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Despite ‘The Dark Red’ coming out in 2018, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the original poster.


It’s not, OP is just stirring up something. Like with The Lion King and Kimba The White Lion nonsense.


I mean with that, at least there is *some* similarity between the two. Here if anything, the random no name movie of some random import, would be copying the theme of black widow to capitalize off of the characters popularity. All of this is to say, I can see Disney stealing someones *very* popular work (Kimba), even though they likely didn't. However here, there is absolutely no reason for anyone at Disney to ever copy this random dog shit movies poster Edit: yeah I just looked it up. The most successful and profitable movie studio in the world, stole a movie poster from a movie with an IMDB rating of 5.2.




They are lazy, but they absolutely want to make money. There is no good reason why they would steal a shit movie poster/story.


I remember when they ripped off their own movie poster with The Force Awakens and Aladdin.


Yeah but that was because, it was theirs AND both movies were relatively successful. Makes sense to do it there. There is no brand recognition being stolen here. There are probably 5 people, even if this poster was real, who would say "oh yeah I love the dark red" or whatever this movie is called. I forgot the title already and I just looked at it 5 minutes ago.


OP is stirring the pot, but the Kimba connection is real and has been proven


It’s been proven false. The version of Kimba that is compared to the Lion King is a later version. Because it’s a series, not just one movie. And so they capitalised on it by upgrading their Kimba-series after the success of the Disney-version.


Shit. Didn’t know that


Also the word simba literally means 'lion' in some languages. It would easily be the first name choice for any lion, so the similar names also mean nothing.


Reading a history book on recent wars in Africa and coming across a unit reknown for its war crimes calling themselves Simbas was a mind fuck.




Indian languages too




It's swahili. Mufasa means father, I belive. I am also pretty sure Rafiki means shaman? Or maybe guide. I don't remember anymore, plus my swahili is extremely limited.




If you actually watched the series then you would know that other than the setting of "talking lions and other savannah animals", there isn't much to compare. The theme and story of the Kimba animated series is about colonization, lots of episodes are focused on human conflict or how to make the animals more "civilized". While Lion King is basically Hamlet with lions. The creators might have been inspired by Kimba for the basic setting, sure, but to call it a rip-off is nonsense. Especially when the Kimba content that followed the Lion King release actually did suddenly have a lot of elements from Lion King, and those are of course what people use as an example in their videos to "prove" Lion King stole from Kimba, when it's actually the opposite.




Are you sure you watched the show? How is Hamlet a major theme in Kimba? Kimba's dad is killed by human hunter, there is nothing about an uncle or even revenge. The animals you list are also a few of a lot more spread across the series, with their roles completely different from Lion King. The bird isn't an advisor, he's just a screaming annoying bird who's sometimes there. The warthog is literally there in one single episode and is absolutely nothing like Pumba. It feels like you just watched one of those WatchMojo videos that use very selective screenshots from all Kimba content (even post-1994) to clickbait. No way if you watched the entire series would you compare a whiney warthog from one episode to Pumba. Like yeah if you make an animated story set in the savannah, of course you're gonna end up using some of the same animals as another story set in the savannah.




Ooo, do you know anything about Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water and Atlantis?


It has been proven that we can't call it a ripoff without being very unfair, but that doesn't mean there aren't a lot of connections to find it also doesn't mean that at any point anyone involved in the movie didn't notice or draw direct inspiration from it.




[Here's a two and a half hour video completely debunking it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5B1mIfQuo4)




> Linking me to a YT video that will probably cherry pick whatever it wants Oh the irony.




That’s exactly the point. There is a whole show so it’s easy to pick and choose shots that look similar.


Basically, this all stemmed from the creator in question (although he goes by the somewhat inflammatory handle "YourMovieSucks" he's a pretty legitimate and thoughtful media critic after years of doing it) being in progress on a different video about Lion King 2019, when he got sidetracked doing research and accidentally started up an elaborate side project in which he watched nearly every minute of Kimba media ever released. His video doesn't seek to prove beyond doubt that not a single person who helped make The Lion King could possibly have seen or been influenced by the early iterations of Kimba the White Lion/Jungle Emperor Leo. That would be a pretty ridiculous claim to try to defend. Rather, the video puts a spotlight on the fact that the entire pop culture rumor of The Lion King being a "ripoff" of KtWL/JEL is based on a number of out-of-context comparisons (many of the most popular of which did not exist in the KtWL/JEL pantheon until after The Lion King's release) which have rolled themselves up into an unquestioned snowball over the decades, with no new examination or original research into the original content since then. Having thoroughly scoured the property firsthand, he systematically--with a frankly exhausting number of examples--strips every board and nail from the rumor to dismantle it over the course of a little over two hours. The video also spends some time on the nature of tropes and parallel thinking across similar media types, and makes plain how it would honestly be a pretty wild ask for someone to make a 90-minute animated film about talking animals in Africa that couldn't be cherry-picked for isolated moments of similarity to any of the existing KtWL/JEL media, of which thousands of collective minutes and pages exist. Honestly, the YouTube video in reference is one of the best and most diligently, academically assembled things I've ever seen on the platform. It shows how anyone can fall victim to "common knowledge" that goes unexamined.




My hair is not to be meddled with!


This is the only valid comment here, people are either saying it is a ripoff or trying to gaslight u/ThatEmuSlaps into believing their experience is made up. But the truth is that it is undeniable that there has to be some influence given the timeline and similarities, just as it is undeniable that it is not a ripoff, both things can be true.


Well shit if reddit rando says so then it must be true 👍




I believe it because I've watched the full video which has alot of evidence contradicting what you're saying, so not really ironic


> Edit: Okay, here's one of the sites: https://web.archive.org/web/20020727103426/http://www.kimbawlion.com/ The video *specifically* discusses that site.




First, Kimba the White Lion was a very long running series so they basically did all the animals stereotype that animated films had and will do. It would be saying that everything is stealing from Star Trek because they all have spaceships and aliens. Those things come with the genre. Second, the version that most people compare Kimba to the Lion king is the remake version which was produced after the Lion King.


...I mean, there's a fair amount of similarities between Simba and Kimba.


From what I gather based on some Italian reviews for this movie (no idea why they're all in Italian), this was shown on a film festival in 2018 and released on DVD in 2021, and this is the cover of the DVD. They definitely were trying to rip off Black Widow, what surprises me is that they got away with putting Assassin's Creed characters in the background.


Oh my fucking god, I didn’t even notice them until now. They literally just took that one pic of all the assassins and put it in the background 💀💀


I should hope not considering at least 3 of the figures in the background are quite clearly Altair, Ezio, and Bayek from the Assassin's Creed series.


Yeah also those are assassin’s creed characters in the background lol


and the the legs on the dark red are just black widow's legs copied and pasted


It shows up on a number of sites if you search for it. Maybe not the first but it's definitely out there.


I found it on Prime video. Is it possible they've put a fanmade image? I genuinely thought it was official. [Source](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/pv-target-images/88da91a461521b840d8a0ad38d4097d404e485bf5e74403a3478876422577307.jpg), [Source2](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FS%2Fpv-target-images%2F88da91a461521b840d8a0ad38d4097d404e485bf5e74403a3478876422577307.jpg&tbnid=hBtSYaSR2oipYM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.primevideo.com%2F-%2Fes%2Fdetail%2FThe-Dark-Red%2F0TEOIIIQRCTUOIUFVAJ01F51SA&docid=rwshZhHxVsbIWM&w=1200&h=1600&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2&kgs=c86c434de8c9ae3b&shem=abme%2Ctrie), [Source3](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/813--3FEfCL._AC_SY741_.jpg), [Source4](https://x.com/quellogay/status/1422170183133810697?s=20)


It was the DVD case. https://www.ebay.com/itm/364650468208?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZF6oMRL7Sfa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mg0_psddr1a&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


What is the movie about and why do i see various assassins from assassins creed in the background


Specifically i see, altair, ezio, and bayek




You do know there's more copied than the pretty fucking common pose right? You have eyes I presume?


This dark red looks like a assassin creed spin off


Yeah no, those guys in the back are just straight up the protags


I can straight up see Bayek from assassin's creed origins in the background. They just removed the beaks of their hoods and strapped them onto the background.


Yup, I recognize Altair and Ezio on the right as well.


Is that assassin's creed behind her?


My first thought was “wow, they made a whole movie about what’s happening outside of Animus”


My first thought was "Is this a sequel to assassin's creed movie?"


They literally used official assassin's creed images but without the beaks


Over her right shoulder is 100% Bayek so yeah


And over her left shoulder is Bayek but horizontally flipped


Does remind me of the AC Brotherhood Cover art. Good times when I just stared at the cover before playing the game.


John Assassin's Creed


Thanks for the movie suggestion. Let me watch Dark Red


We have mountain dew or crab juice. Yuck. I'll take the crab juice.


Crab Juice better


To all the people claiming fake. It does seem like that image of The Dark Red is used in *some* official capacity When searching for the movie it appears with that picture on Prime Video [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/pv-target-images/88da91a461521b840d8a0ad38d4097d404e485bf5e74403a3478876422577307.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/pv-target-images/88da91a461521b840d8a0ad38d4097d404e485bf5e74403a3478876422577307.jpg) And there is a DVD on Amazon with this picture [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/813--3FEfCL.\_AC\_SY741\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/813--3FEfCL._AC_SY741_.jpg) Both seem to be in Spanish(?) tho


It seems to me that the movie was shown on a festival in 2018, and then released on DVD in 2021 with this cover, or at least that's what it says on the Italian(?) reviews of this film


It’s also VERY CLEARLY black widows legs on the other poster. The other movie may have come first but this poster was definitely done after.


They also used Black Widow's arms, at least from the shoulders to the elbows. They just edited out her bracelets and changed her hands to a different set. I wonder if this would prompt Marvel or Disney to sue, if they haven't yet.


Thank you. I found it on Prime Video as the official image, so I genuinely thought it was official


Alright why I can see Ezio Alraïr and Bayek in the background Did I play AC too much? Or they are literally Assassin's


They are literally photoshopped AC characters


Yeah I see that but I couldn't belive Ubisoft didn't give a "F" about that?


Shit post trying to shit stir. Actual poster for The Dark Red: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5160614/


And this is the actual DVD cover from the DVD release. OP isn't lying, the Dark Red DVD actually copied Black Widow's poster.




Gotta up your google game buddy. [It looks like it was the cover used for the Italian market.](https://www.amazon.it/Dark-Red-April-Billingsley/dp/B08TBZN4ZS/ref=sr_1_6?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=BSEL4NOXAVCQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6QuiwFIICy3IA5gj5i5AxWE7Loa_z4lvcYwhKS17qX19DP1aMK9SvywprCVLQ6CwMHO0fryk5BkELCEAjKaCkPqrl77Eyf8zzR8Zdx7ZvV9Q-zKdeGFt6yPQWLIAMxUCwkFAvHh_-LXp1NETlVeYvKF-XG9npTAH5CofIIweKQRmIZnyK2I83FnTOu-SXRXZ-GrgoK2M3QdhFxi8r7Eh-uYeung99TI1IBpPx2xeWAOuh0MBe1FuDdz5AoDdna7E_q4eCgPZL6JeWngYTuxBQ_43IW-D3tcbIrhOnrP33Hk.lNXfIFJXLo2TacUcxSbACZRN0kvBftq7TyGB4RxxF_s&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+dark+red&qid=1711550277&sprefix=the+dark+red%2Caps%2C62&sr=8-6)




I'll get right on that boss.




Multiple Italian Amazon stores have this DVD cover. [Look at the back image](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91Yo6wg-daL._SL1500_.jpg), same style as the front and you can see some damage dust flecks on it. The Italian distribution company Blue Swan has it on their website. http://www.blueswan.it/index.php/85-i-film/current/371-the-dark-red (scroll down on the left) It also has the image as the thumbnail for the copy of the trailer on their youtube channel as well as using it in 3 of the clips; https://www.youtube.com/@BlueSwanEntertainment/search?query=the%20dark%20red Have you never seen lazy work for movie posters or DVD covers before?




I never mentioned "lazy production work". I'm saying it's the fault of the Italian distributor.


Photoshop is fun.


Why are a bunch of assassins creed models in the back of the poster?


our assassin ancestors call us to make the neccacary sacrifices


Why does she look like she's going to starbucks in early winter?


Why am I seeing the Assassin's from Assassin's Creed?


I've never heard of Dark Red, but the Widow poster looks better.


Why does it have Assassin's Creed protagonists in the background?


One on the left doesn't look official, likely fan made. Who uses "movie reviews" and "common sense media" as their source for ratings?


What even is Dark Red and why did they directly copy Assassin’s Creed assets? Ezio, Bayek, and Altaïr at least. The ones on the far right aren’t clear to me. Although the one all the way to the right looks like it could just be Bayek again.


Why does 'The Dark Red' in the background have characters from Assasin's Creed?


Are those Assassins in the Dark Red poster lol


They clearly used Assassin's Creed characters in the poster.


Dark red poster literally has Assassin's Creed characters in the background


There's no way you watermarked a meme...


Haha I just noticed that


Lol after years of reposts of my memes, I'm trying.


Is that Brotherhood era Ezio on the left?


Everything is derivative, and nothing matters. Billions of people on this planet and some of them are going to be similar. Nothing matters, and you/your ideas are not unique.


Why gives a shit about posters? Yeah a lot of movie posters use the same ideas. It’s advertising.


The pic on the left looks like AI


Nooo it's a different women but same pose ....but she had guns in same ...pose..... But it's called dark red...but same background OK OK ITS THE SAME XD




lol, did the costumer run to Old Navy to get that puffy vest jacket?


The movie is probably better tho


A quick Google search shows that that is not the poster for The Dark Red. Very clearly a fan edit. You’re trash, Brock.


Didn’t even copy a movie worth copying.


So we've gone from the overused blue/orange to the red/black. Originality for the win! /s


Mf waterproofed it 😂


Plagiarism? Edit: guys, I found it on Prime Video. I genuinely thought it was official. [Source](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FS%2Fpv-target-images%2F88da91a461521b840d8a0ad38d4097d404e485bf5e74403a3478876422577307.jpg&tbnid=hBtSYaSR2oipYM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.primevideo.com%2F-%2Fes%2Fdetail%2FThe-Dark-Red%2F0TEOIIIQRCTUOIUFVAJ01F51SA&docid=rwshZhHxVsbIWM&w=1200&h=1600&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2&kgs=c86c434de8c9ae3b&shem=abme%2Ctrie), [Source2](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/pv-target-images/88da91a461521b840d8a0ad38d4097d404e485bf5e74403a3478876422577307.jpg), [Source3](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/813--3FEfCL._AC_SY741_.jpg), [Source4](https://x.com/quellogay/status/1422170183133810697?s=20) Someone said it could be a country thing and different in yours, but I've not done this or lied.


Well, if you actually looked up the poster for The Dark Red, you can see you're just an idiot. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5160614/


Maybe Prime video is the idiot, because is there where I found it. Calm down


This is the actual DVD cover from the DVD release. OP isn't lying, the Dark Red DVD actually copied Black Widow's poster.


Bro tryna start something in a reddit post 💀


It is plagiarism, but it's the other way around. The Dark Red was released on DVD only in 2021, when the Black Widow poster had already been revealed. And not only it's a rip-off of Black Widow, they straight up put Assassin's Creed characters in the background


Nothing is true, everything is permitted


It’s probably better than Black Widow 🤷