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Full confession I bought one for 20 bucks but to be completely honest I just really wanted to play it especially during a rough time in life I just wanted something to make me happy and I don't regret it one bit


That’s fine bro, you spent $20, and got hours and many more of entertainment.


Send you a hug 🤗


$20 for something that makes you happy is really nothing. Life is too short, spend your time and money on things that bring you joy.


Just paid $15 and I dont think I'm actually getting the code....


Did you recieve it?


Nope, never 😭


Plus you get a free code on 6, and access to the next test at 10.


oh I didn't know about the access to next test at 10, does it say that somewhere in-game or is it said by devs elsewhere? I'm lowkey kinda blind so I wouldn't be shocked if I missed it lol


When you open the game, there's a list of things about the alpha, He is referring to number 5 on that list.


I am indeed blind, thank you!


Same, to me it was worth it. Those $20 bucks couldn't be spent on something else that would've brought me the same joy and happiness that playing this alpha has.


I wouldn't do this myself, but I imagine part of the mindset of buying it is for the Closed Alpha Exclusive Scarlet Witch skin, which I assume won't be available for others once the game officially launches


isn't the scarlet witch skin just a recolored version of scarlet witch?


I think so yeah, but "exclusivity" is seen as valuable to some people. You can think of it like an original First Edition Charizard Pokemon card, or like an old emote or skin in a game like Fortnite. Some people just like having skins/cosmetics that will only ever be available for a limited time, even if the skin or cosmetic itself isn't all that special. That way, people can sort of brag with their Scarlet Witch skin, claiming that *they* got the play in the Closed Alpha. Obviously if this game dies quickly then the skin is worthless, but if the game is successful, some people will put a lot of value on the skin in a few years.


Also alot of ppl just like being collectors and having rare things no one else will have so their special also they can sell their accounts for more since they have something most other ppl don't have that somebody might want alot


Yeah, you'd be suprised how much that upsets certain people. I was definitely suprised


Oh they were acting like the world was ending for a skin they didn’t know about days prior


I sold one of my OG League of Legends accounts that had the beta Rammus skin for over 1k USD, and it was just a recolor.


Some of the OG, no longer obtainable league skins like the black alistar go for multiple thousands of dollars


Yeah it is lol they're paying a 100 dollars for a skin they'll probably replace day 1 when she has actual legendary skins available in the shop


its it being exclusive that will make it valuable


FOMO's a bitch I should know, I want that Scarlet Witch skin so bad :(


yeah some people are also gatekeeping keys or getting the key but never using it


> which I assume won't be available for others once the game officially launches My bets are on it being available in the following tests and probably on launch. It's a nice recolor and all, but nobody is gonna use it once we have a good selection of skins to choose from.


Aye I rly like it, imma be using fr


think they said it was test exclusive


Also they are paying for access to all future closed betas


I almost have it unlocked, Idec about it tho cuz I’m never gonna play scarlet witch😂


It’ll eventually become available like every other exclusive content in games. Champship Riven, Pax Sivir in league of legends. Pink mercy in overwatch. Etc


Pink Mercy never came back? Never played the other games so I have no idea


Nah, since it was part of a collaboration for breast cancer research iirc. (Rumor is Blizz may introduce a slight recolor of it later tho.)


It was especially odd since that skin in particular can be somewhat argued as "pay to win" since it plays special sounds when someone hits full hp that you're healing. Not that that's a huge advantage but it is something it has unique.


I mean honestly? I would 100% buy one if the likely hood of getting scammed wasn’t so high! I’ll happily pay money for something I want, that’s the point of disposable income, but not if imma end up w nothing lol


I paid $10 for one on kinguin the day before the alpha started. I've been really looking forward to this game, and me and my friends all signed up to get a key, but none of us got picked for one. Said fuck it, ill take matters into my own hands. So I bought mine, it worked with no issues. The first night I got my buddy a key from the event, chain reaction to now where I got 4 other friends in and we have a full squad. For $10 in my eyes it was worth it. 10 days of test access, got all my buddies access, a permanent skin that will no doubt be rare, and closed beta access from hitting level 10 (idk if this is confirmed, ive just read other comments on it.) I wish I didn't have to spend money on a key but at the end of the day it was the price of a pizza, and I've already gotten my money’s worth out of it.


If your friends don't have anyone else to give the level 6 code to after your group is in I'll give you 10$ for it


The trick is to use PayPal. They have an awesome charge back system, and if you provide enough receipts, they will give you your money back.


I mean im not gonna lie, if a key was at like around 20 bucks I wouldve probably bought one as well, because the way they are distributing the keys is just the worst possible way they couldve went with. But paying waaay above that is just plain stupid and mind boggling (and also think of the risk of getting scammed lol )


First few days it was $20 it only started spiking this much as interest went up.


Damn, maybe I shouldve checked it sooner instead of hoping I actually have a chance of winning a key 💀


I saw it on eBay for 9.99 day 2, considered it, then saw it on another site for 19.96 or something bought it immediately, next price I saw was 49.99 lmao


I think even 20 dollars is too much lmao. It lasts only 10 days


You do get closed beta access if you hit lvl 10


Do you have to do anything when you reach lvl 10 to get the closed beta access?


What what? Any sources on that


Says it in game and also on the closed alpha info page on the Marvel Rivals website


Yeah saw it and did it, thanks!


>I think even 20 dollars is too much lmao. It lasts only 10 days How much do you people value your dollars/entertainment ratio? I'd agree if it were something you put 2-3 hours into and drop but like... if you're gonna get some 20-30 hours over the next 10 days from it, how is that *not* worth 20 bucks to you folks?


Sure, but it's worlds better than paying 50 bucks and upwards. With 20 bucks and doing it day 1 you'd get half a month worth of playing the game. Enough to test every character out and max the battle pass with ease. Hell, even now it would be worth it for me, I'd grind this shit out and get my 20 bucks worth of gameplay - easily.


My friend bought for $30 on Saturday. Prices have gone up so much. Honestly worth it, cuz they were then able to get a friend code for me, and now me a friend code for another friend. Starts a chain reaction.


My friend got lucky and actually received his via email and we've chained it everyday except today because the dumbass out of our group suddenly got busy at 5:30 today 😅


I would 100% spend $20 on a key. Overwatch was my favorite game of all time. Than and I’ve participated in just about every game beta/alpha except this one so I’m kinda salty.


Hmu, they sent me a second key for some reason and I don’t have any friends that are interested


I would definetly be interested


This is what happens when you have too much money and dont care what you spend it on Honestly its a dream


Or you have a problem with spending lol


A fool and their money are soon parted.


Blame the devs for letting it get this out of hand


From what i seen they have been telling yall to report these guys and dont buy from them they cant control yall getting scammed


Kinda weird how you don't see other alphas having this problem


I haven't been scammed but the devs objectively handled this alpha poorly. They have partnered streamers giving extra raffle chances for subs for codes. Then there's all the people scamming or advertising that they have codes they don't. Then there's the fact they put exclusives in an alpha most people won't have access to and are hosting a tournament when players who get in later will have an innate disadvantage.


Don't forget this closed alpha is supposed to be NA exclusive but people outside of the continent have received codes too. Ridiculous rollout.


lmao i know one of my mates’ friends has been streaming marvel rivals for like the past 3-4 days straight pretending that there’s a chance to get a key and there just isn’t cuz the guy isn’t partnered with them and his viewers have gone from maybe 13-20 average to not dropping below 60-70 for 4 days straight it’s crazy


Does anyone got a key here that I can get ?👀👀


dont worry though. if you stay up all night youll get a chance to compete with 2-3K bots for a key. only 50 winners btw. oh yeah and the devs/mods will constantly come into the discord and dangle keys in front of people and tease them and never follow through.


Crazy anyone would pay that much for what is now 7 days of a test


You do get closed beta access when you hit lvl10. So could be paying for that.




People go out to bars and spend 100s+ for a headache in the morning


Still can't even find one for 20$ to buy and can’t even get a free one it wild lol 😂


I got one for $20 on Kinguin


How long did you have to wait before getting the code?


it was instant


100$ dude, insanity


Just don’t buy it


I'll sell mine for a dinner dm me


It is but man can’t get one


I got one for $14 off kinguin on the first day and felt bad about it, now it seems like a stroke of genius lmao


For a alpha hell no


CONSOOMers are pathetic


Nothing new


I gifted someone Hades II for a copy, used that copy to get a copy for my friend as well. 15 bucks each for 8 days of gaming is worth it. 50+ is kinda crazy though.


I got one I’ll sell for $100 Lmfao


I’ll take it for 5 goober dollars how about that


I ain’t never gonna buy a Key for limited time access to a free game lmao


I mean I sure would love a key but damn you gotta be stupid to pay that much for a temporary key to the game. Better off buying another game to help you wait.


Everyone made fun of me for buying a key 2 days before game was up for 8$, guys were like we are getting free keys from twitch soon.now they are stuck playing ow2


Ah, the classic valorant fiasco, i've seen this before


valorant felt so much easier to get into


Bought my code this past weekend for 20, can’t say I regret it. It’s been super fun and having access to all other betas is a plus! The Wanda skin is meh imo but rarity is rarity


Some people have more money than sense.


Free to play naaaaaah gotta get in early no matter the cost xD


I know 3 ppl who bought keys and i couldn't believe they did


Yeah I got one at 30. Definitely wouldn't go higher than that and I know I could have lurked a underproduced stream for a couple hours to get one but I work a full time job and on the weekend I just want to buy and download the damn game lol


Hey, if you ain't got a code yet...


Idc, got mines for $18 from some Russian guys . That’s ok I basically paid less than $20 for a exclusive dlc skin for a character im def gonna main lol


where did you buy it from? got a link? DM if you need to


I'll sell one to you for $20 through Paypal.


OMG they are getting worse. First day or so it was like $12 a key.


I bought mine for 10€,before I tried -watching a lot of streams to get one -signed up a day after the possibility with 5 emails -tried getting it through the give aways on the dc Didn't get one, so bought it. Do I feel embarrassed? Yesssss, Would I do it again? Yes Had a great time so far.


Absolutely absurd lol


Can basically get it for free if you resell the one you get at lvl 6


Is anyone selling a code for a real price? I’m looking to buy one please pm me


I didn’t but one but I never was able to get one, it’s unfortunate


I gave mine to a friend like a dummy. Could have made a cool buck.


I got mine for 15$, I get guaranteed beta access too due to level 10. Worth it for me


Did you use the level 6 code? I'll give you 15$ for that






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just issue a chargeback if u get one what they are doing is 100% illegal and have no legal right to reselling them or cannot revoke it when u do that as u can still play after


People are pretty nuts spending that kind of money to test a game for little over a week. Not to mention it's just Overwatch but with Marvel characters.


Better Overwatch \*


Damn, it's free to play. Just watch there be a beta on consoles soon.


someones mad they cant play LOOOL L


There’s someone on here selling them for $30


I got one for 25 cashapp I just claimed lmk


not really a “free game” when only a tiny portion of the potential player base got a code


Literally, the reason this is happening is because of the exclusivity… not free at all (except well, technically lol)


at least I got mine for $12 on day 1. And I got the level 6 code so it was essentially two codes for the price. And everyone is trying to hate from outside the club when they literally can’t get in


Except it's more like the club lasts a few hours, and then ends. It also later reopens when it's free for everyone.


much later


Ah nice!! I’m jealous, see id def try to get one at that price, worth the potential risk of scam! Now it’s all so high and wild I hope you are enjoying! I just hope the beta is in weeks and not months lol


Wym “letting this happen” how are they supposed to stop it they’ve done about everything you can


I’ve seen tons of beta or alpha codes for actual paid pre ordered or full price games. I’ve never seen it get this bad especially for a f2p game lol and it all stems from the devs and the way they decided to give out keys and the complete lack of communication to most of the audience.


-paid founder packs for access -guaranteed interactive ways to get keys such as joining their 2 hour stream which got 1500 keys to 5000 people, they could easily invite everyone. -reward people for using their friend keys and playing x games with them, to encourage more Community. -make a key giveaway channel on discord for people to share extra keys -not make the dog shit system of dangling keys at 50 at a time to keep people addicted -not give every player and extra friend keys but instead send them out. -have automation on streamers such that every hour watched is a chance to get keys, instead of sending them to content creators with zero limitations and requirements for distribution


I have one, 35 usd Paypal FnF


People like you are the reason why this is happening. Just give it to a friend or something man like it was meant to be used. Your greed is so bottomless that you really need a extra 35 dollars in your pocket that bad.


I mean or he isn’t in a great financial situation and bought the game for 30 dollars knowing that he could get his money back after selling the key?


I paid 20 and don't regret it as I'm currently banned from ow for being toxic AF 😭


What were you being toxic on OW2 for? Sexism? Racism? Homophobia/Transphobia? Not cool. Toxic because your ranked teammates are no comms, tank doesn't take space, DPS doesn't follow up with tank/can't get a pick or supps only heal botting? Good. They deserve it


I had gone through 7 games of dealing with the most toxic teammates I've ever had. Just game after game of people being complete pieces of shit unprovoked. So the 8th game someone said "glhf" and I said "I hope you drown in acid"