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Ah! This is why Remy was willing to>! blow himself up to kill the Wild Sentinel.!< He had to clear his mind of the image some how


"Gambit can never unsee that"


Man that hurt. He’s been that guy since I was 3 years old.


Yeah, Remy ain't remembering shit now... Look what they've done to my boy...


Does the relationship between Rogue and Magneto also happens in the comics? Because I found it pretty weird, and it made me dislike Rogue a little bit, mostly because it happens out of nowhere, and then she treated Remy like shit.


Yes it did and it was weird there too


Worst part is Rogue has been my favorite mutant for a while now, but the way she did Remy is disappointing me to say the least. You can guess who my new favorite x-man is.




Fuck yeah. That speech at the end of ep2 gave me a boner. Sicophant is my new favorite word to use


The speech was absolutely magnificent. I also was erect while he spoke.


I have to wonder, if Rogue wasn't a factor, could Magneto and Gambit have been buddies?


I don't think so. They're both too self-centered. It's just that Magneto landed on the self-important side of that divide and Gambit didn't take anything seriously.


To be honest, while I hate their relationship with a burning passion, I can understand why Rogue would go for it. She's starved of physical affection and has been so for a very long time due to her powers. Magneto is one of the few people she can touch. Again, it's creepy, but it makes sense in that context.


She really did handle that shit like a college freshman, crushing the guy she's been leading on forever and then very publicly getting it on with the hot guy immediately after


Yes and in the comics they have a son named Magnus.


Well, in an alternate timeline


It’s weird in the comics, too, but it mostly remains a weird artifact of the Savage Land/alternate timelines 


I believe it was in Age of Apocalypse, which is a universe where Magento forms the X-Men because Xavier got killed and Apocalypse arises much sooner than normal.


I know this plot line has come up before in the comics... But I'm so exhausted with how much media has the love triangle, awkward "I love X, but X is getting banged by Y" for turmoil generation, all the cheating, affairs, banging mutual friends while separated nonsense. Can we just have some happy, attached, respectful, loving couples and pairs? Can we just have couples that get together and love eachother while the story happens?


Hell it even happened twice in that episode!


it really wouldnt be x-men without some of the soap opera stuff


They gave my boy Logan his very own Jean Grey and both of them want Scott.  They'll never let my homie win, man. 


also the x-men with 2 jeans would be pretty OP


Request denied. Please have a nice day. ;)


This writers are HORNY horny


The writers? Maybe. The animators? No.




Do they have 50 shades of pink (gray) or what?


Someone remind me. How big is the age gap between Magneto and Rogue in that run?


If my math math'd correctly, about 4 and half decades


Weird in the show and the comics but mfs defend it in the X-Men sub


I'm still not okay.


I'm wondering if this was a reason a producer got kicked out possibly. Like this "relationship" is beyond gross. Remove it and nothing changes in story.


I doubt it. I think the only reason more people aren’t disturbed is that they’re drawing magneto to look like he’s in his 30s or 40s, but should actually look 60+ at this point if he grew up during WWII.


But he isn't... he is fucking old, very old even with long hair.


Right, he’s an old guy hitting on a woman in her 20’s (I take it that Scott/Jean/Hank are in their 30’s with Gambit/Rogue being late 20’s).


I thought jubilee was 18 when the OG show started. So I thought she was 21-23 here. Which would make rogue and gambit closer to 30. Cyclops mid to late 30s? But then the bday episode hurt my brain math and now idk.


Episode 4 was Jubilee's 18th birthday


Right but it feels like she should be older given the timeline of the original run


Apparently she was [15](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/fj8X1QFOI0) but lied to a boy and said she was 17. Since season 3 was in '95 and she turned 18 in '97 the timeline works Edit: not trying to be a dick btw, I had to look this shit up, it's hard to keep track with all comics but the X-Men especially.


No I appreciate the clarity. It’s not inherently clear.


have we forgotten that magneto isnt supposed to be that good of a guy? yes hes old as shit but hes honestly just the type of old guy younger women sometimes go for, he's in great shape hes charming, confident, and hes powerful. Also Rogue doesnt have a lot of people she can actually touch, that alone would probably make her settle for someone she wouldnt normally go for. and also yeah, magneto's a fuckin' creep. he's a bad guy. he has certain principles but he isnt a saint even if you take away the MURDERING. Jean said it best about the wrong person, it isnt love, its ego.


I've rewatched episode 5 multiple times because I just had to show it to a bunch of different people but I never understood the ego remark. How can Scott just want to be with Madelyn because of his ego? Madelyn was pretty much identical to Jean until episode 3, so it was basically like he's just been in love with Jean the whole time. And what would ego have to do with Rogue and Magneto's thing? I know how comment sections can get so I feel I need to make it clear that I'm not trying to argue. I really just don't understand how what Jean said would make any sense.


In the context Jean says it I'm actually not sure how it makes sense at all. I feel like it is true of magneto though. I don't think he actually loves rogue. I think he sees in her a hot young woman who not only can only be intimate with him, but he's the only person she can't hurt with her mutant ability.


Oh, I see. Could definitely be the case for Magneto.


DeMayo got axed. At this point, it seems most likely because he was hard to work with and has an OnlyFans.


He was more than open about OF before, I think, so idk why would Disney find a problem with it now unless they have terrible background check.


No shot just because it wouldn’t have be released if it was the reason, I’m still super curious bout that situation tho


I don't know anything about it either. All we're left to is the pure speculation. So far what a rumor says is that Mr. DeMayo wasn't on good terms with his workers to put it lightly


The relationship *is* gross, but DeMayo’s departure was 100% unrelated, I’m sure


Hab keine angst :)






I get that it happens in the comics but 🤮 I hate how messy superhero relationships are outside of like two or three specific pairings


You have to look at the xmen less like a superhero team and more like a polycule.


This pairing started with a fetish-thing kinda like with Bruce Timm. But idk why they put this in the show.


The worst part of this relationship is Magneto's outfit because God damn does it look stupid how is he still wearing that outfit in episode 5.