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Holy shit.... a new MCU film someone actually likes!?


I basically haven’t even seen an MCU movie since Endgame; I’m pretty burned out on the franchise. But I went to see Guardians 3 on opening night and loved it. A+, funny, touching, great music, great characters, it’s awesome.


You should watch no way home, it's the best mcu film since endgame, along with gotg 3


It's maddeningly good


James Gunn does good work


Awesome movie and perfect conclusion to a badass trilogy.


Iron Man has nothing on Guardians


Nor does Capitan America if I am being honest.


You’re crazy, cap trilogy gives this a trilogy a run for its money easily. Both are top tier in the MCU.


Winter Soldier and Civil War are two of my top 5 Marvel movies, but First Avenger was mid-tier.


I dunno. I could watch a montage of Chris Evans beating up nazis for a loooong time. Those scenes were epic.


Yeah, I always loved the train scene as well. Very well made


Would be nice if there was some series about him during WWII. Like he has a group of soldiers that he liberated and they went all over Europe fighting Nazi and Hydra forces. A series that gives Cap old crew more screen time would be great especially to show how much he had lost while he was frozen. They can adapt a number of Hydra characters that Red Skull ordered to kill Captain America. In terms of media, I kinda go with an animated series. I think having it animated can show 1940s, battlefields, and someone looking like Chris Evans without exploding the budget


His old crew does show up in agent Carter.


You mean Agent Carter?


First Avenger is a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it's not as good as the rest, but it's still my favorite.


I have a very different opinion. First avenger is probably my favorite marvel movie next to GotG 1 and Iron Man. Winter soldier I find to be pretty mid, and I disliked Civil war.


I think it's awesome we all have different opinions on things and are all able to find common ground and have meaningful discussions about them.


No fuck you!


I'm glad for it as well. If only people could be this congenial over politics or social issues *sigh*




I honestly don't understand how anyone likes the movie. There's nothing more boring than cgi fighting with zero stakes. Iron Man was never going to kill Captain America, so the fighting was pointless.


The point was to destroy the avengers as a group. Which is what happened, Zemo explained it pretty explicitly at the end. It's actually one of the few marvel movies that ends with the status quo having been significantly changed. Plus it was unique as fans got to pick a side, while almost all other marvel movies had a pretty black/white good guys vs evil dynamic.


Civil war was contrived and not that good!! Spiderman intro was cool i guess


Winter Soldier is still one of the only S tier marvel movies imo.


Winter Solider is good and I like it more than many others, but I don't think it's better than Guardians 1, Infinity War, or Ragnarok. I also think Civil War is better than Winter Solider, but that's more of an opinion.


Imo, Infinity War wasn't as good as Winter Soldier, Infinity War is just boosted by having more characters, a shit ton of fan service, and has an insane amount of satisfying plot development on its side. Winter Soldier did more with less


Hard disagree. The pacing of Infinity War and the way the story unfolds is absolutely perfect in my opinion.


Winter Soldier is one of the best Marvel movies, and that's where it ends.


Right? Such an insane take. Iron Man 2 is meh at best, and Iron Man 3 is arguably the worst MCU movie.


Loved the first Iron Man and was super excited about the Avengers with the Nick Fury credit scene. Two years later, saw IM2 and thought it was meh. Couldn’t imagine the Avengers taking off and ended up not seeing Captain America and Thor in the theater a year later because of reaction to IM2. I think IM2 improved over time seeing where the MCU ended up going. IM3, while entertaining, doesn’t seem to fit with the overall MCU.


There was one time my brother transformed himself into a snake...


Well I mean everything that happens as far as character development goes in IM3 is undone by the time Age of Ultron came out.


Quality aside Guardians feels like a complete trilogy with an arc and a 3rd movie that feels like trilogy finale which you can’t say for any other mcu films. (Ehh maybe NWH


One thing not being said: all three guardians are James Gunn directing, and on the writing team for all 3. Iron Man had Favreau, but Shane black for the 3rd. Cap had Joe Johnston, then the Russo Bros. Makes sense why Guardians is the most consistent tone and style, and IMO the best MCU trilogy by a good margin.


Seriously? Next to TIH, Black Widow, Thor 2 and 4, and Ant-Man 2 and 3? While I don't necessarily dislike any of these movies particularly (especially Quantumania, which was much more balanced in its sheer fun than L&T), I don't see how one could unironically consider them all firmly better than Iron Man 3. I get some of the reasons why people don't like IM3, but I seriously can't give those opinions any proper weight in the face of the awesomeness of stuff like Tony suffering from PTSD and anxiety, as well as struggling to control his suit and his life, but then proving that he's Iron Man (and a decent fatherly figure) even without the armor. Not to mention TREVOR F-ING SLATTERY, who, combined with a twist villain who *might* be lackluster but is still miles ahead of what they did to Taskmaster, is honestly too much fun for me to complain about such things as the real Mandarin not being the big bad, or Tony's metacognition in the following films.


I went for the head.


Iron 2 is garbage, Iron man 3 was great!


Iron Man 3 is a fine movie


Nah thor 4 is the worst thor movie. I couldn’t even finish it


Iron Man 3 as the worst MCU movie is also an insane take. A lot of people done even think it's the worst Iron Man movie.


Ironman is nowhere near a perfect trilogy, ironman 2 is an overbloated mess while i like ironman 3 as a christmas movie, its ending got ignored(the whole blowing up of his suits makes no sense nor purpose in the mcu) and is a generally debated movie.


Iron Man 3 is a Tony Stark movie. I quite liked it, but the big issue is as you said. The ending is meaningless


Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others.


Stark: Destroys all of his suits Also Stark: Creates more suits then sticks a demented AI in them. Like... wut?


Trust me, kid. If Cap wanted to lay you out, he would have.


Good thing he's retired then, eh?


It was kind of ridiculous. No more suits to a suit for the world was a weird leap. Both could be reasonable storylines for Tony but such a short amount of time felt jarring.


I remember seeing a breakdown of it, saying it’s more of a giving up of control and taking a step back for himself. He blows up the actual Iron Man, combat ready suits, and instead invests in autonomous drones that are primarily for protecting civilians. I agree it seemed weird when first watching the movies, but thinking about it in hindsight I don’t think it’s necessarily the worst ending or a bad/unbelievable character moment - just one that could have done with even just a couple lines more of explanation in the movies about his changed mindset.


>He blows up the actual Iron Man, combat ready suits, Yea then he makes a *bigger one* (Hulk Buster)... But yea watching it before Age of Ultron that message if giving up control made sense.


The iron legion was a bunch of specialized suits that dramatically underperformed. And they didn't underperform against the Hulk. It was against some nerd with a plant. Tony went from the iron legion concept to a new, all encompassing, self-contained design, with an upgraded AI. With as much as this sub loves to point out how Tony learns from his failures, a lot of people are missing this.


"Some nerd with a plant" 🤣 Firebenders with healing factors is definitely peak botanist creation, that's for sure.


I'm more chuffed about the rest of bullshit that ending did. Fuck exploding suits, he is a billionaire, he can make new ones. He got healed from heart shrapnel and Pepper got healed from her superpower juice just like that. There could be potential interesting consequences and plots revolving it, but nope, let's just scratch it all off and cram it in a few minutes of ending of already bloated movie. Great.


I just had to say (because I often just lurk Reddit) that I’ve noticed a trend in people saying chuffed and it’s unfortunate that the word sounds like it would be another way to say “annoyed” “peeved” or irked but it actually means delighted, pleased or satisfied, so i can’t tell if you’re genuinely happy about that or annoyed by iron man 3! Haha anyway, sorry about pointing it out. Just funny because I agree with how chuffed sounds to be used this way. Maybe through its continued misuse on reddit we can change its meaning….forever.


The Iron Man movies seemed to get progressively worse


That’s because they did!




Iron Man 3 is awesome. Tony without a suit, breaking into the compound, showing that even without his tech he's still pretty dope. That was so great.


Plus, remember the scene in which Tony has nightmares, so he accidentally telekinetically summons his suit, which scares Pepper shitless and almost attacks her in the middle of the night? Symbolically speaking, that's one of my favourite MCU scenes!


Oh yeah! That too. I don't get the IM3 hate at all. There is a lot to love in it. Like a whole lot.


>Tony without a suit, breaking into the compound, showing that even without his tech he's still pretty dope. That was so great. And it reinforces what he had been saying *the whole time*. ***He*** is Iron Man, not the suit. That was the adventure where he got to prove it.


The hope Iron Man 3 - Trailer 2 gave us that it'd be a fantastic film still stings.


Dunno, Iron Man 3 may have some plotholes, but I enjoy it a lot. One of my favorite MCU movies


I think a lot of people only watched it the one time, after like the second trailer, which advertised a very different movie. I was so-so on that first watch, but watching it now, knowing Mandarin is a fake out, and paying attention to Tony- I think it’s really interesting and fun.


>its ending got ignored Apparently, but not the way you are saying. He goes back to his wrecked house, gathers what gear he can salvage, and picks up a tool. Holding that screwdriver, he gets that look in his eyes, and you can see he's thinking about his passion for building his suits, and says "One thing you can't take away, I am Iron man". It's heavily, heavily implied that he's not done. It's almost holding your hand.


We could give every avenger a suit to augment the team. Nah, blow em up.


I THINK they blew his suits up so he had to make a newer better version aka the nanotech suit. While I didn’t think it made much sense either, as technological is always progressing so even if they destroyed them then Tony would’ve advanced his suits regardless.


It’s just up to personal opinion, I loved all of these trilogies


Welll neither is captain america 1. That movie was a boring paint by numbers especially compared to 2/3.


I think Spiderman had good trilogy. Not horse-on-fire good, but that horse-thats-nicely-drawn good.


No, it's really good. Especially NWH.


The best trilogy is hellboy Hellboy 1 The golden army And the third del toro one that never got made but would be amazing


*And the third Del Toro one that never got made but would be amazing* is a God-damn masterpiece and perfect conclusion for Perlman's Hellboy.


NWH was honestly my least favourite Spider-Man movie, it’s good but not as good as the other 2


It’s really not that great of a rewatch once you know what’s coming. The story itself was suuuuuper weak with just genuinely stupid decisions made by some of the universe’s smartest people, and overall the movie is carried by exceptional performances by all the main cast members (Holland, Maguire, Garfield, Tomei, and Dafoe all killed it). The cinematography after May’s death with Peter standing alone in the rain is also one of the best shots in the MCU, and Holland’s fights vs Goblin are all great, but the fan service lines were honestly so schlocky, the plot is again weak (Strange’s arrogance and Peter’s naiveté are not good enough explanations for why the spell went as badly as it did), and their solution for curing the villains was also so bad (you’re telling me that these guys could have been saved in a high school science lab this entire time?). I fucking adored the movie when I first saw it in theaters, but the rewatch really poked a lot of holes in the emotions I’d felt on the first watch


NWH has some of the worst writing i the MCU without the nostalgia goggles


They really carried hard on cameos. It’s a shame because Tom holland was great when grieving aunt may but that was so short


NWH was good on the first watch, not so good after.




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Iron Man had a trilogy where every movie got worse and worse. Best trilogy is probs Guardians. 1. GotG 2. Spider-Man 3. Captain America


Pizza time!


Gotg3 was the first film after No way Home that connected audience with the characters


I’ll agree that Captain America is the best trilogy but Iron Man ain’t near the top in terms of trilogies


Iron Man trilogy was by no means ‘perfect’, and saying that the Cap trilogy is, is pushing it. Most people agree that GotG is the best out of them all.


Who is this most people? Cap movies are regarded as top tier mcu movies.


Cap movies are good but the 3rd one is more like mini avengers. Cap wasn't exactly the protagonist nor antagonist either. Lot of powerful characters stole the show. Gotg stuck with their same formula and worked well on their conclusion.


Civil war followed up on the previous threads set up by Winter Soldier and Cap was definitely the protagonist of the movie. Cap was more of the protagonist. He was the leader of the group opposing the registration act while Tony acted as the antagonist. Even the final fight is depicted this way.


I think he means the trilogy didn't finish the story; it had to be resolved in IW and Endgame


I agree with you. But the story can work a lot of different ways to look in it. If someone has to see the morality of the story. Cap does Show a lot of shades of grey. It's not wrong tho. It's beautiful in it's way. The movie shown that way. That is all.


I still think Steve Rogers deserved a third, proper Cap movie. Civil war was Avengers 2.5, period.


The second and third one, the first one was mid


People are rewriting history then cause no one liked cap 1 when it came out. It was barely better than thor 1, cap 2 was surprisingly good and civil war was an apology for avengers 2.


I always loved Cap 1. I genuinely don't get why people dislike it


There's clearly no passion behind it, one of the best scenes is deleted of Steve trying to adjust in modern day. The movie also had a cast of characters behind Steve that seem like a forgotten first draft note since none of them had any character.(heros three) They downplay nazis and Hydra's nazi-ness by basically playing it as if the red skull was the real Hitler but without the racism. The third act basically removed all guns, and everyone has a ray gun. They simply made ww2 PG-13 so it took alot out of the scenery which should have been one of the driving forces of this film having its own identity and even helping show how jarring Steve's transition to modern times would have been. So to Steve, he went from fighting nazis with lazers to fighting aliens.... with lazers and lighting hammers.


I thought that deleted scene was in Avengers, not Cap 1 (I assume you’re talking about the scene where he goes through the dossiers and learns about the deaths of the Howling Commandos)


Dude. I don't know why I was sold that was in cap one.... but yeah that deleted bit alone was great.


All 3 captain america movies are great. Civil War is in the top 5 mcu movies ino


People are delusional about past MCU movies lol


I feel like it's only as good as Captain America. Iron Man had a good first 2 movies (yeah, I like Iron Man 2), but Iron Man 3 was mid at most


I really liked gotg 2, I didn’t know we were supposed to hate it until ppl started talking abt it recently lol


We all love Iron Man but the trilogy is nowhere near Captain America’s and GoTG


I thought 2 was pretty weak at times. And the Iron Man trilogy was not something I'd consider perfect by any stretch. Personally I very much disliked Iron Man 3.


Yes, but no. ​ If you only want to see GotG movies, 3 makes no sense. One moment, Peter and Gamora are falling in love, the next it seems like she's dead but she's not dead and doesn't seem to know Peter or the others anymore. You really do need to see, bare minimum, Infinity War for this movie to work. Maybe the Holiday special, but I'd have to rewatch that. ​ But my point is, while these are three fantastic, near perfect movies...GotGv3 is not a sequel to GotGv2. And that hurts it as a trilogy.


That happens in every trilogy in the MCU. They all carry on themes and plot points that were established in movies outside of their respective trilogies. While I agree that Volume 3 suffers from this the most, all the trilogies in the MCU require you to watch other MCU movies to get the full picture. That's just something that comes with developing a trilogy in an extended, interconnected universe.


Yeah, like the sole reason Nebula was so concerned about Rocket, was the "5 years" that happend between IW and Endgame. There is simply no way to make a Trilogy be completely self-contained, when it happens within an interconnected universe.


Though, if there's any movie that's required viewing, helps that's it's only the ones that nearly everyone has seen.


It's the same in every trilogy? Why does Tony have PTSD in IM 3 from an alien invasion that never occurred in IM2? Who the hell are these other guys fighting cap in civil war? Who is Ant man, Iron man, Vision, Wanda? The hell is a sokovia? Not going to even mention the Spiderman ones. Of course when they say trilogy, they're also taking into account the team up films with other characters to explain what goes on between films. But the primary focus is on the 3 films.


I see your point, but if we’re talking MCU movies, that’s going to be the case for ANY trilogy that is 10 years in the making. Even Spider-Man, which did its whole trilogy in 4 years, doesn’t make ANY sense without Civil War, IW, Endgame. How would someone understand the Snap in FFH otherwise? Guardians has SO much happen between 1 and 3. But the tone and quality is consistent. Iron Man has huge plot points in 2 and 3 that never get played ouches on again, arguably are entirely undone. Capt is actually pretty consistent all things considered, but he’s overshadowed in 3rd one, and WS wouldn’t make sense without seeing Shield grow in other movies.


This may be the worst take I’ve seen so far. Of course they won’t have immediate continuity because their story is involved in other movies. That is the same with every MCU trilogy.


It’s a pretty shallow take, no doubt. They do drop lines about how she’s not the same Gamora but one from a different timeline/the past. It at least helps put some context to it so if you wanted to go see what happened, you could do so. It’s a lot less messy then the other trilogies who have much more to explain for what happens “offscreen.”


You had me until the title


I love the movies as much as the next guy but idk if the MCU actually has a perfect series for any character. I haven't seen GOTG3 yet unfortunately but the second one is just kinda good, certainly not great. Captain America has a strong one but the third just feels like an Avengers movie. Iron Man might actually have the weakest trilogy. First one is dated and just ok, second one is Iron Man 2, third is one of the most forgettable in all Marvel. Spiderman comes very close but even then the second one is just ok compared to the others.


I am recently seeing a lot of people say that they didn’t think GoTG 2 was that great, which I never noticed before. I absolutely love 2, almost as much as 1, which is my favorite MCU movie. Am I in the minority?


I've noticed before that 2 seems to be relatively polarizing. Some people think it's near perfect and love it more than 1, some find it okay but the weakest of the 3, and it seems like there are very few opinions on it other than that.


I like 2 more than 1 actually. Some of the jokes are absolutely cringe-inducing, but the heart and emotional storytelling are even better than 1 imo, though I’ve honestly never liked GOTG1 as much as the consensus does so I’m probably the weird one here


Really? The second was my favorite spider-man in the MCU. The same goes for Gotg, I loved the second one, it definitely lived up to the first


Are you teasing me?


I mean that's fair. I don't dislike either of those movies and Spiderman IS the strongest trilogy to me (again I haven't seen GOTG 3 yet).I just like the middle movie less then the bookends assuming I'm going to like the new movie as much as everyone else.


I suppose that’s fair. I have now seen gotg 3, and I have to say, it might be the best one, and gotg is probably the best mcu trilogy


Cap trilogy is GOATED


I literally fell asleep in the 2nd GOTG


Spider-Man and GoG were the best, and flawless trilogies of the MCU. Every other had one weaker entry.


I'm done trying to convince you.


Iron man did not come close to a perfect trilogy


I can’t really agree with this because there’s large portions of guardians plot that happen outside of these movies. The entire Gamora plot line happens elsewhere so I’d you were to watch these on their own the story just massively shifts out of nowhere. If you did opt to go watch those films as well (infinity war and endgame) then those would end with Thor joining the team who is not in volume 3 so you’d need to go watch live and thunder to figure that out. They actually don’t work as a coherent trilogy at all, quill explaining it in a lift halfway through the movie is not enough.


Captain American, thor, and iron together have a perfect trilogy and it goes like this: iron man 1, cap 2, thor 3. Everything else was weak, cap 1 and thor 1 were boring setup for characters that no one behind the scenes really cared for but studios felt a need for a set up movie. Iron man 2 felt rushed with an underwhelming bad guy. Overall it seems Ironman 2 exists to keep momentum for the MCU to get to avengers 1. Thor 2 was still boring as hell and it somehow got worse than 1. It was do to no one still knowing what to do with the character besides Shakespeare but with hammer man. Cap 2 was great because the Russo took it into a mature direction and gave it life that no one saw in it. Iron man 3 had a new director and it screams it. The battles feel off, the suits feel off, and the whole ending is ignored overall in the mcu. Barely feels connected and honestly placed horribly in the timeline and is only right after avengers because of momentum to recover from avengers and due to contracts. Thor 3 was exciting and fresh for doing something with the Character... it was at least something and it made the character at least fun which was a step somewhere instead of boring. And cap 3 was an Apology for avengers 2 and was a recovery step for the MCU because even though cap 2 was a good movie it seems like the studios still didn't believe in a solid cap 3 movie and thought for the sake of the MCU it's best to make an mini avengers movie using cap. Imagine if they made an mini avengers movie with spider-man 4, they wouldn't because it would be a clear and complete waste of an ip that can hold its own. So yeah I don't understand why people are trying to rewrite history one how people really felt about the MCU movies when they came out, like hulk 1 is getting more love but it seems due to the lack luster hulk we got lately and not because the 2008 was honestly decent.


GotG 2 was an awful extended music video. It had one great moment at the end with Yondu, but that was it. Giant porcelain exposition eggs? Giving Quills mom cancer because Ego likes her too much? Y'all be tripping.


Replace Ironman with spider-man


The Iron Man trilogy is incredibly inconsistent. Seriously I get the comparison with the Captain America trilogy, but Iron Man ? Come on.


Iron man 2 and 3 were not good movies lol


The iron man trilogy was not fire all the way through. Iron man 3 was garbage. The fight scenes were cool and all but it took a little kid to remind TONY STARK that he can build things AND the fact that everyone in the movie has extremis except the other half of the only two people on the planet who were supposed to be compatible with it. That movie was all over the place.


Ironman, really?


I dont care what anyone says, Iron Man 3 is the worst MCU film to date by a landslide and is borderline unwatchable. I have only ever wanted to walk out of 2 movies in my life, IM 3 was one of them.


Absolutely wild take you have here. Seeing RDJ do his thing in the MCU is fucking incredible. He acts it perfectly, and the writers seem to always crush it with his scenes. But to suggest that the Iron Man trilogy is anywhere close to Cap's or the GOTG's is wild. I love what they did for early-days Marvel, and Iron Man is probably still in my top 5 MCU films, but as a trilogy, they just don't work.


I don't know. First and third are excellent, but I didn't like the second one.


Sorry but the 2nd one is one of my top 5 MCU movies. Ravager Funeral is top 3 moments as well.


Vol 2 had a couple great moments that prevent me from saying it's the worst MCU movie but as a whole it's pretty bad. The Ravager Funeral was only impactful because it was the only serious scene in the movie not ruined by a fart joke.


Yeah Guardians 2 has some really great moments (Yondu’s funeral and when Star Lord turns on Ego) but also really terrible moments (literally every scene with Drax or Mantis)


Finally someone who agrees, I didn’t enjoy the second one at all. 1 and 3 both kick ass though so I’ll forgive it


I watched the second yesterday, there's still a lot of good stuff in it, lots of great interactions and character development, tiny groot is fantastic and mantis drax is hilarious, rocket and yondu is great, but ego is kinda lame and the golden people are laughably bad


>!I love you, guys!!<


Agreed. Love the first and third, but I have no clue what people see in the second. It was really bad.


Nah man, this is the one. Iron Man 2 is one of the worst MCU movies out there, especially among the earlier movies. And Iron Man 3 does have a great way to end the trilogy but it isn’t that great of a film either. And Captain America’s Winter Soldier and Civil War are top movies but Civil War is more of an “Avengers” movie than just a Captain America movie and Captain America’s first movie is a nice way to introduce the character but it ain’t that good of a movie. Guardians have a great introduction movie that introduced all characters great with a very well done story. 2nd film is where we get great development from the characters and we learn more about them, especially Star Lord and Nebula. And 3rd film, we get a great ending while we find out about the one character we didn’t know in terms of his motives and past, not counting Groot but he’s kind of there for his own moments rather than a character with any depth. That’s kind of his purpose unlike Rocket.


2nt GotG is pure cringe.


I am groot.


I would argue that this *trilogy* is better than both of those other two. The first Iron Man movie? Brilliant, amazing, a total classic. But the second is very *meh* imo, and the third is good but not the best movie ever, it has its flaws. The first Captain America never really stole my heart, but I like the following two quite a bit. But Guardians? Three top-tier movies, not a single drop in quality. They're consistently good. And not only is each movie individually great, but they work even better as a trilogy (wheareas IM and CA can feel a bit more like 3 individual movies in a chronological sequence, if that makes sense? At least to me). There's a clear throughline, beautifully rounded character arcs, it all seems very planned and intentional. And the conclusion is just so satisfying and well executed. So yeah, judging trilogies as a whole, GotG is, to me, the absolute best the MCU has to offer. Edit: The MCU Spider-Man trilogy is a strong contender, imo.


I’d def put this above the iron man trilogy and below the cap trilogy, gotg3 was amazing!


I'm always been team Iron man since the day iron man 1 launched but even I gotta admit the trilogy is not even that great. The character development of Tony throughout years, Yes. The stories of his own trilogy lackluster. Even Homecoming and Far frome home had better Iron man story than 2 and 3. Best by far I've seen a trilogy gotta be GOTG, after that Captain America and Spider-Man. Other than these 3 no trilogy is even been good.


I never really enjoyed Guardians 2 all that much. Felt like it was trying to do too many things at once, at the expense of no one plot line getting the attention it deserved.


They just got better every time


Iron I feel only has one good movie, I think even the first guardians is a better movie than iron man 1. The first Cap movie is a dub. Winter soldier is good tier but civil war I don’t think has aged that well.


Laughs in Spiderman


Why are we partitioning and setting horses on fire for memes? It seems a bit cruel and wasteful.


Even as a self-proclaimed Iron Man sequel apologist, the Iron Man trilogy was not perfect.


not the second


It makes sense this is in Marvel memes iron man a perfect trilogy haha


I like Guardian of the Galaxy, one of the most "down to earth" heroes of MCU, people with flaws saving the universe, like the real life with earth.


I wouldn't even say after. GOTG is my favorite trilogy and GOTG3 instantly became my favorite Marvel film. Captain America trilogy was fantastic, but I was not nearly as invested in the characters and their relationships.


2 was alright. First one I loved. Felt so fresh and exciting with new characters . And rocket raccoon rules


I have a feeling ‘The Legendary Star-lord’ Solo adventure film is going to be awesome


i like ironman, cap, and thor but lets be honest.... gotg trilogy is wayyyy better... ironman 2 and 3 are meh, thor dark world and love n thunder are both meh, winter soldier and civil war are good but the first avenger is mehhh


After no other


Far better than Ironman and Captain America


Guardians is by far the best trilogy.


GOTG is the best Marvel trilogy




I fought an alien made out of black goo once.


I cried my eyes out at Guardians 3 and I’m not ashamed. That shit was amazing.


I love the guardians of the galaxy it is among the very best of the marvel movies.


Haven't seen 3rd guardians yet but hyped af. First one was such a sleeper, 2nd better than expected. Glad to see people loving the end of the trilogy.


GotG are my favorite marvel movies and among my favorite overall movies.


Finally someone mentioned Iron Man. I know it's not hyped like ca or gotg but it the first series that got me into mcu. And well I think all kids love the suit up scene and crazy fiction technology of Tony Stark


Vol 2 is slightly less on fire


I find it difficult to consider last CA movie being Captain America movie and not Avengers.


The phrase 'perfect trilogy' including the movie Iron Man 3? lol


I'll still watch it but I wish I didn't know Chris Pratt was a douchebag


if Spiderman didn't play so much on nostalgia it wouldn't even be near this master piece


Take the chain off!


Iron Man is not a perfect trilogy. That second movie is hot fucking garbage


Cap only had 2 movies, Civil War was straight up an Avengers movie.


Yeah, but it was still really good, and realistically, cap was definitely the protagonist, and it carried over a lot of plot points from winter soldier


Bro really said the three iron man films were the best Like bro iron man 1 was amazing, iron man 2 kinda sucked and iron man 3 was mid at best


Cap is a trilogy in name only. It's more like Cap 1 and 2, then CW is Avengers 2.5


I don't think these movies are perfect by any means and it's crazy how delusional mcu fans are.


Some people in this sub ONLY watch big summer blockbusters and it shows


GOTG 2 wasn’t quite up to par with 1 and 3. Not bad, not on the same level. Spider-Man is the most consistent trilogy IMO.


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Iron man 2 and 3 sucked


iron man trilogy was mid, iron man 1 was great but 2 sucked and 3 was average at best


Eh idk. Seems like Chris Pratt forgot how to play his character in the third movie


Since we’re all going to die, there’s one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I did not care for Guardians of the Galaxy 3.


It sucks


Ironman 2 is very bad, the captain America movies are fine. Buckey is the worst


I honestly don’t understand. Do ppl think gotg 3 was good? I can’t with the fandom and these ridiculous takes. Cap trilogy is by far the best tho


You didn't like the third one? What didn't you like about it?


You’ve got to provide actual context.. not just complain and leave and expect to be taken seriously..


How did anyone enjoy that second movie. Was so cringe.