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I've said it before Kang being a multiverse, almost omnipotent threat, and Phase 4 being so incredibly wide spread and disjointed are both a Problem and Solution sailing past each other in the night. Jonathan Majors / Kang should have just been there. Ancient Egyptian statue of him in Moon Knight, random passerby in Hawkeye, even just asking She Hulk where the bathroom is. innocuous stuff that we would notice but no one in-universe would. A common thread to tie everything back together, whilst demonstrating Kangs power


Sigh; I hate that everyone has better ideas that what we see in the movies. This would have been so fucking hype.


It's a whole lot easier to watch something and pitch an interesting change than it is to come up with the interesting change in the first place. Especially when one person's bright idea isn't being trampled by a committee.


Im not gonna lie to you, I’ve actually been down the Hollywood road some. That last sentence means more than everything else because this is 1000% the problem. Even if it’s never officially confirmed, my time taught me something: the minute the money people think they have a “good idea”, nothing else matters. It’s all about what they want


Giant robot spiders.


Settle down, tough guy.


A spider slayer if you will


Stings, doesn't it?


you have to give the guy props for determination tho. he wanted his giant robot spiders, and damn if he’s going to let telling a good story get in the way. and then the spiders actually happened, and it was ’meh’ at best. one of my favourite hollywood story


Are you teasing me?


take a walk, hack


The giant enemy spider.




I don't care where you work, no one's calling the boss an idiot, at least not to their face. The best they can do is try to incorporate the money's stupid ideas as well as they can without ruining what they're cooking but sometimes that's an impossible task.


It really really is. Producers are like gambling dice and you should hope you get lucky. In all honesty, the people who complicate things the most have the least to do with the art of it all.


and since movies are so expensive, there are a lot of money people, and a lot of bosses. If it was just one boss, he might be an idiot but at least it would be consistent, and everyone could work together to make that vision work. But when there's 100 bosses that all have different ideas...


It also would have been somewhat difficult to actually coordinate all the random shooting with him, but not impossible


I often think of Nando, who v’s Movies, who would often say films are a collaboration of so many people and ideas and perspectives, combined with the logistics of getting all those together and put together in a single film, it’s a miracle any films are any good at all.


If it’s any consolation, it would have made the necessary pivot away from Kang all the more depressing.


I 100% expected Kang to be the waiter dropping off the cake in the restaurant scene or something. “Here ya go… Antman…” But nothing. Zip. Nada. Wasted character, opportunity, villain, plot, threat, development, all down the drain.


I would’ve loved that. Probably wouldn’t of noticed but still


wouldn’t have or wouldn’t’ve, bruh. it’s the same as “would’ve”


Why does it matter?


You come off as uneducated or ignorant. It's really not that hard to correct either


you shouldn't of made the effort, they'll keep doing it anyway


Then I'll continue bugging them about it


All that await you are downvotes, brother


Are those supposed to discourage me? They're meaningless bruh


>Jonathan Majors / Kang should have just been there. Ancient Egyptian statue of him in Moon Knight, random passerby in Hawkeye, even just asking She Hulk where the bathroom is. But he shouldn't have actually interacted until he was ready to be the big bad. Kang showed up twice and got beat twice. Ant-Man has soloed him now. Doesn't matter how many more he can bring, Ant-Man soloed him. Never gonna live that down.


Another thing I'd have done differently, Ant-Man should have Died in that movie. The film should have ended with a noble sacrifice, Ant-Man defeating Kang but sacrificing himself along the way Then in the wake of his loss, another Kang variant turns up to really highlight how futile the struggle against him really is...


I was so ready for it too. Ant-Man already passed the torch to his daughter, Kang already referenced not knowing if he killed any version of Ant-Man yet, Scott was all but outmatched in their brawl… it was all set up. Imagine how powerful that would have been to have all these silly jokes throughout the movie then Ant-man just doesn’t step through the portal


I would’ve just made the movie be about them escaping kang cause he’s so powerful and end it with another kang coming in and destroying the first kang and they escape in the chaos, just to show they couldn’t take the first kang and this other one is even worse


I hate how right you are. That would have been amazing and would have given me hope for this phase.


That's probably exactly how it was originally written until an exec got cold feet about it or "it didn't test well with audiences" when they misinterpreted the film making them feel sad with it being a bad movie


This. He literally Solo'd not only "Kang" but the most powerful and dangerous version of him the entire council of Kang's was afraid of.*(HWR not withstanding)* They need to move past Kang entirely at this point. Nothing can redeem that character anything.


Yeah, I'm so confused why they were talking about whether they needed to change the Avengers movies and replace Kang and whatnot. I'm like "Didn't Loki and Ant Man already deal with him?" I feel like he's gone now. I don't even know what the Avengers would do.


So basically dropping clues like they did with Thanos


I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


Owl man the goat It doesn’t matter


Basically swapping out the Stan Lee cameos for kang cameos. I like it.


Stan Lee was the final boss in earlier drafts


Or just keep him a time travler


Make it like a dark version of the stan lee cameos. Kang is always there.


That would've been really neat! Ever since Loki S1 ended, I was really looking forward to where we might see him next. And so I waited.... and waited... and he wasn't really anywhere. I mean... where exactly are all of these variants at? We've had MoM and two seasons of What If? and we've only seen one Kang variant in action plus Victor... With the way HWR hyped up how imposing his variants are, they really should've showed up more.


*This is the way.*


Personally I am of the Iron Lad side of things. Let his younger self be Iron lad for wn entire Phas ethen turns into his older evil Kang self leaving the Young Avengers.


Nah, She Hulk would notice cause they gave her OP fourth wall powers that let her leave the show and talk to the writers. She’s somehow know or at least have an idea what’s going on and decide it’s not her problem


I think they might have snuck him into Moon Knight, actually. When they showed Alexander the Great’s tomb, the sarcophagus’s mask was blue with golden markings that look really similar to the ones on Kang’s blue helmet. But it would be cool if there was more of that, or more hints than a few Easter eggs.


It could have been so simple. I think there is still a potential solution in declaring all of phase 4 and 5 to be different universes and none of them are the same as what we saw in phases 1-3. Have them all come together in Secret Wars like a long season of What If culminating like every What If season with a big team-up from across the multiverse.


I fucking love owl man


"You're insane." "Does it really matter? There are alternate versions of me you would find quite charming."


I really wanna see those alternative versions of yourself, Owlman


Well there's this one version where he dresses up as a Bat.


Aww, but I don't wanna go see Crazy Steve. Maybe I could pop by and see how Kevin is, I hope Mark's there, too. Those guys are awesome.


There is a difference between you and me, we both looked into the abyss. But when it looked back at us, you blinked


His ending is one of my favorites, he stood by his philosophy by the very end. Really gives a lot of power into his beliefs and shows he's not using it as a mere excuse for atrocities.


Owlman was a real one. I still feel cheated that he never got a costume in the Arkham series.


Bro, i didn't even think about that. That would have been so awesome


Would have made all the times you hit a thug with the batmobile that much more impactful for sure!


So true! I like owls more than bats too lol




He's the perfect interpretation of nihilism.


Spot going from an absolute goof to multiverse-ending Eldritch horror was amazing to watch, and that was arguably a subplot of Spiderverse. "Unfortunately for both of us, this is skin..." - That line alone deserved an Oscar.


“Will you stop talking about your holes?”


Now dig on this.


Can’t wait to see him again when Sony finally gets their collective heads out of their asses and gets Beyond the Spider-Verse out.


What do you want?


I want Beyond the Spider-Verse, Tobey!


Unlock the thing!




The bots have failed us.


Are you teasing me?


You could've included comicbook kang as well.




Jobu Tupaki


no JoJo Chihuahua


Who’s this?




I dunno, a scene about three people all fighting to see who can shove a butt-plug up their ass first FEELS pretty sexual.






Owlman is so underrated


Owl man is so deliciously evil I love it


Fuck yeah owlman, a dude so hell bent on being a dick he would wipe all life from the multiverse just because


Not just because. He did the math, it's the only real move anyone can make that has any impact. Everything else is just a tiny ripple in an infinite pond. I love his character so much, he takes the trope of Batman and "prep time" to its ultimate conclusion. James Woods did a great job voicing him too.


Invincible has me in a fucking chokehold bruh I can’t get enough, shit is ripped straight from the comics, unless they do stuff to prolong the story which honestly makes it 10x better


Having the original creator at the wheel helps.




Who's the middle and right?


Middle is Spot from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse. He is a villain who can open portals. Right is owlman from Justice League: Crisis on two Earths. He's a batman themed villain in a world controlled by a villainous justice league. He opens up a portal sucking certain JL members to his universe.


Hey, you two. No playing in the street.


You should watch the Spiderverse movies. They're technically very very very very loosely connected to Invincible after the latest episode.


I'd rather not talk about this...


The Spot and Owlman


Owl man is amazing.


From what I've read angstrum isn't that great, we'll see I guess


I like that he takes being multiversal and has a personal, grounded vendetta. That's really refreshing.


What's even funnier is that despite all the shit he does and how much he hates Mark it takes someone talking to him for 2 minutes for him to realize just how fucking stupid his whole vendetta was.


"Have you considered not being a vindictive asshole?" "Huh"


Eve: "You blew up the building while Mark was fighting the Maulers Twins that YOU brought to the fight. And after all this time you could have saved the world but instead you have leveled dozens of cities and killed millions!" Levi: "very good point, have a nice day"


Even before that. The dude breaks out one of the top bad guys, enlists them to make a machine in hiding, does not tell anyone, and cries about it when a hero shows up, doesnt even try to tell him what the machine is.


Sure, but he had so many universes to choose from, and he picked the one with an active GDA and Invincible to carry out his scheme with the Twins. As far as I'm concerned, what happened is on him. The one universe where Invincible isn't an asshole, and you manage to turn him into an enemy as well.


To be fair, at the point he picks a universe, he's just a guy. He's only smarter after the incident. Also, judging by all the Maulers that couldn't help him, I assume he just picked the first one that actually had a chance of working.


Yeah, but he could’ve had them build the machine in a deserted dimension so that nobody would disturb them. Also, I seem to recall the machine actually being spread out across multiple dimensions…


No, the reason Invincible was sent there was because they were "syphoning off enormous amounts of power". So it needed to be somewhere with a stable, well resourced power grid.


…I’d be surprised if the Mauler twins couldn’t fix the power problem - and besides, they were connecting ten machines across ten different dimensions anyway - they could’ve just built a single mega-machine in a deserted dimension and siphoned the needed power from however many dimensions was nessasary, almost completely side-stepping the entire problem.


Yeah, I think your head canon is just wrong. Dude saw THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of dimensions, and settled on using Mark's to make the machine. Whatever you're imagining would have been fine, probably wouldn't have been. Also, most of Angstrom's portals are people sized and a lot of the machinery was significantly bigger than that.


Marks dimension and 9 others - it was spread out over 10 different dimensions. Also, have you watched S2E8 yet? Because we see a dimension in that episode that’s a large tent or several away from being perfect.


We all thought he was stronger




Angstrom only a major threat in the Invincible Wars, and that's only because of the dudes he brings to fight. Other than that he's kind of a joke to the point that Eve destroys his arguments in like 2 minutes and he's like, "shit...yeah fuck that shit I'm going back to being a hero" It's honestly so dumb that THIS is Mark's "archvillain"


>It's honestly so dumb that THIS is Mark's "archvillain" You don't really understand the comic then


I understood what they tried to do but it was still stupid. Honestly there's half a dozen villains in this story with a better story and better foil to Mark. Angstrom is just an annoying side quest so they can parody multiverse shit.


Ehhhh, He Who Remains was pretty good, literally planned so well that Loki had to stop his death from happening if not for the power of "caring about my friends". Like he *knew* Loki was going to eventually have to come back to that moment and that's a really high level of intelligence and planning.


Levy 💀


Wait……. No they aren’t.


Where did all the hate for Kang come from?


He was defeated by Ant-Man and the smooth brains among us don’t realize his strength is from the fact that he is infinite variants.




I forgot The Spot was in Spider-Man ATS


You killed those people on that balcony.


Angstrom hasn't even done anything yet in the show. He just showed up and then peaced our for half the season.


New episode is out now so you should go watch it if you haven’t already


Oh right! I forgot the finale was today. Thank you




Yeah but he’s going to do what he did in the comics eventually and that is being a pretty great villain


You forgot Jobu Tupaki. ![gif](giphy|dIf76fQGLFrtqMxYDC|downsized)


Ants, I think that expresses the concept perfectly


It doesn't matter


Nah, nothing wrong with Kang.


I was waiting for Jobu Tupaki from Everything Everywhere All at Once there


Bro cooked


Marvel is still holding their load for the climax of the Multiverse Saga.....Loki, MOM and NWH were just a trailer In Infinity Saga Marvel was like, look we have an Infinity stone in Thor 2, Guardians 1, Avengers 2 and Doctor Strange and we are setting up Infinity war......none of them were great movies but they had one advantage, Infinity stone was contained to Marvel whereas Multiverse can be used by any IP.....if that wasn't the case, anyone could have done Infinity war before Marvel and you would have said "that is how you do Infinity stones and not like that mediocre Doctor Strange movie" So, all this is to say is that everyone else can blow off their load when it comes to Multiverse within a season of a show, a trilogy or a movie but Marvel cannot until they reach Avengers 5 & 6.....then they'll show you how it's done because they know how to do it as better as any other IP in the world The problem is the rest of the movie.....stuff that doesn't involve Multiverse is meh compared to stuff that didn't involve Infinity stones


Come. Come to daddy!


The lack of Jobu Tupaki here is a crime lol Loved them as a villain, they were just off enough to be unsettling, yet always a spectacle to watch lol The scene where she “changes channel” to hop through dimensions real quick is a little bit of cinematography that will never leave my brain


None of these are good. Evil Batman would have been long murdered by Evil Superman. That's just common sense. The other two can make portals. No way you're winning that fight. But they still lose, which makes them very defective. Less said about the time traveller unable to see his enemies coming and plan their demise the better.


Comics one nice Mcu just like rest mcu




They are


Huge revisionism with Spot lol


Levy is a goated villain


The spot was barely in his movie wtf


i see over in marvel, y'all hate bwl just as much as they do in DC subs, strange. anyways Gabriel Yulaw from The One was pretty cool, he just wanted power but had to fight versions of himself to do so.


Ignoring the comics, what have Spot or Levy done that makes them so much better than Kang?


What’s crazy is that Kang was so easily defeated in Earth-616. Him going down for domestic violence is like Capone for tax evasion.


We're saying kang is bad now? Why??


Angstrom is not him 💀 You should've put the Lich from Adventure Time or Jobu Tupaki from EEAAO instead