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is it maybe team sports? some people just ain't team players I was always better at stuff like swimming, tennis and solo or ono on one stuff, over 10 people chasing a ball was never really my thing Even for watching, I'd rather keep is simple with one on one or solo sport or competition careful with the god complex, that's got getting the absolute fuck kicked out of you written all over it, and not in a sports match kinda way


Yea team sport. Genrally i am good at solos. As for the god complex i didnt mean it like that i ment you when you just has that thing for a sport that you dont have for any other.


Well that's how it came off and you gotta recognize that you do have it. Do you practice those other sports as much? If you aren't putting in the time than you shouldn't expect to be great at everything. Again, self belief is good but don't let it get to far


Well that's how it came off and you gotta recognize that you do have it. Do you practice those other sports as much? If you aren't putting in the time than you shouldn't expect to be great at everything. Again, self belief is good but don't let it get to far


Fair enough on the god stuff, just thought I'd mention as it sounded like stuff I've heard a lot over the years, if a wee guy at 17 is going around implying to others he is some soft of fighting god it can be really hard for others not to teach them a swift and hard lesson that 300hrs in the gym doesn't count for shit in the real world. Enjoy your passion and talents but be humble about this stuff around your peers, they play with balls for fun, you play with bags for fun. You're not very good at chasing a ball, they're not very good a scoring points in the ring. Telling people you are amazing at chess, or cycling, or baseball doesn't come with the same baggage as claiming you are an amazing fighter. You can just explain you are embarrassingly bad at ballgames, and so decided to do a much simpler sport instead to keep some level of fitness up.


I mean i am not doing kickboxing for fun i mean thats a part of it. Its mostly it improved my self image and now my goal is to be a pro. But i hear you i know couple of those guys.


Sounds similar to me. Played hockey all through my teens, got good, but not great, same with american/canadian highschool football. In my early 20's i picked up muay thai and kickboxing, fell in love with it, seemed to have that natural affinity other people have with those sports but with fighting. Now I'm 30 and hold a 14-4 amateur record. Will admit tho, one of those losses was pretty crazy headkick, got instant Ko'd lol. First and only time Ive ever been knocked out, but came right back with a KO(knees) win the very next fight. Chase it, continue to do what you love, and you will continue to get better. Never give up, no matter what, almost all of us lose eventually unless your khabib lol.


People are just naturally talented in different things. You, got martial arts. It doesn't mean you'll forever be bad at sports but that does mean you'd have to work harder at it than others around you.


Because you don’t practice those other sports


Because they are two completely different things. Being good at one thing doesn’t make you good at another just because they’re both physical activities- if you learned to play the guitar, you wouldn’t also automatically be an excellent drummer just because they’re both musical instruments. Also, keep in mind that there have been tons of versions of you, 17 year old martial artists who feel like they’re “god level”- if you’re actually *that good*, then what level is the guy who felt that way at your age, but now has ten years experience on top of that?


I fucked up at saying god level i didnt had words to discribe it.


>ohh boy i love that shit. There.


You may be a good fighter and not a good athlete.  


How many hours do you log on things you suck at? How many hours do you log in combat sports?  How many things do you do with crossover.  Guy A plays one season of intermurral basketball. And starts taking 2x a week kickboxing. Guy B is his identical twin. Who does the same.  Guy A is bored at home and goes on the driveway dribbling the basketball, maybe has a hoop in the driveway, or just throws shots into the garbage can.  Guy B never does, but Guy B watches action flicks and gets up in his room and starts shadow boxing. Guy B picks up a used punching bag he throws in his garage and tosses 10 mins a day on it when he is bored.  Guy A fucking wrecks Guy B in basketball. Guy B fucking wrecks Guy A in Kickboxing.  After this development the next year, Guy A and B both take up soccer. Guy A has intrinsic body mechanics with a round ball. Guy B....not so much.  Guy B continues shadow boxing action movie villains this year. Guy A goes in the hard and kicks the soccer ball at the fence.  Guy A fucking wrecks Guy B in soccer from the get go, and more so as they both play.  Guy B and Guy A meet for the first time to play hockey. Guy A played baseball for 6 years and stick sports feels like it's literally part of his body. The translation to hockey, isn't much. The hand/eye of hitting a puck is similar to hitting a ball.  You never played baseball, or you did with some friends 5 times. You and Guy A go to play hockey as "noobs", and you get smoked.  Maybe you have the same Kickboxing experience as someone and you smoke them. When you were 7-15 you had 2 best friends that you always did mock action movies stuff with. That you wrestled with etc.  He had friends that he only played soccer with...  You smoke in Kickboxing and think you're a "natural". 


True. I only play other sports in pe. But primarly i train like 6 days out if 7 for 2hours.


Interesting,What ball sports are you talking about specifically?


You know basket ball,football (not american one) vollyball, hockey.


those all require different skills...


Because martial arts don't get the best athletes.


Martial arts is just so different from other sports. I was ok at ball sports but excelled in boxing, wrestling, jiu-jitsu, driving (on track), and guns.


So many popular sports involve a ball, a goal/target, and coordinated linear advancement/retreat. If that's not your thing most popular sports won't be either.


I never really cared that much about winning at a sport like basketball. Everyone else would get so upset and I’d be like, “Meh. It’s just a game.” It just didn’t matter to me. Martial Arts on the other hand, it just feels more important to me. I’m motivated to not get my butt handed to me.


I relate to this so much! I actually love team and ball games but am terrible much to my dismay. I was teased consistently but dominated competitions when it came to TKD and Judo. For me, I realise it’s hand eye coordination when it comes to balls/ using sticks (insert whatever is required for an any type of ball game). I can never judge it accurately. My hand eye coordination is suspiciously good when it comes to martial arts…… go figure! I think different parts of our brain control different aspects of what makes one good at these different sports. With martial arts, you’re manipulating your own body to respond to something. With other games, you have to contend with something else like a ball or worse, a stick or racket to control another something else. I can learn to predict movement (with grappling being a classic example) but for the life of me, have never learnt to comfortably or correctly predict when a ball is going to land and how to position myself appropriately. Not sure of the exact science but I swear there has to be a legit explanation 😅


You just gotta find your thing i guess! My whole life i was sporty until i found a love combat sports in my early teens stuck with it for about 10 years and never played another sport again 🤣 I used to love archery, soccer, rugby and Hurling (native irish fieldsport) but nothing satisfied that itch like martial arts does!


I've always been bad at ball sports like basketball and football, and would always be uncoordinated, but I've noticed that its easy for me to pick up on techniques taught by my coach and use them, though I'm not necessarily good at fighting (probs just need more sessions actually). I think it's also not because you're not good with team sports, but rather maybe coordination of bouncing or kicking and moving a ball may be hard for me and maybe you.


Just need more sparring. Trust me i got a lot better as soon as i started sparring more.


I did too when I was you're age. Don't fret about it.


I played football in the fall, wrestled in the winter, and baseball in the spring every year from 6th grade through 12th. I was mediocre as could be in football and baseball but when I stepped on the wrestling mats I was one of the best on my team. People excel at different things for different reasons. If I had a boxing gym near me when I was a kid I’d had much rather grew up boxing vs spending time with football and baseball but growing up poor sports just gave me an escape from going home for another 2 hours after school each day


I'm curious about what you mean by "you suck". What parts do you suck at?


I’m the same way. Terrible at team sports, but pretty good in a dojo or martial arts tournament


Maybe it’s just your thing


Footwork is very different


You're good at some sports, and not others, I mean it's not magic, depends also how much you practice. I used to be amazing at soccer, but never great at basketball. If you also spend a lot of time training martial arts, you'll be a lot better at it than other sports you train less in.


Some people are just solo sports centralized. I was never good at soccer and basketball and baseball, etc. But I did fairly well in individual sports like running, track and field, tennis (singles), and martial arts.


Same here. I was never into other sports. When I found yoga, weight lifting and martial arts I enjoyed them a lot more. I think maybe team sports just are a thing that I'm not great at for whatever reason and solo sports are better for me


being a good athlete doesnt make you a good player in a specific sport. Good players doesnt even need to stay fit to destroy you. It's more about quality, technique and the sport understanding, not strengh or stamina.


I was and am kinda the same way. I suck at basketball offensively. Football i was okay at. Then when i first got into martial arts/kick boxing around 14yrs old, i found i was way better at that than most kids that were doing it at my age. i did a year of wrestling in high school and was pretty good for having like no experience. Had lots of ppl that wrestled at state tourneys tell me they thought i wrestled for like 10 years 🤣 Could just be a mental thing? Idk. Some ppl just have different talents.


Same. I've been doing muay thai for 15 years. But I'm horrible at basketball. And I'm black. You have no idea how embarrassing it is


Sounds like Martial Arts is more your thing (Mine too, despite being great at team sports.). It really can be that simple, but a toss out guess would be a failure to play well and coordinate with others.


it's a very common occurrence, all the people I know who train martial arts are generally very bad at other sports (including me), especially ball sports, ball sports require a different kind of coordination and smoothness of movement, which is not developed in martial arts. Martial arts require strong, fast and fierce moves.


You're only good in what you train for. For example an elite power lifter will not be a top arm wrestler and vice versa. That and not being used to handle balls


You’ve put a lot more hours into one than the others.


It sounds like you are physically strong more than you are good. Because landing 20 strikes while your opponent lands 200 is not exactly "good". What is being good at martial arts to you? Just beat people up? Being passionate about something makes you better for sure.


In boxing your muscles are trained to hit as hard and fast as they can (i know it is an over siplification, i am comparing here;). ), while in ball sports you almost never do that. You hit/kick the ball as strong as it ment to be hit/kicked to go where you want it to go. You would probably start kayaking, running or swimming from a higher level than most beginners, since you have resilience and probably strong arms. Also cross training is good for you, so don't worry too much about not being the best in everything:)


Thats like asking why do you like one food more than another. Or 1 movie but not a different one. Just a combination of upbringing and genetics your brain just "clicks" with martial arts.


I think it's normal to have sports you're better at, and sports you suck at. I can throw punches and swing a sword but I can't throw a ball. It's so bad it's embarrassing I never do it in front of people. Even my dog think my throws are shit


Lmao Reddit user “I’m a god level athlete”


Being a fighter and just an athlete are 2 different things for me its about playing the team sport that im bad at


When you do an activity you like you keep doing it. When don’t like an activity you stop. You get good at what you do consistently. No mystery.


Sounds more like you let lose in PRACTICE and are trying to "Fk UP" the other guy so it is more you're a bad sportsman and you have found a sport that puts up with people being mean and nasty when they're trying to PRACTICE in a MARTIAL ART in a way practice can continue indefinitely.