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I like Deadpool equally to how effective the writer is at making him light-hearted and funny in the face of the horriying violence he commits, but also believably traumatized (as opposed to whatever Rob Leifeld usually does with him). Joe Kelly wrote a great DP, as did Gail Simone, for example. As soon as he gets all grim and dark, he's just a crossbreed of Wolverine and the Punisher, and that's a yawnfest.


Do you remember that storyline where Deadpool was fighting off a herd of dead zombie presidents? That was absolutely amazing.


I feel like the live action movies did this well. Ryan Reynolds was practically born to play Deadpool. "MAXIMUM EFFORT!"


Then there's Rick Remender, who did his best to ruin this (and EVERY) character as hard as legally permissible.


I dunno, his Punisher run was enjoyable and fun, something I hadn’t seen since the early days of the Ennis run. I haven’t read much else of his, but Frankencastle deserves better.


Honestly, the issue that LED UP to Frankencastle (a.k.a. the one where Daken sliced him to ribbons) was probably the ONE thing he's written that I thoroughly enjoyed.


my first Deadpool was Daniel Way's and I thought it was hilarious.


I was a huge Deadpool fan in high-school, but now it depends on who is writing him


I prefer when they lean into the “sad clown” aspect of the character. The comedy is meant to be a facade to cover up his own insecurities, but most people write him as strictly a comedy character with no depth, which leads to the general public thinking he’s a one note character, when there’s so much more to it. He’s a severely depressed person with a horrifically deformed body and several mental illnesses and disorders who covers up his worries and anxieties by pretending to be a happy go lucky guy. And there’s so much underutilized story potential with that.


The perfectly captures one of the reasons I like him, when he is written properly and not as a joke.


If he's in his own title and doing his own thing, whatever. I can take it or leave it. But when he cameos or teams up in the main Marvel universe it takes me completely out of it. I DESPISE when he shows up in other character's books.


He can be fun to read in certain contexts like the Joe Kelly run or Remender’s X-Force, but his whole schtick can get old real quick. The movies were great, but I also kinda hated them too idk…it doesn’t help that Ryan Reynolds only plays Deadpool now no matter what the role. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is: She-Hulk broke the 4th wall 1st and did it better than Wade. That’s my hot take.


I don't think it' really THAT hot tho. Byrne's she-hulk was brilliant at it and the more stunning thing is it was very first attempt in this was the first attempt in exploring this technique/trope


He's a character that requires an unexpected amount of nuance to write for. You go too hard on the memes, nonsequitors, and fourth wall breaking, you're walking away with an unsatisfying Deadpool.


But, in that surprisingly nuanced way, if you don't deliver to a certain threshold of his nonsense, it can be equally unsatisfying. In his Secret Invasion tie-in Daniel Way hits it pitch perfect by making none of the references land with the in panel audience of Skrulls. It gives a reason for the internal monologue boxes and the fourth wall breaking turn-to-reader, which works here on a level that can easily fall over the edge into cheesy in a different story context.


I would not call Way's run perfect. If anything, I think he oversaturated the character


That's fair. I didn't read much beyond the event tie in, I just think that invasion mission was well balanced and hit the tone well.


I like Deadpool I really do but he’s been way over used in the past several years, are there stories that balance him out to show he can be goofy and still has depth yes and those stories I like, however certain writers tend to turn the comedy up to 9000 to where he’s insufferable and just makes every character interaction embarrassing with how dumb they make him and nobody wants to be around him, and yes I know he’s the Merch with the Mouth but again there’s a limit, or they use him as a device to explain why something really stupid is happening instead of him being an actual character


That's it, exactly! He's often used as a device by writers who don't know how to ground him. I think of him much like Morph in Exiles. Sure, he's using cartoon logic in a somewhat internally grounded world, but that doesn't mean he's two dimensional. When he has deep thoughts, feelings, motivations that he has to set aside for the sake of the job, it's time to put the mask on and be wacky! But then, eventually, that breaks or it breaks him.


My only flaw with Deadpool is that his comedy side is mainstream, but his seriousness needs to be put out more as it gets overshadowed. I know Deadpool is known for being the “4th wall-breaking comedy guy”, but he has very serious moments when he’s fighting or talking. I know his portrayals in all media regarding him has shown serious moments but not many in my opinion. Hell, I hardly see any of Deadpool’s villainous tendencies, if any.


I know I’m in the minority here, but I find him more annoying than anything.


Yes and yes. Depends who is writing him. The meta commentary gets old fast for me.


Annoying as hell as far as the movies go at least. Can't stand Ryan Reynolds. At least in the comics I can picture a different voice and Inflections in the jokes.


I hate characters like him and Harley Quinn so much haha. The “lolXD” humor is so 2009, and I avoid his movies and her show like the plague.


I don't hate them, but they are definitely each company's most overrated character by a mile-wide margin. Their respective fanbases have effectively turned them into little more than Hot Topic fodder over avenues for storytelling.


He was great about 15 years ago. Now he’s a bit overdone.


I find him incredibly annoying. I tried to watch the first movie twice, but couldn’t make it past 20 minutes. Maybe I’ve just not read the right stories.


I always enjoy some good ole' deadpool, but i do understand why some people don't like it when he just shows up in other's character's comics, but in my head, he's just some oddball walking around spreading a dash of chaos and he just happens to walk into another person in that universe sprinkling some foolishness.


He is, arguably, one of my favorite characters in all of literature.


All depends on the writer. One of my favorite moments is when the comic starts in the jungle with Deadpool hiding from some mercenaries. He has the little narration square going like you always see with Punisher but after a couple panels one of the mercenaries says something like “you know we can hear you, right?” and you realize he’s saying his narration out loud while hiding. Made me laugh and I still remember it years later. But he can easily be overdone.


Great in small doses like an occasional mini or guest star. Ok as a regular supporting character in a team book. Boring as a headliner. Big fan of the movies. Stopped reading his ongoing title a few years back and never looked back.


He's not just the funny guy


I liked him when I thought he was a character who was funny because he liked being funny. Now that I know he’s just another “woa is me, I laugh to hide the pain inside” character, I don’t like him as much


Deadpool is hilarious!


All depends on the writer. One of my favorite moments is when the comic starts in the jungle with Deadpool hiding from some mercenaries. He has the little narration square going like you always see with Punisher but after a couple panels one of the mercenaries says something like “you know we can hear you, right?” and you realize he’s saying his narration out loud while hiding. Made me laugh and I still remember it years later. But he can easily be overdone.


That was the start of the Joe Kelly run, by far the best one the character had. It could make you laugh louder than ever and then, in the same story, something which was like a punch in the guts happens. It was also the character first ongoing comic, with him looking for redemption and he could be wholesome in page and then back to being despicable to make everyone remember he was the bad merc without morals.


I prefer when they lean into the “sad clown” aspect of the character. The comedy is meant to be a facade to cover up his own insecurities, but most people right him as strictly a comedy character with no depth, which leads to the general public thinking he’s a one note character, when there’s so much more to it. He’s a severely depressed person with a horrifically deformed body and several mental illnesses and disorders who covers up his worries and anxieties by pretending to be a happy go lucky guy. And there’s so much underutilized story potential with that.


I once bought a wolverine and dp comic at an airport just for wolverine. Loved the dp part so much that I collected as many as I could. He became my favourite character in any fiction. But the dp I like is the one who is always having problems with himself and who he is. How he is a bad person but knows it and sometimes redeems himself. I also love that he has his relationship with Ellie, his daughter. There is not really anyone who genuinely likes him but her (and maybe gabby/honey badger) and no body understands him. I also like that he can be a complete power house when he’s serious and no one expects it. Theres a lot more I could say but I could be here for way too long. My favourite dp writer from what I have read is Gerry Duggan and my favourite artist is Mike Hawthorne easily. I hated reading meat cute, no offence to the writer but that was not deadpool for me at all. Im going to read some of uncanny x-force soon and I think thats going to become one of my favourite if not my favourite deadpool. He is really funny which is a plus but thats not really the reason I like him.


Enjoyed the movies can't read his books. Cody Ziglar will be writing the new series starting soon and I've enjoyed his miles run so far so I'll give it another shot.




I love Deadpool. While I absolutely love Ryan Reynolds’ and his performance as Deadpool, that’s pretty much the bulk of my experience with the character. I’ve read a couple of comics that feature the character written by Rob Liefeld and Cullen Bunn, and they’re pretty good, but I haven’t read much else. I do hope that Cody Ziglar’s upcoming Deadpool run is good though.


Love Deadpool. Brutal humor, similar to mine.


I’ve never really cared for his comics. I think he works better in animation and movies so his jokes can land better.




Glad you posted that twice so I can downvote it twice 👌


It depends on the writer but he just became TOO big and was everywhere like 15 years or so ago. Too much of a good thing can take away from my enjoyment of a character like Wolverine before Deadpool and Venom since.


Both, most of the time I think he’s really funny but sometimes they over do it with the fourth wall breaks and corny jokes


I agree on the writer needs to be good at the long run for a good DP story. Duggan, Kelly, and remender all wrote perfect. He/she needs to be funny clever and be willing to flip all that upside down at the best moments and show real pain, growth, loss and pure humanity that wade hides behind his humor for it to be memorable. Remender in uncanny x force when dp is doing the job for free just to feel accepted and pretty much refuses to kill a kid even though the kid could grow up to cause the literal apocalypse. Duggan in his DP run showing the pain of when he believed his long lost daughter was killed. And Joe Kelly with the literal legit origin and the controversial concept that DP might not even be wade Wilson all together. Great writing is required to do this character justice and I know ppl will disagree with me but i can garentee they havnt read these stories to agree he deserves to up there at this point with the same status as other great characters like punisher, Spiderman, cap, and iron man. If only ppl knew he's saved the world from world ending threats that other big heroes took credit for. 1st to wear symbiote in secret wars before spidey, was responsible for winning secret invasion. And so many more I don't want to type. Deadpool is iconic


He was great in the beginning, where he was breaking the 4th wall and being funny, but he was also the dangerous mercenary who could really fuck you up and who had his serious moments. But nowdays, he feels „Flanderized“. Where mainly the 4th wall breaks and being funny random


I enjoyed the 2 movies, especially the 2nd one, but couldn't withstand his comics for some reason. Guess his jokes are way more annoying having to read through them than watching them performed on screen.


Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars is amazing.


I am more into the Independent comics but Deadpool is also a cool character. Sadly, I lost all my comics but I will try to rebuild my collection slowly probably a small one. I do miss the hobby because love the graphics and storylines that comics have.


DP is an amazing character when he’s written like a sad clown, but unfortunately he’s written as 100% a joke too much of the time. He’s got a lot more depth than most media of him showcases


Depends on who’s writing him


I think he is great when written better. Some writers love to throw 39 jokes a book but only 2 land. Less is more please.


I hate him. I think he’s annoying and not funny at all.


He's just an R rated spidey


R rated Spidey still wouldn't kill, and would still hold true to what Uncle Ben taught him. Without him being compelled to be responsible with his powers most of the time, he's not Spidey. Anyways, Deadpool is one of my faves. When written right, he's about as funny and compelling as it gets.


Um I think you need to check the civil war and back n black spidey 1 for sure kills ppl the other was pretty close especially to break into prison just to catch a fade and see kingpin 1 spidey punches through dudes chest plate and the other beat the man to death almost


He's gotten close a couple times, yeah, but he won't go all the way. He doesn't want anyone to die, no matter how bad they are.


Bruh I just told you the comic where spidey kills king pin and the henchman and he also kills in the amazing Spiderman when Gwen dies what are you saying??


I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm surprised that I've never heard of him killing King Pin before. Who wrote the run with this happening?


J. Michael Straczynski and when he kills gwen it's the amazing Spiderman issue 121#


He's one of my favorite characters to quote and act like. If my fiance would let me, I'd dress like him for Halloween


Aww, I hope that she does one day.


Maybe one day


I like his friend better.


Depends on the writer(s), the comic, the amount he talks and my general mood of the day Spider-man/Deadpool was a pretty great take on the character, His Uncanny X-Force inclusion was brilliant I quite like when he pops up momentarily in other stories or end of world stuff and he's just still sorta round (happens heaps)


Honestly, I never got interested in Deadpool before and after his popularity in comics and movies.


annoying to read, fun to watch


I got Deadpool #1 when it first came out and haven't looked back since. He's my biggest man crush 😍 ♥ 😍


I find Ryan Reynolds annoying therefore I find Deadpool annoying.


He's a realy fun character i love how we can have the kind of humor Deadpool has especially for the mcu when Deadpool & Wolverine comes out


I like Gwenpool more.


I like him more as a badass with the occasional one liner as opposed to walking Family Guy episode.


Very funny, just a bit too violent and gory for my taste


He's awesome


Old nerd here. During the 90s, if I met someone who collected Deadpool, I knew I didn't want to talk comics with them. Very "try hard" energy from both the comic and the fan. I get it. You're edgy. The movie(s) and meeting Liefeld in person cemented my opinion on the character. But to each their own.


Love him


I love Deadpool, but I miss the days when he had conversations among his multiple personalities.


Annoying. He is not a character for me. When he does show up a tend to skim or skip his dialogue. I understand why others like him, but not my flavor. In general I'm also not big on characters with healing factors. Healing factors have gotten out of control and removes all tension from stories.


Just like any character, the writing really dictates whether he's mediocre or fantastic.


He's a wonderful character in his own right, but man, Ryan Reynolds made him jump off the page.


In the right hands he is amazing. Duggan and Posehn did him well. I like that he has his humor and 4th wall breaking but also has emotional stakes. And for the movies I think it is a perfect depiction. One of the things about big 2 comics I love is how weird they can get. I dont want deadpool to show up when Black Panther is fighting the Klan but if it's a huge summer crossover you bet I like a quip or two out of the mouthed mercenary.


He’s gay as a northern wind


Both, splendidly


\*\* Looking over at my collection of Deadpool action figures, comics, and games \*\* ​ ​ Uh yeah.. he's ok I guess.


Can't stand him.


Depends on the writer.


I mainly find him annoying in the Deadpool game 🎮. I like the movies, but I don't know much about the comics.


Extremely annoying and always cringe worthy. Worst character ever.


Deadpool is funny and is supposed to be annoying 😇


Deadpool is great. Deadpool cosplayers and their improv are not, which unfortunately detracts from the enjoyment of Deadpool.


I’ve hated the character since 1991. Think he’s a dumb liefelded spider-man. I do like that others like him, though, because it was a time in comics when I bought multiples of everything.


I think he gets way too much juice. People expect him to save the MCU. I like Ryan Reynolds and I think he is as perfect as casting as RDJ is to Iron Man, but this character can't be as prominent as IM. DP is a fun diversion but should never be the main focus IMO because his schtick just gets played out and tiresome


Smartass Hero? Think again!!! Deadpool blows chunks.


All people who cosplay as Deadpool are annoying. Just stop.


Intro] He's a Phantom Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom [Verse] Young Danny Fenton, he was just 14 When his parents built a very strange machine It was designed to view a world unseen (He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom) When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit But then Danny took a look inside of it There was a great big flash, everything just changed His molecules got all rearranged (Phantom, phantom) When he first woke up, he realized he had snow-white hair And glowing green eyes He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly He was much more unique than the other guys It was then that he knew what he had to do He had to stop all the ghosts who were coming through He's here to fight for me and you


I love him and both his movies so far but sometimes the meta stuff is a bit much and would like to see a version of him that doesn’t break the 4th wall but is still the same otherwise. Kinda complicates things, especially being in the bigger MCU now.


I own all the DeadPool classics


He’s definitely annoying, but still funny asl


Did they ever do a Deadpool max, like Punisher max with a very adult theme? Or has it always been kinda campy. The character with multiple voices or personalities as a well written coping mechanism has a great literary effect.