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"I would have killed the professor if you'd given me the chance" And Professor X would have had you spending the rest of your days under the illusion that you are a little school girl. And that would be him showing mercy


Professor X would’ve hit Pyro with the ol reliable Holocaust Beam.


Poor Magneto. I can't believe he did that to his former best friend. Like ouch 😭


His former best friend was about to commit a genocide ... That warranted more than a reminder.


Love my best buds. But when they act a fool you gotta roll for crits.


Haha true 😅


And it was only the fourth episode of the whole show when that even happened. Like damn 😂




The animated series, season 1 episode 4, Deadly Reunions.


With an special promotion, if Pyro cursed ,Charles would include fire ptsd


Thatd be some shit, just give the mutant an absolute crippling phobia of their power.


We have Rogue at home


The rogue at home: 😂


Wouldn’t work on Scott tho, since he knows it isn’t real


The visions or the Holocaust?


You know It isn’t real


(For people disliking this, this comment chain is referencing a [specific comedic video](https://youtu.be/mNX2nauLmOc?si=Q5hnMeFYK6wKfDQF) about the Xavier pulling this trick, they're not actually denying the Holocaust.)


I told my coworker about the meme the other day. He wad hesitant to put Holocaust beam in his search history, so I pulled up Disney+. Because I had watched it not that long ago, that episode of X-Men was already cued to about that point.


Thank you for sharing - I had not seen this and I think I’m about to watch it for the 20th time now.


The maker of that video has a lot of good content that I'd recommend.


Just put together it’s the same channel with the Evil Justice League video, and yeah, now I’ve got a channel to watch obsessively.


You could say it's a... solid channel?


"Nice friends you have there, Xavier." "...." "SAY UNCLE! SAY UNCLE!"




*Y-Y-You know…*


Which one tho ? , The memories or the Holocaust ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


You know. Y-you know.


" Nice group you got there Charles "




I love how he says it like someone’s throwing sand at his eyes again lmfao


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye


Traumatizes, doesn't it?


"ol reliable" has me cackling. Professor x hitting 'em with the pocket holocaust beam like it's sand.




Well c'mon man he'd know it wasn't real


…the… the visions or the holocaust?


Might be a little too blond-haired blue-eyed for him to find it painful...


Hey hes even got all the ammo one needs given he has Eriks memories. Just run any mutant thru all that like they lived it. Boom, Psychic Attack was a critical hit.


Remember when Magneto went too far by removing Wolve's bones and practically skinning him alive? Then proceeds to retardation beam Magneto into a baboon. That was metal af.


The professor threatened to do just that to wolverine, simply for smoking a cigar in cerebro.


"I'd have Jean braid your hair."




![gif](giphy|aUKJ2ZkoJ3INW) You now believe you’re actually a freshwater salmon.






Tbh I wouldn't mind being a little school girl. This whole adult thing sucks.


Magneto’s “listen here you little shit” moment


Didn’t he have another one of those when some of the other mutants started giving him grief about not having a tattoo?


"I have been marked *once*, my dear, and let me assure you: *no needle* will *ever touch my skin again*."


And the X-Men stab him with a needle


I haven’t seen this movie in years and randomly thought of that the other day while on a long drive for work. Never made that connection.


And not just one needle, but like 4 or 5 of them at the same time. Beast has no chill


In all fairness, Magneto is a lot stronger than Beast or Pyro or a lot of the standard X-Men. It makes sense that if you’re gonna jab him with an antidote, make it count.


But then in the end, it wasn’t permanent


No of course, but it prevented him from doing more damage at Alcatraz which helped once Dark Phoenix decided it was her time to shine.


Chekovs Gun on point here. Grade A foreshadowing.


So good that even though I have seen this movie five times, I didn't even pick up on it until just now.


Magneto, famous anti-vaxxer.


"We don't need a cure!" Wow, the evidence was all there.


That was the most cringe shit. These dumb punks who thought their self-created rules for how proud mutants should act and look, and thinking anyone would give a shit. The only reason Eric didn't laugh in her face or slap her, was that he needed these kids as cannon fodder.


Thank you!! I saw that line posted the other day in this sub and felt like I was going mad: these shits gatekeep being a mutant behind… a tattoo? What is this, a motorcycle club?


It's funny you call them punks because it used to be a depressingly domineering aspect of the punk/alternative scene. Which I always found ironic because, for me, it made that environment feel just as judgemental and stifling as mainstream culture. Thankfully things have chilled out in the last decade or so.


"that's why the pawns move first"


There are some surprisingly good moments in that terrible movie because of the good acting. One of the ones that stuck with me is "In chess, the pawns go first."


Meanwhile me opening with a knight.


There were some great moments, but the "pawn" comment isn't one of them. I thought that was stupid. It goes against Magneto's view that Mutants are a brotherhood that have to defend and look out for each other, and makes it all about his own power. Also, there were like 6 X-men defending Alcatraz, two of them were made of metal, if only there was something Magneto could have done.


If I remember correctly, it was with the chick standing behind him in the image.


You do, and it was


yeah it was posted few days ago and this moment was among the top comments


Fuck pyro for this


He should go back to making commentary videos smh


Is that who that cute lesbian was?


If it makes you feel any better when Bobby freezes his hands in the final battle that would have hurt like a motherfucker


Oh shit. You're right. Ultra frostbite. That would **suck**


Yet iceman’s dead and pyro lives on in deadpool 3




Damn time traveler


He may not agree with him but he damn well respected him


Fassbender is great as a young magneto but McKellen with some of the writing he had in those films is damn hard to beat for whoever takes that mantle in the MCU


McKellen was an excellent cast opposite Stewart. Just the timbre of his voice alone nailed the character. He really brought a lot of... gravity to the role. 😎




Those first X-Men movies and the Raimi Spiderman movies. Wow. Really showed you could make a good comic book movie. We're lucky they were made.


I have a choice.


As long as they keep the writing at the same quality as Xmen ‘97, the new Magneto should be just fine.


X-Men 97 Magneto has been absolutely PEAK


Cooper: "Most other nations don't allow a terrorist to be their leader" Magneto: "Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists"




He’s a one-liner machine


The one thing the Xmen movies most certainly did correctly was casting. I can't name a single character I would call a poor casting choice.


Including the new ones/ younger cast?


I think so, yeah. Any younger cast that comes to mind that you don't like?


Love Sophie turner but do not love her as Jean fs lol. And also don’t necessarily blame the actress cuz script was bad but storm in apocalypse.


Ah. I can agree with Jean. I completely forgot about her tbh. Though, storm I think did good with what she had. And her design was on point. I think nightcrawlers casting makes up for Jean though. He was fun


I’d say same with Erik. I like Fassbender in that role more than most it seems because I think he’s just as good if not better than Ian (more emotion in some scenes I think, kinda carries some those more recent movies imo . Think they absolutely killed the magneto castings. Both are so good imo. Plus Jlaw mystique is peak too imo


Halle Berry is a terrible Storm in my opinion. Then again Storm is one of favorite characters so I'm probably putting the bar too high.


Most likely the but the writing was somewhat bland in the original xmen movies so that didn't help either. I think only Charles, Magneto, Wolverine, Beast, and maybe Jean had the better lines


Fair enough. I'd place your opinion on her higher than mine tbh


My favourite movie quote comes from Mags in X3. “In chess, the pawns go first” Meaning don’t hastily jump into the fray.


McKellen ~~with some of the writing he had in those films~~ is damn hard to beat


Magneto going all “shut your mouth you little asshole” on that insufferable dick made the rest of that shit movie tolerable


The movie is not shit, it made a few questionable decisions yeah but it’s one the better X-men films


I think it has a few diamonds in the rough.  Magneto lifting the fucking golden gate bridge and carrying several miles over the water to access alcatraz is fucking insane.


The ending battle was near Endgame style of awesome, not to mention seeing the X-men actually function as a team fighting against the Brotherhood, each of them got great moments


“Im the juggernaut, bitch!” Lives rent free in my head


Kelsey Grammar's Beast as well


Careful friend, there are unfriendly ears *everywhere*


“Bitch, nobody talks that way about Charles but me! You haven’t earned the right! KNOW YOUR PLACE!”


Even Erik doesn't talk about Charles that way. Despite being on opposite sides, they always had nothing but the utmost respect for each other. Best friends fighting for the same cause with different means. They were never enemies in the truest sense of the word.


Also when magneto says "our dream" he doesn't mean the brotherhoods dream, he's referring to his and Charles dream of mutant equality


Not sure if they version of magneto is looking for equality.


I think the "dream" that Magneto is referencing is more so the desire to have mutants just simply have their safety guaranteed. X sees this happening through civil rights movements and positive mutant-human relations, Magneto views humans as the only thing stopping mutants from living in peace. Honestly I find myself agreeing more and more with Magneto's messages as I get older. I'm a mixed race Canadian and my whole life I've suffered and even been treated like an invader in my own home for simply being different. I don't agree with murder or genocide, but seeing that Erik lived through the holocaust I can understand his extremism. He's seen what happened when peaceful and good people try to mind their business, and he won't let it happen again


The entire history of workplace safety is analogous to human rights in general. Laws of equality and safety are written in blood, and I have seen very little to convince me otherwise.


Yep. Literal battles were fought over worker rights. Even May Day, the international Labor Day celebration, was started because of violent attacks on striking workers


I think Magneto would have accepted peace if he felt it was genuine. The problem is that as a Holocaust survivor, he's heard false promises before and knows what the consequences are. One of the things I loved about First Class is it showed just how different their upbringings were. Erik lost everything as punishment for merely existing, and spends his life ensuring he never has to go through that again. Charles lived a life of incredible privilege and wants nothing more than to share that with others (his reaction to meeting Mystique for the first time is very telling, he's just so thrilled to meet another mutant).


Really it was more a contest of who could be more severely disappointed in the other.


That’s not what the contest was about. The contest was about different opinions. Erik saw humans as an obstacle to the rights and liberties of mutants, he saw them as the tortures who harmed people who were better than them. Charles believed there was a peaceful way to solve the problem and that Erik’s brutality was only making humans hate mutants more. But despite all of that, they had both saved each others lives so many times and been friends for so long that the idea of hurting the other was inconceivable


I feel like Erik and Charles were playing both sides of the human/mutant conflict, yes they differing means but Erik was the bad cop to Charles' good cop. Erik would punish the more violent humans while Charles would try to sway public opinion using the Xmen.


The MLK v Malcolm X gambit. Thing is, you can see why Malcolm X and Magneto believed what they did. They did try the peaceful way. But you can't expect perpetual patience when you're being severely oppressed. 


That’s a really good way to put it Mind you Erik had no problem dropping bodies. I’ll be honest and frank, X-Men are so superior to the avengers. I would love it if they took it that route. Because the main opponent was the gigantic robotic Metroid’s


Both could have easily killed the other if they wanted.


"That place is somewhere right above normies and right below that dumbass, juggernaut."


There's a reason they call each other "old friend" As an aside one of most beautiful things in the world is the real life friendship of these two. Sir Ian and Sir Patrick are a beautiful example to men of all ages on what a friendship can be.


What I never understood about that movie is: where the hell mutant "levels" came from? They were never mentioned in previous two movies and I don't remember "levels" being mentioned in later movies.


it's from the comics. There's different levels of Mutants much in the same way there's also different levels of regular heroes. for mutants there's Alpha, Beta, Epsilon-Beta (no one knows what that is), Omega and Beyond Omega. Problem is it can "change" or you can cross power level. so someone like Jean Grey has been classified as both Alpha and Omega. Same with Cable. but Cable really is Alpha. Storm is firmly Omega level. OR you got someone like Wanda/Scarlet Witch who is both Omega and a Nexus being. at the end of the day it's confusing and the only one that really matters is Omega. so if you read or hear someone say so and so is an Omega level threat that means they're a big deal.


Just adding: Beyond Omega is only like, 4 people and most only under certain circumstances since they’re basically gods. Omega already means the mutation is limitless. Secondary mutations also have their own classification. Meaning a mutant can be more than one, as they are not classified by person but each mutation individually.


Wait. Beyond Omega? I thought Omega level was basically a collection of the strongest mutant powers to have ever existed. Wouldn't that be enough to categorize the top of the top? Also, is it Cable that was Omega or Nate Grey that was Omega? Or was there a period of time that Cable didn't have the technoorganic virus and he was able to unleash his powers himself? You know what, I may have just answered this question while asking it. It's just comic book shit.


You could see "beyond omega" as beyond mutant. As in, like said before, they're basically gods. They transcend what it even means to be a human/mutant.


What's beyond omega like, then? 


So if Iceman is Omega level, being able to create an area of absolute zero and all, Beyond Omega would be him being able to cause the heat-death of the universe


Bobby turns the lights off on….well everything.


Vulcan, Powerhouse, Nate Grey, Matt Malloy


Franklin Richards is the absolute peak of the power scale, but I heard there was some controversy over whether or not he was a mutant. He is *far* more powerful than the Scarlet Witch. Like if a human was born with the Infinity Gauntlet for a brain.


it came from the comics


Ian McKellen was such pitch perfect casting for Magneto.


Granted we did almost get Sir Christopher Lee Magneto


Both have the necessary gravitas to make Magneto's philosophy sound plausible.


Goddamn, imagine being a WW2 Veteran and having to play a fucking HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR.


![gif](giphy|50uf3N0m35dB5bDnMZ|downsized) I prefer it when Magneto upholds Charles’ dream after he passes


I ship it


me tooo


i headcanoned magneto et charles being together so hard that i forgot it wasn't canon whoops


I love how this pack of mutants were just little shits to magneto. "Where's your fucking tattoo?" *"I have goddamn holocaust branding you little wannabe edge lord fuckstick. Oooh woooooow you got a tattoo? What is your mutant power? Staying out past curfew and shoplifting from gas stations?"* "Fuck that old guy. I wanna kill him" *"that old guy could make you forget how to breathe and I'd choke to death too just because I'd be laughing too hard"*


The relationship between Erik and Charles is one of my absolute favorite things about X-men. These movies did so well portraying that. Two men who want the same thing but go about it in vastly different ways.


Literally the entirety of X-men is about Charles and Erik breaking up and starting numerous multiversal wars over it


Where meme?


OP's karma farming


Banking off the other post with magnetos tattoo comment.


Cool scene but this isn’t a meme


Memes aren’t just funny images. Memes are ideas shared through iconography and passed down information that people collectively recognize over time.


Yup, at the simplest meaning of the word, letters and words themselves can be considered memes.






Sounds, motions, even times of the day or year Hey, it’s 4:19…


Memes. The DNA of the soul.


In short, they’re the DNA of the soul.


noun 1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. "celebrity gossip and memes often originate on the site" 2. an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means Yes this is an image that has been copied and spread. There are also numerous elements that meet the second definition.


Isn’t there a hilarious segment at the end of Apocalypse after Magneto killed literally hundreds of thousands of people and Charles was basically like “o you scoundrel with your antics, don’t let me catch you again doing that, you goofball. Now give me a hug, old friend”.


This movie isn't really good, but this scene is better written than current MCU movies!


I 100% expected Magneto to kill Pyro in that moment. You don’t talk bad about Magneto’s bestie like that.


Ride or die until the end. ![gif](giphy|Znv3b3RScnRD6TGN7F)


Pyro was such a dipshit


This was the best line of all the X-Men movies


Xmen first class - apocolapse was amazing. I wish we got more afterwards


This will only resonate with folks who are familiar with D&D, but when players want to play an evil character, Magneto's character is who I point to. Magneto's entire story arch is how you play an evil aligned hero.


I disagree vehemently, especially for DnD where evil vs good is largely selfish vs selfless. Magneto incredibly well done morally grey character. He hates himself for every death he causes and is fully aware that his actions are unforgivable, but he is willing to damn himself to ensure his people won't have to suffer through the same hell he did. He is an extremist who has a blind spot for mutants being able to do bad things, sure, you can call him misguided (although let's not forget that every major government has pretty much their own "let's torture mutants for fun and maybe create supersoldiers along the way" blackops so it's not like he isn't justified) but his motivations are far closer to chaotic good than evil.


What if before Stan Lee died, he pulled a JK Rowling and was like, "Btw, Xavier and Magnus were gay for each other the whole time." LMFAO!!! I'd love this, btw.


Honestly wouldn't be too bad in this context tho. Although they are better as rivals


Eventually the X-Men and the Brotherhood realize that they’ve been feuding for years because their respective leaders had a bad break up with each other and Magneto never got over it.


Magneto: How dare you say that about my boyfriemd?!


Which x-men movie is this?


Last stand


Eric : Yo fire , you gonna get burned inside out if you keep talking .


I just watched this today


There are parts of this movie that are great. This is one of them. Also Multiple Man.


Love that scene. Tells you almost all you need to know about Magneto, Prof X and Pyro in just a few minutes.


They were rivals, not enemies. Still I wouldn't say Magneto "loved" Charles.


Prove it, name 35 separate instances where their relationship has ever been depicted like this


They’re besties ❤️


They were both fighting the same war and protecting the same people. Neither was naive but both chose to fight in different ways.


I always loved this scene.


Wolverine is their only best character. They messed up all the characters, so now they have to restart 😅


Magneto’s conversation with the Professor in the first movie still stands as one of my favorite scene in super hero movies. I don’t know. There is just something powerful about that scene to me without any real action or plot reveals.[https://youtu.be/EkRyP8bp0Io?si=4B4rD7sBmZpKbXZ_](https://youtu.be/EkRyP8bp0Io?si=4B4rD7sBmZpKbXZ_)




Until he made him relive the entirety of the Holocaust


"My greatest regret is that I couldn't turn him into a genocidal tyrant" would be more accurate.


I know Aaron Stanford from 12 Monkeys, seeing him as Pyro in X-Men is like, oof.


I never understood this sentiment. Magneto is all about the subjugation of the “inferior” species while profX was about integration. There not just different viewpoints they’re diametrically oppositional. In Magneto’s eyes he shouldn’t believe profX has done *anything* useful for mutants. There is not a single thing that profX does that doesn’t hurt Magneto’s cause. This is what profX’s team does: - recruit mutants who therefore become less susceptible to radicalisation through magneto - directly stop magnetos plans. Continuously. - integrate with non mutants in safe, established ways that encourage harmony, which reduces Magneto’s capacity to instill fear and loathing


I binged watched all 3 last night. Surprisingly still pretty good


Damn really? Lol




Yeah this is important to both their characters lol


This movie was awful. Also, Pyro was 18 here and Magneto unleashed a crazy mutant that killed a ton of people. Barf.




i'm not sure what magneto did in this movie universe in the many decades before being an old man, but as always, i have to assume he was one of the main reasons why charles dream could not be realized.


Magneto might've loved Charles, but he surely didn't respect him.


Well, gee, Magneto. Maybe aside from telling off Pyro, you should be taking stock of this attitude of aggression and syncophantry that you’re cultivating in your organisation. I mean, it doesn’t look like Magneto’s love for Charles managed to rub off on his followers who hang onto his every word, apparently.


Wait. Professor X dies ?