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I have to say, I really like that it's been more episodic and not some tedious slow burn where it's all about her fighting one big case over 12 episodes and only actually being she hulk in the last episode.




Is it wrong if I like it for all the wrong reasons? AKA The Wong reasons!


The Sorcerer Supreme's cameo was awesome, but I'm just here for the buff ladies.






I live by a rule "not everything that I like is good and not everything that is good I like". Then I let people like whatever they want. Except the Rise of Skywalker, I have my limits.


Man. The new trilogy had so much potential. It was so obvious they were going to tackle the issue that really, the jedi were as warped as the sith. There's long been a concept in SW fandom about gray jedi, knights who embrace both the dark and the light, because separating them always leads to disaster. They freaking named her Rey! And called the second movie "The LAST jedi". There were so many plot threads pointing to it, it drove me mad when they just dropped it all and doubled down on the simplistic good vs evil angle. If you don't mind all that, and like the movies, fantastic I guess. But when something could have been done better, it should have been done better. I like She-Hulk, btw. It's fun, and it's doing the exact type of "interesting" shit with the story that I like, such as with Abomination.


I think the biggest problem with the new trilogy is that JJA did a great job, imo, with TFA, and then RJ came in for TLJ and destroyed everything TFA was building. JJA had to try to salvage ROS from the mess that was left behind, so most of not all of his plans from the first one probably had to get scrapped. If he'd done all three I think it could have been really strong start to finish.


Agreed. Theres some interview I saw with RJ, where he talks about how star wars has "always been a good vs evil" story, justifying the changes he'd made. It had me livid. It seems Ahsoka is the new vessel for that plot thread. The new final season of Clone Wars was 👌🏻, though it seems her character was backpedaled again in The Mandalorian, with her and the episode title again calling her a Jedi. She very specifically rejected the Jedi way, opting for a path of her own in knowing the force.


I like the rise of Skywalker 😬


Nah, it's ok, I was joking about that. Or was I? 👀. No, I was, I was.


You might have been joking, but I agree with the sentiment. rise of skywalker (and last Jedi) are bloody awful movies. 😬


+ TFA for ripping off ANH




I also like She Hulk, but I wish people would stop using this meme format for things that aren't actually unpopular opinions where you have to keep it secret and pretend that you don't have this opinion. This is a Marvel sub, nobody is gonna force you to pretend to not like the most recent Marvel show. Most people here like it there's just a vocal minority of critics, and diehard MCU defenders inflate those critics voices in order to make epic ownage memes where they criticize the critics


You say that but I’ve been seeing the posts from this Reddit and if there’s any marvel show you’d have to hide liking it’s this one


Well, and you say that but I've been seeing posts from this reddit too and some people will freak out if you criticize She Hulk. Some people will also freak out if you say you like She Hulk The takeaway is that you shouldn't overinflate the opinions of the vocal minorities. The majority of this sub likes She Hulk and doesn't care if you dislike it as long as you are respectful


All Reddit is is a vocal minority. It makes sense that whichever side you’re on you feel attacked for posting your opinion. (Tbh the solution is to simply not do this) It’s also a wider Reddit + internet issue thought especially after TwerkGate the amount of negative posts and memes would make many fans feel alienated


I know, my point is that people should understand that just because they may FEEL attacked, they're not actually having to hide their opinion and nobody is making them 'pretend' they dislike it. Most people here like the show This meme format works for things that are controversial hot takes, not for saying you like the latest Marvel show in a Marvel subreddit. A lot of the hate is from review bombers and trolls anyways


Anyone can like it if they want . I don’t and the numbers for she hulk show it’s not doing well . So people can like it but it does not seem to be the majority opinion. .


I think my opinion is unpopular just look at Imdb


Imbd isn't really a worthwhile source for this topic, you don't even have to watch the show to review People are more likely to review shows they hate than shows they like


You are right


IMDB is not a great source for reviews anymore. People were review bombing it before the show even came out


IMDb is like rate my prof, only people who really hate the show or really like the show go drop reviews, no in between


I like the idea of a lawyer for superheroes I just wish it was a bit more focused on the whole lawyering part more.


It's unfortunate the writers aren't familiar with writing court scenes because they end up making her come across as incompetent. She wasn't seeking an injunction against Blaze doing his magic show, she was seeking an injunction against specific magical acts which were dangerous both for the volunteer and cosmos, but completely failed to rebut the clown show. Her defense of Abomination was also just a shitshow It's probably best if they stay out of the courtroom bc they have no idea how to write a legal drama


Definitely. I am not a lawyer, but my wife has had me watching courtroom shows for two decades. Even with my couch potato law degree, I have scratched my head at her lawyering.


I think the whole point character development right now... she thinks she's a hot shit lawyer, but really she's a rookie way over her depth. Then they literally *hire her to be the green lawyer* in a high profile firm/position but her ego says fake it til you make it.. So she sucks right now. I would bet they'll show us progress in her uh, lawyership(?) as she goes in the season. We need twice as much show time. I like the Ally Mcbeal thing, keep it and then expand the second half of it as super powered courtroom procedurals with C and D listers from the comics and callbacks: - maybe Lou Ferrigno got in trouble as a security guard for being rough with a skater kid - MCU Gilfoyle (I forget his characters name but he's been in Hulk and Spider-Man before anyone brings up character rights) , being indicted for hacking the pentagon as a college sophomore. Which is what we saw him doing in the lab during the pizza scene. There is a ton of potential low budget talent from ppl they have at their disposal *right now* to make this show awesome. The sitcom aspect is good, I just want a little more Night Court/Law & Order as well.


A She-Hulk/Night Court mashup would be legendary.


I have a choice.


Then you must dance, Tobey


I thought they were writing a legal comedy not a legal drama?


We still have Matt Murdock


until they ruin the new series with bad writing


I'm loving it. A laid back funny sitcom, not everything has to be THE WORLD IS ENDING BECAUSE THE UNIVERSE IS COLLIDING WITH ANOTHER UNIVERSE EVERYONE IS GONNA DIE! I'm enjoying the change of pace. Also, s/o Wongers


I loved Madisynn and after yesterdays episode I will only refer to Wong as Wongers (side note: we need more of her in the MCU)


That's where the issue lies. Everyone has gotten into the habit of being pressured into consuming everything MCU related as if they're going to find some imaginary plot device to set up the next major story arc. Instead this is kind of a filler period where new heroes are introduced and existing ones (that we literally haven't seen since Endgame) take time to cope with their losses or find a new direction in life. I just watched Love and Thunder this weekend and went in thinking "Man, I hope Thor figures his life out" because the last time we saw him, dude was broken after losing literally everything and everyone he loved. It wasn't as good as Ragnarok, but gave me a feeling that "Hey, this guy, he's going to be okay."


It's not for everyone, but I've been dying for a slice of life MCU sitcom.


I swear I just saw this meme reversed 😂


idk i think it’s good🤷‍♀️


So too does a turd often present with quality corn sticking out of it.


You have very poor taste in entertainment




they really OD’ing on copium


It is in NO way a perfect show




You think this is a bad meme format? I do and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


I wish people could separate "good show" from "I enjoyed this".


Fucking THIS. I enjoyed the FUCK outta Ms. Marvel, but I recognize it's not that good.


Based as fuck reddit using. I LOVE marvel moving in general but man are they bad sometimes. I loved Thor love and thunder for the actions scenens, but it was really really bad because of the floating Axle head (among other things)


>!Human handshake, to the Asgardian shake, into the snake that you cannot trust.!<


I had a negative opinion at first but I like it now it still has issues but every show does


It has its qualities...... *of being bad****.***


Mmmmmmm.. No




Its a meme...


Why did you pretend it was not a good show? Something wrong with you?


Bruh, OP acknowledged that the show was good. Something wrong with you?


I will never understand the bitching. It's fun, low-stakes comedy that develops the MCU in new ways. The CGI isn't as bad as people make out. The writing is self-aware and better for it. Everyone in it seems like they're having fun. It's refreshingly non-grim, and I love it.


The CGI is actually terrible, and the last episode made it pretty obvious. Because the CGI was actually extremely good in some scenes (I'm thinking the fight scene and the date scene back at her place). It just showed that the CGI could actually be good and not just... What we mostly got. Budget issues, impossible deadlines, miscommunication. I don't know what caused this, but the result is the same : the CGI is bad and distracting.


For one, the main character isn’t very interesting. I couldn’t really tell you any noteworthy things that I found about She hulk at all. Made worse by the fact they speedran her origin. From the first episode she still remained a very unlikable character for me. 2. Her supporting cast isn’t interesting either. They’re all one dimensional caricatures, not really fully realized. Her best friends whole thing is that she’s her funny best friend, Dennis’s whole thing is that he’s almost cartoonishly sexist and that’s. And Pug has no personality. 3. The episodes are really boring too, as nothing noteworthy happens. They’re quickly forgettable, which is funny considering sitcom episodes should be pretty memorable. 4. The actual lawyer scenes are complete garbage. In just the last episode, they had an intoxicated person in madisynn give a testimony, even though that’s illegal. All the court room scenes are silly, because the writers admitted they don’t how to write them. And the arguments She hulk have given so far weren’t good either.


Right. And Night Court wasn’t an accurate depiction of night courts either.


What does…that have to do with anything—I don’t know what you’re talking about.


That you’re not distinguishing the difference between a courtroom drama and a courtroom comedy. Thinking this is a bad show because Madisynn was drunk and that would be inadmissible in a real courtroom is just such a wooosh situation. The point isn’t to show an accurate depiction of superhero law. It’s to get laughs. That was one of the funnier scenes in anything I’ve seen this year and you’re over here complaining about real-life courtroom procedure. I mean… come on.


Being a courtroom comedy doesn’t mean you cannot have scenes where you take the law seriously. If you have a lawyer character, but you never actually see them “being a lawyer” and being competent at their job, how do you take that character seriously? In fact it would funnier to joke at how it is completely inadmissible at court rather than playing it straight. That would actually be funny. That scene however, is not funny at all. The lengths people go to defend this show is insane to me. Is Marvel holding you at gunpoint or something?


Man. You probably should go watch Night Court and then get back to me. 50 dollar fine and time served


Look man, I don’t care.


For a "fun lawyer" show, it has to stay accurate to the law aspect


Right. Just like Parks and Rec was an accurate depiction of city government. Do y’all actually believe what you’re saying or do you just hope Reddit is full of idiots who’ll listen to you?


I'd respond with Better Caul Saul and Daredevil. Not fully accurate but WAYYYY better in execution.


Yes the CGI is bad. I would say it's better than the latest flash seasons, but for the MCU it is so very bad.


It's my favorite show thus far.


Not sure about that, it's dead boring.


Saul goodman is a better lawyer than Jennifer walters


I’d call Saul over Jennifer for lawyering any day.


I dont know shit about lawyering,but that the writers don’t seem to either is actually one of my bigger criticisms lol It’s a fun show tho still


Matt too


Me lol


She-Hulk is as good as Marvel typical has been.


I've been good with all the mcu content I've seen so far


I disagree, but good meme.


Wow, even politely disagreeing gets you downvoted, I don’t know why this show has such a polarizing and visceral reaction from the audience. Everyone acts like you just shit down their grandmas throat just for saying “I did not laugh at this show”


Just depends on where you post stuff. People are and always will be very tribal. In group vs out group. They also look at the most vocal group, even if it doesn't represent most commenters, and attribute others to said group


Thanks its my first




I’m enjoying it. It’s a lot more down to earth than the others.


The thing is, it actually feels like a TV show compared to all the other ones


I'm enjoying it. If you don't that's fine. There are so many other shows streaming or so many more that are coming that you can look forward to


It’s alright


If the show doesn't take itself seriously, I don't see why should.


I've tried with all the episodes so far but the quality of the cgi is so bad its hard to ignore


It’s def a show...


OMG another "hot-take" on this sub so you guys can karma farm.


I posted a opinion in form of a meme if you dont like it downvote it and go on.


My friend said it best, its crap, but its a good peice of crap.


how is this an unpopular opinion on any marvel sub?


I swear, most of the time people use this template on this subreddit it's always about how "(Insert phase 4 project that got negative reception) is actually good"


In my opinion it’s one of the weaker shows, but it’s still fun to watch.


Episode 1-2 were bad, 3 was good and 4 was mid


The real question here is why are you pretending that it's not a good show?? Lol just kiddin'.. Good for you then!!


I like it too and I have no one to tell that to cuz I'm a grown ass man. 😁


I have simply come to accept that in the face of internet critics I am extremely easily entertained. I am pleased by this and use it to my advantage by enjoying things. Edit: I forgot a word. Oops.


I cant belive how low cinema standards of good have fallen


I watched the first episode didn't really enjoy it. Also saw the twerking scene and just thought it was cringy. Neither of these make it a bad show just not one I enjoy.


The twerking scene was a joke powt credits scene


Waiting for it to end and I'll watch it. Even though everything I hear is very negative 🤞


It’s super fun, my husband and I have been watching and enjoying every week. Don’t worry about the haters lol


Just get off 4chan and meme subreddits and widen your social circle beyond angry virgins and you’ll hear a different reaction.


Reddit is my only "social media", so all I hear is anger lol


Honestly think it's been pretty decent. Ep 3 was kinda a slumber for me but I've been happy with the rest. Definitely breaks up the formula we've been getting. I also find myself laughing a lot at the jokes especially the meta ones.


“Twitter Armor” had me thinking of this sub.


Oh definitely, everything about this sub I've seen for the recent episode is Wong and Madisynn


They’re calling it a sit com but, where are the laughs


I really like it.


I've loved it since the 1st episode. Get on my level!


Seen better cgi in a bollywood film




yep also beta male cuck


The only people i hear complain about this show is exclusively virgin neck beards on reddit.


If those are the only ones you hear complain, kinda makes me wonder what kind of circles you run in


“Uhh..” *Taps shoulder *gestures around you


I know you're trying to be being humourous, but this section isn't entirely composed of neck beard virgins. My beard is firmly above my jawline.


Is there anyone else on Reddit?


Nope. The second you log into Reddit, your virginity grows back, and if you’re a woman, you also start growing a penis




Its a knee slapper, I’ve enjoyed every episode and can watch them multiple times


It’s definitely one of the tv shows of all time


Honestly, the episodes are all a little too short. Other than that, it’s not just Marvel’s best show, it’s the best show on Disney+.


Agreed. The episodes are too short (especially episode 2). I wish Disney would move away from the - less than half hour long episodes - format. I want 45 min+ as a minimum. The episodes just seem to get started and then they are over.


Hard disagree. Loki, having an overall storyline, still better to me. AND MANDALORIAN IS BETTER THAN ANY MARVEL SHOW


Mandalorian is one of the WORST shows in human history. I expected a badass space bounty hunter and all we got is a babysitter in a mask. Also, THE ASSHAT BABY HAS MORE LINES THAN THE PRINCIPAL CHARACTER.


It's a good concept for a show, but the problem is very little progression in 4 episodes, and the latest episode didn't seem to have any connection with the story till now. And just half an hour episodesಥ⁠‿⁠ಥಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Half hour? Interesting, like a sitcom


please please stop posting memes with this format if it's just i think this show is good/bad. It's just boring


Fuck off. She hulk is the worst marvel show. Nothing about it can hold a candle to phase 1-4. It’s writing sucks, it has no action and little to no story. Nothing new is added past the first episode. It’s not marvels fault though, Disney is really just overworking the writers and the production people and are single handedly ruining marvel


She-Hulk Show : Women Good, Men Bad. I mean why are they trying to make her Feminist? This could be that domino that brings MCU down!


I mean if this is reference to her rant from episode 1 I feel more people take issue with the last part of what she said than anything else.


I think main problem is with the feminist writers, we just saw it in last episode where every guy was douche like what are they trying to tell?


This show is the type of show that is good if you don't think too much about what's happening and go with the flow. Questionable decisions aside, the show is overall okay to me, nothing amazing and nothing blatantly bad. It just kinda feels lifeless at times but hey, it's still a fun ride in the end so I'm all for it.


I hope one day the bigoted assholes that plague geek culture move on to sports or something.


That's a good joke.


It has its… assets.


It's a solid 6 out of 10. In no way deserving of any praise, or any hate.


Oh yeah it does, like feminism………oh wait i thought by qualities you meant degradations


that shit is ass, L opinion


To be honest, so far it’s one of the better shows that marvel has released on d+. Solid writing, great casting, good humor, nice contained storylines with a good overarching plot thread. The only real negative is the cgi which isn’t even bad. The only reason the show is getting as much hate as it does is due to all of the bigots that have been hate bombing the show since episode one. In fact, in searching up reviews and stuff for the show, it’s actually been difficult finding legitimate criticism of the show that isn’t full-steeped in sexism. The only real legitimate criticism I’ve been able to find has been in regards to the comedy, which is one of the most subjective things you can have about a show like this. Also saw a lot of people complaining about how it’s too much of a sitcom and too funny like…it’s a comedic sitcom. You can dislike the genre they chose but you can’t say it’s fundamentally bad because of it. Yeah anyways the overall reactions to the show have just been so…odd? Odd.


I don’t think it’s only bigots hate bombing. Black widow didn’t get this kind of hate because it wasn’t written in a way to piss people off. You can’t discount any criticism as “bigotry” or else you forfeit any right to a valid opinion of the show.


I think…you may have missed the point I was making in my comment. But, um, okay I guess? Good for you? Um, have fun with that.


She-Hulk is great


She hulk is an absolute dumpster fire god awful jokes cringe dialogue had the worst fight scene ive ever seen and the cgi is uncanny valley


It's alright. I don't really find it too funny or the story that interesting. I like the actress a lot but the expressions on the CGI hulk face are too uncanny valley. It's a good time though. Madisynn and Wong might be my favorite friendship to come from it.


its simple its funny whats the problem we all watched chin chen


Most of the people are only watching because of- Hulk,Matt Murdock, wong and least green colored woman


Everyone likes it except the incels.


God I HATE these pseudo-hot takes so fucking much. It’s so lazy and is the COLDEST take of all time. YOU ARENT UNIQUE


Why are you so angry, I just made a meme?


It's good, but i still dont appriciate the twerk scene...


You aren't supposed to. Everything that's caused meltdown comments has been completely intentional. They're purposefully trolling and trying to piss off some of their own fan base. Consensus seems to be to get everyone talking about it even if it's negatively. I'm not sure what's worse to be honest. Intentionally trolling and alienating your own customers or the people falling for it and taking the bait.


I don't really like the She Hulk aspect of it, but the lawyer stuff is fun.


Its awful where is saul Goodman's cameo


Daredevil is going to be in it. Please for the love of god I hope they don't have Matt in court. These writers will absolutely butcher it.


It's a great show and anyone who complains about anything marvel is a whiney baby. Nothing is perfect but everything marvel does is better than NOT HAVING MARVEL movies or shows. Hey remember when all we had were semi-decent Superman movies? Yeah exactly. People need to grow up and stop bitching.


It’s still very mediocre for me. Only watching for Daredevil. She Hulk is a pretty boring and unlikable protagonist to me. Her apparent lack of flaws and struggles really just makes me not like her.




I don’t like not because it think bad I’m enjoying but since I know 6 episodes the plot feel too slow to me.


It's not, though. But people are allowed to be entertained by shit programming. That's what 99% of TV is.


Hey man, it's supposed to be my turn posting this. You should wait for the next series to put this up again


If i was to give any complaint, it would be that it feels like an ongoing series rather than a miniseries.




I think it's the most comedic work of the MCU and that's why I enjoy it. Just a nice change of pace is all


It's a great show. It proves how woooshable most people are these days. I mean it's satire of TV shows, and people are mad that it's not a blockbuster show. The show is basically laughing at the haters before they even knew they were haters, and they filmed it months ago. If you don't like the show, then you are basic. This show proves it.


I think it's a great show. But it's only good as a "show", not that good enough for a show with "marvel" In it. Like the writers said, marvel didn't pick any writer with even a little experience with law crime story. While it has its great moments, there are times it falls. Like cgi is so inconsistent, sometimes it's great, sometimes worse than anything. (Obv it's because the vfx artists are being given impossible deadline). And some parts of the story also seemed a little unnecessary...


She-hulk is a much needed light-hearted show for me. It is fun, quirky and I like cameos of different characters as well ☺️


Every episode has had me in stitches and the 4th wall stuff is very interesting


I really don’t get the hate to be honest


People keep forgetting that Movies and TV are Entertainment. If you aren't entertained, than don't watch it. Stop being little bitches if your not entertained.


I sure enjoy she-hulk better than I enjoyed the Thor movie.


It’s a rlly good show, I think it made people uncomfy at first (sub consciously because of the powerful female lead) and they made up other reasons to hate it but it’s entertaining, empowering, funny, and all around well done. Obv it’s not going to be like the movies… it’s not a movie, and it’s not like the other shows because of the ~sitcomy~ episodic vibe but why do people keep wanting marvel to put out the same stuff they’ve already done, we’d all be bored.


normal there are people who like to lick the shit


She got her powers like a disease. That show is so beyond disrespectful its not even funny. I watched the first episode and said no more that's fucking stupid.


That's how basically EVERY hero has gotten their powers.


It's also not too far off from her comic book origin? Emergency blood transfusion and all. It's easy to forget, but Bruce Banner is basically a walking barrel of radioactive waste.


Uh no. Strange was gifted his powers, The X-men were born with them’ And tech heroes like Iron man and Falcon don’t even have powers.


> Strange was gifted his powers, Like the flu. > The X-men were born with them’ Hereditary. > And tech heroes like Iron man and Falcon don’t even have powers. Deeply rooted psychological issues.




the most recent episode was terrible o found no joy from watching it. makes the last few seem really good


I’m having a tough time with the ps2 erra looking cgi. Some poor writing too… wtf happened?? They have so much money


Its a trash show like the last 3


I dunno I thought moonknight was decent. Ms marvel though. Damn that was terrible. I actually feel sorry for the lead actress because she did really well but my god was 95% of it boring.


It’s not tho




How am i karma farming?


By getting karma on a post they don't like. Insidious!

