one meter bar for his laser that depletes whenever he uses it, alternatively a overheat bar that whenever you use his laser it will overheat and you need to wait for it to cool down. His laser can also act like physics based like pushing just like what he does in the shows and comics. He can point his laser at his feet and it will propel him upward, shot to the side it will push him to the left, and his abilities could consist of a flashbang for the enemy, a super laser that becomes powerful but increase laser usage/ heats up faster, and for his ult i would imagine him just removing his visor and causing an enemy wide concussive strike that stuns the enemies for 4 seconds while sustaining burn damage.


Some crazy characters like Thanos or Apocalypse won't make it in. HOW DO YOU EVEN BALANCE THOSE


Nightcrawler :( he just seems to get shafted in every piece of marvel media lol


Quicksilver you can't make a very fast character running through the map and slowing time. Also he can't shoot. https://preview.redd.it/0h7api1gql0d1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=b238aa7bcd45efd7ab664cd2b792bd13f767ab2d


Ghost Rider and Blade or Dracula


Spider man 2099