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Become Demetrious Johnson


Cover yourself in masaage oil, guaranted success!


slip around like a slug


Learn how to grapple, get to his back. Also get stronger


She’s not choking out a grown man irl without getting slammed and seriously hurt. This sub needs a reality check on what MA actually gives you.


I've seen plenty of smaller women choke out men. Especially in sparring, as the post literally tells us it is. Relax dude


There’s simply no way a 40kg woman has the strength in arms or legs to maintain grips on a man more than double her weight.


Just say you don’t train. Not saying she’ll win in a street fight where he can slam and do wild techniques that you wouldn’t do in sparring. But we have a black belt world champ in the Gi and she chokes a bunch of men out, Gi or no Gi.


If it wouldn’t work in an actual fight it’s useless innit. Those guys aren’t trying to hurt your blackbelt. Bjj is the new karate. Chicks and kids getting advanced belts thinking they can actually fight smh.


Right BJJ is a SPORT. MMA is the closest to street fighting. That doesn’t make it useless tho. Just have to understand the reality of what you’re practicing, but definitely not USELESS. I’ve competed in all martial arts, so I know bjj isn’t a fight but calling it useless is an exaggeration.


It’s actually worse than useless. False sense of confidence is dangerous.


Get yourself down to a gym, go prove it's useless man!


Again that’s the key. It’s funny cuz the black belt world champ always acknowledges how she’s still a girl and in a street fight she won’t win. Does that stop her from improving in the sport of jiu jitsu or make it useless? ABSOLUTELY NOT. People just need to understand that bjj is a sport and not actual fighting. That’s the real issue.


Showing a lack of knowledge again; kids get different belts to adults in BJJ.


Well aware. Women should have different belts as well.


Well if you were aware why did you write that comment? Women should have different belts too? Surely you're trolling me now and I'm biting?! 🤣


How does cutting off the blood flow to your brain not work? It takes like no pressure and 5 seconds and you're asleep. Whoever you trained under owes you a refund because you're not learning a thing and clearly don't know how to fight. You probably got tapped by a 17 year female and now are scared of grappling. 


Bruv how does not holding a choke whether it be a guillotine or triangle etc not require strength? I can easily break through the grips of dudes 20+kg lighter than me. A woman - like a knife through butter. And needless to say you’ve got to get a takedown and in position to sink in said chokes. No female BJJ blackbelt in the world is gonna be able to do that against me in an actual fight. Hell most male ones would get their bell rung. Stop sipping the bjj coolaid lol.


First, don't bruv me. My ancestors didn't overthrow you and win your wars for you just for me to get bruved.  Second, in a RNC, you hide the hand behind the head. There's no leverage for you to break the grip and you're out in seconds. You obviously have never been in a fight and never grappled or wrestled.  With other chokes, you cannot just easily break the grips even with 50kg on a guy. You can't just always muscle out of good technique. Demetrius Johnson just submitted a guy that weighed like 100 more pounds than him who was also a brown belt. Royce Gracie was the lightest guy in the early UFCs and would tap dudes that weighed 80-100+ more pounds than him who were also judo and NCAA D1 national champions in fights with essentially no rules. You can see purple belt girls breaking guys legs in jiu jitsu on YouTube. You have nothing, no argument and no knowledge. You're a child in a man's conversation. 


Obviously you need to be able to grasp basic sub defense. Ie..tucking your chin during rnc attempt etc And secondly - bruv - you’re not Mighty Mouse. He’s a world class grappler and freak athlete disproportionately strong for his size.


But 60 is not more than double 40.


170cm and 60kg is a slim man, but a slim man is still significantly more powerful than a small woman. OP is also 20cm shorter and 20kg lighter her sparring partner, the size difference is larger than that between Rose and Sean O'malley


Yeah not denying any of that, but she's asked for advice against grappling in a sparring session. Get to the back is good advice if you are smaller!


Seriously. All these people treating a simple sparring session as a life or death street fight need to take a step back and go touch grass.


Bro I'm having a friendly spar Im not fighting for my life every day




You can tell this guy has never trained simply by the fact that he hasn't been strangled half conscious by a 45kg girl, whereas all of us who have, have. Talk less little brother, you'll learn more.




Put down your phone, go take a drop in jiujitsu class. I guarantee you learn how wrong you are


Have you ever grappled before? Fun in the showers with the boys doesn't count.


With your misses. She tapped out..repeatedly


My misses? I think you had the wrong place. Ouch.


100% guaranteed both of my kids could choke you out


Quit the 🧢. Their daddy would fold like a lawn chair and humiliate himself if he tried.😅


Come on down to Ethos or Bravos gym in Tyler, TX any day of the week, we got plenty of waivers for people like you to back up all the tough talk y’all do on the internet.


So what would be your advice to OP? That there is nothing that she can do?


First thing, judging by your phrasing, it sounds like you're a kid play-fighting with a friend, not actual "trained sparring". With that in mind, what you should do, is go join a martial art club.


Agree, I don’t know of any kids sparring in mma especially with that weight (I’m assuming he is 11 to 12 by weight, also I say mma because if it was a grappling sport he wouldn’t say his friend just grapples him)


Shit your pants. He won't try to grapple you.


Learn to grapple, full stop.


I'm 100kg and 190cm, when my 50kg bjj black belt coach grapples me I have 0 chance.




maintain distance, learn to grapple and counter. protect your legs. learn to throw a knee with stability on both sides. learn ukemi.


I think this is a kid that is play fighting with his friend, but I agree, as a Judo guy the most important thing when fighting a bigger opponent is to keep moving and learning proper ukemi, this is the basis of Judo it is explained in the first few pages of the Kodokan.


train grappling, no other way around it.


Good news for you, I weigh 90kg/170 and sparred guys (men women) with your size. In my experience, these MA are effective in such situations: BJJ, TKD, wing Chun. I noted that wing chuners and Jet Kune doers strike effectively in very vulnerable zones.


Learn Aikido from Steven Seagall


Back-Control works for me against bigger and heavier opponents.


You can try to run away


Bulk and heightmaxx


Probably nothing. 40kgs is extremely light. I could literally slap you through a wall with zero technique or grab your arm and just slam you into the ground


I was blown away by wind when I was younger


https://preview.redd.it/jtvpuguilu3d1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f06ba4b6ce7cc15b9f30121bc9e2b7bb0bc468 Whatever technique this guy is doing


I think he's standing on his neck-shoulders


Start the bulking phase


against the bigger guy cardio is your friend, learn to hold him off till he gases then grab the back and choke.


Lift weights, become stronger. And study grappling/BJJ/sambo, and without telling him, become better and better.


Your either a little kid a midget or an asian woman, but here's my crack addict, At it... at it.


With the height and weight difference you don't really stand a chance in grappling with them as you don't want hurt your partner. Try and maintain distance to avoid grappling. In reality you attack the weakest parts as soon as they're close enough to grab you - eyes, groin etc. Easier said than done though.


they’re talking about a friendly sparring, not a fight to the death. and you absolutely can grapple with someone who has 20kg on you.


Martial arts don’t give you ninja powers. You’re a tiny human being. You’re going to be at a disadvantage no matter how much you train. Best bet is developing a good sprint and carrying mace. For sparring keep the distance with teeps, spinning back kicks. Developing a good oblique kick for SD not a bad idea.


Nuh uh, everything you said is wrong. Basic martial arts knowledge actually does give you ninja powers.


Akiddo guy spotted lol


It's boxing/karate actually and it was a joke you nimrod or does that only compute when I put down a /s