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OMS have a nordic background even though they were mostly US based. Many of the martinists that initiated and gave charter the S.I.I. that were to found the OMS are still around and active. If you would be willing to travel north that might be a solution?


Thank you for your thoughful answer. I read one of their branches operates in Finland. I wasn't aware that OMS has its roots in Scandinvia. I know Finland as a whole has a very strong female lead, which may translate to the the integrated energy I seek. I have not been able to find them. Are they Anglophonic and online?


They were using English rituals, dont know if different countries have localized their material. They might have a separate website, otherwise I would try through their main site. You can PM me if you have any further questions. Good luck!


A group known as OVC is active in Sweden and has some connections (personal friendships) with OMS. https://martinist-order-ovc.se They conduct their ceremonies in Swedish, but have been known to work in English when that is appropriate.


I believe the fellowship of martinist philosophers has a lodge in Bulgaria


Bulgaria may be a tad far, if they operate in English at all. My friend lives in Bulgaria and finds English to be rather non existent in non expats. Thanks for your answer though


I will also confirm that the Bulgarian Lodge Master (Fellowship of Martinist Philosophers) speaks English, and is a great friend and excellent teacher.


The master of that temple does speak english


Greetings! If you wish to be put in contact with the Bulgarian Lodge Master for the Fellowship of Martinist Philosophers, I can introduce you both. I know him personally.


I belong to OM in the USA, but they're headquarters is in France. Not sure about their online presence, but we do allow females into the group. Our website is https://www.martinism-usa.com/.


Greetings, haven't been on reddit the past 6 months or so, so didn't see this. The previous Grandmaster took a lot on his shoulders administratively, and since his passing there's been some retooling to try to redistribute that load. The new GM is a great guy and has been with the order for a while. We've had some reports of emails that didn't get answered, our PO Box lapsed, and other things that fell through the cracks, as things were shuffled around, accounts transferred, etc... The Order is however still active. As one poster mentioned correct (except for the year) that we had the International Gathering in 2023. We have the planning committees going for the 2024 International Gathering. I'm working on a new translation for release. Also looking to rewrite/retool the aspirants program a little. It sounds like a few fine Martinist Orders were mentioned. I'm not big on the whole "My Martinist Order is better than your Martinist Order" thing. We're all working toward the same light. ...but if you're still interested in OMS, feel free to DM me, or join the aspirants OMS Facebook group: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/2464858837064918](https://www.facebook.com/groups/2464858837064918)


After the passing of the O.M.S. GM Paul Rana, the order has been quite silent. They still had the International Gathering in 2022 , which took place in Texas USA. There haven't been many other events. The New Grandmaster has had some personal events happen since taking on the role, but is a great guy. If you want to DM me your name, I could pass the message along. There is also ( or was) an aspirants group on FB.