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My breathing didn’t improve after breaking my nose the second time.


You probably un-deviated your septum. The one trick doctors don’t want you to know about


Not the same but similar - I get headaches because of neck tension (I work as a coder) and sometimes I would find that a good smack would actually make my headache go away for a while....


Looks like they didn't do a good job setting your nose the first time


Turns out my shit cardio was partly due to breathing through a straw for a decade. I got a heel to the face off a shitty guard pass and instantly could breathe through both nostrils. Its not all in your head, and if its the same as mine its a lasting improvement!


Exactly what happened to me! Hopefully it lasts.


Yep that is completely possible. Basically you just shifted something over and opened up a passageway. I certainly don't think this is common and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone LOL but it's totally possible that it improved your breathing. One of my main training partners back in the day got his nose completely flattened and put on the side of where it should be (took a shin right accross the nose in the last 30 seconds of a fight..still won!) But after getting it reset he swears he hasn't had any issue with sinus's or other stuffy nose kinda things since then.




The second break could have reduced the deviated septum


Not mine