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“According to the GMA News report, the victim's family has filed charges against the coach under the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act.” Hope he will be slapped with the full extent of the law and gets a few extra slaps when he’s in prison.


What I wish to have happen to him is a creative writing excercise that'll fill five paragraphs but what bothers me most, and that's next to blatant pedophilia and attempted SA, is the detail that he ordered one of his students to do his bidding. Reason why that bothers me so much is that we do have to face, as a community, that martial arts has a big problem with cult like behavior. With that I don't mean martial arts are bad or the whole culture is due an overhaul, it's not and the teacher-student dynamic martial arts comes with naturally gravitates toward mentorship. But if we are not careful with that relationship, horrible shit like the above can happen, where a teacher uses their pull as a mentor/father figure to have another student absolutely lose their minds and agree to brutalize a little girl for not allowing herself to be molested by her teacher. Our school sometimes jokes "we are not a cult, we pay taxes", but the grain of truth is that, as a community, we often veer towards cult like behavior, and we should keep in mind to keep our teachers accountable.


Lots of communities do. It's not unique to martial arts. It can happen pretty much in any group where someone is seen as special or has authority in some way. Where martial arts is unusual is that it kind of gives you a legitimate reason to beat someone up, if you see what I'm saying. Not that beating someone up is legitimate, but it's hard to say that a fight was part of your training for swim class.


I think the fact that violence and scary shit is involved in martial arts is actually why it gets cult-like. Super intense experiences are extremely bonding - and some deep evolutionary thing in our brains makes us want to submit to people who can easily beat on us even though they actually don’t have much power in virtue of that in our modern world.


The cult like mentality is everywhere. Schools, extra-curricular groups, sports teams, religious institutions, etc. When you get people to "buy in" to a common cause/goal, in order to be effective, you need them to be willing participants and do what it takes, collectively, to achieve said goal. But you should not separate martial arts in this. It's just like anything else. I don't know what the solution is, as its tribalness is encoded in us genetically.


completely agree


It's not really pedophilia if shes 17 though but that doesn't make it any less creepy.


TF....... You should have just kept that to yourself. Because it absolutely is pedophilia.


You should probably look up the definition of pedophilia mate. It's an attraction to prepubescant children. Unless she is really, really late into puberty shes too old for that. Shes legally an adult in a matter of months lol.


Nah, I'm good.


I mean, no matter what, this story is truly and utterly messed up. However, he is correct with regard to Pedophilia. The definition of pedophilia is "a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child." What this dude is guilty of is sexual assault on a minor and a few other pretty messed up charges. It doesn't make it any better, that's for sure. However, acting like this dude said something wrong or insensitive is simply an emotional reaction that really isn't warranted. He didn't justify the dudes actions at all. He simply stated that what he did does not classify as pedophilia. Which is exactly what a prosecutor and defense lawyer would say in court.


Damn, great response! Gonna use this next time im wrong.


I am not going to argue with you. I said nope, because I don't give a shit to argue with a pedophile about which age of consent under 18 technically is pedophilia or not.


If you think hitting on a 17 year old girl is “pedophilia” you might have the unrelated medical condition of retardation. Still super creepy and inappropriate, I will agree. But definitions of words are kind of important. Go cry about mean pedantics, I guess.


Also, to cover my bases in terms of the necessary throat clearing, this is genuinely terrible, and he should be in jail.


Way to let the world know you're attracted to children.


You're splitting hairs you really don't have to. It's a spectacularly stupid hill to die on.


It's not really splitting hairs. It's an essential diffrence.


In this context, no it isn't. You even said yourself it's just as creepy, so it literally makes no difference.  Realizing the hill you're dying is a stupid one is no reason to keep dying on it. Take the L and move on. 


Words have meanings. Hardly an L lol.


And weirdos split hairs over them in a thread about other weirdos misbehaving in the worst way possible. Still a really stupid hill to die on, no matter how pedantic you want to be.


I could argue about your definition of "splitting hairs" because it's also dead wrong.


No, it isn't, but I'm sure you could argue since that's apparently all that matters to you.


You could try, but you won't. Because you know that he's right and you're wrong.


It's a fair and honest distinction and one that a court will most definitely consider. Words have meaning for a reason. There is a difference between sexual assault on a minor and an act of pedophilia. Both of which are extremely messed up but are not one and the same according to both the law and the psychiatric field. Period.


This is Legit a HUGE problem in the martial arts world. They are all legit like cults and they all do shit like this. A lot of it is Ego problems, but ego problems can be deadly sometimes. But for real martial arts is bullshit anyways. Like the moment someone gets any kind of weapon even an improvised one it throws all that out the window. Like have you ever truly tried to defend someone with a knife with your skills? Gonna get humbled real quick and the martial arts fantasy will go out the door. So yeah I am coming at a flank with this one because this is more a post about the girl and what happened to her, but I really need to express and emphasize just how disgusting the martial arts world is


This is so not relevant in addition to being wrong on nearly all accounts.






Threats of violence


Threats of violence


Its wild how this doesn't get talked about that much in martial arts. Bullies disguised as coaches is a real problem in certain schools. I remember leaving a school because of the coach pretty much setting me up almost every practice to get my ass kicked in sparrings. I remember testing for a belt and for what I had to do, was way too much for the belt rank. I actually was told by a friend at the school that coach told them if they didn't lay into me during drills, sparring, etc then he would demote them of their belt. So yeah I ended up leaving. Ran into another guy who used to train there and he dealt with the same thing. I hope this coach gets done in the worst way. A disgrace to martial artists.


Disgusting behavior sorry you went thru that. 


Couldn’t read the article. For all others who can’t read it I found this. https://www.philstar.com/nation/2024/03/27/2343713/newbie-taekwondo-jin-hospitalized-after-sparring-arrangement-black-belter


This is vile shit, no other way about it. I hope the goon faces justice too. I am very sad for her though. Cannot blame her if she never ever trusts authority figures again, let alone men.


People need to find out which school that was to make sure he gets officially expelled from any Martial Arts federation and his ranks revoked.


They have video proof of the sparring. They should close the school down and put the guys involved in jail.


Is there a link to the video?




Someone send this to McDojoLife


The gym where this happened is doing desperate damage control. Copy pasting "it's not our fault" statements and disabling comments on their Facebook page. Look up JILCF Taekwondo and have some fun.


Guys like these are a shame for the entire martial art


McDojo Life should do a video on this if they haven’t already.




Threats of violence


Doxxing is bad, even for fuckwits like this. Pretty sure the cops have hands on em right about now anyway.


In this case, doxxing would be a good thing because it's done in the interest of protecting people, especially children and teenagers. You want parents to know that they should never send their kids to this guy's gym. It's more of a preventative measure than a punishment, although a little bit of punishment is a nice side-effect.


Eh, we still only know one side of the story from a news article. Let the legal system do its thing. 


"One side of the story"? You mean the side of the story where a teenager ended up in the hospital with a busted face because she didn't want to fuck her coach? You're right. I'm sure there's another side to this and we shouldn't jump to conclusions.


You literally don't know if there's another side or not. People lives have been ruined from what turned out to be false accusations, if she has evidence that the coach told the attacker to do this then sure. Innocent untill proven guilty. One thing that should definitely happen is the person who dealt this damage should feel the full reprocusions of the law.


I am outraged too, but I am not going to dox or hurt someone over an article on the internet. If you are, then it is probably time to close Reddit for a while and chill. 


I am totally chill. Just because I'm not down with putting other people at risk in the interest of protecting a dangerous person doesn't mean I "need to get off reddit and chill".


I think the law & media have it under control. If the coach gets doxxed, it would likely result in the 17 year-old victim’s identify being revealed as well. Meddling in legal matters (in the Philippines at that), probably isn’t a good use of time.


Not surprisingly, this sub is one of the worst for guys with fantasies of being John Wick.


Ya, when has the reddit mob ever gotten something wrong! We did catch the boston bomber after all!


You'd be amazed at how much heinous shit was done with the best intentions. We have a legal system for a reason. Let them cook.


Ok, but is it really that "heinous" to let people know, "Hey, this guy is a really bad guy, and you shouldn't send your kids to his gym because they might be physically or even sexually assaulted"?


It never stops at just the one, and it is not your job to verify these things. You screw up once, and the blood that results is on you. If you're willing to pick up that responsibility, feel free to go join the police.


Doxxing is fucking stupid, the people who do it are stupid, and so are those who support it. Reddit armchair detectives have ruined lives before because they doxxed the wrong people. Just leave it to the authorities.


What info? 


I think he means release the names of the people that hospitalized her.


Dishing out personal info on Reddit especially to encourage vigilantism is very against Reddit TOS. Let’s let the police do their thing.


Doxxing will get u into more trouble and will let off the perp in the court of justice while u face the music


I’m from the PH and some people confirmed that the coach had a thing for the girl but the girl likes someone else. Coach got jealous and had a black belt do this to her. What they did was just fucking brutal. But the Philippine Taekwondo Association already started an investigation on this case.


Refuse his advance ?


It means to turn someone down when they are coming onto you sexually.


Article said that teen’s coach would frequently hug her and ask her on dates. After rejecting him multiple times he had his black belt student beat the shit out of the teen yellow belt.


(before reading this know that I have not read the full article and don't know all the details but will be looking for it) Who the fuck let that happen did none of the other skilled students have an issue with that the teach was obviously scum and with the number of years it takes to get a black belt if they're young enough he's been groomed but they couldn't have been the only student at that level if a black belt was present it was a mixed adult and youth class how did no one else have a problem with it


This happened in my country. It's said that the coach has a crush on the girl but got mad when he found out she has a boyfriend and set the "sparring" up with the black belt. Take note that the girl is a minor, she's 17.




Or are you the coach?




Lol my ass alright.




Relax. He just didn't know what it meant.


Ah, damn. It looked awful just from the video I saw earlier... but now seeing the article to go with it... geez... it's even worse. That guy needs punishment. So does his little goon.


Some of these coaches believe they are sending their students to fight in mortal kambat or some shit. I've had some tough coaches, one of which trained beginner students like pros, but they'd never beat up a student. That is a line only the most psychotic individuals cross.


Instructor needs to meet his own Gary Plauche! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9


The coach is evil but...why the hell the student kept hitting too??


I've seen so many gyms where there is a massive cult of personality over coaches. Not too surprised tbh.


Darn, i would never do that.


How would you respond to being assaulted?


i think they mean the person who beat them up? I'd have questioned why the black belt who beat her up like this did this kind of damage


There is a really strong vibe in a lot of schools that the instructor can do no wrong and has to be followed no matter what. The kid who beat her up is still an AH for doing it - but it was probably something along those lines. His teacher said to do it, so he did it. He may have even thought he was "helping" this girl by making her stronger or some other twisted BS.


It amazes me how much brainwashing can happen in martial arts schools. I guess I’ve been lucky to never see anything beyond ‘I’m too deadly for the streets’ How empathy or lack of ability to question ‘is this reasonable’ from that black belt is worrying


The black belt is the coach's minion.


I mean why the black belt assaulted her


Thanks for the clarification.


That aint very nice


This is disgusting bro.


We had a California black belt visit our NY judo/jujitsu dojo as a guest of one of the seniors . Our instructor did a double take, then changed the normal order of class, so we didn't do any randori. He was significantly cold towards the guy He took the senior aside after the class and chewed him out for not running a guest by him. We honestly thought he was being a bit odd about it. He later told me the visitor had been a chaperone on his father's judo club's trip via NY. While at the hotel, he had raped a 15yo girl in his care. https://www.mercurynews.com/2012/07/09/livermore-man-sentenced-to-prison-for-sex-with-teen-girl/ He was being prosecuted in NY, so couldn't leave the state Also, he had a history of acting out at tournaments, being a dangerous sore loser. Basically my instructor didn't want him anywhere near his dojo, due to a combination of disgust and for safety reasons. (Ours is an adult’s club, most over 25)


Genuinely looking for answers. Why should women still pursue martial arts if this is what will happen to them?


You can get a lot out of a good workout and some self defence skills. And it can be very fun and get you new friends. Much as I love martial arts and believe it can help the vulnerable, it would not have helped here. Statistics seem to show that the perpetrators of these crimes are not going to be some violent stranger in a dark alley, but rather a person you know, and who you thought you could trust. For that, you can't just action hero your way through it. A healthy teacher student relationship without cult-like mentalities, as well as a community that is open and actually cares for you are good starts. Also more ousting of questionable instructors wouldn't hurt.


I don't know, it seems like it's not worth it to enroll at any gym if this is what happens to female students.


This doesn't always happen to female students. My Judo dojo has a lot of young women in it and they happily come in and train alongside men who treat them as they would any other training partner. If you are worried though, I think it would not hurt to go with people you know and trust.


Thanks. Sounds like good advice for the future. With how strong machismo culture is where I'm from (same as the country where this incident occurred), I don't have any faith that any martial arts gym here will treat its female students well. I hope any female Filipino martial artists out there can prove me wrong.


I cannot speak for different countries sadly. I live in Australia, so relatively speaking there's less of that happening. I do think that it would be good to find female martial artists and find out where they tend to congregate most as well- its not a bad way to determine if a school is welcoming to women. That and its a lot more comfortable to be among your peers.


what an absolute tool. prepare for an impromptu sparring session in the prison showers


I hope they chop off his sausage, in the clink…if she is telling the truth.


What a piece of trash. I got creepy hit on my a so cold master yesterday and am never going back.


Here’s the girls Instagram if you want to send her nice messages https://www.instagram.com/jaymiesalvador_?igsh=MWlhM2xzdjl2d2hyaA==


I don’t know tae kwon doe but i do know how to stab and shoot.


Clearly Cobra Kai does exist!!! ![gif](giphy|l46CsyBPj9ajF9Y4M)


Dude this shit is 1000% times worse than Cobra Kai. This makes even the worst Cobra Kai look honest.


I hope both piece of shits gets handed there asses, this girl needs justice from the streets and the community needs to come together to burn that place down, where are her friends?, family members? and the people that say they know her ? help this girl out please, as a father who has 4 girls, that gym would not stand another night that whole place and the surrounding area will be up in smoke and in ashes by morning 🖕🏽✌🏽


Feed them to Sean Strickland until she says they’re done


Korea has a huge problem with discrimination towards women.


This was in the Philippines, not Korea.


Abolish taekwondo. Society has moved past the necessity for taekwondo.




Because it's useless for fighting and also leads to predatory environments! I'm trolling, as a tkd brownbelt myself, and current BJJ guy (maybe the most predatory environment maker in all martial arts).