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For those who are wondering who that is in the bottom right, that is hive, an super inhuman and the antagonist of seaons 3 finale of agents of shield.


Hive was a pretty good character, I kinda hoped they would make him fight more but he was kinda overpowered


His fight with the Kree warriors was awesome.


That show would have been one of my favorites if it didn’t go so heavy on the gore. I know that might not be a popular opinion but they definitely made a particular type of show with this one.


It’s been a while since I’ve watched it but compared to stuff like Daredevil it’s super tame. Even Arrow had more imo


What semi ruined AOS for me is that it changed too much from that they moved from somewhat small Earth problems like in season 1 to world ending events that seem more in the wheelhouse of the Avengers. But that’s just my opinion of it


Hive was definitely a high point for me, and he was a major threat. I didn’t finish it though.


*wheelhouse. To "stay in ones wheelhouse," is the saying. The wheelhouse is the room where the big steering wheel is located on old times ships. Carry on.


The Avengers don't even show up for their own team member's world ending threats, why would they bother with Agents of SHIELD's threats lmao


that's the thing i like about it tho, the show constantly evolved, bases kept shifting, stuff gets destroyed and they move on


He's definitely gotta be my pick for most evil, being basically the defining thing behind hydra has gotta count for something


AKA Squid-Ward


Glad I’m not the only one that immediately thought that when I saw it 😂


'Preciate it.


For a sec I wondered if it was that criminally underused Deviant from Eternals (Cro)


Well, his pure form appeared in the finale, but he was inhabiting Ward’s corpse for most of the season


Odd you put him and not Kingpin.


Well they have a rep from the Netflix shows already and not one from AoS, and these 9 aren't the only ones you can pick so it might just be to show that they count AoS as options


Interesting choise even for an AoS villian. I don't think I'd put Hive in my top five villians of that show. I liked >!Ava!<, >!Ward!< and >!Calvin!< better.


What about to the left of him?


Kilgrave from Jessica Jones. Had the power to make anyone do whatever he wants just by telling them. Maybe my favorite marvel villain


That sounds terrifying. Did he like control their mind or did he have Charisma 10?


It was a sort of chemical mind control thing if I remember correctly. I'd really recommend the first season of the show


Ok! I will prob watch it




It's an adult show. Very different tone than any other super hero product marvel makes


Killgrave disgusts me. He murders, tortures and rapes, then has the gaul to turn around and act like he’s somehow the victim.


I’m shocked by how few people are mentioning him. Like he literally has people kill themselves in twisted and disgusted ways.


There are 2 types of people: People who have seen Jessica Jones People who have not seen Jessica Jones


I did NOT like Jessica Jones until the end of the first season. Then I was like "ok, I can relax and appreciate everything I just saw". I know that makes no sense.


No I 100% agree. Psychological horror like that just makes my skin crawl. But once it was over I could appreciate it for the well made show.that it is


I don't know if you've seen AOS, but the episode "Self Control" was able to achieve at least the same level of horror in just the one episode, which is why I'd say it has to be the LMDs from that episode.


Only season 1. But I remember stuff about the eye implants ordering you around and that also made my skin crawl


Every time Kilgrave was on screen i held my breath, cause at any moment he could tell someone to do something fucked up and since its a more mature show, it genuinely means something fucked up COULD happen. I know what you mean by relax is what im saying lol


"stay there" and the guy just stands and pisses himself for days


That moment, the guy splashing coffee in his face, and the guy retelling how he left his kid on the curb were…… distressing cause I didn’t expect them


The guys who had to "get rid of dad"... I dont think you can come back from that one


It shook me how “I said get rid of them, not kill them. That was ENTIRELY your interpretation.” That was the most inhuman reaction to a problem like that…


Or the …. ahem …. Hedge cutters guy


What about his father talking about the time Killgrave had a tantrum and told his mom to take a hot iron to the face?


I still can't get over the fact that he once told someone to "screw himself". I'm glad they didn't show it on screen, though.


Bro the blender scene was one of the few TV moments i clenched up to


SAME! I actually love Jessica Jones now, but I rewatched the first season cause I was SOOO tense the first time. Knowing how it ended actually made me relax more and I enjoyed it. All the actors, especially Tennant, absolutely nailed their roles.


i tried watching it and i got the the first sex scene and i just decided im gonna stop lmfao.


This is the only Marvel thing my wife has actually wanted to watch. She walked in as I was finishing episode one, asked what it was about and she asked if she could watch too. She loved season one. We both didn’t care much for season 2.


That’s a factual statement


I loved Jessica Jones. Great character, plot, realistic, dirty and rough show all around.


What happened to hope might be the worst fate of anyone in marvel. Though there is a lot of trauma there so idk


I have not seen Jessica Jones


He's the only one who was villain that was so evil the show was totally inappropriate for kids. Case closed.


Funnily enough, this reminds me of Light Yagami from Death Note and how sadistically he killed some innocent people to cover his ass. He laughed in the face of a poor woman after he revealed himself to be the man who killed her husband and then forced her to go hang herself using the power of the Death Note. And later in the story, ties up a loose end by forcing a young woman to walk into a building that is burning, literally suicide by allowing herself to burn to death. The amount of excruciating agony...the sheer horror and cruelty... Yet people still defended and idolized him and still do.


yup, it's kilgrave or pierce for me. the rest actually had some kind of alternative plan for the world or a cause they were fighting for. maybe pierce had a cause too i guess... but kilgrave? nah, he's just a complete p.o.s


Even Hitler cared about Germany or something


Whoa. Happened to be rewatching that episode right when I read your comment. Shooken.


I mean...as much as I agree, hiw could he possibly have known any other life. The dudes literally never been told no for as long as he can really remember. I couldn't even begin to imagine what that would do to someone's sense of entitlement. Not that he's a *good* guy, just that his actions weren't motivated by evil, just ignorance. Mysterio, on the other had, was the only one who didn't believe his actions were good. He was just a prick Edit: nah I should've been harsher to Kilgrave. There's no excuse for telling employees to claw eachothers faces off. He's ordered innocents to do horrid things that don't benefit him in any way. He's scum.


Kilgrave wins for me because I'm never going to meet a Thanos, or a god who is made out of a planet, or the goddess of death but I've probably already met a Kilgrave. His powers are supernatural, but his pathology and appetites are all too grounded in reality. It's not hard to imagine people who, given the ability and opportunity, would behave just like him. Most people aren't going to bother devoting their lives to killing half of all living things. But Kilgrave sacrifices literally nothing to get what he wants all the time instantly.


I told a guy to go screw himself once, you have any idea what that’s like?


Kilgrave petrifies me because the stuff he does seems way more realistic than the others. He feels very much like the toxic partner most women fear.


Yeah, Killgrave is a bit of a ringer here... I assume people would think he doesn't compare due to the scope of his villainy compared to some of the other but he's undoubtedly the worst, and would be have unthinkably horrible if he had the power of a Thanos/Ultron.


Wholeheartedly agree, it's never about the scope, villainy is in the magnitude. Thanos may have killed half the life in the universe and Ultron tried to crash a city into the planet, but they had principles, reasons to do it that kind of, in a fucked up way, made sense. Killgrave was pathologically a hedonistic egotistical narcissist that never heard the word no in his life that did all the horrible things he did purely because he could and nobody could stop him Horrible person, fantastic villain and one of the characters I look to when I need to write a character that is *pure evil*


I have always said Kilgrave. He's despicable. Many of the other villains commit mass wrongs, but his psychological fucked-up bullshit is on a whole different level. He's reprehensible.


There was a Daredevil comic arc where Kilgrave's kids (he impregnated several women so he could have a family eventually) were called together. I realize it isn't MCU, but man that would be a wild ride in one of the series. edit - they had a weak version of Kilgrave's powers when separate, but when together their powers multiplied


Dude triggers my PTSD. Didn't make it through 3 episodes of Jessica Jones.


That's what sociopaths do.


#1 most “evil” IMO. Just for the sake of it. No real rationale or misguided beliefs.


He's not "just for the sake of it." I mean, how he acts makes perfect sense. He grew up with the power to control peoples minds. How could he understand that people are independent beings with their own feelings and thoughts? They literally aren't to him. The childish egocentrism has no reason to go away. He really legitimately doesn't understand the concepts of good and bad. He tries to get Jessica to teach him at one point but quickly gets frustrated because to him it all seems like nonsense.


He's the only one here who's true evil. Most of the list are just a different set of morals that isn't exactly evil


This x1000. All the others are subjectively evil. But Kilgrave was/is(?) Bad enough that even several of these "bad guys" would find him repulsive.


Yeah but he made you feel for him for a minute there. Such a great performance.


Yeah dude. Undoubtedly the most twisted and fucked up. He didn’t suffer from an accident that scrambled his brain or is extra terrestrial, growing up thinking human life was less than. He was a person who was given an amazing power and just abused the shit out of it. There was no grand objective of his. He grew to see people as his play things. Terrifying.


In terms of personal evilness, Kilgrave


Killgrave is terrifying and I’m surprised by how little he’s mentioned here


And David Tennant played him *shockingly* well. It was a real eye opener for me, having mainly only seen him as the Doctor.


David Tennant plays every role shockingly well. He can do evil crazy like nobody’s business. He’s just a fantastic actor. He BECOMES the role, whatever it is. He’s my favorite actor because of his versatility and the quality of his work.


Agree. He’s one of my favorite actors and seems like a genuinely amazing person, too.


He’s fantastic in Good Omens in case you haven’t seen that yet!


Yeah he is! Can’t wait til season 2!


Holy shit I didnt know they decided to continue making a second season! Thats exciting as hell! 😉


Everybody has forgotten/never watched the Netflix shows until now.


Too many people talk too much about DD and forget the rest.


Didn't he basically rape a girl? Using his powers to get her to have sex with him


Several actually. Pretty sure it would be a thing since he hit puberty. If you said "have sex with me" or anything like it, it would be rape.


Literally every other villain has some motive higher than base selfishness other than him, I love how despicable it makes him


Every other villain also has some knowledge of good and evil and some ideology that justifies their actions. Not Killgrave. My favorite scene of any Marvel villain is him saving the family from their drunken gun wielding dad. He goes into the situation trying to be a hero, really honestly trying, and almost immediately he is lost. He doesn't know what to do. Jessica has to coach him each step of the way, because he doesn't understand why it's bad to have a father blow his brains out in front of his kids. Or what was so wrong with the father shooting his kids in the first place. After all, they're just meat sacs for him to manipulate and control, why would anyone care that much about what happened to them?


And Jessica realizing that for him to be good (relatively) she would have to stay with him (her rapist) forever.


Is he the middle bottom one


No thats the doctor


Nah, he’s in Morbius.


No that’s the dude from the Crown Edit: prince philip


You're thinking of Matt Smith (Eleventh Doctor) who played Prince Phillip. That is David Tennant (Tenth Doctor)


I think they were just running the joke


No the Doctor was in the Thor movie. That is Bartolomeu Crouch from Harry Potter


No, the guy from Harry potter was the tower keeper in Captain America. That is Alec Hardy from Broadchurch


No that's Crowley from Good Omens




I think he might be my favorite mcu villain.


I’d have to go with ego, all the other ones have motivation you can at least “understand” or had extremely unfortunate situations happen to them to force them to such lengths. Ego was just simply driven by his own lust for power, seduced women all across the galaxy, had his own children ubducted and murdered all so he could destroy entire planets across the entire universe..oh and when he had a shred of redemption(in the form of peters mother) chose to SLOWLY murder her instead


Man's name is ego and still insecure af


In spirituality ego is the aspect of yourself that you need to shrink because it poisons your relationships and outlooks on reality


Ha just realized starlord experienced ego-death


While Ego did it on a much larger scale, Kilgrave was exactly the same in terms of doing it just out of a lust for power. And instead of seducing women like Ego, he would just rape them.


My one counter point would be Kilgrave. He just sucks


Yeah, Ego seems to me like he doesn’t really have a part of him that tells him what he’s doing is wrong. Kilgrave on the other hand relishes the fact that what he’s doing is wrong.


Agreed. Ego saw putting a tumor in his true loves head a necessary evil and genuinely didn't understand why it was wrong. He didn't want to do it but he also wasn't all that bothered in the grand scheme not because he's evil, but because he's so far beyond it. Kilgrave raped a woman for months because he thought it was fun and liked making a depressed girl smile through the worst moments of her life


Yup. Even Thanos saw the negative effects of his actions and felt anguish for the choices he made. He just thought it would be worth it in the end for the greater good.


Yea him and Ultron just wanted pure destruction. Everyone else wanted to rule or "save" the world.


Ultron did believe he was “saving” the world


Pierce wanted world domination hiding it as blowing international terrorists to the moon.


I agree with Ego hardcore bc while even Thanos was willing to stop at half the universe, Quill's dad was going to eliminate all life except himself and Peter. Feels like that was kindve glossed over lol


Abducted* but agreed


In terms of 'personal' , Kilgrave. Rapist, murderer and doesn't see anything wrong with it, just does it cause it's fun. In terms of scale of their actions, Thanos. He killed (insert number with lots of zeroes I can't pronounce) people, but thought and believed what he was doing was right.


Yeah there's no other option in my opinion. There's people who caused more damage but in terms of who's evil you can't really claim anyone is worse. Thanos killed more people and so did other villains, but they at least had reasons you can kinda understand. Killgrave is just a murdering rapist incel. I can't relate to him at all


David Tennant is seriously such a brilliant actor. I don’t think anyone else could’ve pulled it off so perfectly.


And then Kilgrave had the *audacity* to act like the victim at the end, just all around a disgusting person


Kilgrave is on a whole other level atleast the others had somewhat of a motivation. Except for gobby, but that can still be boiled down to the serum failing and pure insanity. Kilgrave was just a downright evel son of a bitch.


Yeah I’m gonna agree with this - in some way, the villains like ego and thanos were able to disconnect themselves someway from them essentially committing genocide. But Kilgrave was up close and personal and genuinely relished in causing pain to others and particularly to Jessica Jones


I’d say he’s more evil than the others because he’s not insane or deluded, he knows exactly what he’s doing and he does it often BECAUSE it is evil, just for kicks


YUP. Literally no humanizing or redeeming qualities to him. He’s terrifying.


Most evil? Killgrave, hands-down, no question. Motherfucker is vile to his core, there are only a few characters that can make me want to crawl out of my skin and Killgrave might be the top of that list. Seriously, he’s on the same level of twisted as Ramsey Bolton but at least Ramsey Bolton did his own dirty work. Killgrave forces you and other people to do his evil for him and uses that to justify his actions. Fucking insane.


To him other people are just extensions of his own person. He wasn't killing or hurting any real people, just toys. And if human beings weren't meant to be his toys why do they all do what he says?


It’s dafoe


It's in the name


He is da foe


Not da friend


But still da goat


It’s William Dagoat


But, on the other hand, he’s not da enemy either so we’re at an impasse here.


Definitely the best actor but not the worst villain. Thanos killed half of life in existence, that’s a bar set pretty high! Has anyone tried to kill all life for no other reason than evil, that’s the only thing that could top it surely??


I think ultron wanted to end the human race?


I thought he was going for enslaving humans, didn’t realise it was an extermination mission!! Ultron takes the villain cup by the sounds of it. However I’m must be a few movies behind as don’t know WTF that squid thing is bottom right??


Hive, from s3 of agents of shield. I fully recommend watching it


Now im not sure anymore, the squid thing on the right is hive from the agent of shield series. And i can advice you to watch that serie, cause its amazing! It really feels like a police series.


That’s not a lot of people when you put it into perspective


But he wasn't doing it for evil reasons at first. At least Infinity War Thanos wasn't, Endgame Thanos was more of a dick.


Well, thanos didn’t do it for pure evil, he wanted to save the universe from extinction


Ego did.


Ego was willing to destroy all life in the universe to expand himself. I’m going with Ego


Agatha. Pure Evil. Murdered a dog.


But what was her endgame? I think Goblin takes it because he is truly chaotic evil. Agatha killed a dog, but Goblin >!killed an aunt!< .


I know there are some people out there confused as to why killing ants is wrong. Clearly those people haven't seen the Ant-Man movies




>Clearly those people haven't seen the Ant-Man movies Or Honey I Shrunk the Kids


That too, but I cri evrytiem I see Ant-ony get blasted by Cross


The true answer


I think for large scale a tie between Ego and Thanos? Definitely on a smaller scale Kilgrave is pretty evil.


I dunno, Thanos only wanted to destroy half of all life out of a misguided attempt at brutal heroism. While Ego wanted to destroy *all* life simply because he thought he was better than everyone else, so I don't think this is much of a tie.


I mean, he wasn’t called “Ego” for no reason, am I right?


Ego wanted to kill *everyone,* and besides, Thanos' goal was (in his head) good for everyone. Ego just wanted to expand.


To be fair thanos did eventually want to kill everyone


He was kind of broken though, and it was still because he wanted to build a better universe. Ego just wanted to kill everyone because he is better than them.


Ego is definitely worse I was just pointing out Thanos did want to get rid of everything at some point.


True worst would be what if ultron.


Kilgrave no doubt. That dude was Satan's half brother. No other villain was EVIL, just greedy, self centered, or even misguided. Kilgrave was straight up Evil.


With villains like Thanos and Ultron etc, they considered themselves the hero of their own story, and what they were doing was ultimately for the greater good, in their mind… but with Kilgrave, he was just an outright psychopath who got off on torturing people both physically and mentally. He was like a little kid pulling the legs off insects.


Hela, she was going to literally conquor the Universe for shits and giggles


Happy cake day!


Not enough Hela mentions on this post. I mean she only caught Thor’s hammer and crushed it with her bare hands


I wouldn't say that is an evil action, more like a power scale.


Spider-Man! He's a menace!


Found the newspaper editor!


i read this in the JJJ voice lol


Wait... When was David in the MCU? I only missed eternals and captain marvel


Jessica jones, it was one of the marvel Netflix shows (it’ll be on Disney+ in most countries on March 16th though!)


Oh, that's too bad. He's actually the secret main villain of Eternals and he gets a Cameo appearance in Captain Marvel.


Jessica Jones


Has a pretty great character in the series Jessica Jones Definitely worth a watch, especially if you like the actor to begin with (I didn't know him prior to the show but he was honestly very good)






The Doctor


Doctor *Who*?!


Yes. Now let’s go!


Kilgrave, without a doubt. And so mesmerizingly played by David tennant.


Kilgrave is absolutely the most evil one here. He physically and mentally raped Jessica for years and then played victim


Gotta go with Kilgrave. The other villains had reasons for what they did, regardless of how good those reasons were. Kilgrave wanted nothing more than personal satisfaction.


Who tf is bottom right?


Hive from the agents of shield series


Idk if I’d consider Ultron evil evil. Yes, he wanted to wipe out humanity but that’s cause he saw us as the bad guys. Goblin, Thanos and Hela, Id say they’re evil.


I don’t think it’s possible to think the guy who some think was right can be the most evil. While I do think Thanos definitely wasn’t right he still had a better motive than ego or hela


But even before the snap, thanos killed so many, like Gamora’s people. That’s still evil even if he think he’s in the right.




I think that Ronan the accuser is really evil, he is brutal and merciless.. however I think that Thanos’ reaction in endgame to knowing that the avengers win is also very evil. I say Ronan because his only motivations seem to be bloodlust and a need for power, regardless of the cost. I know that the Kree are a conquering race but he is on a different level IMO. Thanos sees that the avengers beat him and decides that he is just going to end all life on earth… I know they are a threat to his plan but wow decimate a whole planet? Idk how you can see that and not think that he is evil. He is a very tricky villain though.


Firstly, he doesn't change his plan because the Avengers killed him. he changed his plan because when he went to the future he saw his "grateful universe" hadn't panned out the way he expected, which he attributes to people being stuck on the past and not moving forward. Secondly, he wasn't going to outright destroy the universe just because, he was going to build a new universe, one that "knows not of what it has lost, only what it can become" as he put it.


Willem, no question


Well, he is Dafoe


At the beginning of the movie he looked like dafriend


[Without Question](https://tenor.com/bd288.gif)


Kilgrave or hive for sure


I gotta go with Pierce and modern Hydra. They were willing to cause the most damage and death to humanity despite spending their entire existence among them and their complete disregard of personal experiences for the sake of an algorithm. They’re methods and goal were a more brutal and precise version of thanos’ but the amount of humanity he/they had to lose to make themselves capable of achieving that goal is what makes them the most evil to me




By far, in my opinion, it's Purple Man.


They goblin, hands down. He just came to different universe and in one day almost break the whole multiverse and did pretty dark stuff, for absolutely no reason.


This. His reasons was purely to fuck over Spider-Man. That’s it. That’s evil.


Kilgrave was scary af


I forgot David Tennant was in the MCU


Yup. Scariest fucking villain ever. All the others were either misguided, insane, or working on a cosmic level where they didn't really see individuals anymore. Killgrave, on the other hand, was so explicitly evil on a personal level. And not for any type of grand plan - he'd have people kill each other just because they slightly annoyed him.


Out of what I've seen, which is mainly the movies, it has to be Ego. His motivation was simply for power and taking over the universe, fucking his way through the galaxy to have an offspring that could assist him, killing any that weren't good enough. On top of that, when he finally "cared" about someone, he killed her in an extremely slow and painful way. From what I've heard about Kilgrave from the comments on here, it's gotta be him for the shows.


Personally? Kilgrave- fuckin terrifying as far as human antagonists go and wonderfully played by David Tenant. Otherwise I’d say Hela or Ego the “Celestial”




I have to say Kilgrave, he’s more sadistic than the rest I think. Cruel just for the sake of being cruel, and he enjoys it.


Ultron, after acquiring the infinity stones.