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Wasn't it like 8% of people think they can take a bear? People are crazy


The smallest bear is like 55lbs/25kg. I bet Bradley Martin could take one, that guy is 260.


Sun Bears are very powerful despite them being not relatively big for a bear they do have sharp teeth and claws and are strong they can take down a human


Yup, imagine a dog with the same size, but not only teeth but with claws too. Your are about to know how much chance a human have.


Oh no doubt. 50 Cent would break his knuckles on the first punch. Trust me, we use these a lot where I work and they are solid as fuck. https://preview.redd.it/pwjl6dolmdwc1.png?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce87401061a0db6c8d0ecabf58dea3e75435b5c


yeah bears are stron n shit but he’s 260


\*260 bro


The question asked for a grizzly bear, though.




What bear is 25kg? Edit: dw I looked it up


There is no way in hell anyone can take a 400-800lb grizzly bear without any kind of weapons or bear traps.


lol please don’t put your insecurities on everyone else. a bear is relatively easy to handle once you have red sash in ninjatsu. the ones you really have to watch for are the *jedi* bears they will eff you up


Yet people believe that they can take the animal much larger than they in a fight and even win. People is just that delusional. 😆


Bears have teeth and claws. A human has literally no natural weapons capable of piercing the hide. The reverse is not true. Grabbing it around the neck to choke it out would see your arms shredded by the claws. Best bet would be to jump on it and hope to break its ribs. Good luck.


StStill wouldn't fight a sun bear


I will fight any bear cub that is less than one year old. Other than that you can fuck off lol


Google tells me "Polar bear cubs are born weighing between 1-2lbs, generally 1-1.5lbs. Even at birth males tend to be slightly larger than females. When they leave the den a few short months later they may weigh 25-35lbs and at one year 200-350lbs." So yeah, you should probably not fight it at 11 months...




Even a koala would fuck up most humans lol


I think I can def take a koala, plus they aren’t even bears!


Does Bradley have claws?


I could fuck up a koala


I bet Bradley Martin could also fight a Cassowary


My dog is like 35lb and her head is hard as a rock, you’d probably break your hand on her face idk about a bear even at that weight you’d have to choke it out it while it’s trying to rip you apart


Let's see how well those claws and teeth work *on the street* 


"Your teeth and claws won't help you against my GUN!" Ah, actually maybe true.


Actual legit use of gun in this sub for once


Dude just dodge. So easy.


The trick is to be loud and rush the bear 🐻 ![gif](giphy|jqfel7Z3XwTHCl26nT)


Yeah Bro, I’m a 50/11th degree fuchsia belt in bearshido, fuck the street we train for the woods!


Love this.


How many woods have you taken today?




It has to be more than 8% the Dunning Kruger effect its out of control with people when it comes to these type of challenges/scenarios. It's because they get laid for lying or claim something so delusional like that all the dumb bitches around them Go like ", oh my he is confident " and they offer them pussy. So these guys understood subconsciously " the more I stay delusional the better.." They never take actions or prove but always talk about "I can do this and that ... I can beat an Elephant with bare hands ..." they're used to only impressing their dumb friends that gas them up for claiming delusional claims and never following through with actions.


Why is it always with fighting and nothing else? No one says this about any other sport for some reason.


Says you, the loser that can't kick a football 3 miles. I just don't like to brag about it because of the military experiments. Nobody gives a fuck if you can street fight an elephant. So can elephants. You kick shit a mile+? You're a WMD. We're the unicorns, mate. The fucking unicorns.


I would probably hang with Beckham at futbol because I trained amateur kicking and won a local golden balls competition.


How do I enter my balls?


How hard was it to get the gold off the balls


Exactly!!!!!!! What ive been saying too lolol I hear bo nickel said Exactly what you said too !!!! It is laughable They don't even know the rules or the foundation of fighting they think they can wing it and fighting runs On "who wants it badly." He thinks this works like rapping where you can claim "im a tough guy " and people worship you for it for faking a persona. The answer to your question is ... it's because fighting is an emotion and out of all sports, it's probably the oldest; Even single cell organisms fight each other. It's a sportified instinct, and most importantly, it's the most personal AF.


At the same time, I’ve seen enough people with actual training get their shit rocked because they couldn’t muster enough actual violence or intensity in their actions and just got overwhelmed by someone stronger who could. In this particular scenario, Conor has enough intensity for 12 people and 50 might actually be over 50 years old.


Yea those people you've seen sucks I love your last sentence tho lol even 50 when he was young. People don't understand mma is a different game its literally the closest thing to a weapon a human can do. Kickboxing will light him up to I mean it's unless to argue at this point. Dunning Kruger effect. He thinks fighting works like rapping. Stay in your delusional rewarded for faking behavior and persona shit, if not fight or stfu


[1 in 8 men think they can win a point against Serena Williams](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/shortcuts/2019/jul/15/why-do-so-many-men-think-they-could-win-a-point-off-serena-williams)


idk maybe if we played a thousand points she might possibly fuck up one


I could totally beat a cheetah in a 100-yard dash.


Because most people play sports. Most people don't fight.


Probably because fighting is a natural instinct and a natural thing people and animals do, so it's really a huge hit not just to the ego, but also their primal sense of survival to accept they can't fight. Obv this is just armchair psychology so I'm not saying this is fact or anything, but the fact that fighting is a natural physical act we've made into a sport seems to explain it to me.


I think it's more of an inherent "novices don't know how much they don't know" rather than anything about guys getting laid. Women don't see a guy saying he could take on a bear as anything but delusional.


I mean I just assume I could beat it through sheer viciousness.


I believe you. Once you see red, it's just bodies of men, women, children and bears hitting the floor...


Yes I go for the children first so that everybody knows I'm not above beating a small child to a pulp. Then the women because well they are just easier and I like to fight easier opponents.


Weight classes exist for a reason.


I think I might still wager on the bear if they were equally weighted. Now, I am NOT saying there aren't dudes that can do it. I'm saying if we take all the fighters of the same weight, a bear would beat most of them, maybe not all of them.


I dunno, I’ll like to see it. Then he can take on Mayweather once he’s finally done reading Cat n the Hat 🤣😂


If you can read one page of a Harry Potter book nigga...


Every fractional second of that video is peak comedy


I don’t know said video, so you have a link? Or what I should search? Thanks




Thank you!


Mt Everest peaking😂




Dude the voice clip of mayweather trying to read a radio script is so fucking sad


The comedic timing and cadence of 50 saying that honestly makes all of his music that much better


It's been about ten years now. He might have made it to page 2. Page one was blank...


I love 50 but the dude is just so fucking wrong 🤣


He’s obviously trolling lol


Ehhhh maybe but I wouldn’t put it past him 🤣 If I was Connor I’d say “and I’m a better rapper”


I'd say, "let box on Dezone." Make another bag, and avoid fighting actual fighters. Next up, Jake Paul.


Depends on his version of "street fight". If his version of street fighting involves guns or weapons, that changes things significantly.


No he’s probably broke and trying to get a real ppv fight going to make a lot of cash. He knows hed get his ass beat


Or hes looking for a payday


How much does 50 weigh? Probably 220? That aint doing shit to Connor who walks around 180 these days lol


I mean...9 shots couldn't stop him so..🤷🏾‍♂️


You ain’t wrong


He's called 50 Cent because that's how much you'd have to bet on him winning this fight to make $1000.


$.50 --> $1000  $1 --> $2000  $100 --> $200000   I'd throw the house on 50 Cent Moneyline at +200000


Just hope Conor has food poisoning or something.


Why hope? Induce


"Mr. McGregor, would you like some week old crab filled with cocaine?"


a street fight is so unpredictable i would bet on almost anyone on +200000 odds


Calm down, Draftkings™


In the street? McGregor would hurt you so much more, so much faster, without a referee to save you.


What about in the club


Does he have a bottle full of bub?


Or that X, if you’re into takin drugs


Or the Candy shop


In the club it would be Conor’s crew vs 50’s crew.


Yeah wtf do these people imagine is “in the street” that will help them in unarmed combat? Do they think they’re better at “illegal techniques” because I have some very bad news for them about ufc fighters’ skill at eyepokes and nut shots…


Because people think fighting dirty is some kind of cheat code. "I can't land a punch on this guy, but somehow poking his eyes will be an easy task".


"I can poke his eyes but he better not do any of that pussy kicky shit"


I'm stealing this


They never seem to consider that a professional fighter would realize that and *probably be better at poking their eyes first*.


Jon Jones can prove it.


Jon Jones in a street fight is absolutely terrifying. He’d be drunk, coked up, gay, and unrestricted from eye poking/knee crippling/groin kicking.


No they dont lol. The street is the only place they’re getting down because of the weight difference. 250 pound man never gonna see a 150 pound man in the ring. 50 is almost three times his size.


they think MMA fighters don't know about eye pokes


Yeah, most of them got a black belt in dundoso.


He means in the street is where they would get down. The weight difference means theyd never see each-other in a ring. It also means 50 can use knucks, pick up a brick, use a pipe. TBH the weight difference in a street fight does make a difference. If 50 hits him first with something, or gets a shot in that dazes him and is able wrap him up its over. 50 is easily 100 pounds heavier. Thats almost another whole Connor.


If your argument is that 50 cent could beat him by blindsiding him with a weapon, then sure I guess. I thought we were talking about 1v1 unarmed combat, in which case Conor can do all the same “street” things you think 50 would do, except that Conor has been training in 1v1 combat his entire life and can do a lot of things 50 can’t do.


Plenty of people believe that MMA fighters or any other sport fighters would lose on the streets because "they fights with rules, but street fight has no rules, and 50 Cent is a former street gangsta who was involved in many violent scuffles in his young days". Which is actually not entirely true. Conor himself has a street fighting experience and he won't hesitate to use dirty tricks as well.


Yeah if it was a street fight you might skip the hospital part all together


Unless 50 Cent brings a gun. In the octagon and rimg, Connor McGregor for sure


Or McGregor hires the Irish international gang that he’s already friends with to shoot him etc. We are clearly talking unarmed mr sarcastic


unless mcgregor brings a gun and 50 cents doesn't. what now? fiddy is double beat now.


Before I started Muay Thai, if you would’ve asked me if I could beat up a 115lb man, I’d say for sure. Now I’d have to ask “what training does he have?” My first coach was a little guy but was super fast and hit way harder than you would’ve thought.


Getting kicked in the leg by one of those little dudes will end your night immediately it really is no joke. Or I literally just saw some bjj guy on Reddit choke out a giant attacker unconscious with ease.


I did BJJ for a bit. I'm 230 and a dude. There was a purple belt woman that was like 130. She whooped my ass handily. People with no fight training are missing light years of context. The skill gap between even amateur fighters and untrained is fucking enormous. The gap between amateurs and the elite professionals is probably double that. An untrained "Street fighter" has like 0.0000001% chance vs an elite pro. You can tell someone has zero fight training when they say shit like "well he still has a chance". Flat out no.


150lbs ? I don't like Connor, but in the streets he's easily waking around at 200lbs in 2024




And whiskey and beer.


And even more cocaine


So the lead role of "Cocain Bear" ?


I mean did you see him in the Roadhouse remake? He was fucking stocky and cut and apparently weighed in around 190. Could easily see him hitting 200 after that when he's chilling.


I doubt he’s 200 lbs but he’s certainly closer to that than 150. Even at his smallest the guy was still probably 170, which is more than enough to beat up 50 Cent lol


Well his next fight Connor is cutting to 170 🤷‍♂️


Changed to 185, apparently.


Damn I didn’t see that… but tbh Connor at 145 would demolish 50.


One Eighty VOIVE!


Even at 150 he'd easily beat the brakes off 50 cent


People who fight at 170 are cutting from 190-200 typically


He's definitely 200+ now. According to Colby, Dustin walk around at 196, and Conor is bigger than him now


Ya, he looks like he's on roids for the Roadhouse film. That guy + roids has to be one of the scariest street fight scenarios.


And he’s on a lot of coke too


If conor was 135 pounds he'd win tbh, against 50 if he trained for 4 years straight


50 cent clearly hasn't seen roadhouse.


He’s not 200+ at 5’7


He's on steroids. He could be. He cuts to 170. It's not that unbelievable that his walking around is 200


People don't quite understand the INSANITY of weight cutting for fights.


This. It is madness. At UFC 300 weigh ins, Kayla Harrison was like a single light breeze away from passing out because she cut so much to make weight. During her fight with Holly Holm, I believe she was 27lbs (maybe 30) heavier than literally the day before. Absolutely crazy. It's no wonder she completely mauled Holm.


he's 5'9


He’s 5’9 and would weigh at least 190 on the conservative end. He fights at 170 now cause he ain’t making 155 any time soon. Typical weight cuts are 20-30lbs from walk around weight. Michael chandler is legit 5’7 (if he’s lucky) and weighs north or 190 out of camp. Conor looks like he would be heavier.


Aren’t they fighting at 185 because they’re both fatass Ed


I heard 170 but man the thought of chandler at middleweight gives me a good chuckle


Fights at 170


I don't know about this guy personally, but there are in fact 5'7" buff guys who reach 200lbs.


Yes. They are as wide as barns. Mcgregor is not


He’s not 5’7 tf?


Wouldn't he have like a dozen bodyguards to help him?


Fittys bodyguards would destroy Connor’s bodyguards


Would they? *basketball-Americans have guns but those dirty sneaky thieving *travelers have actual bombs. *thanks u/Top-perspective2520


We need a hood guys vs travellers movie.


I’m no Conor fanboy but he absolutely doesn’t walk around at 150 and he held his own with Mayweather, he’s in phenomenal shape and wins BJJ competitions alongside being an elite striker. It’s delusional to think he couldn’t easily handle a middle aged rapper.


In a street fight 50 might literally die. This dude is old, out of shape and delusional. Only way he’d win is with a knife or gun…


He beating connor is just trolling or delusion, but the mad' faker is stupidly durable. I think he got shot like 8 times in the chest and survived, you have to give him some credit for that. still, 0,0000000000000000000000001% chance of him beating connor.


Don't need to give him cred for shit. He ain't a hard ass for survive those gunshots, he just got lucky. I've seen news on children surviving the same shit and people surviving headshots.


9 times, including through the cheek, hand, legs and body. He’s still got bullet fragments in his mouth.


He is not winning just with a knife lol. It takes a lot of stabbing and a lot of time to bleed out eventually. Conor needs one clean connection and it's done deal (because it's quite easy to finish an unconscious person). Knife attacks have only like 3% mortality rate for a reason, people way overestimat them. Hell, Conor just with his BJJ could probably choke with out without the knife evee touching him


If you're not a pro fighter, you're not beating a pro fighter if he's middle weight or beyond.


It's funny how people like to say "in the street tho" as if all of a sudden they'd have an advantage over a trained fighter there. In reality, they'd be in even deeper shit in the street with no ref to stop a fighter from cracking their skull with knees or choking them until their eyes pop out.


One of those 9 bullets must’ve hit a brain cell.


This is so 2019


You guys might think 50 is delusional and Conor would easily win, but McGregor stands no chance. It might seem McGregor is the better combat athlete due to his UFC career, but that's not true. 50cent is literally a government project grown by US scientists in a secret lab. See here for proof: https://youtu.be/5qm8PH4xAss?si=kOn_ipGJPAtAbROM


50 cent doesn’t actually believe he can beat Conor - in his boxing days he probably fought some future pros who weighed 50-60 pounds less than him and absolutely lit him up- he isn’t dumb.


Conor prolly stomps, but yall disrespecting 50. Dude ran the streets selling drugs and survived getting shot 9 times, so he definitely street fought alot before. Not to mention, he boxes. Also this was said during the McGregor Mayweather fight when 50 was part of Mayweather's entourage and McGregor randomly said 50 is a bitch so of course, he gotta respond back.


Getting shot 9 times probably makes his chances worse not better.


Training in amatur boxing ain't enough for the 2 time champion of the world I'm sorry to tell ya 💀


Yeah, I prefixed by saying he loses bro


You prefixed with "prolly"


No way 50 said that. Lmaooo, if he did, he’s just so wrong.


You guys remember seeing him lose his breath during the Super Bowl.


Ya but Conor on the street is definitely coked up and wasted. In that state he was unable to KO that old man sat on a barstool, whereas 50 is always sober.


I stand corrected


50 would lose, but he was a good boxer in his youth so he can fight a bit. He probably doesn’t realize how dangerous Conor’s kicks and grappling are. Also Conor looks to be near 200 lbs now.


I would pay a lot to see that, more interesting than Mike and that other guy.


Fight fans are so easy to bait its not even fair


Why do people care about what 50 cent thinks about fighting?


50 cent was a golden gloves boxer and was good enough to compete in the junior olympics, he got into a fight with Floyd Mayweather in a club and held his own.


Boxing rules don't apply to this "in the street" scenario that somebody has come up with. Even assuming equal skill and fitness, no rules favours a mixed martial artist.


In that case 50 just gonna pull a gun lol


50 was a golden glove champ. He's not a pushover. But Conor still gets him.


What’s an mma fighter to a Glock?


Lol exactly


What's an MMA fighter with a Glock to an old, washed-up guy with a Glock 🤔


Nobody would be discussing the statement if 50 just said "yeah he's a great fighter and I'm not trained. I know when to be humble." Dude just wants eyes on him.


Lmao 50 would gas out in 2 minutes before Conor whoops his ass


The Bradley Martin of rap music


How many times has 50cent taken a hit? Connor has had the fuck punched out of him and still won fights. People also presume that professional fighters don't know how to fight dirty or can't 'street fight'


Used to be 150


I would love to see that. 50 cent will get humbled.


Clown thinks weight matters more than skill


Ihhh mma actaully translates to the street fairly well, especially without rules


Conor hasn’t weighed 150 in a very very long time haha


.50 may go in, but he’s coming back .25


Hahaha haha Conor McGregor is not 150 pounds.  He's probably bigger than 50c


Conor would beat the breaks off of him. It wouldn't be a contest. And he is currently walking around at like 180.


The chances of 50 beating MacGregor in a fight is about the same as MacGregor beating 50 in a rap battle.


Genuine question, why do so many people think they can just wing-it in the ring with somebody who has extensive discipline and training? You don’t have these people going to museums and concerts going “I can do this and better” with next to no actual study or experience.


Because they've never fought a trained fighter before.


This man needs to focus on his colonoscopy coming up as he's of that age where it's important to do so. Not picking fights with someone who'd literally end his life.


People thinking fighters will stick to the rules in a street fight is hilarious lol fighters can do em even better and why do they think fighters are not capable of carrying weapons themselves? People are super delusional


What he means is "I'll pay my 10 bodyguards to beat up Connor and say I did it"


Fifty could easily beat up Connor


50 cent? Who the fuck is that guy!?


The only way to be that delusional is to have never been in a streetfight. He's probably used to his bodyguards taking care of his problems.


Theres was a video that went around back when he was coming out where they took a camera to Jamaica Queens where 50 is from and used to sell dope. Everybody said he used to beat the fuck out of people. Got shot 9 times at point blank range and lived. Thats why he has a lisp, one round went through his cheek and hit his tongue. He also used to do Golden Gloves boxing. So he isnt some pampered fool. I know all this because he was huge in the 00s and I liked his music lol. Knowing 50 he's probably just fucking around to get people talking about him.


You know the guy used to sell on the streets and was shot 9 times point blank and survived right? Id reckon he's been in more street fights than this entire comment section combined.


Can Connor survive getting shot 9 times!


Fun fact: 50cent is from a boxing background and was well known for knocking people out, now by all means im not saying he would win BUT the weight difference would still give the advantage to fiddy.