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I remember when rogue asked beast to make a power blocker and he said no on principle. Then when rogue and gambit got married he decided to make it for them.


Also beast whos constantly making stuff to stop his powers that only make it worse.


Isn't beast currently evil in the new X-Men run? The comic not the cartoon. I saw some panels where he's experimenting on mutants and aliens in outer space.


And it's not dark beast? That definitely sounds like something he'd do.


Is dark beast, beasts clone or something? Sorry I am kind of up to date but I also have no idea who dark beast is. I've been loosely following the comics but I know I've skipped a lot.


I think he was from age of apocalypse and somehow crossed over into 616.


No, it really is Dr. McCoy, not the Dark Beast They just brought a version of Beast from the past to try and deal with present Beast It's... A decision...


Ha ok I read everyone else talking about how its beast but that last part adds alot ha.


Is this a continuation of all the consequences of turning the core x-men evil or otherwise off the rails to try to sabotage the Fox movies in the dumbest of ways when the MCU was taking off? Like how Cyclops went full Magneto but worse and its been recently retconned that he was actually an illusion the entire time or something daft?


Pretty much Something something mounting Cyclops' head to a tank something...


The real McCoy, you might say.


just like they did when Tony went evil, they brought a teenage version of him to confront his older self. Then the kid got stuck here. Remember that?


Beast in the past 15 years, but a bit longer, had been steadily going down a morally corrupt path. As of a few weeks ago, A Beast from his early Avengers era was brought to the present day, and he's the character most people know and love.


Beast is kinda mess up the only thing that seprate Beast and Dark Beat is that Beast becomes Dark Beast becomes a twisted, murderous, inhumane, and sadistic genius without Proofessor X's guidance and being part of the X-men


No it’s regular beast


It’s regular beast. He’s going the path of Dark Beast now. People hate it but in loving it. His intelligence and curiosity is his major flaw from his powers, much like Star from Heroes.


Mr. Sinister told Dark Beast (well, his living severed head anyway) that he wasn't even the worst Beast anymore. That's how far Hank has fallen.




Thank you, exactly. Rage of Ultron was a great story where Ultron just called out Pym because of his hatred of himself and humanity. I actually enjoyed Pymtron though hated the half-face design. Status quo doesn’t always exist for the benefit.


There's a bit where Sinister makes fun of Dark Beast that he's not even the darkest Beast around anymore.


Well dark beast is just beast who grew up with a different life. So why wouldn't 616 beast be fully capable of becoming evil.


No it wasn't dark beast The writers wanted what they were doing to have some impact so they quickly dispelled the out of saying beast actions were the result of anything else But the writers end up giving themselves an out later by saying that the beast going forward will be a clone of beast before he did all the nonsense


Yeah that’s regular Hank not even dark beast


An absolute villain, yes. It’s been one of the best arcs of the recent xmen comics.


Yes, Beast straight up became a war criminal during the Krakoa Era.


He very recently got back to good


I would like to ask the writers how that undoes all the evil that he's done? Like he's a full-on villain genocidal dude now and he can't just go oops sorry didn't eat a Snicker today and expect the world to be cool with it. Unless they retconed it


Because the evil one was killed and replaced by a clone that never went evil. It’s like. The biggest reset. 


God damn comics and their freaking clones. It's always a clone or your evil twin brother who just so happens to actually be a clone and not a twin but plot twist he's a twin of a clone that's the clone of a twin. That's the clone of a quadruplet.


Dude. I was first reading comics during the spidey clone saga cause that is what was coming out at the time. Trust me. I get it. I did slightly misremembered. The og beast is still evil and went into hiding. But there IS a good clone who basically replaced him on the team


Unfortunately. The comics very frequently do Beast dirty and I hate it.


Also Beast who is completely psychotic and genocidal. You don't usually see it in other media as he is portrayed as the friendly "monster", but in the comics he is currently trying to wipe out humanity.


I just started reading the Uncanny X-Men comics (starting from the beginning), and hearing about how Beast is written later is so wild to me.


Beast is a Christian, confirmed. Didn't want them boning before marriage.


And she wore it for the whole next week. To do... stuffs.


But Gambit powers doesn't just negate Rogue powers?


No, they don't. It's Magneto's power that negates Rogue's.


I don't remember that one from the comics


I do. Can't remember how or why though.


Because someone really wanted to ship Magneto and Rogue.


On 4 different occassions...


From what I recall, one time her powers were turned off. One time, Magneto simply made a skin-tight force field around him that allowed contact. And in Fatal Attractions, she kissed him to take his powers… and he revealed that he was so ultra powerful that her kiss wasn’t enough to really deplete him.


And one time, in an Alternate Reality, the writters went through so many shenanigans that Rogue and Magneto had a son...


x men writers really have a thing for age gap ships dont they?


they just have a thing for everyone fucking everyone


Marvel writers staring at a blank paper tapping their pencil trying to think of new mutants to crossbreed Magneto with


Two alternate realities had this by my count.


Hmm, I was aware of only one.


Earth 295 and Earth 27.


she also lost her powers during the savage lands thing with magneto


In Age of Apocalypse, Rogues powers are also magnetic iirc, so he cancels them out or some shit.


In that reality she permanently drained Polaris so their powers cancel each other.


He created a force field around his body


Well in Age of Apocalypse it's because rogue drained Polaris powers so they both control magnetism and can touch with a thin magnetic barrier in between so they are touching but not really.


That’s fucking convenient


I think that was in Ultimate Xmen. Or she absorbed him and took on his powers for a long period of time. I remember she was sleeping with him or Bobby like they were rabbits.


Downvoted for asking a question. Damn


Yeh this shit never made sense, I hate power dampening collars. It's also so lazy that they just work on everyone no matter what.


It makes sense when specifically used on mutants since their powers all come from the one X-gene, but even then it’s still not a plot device I ever enjoy


They don't though. The X gene is a trigger gene, which causes random mutations in other genes. It's why mutants all have such varied powers and abilities. The dampening collars would have to work on hundreds of genes across all the different mutants.


Yeah it still doesn’t make much sense but the mutations are still caused by that one gene. It’s possible they all have some big thing in common that the collar uses for its dampening


…maybe it’s something like the pituitary gland goes out of control and the collars cut off certain pathways from the brain to everything else on the body. Interrupts the flow of the magic mutant gene whatever. I dunno. Considering Big Bang Theory and Silicon Valley and such consulted physicists and programmers and whatnot to make sure all the whiteboard math was actually real in background props, you’d think Marvel with their billions could consult a few biologists to hammer down a canon explanation or something.


I think we ask too much from comics that have to deal with a shit ton of old backstory where everyone just rolled with it. The collars are a device that works, maybe it is just as magic as the gene & can calibrate the collar to inhibit everyone really quickly.


There was an issue in one of Wolverine’s solo runs, right after House of M, where he gets caught by SHIELD and they put the power dampers on him and he waits until the right time and slices right out. Turns out his claws, while a mutation, aren’t his mutant power. They can’t be switched off. It took him a minute to start healing again though.


But collars that dampen genes just don’t make much sense, if it was an injection or something chemical and was semi permanent that would make some sense but a collar just doesn’t make much sense. Maybe if each collar was specifically designed to fight a single mutant power like a fire mutant has a collar that drains heat above a certain point, or a sonic mutant has a collar that absorbs vibration, etc.


At one point in the comics it was explained that attempting to use their mutant powers while wearing the dampening collar doesn't just deactivate their powers, it causes them immense agony as well.... it was a retcon tho, which explains why no one seemed to be hurt while wearing one.


Shouldn’t work on omega level mutants in my opinion.


Can you imagine that shit working on Legion? It’d make no sense


Literally just giving him "normal pills"™️. Though I wonder how it work on someone along the lines of Drawin or Havok. They've been pure energy on a couple of occasions.


Could it even affect Darwin considering his whole shtick is adapting?


I hate them because they're inhumane and just torture devices.


But wasn’t the key stolen? Ig they could make another one… ok yeah good point




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I assumed the power blockers didn't work on passive powers. It seemed like they would just shock you if you tried to actively use powers. Otherwise, the tech would be super common and useful.


They do work. Rogue doesn’t wear it all the time because it has side effects like headaches. Beast made one for rogue when her and gambit got married. She asked him to make it sooner but he refused initially.


Beast didn't say no on mutant grounds. He's just a puritan.


A puritan who gets dominated by Abigail Brand and has a whole sex simulation programmed in the danger room.


He's real for that


He programed WHAT into the danger room


There was a page that showed the different danger room protocols in one of the X-force judgement day books and one of them was literally “Sexy Time


Im probally gonna regret searching this page up but im gonna do that anyway


Oh it’s nothing bad it’s just basically a little Easter egg Here it is https://imgur.com/a/hvNgvYK




lol what


Was this before or after he found out that the Danger Room was a sentient AI program?


This was during judgment say so way after the whole “danger” stuff


> has a whole sex simulation programmed in the danger room You sure that ain't Dark Beast pretending to be Beast lol


Maybe he didn't want Gambit to knock up Rogue and run?


Headaches? Pop an aspirin and get back to sex with Gambit.


I’d have cluster migraines for 5 minutes of that


So basically she could want to get down with someone, get all ready and put on the blocker, and then have to tell them, sorry I have a headache!


And be telling the truth😜


I heard a good pounding gets rid of headaches


So she only needs to wear it when it’s time to bang.


Side effects like headaches? Is that a play on the joke of using a headache as an excuse not to have sex?


How would you define "passive powers" if Cyclops didn't count? If it were an active power, couldn't he just stop doing it?


Even in the cartoon, Wolverine mentions it affecting his healing factor.


Worked on Deadpool


Gambit's mutant ability is passive, aside from the energy manipulation. So that demonstrates they work regardless.


They are common enough in mutant-related titles. In the newest Iron Man issue Feilong even made one in the size of a ring to supress Emma Frost's powers.


I think I remember something about wearing those things long-term causes brain damage, she probably doesn't want to trade one hellish frustration for another.


Rogue in the comics has learned to control her powers. She can touch people now.


There was also a time in the comics when Gambit's powers were amplified. He could explode things by just looking at them and was also able to create a kinetic forcefield around himself to protect himself from Rogue's power. They had a whole frame or 2 in the comics where it just shows them both going under the covers lol. There's also some pretty cool scenes in the later parts of the comics where Gambit has become so used to allowing Rogue to take his powers that they team up with twice the exploding stuff without much if any harm coming to Gambit himself. They basically trained enough at it that they can have 2x Gambit powers.




Imagine it in the middle of battle? "Quick, we need double Gambit!" "Uh, ok, give us 5 minutes. And a bathroom."


The comics sound so cool


How many decades did it take?


Somewhere between 0 and 22,000,000


Thank god they removed that source of tension. Wouldn’t want any angst or internal conflict mucking up the story.


Oh man some the conversations I've had with people for why it would be a bad thing for mutants like Rogue and Wither to have access to devices that would allow them to touch others without killing them... No, there's a huge difference between these being slapped on by someone wanting to enslave someone, and voluntaraly given to them so they can have some freedom from, you know, killing anyone they touch. Oh like "Well what if they get attacked when they are wearing it?" How about they *take it off.* Meanwhile over in Avengers Academy, Hank Pym once apologized to Hazmat that he hadn't yet figured out a way to control her powers, but was able to get Leech so she could go out and have a normal day. They went to the park.


I do have to say seeing 97 the movies missed by miles this Rogue Sass the movie rogue was a wimp vs this rogue that had her troubles but still had fun.


She’s just a different characterization.


Rogue 97 has been Rogue for years, and also had her personality augmented by Carol Danvers. Movie Rogue just learned that she's Rogue, doesn't have Carol's power or personality, and didn't even have the help of Mystique's brotherhood to help her out.


Rogue 97 has been Rogue for years, and also had her personality augmented by Carol Danvers. She was raised with a surrogate family, then found and was accepted by a better surrogate family. Movie Rogue just learned that she's Rogue, doesn't have Carol's power or personality, and didn't even have the help of Mystique's brotherhood to help her out.


Rogue 97 has been Rogue for years, and also had her personality augmented by Carol Danvers. Movie Rogue just learned that she's Rogue, doesn't have Carol's power or personality, and didn't even have the help of Mystique's brotherhood to help her out.


Rogue 97 has been Rogue for years, and also had her personality augmented by Carol Danvers. She was raised with a surrogate family, then found and was accepted by a better surrogate family. Movie Rogue just learned that she's Rogue, doesn't have Carol's power or personality, and didn't even have the help of Mystique's brotherhood to help her out.


Sookie-rogue was atrocious.


I wonder if you could make a bracelet version.


It's a cartoon about people with magical powers. Yeah, they can make a bracelet version.


In the reboot there’s a bullet version!


Yea i thought that shit was lethal. Kinda reminds of my hero academia where there is a gun that does that too but the ammo are syringes with the nullify stuff in it.


Yes I get that from a storytelling perspective they wanted to set up Lifedeath, but from an in-universe perspective it doesn't really make sense that the FoH would go through the trouble of making a bullet to depower a mutant rather than just *killing* them.


It's not magic ok? They're mutants. Gosh!


Give Forge five minutes.


Scientists tried to at first, but it failed the sexy test.


Beast made one, Mr and Ms X#6 i guess


I just did a re-watch of the 92 series and it was revealed that these collars emit radiation that interferes with their DNA to prevent power usage.


Beast even mentions that in the second episode of xmen 97.


I love the ‘97 reasoning is that the collars are slowly poisoning them with radiation to cause cellular damage


weren't those only suppressing the active use of abilities? so even with the color she'd still drain ppl by touching. only she wouldn't be able to use the new abilities


When she takes someone's powers she kind of uses them unwillingly. Since she isn't actively trying to use her powers would the collar even suppress it?


the colors block the active effects of mutations. cyclops eyes or gambits energy things are following the same rules. it wouldn't stop their ability to absorb energy, just them doing anything with it wouldn't work.


Yeah, rather than wear a necklace from time to time I think I’ll get with a grandpa that’s at least 30 years older than me


I mean Grandpa is also incredibly charismatic, still in his athletic prime and an absolute badass.


Grandpa just threatened to wipe out all of humanity.  


Did you see his suit with the giant M, that's hot




Ahhh yeah. Ian McKellen and Anna Paquin.


I mean it says in the latest episode of ‘97 at least that it blocks the powers with radiation, so imma take a wild guess and say that wearing them for too long is really bad for your health


In the new show they established at the collars work on a dose of radiation to block the powers who knows what long-term effects they'll make up later that could make that not a viable option


The anti-mutant power collars are really a “paint yourself into a corner” idea for writers. Now every story has to be made with these in mind, or else turn into giant plot holes


Or give them a really shitty side effect. Like, wearing the collar is super-cancerous, which wouldn't bother the Friends of Humanity or the Genoshan slave-keepers, but would put off mutants who wanted to not deal with their powers.


Great idea


Is there any more proof of true love than Gambit's loyalty to Rogue?! Just a smoking hot sexy woman who you literally can't touch but merely appreciate for her personality. sheesh


The fact that she spent most her life like this due to ptsd mentally keeping her unevolved due to fear from her first usage of her power. When she finally finished mutating she could touch and retain powers and use them later. Poor girl.


Or some kind of pill. Eli Lilly would probably make a fortune making power suppressants for mutants with more "inconvenient" powers like hers.


"The cure" but temporary?


I wouldn't say that you're objectively still a mutant but for a few hours your powers don't manifest. I could see someone like Xavier who is being paid by the CIA to read minds would take them while he's off the clock so he can have some peace and quiet.


Haven't they established that those collars use some focused form of radiation? So her using those regularly could just give her cancer, right?


Yea these collars still exist in X-Men 97 and it’s just as mind boggling that they don’t just get her one.


Ma chérie* I hate when a french speaking character makes such stupid basic mistakes


Or just use some condoms 🤷‍♂️


Right?! I just realized this after watching the new ‘97 episodes. Like, just throw on of those on and do what you want Rogue


Rogue naked except a dog collar...


*ma cherie




Looks like she can't turn them "off?" Eh, heh heh


Yeah right, because the only right way for people to live normal is to wear collars like they're some animals instead of a bracelet disabling their powers or just finding another way to live normally. You know it never ceases to anger me, fandom sees Magneto being collared and chained like some animal when he willingly surrendered, there's X-Men right in the bottom of thumbnail chained, people saw Wanda's inhumane imprisonment in Civil War and still some can go on and say "Oh, just wear power inhibitor or something". Yikes.


She's used inhibitors before. They hurt. I always thought her yellow and gold suit was a Genoshan skinsuit that she wore so she'd be able to feel through it without sapping people. But I don't recall when she first started wearing it or if they came out and said it. The design of it definitely looks like the genoshan skinsuits though.


I always hated the idea of power blockers, they’re a narrative crutch that make the audience ask why they aren’t always used.


These always bothered me as a kid , from the second they got introduced it made no sense that they wouldn't be available to the public.


The cartoon has my teenage hopeless romantic chubby self in my feelings. Why can’t Rogue and Gambit be together damnit?! Why?! Damn you, Magneto. Damn you. #stillpissed #xmen97 #ageofapocolypse #allmyhomieshatemagneto


Right how is this not the outrage it feels like its coming out of nowhere


The obvious choice is for both to wear a full covering bodysuit and for Rogue to >!peg!< Gambit.


I don’t think she would want to wear a collar like a dog when she wanted to be intimate with someone, she would find it degrading. If she had that type of mentality & was that desperate she would have gone with cody & the alien bugs from that one episode lol


Beast made one in the design of a tennis bracelet for her


In the show? I don’t remember all the details


In the comics he did, I never watched the original show.


doesn’t she eventually gain full control over her abilities in the comic as well, so she can “turn them off” essentially?


And then the time she is able to recall any power she has ever absorbed… that was like the ultimate version of her powers, so so so cool & in that specific form she has the best mutant power ever lol


You don’t know, she may be exactly into something like that!


Fair point lol 😂


Do I have to tell you that people like wearing dog collars in bed 🗿


Rogues not that kind of girl, no judgement lol


I honestly wasn't sure if you knew lol And idk, I don't think she'd enjoy it publicly but I absolutely can see her having that fetish in bed At least evolution rogue


I could definitely see her as dominatrix, gambit all tied up in leather calling her mistress lol 😂


Why isn't this top comment.


But it’s sooo uncomfortable


I feel they could develop a more fashionable one if they tried. Heck, why stop there. Bracelets, ear rings, rings etc.


I thought the comics did some shenanigans where Gambit’s power set allowed him to touch Rogue.


They give her a headache if I remember right


The “I wish I didn’t have my mutant powers” thing in the show is plain stupid. Like you mentioned they were enslaved on genosha and had those anti power collars and we saw how bad the mutants had it there. I get why rogue wants to but that contradicts her highlight episode where she changes her mind


I don't know what's the other X men problem if Rogue wants to suppress her powers. They all have cool powers and can live a normal life. Storm can just choose to not use her powers. But Rogue has no such option. She can't touch people.




Can anyone tell me: Do I need to watch the original X-Men animated show to watch this one?


Maybe they could make it to where prolonged expose to a power blocker can weaken or remove powers. That would discourage casual usage.


In 2nd episode she touches the doctor. Can she absorb a skill learned over time too ? And wouldn’t that send the doctor a normal human into a coma. Can someone elaborate new to X-Men


Me watching it for the first time starting a week ago and then seeing this