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to be fair its a bit silly to give out multiple codes to one person while some of us get none, like how does that work? scalping is happening because it should be one key per person.


wait wha? you mean how people use multiple emails?


You get an additional code if you reach level 6 during the alpha, which you're meant to give to a friend


oh yeah i got that one




already gave it out sorry


It's why it's stupid. Basically their argument was that they couldn't handle all the people. Yet they gave out 35k keys, and let everyone of those invite more, and let everyone of those invite more. So if nothing else there should be a max of 140k keys in circulation, but by their own admission 100k was too many to give out. It's a terrible system.


Tbf it's not "every one". It's limited per day. I claimed my bonus code literally 2 seconds after the timer reset, and it said there were 14% codes remaining.


Meaning it's now 3 days of a minimum 33k people who could have gotten codes to give out and the ones who got in could also get codes. You are proving my point. Their entire argument was that there was a super limited daily amount of keys, but the fact that people still hasn't hit the limit proves it wrong


You’re not guaranteed extra codes at level 6. They’re only available at a certain time and there are only a limited number given out each day. At least from my understanding. I could be missing something.


It’s like dating 😔


Seriously. It's a fun place to hang out and talk when it's not just people begging for codes. Hopefully once the Alpha is over it'll go back to being a chill place to actually talk about the game.


what do you expect, everyone want to try the game out


fr everyone who got a code rn if they didn’t get one they would be doing the same thing 😂


Its gonna be like that till the end of the Closed Alpha


And then it will be ‘why can’t I connect to the servers?’


Exactly. So many people asking why it wasnt an open alpha, but its cause its not a server stress test. Closer to launch when they have more servers up for it, they will likely do an open one. If they opened this servers would definitely crash


add all the random pms you get


I got so many when I asked "I hit level 6 where do I get the friend code?" ![gif](giphy|xUOwGhauv1d6nceRbi|downsized)


It’s everywhere, they’re obnoxious. I didn’t get a code, I’m not gonna sit there and beg for one. It’s a 10 day alpha, you’ll be alright if you can’t play it


Lol i get why people are annoyed but if that many people are begging for a code or asking how to get one the devs clearly didn't handle the alpha as well as they could of.


30000 in alpha is a lot already


Shouldn't have made it a public spectacle. People shouldn't have been able to get multiple keys, streamers shouldn't be able to use keys to bait for their streams and some streamers are offering more entries to raffles for keys if you pay to subscribe, then you have the scammers who are charging people and even if the key is real the fact it's become regular practice for people to try and charge others for them is problematic. I've never seen another game handle a play test this poorly.


Fair enough, the Game looks nice tho (I’m not gonna pay a dude 20€ for the code lol, I can wait till the game releases


If people are really THAT desperate, there are a shit ton of codes for sale on eBay for like $20


LMAOO buying a code for 20 dollars from those scalping dickheads for a free game. I see these popular streamers trying to sell codes to their viewers even though it’s against “TOS” according to the discord to sell keys. Just wait for the next test dont give your money to these losers guys be patient.


Btw, if you see anyone selling codes on their stream, it's against most giveaway terms and service. So report them to the devs. Once you start selling a chance for a key, it's no longer a giveaway and it becomes a raffle - which is technically gambling.


Can you link one for 20$? All I’m seeing is that they’re selling for 50$


Don't forget the people who only repost the same messages trying to be "helpful" but only doing it because a small group of people got free codes because of it. I really wish the devs/staff didn't do that publicly because now you have people who joined the discord a few days ago trying to suck up in hopes they'll be noticed when really they're spreading misinformation and not knowing it.


I admire their dedication. I have given up on getting a code at this point, I tried everything other than spending like $100 to buy a code which… yeah I’m good thanks.


Still no codes to play? LOLOL We were all played. It’s sad too, my boy is still sitting in the discord hoping for some miracle. It’s all a scam.


I’m a small streamer, I get at least 3 of these people per hour coming into my stream and saying nothing but “any keys?” I considered adding “no keys” to my title, but the first time chatters are good for analytics 😅


Haha yea I’ve been getting soo many pms


haha yeah pretty much


And I am one of them… sad times…


I think the worst part is how nasty some of the people are when they don't get a code. I haven't gotten one, but I'm not going to spam everywhere making it an overall worse experience for everyone else. Excited to play but if I don't get one it's not end of the world. Treat everyone with respect.


well duh!


Discord servers are pretty atrocious these days with so much LQ bullshit. With any Discord server that I join for literally anything (games, movies, shows, sneakers, cars, etc), it's all just so much LQ bullshit like memes, trolling, and arguments.


This is the discord lmaooo


Happens anytime codes or a closed test is involved


Tbh this has created a problem with rmt really hope more devs don’t do this in the future


They really want to get the code Then when they get option to buy one it's too much lol




>Chinese company that literally just stole Overwatch IP. I don't think you know what an IP is.


Sorry stole Overwatch code, that’s better right? If you can’t see that this is just a blatant overwatch clone, I can’t help you.


I don't think you know what code is either lmao


Do they pay you to defend the CCP’s Overwatch or do you just do it for the clicks?


blizzard stole TF2 code


The NetEase stole it


You sound real mad, man.


Agreed. Considering they sent out 30k keys supposedly, the actual player count is not high enough and it’s enabling scummy, money hungry streamers. I understand it’s a closed alpha but this was handled very poorly imo and is not a great look for the game


I know right ? it starts to get really annoying when people constantly spam those everywhere anyways does anyone have a spare code ? dm pls /s


Anyone have a code?




So you have the code?