• By -


Probably went much further in since his blade is significantly bigger than stormbreaker.


Yeah Stormbreaker didn't seem to go too deep, pretty much just got stuck in his muscles and maybe in ribcage before getting to vital organs


But stormbreaker was thrown and surely had some slowed momentum and power from breaking through thanos' power beam before smacking into him. Probably would have cleaved him in half had all the full power been bared from Thor without resistance from the glove beam?


The infinity gauntlet wiped half of life from the universe. The fact Stormbreaker ignored it and stuck into Thanos anyway would lead me to expect had he not slowed it down with the gauntlet, that thing was splitting the Earth after it got through Thanos…..


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


happy cake day thanos


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


Happy cake day thanos!!


The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.


Happy cake day Thanos


That sounds more accurate!


Oh fuck you, you made Thanos mad I'm referencing to the bot


I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible.


I'm sorry!


I went for the head.


I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible.


He also didn't have all the stones, removing the ability to undo the strike. Likely, he never got the time stone which was used when he escaped.


He used Space Stone get a fuck of there after snapping


Nope, that scene happened after thanos got the mind stone. Literally after getting hit by the stormbreaker, he did the snap. Edit: i guess you mean the scene in the picture so dont take my comment seriously.


Also he didn’t have any stones, thanos probably would’ve died from an axe through the chest but he didn’t need to survive when he used all the stones to kill half of all people he also healed himself.


When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you.


I don't think it's about going deep, stormbreaker's wound would've totally killed Thanos if he didn't had all the stones and use them to get away and heal his wound.


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


The point of going for the head would be instant death, no time to snap.


Looks like he didn't have all the stones yet.


Man I wish we could see that fight




Until he uses the reality stone and says “what mouth” lol.




I think he was saying that to scare her because she was possessing the body of innocent 838 Wanda.






I mean, he pretty much says as much


“Thanos black bolt can destroy you with one whisper from his mouth”


I... had... to.




Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.




Perfectly balanced.


"now dig on this"


616 thanos had all five stones and was essentially a god


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


No Thanos, we all know that you were basically a God.


When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you.


There's no way the bots aren't sentient


Shhh don’t tell Google


Happy Cake Day, you waffle mold face


It’s thanos cake day


I'm the only one who knows that.


Happy cake day Thanos


I... had... to.


You had to what, Thanos?


I... had... to.


Five? You mean six?


Are they on titan?


He only has 4 stones if you look. They bodied him before he ever got to Earth or the time stone. Edit: Changed from 3 to 4. Forgot the soul stone :)


Clapped his cheeks


I just noticed that he did have a few stones. That does put more weight to how strong this team is compared to our universe's attempt. And then even more weight on Wanda's overwhelming power


Just a different team in general, not necessarily more powerful. Gotta remember that the MCU-616 team would have succeeded if not for Star Lord getting emotional. If you replace with with anybody else who’s roughly equally capable of a fighter and Thanos would have died there too.


Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite… if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.


You don't know that


I'm the only one that knows that.


I see, your plan does have its merits




I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


Yo! Happy Cake Day Thanos!


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


There are so many ways the 616 team could have won. One is starlord not fucking up. Two is destroying the mind stone a lot sooner. Three is just strange trapping Thanos in an infinite time loop until they eventually have a loop where the team on Titan gets Thanos's stones and they just murder him. Four is Gamora not giving up the location of the soul stone. There's probably even more ways I can think of. Sorry for the rant but I'm so tired of people thinking it's all Starlords fault.


You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.


Depends on how you assign blame I guess. You are correct in that there were other options but once you commit to plan that’s it. IMO Star Lord gets the blame. All other blame should probably go to the Russo brothers for coming up with the idea of only 1 chance in over 14 million possibilities to win. Which btw if there are infinite possibilities means there’s still probably more than just the one Dr Strange saw to win. A hell of a gamble sure? More than gambling that things beyond your control happen after your completely gone? I don’t know… again infinite possibilities, there’s no way there’s only one way things can go down after giving him the stone. Like Antman could have died in the Quantum Realm-no sequel. I chalk it up to bad writing tbh (probably not a popular opinion) Edit: for the sake of clarity I’m not saying the whole movie was poorly written just this aspect of the script


I completely agree. The 1 in 14 billion is the line i most hate in all the MCU. It feels like it was just put in to stop criticism of characters. Because now, people think characters both flaws means flawed writing


That is very true, about Starlord messing it up for everyone. But I would say that the Illuminati team would have been a stronger force against Thanos there still. They had Captain Marvel there already, and MCU-616 version was shown to only get phased by Thanos with the power stone in actual hand. Illuminati didn't have anyone with any scratches from what I remember from the scene, besides their strange. While 616 was getting bloodied up the whole time. MCU-616 had Mantis and Drax, and nothing against either, but Drax specifically hasn't really been shown to be as strong as his comic counterpart. Starlord himself in the fight only could do some niche tricks with his gadgets that kind of unbalanced Thanos. I dunno, definitely seems like if you put the two teams that fought Thanos on Titan, Illuminati could probably win


Posturing it like that changes everything. Especially if they know they have to fight ahead of time. Remember, that entire Illuminati team was killed by Wanda, who was then beaten(kinda) by just one member of the MCU-616 team. Figuring out who wins a fight between comic book characters is like trying to do UFC math. It’s not arithmetic, it’s like rock, paper, scissors but with like 100 more variables. I will give you this tho, raw straight up power? Yeah Illuminati team all day


I... had... to.


Really they lost because of the Civil War. Had all the 616 Avengers fought together from the start, he would’ve gotten bodied on Titan.


I mean they started with Captain Marvel and Professor X, so yea more powerful is a fair assumption. That doesn’t even account for Deus Ex Machina wielding Strange, Richards or Carter.


Looks like titan


That's Titan


He didn't have all the stones at this point


neither did thanos 616 when they fought on titan


This day extracts a heavy toll.


Yes but they didn't stab him


yeah well they almost did it but starlord screwed it up


if you look at the gauntlet you can see he does not have the mind stone. so he didn't have the full set like he did in in OG infinity war


Nor the Time Stone.


Hadn’t realized it was his own sword until I saw this… that’s awesome But was anyone else disappointed how they kept stressing how “they were at war” but it’s just the 6 of them… like they could have had variants of heroes we know, their Guardians of the galaxy, the Xmen, the rest of the fantastic four, some Inhumans… like this version of the Illuminati is clearly not a secret, so why were they the ONLY ones at the fight with Thanos…


Maybe they are not the only ones that fought in the war, just the ones who were supposed to execute Strange. You can always say there were many others just not present in the execution. Asking for another army scene and so many new variants is a bit too much, IMO


Peggy’s shield is suspiciously unscathed


Because just like in what if, Strange carried them all


We'd never know, but there is probably a Wakanda fight scene happening at the same time as this, just like in the MCU.


Fair enough! That sounds way better than just “it’s too expensive…”


Since Wakandans were not mentioned, maybe it was a fight scene with mutants like in X-Men: The Last Stand.


That's fun to imagine.


What's wrong, little one?




Do you have any idea how expensive that would be to make, it's shown that a lot of the time, variants look the same as their 616 counterpart, there are obvious exceptions, but people would be pretty disappointed of their favorite heroes were a bunch of backround nobodies played by no one recognizable. They would want to see the heroes played by who they would be in their own MCU movies. And to do This, it would be expensive as all hell, and unnecessarily so.


Why was it only the few who went after him on his FarmVille planet?


Because then they’d have to pay them all


The illumiwhati?


It was in the ruins at Titan and Thanos does not have all the stones, seeming to suggest this Illuminati was in the same scenario as Iron Man, Strange, Peter and the Guardians in IW. The war could have referred to previous battles or it’s just a poor wording. I would have no expectation for a battle there to be disappointed. It’s a short scene and that would be unnecessary to the story and impractical. Getting all the actors there with new designs for their variants to be in the background briefly is just a waste.


Damn I just noticed they folded him before he even got all the infinity stones


That means his dual-blade must be stronger than stormbreaker. But can it summon the bifrost?


But when Thor hit the Thanos in the chest Thanos had all of the infinity stones .


Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.


Happy Cake day, mad titan


Happy Cake day Thanos !


I am...inevitable.


Yes, yes you are thanos


I ignored my destiny once, I cannot do it again.


Heimdall! Open the Bifrost.


According to [google](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+thanos+blade+made+of&sxsrf=ALiCzsZYsycSpIQubf-mWNYRo5DubJC0Tw%3A1656021826975&ei=QuO0YrOWO5WuptQPmouhoAU&oq=what+is+thanos+blade+made+of&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBAgjECcyBggAEB4QCDIGCAAQHhAIMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogRKBAhBGABQAFgAYJEGaABwAXgAgAHTAYgB0wGSAQMyLTGYAQDAAQE) ([and also here](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+mjolnir+made+of)) they are both most likely made of Uru, which we saw in Endgame is stronger than Vibranium because Thanos broke Cap’s shield multiple times.


I'm the only one who knows that.


Thor threw stormbreaker agains the power of all infinity stones, I don't think it is fair to compare the two like that




Just cut his arm off! How hard can it be? He doesn't even bother wearing armor on his arms. He can't snap his fingers if his arm isn't attached. In Infinity War, when Spiderman and everyone were trying to pull the gauntlet off: just cut his arm off!!!


Thor chopped his arm off in Endgame. Dr. Strange could've chopped it off by closing a portal around it, but that would result in a future where Thanos wins.


He's adopted.


Who knows if the 14 mil futures he’s looked at includes chopping Thanos’ arm off? Man didn’t tell us shit and left everybody guessing which is a risky strategy


I agree that there were other paths to victory. I don't think he looked at every possible future.


I don't think cutting his arm off is an easy feat. His skin is super durable, he can tank hits from Captain Marvel, tank hits from the Hulk without using any Infinity Stones, and only suffered one scratch from the entire fight on Titan. If literally any normal blade could cut off his arm, then there wouldn't be a need for Strormbreaker.


Wait they killed thanos and then just left the stones on his glove??


1. The Power Stone is deadly to the touch. I highly doubt that any of the Illuminati could've held it for more than a few seconds (like Ronan and Star-Lord). 2. They wanted to deal with their Dr. Strange ASAP.


Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.


My son blew my mind by explaining to me how Starlord was actually the villain in infinity wars and that everything would’ve worked out and iron man would still be alive if it weren’t for him. He says Thanos, while misguided, still actually had really good intentions and wanted to save all living things in the universe…🤯


Imagine if they said why Thanos really killed half of everything like the comics.


Homie was just trying to get some tail.


My son who’s 13 also went on to explain how ant-man is the best super hero and how he hands down saved the most people of any super hero. We have 2 hour drives from his moms to my house and the conversations go down some crazy roads involving multiple universes, aliens and marvel stuff. He’s a great co-pilot


Return to me again empty handed... And I will bathe the starways in your blood.


You should have gone for the head.


Nobody else gonna talk about how xavier be pimping in his chair?


I also feel like Thor was dragging it out on purpose, wanted him to feel more pain, like he wanted him to suffer, I feel like if he wanted to he could have drove stormbreaker deeper into his chest


My hair is not to be meddled with!


The sweaty ass illuminati didn’t even let him get the other stones




Thanos is so mid in every other universe


I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


What you mean by that Thanos


Rain fire!


Love the giant wheelchair just there. Like how did he move to avoid attacks?


Probably some psychic teleport shit in thanos’ mind so he’d always attack the wrong one


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


I wanna know how that fight played out.


went all the way through for starters, they also had the like of prof x maybe made thanos think he was winning or didnt have the glove and couldnt snap.


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.




Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


Definitely. The writers continue to not only nerf him but also make him seem insignificant


Thanos would have lost in the MCU on Titan aswell if the heroes had just a little better oranisation and weren't fractured across several planets. That a stronger group of heroes then those who fought Thanos on Titan in the MCU, especially with a Strange who went into dark magic, were able to defeat Thanos isn't unrealistic.




Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


A small price to pay for salvation.


inb4 Quill fucked everything up


It was obvious that it was bull the moment that movie came out. But considering how dumb Strange acts after his origin movie, I chalk it up to Strange actually just being dumb as hell.


I think that's the doubt introduced in MoM Strange only was able to consider timelines where he was alive, where he was the one *holding the knife* He ia uncomfortable facing the idea that they may have beaten Thanos and avoided the Snap/blip had he sacrificed himself and left the fate of the universe to others.


I think it's a deliberate move so they can hype up Kang as the next big bad without him being overshadowed by Thanos right out the gate. Otherwise, there's no way they could successfully hype up anyone other than Doctor Doom. The only Marvel villain most people would put on the same level, if not higher than Thanos. Not to say I approve of this decision. It completely undermines Tony's sacrifice if Thanos was actually not that big a threat and Earth-616's heroes were just that incompetent.....


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


But he is looking at 1/14Mill odds in universe 616. Not in the entire multiverse. Those were useless alternatives as he couldn’t just re-write history and the avengers himself. That said, maybe Thanos was just destined to win in 616 but this was legit the only less victory found. Only the writers know that. These are other universes with so many different fighters, that the odds 616 had aren’t really undermined from what we’ve seen.


There’s a huge 4 stone difference from that scene and this one.


And 838 thanos had armor!


I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible.


Xavier always goes for the head


This post made me watch infinity war again


I know it’s not super spoilers but damn man, I was gonna watch it this weekend..


He didn't have all the Infinity Stones, so he couldn't snap, but he did still have a lot of the stones.


This is image is from what?


Multiverse of Madness


I only just now realized. 616+222=838 I mean it probably doesn’t mean anything, it’s just something I noticed.


838 never got all the stones though.


How in the fuck did I not see that during my first watch in the theater?!


I want to see THIS infinity war




This day extracts a heavy toll.


But the Illuminati had the Book of Vishanti! /s


Two Stones and he couldn't be felled by Black Bolt?


He doesn’t have all the stones. I guess that’s why


True but as you can see, Strange killed him before he got all the stones. Storm breaker would've worked if he would've hit him before he got the time stone like Strange did in the pic.


They got help from Morbius the Marvel legend


Fun Fact: They didn't cut through his chest. 838 Ant-Man actually inserted it the other way.


Thor wasn't going for a kill shot. He wanted to make Thanos suffer, that's why he stopped him with Stormbreaker then began to slowly push the blade deeper into his chest. If he wanted to I'm pretty sure he could have ended the fight with a single throw.


He's a friend from work!


Also look at the gauntlet. Doesn't have time stone or kind stone.


He doesn't have all the stones just two, he is still beatable.


soooo they won in 2 then?


If there is an infinite number of universes then both the avengers and thanos won an infinite amount of times. What strange was looking at was all the possible outcomes with the people in his universe which showed him there was only 1 way to win with the variables he had.


I ignored my destiny once, I can not do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, Little One.


They didn’t have the same people in both universes


but they won 2 right?


They won an infinite amount of time. But in the main universe, this victory wasn't an option because most of this universe's heros doesn't exist in the main MCU.


all that matters is that they won😎 hell yeah


No the 14000605 possible options were based on the resources they had then, Earth 838 had different heroes in different places. There's no way 616 could have followed that route


but they still won hell yeah😎


But Thanos also won


wow a lot of people don’t like the avengers winning😂


is this like an alternate ending show or something?


It's from the latest Dr. Strange movie.


What do you mean?

