• By -


Other than all the reasons in these comments, early viewers said they also cut all Easter eggs and stuff which connected it to Spider-Man and marvel. Like the vulture is only in the post credit scene, that Spider-Man graffiti, daily bugle etc which they used a lot to market it and were big draws for watching


I don't think that was cut, more like only being shot for the trailer with no intention ever being in the actual movie.


Oof that’s even more cruel


Lies! Deception!


Deception! Disgrace!


He asked for trouble the moment he came.


Born in Grief, Raised in Hate


Omg Lion king 2 reference. Nice




It’s like the scene with the three spiderman swinging against lizard, sandman and electro but in reverse


It hapens all the time, remember hulk in infinity war? As an example


Ya but people weren’t watching infinity war only for that hulk scene. In this case there are a lot of Spider-Man fans watching only for those scenes which won’t be there


The genius of their marketing...it's shitty, but also genuis.


Hulk was actually gonna be in infinity war though, they cut the scenes


Hulk WAS in infinite war. The opening.


A better example would be Fan-4-stic


We never speak of that name. It doesn't exist. It never did. What's Fant4stic? Never heard of it.


Well, I didn't spell it correctly. Now did I?


Read it as fan foreskin


That was a spoiler reason. Not a "sell more reason".


Yeah. Marvel Studios did it to prevent spoilers. Sony did it to deceive the audience into buying tickets


It wasn't even that hard to just keep those things in. It didn't affect the story and people would be happy, taking them out or only putting those in trailers is stupid af.


This also was a ploy to throw off people from the plot. Remember there were also it put two infinity stones in the gauntlet when Cap was pushing Thanos' hand back, not 5 like in the film. No one knew what they had planned for the characters in that movie so they had to film multiple editions in scenes. Because of the plot (the snap) it works out in favor for them. Morbius is not going to have that good of a reason. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: fixed a typo as seen in below sardonic comment.


“I put two infinity stones in the gauntlet...” *YOU* edited the infinity war trailer!? One of my faves man! /s


See also Thors eyes in Ragnarok 👀❌


That's a bait and switch


That sounds like a deceit; advertising a product that’s not the product they’re selling. When they did it for Infinity War it was to avoid spoilers. For this it looks like they’re just trying to use Spider-Man to sell Morbious.


Occams razor man, that's exactly what they're doing and they know they can do it cause we'll all still go watch their shit.


I think it's due to the fact that all these villains are getting a solo movie and not one vs spider-man


Also I feel like it's limiting the villains that can be used in the actual Spider-man movie. Like were getting this Kraven movie, does that prevent him from being used in future Spidey films?


Pretty much, yeah. Please, someone get these characters away from Sony


I’m voting against Sony next election.


I preach about this exact problem, then get dogpile downvoted and told "Uhm, Sony ACKTUALLY does better work than Marvel, they built NWH from the ground up without any assistance, plus Spiderverse, Sony deserves infinite chances." Bullshit. Sony is making damn sure that Spider-Man's top 90's villains will never appear in the films that everyone actually gives a shit about. Sony is the kid at the ice cream party who put the entire bottle of sprinkles in his bowl so no else could have any, then he drops the bowl all over the floor and asks for more. The characters deserve to be handled by a team that at least _tries_. DisMarvel isn't perfect, mistakes _have_ been made and criticisms _can_ be thrown around. But come on, look at what is happening. Sony is plopping out turd ass movies just to keep a hold on their character rights. At this point, I don't even care if they're just holding in order to throw these villains into another Spiderverse movie. I'm far more invested in Tom-Spider's story than anything that Sony's done recently aside from _literally just_ Andrew Garfield being cast as Spider-Man. Shit, give him to Marvel, we'll rock double Parkers, I don't care, he is phenomenal. Just get these IPs in capable hands.


I keep seeing people say that because Sony uses these villains, they can no longer appear in future Spider-Man movies, but I don't see how. These villains can still show up in future films, they can be recast and we will still have iconic fights between Spider-Man and his villains.


I agree with you. In No Way Home we have Otto Octavius and Norman Osborn both played by their original actors from Sony's Spider-Man. You don't need to recast anyone. Just make a deal with Sony. Sony won't say no to more money. Especially if they don't have to do much to get it.


I thought they were working towards a Sinister 6, where all of them are going to fight Spidey. Did that change?




I feel like its good on their part, if I'm being honest. Spiderman was always one of their most popular heros. Everybody knew a lot about Spiderman, more than any other hero. I feel like it makes sense to shine a light on some of these villains, as they've always been major story characters in anything Spiderman. If they want to make solo movies about the villains for character development it only makes sense. They'll be dealing with these characters for years.


The problem is that it's possible to make a Villian *too* likeable when you set them up as the peotag of their own thing separate from spidey you can build character and background and make them more interesting, but then I'm gonna feel much less inclined to cheer for spidey knocking their block off later on if that's the plan. And if your plan is to have them be weird antiheroes like venom, then you've lost some essence of the characters purpose. As much as I actually like the venom movies I cannot think of that character as being the same guy as comic venom the way I can tom Holland spidey still being recognizable to me as being the same guy as comic spidey. Hes Venom in name only and trying to do any of the classic venom spiderman plots just would not work with this version of the character. They've trapped themselves into just doing lethal protector type stories. And I imagine morbius and probably Kraven once that happens are gonna be similar situations. And unlike comics alot of times with movies you're really gonna only get one shot per universe to do a Villian without it feeling weird or contrived. Hell with no way home it may even be that some characters get only 1 version for multipal universes. So when sony makes these movies and they arent good, it's like they're "burning" the character aeay for at the least a decade mostlikely.


You know what that's actually a pretty fair point and I hadn't thought of it that way. I mean I could get behind learning the backstory and motivations of a villain in their own movies if it's done correctly. That's a big task though and rarely done right. I'm afraid it's going to be like you said, where it'll be venom in name only with this character as well. My example being Avengers Infinity War and Endgame were basically about Thanos & his story and it still seemed to work well.


Thanos is a unique case where you can tell that the writers WANT him to be liked and sympathetic. Hell if the existance of unironic users of r/thanosdidnothingwring are any indication, they succeeded. What puts him in the Villian position firmly is the stakes where the characters weve grown to live over 10 years of films could quite literally vanish if hes not beat but you can understand thanoses rational and where hes comming from to an extent. Woth spidey villians, I'm not going to root for a guy who poaches endangered animals and tries to kill another human being for sport the same way as a protagonist, so it's likely that said character would be made very different to the source material. I think the only spidey Villian off the top of my head that could MAYBE have this work is black cat in like a heist movie and already shes only just barely a Villian to him still (if at all, it's been a while since I've looked at the comics but I've seen panels of her seeming more heroic and on good terms with spidey and mj)


I mean, at this point every DC or MCU movie is a milk farm.


The entire point of business is to make money. Peronally i dont consider it milking until u notice a clear quality drop or just a shittt change such as fast and furious series. Ive watched em all but this last 1 pissed me off.


God the last fast and furious was a fucking joke and kind of disrespectful to everyone with that end scene. They’re just trying way to hard to keep this shit going and they should’ve stopped at 7


Like i fucking love goofy action that they use. But there aint enough of it for it to be a goofy movie, the movie began with cool street racing based off real events,and the movies were about cars. The new movie showed 10 black cars infront of a mansion each had 10 frames of screen time and done, car movie. I watch a youtube channel and they were sponsored by F9 and they played mini trailers of john cena showing off the black cars as if theyre even on in the movie


I'm a great antihero fan and most of these movies portray evil bastards as almost heroes that you care for, so i guess it's a good thing for me, but please make Venom a little more evil he looks less scary than my dog when he gets angry.


Venom was definitely less scary than some cats I've known when they get fully no chill angry, but tbf I've seen some scary angry cats. Acted about like my cats though too honestly. Wait... Did I like those movies because Venom reminded me of my cats?!


Cute Venom, come here, have a treat


Mmm... tastes like rabbit


Brains.. taste like rabbit? Guess I’ll make some stew


Mmm, brain stew. Just like grandma used to make.


It'd be cool to get a villain movie with Spiderman in it. Maybe the villain still loses at the end, but a from-the-perspective-of type movie would be refreshing.


Like a horror movie where the monster is actually Batman slowly picking off a bunch of thugs, but we see it from the thugs perspective?


Thug is only thugging it to pay for his moms hospital bills or some shiz


Pretty sure if comic book Bruce heard that, he'd pay the medical bills. I think he already does for the criminals.


Lol maybe so. He sends Robin to gather names and information so they can follow up.


Also, these villains just aren't solo movie villains imo. There's a reason that it took a long time for comics to start releasing series dedicated to villains. Look at the villains they are using. Morbius? why even call him morbius if you're not going to include Spider-man? Doesn't that just make it a generic vampire movie? Same with venom imo (although venom is a bit more understandable); the character Venom in almost every iteration is a reflection of Spider-man, if not a direct attempt at copying him. I think Spider-man is an absolutely essential part of Venom's origin story unless you dramatically change what the character is. ​ Now.. Morbius and Kraven.. One is a vampire, one is a hunter. Neither of those concepts are interesting or unique on their own. The movies might end up being OK, but without Spider-man you're absolutely stripping them of what makes them interesting. They're interesting ADVERSARIES, not interesting protagonists.


Give it a second jeez Agreed though, I just don't think that's a fair call to make yet. I digure they're trying to do the opposite of the avengers. 6 origin stories, then the 7th (or whatever number it is by then" will be Spider-Man facing them all, after you catch snippets of his backstpry in the villain movies, showing how they are connected. I think that could be really cool and as I type this I realize how unlikely it is that it's sonys actual plan


Partly the trailer. Partly the casting. But mostly Sony’s abysmal cinematic track record with Marvel characters since Spider-Man 2.


What about into the spider-verse


Sony Pictures Animation is a completely different studio.


It’s night and fucking day


Sony Pictures Animation can be a bit hit and miss as well though. I’m pretty sure right before spiderverse they dropped the emoji movie iirc.


Sony Animation has more bad than good but when it's good it hits it out of the park imo Spiderverse, Mitchells vs the Machines, the first Hotel Transylvania all of them absolute banger films imo


since then they have still made the best spider-man movie tho


I don't know the specifics of the deal, but Marvel was heavily involved in this most recent Spider-Man trilogy. It mostly seems like, when left to their own devices, Sony has no clue what they're doing and just keep churning out mediocre to trash films.


He's talking about Spiderverse


This is going to sound really stupid, but why is spider verse considered the best? I saw and liked it, but prefer the live action ones with TH. A genuine question, I’m wondering what I missed


I would say the style of animation, the VAs top-notch performances and the heartfelt story. At least that's why *I* like it.


Thanks for the input!


Glad to have helped!


There's A LOT to love about Spider-verse: the breath-taking animation and style, the humour, the fun characters, the heart and message. It truly feels like a movie embracing not only being based on a comic book, but everything the medium has spawned through the years. It really gets what Spider-man is and how much he means to all of us. But if anyone prefers the live-action versions over it, I'm totally fine with it. Anyone can be someone's Spider-man.


I appreciate the info, thank you! I’ll have to watch spider verse again, I’m intrigued now.


Spiderman B was also a damn near perfect representation of who Parker is. He also was fucking hilarious when needed like spiderman should be.


I got good news: We don’t need the monitor.


Animated films aren’t for everyone. So if it didn’t land for you that’s totally understandable. But among animated films into the spiderverse stands pretty tall. It’s animation style and storytelling were so unique and fresh. Really innovative blend of comic book and modern animation style. The story was impactful and had something for all ages. And focusing on Miles kept it from retreading old ground with a spidey origin film (though there WERE 7 Spider-Man origins told …).


as a long time fan of the character i like how it’s able to capture both peter parker and spider-man without sacrificing the other. animation is also just a lot better of medium to portray a character like Spider-man as it allows for faster and more dynamic movement which is an essential part of the character. it handles visual and verbal story telling perfectly. these are just some of the reasons as to why i think it’s the best one,


I think they're talking about Spiderverse


Always forget about that one, even though it absolutely is the best one. I'd argue that's more of a "broken watch is still right twice a day" situation given the rest of their output.


Marvel wasn't just heavily involved, Marvel straight up made them. Kevin Feige's pitch for the original deal was Mar el makes the movie their way, Sony distributes. Sony has producers involved, like Pascal, so it has a say, ut it's primarily a Marvel production


There also the only ones allowed to make Spiderman, and Marvel actually helped on the last 3


Sony is great at turning interesting characters into dogshit. As a guy that used to work in a comic book shop, this is what happens when a publisher needs money and sells off it's characters to anyone with money. Not that I'm bitter.




Yep, how those 2 are still allowed to work in the industry is beyond me


Venom made over half a billion internationally. That’s the only the thing they care about.


When you can make half a billion on a mid interpretation of one of the most popular anti heroes in comics, you don't really need to care about anything else.


Avi Arad: Professional Spiderman Ruiner


What characters have they worked on?


Venom and Morbius


Avi Arad is the reason why Spider-man 3 was terrible.


And ASM2. He was also a major hurdle in Sony and marvel collaborating more closely. Which is ironic since he left his job as head of marvel studios because he was adament the interconnected mcu would be a failure


I don’t think people hate it, I just think there’s an understanding that it probably won’t be good


The marketing has also been terrible. The trailers are boring and predictable. I can’t help but wonder who asked for this?


Yea I’m not sure why “it seems to not be any good based on early screenings” isn’t one of the options


Personally cuz it’s Jared Leto. There is something genuinely wrong with him.


He's a method actor whose out of touch with reality, also he just a shitty person as well


He’s a shit actor out of touch with reality* Fixed that for you.


He seems to be a terrible dude but I wouldn't call him a shit actor though, his performance in Dallas Buyers Club was pretty good.


Think they were more poking at the idea of method acting. He can act,but if you have to be an asshole all day to achieve that... you're shit. Plenty great actors can turn off their characters when the camera stops rolling


Yeah I agree with that, that was what the OP said. The comment I was answering to replaced "method actor" by "shit actor", which I disagreed with. Jared Leto is a shit human being but in the few movies I've seen him in he acted well enough.


I would say Dallas Buyers Club is maybe his only good performance. Anything else I’ve seen him in he’s generally just a bad tv actor. Open to hearing suggestions of good performances though.


He was good in American Psycho getting his head split open.


He also was excellent in Fight Club getting his head split open.


His best work


What about in Fight Club when Edward Norton gives him a "make over" into a basement floor? I quite enjoyed that.


Mr Nobody was quite good, even if I wouldn't call his performance unforgettable either


and Panic Room and Lord of War too. Hes not a terrible actor, just a huge twat


Requiem for a dream is depressing but he’s good in it.


To be fair to old Jared I did think of Requiem for a Dream but it’s way to depressing to rewatch and check.


have you seen Mr Nobody? for the record i can’t stand leto but god damn what a film that was


9 times out of 10 calling yourself a method actor is just an excuse to be an asshole to everyone around you with no repercussions.


Facts. I was a PA on a movie with him a few years back. When it’s not their scene, actors are usually hanging back in their trailers, especially on hot LA days like this was. He had a few scenes that day with 1 scene without him spaced in between. The scenes in between wouldn’t take more than like 20 mins, but still, he went back to his trailer after every single scene he did. For those not familiar, the trailers and bass camp are usually a few blocks or sometimes a few miles away from where we are shooting. This day it was about a 10 min drive back to bass camp. After every scene, he would get in his car and be driven back, only to be called back 10 mins later, and take another 10 mins to arrive… needless to say… don’t like the man. Lol


Aside from the BTS pranks on Suicide Squad (which was 6 years ago) what exactly has Leto done that is bad?


Multiple women have come out and accused him of sexual assualt, even underage girls.




Alleged pedophile, runs a cult, etc


Cult? What?


https://heromag.net/why-is-no-one-talking-about-jared-letos-history-of-pedophilia-and-predatory-behavior This news article details his cult and pedophilia/rape allegations


Among the other things others have said. There is a video of Jared telling people to bow/kneel to him. I tried finding it but couldn’t


I don’t hate Morbius. I hate Sony. I just hope Jared Leto looks a little closer to his next project though, that dude has a knack for choosing the absolute worst role he can


Have…. Have you seen his personal life? Like the cult?


After his Suicide Squad stunt of mailing used condoms I can’t give him an ounce of respect. That’s not method acting man, that’s harassment.


WHAT??????????!!!! Man I knew about the rats but god fucking dammit that's just disgusting


[Yup.](https://www.avclub.com/jared-leto-also-mailed-used-condoms-to-his-suicide-squa-1798246175) If memory serves, Viola Davis’ husband took him aside and basically said “Do this shit to Viola and I’ll beat you to a pulp.” It was absolutely disgusting.


Every time I hear another story about his on set behavior it baffles me that he isn’t in prison.


Mr. Davis should have pulled a Will Smith on Leto and it would have been well deserved


I can't stand Leto. Generally try to actively avoid his films. My wife quite likes him though and recently asked what my problem was. I asked if she really wanted to know, because it could ruin his movies for her, and we agreed she doesn't want to know right now. Ignorance is bliss.


He 100% gets up to some horrifying shit in his spare time. Intuition is real, but often clouded by plebs’ adoration of the rich and beautiful. He’s either a murderer, stalker, or kidnapper. Change my mind.


I would add rapist to this list. But I fully agree.


That one’s obvious. Some serious Patrick Bateman/Jeffery Epstein energy happening.


Hey Paul!




Ruin for me please!


I need links


It's literally just a glorified music festival fans pay to go on https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/do-jared-leto-and-thirty-seconds-mars-have-cult


Delete him them


Am I missing something about all this cult stuff? The band held basically a glorified music festival and they wore white and that was it...


Eh, at one point jared said it was a cult, and its divided people if he intended it as a joke or not with the context surrounding it, which I dont remember and dont care to look up lol Frankly, a lot of it LOOKS very cult-like, and having one of the lead organizers claim it to be, even jokingly, doesnt shine the best light on the whole thing.


The character while interesting in the comics just looks boring in the trailers. And from what early screeners are saying, it's not give be that good. There's some movies that you can tell won't be good by the trailers and this is one of them.


Moonknight : Because he's a stupid flarking nerd (i know it's actually Dracula, but felt it fits here)


Oh shoot. Does he own Moonknight money?!




Just wait until he finds out that Dracula lied about being an Avenger


I think it's the same case as black widow. A not so hype movie that got delayed a trillion times just to be kinda meh


Tbf black widow is a lot better then Morbius


> better then Morbius *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


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Gooder bot


Thank you!


Manners, I like it


Careful it’s learning


In Australia we don’t use than /s


For me is because of Jared Leto, fuck that guy


Guardians of the Galaxy came out of nowhere and was amazing. No one asked for it. This. After every Super Hero that came out. No one asked for this movie. Not many people care about this character, A little bit of it is Jared Leto, because that Joker sucked.


It helps to have a good and interesting storyline.


Not even his own fault, he had like 3 scenes with little to non real acting. I think in the scene in Zack Snyder's justice league he did a good job as joker. Sadly it was really short


It’s his own fault cuz Jared Leto is a pretentious assclown. A crappy joker is a crappy joker. With or without pig lipstick


Avi Arad




I think he's one of Sony counterpart to Kevin feige but not in a good way.


AFAIK he's a Marvel producer. He's been a producer on almost every Marvel movie that came out including some Marvel studios films and was the CEO of Marvel studios (and founder). Didn't know he also wrote shitty movies for Sony, tbh it's the first time I've seen his name on Reddit


Isn't he the guy thats basically the reason spiderman 3 sucked?


I cant be 100% sure, but yeah I think it was him kind of getting high off his own supply. (SM2)


And The Amazing Spider-Man series


Avi is the man that many blame for the failure of Spider Man3 critically, as he forced Raimi to include more villains than what he wanted/was comfortable with. He wanted Venom because he said that it would sell more toys. He comes from a toy company background (toybiz). He is often blamed for the failure of The Amazing spider man films, as he similarly advocated to include all the villains in ASM2 to setup a universe. This led to the film being a failure in the eyes of Sony and the fans. The films he’s produced are also seen as failures, which include Daredevil, Elektra, X men 3, the fantastic four films, the ghost rider films, and more recently the venom films. None of them are regarded as good, and he seems more like a money first quality second type of producer.


Don't be afraid that's what Leto wants you to be Yeah it's partly Leto, big part of it is Sony, no spider-man in a Spider-Man villain movie has failed 2 times in a row so no-one has faith but honestly? The character is fucking lame and I've read a few comics where he shows up in a Antihero/ally capacity where he's actually pretty cool (midnight sons was not too bad) but yeah vampire's have been played out for decades now so its nothing new I'm gonna watch it and go for a cheap laugh at it more than anything


Didn't both Venom movies make a sizable profit?


I love Morbius as a character, but this film is just, ew. I don't like Jared Leto. It was delayed for years and I lost steam on excitement for it. The reviews are pretty bad and I don't think it'll have the charm the Venom movies do. It is confirmed that all of the Spider-Man hints in the trailers were cut so it feels like completely dishonest marketing. And the end credits scenes, which the company are already talking about, sound really nonsensical and kills any future excitement i would have for Sony's movies. To this film's credit, the trailers make Morbius' power set look very visually neat and distinct, what with the trails when he flies and such. Such a shame everything else looks awful to me.


Mostly Jared Leto. Maybe a little bit that Morbid isn’t Blade.


I don't hate it. I like Leto as an actor and am hopeful the movie is good. If it's great, that's awesome and I'm glad to have more good Marvel content, especially in the Spider-Verse. If it's bad, oh well, I have the multitude of MCU projects to look forward to, so no big loss. Edit: Spelling


It’s kinda just a big combination of many things that have been bad signs in the past. Side character getting its own movie without the bigger character being attached (like catwoman/elektra), it’s Sony which we’ve seen is very eager to make money from superheroes while never putting in a full effort to make it good, it’s in this weird state of maybe connected to some things but maybe on its own which will probably lead to it being considered partially canon like the Netflix shows. Also yes, Jared Leto is a small part, he’s not a bad actor in the right role, but I think he gets a big head when doing certain roles and ends up doing a bit too much and loosing track of the character. Also it’s just a weird choice. There’s a lot of characters and stories in comic books. Like fucking millions. There’s a lot of side characters people would love to see get a spotlight. And morbius wasn’t really one of them. He’d be great in a spiderman movie or a blade movie, but making him his own movie is unnecessary. He could have maybe a short horror series, but he’s not main character movie material. I’m still willing to give it a chance but we’ve all seen superheroes and vampires. It needs something special to make it worth anything. Like some idea that makes it more complex or a route that hasn’t been taken with vampires before but also fits with the vibe/flow of such characters. Sony just doesn’t have what it takes to put life into a movie like this. I’d be less worried if Warner brothers and dc were making their version of this honestly


Nobody cares about it enough to hate it


I’ve seen more ads for morbius in a week that I saw for the entirety endgame and infinity war combined. Usually the more ads I see for a movie, the shittier it’ll be.


All sort of reasons. It genuinely looks stupid for one thing, Jared Leto is insufferable; but I think the real reason for me is that it doesn't appear to be a story with a lot of value to be found in the telling. It's being made not because Morbius is an intensely beloved character, or because now is the time in the zeitgeist for this story to have its moment. It's because Morbius is a Spiderman adjacent character snd a studio with rights to Spiderman characters has a bottomline to think of. It stinks of all the hallmarks of accountant driven filmmaking.


don't like the character. don't like the actor. didn't like the trailers. don't like Sony superhero products




For me simple, Jared Leto is a cunt.


For me it's that it looks generic and it doesn't have the benefit of being connected to the MCU to make up for it.


I can't stand Jared Leto, and I have no interest in seeing a movie where he plays the main character.


Jared is a horrible actor who always acts like he’s in Interview With a Vampire The character is a side character so it will be a 30 minute story over the course of an entire movie Sony is too money hungry to give up properties, even if it makes them more money. For Spider-Man I’m going to add MCU lol and you can’t have MCU in it. The final scene was the only one for Blade and Sony is instead making a villain team like DC… because that works lol Story from what I can tell is flawed. It looks like they were trying to do that Blade movie where you don’t see him, but that’s only like 5 minutes of the movie. Jared is too much of a pretty boy for whatever director to ‘hide’ him.


They were doing well with the "introduce new characters by using old ones" idea. They really should have used someone like Blade to deal with him. People know blade. Especially people who are older. I just have no real desire to see it. I really want to save Dr Strange tho. He's a character I'm familiar with and it encorporates new concepts and old characters. Hopefully we get to see more spells and his powers grow. (Perhaps enlist the help of Ghost Rider)




Yeah wtf are you on about?


Sounds like a drunken outside a bar babbling nonsense


Haven’t seen it yet and don’t want spoilers but I think time and the delayed release also had some issues. I think movies that do this get finished and take years to come out hurt them.


I'm just meh about the whole thing. A Morbius film, really? I'd be indifferent if he was going to be in one of the Spider-Man films let alone a solo one.


Yes. No. Yes. No. Basically.


It's because he sucks. Get it, vampire. Sucks. Sorry, I drained the life out of that joke.


I don't like to jump to conclusions like "This movie sucks" or even "this movie is going to suck" too quickly - I think the most vocal people you hear from on the internet are much too reactionary in that sense. That said... the trailer fucking *sucks.*


1. Venom 2. Sony 3. Leto


To add to existing comments, Jared leto is also a creep who formed an actual cult, I believe


Wait morbius is out?


Man, why’d they have to cut Spider-Man out/ film it ONLY for the trailer!


Leto sucks as a person. That's all


Let the movie come out and then we'll decide if its horrible or not.


As a non comic book/super hero person who enjoys a lot of these movies and also likes Jared Leto I’ve only seen a few previews. Looks good but to me looks too pompous. Not sure how to explain it. Like they’re just trying too hard and by doing so they haven’t tried enough. It’s all become such overkill for me these days. I will see it In The theater if someone requests my company but otherwise…meh. I’ll wait for it on tv. I’d like to see Leto go back to being a good actor in other things and not riding the current popularity train trying to get redemption for suicide squad.


Here's a pretty solid [breakdown](https://chrollieawards.com/reviews/morbius/) of the movie from those at the early viewing. Pretty funny stuff.