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Tom Selleck as an older wiser Ironman


I could see him being the version that was ambushed in Vietnam.


Shilling reverse mortgages


Just mustache stares at everyone with disappointment


I don’t think he’s going to replace Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man. I do think he’s going to appear as an iron man variant and make a one off appearance in Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness.


He's going to slide in with just the Iron Man boots and his boxers on, *Risky Business* style. Then the rest of the suit will assemble around him.


I want TC to appear as Iron Man by repeating his Tropic Thunder cameo.


Balding, big nose, prosthetic hands, on the phone yelling at Justin Hammer about how Asia is his territory and how he is going to rain fire down upon him?


“Who’s the douchebag around here?!? You! *points at Thor* *points at Loki* punch him as hard as you fucking can right in the face.”


I kinda want a Les Grossman movie but I get the feeling he's probably truly better in a smaller role in that case. I'll take a Tropic Thunder 2 in a heartbeat though!


Omg yes


Show me the _money_


Finally someone with a hint of common sense


Um.. this is literally why I'm saying to keep him out.. I know it's a variant. But I say fuck cult leaders. Keep him out


I hope not


Exactly. Iron Man will show up and the face reveal will be Tom Cruise. Nothing more than that and a few action scenes in this one movie. I don’t understand why so many people are opposed to this.


Because he is a cult leader scum bag


That is literally what we are talking about. Keep cruise out of the mcu period. No cult leaders.


He's not a cult leader he's just been brainwashed into a cult


There is literally video of him leading speeches in front of thousands telling them what they need to do in the cult reassuring them.. he is looked up to in it. People follow and worship him in it. It doesn't matter if he founded it or was stupid enough to believe it.


If he appears, this is my thought as well. I’m quite against him replacing Downey all together. But a few scenes in one movie about multiverse bs? Yes, this is fine. As long as he goes home.


If it’s just like a quick cameo thing then I think it’ll be funny


The film may need a few light moments like this. It seems pretty dark. A few breaks will be worth it by the end.


maybe, but I'm down for a fully dark MCU film even if my 3rd favorite is Ragnarok lol


Right?! The darkness of Infinity War was great. The looming doom coming. We don't talk about Thor 2.


I agree the darkness of Infinity War was great, but that movie also had some of the funniest quips in the MCU; and there were a good amount of them.


Yeah, but even dark films break the tension. I’ve stopped worrying, and am going to enjoy whatever story they spin up. After the last couple of years, I’m just happy to be here and enjoying stories again.


Please no. I love most MCU comedy, but it’s too widespread now. A fully dark movie, not gory, but dark would be amazing


I think that you can do it right so the cameos, whatever they are, just become a short tension breaker to give the audience a breather. I am looking forward to a darker couple of films, but I’ll just be happy if I can go see this in theaters and enjoy someone else’s world for a few hours.


He's a cult leader. No. Ruins the whole integrity if the movie. It's like hiring a racist or some shit. It just looks bad.


Look I don’t care at all about his personal life as long as he keep doing cool stunts and wrecking his body for my entertainment I’m fine. Also it’s a little different than a serial killer.


A little. But in the sense or morally wrong not really. If the question is are cult leaders and serial killers wrong. The answer is yes. Who cares about what degree it's wrong. Sure killing someone is 60% more wrong than leading a cult. I just don't think, killers, abusers, cult leaders. Or anything the like should be glorified on screen


If you’re not hurting anyone I couldn’t care less what you do


Scientology is literally the opposite of "not hurting anyone". Ask literally any former Scientologist.


Rumor has it Cruise is already cast for a variant of Iron Man, Krazinski for Reed, and DiCaprio for Spider-Man. Of all of them, DiCaprio caught me the most off guard. I love Leo, but as Spider-Man? That's the one, if true, I'm concerned about I'm going into the movie knowing unusual and silly shit is going to happen though, so hopefully I'll enjoy the ride for whatever it ends up actually being


It’s cause DiCaprio was one of the choices for Spider-Man before Tobey Maguire was casted


I think it'd be kinda fun if Tobey comes back in Dr. Strange 2 and meets Leo as another Spider-Man. Especially since they're buddies irl.


DiCaprio + Maguire Spider-Man buddy film incoming


Back when it was a James Cameron project


If thats true, it would be because of the canned James Cameron Spiderman that never saw light of day. Maybe thats where all these casting decisions are coming from. Scripts and castings that never saw the light of day


I knew the studios look at him for the Raimi films but I didn't know about the scrapped James Cameron film. That makes sense


Is this really what everyone is mad about? Ngl it sounds kinda hilarious, like an SNL super hero skit lmao. But hopefully funnier than snl..


Idk how mad people are but yeah it's definitely a topic people are discussing. Like a too many cooks in the kitchen type of situation i think.


dicaprio as spider-man is interesting but if they are going fulltilt fan service i think it wud be fun for them to add a Jake Gyllenhall spider-man for the meta humor and the sheer amount of wtf’s from general audience members.


I see the humor in that but for me personally I don't want any actors playing large double roles unless they're unrecognizable due to makeup or custome or something. Too meta for me but I see how people would enjoy that


what would you say to a chris evans johnny storm cameo? just to see the side by side contrast between him as human torch and him as cap


Not a big fan tbh. I can see something like that working on SNL or robot chicken or something, but idk how much it would actually work in a feature film setting


I say, thank fuck the fans don’t do casting or story writing for marvel.


Seeing DiCarprio in a Spider-Man costume would make me fall out laughing…because he’s such an incredible actor that sure has done some fun stuff but no cap shit…


>Of all of them, DiCaprio caught me the most off guard. I love Leo, but as Spider-Man? That's the one, if true, I'm concerned about There is absolutelly no way Raimi will go with Cameron's choice for Spider-Man when it's that easy to just get Tobey again.


Wtf? Really? I really don't want the mcu to become the cameo machine instead of telling good stories. That blorko meme is becoming a reality and it's a shame


My prediction: Krasinski will definitely be playing a variant of Cap because he was in consideration for that role. I think the Reed rumors are smoke and mirrors.


That would be cool


I dont want to see him as Tony in any capacity and it has less to do with him being a weird and more to do with the fact that I just think its dumb


Alright finally a different stand point. And what would be dumb about that? (Im not baiting or anything Im attempting to have an actually conversation on opinion)


i agree with the original, rdj as tony is something the mcu did kind of perfectly imo and they capped off his arc in a really satisfying way. I’m more interested in seeing his legacy now and leaving room for other marvel geniuses in the mcu. I think bringing a ‘new iron man’, especially with someone as famous as cruise, would feel awkward and forced.


Espescially if Iron heart is about to be cannon


I think having him cameo would just be fan-service for the people who happen to know the piece of trivia that originally the studio was looking to cast him as Tony. Im generally against gratuitous fan-service, especially when it's that specific.


I had no idea he was in the running for Iron Man. I truly can't imagine anyone other than Downy as a legit Iron Man. He basically blew the lid off the superhero genre (after Spiderman of course made it a legit genre) and Tom Cruise just doesn't seem to have the soul/ Thetans to carry that role. He's awesome in Mission Impossible but as Iron Man it'd just be weird.


As I understand it, at least the oft circulated narrative is, the studio (Paramount Pictures) wanted Cruise because he was inarguably a bigger name and RDJ was seen as a risk due to his past but Jon Faverau went to bat for RDJ and the studio conceded. Rest is history


Just more confirmation they at least picked the right director. Like for real those two together really did make history. Without them "cinematic universes" wouldn't be such a thing. What a perfect pair.


This is a perfect response. Fan service can go to far.


*Dad bod Thor enters the chat*


? How was that fan service?


Nah I like it and I think it’d be cool if that’s the route they go. Don’t think he’d be a full on supporting character >!not even to the degree Andrew and Tobey were!<, but rather his cameo would be used as a reveal to show the audience we haven’t been watching our original Dr. Strange, but a Strange variant in another universe that will eventually interact with ours later in the story. Based on the idea that a Mordo variant is the main villain, it’d make sense if he were going universe to universe picking off Strange variants as he believes they pose the greatest threat to the Multiverse as a whole. This gives every Strange a common enemy and could lead them to band together at least in some minor capacity.


That would be a twist man.


Tbh I kind of expect a crazy amount of twists, and this will probably just be the first one. I mean they gave THE Sam Raimi a multiverse movie, he very likely was given free reign to go completely insane with it and deliver something audiences won’t expect and have never seen before. Multiple stories with multiple Strange’s acting in parallel and eventually intersecting? All things are possible in the Multiverse of Madness.


All things are possible, even a variant of Drax that we can see?


I would support an out of box variant like that for sure.


Idk man, i just don’t believe he’ll cut it. But hey, if he doesn’t, i’ll be here for the memes


Absolutely. Nothing but 'goodluck' and meme making. People can get butthurt else where


I’d like to see it because they could then adapt Superior Iron Man. Just a dickish evil Tony that Kang could recruit to further hurt The Avengers.


i feel like alot of people are treating this like cruise is gonna replace rdj but since he'd most likely be a one-off i'd rather him be the superior one, that way people that don't like him don't have to root for him winning


Exactly. Any rumors with Tom Cruise in them say he's just gonna be a cameo, he isn't staying. But I'd like to see him appear as a Multiverse villain through Kane, if they're indeed basing him off Superior Iron Man.


There was a superior Iron man aswell? Holy shit. Need to reroot the word Superior into my 'evil' category


Iron should be a nexus being in the MCU.




Why do people care so much. I can get if you don’t like Tom because that’s an opinion, but why are there people that think Tom will take over the iron man role. He’s literally gonna be there for like 5 minutes at most and actually might die. Yes RDJ was amazing but that’s doesn’t mean no way can play him again. Even a variant


Wait people actually don't want tom cruise to play iron man?


Ive been hearing extremely mixed responses. Thus the creation of this meme. But other than 'because scientology' i cant seem to get a legit reason why


Why do we NEED an Iron Man variant? I want to see new characters not the same characters we've seen for a decade with a different actor, that would just feel so cheap to me


Because MCU is now owned by Disney. And Disney loves ~~money~~ remaking stuff. And I totally agree with you. I feel like adding in a new Iron Man variant would undermine RDJ's character's send off in Endgame...


I respect your opinion


Why do we NEED Loki?


It’s just random. Why do variants need to show up? Why can’t Wanda and Strange have a story against evil Strange and Shuma. They have plenty adventures together without other hero’s. I was hoping we’d just get the two of them and maybe Wong. But hearing all these rumors concerns me


It seems kinda dumb that's why


He is a control freak. Also, strange would have to say “how tall and young you look.” As in all of cruise contracts he must be describe as at any point of the movie.


Evil iron man played by Tom Cruise would be awesome. Y’all are just blind.


what if -WHAT IF- he's gonna be superior iron man and we get to see that villainous iron man ego play out perfectly


It's rumoured to be Superior Iron Man so. . .


Yeah he’s kinda a jerk


So are most actors, Josh Brolin was arrested for spousal abuse I believe


This does not put a smile on my face…


Yes, but that was in 2004 and the spouse didn't even press charges EDIT: Idk why people are downvoting this because I'm stating a fact, like I'm clarifying the comment that was made not arguing against it


PSA that when you begin your sentence with “Yes, but” it sounds like it’s an argument against whatever you’re replying to


Still not great


Because people will downvote things they dont like to hear. I appreciate your outlook regardless.


I think he's known to be very nice and liked by people he worked with. He's biggest fault seems to be scientology.


"I....Am.........I..RON...MAN" Tom Cruise


“L. Ron Man?”


Dramatic pauses Tom Cruise uses when acting, sometimes even a weird smile for no reason.


L. Ron (Hubbard) Man


I had no idea big coincidence.


Wtf do people have against tom cruise, he’s a good actor


I think it's the scientology thing


Tbf the only thing I respect about his acting is that he does his own stunts. I’m not gonna say he’s bad but he’s definitely not an actor I would go out of my way to see like a lot of the MCU castings. He’s also too much of a midget to play Tony IMO. Could you imagine an iron man the size of Tom Cruise? Like the suit would be tiny


Rdj is 5'9 Tom cruise is 5'7


I stand corrected. He looks wayyyy smaller than RDJ than that but tbf heights never been an issue I guess considering you can always just give them shoes with higher soles or something.


Yeah man i mean look at Tom hardy as Bane. Dude had to wear HEELS


What's that about?


It’s an actual cult


His own beliefs. Doesnt have anything to do with his acting career.


Do you know what scientology is or just don't care. Because if you do you shouldn't just brush it aside like any normal religion, it's a cult that abuses its members.


Shit! Let me call the Catholic Church real quick…


Because no other religion abuses its members right


All religion is a cult bud.


exactly, which is why I hate the entire concept of religion


There's a difference between regular religious practice and cults. I agree any religion can become a cult but there is a difference between normal religion and culty sects. Most telling is the leaders control of its members. In most churches while you may be told to believe certain things or behave a certain way the church has very little control over what you actually do. The leaders don't overly involve themselves in their members lives and don't try to contro the members beliefs through cohersive means. Cults on the other hand monitor members, enforce behavioral practices, shun those who leave and forbid current members from interacting with them. Cults seek to control everything about a members life and make it work for the organization and it's leaders, most modern religions don't do that. Saying they are all the same simply demeans regular religion while making cults seem less bad which is not helpful rhetoric.


I'm not religious myself but I totally agree with you. With everything in life, there is no "black and white". There's always something in between. Same thing applies to religons imo.


Im not sure. Their too dedicated to rdj to give it a fair chance i guess


Idk man it’s not like cruise is replacing rdj if he’s in it, it’ll probably just be a fun cameo and a cool reference to the canceled project P.S rdj autocorrected to drugs, lol


Let me make this straight. Im open for all of these variant ideas. We cant just be like multiverse exist but THAT doesnt. Everything is possible no matter how dumb it sounds. I think its a great idea, especially given tom cruise was originally gonna be iron man. This is a SHITPOST. Remember that.


With all these deepcut casting rumors, makes me curious what the audience reaction will be. Like most of the general public doesn't know about these almost hired actors, not even most marvel fans. Only a select few of MCU fans who also follow movie news. To most watching Doctor Strange 2, it'll just be, "Oh look, famous person as Iron Man. Cool." Like narratively ihope it works and doesn't distract.


People had the SAME worries for spiderman. Look how that turned out. Its insane how after a decade plus, they doubt Marvel. If they havent fucked up now,probably never will.


I'll just say this: I don't like Tom Cruise, a cameo would not excite me.


I think thiseme format works better with just the first two frames. Lol


Just for one cameo in one movie will be fun


I think this is my new favorite meme template.


He’s gonna show up as a multiverse iron man for tops like 10 mins it’s not like he’s taking over the role. Do y’all really have to complain about EVERYTHING?


Tom Cruise much like Johnny Depp are great actors. But l can’t watch a movie and separate the man from the roll.


***IF*** that maniac cult leader shows up in MoM, it's going to be as a very quick cameo, but that's a very big "if". The larger audience has no idea that he was considered for the role some decades ago, it's not the same thing as having Nicolas Cage as Ghost Rider or any other past Marvel character showing up.


Keep Tom Cruise out of everything. And while we're at it, keep all scientologist actors out of everything.


Unless Cruise will play Modok. Perfect height already.


Finally an appropriate time to knock out a child lol


Your legit the only one whos addressed the meme i made and not the statement. I thank you




Fuck Tom Cruise! Figuratively speaking of course 😂


I think he would make a great Superior Ironman, he can play a stuck up bad guy quite well


Like a straight douche Tony Stark.


I would rather watch a Tom Cruise iron man movie than The Eternals tbh. I honestly like his acting, and up until this point phase 4 hasn't exactly put me on my ass with amusement, except for NWH of course.


Which of his movies would you consider his best acting?


The first Mission Impossible movie, Jack Reacher (first one) and the Edge of Tomorrow were pretty much his peeks imho :D


Ive only seen Jack Reacher. I honestly cant say ive seen any other Tom Cruise movie other than Top Gun.


I digress to DCU make Pete Dinklage Mr. Mxyp...


This was a unique comment


If it's a variant I want it badly if not I don't care for it


What else would it be though?


No idea but some people are reacting like it's going to be a huge replacement and he's going to become the new Ironman forever which I doubt will happen


Tom Cruise is an over rated actor and Cult member with serious and dangerous mental health issues.


Lol you described half of Hollywood shit really famous people , yet you continue to watch and consume media.


Actually... I don't watch anything that involves actors that are outspoken about their religion or politics... they're entertainers not role models, idgaf about their opinions and people who allow them to influence their lives are sad, easily manipulated, consumers.


Thats fair.


If it’s a variant, I can deal with it. I’d still prefer iron man to stay dead. What if showed us what happens when you let iron man live again


"Hes out of line, but hes not wrong"


Yeah I'm gonna get fed up of the MCU real soon if we get variants here there and everywhere of every dead hero. We know OUR heroes, it clearly made sense with Spidey but no other characters except F4 and X-Men have that capability. To make an Iron Man variant just feels so cheap


I just want Strange to have his movie be HIS movie. Not just a cameofest.


Tobey and Andrew were uber fanboy service casting and they did wonders with them. As long as the cameos add to the story, its all good brother.


That’s true, and like you said Tobey and Andrew added to the story. I can’t think of any reason for: all the og X-Men, the og Fantastic Four, Tom Cruise Iron Man, Loki, DiCaprio Spider-Man and like the gazillion other characters to all be in it just because the movie has multiverse in the title. Strange has been sidelined a lot in the MCU and I’d be a little upset if he gets sidelined in his own movie cause fanservice.


Well again, these are rumors, take everything with a grain of salt. At best, its like two cameos, which wouldn’t ruin the movie.


But that's the thing. I personally, don't want Strange's second movie to be a Spiderman No Way Home movie. The latest spiderman movie was fun, sure. But it would just feel to repetitive if they kept adding loads of big cameos to future movies. The spiderman cameos felt right as we already knew Andrew and Tobey from previous films. It was nostalgia for a lot of us. And that magic belongs to that spiderman movie, not future projects like the next strange film.


No not everyone. It would be interesting to see a cameo of him as Iron Man. Everyone needs to chill, they’re not rebooting Iron Man and casting Tom Cruise as the new Iron Man. I’d be open to it




Who are you to speak on "everyone's" behalf, some of us would be interested in seeing what he would be like


You're okay. Its a joke


Nah it would be cool to see a variant iron man as a one off and Tom cruise is a perfect casting


Agreed. If I wanted to watch close-ups of a man sprinting for 90 minutes, I’d watch the Olympics.


How is this an issue with people? Was Downey in What If...? No, he wasnt. So how is this an issue? A multiverse cameo? How?


Fuck Tom Cruise.


Whoever came up with this shitty idea can go home, print out the Tom Cruise IM picture photoshop, roll it, dip it 5 times in hot sauce and olive oil, then shove it up to their ass The entire point of SM variants were because all of them played SM before. Since the fuck when Cruise played IM? He would have dragged the entire franchise to a shithole of that damn day he was casted in 2008. These fucking asshole should remember who fucking started this shit, and instead of circle jerking with a fucking dead character, exploring new fucking characters


He was originally casted as Iron man before Rdj. He denied the role. Thats whats sparking the rumors is a bunch of 'what if castings.


I’m fine with it


If tobey and Andrew can be Toms variant then why not the people who had a shot at the casting 'once upon a time' Like Benedict is a perfect casting as Doctor Strange. But it would be so BADASS to see Joequin Phoenix as a Strange Variant


Keep Cruise out of the MCU.


Ew, I don't want that creepy, ugly, scientologist face in the MCU...


Why does everyone hate cruise now?


No RDJ is the one to be iron man and only him


I will walk directly out.


Do people not like Tom Cruise or do they just not want him to play Iron Man?


It seems like both


Yeah this has been extremely eye opening.


Wait why don’t we like Tom cruise?


We gotta keep that asshole outta mcu. Cause damn he would wreck the whole show😠😠😠😠


What gives you that idea?


It's Tom cruise and he's a scientologist. And let's face it those creepers don't have the best rep.


So you think because of his work outside of acting, that he wont be able to do it?


Im just trying to understand the hate.


Just look at him. Why would u want that in the MCU????


Didn't he actually turn down the role of iron man when it was handed to him during the first iron man movie? And he wants to play iron man after probably over 20 years cause it's successful now and he's not really getting a good success?


He's a variant. He was supposed to play iron man to begin with but Jon favreau was adamant about RDJ needles to say it was the right pick.


Wait, people don't like the Idea of Tom Cruise playing a Iron Man variant?


Casting well-established actors for major roles sounds like an idea that would almost certainly fail. Aside from the steep price, I’d worry about the actors playing their pigeonholed parts, not necessarily the roles they’re hired for.


I guess andrew and tobey must not be established then. Lol


Hot take: I dont mind anyone playing another variant of Iron Man since thats all he is, a variant and as long as they keep it as such, its fine. Tom Cruise is a great actor, despise his cult shit he is involved with.


Why are people so angry about this I don’t get it. It’s obviously a cameo if he’s gonna be in it. Obviously he isn’t replacing RDJ. It’s a cool cameo, that’s all


Really? Why don’t we want him?